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November 20, 1966 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1966-11-20

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Duke".".... ..41 Notre Dame . .10 UCL A . .9..14 Purdue... ...51
4 North Carolina 25 MSU".....". . .10"USC ..."..7..1. 7 Indiana ... .. .. 6

Northwestern.. 35 IWiscon sin ..... 7 Texas Tech . .
Illinois . . . . . . . 7 Minnesota . . . . . 6 Arkansas ... .

. 21 Slippery Rock. 8
.16 Detroit Lions.. 0

- (See Editorial Page)


Lit igan~


Partly cloudy;

Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom








Daily News Analysis
The University's budget request,
for over $75 million in state funds,
may be facing serious troubles
between now and the beginning
of the next fiscal year in July.
The most frustrating factor in
this perilous situation is that Uni-
versity administrators can do lit-
tle to remedy it.
The crux of the problem is the
. general need for increased state
revenue. The large surplus which
has buoyed state budgets for the
last two years has rapidly dim-
inished-from a high of $150 mil-
lion to the present figure of $35
million. The state sales tax, the
chief source of state revenue, is

presently yielding its maximum doesn't wish "to upset the apple-
return, which is just not enough cart" in the next two years before
to finance the growing needs of the 1968 Republican National Con-
the many hungry state agencies vnin fRme hudpo
and institutions. vention. If Romney should pro-
According ' to one legislative pose a state income tax and have
source, "To even maintain the it defeated by his own party, it
present level of agency revenues, would be severely damaging . to
there must be a tax increase. If his public image. In addition, a
this isn't accomplished, there will direct income tax, even with a
have to be a cutback in expen- series of deductions and possible
ditures to balance the budget." cuts in the sales tax, would be
Thus, a politically agonizing in- very unpopular with the voters.
crease in taxes must be imple- As a Lansing source pointed out,
mented. What type of taxation "In the past, Romney could pro-
will finally emerge from the gov- pose a state income tax because
ernor's office and the incapaci- he knew that it would be defeat-
tated Michigan Legislature re- ed by either the conservative Re-
mains to be seen. publican legislators in the 1963-64
According to one Lansing ob- session or by the timid Democratic
server, Gov. George Romney just majority in the 1965-66 session,

who were fearful of its effect on going to be a very difficult task," There may even be a shakeup in put it. "Someone will get to him state, but it might save the na-
their chances for re-election." said one Democratic legislator. the Democratic minority leader- fast." tion."
Now Romney has a Legislature "He certainly won't have his po- ship in the works, according to No committee chairmen can be One thing appears certain about
whose election he is almost en-comtechienanb
tirely responsible for, If he can- litically attractive surplus." one Lansing observer, appointed until the election of the the status of the University budg-
not control them, he is in trouble. Complicating matters even fur- In the House, matters are equal- speaker. This means consideration et. Whatever the governor recom-
If he can, .he may have a state ther is the chaotic state of the ly desperate. The body is at a of the budget cannot begin un- mends will be the most the Uni-
income tax on his back. Legislature. The results of this virtual stalemate, 55-55, though til the deadlock is broken. The versity can hope for. In two past
If Romney chooses not to press month's statewide elections have a number of recounts currently be- prospects of total stagnation ap- years, the University has relied on
for a state income tax, he has thrown the entire legislative proc- ing conducted may, hopefully, re- pear good. the Democratic Legislature to re-
three rather restricting alterna- ess into virtual anarchy, at a solve the problem. However, if If a tax increase is not secured, store some of the cuts made by
tives. He can propose either (1) time when consensus is so vital they don't, either the Republicans budgets must be cut, an .almost the governor in his budget rec-
a sales tax on services, which in working out a tax package. or the Democrats must persuade impossible task. If not, Romney ommendations. This year the
would be very unpopular among The Senate, split 20-18 in fa- at least one member of the other could have payless pay-days in University will have to work to
Democratic members of the House; vor of the Republicans, is totally party to switch sides. his future. Democrats have been make sure the Legislature doesn't
(2) a nuisance tax on cigarettes, fragmented, with intense inter- Rep. E. D. O'Brien (D-Detroit) looking for a chance to achieve cut the budget below the gover-
liquor and gasoline, commodities and intra-party squabbling. Both claims he will not vote for the revenge for similar tactics the nor's recommendations.
already heavily taxed; or (3) re- the Republican and Democratic present Democratic Speaker Jo; Republicans used on former Gov. As one member of the Repuib-
duced spending. sides of the aisle are broken up seph Kowalski (D-Detroit) and G. Mennen Williams in the late lican majority, or is it minority, in
"For Romney to get out of into varying factions,opposing and would cast his vote for the Re- fifties. As one Democratic legis- the House said, "Anything can
this situation smelling sweetly is supporting a state income tax. publican. However, as one source lator remarked, "It might ruin the happen. And anything will."

An Editorial...
We need not suppose that when power resides in an exclu-
sihe class, that class will knowingly and deliberately sacrifice the
other classes to themselves; it suffices that, in the absence of its
natural defenders, the interest of he excluded is always in danger
of being overlooked; and, when looked at,,is seen with very dif-
ferent eyes from those of the person whoin it directly concerns."
-John Stuart Mill
STUDENT GOVERNMENT COUNCIL'S break from the Office of
Student Affairs Thursday night was caused by the administra-
tion's unwillingness to offer student government its rightful place on
this campus. Hopefully, the break will clear the air and allow the stu-
dent body to define just exactly what it wants in the way of represen-"
tation and participation. Now new channels can arise to replace dead
ones. We endorse'their actions as one in the best long-run interests of
the University community.
Tomorrow night there will be an all-campus teach-in at Hill Audi-
torium, starting at 9:15. The teach-in will also offer the opportunity for
the University community in general to become better acquainted with
the issues and tactics of student participation.
The meeting presents a series of key questions to the community-
for example, what action needs to be taken in view of the administra-
tion's inadequate response to the draft referendum? The teach-in to-
morrow will be necessary to decide what kind of constitution the new
student government will have. It will be a difficult but necessary
Tomorrow night's meeting is important to you. Be there.f

Celebrates 25
Seven Departments
Ilivite Top Speakers
To Address Students








today to discuss recent campus events a
teaching fellows can take, Phil Newm
the psychology dept. said yesterday.
According to Newman teaching f
dept. and the leaders of teaching fellow
other depts. have indicated from the O
and have expressed concerned about re&e
The meeting will be at 3:00 this afte

r, unirnr


One of the latest anniversaries
at the University finds the School
of Public Health celebrating its
twenty-fifth birthday with a series
of Silver Anniversary Lectures.
The school's seven departments
including Community Health Serv-
ices and Industrial Health, have
invited outstanding figures in their
fields to address students during
their 1966-67 assemblies.

Largest in Country
Growing out of the Division of
Hygiene, the School of Public
Health awards only professional'
__graduate degrees which qualify
_candidates for jobs in local, state,'
vited to attend a meeting and federal health agencies both
nd possible actions which voluntary and official. With close;
an, a teaching fellow in to 400 students, from here and
abroad, the School of Public
ellows in the psychology Health is the largest of its kind in:
v organizations in several the country and ranks fourth *at
)ffice of Student Affairs, the University for its budget, half
nt administrative actions. of which goes for research.
rnoon at 322 South State The School is awaiting a deci-
jinn nn it t.arnl- fnr enmn 4111,

-Daily-Thomas R. Copi
SENIOR HALFBACK JIM DETWILER, one of the great backs in Michigan history, bursts through a hole to score the 17th and final
touchdown of his splendid career. The seven yard TD run hit Det wiler's average for the day on the head-a pace setting 140 yards
in 20 carries.
31 SnosFezWody, 1 3

De twiler,

With ite

Sports Editor
Snecial To The nativ


suun1s requesL or some $vi,% 'pea.L neDiy
St. (above Saks Fifth Ave.. million of federal funds to be used COLUMBUS- One of the most
for the construction .of a new alluring features of a football
ADAM CLAYTON POWELL will speak here as scheduled building which it hopes to open crowd is its distinct character at.
tomorrow night, contrary to reports that he is now in prison. in 1969. each game. When the spirit is up
His appearance was confirmed last night by Dean Cummins, '68, Health Problems in the clouds, the stadium is a:
chairman of the UAC Contemporary Discussion Committee, which Current research programs in- mass of pom-pom shakers. When
is sponsoring the program. Powell will speak at Hill Aud. at 8:00. elude a massive study of the health grey rain-clouds are hanging low,1
* * * * of the residents of Tecumseh, a slew of umbrella tips pierce the:
A UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA draft referendum held Mich., and of city problems such spectator panorama. And when the
last Wednesday showed slightly more than one half of the : as air and water pollution control. clouds are a fog of boredom, it1
stdensdtingifayvsowrdoshpreetySmetiveervi stePast achievements of the school seems that every yawning fan is i
students voting in favor of the present Selective Service system. include development of the in- chomping on a hot dog.,
62.7 per cent of the 2,436 students who vorea supported alter- fluenza vaccine used to immunize Ohio State is supposed to have
native forms of service while 19.8 per cent voted for continuing all U.S. and British armed forces its own patented frenzied hysteria,
the present system of requiring all draftees to serve in the armed in World War II, testing of many however. Many years ago, one
forces. drugs in an attempt to control Wayne Woodrow Hayes stepped
The referendum did not ask whether or not the university malaria among Allied troops, and out of the forest to take charge
should compile class rankings. the training of health specialists of the university. And since that
to rebuild facilities in liberated: time, he has become larger than
VOICE POLITICAL PARTY will sponsor workshops today to areas after the war. life. Larger than his abdomen,
prearewokin pTapAfortYeteac-inonstudenr ipdaytio In the past quarter century the even. In winter, clothing stores
prepare working papers for the teach-in on student participation March of Dimes National Founda- report larger sale in shirts than
tomorrow night. Voice members and all interested persons are tion has contributed funds to the overcoats, and admiring professors
invited to attend. Workshops will be held from 3 to 7 p.m. on the School of Public Health for re- tape lecture notes to their wrists.3
second floor of the Student Activities Bldg. search into infantile paralysis. No Pennants
~ ~ ~~_iYet the character at yesterday's
j r r -~ 7 *Michigan-Ohio State game was a
COLLEGE HOUSINGstrange one. No frankfurters, um-I
brellas, or. pennants.
It was a day for aerials.
Re otCalls fr Federal Ai No not the throwing kind. After.
R ep ort 1t h n dtall, Ohio State does have its own
clouds-dust species from running.
Yesterday was for antenna-type;
A report commending that a since 1965 and was about $800 come, the disparity should become aerials. Those slender silver ap-I
minimum of $1 billion in no- million below the demand for even greater in the years ahead." pendages belonging to radios and
interest Federal loans be made Federal loans during. fiscal 1966," "Projected needs for the next televisions. See, Woody or no
available annually for the nations' Rafkind said. decade total not less than 1.5 :nil-;

writer in the country, but it did
at least have a very definite win-
ner. As mathematician - coach
Hayes.analyzed it after the Wol-
verines won, 17-3: "Michigan is
about a 14 point better football
And most of that differential
operated in the Michigan dream
backfield which was a phantas-
magoria to the Bucks. Perhaps
Notre Dame has reserved all rights
to the Four Horsemen, but Mich-
igan then must have a quartet of
Centaurs. And yesterday Jim Det-

L ,ead
was the sleekest thorough-
in the stable. Big Jim gal-
for 140 yards in 20 carries.
A it was a Detwiler touch-
that gave Michigan the lead
e in the first quarter the
had bullied their way to the
seven, allowing Rick Sygar
ot a go-ahead field goal. The
eyes came back with a three
er of their own.
t Michigan took the ensuing
df and marched 66 yards for

A ssaul
a score in just over a minute and
a half as Detwiler carried it in
for his tenth TD of the year-a
seven yard slash off tackle.
The previous play was the big
one, though as Michigapn was faced
with a third down and 25 yards to
go. Quarterback Dick Vidmer
(color him Hanratty) dropped
straight back and rocketed a pass
right down the center of the field
to Jack Clancy (with hands of
Seymour) who grabbed it in stride
for a 34 yard gain. The catch also
See GRIDDERS, Page.7

To Discuss
Ref erendumin
Student Participation
Subject of Debate;
2 Petitions Circulate
Associate Managing Editor -
Representatives from Student
Government Council and eight
other campus organizations yes-
terday met and formulated spe-
cific plans for a teach-in tomor-
row on student participation at the
According.to present plans, the
teach-in will offer an adminis-
trator, a faculty member and a
student the opportunity to present
their viewpoints on the subjects
of student government and Wed-
nesday's class rank referendum.
The speeches will be followed by
proposals for action, which will
be debated and then put to a vote.
SOC President Edward Robin-
son, '67, will act as chairman at
the teach-in, slated for 9:15 p.m.
tomorrow in Hill Aud.
A participant in the meeting
said last night that arrangements
with- the administration and fac-
ulty have not yet been completed,
but that invitations will be ex-
tended to speakers todays
In addition to SGC, groups rep-
resented at yesterday's planning
session were: Graduate Student
Coitncll, the Law Club, the Uni-
versities Activities Center, Voice
Political Party, Young Democrats,
Inter-House Assembly, the frater-
nity-sorority system, and Alpha
Phi Omega. Several graduate
teaching fellows were also present.,
The idea of the teach-in was
approved at a mass meeting Fri-
day. The meeting, which was spon-
sored by Voice and packed the
Union ballroom with people, vot-
ed in favor of the teach-in and a
Diag rally tomorrow but rejected
a proposal to picket the Adminis-
tration Bldg.
In other quarters of the campus
yesterday, two groups with dis-
tinctly different immediate objec-
tives campaigned for signatures.
The first, an ad hoc student
comrhittee called Students for Re-
sponsibility and Rationality on
Campus, announced plans to cir-
culate a petition urging SOC to
request a presidential commission
to re-evaluate the role and clarify
the jurisdiction of student gov-
ernment at the University.
SRRC was formed Thursday
night, at which time one of its
co-chairmen, Arthur Collings-
worth, '67, read a statement to the
SGC meeting opposing its break
with the Office of Student Af-
fairs. At that time, Collingsworth
asserted he had approximately 250
According to Collingsworth, the
proposed Presidential commission

king of the greek
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A deep baritone voice fills the
room, and forty-seven frater-
nity presidents heed its call.
It is the voice of Dick Van
House, and despite the respect
it carries, its extremely soft
During a Fraternity Presi-
dents' Assembly meeting Van
House can call upon each of its
members by their first name.
With one pound of his gavel
he commands the attention of
everyone in the room. He is in
complete control of the meet-
ing, and his suggestions are
g i v e n careful consideration

members of the IFC in campus
Despite his dynamism, Van
House occupies the position of
a middleman in the IFC. In
many cases he sympathizes
with the views of the more.
idealistic members of the group,
but like the astute politician

resolution that pleased the
more cautious members of the
group, while not compromsing
the essence of the referendum.
An improved academic stand-
ing for fraternities is another
of Van House's objectives. One
of the first things he accom-
plished after being elected pres-
ident last February was to work
to raise the required grade
point for pledging. He also in-
stituted a tutorial program
which is available to any mem-
ber of the system, and is con-
tinually urging houses to take
advantage of it.
In general, Van House is
pleased with the way things

college housing program was re-
leased recently by the American
Council on Education.
1 Author of the report Israel Raf-

More Money Needed lion additional spaces and mayI
He added that the "unprecent- exceed 1.8 million," Rafkind as-
ed demand for direct loan funds serted. "The cost of this housing,
in 1966 signals high annual need together , with related facilities,

MSU, Notre Dame
In 10-10 Stalemate


". : " .:
- ,.. tr. :.v

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