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November 20, 1966 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-11-20

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Seventy-Sixth Year

A Moderate's View: Sit-ins vs. Responsibility

ere Opinions AeFre 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MIcH.
Truth Win Prevail

NEWS PHONE: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.



The SGC Break:
Averting a 'Berkeley'

WE HAVEN'T AVOIDED another Berke-
ley yet!
Right now the student democratization
movement is at the sensitive point where
it can turn into a respectable action,
or dissolve into a sea of anarchistic, ir-
responsible student disobedience.
In lieu of this reaction, students must
give warning. If untamed and uncontrol-
led, the events in Ann Arbor could meet
with the same futile results as the Free
Speech Movement at Berkeley.
THE KEY WORD in keeping the Uni-
versity from turning into another
Berkeley is "responsibility."
Our movement is being led by a re-
spectable, recognized group representing
not just one wing of the student body,
but rather a wide range of interests at
what even the Pentagon considers an
affluent student body. SGC will not just
dissolve into the apathy from whence
it came, as the Free Speech Movement
did at Berkeley, but it will continue to
function as the representative body of
the students even after this crisis blows
IF SGC IS TO BE successful it is essen-
tial that they continue to lead this
movement 'and that. they remain in
strong control of student dealings with
the Regents and the administration. At
present SGC has the support of a large
number of faculty and the sympathy of
some deans. They, also have the backing
of a majority of the moderate students,
whose voice in campus decisions they are
trying to protect. If, however, they allow
their movement to become tainted with
the spectre of irresponsible radicalism,
they will lose much of what they have
worked so hard to gain.
Likewise, Voice can best further the
students' common goals by realizing that
they are no longer a group on the left
whose actions implicate no one else be-
sides themselves. They've become part

of a larger movement, and their actions
now reflect upon that larger body.
ignore Voice. In the face of an in-
creasingly intransigent administration,
some of Voice's tactics will be instrumen-
tal in managing the crisis. No one has
yet foreclosed the possibility of picketing
or sit-ins;, these measures will come if
the situation warrants.
Yet students need no longer drama-
tize the urgency of the situation or their
discontent with it to gain faculty sup-
port. The statement from Prof. William
Gamson at yesterday's mass meeting in
the Union Ballroom and other indica-
tions of faculty sentiment suggest that
the students can get that support.
claim that the Voice-sponsored meet-
ing yesterday was "controlled" by SGC
members, those members' active parti-
cipation in the meeting is justified in
the interest of the student body.
The voice of the students is not the
Young Republicans or Voice; SGC must
have the chance to show it represents
the mainstream of student opinions. In-
deed, the whole student affairs contro-
versy here centers around the right and
the need for SGC to speak and have pow-
er for the entire student body on matters
affecting students.
Students on this campus are ready to
embark on what could possibly be one of
significant measures the University has
seen for years. The ashes of apathy that
covered the student body are being blown
away, and a flame of student participa-
tion, student responsibility and student
self-respect is being kindled at the Uni-
SGC AND THE STUDENT body at large
must see to it that this fire is not
snuffed out by an irresponsible few.

Associate Managing Editor
SANI, cooperation and re-
sponsible action are going out;
battlelines and angry reaction are
coming in.
Since August, the University has
witnessed a series of disturbing
events, causally related in some
ways but in others linked only by
chronological accident.
Together they have produced
a degree of dissension within the
University community that may
still yield one of the largest sit-in
demonstrations in the school's his-
tory-a demonstration which can
only serve to further aggravate a
potentially tragic situation.
The campus seems to be in ser-
ious danger of losing its emo-
tional balance.
ADMIDS't THE confusion, it is
essential that students and fac-
ulty carefully distinguish between
what is a legitimate form of dissent
and what a deliberate attempt by
pressure groups to take existing
discontent, and use it to attain
goals not shared by the rest of the
Otherwise, both may be lumped
together and indiscriminantly op-
posed by the Regents and admin-
istration, without regard for the
principles of faculty and student
government which have been de-
veloped and repeatedly asserted by
all segments of the University
community during the last decade.
WITH THIS in mind, it is im-

perative that you now give Stu-
dent Government Council your
support, even if you feel that some
of its actions during the last week
were unwise. SGC is your repre-
sentative to the rest of the cam-
pus, and its members-elected by
you-were trying to protect your
best interests.
To sign a petition critical of
SGC's disassociation with the Of-
fice of Student Affairs or to join
a rival organization at this point
would not simply repudiate Thurs-
day night's Council decision-it
would undermine the effectiveness
of student government on this
campus for the foreseeable future,
and this would be disasterous for
the entire student body.
WHAT COUNCIL defended last
week was its right, as your repre-
sentative, to be consulted before
the administration reaches deci-
sions affecting the lives of stu-
And, the desirability of econsul-
tation with the group legitimately
elected by the student body has
been affirmed several times during
the past few years, most recently
in a report entitled 'The Role of
the Student in University Affairs."
The report, which was approved
in principle by the faculty Senate
Assembly, calls student and fac-
ulty participation essential and
emphasizes that students must be
dealt with in good faith.
Moreover, on the question of
student involvement in formula-

tion of rules governing individual
conduct, the report advocates that
"students should engage in the
actual primary or initial decision-
making, rather than play merely
an advisory role."
IT IS TRUE that the OSA was
technically not under an obliga-
tion to talk with SGC before it
instituted the sit-in ban and an-
nounced penalties for violating it.
But, in view of the recent fac-
ulty report and similar statements,
the OSA's failure to even consult
on the sit-in ban was clearly not
in line with the desires of the
University community.
Thus, if SGC had not aggres-
sively protested, it would have ab-
rogated its responsibility to you.
However, this certainly does not
mean that all groups presently
opposing the administration merit
your support. Indeed, those who
wish to capitalize on SGC's legiti-
.nacy to push their own more far-
reaching demands for "student
power" should be firmly repu-
SOME OF the members of Voice
Political Party belong in this
group. In arguing for a demo-
cratic university, they ignore an
absolutely crucial point: the Uni-
versity is not an island, but one
part of a larger society to which'
it has obligations.
The Regents are the democrat-
ically elected representatives of
the people of the state of Mich-

igan; although when they are un-
receptive to the opinions of the
faculty and student body they
aggravate dissension at the Uni-
versity, their power to make the
final decision is legitimate and
must be respected.
The administration has an ob-
ligation to them and to their con-
stituents, just as it has an obli-
gation to you.
IT IS TRUE that the adminis-
tration was inexcusably wrong
when it sent the membership lists
of three student organizations to
the House Un-American Activities
Committee without informing the
students involved until after the
lists were in the mail; and the
administration has also been
wrong when it has evaded its ob-
ligation to consult with students
and faculty prior to making policy
Finally, the administration will
be wrong again if it is not respon-
sive to the votes of nearly 10,000
students in Wednesday's draft
BUT IT DOES not follow from
this that the kind of 'student
power advocated by some leaders
is the answer, and the mass sit-in
demonstration they desire is the
last thing this campus needs.
Hence, on one hand there are
people who wish to exploit on le-
gitimate complaints to create an
emotional atmosphere that will
allow them to publicize and de-

mand acceptance of their own pro-
And, on the other hand, there
is the danger that people will
over-react against this group and
crackdown on student participa-
tion in general, without regard
for the principle that student and
faculty participation in the deci-
sion-making process is essential to
the welfare of the University.
Such a crackdown is possible-
the atmosphere is emotional, and
normally responsible officials may
not be far from pushing the panic
IN THIS situation, you must
maintain your faith in the middle
road, and support the SGC mem-
bers and others who are trying to
stand up for principle and, at the
same time, to keep the situation
from getting out of hand.
When a campus loses faith in
the middle road; when it calls for
"action now" on everything, when
it splits into warring factions
committed to each other's destruc-
tion, the spirit of cooperation es-
sential to greatness is destroyed,
not just for the moment, but for
A MASSIVE sit-in would do
precisely this, and an angry back-
lash reaction from University of-
ficials and Regents would aggra-
vate the problem.
It may well happen here, but it
still need not. It is your respon-
sibility to see that it doesn't.


Peace Corps: Changing for the Better

Associate Editorial Director.
Last of a Three-Part Series
"TURN AROUND and shake
hands with the guy behind
you. One of you won't be here in
four weeks."
Marine boot camp? No, the
cheery greeting is one Peace Corps
directors used to use on their
new trainees.
That was the old school. Things
are changing.
"The Peace Corps was a little
nervous at first," says Prof. E. B.
McNeil, chairman of the Univer-
sity's Psychology Committee on
Graduate Studies and one of the
Peace Corps chief selection offi-
cers, "the whole program is more
relaxed now."
"Changes have come not only
in the training programs, but also
in the Peace Corps organization-
at home and 'in-country,"' says
clearly evident in training and se-
lection procedures.
Instead of the "turn around"
speech, for example, our Thailand
training group got a "we don't
assume any of you will be de-
selected" talk from McNeil.
Early selection had managed to
fare out all but Sally Sorority
and Fred Fraternity," says Mc-

Neil. "They smiled a lot, and got
along with people fine. But they
didn't get much accomplished."
"Activists used to make the
Peace Corps nervous. Some were
cut because they'd -been arrested.
Then Berkeley came along,, and
the Peace Corps found so many
that had been arrested they
couldn't go on that basis any
longer. So they recruited them.
They raise hell in a program."
THE CORPS has also changed
its attitude toward the "high-
risk, high-gain" trainee-the one
who will either be the best thing
that ever hit a country, or a
complete failure. In the past,
training directors were very con-
cerned about the type, and would
often cut them. No longer,
"The Peace Corps just made an
official category out of the peo-
ple that used to frighten them;
and then decided to send them."
Similarly, de-selection 'midway
through the training program has
been dumped, and the early in-
fluence on physical fitness has
been played down.
Along with selection, training it-
self has been transformed mark-
edly. The emphasis now is do-it-
"The first model for training
was the University," says McNeil,
"but the organization became in-
creasingly dissatisfied with that

trainee utilized-where the train-
ing program can become immersed
in the culture of native country.
"We've found lecture halls and
tile showers are detriments to vol-
unteers who'll be working in un-
derdeveloped areas," says one
Peace Corps official. Thus, trainees
for the Peace Corps Ethiopian
program are sent to Watts; vol-
unteers for child care projects in
Turkey work with Head Start on
New York's lower east side; In-
dian volunteers train in a camp,
where a market place and temple
have been built to give a touch
of the Indian village atmosphere.
Advanced training programs -
which adds a summer of training
afterdjunior year-has been ii-
tiated. In-country training, for
periods of 5-6 weeks have also
been added.
THE CHANGING philosophy of
selection and training are the
product of the changingrnature
of the organization in the United
"We're giving the program away
to the return volunteers," says Mc-
Neil. "Eventually, all of us non-
volunteers will be out."
The influence of the return vol-
unteers hase brought about the
more realistic training described
above. The five year limit on
service in the domestic organiza-
tion of the corps has speeded this

influence. Again the emphasis of
"getting something done, not just
lasting for two years," has been
Changes in training and selec-
tion have also resulted from new
organizational set-ups overseas.
With expanded offices "in-coun-
try," the organization has height-
ened communications between in-
dividual volunteers in remote vil-
lages and the Washington repre-
sentatives in the large cities of
the country. Thus, "feedback"
from the representatives to train-
ing and selection officers here has
greatly improved.
THE CHANGES, of course,.have
brought problems. For example,
the organization has been called
a College Peace Corps due to the
large percentage of college stu-
dents in its ranks.
"They're a little nervous about
that right now," says McNeil.
"There are not many highly skill-
ed people from the 40 to 55 age
range, as was hoped. They need
people like college professors, doc-
tors, dentists, etc. They're willing
to let the whole family go to get
McNeil doesn't worry too much
about the small crises, though.
"These people constantly live in
crisis. So much so, that they like
He expects more changes.



approach. It's now shifting the re-
sponsibility to the trainee himself.
If he can solve his own problems
in training, he'll be able to do it
Some programs are built com-
pletely by the trainees. Others, like
the one this trainee had last sum-
mer, have a way to go in this re-
LIKEWISE, the training envir-
onment is gradually changing from
campus lectures to big-city slums,
Indian reservations in the South-
west, or camps-like the one this

14 .

And in East Lansing .. .

campuses, too. Campuses close to home.
Students at Michigan State University
have staged a four-day sit-in, protesting
a decision not to rehire three instructors
in the American.Thought and Language
(ATL) department.
Although the sit-in's attendance has
never exceeded 200 students it has been
I/HEN REQUESTED to leave Bessey
Hall, which houses the (ATL) depart-
ment after three days they transplanted
themselves to a somewhat colder climate,
the lawn of MSU President John Han-
nah's house.
The students have stated that they will
halt the sit-in only when the reasons for
the department's decision are made pub-
lic. However, Edward A. Carlin, dean of
university college, which heads the ATL
department, refuses.
Editorial Staff
Managing Editor Editorial Director
LEONARD PRATT ........Associate Managing Editor
JOHN MEREDITH.........Associate Managing Editor
CHARLOTTE WOLTER .. Associate Editorial Director
ROBERT CARNEY ..t....Associate Editorial Director
BABETTE COHN ................ Personnel Director
ROBERT MOORE ................... Magazine Editor
CHARLES VETZNER... . ........ Sports Editor
JAMES TINDALL...........Associate Sports Editor
JAMES LaSOVAGEL ......... Associate Sports Editor
GIL SAMBERG...............Assistant Sports Editor
SPORTS NIGHT EDITORS: Grayle Howlett, Howard
Kohn Bill Levis, Bob Mcftrland, Clark Norton, Rick
Stern, John Sutkus, Gretchen Twietmeyer. Dave
JUNIOR MANAGERS-Gene Farber, Erica Keeps, Bill
Krauss, Sam Often, Carol Neimera, Diane Smaller,
Michael Stecklis, Jeanne Rosruwi, Steve Wechsler.
NIGHT EDITORS: Meredits Eiker, Michael Hefter,
Robert Kilvans, Laurence Medow, Roger Rapoport~.
Susan Schnepp, Neil Shister.
DAY EDITORS: Robert Bendelow, Neal Bruss. Wal-
lace Inmen, David Knoke, Mark Levin, Patricia
O'Donohue, Stephen Wildstrom.
Business Staff
SUSAN PERLSTADT, Business Manager
JEFFREY LEEDS.........Associate Business Manager
HARRY BLOCH r........ . .Advertising Manager
mRTErENL7J V WENTHrAL ... Cilrulaton Manager

THE ISSUE apparently goes deeper than
the three abandoned instructors. MSU
students are adding their voices to the cry
for student participation.
At Tuesday's rally, Jim Graham, presi-
dent of the Associated Student Board,
said that students should have a voice
in the decisions affecting their educa-
This is reportedly a new idea for the
president of the MSU student body, al-
though it has been expressed by members
of the "new left."
Observers comment that this whole
demonstration is something new for MSU.
Other than civil rights demonstrations
in East Lansing, students have been rela-
tively apathetic.
THE PRESENT PROTEST is a necessary
one. Hopefully, it will lead to greater
demands by MSU students for student
participation in decisions which affect
It'sha good sign.
thne Decision
They decided to hold a rally and a
teach-in Monday. They did not support
more militant action at this time, but
said nothing about what might come
We feel that this postponement was a
wise one.
BUT WE FEEL also that the advocates
of such tactics should not be dismissed
as radicals or visionaries. At this point
such tactics are not the most effective
ones, but what is true now may not be
true later. The "moderate" voice on tac-
tics is not necessarily the most rational
or the most constructive one.
The mistrust felt by those who would
have supported more militant action at
yesterday's meeting is understandable.
It resulted from miscalculations by others
who pushed rather than discussed, who
gave the impression that they thought a
sit-in at any time, would be undesirable.
uDT.TTTfAT. ThTVTTONS within the

Letters: Complaint on Quad Storage Policy

To the Editor:
IN THE BEGINNING of each year
those students living in the
Quads are {given the opportunity
to check their suitcases, luggage,
etc. into the Quad for storage.
It is stated when these are check-
ed in that the University takes
no responsibility at all for their
safekeeping and return.
However, because of the present
housing problem at the University
of Michigan, most of us are put
in converted rooms where there
is barely enough space in which
to live comfortably, let alone store
our luggage.
Thus, we are almost forced in-
to checking our luggage into the
THIS POLICY is behind the
times and needs revision. It was
written when students had enough
space in their own rooms to store
luggage and when they actually
could choose whether they would
check their luggage into the Quads
or not; but today this policy is
not fair.
I, myself, am one of those whose
luggage was lost ("misplaced"),
as you probably have guessed.
But I have not written this for
my own benefit, as there is noth-
ing that can be done under the
present policy.
I HAVE written this letter in
hope that the University's back-
ward policy will be brought to the
attention of the students and ad-
ministration, and changed to co-
incide with present conditions.
-David S. Berto, '70
The Worst
To the Editor:
IT ISWITH GREAT despair that
I take my 1931 Royal in lap
to mud-throw. But my agony is
probably not as profound as those
students who now must revise
elaborate plans to Rose Bowl it
for the celebration of the new

spite of that obvious handicap, I
eagerly rooted for the good of'
Wolverines to take it, baby, even
after their early season setbacks
--after all, all that had to be
done was win the last four games.
But no, a fast fade. And Illinois
was down after the third quarter.
Jeez, you guys piss me off. And
a home game, too.
Maybe you can still sneak in,
but perhaps the sky shall also
fall in the morning, or perhaps

someone will publish the Ring
Trilogy in English, or Stark Naked
& the Car Thieves (honest!) will
have a hit record.
Of course, it is difficult to
follow Big Ten football on the
west coast, what with the time
lag and things. In the five min-
ute newscasts which are alloted
on top .. 40 - news - weather-
and-sports stations, which is all
that I can listen to, since most
news broadcasts are much too

maudlin, all football scores given
usually concern western teams or
Notre Dame, since the Catholics
boycott all stations that omit news
of The Team, and radio outlets
get enough gas without the cler-
ical brand.
SO WHEN I finally received
word that the "Leaders and Best"
had blown it, memories immedi-
ately spewed forth of those fa-
mous Four Horsemen. No, not the

" Faculty Petition on Grades
The following is the text of a petition on grade that would be used to determine class
grading currently being circulated among rank.
the faculty. 4. If, after hearing our explanation, there are i
students who disagree with our proposed action,
A PLEDGE ON GRADES we will at their explicit request turn in a letter
The recent referendum on the compilation of grade.
class ranking for use by the Selective Service 5. We will also pledge to each student who
System has revealed a very substantial major- does not ask that a grade be submitted that we
ty of students opposed to current University will send, at our own expense and on his request, s
practice. We, the undersigned instructors, are a copy of our written evaluation of his work
also troubled by the use being made of the grades to any graduate or professional school or pros-
we submit to the University. We do not feel that pective employer.
the evaluation we supply of a student's per- We recognize that at present a pass-fail grade
formance in our courses should be used to de- for undergraduates is provided for only under
termine whether he must fight and perhaps die special circumstances. Consequently, our action
in Viet Nam. To use grades in this fashion brings us into conflict with current University
introduces serious distortions into the educa- practice. We regret this conflict but wish to 1
tional process and places us in the position of point out that the use of class standing to deter-
becoming accessories and supporters of what mine selective service status was not an issue
we believe to be an unjust practice. when such grading polices were formulated.
=urthermore, the current objectionable use of
Student opposition to the compilation of class grades is only made possible by the University's
ranking has reopened the issue. Should the out-
decision to rank male undergraduates, a pro-
come be a continuation of the current policy of cedure which serves no valid educational pur-
compiling such ranks, we pledge ourselves to pose. Should the University follow the clearly
the fallowing individual grading policy: expressed desires of the student body on this
1. For all graduate students and female un- issue and discontinue the compilation of class
dergraduates, we will turn in normal letter ranks, we would then find no conflict or vio-
grades. This action should underline the fact lation of principle in fully conforming to current
that it is not grading per se that is at issue University grading procedures.
here but a use of grades which we consider to In refusing to become an accessory to what
he. m sme_ we believe to be an illegitimate use of grades, we

Rockne backfield (Stuhldreher,
Miller, Crowley and Layden) who
beat (or shattered) the fighting
Army eleven at the Polo Grounds
13-7 on Oct. 19, 1924 before Grant-
land Rice and 55,000 others, but
of the other Four Horsemen:
Famine, Pestilence, Destruction
and Death.
A curse on the maize and blue.
-Gary Nichamin
To the Editor:
I HAVE READ the review by Bet-
sy Cohn and Harvey Wasser-
man of the movie "Doctor Zhiva-
go" with dismay.
The reviewers have a perfect
right to interpret this travesty of
Pasternak's novel in any way they
see fit. They do not have the
right to comment on a novel which
they obviously have not read.
THEY INDICT Boris Paster-
nak's characterizations, his "view
of the new Soviet citizen," his
"reading of the Revolution," etc.,
and they remark, pontifically, that
a "more skillful novelist" would
have done this and that.
It has obviously not occurred
to them that the pallid, slushy,
and unbelievably distorted screen
"version" of this great novel was
written, several years after Boris
Pasternak's death, by the English
playwright Robert Bolt.
Mass culture, anyone?
--Deming Brown
Department of Slavic
Languages & Literatures
Who Cares?
To the Editor:
S USUAL, The Daily has done
it again. What a beautiful hu-
man interest story on Mrs. Bould-
ing (Nov. 10)-it's so nice to know
she will be around again in 1968.
Maybe we can organize a Sat-
urday noon silent protest on the
Diag to assuage her feelings.




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