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November 23, 1966 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-11-23

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(See Editorial Page)


Sir gF~


Showers in late
afternoon and night

Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom




i Tour

World During $551!Campaign

Some of the University's alumni
are cruising around the world on
the S.S. President Roosevelt; oth-
ers are planning and executing
donation drives; all are being
made aware of the University's
150th anniversary and the role
they can take in the celebration.
The 126 alumni on the boat left
San Francisco Oct. 12 on a ses-
quicentennial-marking tour to 24
ports. The cruise has been called
"a prelude to a year-long celebra-
The donations are being collect-
ed for the University's $55 million
campaign. At. present 47 local
drives are being staged; ten more

are expected before the end of the
The two events are not unre-
lated, and not because there may
be $55 1Mdonors on the boat. The
two are major non-academic
events in the sesquicentennial,
possibly the two most planned and
publicized events of the celebra-
The trip around the world may
in itself be the most detailed
alumni relations project the Uni-
versity has undertaken. It is, sig-
nificant enough for President
Hatcher to make the trip from
New York to Acapulco during Win-
ter recess, for Vice President and
Chief Financial Officer Wilbur

Pierpont to sail on the Mediter-
ranean, and for Vice President for
Academic Affairs Alan F. Smith
to sail from Tokahama to Singa-
pore, both during separate periods
in December.
All three vice-presidents are
taking sections of the sesquicen-
tennial trip on their own vacation
time. All are paying their own
fare: the University is not under-
writing their trip expenses.
Vice President for University
Relations Michael Radock was
scheduled to take a shift on the
alumni boat, but he cancelled his
tour, in order to work on the $55
M program.
Currently, the $55 M fund hasI

raised an excess of '$50 million,
with approximately $2 million in
undesignated funds.
The undesignated funds are
being directly channeled into the
Graduate Library project, given
top priority on a list of 18 con-i
struction or rehabilitation pro-
Building costs for the Graduate
Library are estimated at $5.2 mil-
lion, with such features as two
$150 thousand rare book rooms
and a $250 thousand map room.
Before other projects can be
funded with undesignated contri-
butions, the cost of the Graduate
Library must be met. The Regents
established the Graduate Library

as the top priority item in the $55 Another project in the program struction, are being offered to fund for visiting scientists, gradu-
M campaign. is securing endowed chairs in cer- contributors. Other projects "in- ate fellowships, and publications.
One of these other projects is tain academic fields, especially in elude an International Student The cost of the program .would be
the proposed University Theater. several fields suggested by the Center Building, a Faculty-Alumni over $550,000.
Its estimated costs have risen deans of individual colleges. As Center, a University Concert Hall Additions to the Instittue for
since initial plans were drawn one administartor said, "Harvard on North Campus, and air condi- Social Research are being request-
during the summer. Originally es- has about 200 endowed chairs. We tioning units for Hill Auditorium. a ac of nel $1 mi
timated at $3 million, current costs have eight." In addition to the Graduate Li- Included in this is a reference li-
estimates are $4.5 million, and The endowed chair - costing brary, a Michigan Historical Col- brary with computer services.
complef the structure are - $500,000-fully supports one pro- lections Building is to be funded
fessorship. Other endowments in- with $55 M contributions. The $55 M fund also requests
The Residential College project lude those for visiting professors contributions to underwrite ex-
was given high, but not top prior- and lecturers. A program in foreign and com- penses for the Center for Continu-
ity by the Regents. $55 M admin- parative law, outfitted in a new ing Education of Women at a cost
istrators in the office of the Vice In addition, contributors may structure attached to the Law of $300,000 for a five-year period.
President for University Relations endow the four year educations of Quadrangle is on the $55 M plan The Center for Research on
are seeking designated rather than individual students. at a cost of $4 million. Learning and Teaching has a re-
undesignated contributions for the Fixtures for the University Aid to the Great Lakes Research quest of over $500,000 for com-
project. Events Building, now under con- program is being requested as a puter-related equipment.

Expansion of
Med Schools
Board of Educationi
Committee Suggests
Guidelines for 'U'
The State Board of Education's
Citizens' Committee on Health
Care Education recommended yes-
terday expanding the medical pro-
grams at the University,Michigan
State, and Wayne State Univer-
MSU's two-year course in its
College of Human Medicine, which
enrolled its first students this fall,
should be expanded to a four-year
course offering the medical doctor
degree, the committee said.
It said further that the Univer-
sity should 'consider expansion of
its capacity by 50 additional first-
year places by 1976, bringing its
total to 260."
The state board will receive the
committee's report at its Nov.
29-30 meeting when it can:
-accept the report and pass It
directly on to the Legislature and
the governing boards of the in-
stitutions involved;
-reject the report; or
-call for further discussion and
Board member Edwin Novak
said last night that further study
was the most probable action.
"This is a recommendation to the
board and not a policy-making
decision," he explained. "It is the
With this issue, The Daily
will cease publishing for the
Thanksgiving recess. Publica-
tion will r e s u m e Tuesday,
Nov. 29.
board's responsibility to review the
guidelines used in saking the
recommendation and then make
its decision on- accepting or re-
jecting the committee's recom-
"We also have to consider es-
tablishing a four-year osteopathic
school, as part of the state's med-
ical education picture," Novak
Novak said further study would
not be aimed at establishing prior-
ities or timetables for expansion.'
"If the board accepts the recom-
mendations of the committee, it is
up to the autonomous governing
boards of the schools and the
Legislature to implement them,"
he explained.
The nine-member citizens' com-
mittee, chaired by Michigan Su-
preme Court Justice Otis Smith,
recognized an "overwhelming need
for more physicians in the state of
Michigan will need a minimum
of 500 places for first-year med-
ical students within 10 years. The
state's two four-year schools now
have places for 325.

MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY'S library, trying to halt
an annual $10,000 book loss, plans to install an electronic gadget
to stop anyone walking out with "hot" books.
Metal plates will be put in the books, and charged electrically.
If a book is properly checked out, the librarians will remove the
charge. Anyone attempting to leave with books that still are
"hot" will be detected by two six-foot poles-or "sensing columns'
-beside the door, and the sensing columns automatically will lock
the exit turnstile.
If necessary, a sending "wand" will be used to show exactly
where the charged books are hidden.
- * * ,'
PLANS FOR THE, DEVELOPMENT of the State Board of
Education's Master Plan for Highher Education now include
a separate student advisory committee, according to John Porter,
head of the Bureau of Higher Education and assistant state
superintendent of public instruction.
Procedures for setting up the student committee, which
would review preliminary drafts of the plan along with faculty,
administration, professional and other groups, have not yet been
established. -
Porter said study committees on such areas as student finan-
cial aids, capital outlay and fiscal policy, admissions, and enroll-
ment projections, are currently being established to develop
position statements which would be incorporated into the plan,
Porter said preliminary drafts will probably be issued next spring.
* * * *
THE HUMAN RELATIONS COUNCIL will release a profile of its
past activities and projection for the future early next week,
according to David Cawley, a member of HRC. They plan to meet
next Tuesday to take final action on the measure. 1
* * * *
DEAN WILLIAM HABER of the literary college is one of 48
national sponsors of a new organization formed to fight radical-
ism of either the left and right.
The organization, Institute for American Democracy, is
headed by Dr. Franklin H. Littell, president of Iowa Wesleyan
College. Dr. Littell was director of religious affairs at the Uni-
versity from 1944 to 1949.
"INCIDENT AT VICHY" and "After the Fall," the two most
recentsplays by Arthur Muller, willrbe included in the University
Players' Arthur Miller Festival of Three Plays, as a part of the
University's Sesquicentennial Celebration in 1967.
Both plays met with a storm of controversy in New York
when they premiered at the Lincoln Center theatres, and the
University Players are pleased to bring these compelling . and
timely dramas to the scrutiny of the Ann Arbor audiences. Both
had been scheduled by the Play of the Month series, but had to
be cancelled.
PETITIONS FOR SIX OPEN seats on Joint Judiciary Council
are now available at Rm. 1011 of the Student Activities Bldg.,
Joint Judic Chairman Richard Zuckerman, '67, announced yester-
day. Petitioning will close at 5 p.m. Nov. 29, and interviews are
tentatively scheduled for Nov. 29 and 30. Joint Judic is a student
organization and has primary jurisdiction to try alleged vio-
lations of University rules for student conduct. At present, its
status is being reviewed by the Office of Student Affairs as part
of a broader re-evaluation of non-academic disciplinary proce-
THE LITERARY COLLEGE Steering Committee yesterday#
decided to express its philosophies concerning student participa-
tion in the realm of academics through "concrete proposals" sub-
mitted to various administrators.
Joe Litven, '67, said at yesterday's meeting that students
should have an active role in academics and an influence in the
decision-making within the college.

SGC Action
As 'Radical
IEngineering Council
- Suggests Moderation
To Reduce Tension
The Engineering Council last
night qualified their support of
the Student Government Council
action last Monday. The Coun-
cil, representing the 5000 students
in the engineering college, passed
a resolution stating that "students
are in no position to issue ulti-
matums to the administration."
Dave Osmer, '67, president of
the group, stressed that while "the
Council agrees with the purpose
of the SGC - a larger student,
voice-we do not wholeheartedly
agree with the methods used in
achieving this voice."
IcPointing out that the "conserv-
ative, moderate view was not rep-
resented" in the agenda presented
at the all campus teach-in Mon-
day night where the sit-in pro-
posal was passed, the Council
urged SGC to try "a more effec-
tive means of student-administra-
tion communication."
Child's Tantrum
Described by one member of the
Council as a "little child throwing
a tantrum," the SGC action was
criticized by the Council for lack
of any thought about the long-
term effects of the break with
the Office of Student Affairs.
The Council stressed that the
resolutions passed last night were
only suggestions to both the ad-
ministration and the SGC. Their
suggestions included:
! That the actions taken at the
teach-in need not represent the
wishes of the majority of students
at the University, because the body
was not necessarily a representa-
tive cross section of University
I students.
I That the students of the Uni-
versity should have a voice and
be consulted regarding the deci-
sions that affect them, but not
have ultimate power in making

Policy R



e- evaluation

BOB SMITH, '67, Student Government Council member, addressing last night's Council meeting. On
Simth's left are Jay Zulauf, '67, and Fred Smith, '67. On his right is Marty Cook, '67. The meeting
lasted for four hours.


Teaching Fellows Meet
To' Plan Possi~ble Acti~on

5 Members
Stop Draft
Fear Tally Would
Have Been 10-5 To
Lift Binding Demand
A last-minute walkout by five
mnembers last night prevented Stu-
dent Government Council \from
voting on a motion which would
have advocated a temporary sus-
pension of the demand that the
administration's policy on ranking
be determined by last Wednes-
day's all-campus refereidum. The
'demand was set out at Monday
night's all-campus meeting in Hill
The walkout pushed the Coun-
cil's attendance down to 10 mem-
bers-two below the quorum level
nevessary to transact business.
The motion, proposed by Neil
Hollenshead, '67, would have re-
iterated Monday's request that the
administrtion's controversial sit-in
ban be lifted.
Five members- Ruth Baumann,
'67; Cindy Sampson, '68; Margaret
Asman, '68; John Preston, 69, and
Bruce Kahn, '68-left after, in the
words of one "it looked like we'd
be laughed off campus" when the
motion passed by a likely 10-5
After an earlier inconclusive
meeting with University President
Harlan Hatcher, Council had met
to diuss the implications of Mon-
day night's mass meeting in Hill
Aud. and its plans for future ac-
Discussions revealed a deep split
over the issues of ultirate SGC
leadership in the movement and
over the wisdom of following the
Hill Aud. meeting's demands,
which Sherry Meyer, '69, termed
an "obvious railroad job" not rep-
resentative of either the 26,000
University students not in attend-
ance, or of SGC. Hollenshead's
motion followed this discussion.
The supporters of the motion
shared the feeling that SGC had
renewed its control over the move-
ment and should reassert its claim
as the elected spokesman for the
students by dissociating itself from
the rally's demands.
The proposal asked that, in the
light of the Faculty Assembly's
Monday request that students lift
their demands for a binding ref-
erendum, the whole question of
the draft and the University :be
referred to a joint committee of.
students, faculty and administra-
tors for future consideration.
Jay Zulauf, '67, supporting the
motion, charged that "The agenda
was totally closed at the Hill gath-
ering. This Council cannot claim
to represent the campus if the
students want something different
.. the schism between students
and the administration will widen
further if this ultimatum is made."
, SGC President Ed Robinson,
'67, attacked the Hollenshead pro-
posal. saving that. "smethn ex-


such decisions. I A group of 23 teaching fellows,
* That students should attempt seeking to define their roles in
to achieve this voice through re- campus events, last night formed
sponsible discussion, consultation an ad hoc committee, Teaching
and collaboration with the admin- Fellows for a Democratic Univer-
istration, through such channels sity and decided to join a sit-in if
as the student advisory boards. one occurs next week.
* T h a t the administration The teaching fellows, from sev-
should review its decisions on the eral departments in the literary
sit-in ban and the draft referen- college, discussed their role in the
dum in light of student expres- possible student sit-in next week,
sion on these issues. the literary college faculty's up-
* That President Hatcher be coming vote on -pass-fail grading,
urged to establish a special com- and possible teaching fellow in-
mission to examine completely the volvement in that faculty decision.
role of student government within The committee issued the fol-
the University community and lowing statement:
clarify its areas of jurisdiction. "in the event that the adminis-
Osme emhaszed hatthetration's answer is unsatisfactory,
Council agrees in principle with we will join the sit-in and urge our
Sewiloi but in practical applicationthsi-nadugor
of t prcil C uld colleagues to join us and our fel-
low students."
allow the administration and theThe teaching fellows agreed that
students the opportunity to for- .Tetahnflowagedht
mulat constructive proposals be- many of their peers are either
fore taking any definite action. willing to sign a pledge to with-
ore tking n efn -n hold grades, or are quite sympa-
thetic to the plan.
Yet withholding grades is cur-
rently a violation of literary col-
lege rules, and if the faculty does
not4approve the change, those
facultymembers and teaching fel-
o n lac s ows who withhold grades may be
subject to discipline.
Feldkamp, director of University Literary college' dean William
housing, that they had been re- Haber indicated yesterday that if
leased from their contracts. Feld- individuals break the rule, any
easd woul nte comnt te- disciplinary action would be de-
kamp would not comment on the cided upon by the executive com-
reasons for their release, saying mittee of the individual's depart-
he felt he had "made them clear ,nent in consultation with the
to Asher." dean and the college's executive
Asher, however, was not sure committee.

One person indicated t h a t
teaching fellows "should withhold
all grades"' in a grade bank" until
ranking ends.
Several possible administrative
reactions to such a plan were
mentioned. These ranged from
terminating teaching fellow con-
tracts immediately to a refusal to
renew these contracts.
The committee then discussed
the possibility of teaching fellow
participation in the literary col-
lege faculty meeting that will con-
sider pass-fail. Teaching fellows
argued that as graders they should
have a voice in the decision.
It will take a change in the Re-
gents by-laws to give the teaching
fellows a vote in that meeting, but
the faculty could invite the teach-
ing fellows to attend.
Therefore it was suggested that

a letter be sent to the faculty ex-
pressing the group's concern about
grading and suggesting that teach-
ing fellows be heard at the meet-
Some teaching fellows argued
that if they participate in the
meeting, they would be acknowl-
edging that the Faculty's decision
would be' binding on them, even
though they had no vote.
This argument met some op-
position, and the group came out
as supporting the idea of sending
a letter. But it was later decided
that the group as a whole would
not send a letter, but that indi-
viduals might.
Some teaching fellows warned
that if a few sent in letters, all
teaching fellows might be invited,
and that if many did not show up,
it would be felt that teaching fel-
lows were apathetic.

Proposal Seeks End
To Education Chaos

Three Grads Freed from

Three graduate students were
released yesterday from their obli-
gation to remain in Vera Baits
housing after a month-long strug-
gle with the Office of University
* Housing.

Idin Phillips, director of Baits academic career to live so far from
housing. the central campus and the libra-
On Oct. 31 Phillips .posted a According to Asher, spokesman
new notice which clarified the for the three graduates, Salowitz
other and showed the students in- indicated that if these notes were
volved that they couuld not break obtained the students would be
their contracts as easily as the released from their contracts.

The American Association for
School, College, and University
Staffing (ASCUS) is readying a'
proposal which will seek to im-
prove the national system of educ-
ational placement.
Evert W. Ardis, director of the
University's Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occopational Informa-
tion and president-elect of ASCUS,

college teachers to the Bureau,
which places students who attend-
ed the University either as under-
graduates or as gradute students,
has risen steadily from 4,500 in
1960 to over 12,700 during the past
The ASCUS proposal would stu-
dy the academic marketplace, find
out what employers think is wrong
with the system, and make plans
to move ahead with electronic data


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