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November 19, 1966 - Image 16

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1966-11-19

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- ---- - -----


The Daily OffIal Bulletn is ans
official publication of the Univer-a
sity of Michigan for which Thet
Michigan Daily assumes o editor-<
tal responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Ioom 3519 Administration Bldg. be-
fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding
pubhlcaton and by 2 p.m. Friday
for Saturday and Sunday.. GeneralF
Notices may be published a maxi-
mum of two times on request; Day
Calendar items appear once only.7
Student organization notices are not
accepted for publication. For moreĀ°
information call 764-8429.
Day Calendar
Center fr Research on Learning and
Teaching Facunity Workshop - "Pro-
grammed Instruction": Rackham Bldg.,
9 a.m.
Cinema Guild - Experimental Film
Program, Architecture Ad., 7 and 9:05
University Musical Society Opera -
New York City Opera Company in "La
Traviata" by Giuseppe Verdi, Hill Aud.,
8 p.m. .
General Notices'
Summary of Action Taken by Student
Governmient Council at Its Meeting
November 17, 1966
Approved: That SGC suspend the
rules and allow Alpha Phi sorority and
Zeta Beta Tau fraternity to have their
pledge formals on Dec. 9.
Approved: That SGC suspend its for-
mal association with the Office of
Student Affairs in order to best act as
the representative of the student body
on the decision making process of the
University and to build an educational
community of students, faculty and
administrators working for the best in-
terests of the University.
That in the pursuit of this goal,
SGC will work in cooperation with
existing faculty and administrative bod-
Les, as well as with all interested
members of the University community.
Residence Halls Housing: Graduate
and undergraduate students, not now
living in the residence halls, who do
not have a housing commitment for
the Winter Term, 1967, may apply for
housing in Residence Halls at the Of-
fice of University Housing, 3011 SAB.
TV Center Programs: On Sun., Nov.
20, the following programs will have
their initial telecast on Detroit sta-
8:30 a.m., WXYZ-TV, Channel 7 -
'Understanding Our World: Who Will
Watch 'the Watchers?: Escobedo and
Miranda." Dean Francis Allen and Pro-
fessors Joseph R. Julin and Jerold Is-
rael discuss two U.S. Supreme Court
decisions and their impact on police
interrogation procedures.
12 Noon, WWJ-TV, Channel 4 -
"Germany Today: When Victors Fall
Qut." Prof. James Pollock, who was
General Clay's political adviser during
the German occupation, recalls one of
the most exciting, frustrating and hope-
ful eras in modern history. Prof. Clar-
ence K. Pott is series host.
Center for Russian Studies Collo-
quium: Benjamin Stolz, assistant pro-
fessor of Slavic languages and litera-
tures, will speak on "The Mihajlov
Case in Yugoslavia: Its Background and
Implications" at 4:10 p.m., Mon., Nov.
21, in the Lane Hall Commons Room.
All interested persons are invited.
Doctoral Examination for Gwenn Da-
vis, English Language & Literature;
thesis: "The Satiric Technique of
Thomas Nashe," Sat., Nov. 19, Room
2601 Haven Hall, at 1 a.m. Chairman,
John Arthos.
Doctoral Examination for Stephen
Miller Adler, Astronomy; thesis: "Vel-
ocity Fields. in Sunspots, the Evershed
Effect," Sat., Nov. 19, Room 807 Phys-
ics-Astronomy Bldg., at 1:30 p.m. Chair-
man, G. H. E. Elste.
UAC International Committee and
Nationality Clubs: Presents interna-
tional smorgasbord and bazaar. Smor-
gasbord: 5-7 p.m. in League Cafeteria,
$2.50 per person. Bazaar: 1-10 p.m. on

second floor of League. Tickets avail-
able at Fishbowl or at door. All coun-
tries represented. Students in native
ates and seniors make appointments by
4 p.m. of the day preceding the visits
by the following companies. All em-
ployers expect to see your file before
the interview. Please return forms and
update your files as soon as possible.
Call 764-7460, General Division Desk.
TUES., NOV. 29-
Campbell Soup Co., Napoleon, Ohio-
BA/adv. degrees Econ., Educ., Engl.,
For. Lang., Gen. Lib. Arts, Speech.
Chem. and Phys. For Mgmt. Trng., Per-
sonnel, Production and Stat.
WED., NOV. 30-
Mitre Corp., Bedford, Mass.-Adv. de-
grees in Math and Physics for posi-
tions in technical writing.
Stanford University, Graduate School
of Business, Stanford, Calif.-Students
with any major who are interested in
the MBA or PhD program of Gradu-
ate School of Business.
City of Saginaw, Saginaw, Mich.-
Housing Commissioner, pref. exper. in
Public Admin. or Bus. Admin. Broad
supv. and admin. exper. of 5 yrs. To
direct public housing, 20 on rtaff, im-
mediate vacancy, further information
at Bureau.
Local Firm, Ann Arbor, Mich. -
Secretary and Receptionist."one per-
son for small office, typing, filing,
IBM dictaphone, full time, degree not
Remington Rand, Detroit, Mich. -
Draftsman-Designer for contract furni-
ture field. Combination of drafting
exper. and interiod design. trng., skilled
draftsman necessity. Degree unneces-
sary if skill is evident, prefer woman.
Port Huron Radio Station WHLS,
Port Huron, Mich. - Newsman. Self-
starter type, respon. for gathering, writ-
ing, editing and broadcasting news.
future with TV work. Pref. male, Journ.
grad or near degree, no exper. required.
Office of the Staff Judge Advocate,

Civil Law Division, Headquarters 4th
Air Force, Hamilton Air Force Base,
Calif. - Attorney-Advisor, Chief, Pro-
curement, Legal, Assistance and Inter-
national Law, Branch, advise, assist
and counsel military personnel. Mem-
ber of Bar of Federal Court, three
years professional exper. File Form 57
before Dec. 14.
Vogt Manufacturing Corp., Roches-
ter, N.Y.-Managerial positions available
for Chemists. Chem. Engrs., Mechanical
and ElectricalEngrs.EExper.un to 15
yrs., for more experienced, require work
in plastics fields.
Federal Water Pollution Control Ad-
ministration-Persons interested in this
new office should file Form 57, for
numerous vacancies throughout the
country. Sanitary Engrs., Civil Engrs.,
Hydraulic Engrs., Chemists, Biologists,
Microbiologists, Limnologists, Hydrol-
ogists, Mathematicians, Administrators,
Lawyers, tSatisticians, Laboratory, In-
strumentation, Computer Personnel.
* * *

7:00 and 9:05 p.m.-The Cinema
Guild will present "Experimental
Film Program No. 2" in the Archi-
tecture Aud.
7 and 9:15 p.m.-Cinema II will
present "To Kill a Mockingbird"
in Aud. A.
8:00 p.m.-The New York City
Opera Company will present "La
Traviata" by Guiseppe Verdi in
Hill Aud.

For further information please call SUNDAY, NOV. 20
764-7460, General Division, Bureau of
Appointments, 3200 SAB. 7 and 9:15 p.m.-The Cinema
Guild will present "Experimental
SUMMER PLACEMENT SERVICE: Film Program No. 2" In the Arch-
212 SAB-
Dept. of the Navy, Naval Ships Sys- itecture Aud.
tems Command,- Washington, D.C. - 2:30 p.m.-The New York City
B. M. Byrne will interview at the Opera Company will present "Tos-
Engineering School on Nov. 18 forca byGuep Vrd inHl
Electronic. Mechanical, Marine Engi- ca by Giuseppe Verdi In Hill
neers and Physicists who are graduate 1 Aud.
students, naval architects and civil en- 8$p.m. The New York City
gineers who are juniors or seniors and
graduate students. Male or female. In- Opera Company will present "The
terview Room 128-S West Engineering Consul" by Giancarlo Menotti in
Bldg. Hill And.
Camp Mohawk, Wis.-Boys. Interview 7 and 9:15 p.m.-Cinema II will
Nov. 21, 10 to 3. Seeks 6 counselors,
specialists in swimming, sailing, wa- present "To Kill a Mockingbird"
terskiing, riding, archery, arts-crafts, in Aud. A.
photography and more._____ -- __
International Student Information
Service-Interviews Nov. 22 9-5. An-
swer questions about working in Eu-
rope full time in summer. FOR F U N AIND
Miles Laboratories, Elkhart, Ind. -
Jr., Srs. and grads, work in field of
marketing, research, chemistry, quality PROFIT
control, consumer products, adminis- P
tration, services.
Working for Uncle Sam This Sum-
mer?-You must take the Office and Read Use
Science Exam. Applications must be in
by Dec. 9 for the test in January. -L ra'l.'
Last test must be applied for on Jan.
Details and applications and ap-
pointments made at Summer Place-
ment Service, 212 SAB.



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able about traditional neckwear, write for free booklet "Tiemanship", Resilio Tradi-
tional Neckwear, Empire State Building, New York 10001.
P.S. All Resilio Foulards are authentic heavy silks with a distinctive horizontal
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Sports hero loses girl to mild-mannered math major.

fiendish torture
dynamic BIC Duo
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every time!
Bic's rugged pair of
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And no wonder. Bic's
"Dyamite" Ball is the
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y devised for them by
sadistic students. Get
the dynamic Bic Duo at
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S wing!

I'm a big football star, and I've found a girl who suits me to a T. But
I've been blocked out of the play by a math major. He knows math
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I get thrown for a loss. Believe me, this is no equilateral triangle
that I'm in. Outside of telling me to bench myself; have you any
Now's the time to plunge. Coronet R/T isn't his ex-
clusive formula. Your nearby Dodge Dealer has it,
too. And it comes almost as easily as the cube root of
27. Then how can the girl of your dreams resist two
superstars . . . you and your Coronet R/T? From
there on out, your math major will be the victim of
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now, and get your signals straight.


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