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November 19, 1966 - Image 11

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-11-19

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Question Of
Seating China
Raised Again
Italians Propose New
Committee To Seek
Answer for China
proposed yesterday that the Gen-
15 era] Assembly create a small, high-
level study committee to devise a
practical method for breaking the
16-year-old impasse over seating
Communist China.
Attilio Piccioni, Italian senator
and former foreign minister, made
the proposal as the 121-nation
assembly opened its annual debate
on Chinese representation. He said
it would provide a fresh approach
to the problem.
Cambodia introduced the usual
pro-Peking resolution calling on
the assembly to admit the Chinese
Communists and expel the Chinese
Nationalists. It is expected to fail
with perhaps a larger margin of
no votes than last year.
Cool Reaction
Initial reaction to the Italian
proposal was cool on almost all
sides. Supporters of Peking said
it was a delaying action because
the committee would report back
to the next General Assembly. A
U.S. spokesman was noncommital.
Picconi told the assembly that
one factor inhibiting the situation
was uncertainty over attitude of
Peking toward U.N. membership.
Therefore, he added, the com-
mittee should direct its inquiry
along' these lines: Does Peking
really want to be in the United
Nations? If the answer is yes, will
is abide by the provisions of the
U.N. Charter?
The third query,. he said, "Is
what can and must be the posi-
tion" of Nationalist China.
Italy Supports Vote
He said Italy would vote against
the pro-Peking resolution, and
also support the U.S. position that
approval requires a two-thirds ma-
Piccioni made no direct ref-
erence to a "two-Chinas" approach
to the problem, now the subject of
private conferences among U.N.
diplomats probing still another
course of action for the assembly.
Under this plan, Communist
China'would be admitted and
given the big power Security Coun-
cil seat held by Nationalist China,
which would retain its seat in the
assembly as representative of the
government of Formosa.
No Two Chinas
Wei Tao-ming, foreign minister
or Nationalist China, declared
rtegorically that a two-China
solution was unacceptable to his
Wei said the creation of the
"Red Guards" on the Chinese
mainland was proof that the Pe-
king government was i n deep
"Far from making the Chinese
Communists more moderate in
words and deeds, such a proposal
would strengthen their belief that
they are indeed invincible, and
that their policy of aggression has
paid off," he added.

Rusk Hints

Bavarian Election May Decide

At Christmas ChaclohpFoPoli
Ch ancellorship, Foreign Policy

A-Au nu 1' IV U

-Associated Press
SECRETARY OF STATE DEAN RUSK speaking at his press conference yesterday. Rusk left the door
open to a brief Christmas truce in Viet Nam but said that any long-term halt in bomb raids was
impossible at this time.
Italy's Po Valley Staggers
Under Newtu Floods,. Storms.

Says Brief Holiday
Pause Possible But
No Bomb Halt Seen
WASHINGTON W) - Secretary
of State Dean Rusk held the door
open yesterday to a possible brief
Christmas truce in the war in Viet
Nam, though he ruled out any
long pause in bombing North Viet
Nam under present circumstances.
Rusk told a news conference
that actual decisions on a Christ-
mas lull would depend on what
the South Vietnamese wanted to
do and also to some extent on the
Viet Cong-the Communist forces
figthing the allies in South Viet
His discussion of the possibilities
covered not only Christmas but
also "Tet," the traditional new
year period in Viet Nam which
comes a few weeks after Christ-
Asked specifically about a holi-
day halt in the fighting next
month, Rusk said, "We ought to
distinguish between what might
happen at Christmas and the idea
of a general pause such as we had
a year ago."
No Indication
"We've not been able to get any
indicationfrom the other side on
what would happen if the bombing
of North Viet Nam stopped."
He added that this was not for
a lack of contact because "we've
tried almost every week since last
On other subjects Rusk told
1. The United States is "very
much disturbed" by the conditions
under which a Czech-born Amer-
ican citizen was recently pulled off
a Soviet airplane at Prague and
put under arrest.
"We do 'not like the circum-
stances of this man's treatment,"
Rusk declared. He said the United
States is asking explanations from
the Soviet Union as well as
Czechoslovakia concerning the
case of V. J. Kazan-Komarek,
president of the Harvard Travel
Service in Cambridge, Mass.
2. The whole Communist world
apparently has avoided a "mis-
calculation" of the importance of
the Nov. 8 elections on U.S. policy
in Viet Nam. Rusk said the Com-
munists seem to understand that
the election does not have any
significant effect on U.S. policy.
3. President Johnson feels that
in spite of differences with East
European countries over Viet Nam
the United States must "keep
probing" the Soviet Union and the
other countries for possible new
4. The United States hopes for
early agreement with the Soviet
Union in the United Nations on 9
pact to outlaw military bases and
operatioins in outer space. Rusk
also expressed continuing hope for
a treaty to ban the spread of nu-
clear weapons but said a conclu-

BONN, West Germany (R)-A
new West German chancellor, a
new foreign policy, and a new
upsurge of the extreme right-all
three could emerge from a state
election Sunday in Bavaria.
Coming at the height of a po-
litical crsis in Bonn, the vote will
have a magnified effect in na-
tional politics. West German
leaders are looking for a new
chancellor to replace Ludwig Er-
hard and a new combination of
ministers under him.
The upsurge on the far right
and the foreign criticism sure to
follow are dreaded by most West
Germans. The rightist Nationall
Democratic party is expected to
show its greatest strenth in the
region around Nuernberg, once
the shrine of the Nazis; and Bay-
reuth, home of Adolf Hitler's
favorite composer and poet--
Richard Wagner.
The People Decide
The voters will be choosing the
204 members of the legislature in
a state with a population of about
10 million. The politicians will be
watching the effect on ex-Defense
Minister Franz Josef Strauss and'
his bid to shift West Germany to
a line more favorable to French
President Charles de Gaulle.
Strauss is not running in Bav-
aria himself but he leads the local
wing of the Christian Democratic
party, called the Christian Social
Union. But he sees a major post
in the next Cabinet. Strauss
helped make Kurt Georg Kiesing-
er the Christian Democrat choice
for chancellor, and Kiesinger has
publicly promised him his re-
But Kiesinger does not have
the toy job yet. Whether he gets
it will be clearer after the Bav-
arian results are in.
In Bavaria, as in Bonn, the
Christian Democrat' main foes are
the social Democrats hold a clear
majority in the legislature by the
Social Democrats have been creep-
ing up on them in recent years.
If they creep up much further
Sunday, and especially if the
Christian Democrats lose their ab-
solute majority, Strauss will have

singer's promise. And Kiesinger,
himself, might have to give up his
candidacy for the chancellorship.
The Christian Democrats have
110 seatshin the legislature, the
Social Democrats 79, the Free
Democrats 10 and the Bavarian
party five.
Prospects are for a small ad-
vance of the Social Democrats
and a small decline for the Chris-
tian Democrats. Some observers
are predicting that the small par-
ties will lose all their seats to the
National Democrats, the new par-
ty of the extreme right which
showed surprising strength two
weeks ago in the State of Hesse.
Mayor Willey Brandt of West

Virginia Asks High Court
IBar Miscegenation Case

ROVIGO, Italy ()-The stormy
Adriatic heaped more misery on
flood-stricken Italy yesterday,
flooding the Po River delta on the
wings of gales and driving 10,000
persons from their homes.
Northeast winds of more than
60 miles an hour pushed the sea-
over weakened dikes. Officials said
the broad delta south of Venice
would not have one, square inch
of dry land if the weather kept
More than 48 hours of driving
rain lashed the islands formed by
10 branches of the mighty Po
River, where it empties into the
The second straight day of
stormy weather in the area ham-
pered hundreds of soldiers and
civilians who had labored since
the disastrous Nov. 4 floods to re-
pair and strengthen the miles of
earthen levees that ring the is-
earthen levees that ring the
Call Off Repairs
Officials called off repair work
on Thursday's break in a dike
near the town of Scardovari be-
cause of rough water and danger
from barges that had been sunk
by waves offshore.
Operations continued to build up
the sides of other dikes and to
evacuate the population. More
than 10,000 persons have been
taken to higher ground in the past
two days.
The new crisis in the Po delta
came two weeks after the most ex-
tensive floods in Italy's history

had swamped the north and cen-
tral regions. Many residents of the
battered delta had been back in
their homes for only a few days
when the new storm broke.
The delta towns of Scardovari
and Bonelli, with a total popula-
tion of 5,000 were completely
As relief work continued fran-
tically in the delta, President Gui-'
seppe Saragat continued his tour
of flood-stricken areas of the
He visited the Cordeovole River
Valley in the Dolomites north of
Belluno, where the floods devast-
ated three mountain resorts and
killed 22 persons.
Courage, Courage
"Courage. Courage. We will help
you," Saragat told villagers who
had lost everything.

Berlin, head of the Social Dem-
ocrat party, has attacked Kiesin-
ger for tieing himself too closely
to Strauss. And on the devious-
paths of West German politics,
the Social Democrats, meet the
Christian Democrats not only as
foes but as potential allies. There
is a strong possibility the next
government in Bonn will be a
"grand coalition" of the two major
Strauss has been praised as the
must brilliant man in West Ger-
man politics, attacked as over-
ambitious, and criticized as lack-
ing afeeling for politics in a dem-
ocracy. His feuds and lawsuits are
major features of the political

The government has set up a
500-billion lire - $800 million -
program to aid the stricken re-
gions and has increased gasoline
and income taxes to pay for it.
Some critics of the government
have declared that the aid pro-
gram is too ,small to rebuild the
wrecked economy of the one-third
of the nation hit by the floods.
As Premier Aldo Moro toured
mud-clogged Florence, the hardest
hit of scores of flood-damaged
communities, Florence Mayor Piero
Bargellini was asked by a reporter
if he was satisfied with the' gov-
ernment's aid to the city.
"The wife is always unhappy
with the money the husband gives
her for shopping," he replied, "but
then she realizes that the poor
man couldn't do any better."

WASHINGTON (k) - Virginia
has asked the Supreme Court to
turn aside a major challenge to
state laws barring interracial mar-
Defending the state's ban on
mixed marriages, Virginia officials
said various federal and state
courts already have held that such
laws do not violate the "equal pro-
tection" guarantee of the 14th
Amendment to the Constitution.
"Any judicial inquiry into the
wisdom, propriety or desirability
of preventing interracial alliances
is utterly forbidden," Virginia
Atty. Gen. Robert Y. Button told
the court yesterday in a brief.
Eighteen states have antimis-
cegenation laws. The Supreme
Court never has ruled on their
constitutionality. It is being asked
to do so now by a white bricklayer
and his part-Negro, part-Indian
Responding to the court's re-
quest for a defense of the Virginia
Law, Button said:
"The Virginia statues here un-
der attack reflect a policy which'
has obtained in this common-
wealth for over two centuries and

of the fifty states of the Union.
"They have stood--compatible
with the 14th Amendment, though
expressly attacked thereunder -
since that amendment was adopt-
ed. Under such circumstances, it
is clear that the challenge enact-
ments infringe no constitutional
The couple, Richard Loving, and
his wife, the former Mildred Jeter,
26, contend the law Is invalid
because it makes "the color of a
person's skin the test of whether
his marriages constitutes a crim-
inal offense."
The Lovings were married in
Washington, D.C., in 1958 because
they could not get a license in
Virginia. They returned tortheir
home state, were ingicted for vio-
lation of the antimiscegenatfon
law and pleaded guilty.
One-year prison terms were
suspended on condition they leave
Virginia for 25 years. The Lovings
moved to Washington, but in 1963
they returned to their home in
Virginia's Carolina County and,
with the help of the American
Civil Liberties Union, began a legal
attacc on the law.

some troumle cashing in on Kie- I which still obtains in almost half

World News Roundup

Justice Department Admits


V1lation of Baker's
By The Associated Press The transcr
y WASHINGTON - The Justice statement by
Department has conceded vio-
lating the constitutional rights of spect to the c
Bobby Baker, according to records over to the cou
of a United States District Court. in which it app'
Baker is currently under indict- either a partic
ment for tax evasion, grand lar- ent, the goverr
ceny, fraud and conspiracy. that these c
The government concession is picked up in v
contained in an transcript of a constitutionalit
conference Wednesday in the were picked up
chambers of Judge Oliver Gasch. right to privacy
Baker's principal attorney, Ed- During four
ward Bennett Williams, said in hearings, Bake
open court Thursday that the put on the wit
Justice Department had acknowl- agents or inves
edged violating Baker's constitu- n o i
tional rights through eavesdrop-in Alltstiied
ping. mniorn
William O. Bittman, a Justice son-to-person
Department attorney, promptly hotel or office
challenged Williams. Judge Gasch associates of B
cut off the exchange. D.C.; Las Vega
After a hearing yesterday on a Fla.
motion to suppress all information Bittman told
gained by the government through proper" for an
eavesdropping, Williams m a d e public transcri
available a transcript of the Wed- ences in a jud
nesday conference attended by at- that he would
torneys for both sides, complaint abou
Your micron
with your a
it with care
voice over y
and over au
are usedt
wprid's mos

ript included this
Bittman: "With re-
onversations turned
rt and to defendant,
ears that Baker was
ipant or was pres-
nment will concede
onversations were
violation of Baker's
y and that they
ain violation of his
days of open court
r's attorneys have
tness stand 14 FBI
tigative clerks.
that they took part
telephone and per-
conversations in
;ooms occupied by
aker in Washington,
s, Nev., and Miami,
reporters it is "not
attorney to make
iptions of confer-
dge's chambers but
d make no formal
ut Williams' action.
phone is your link
audience. Choose
e. Shure Unidyne
es project your
your instruments,
udience noise...
by many of the
t famous Rock 'n

By The Associated Press
DETROIT - General Motors
Corp. said yesterday it plans to
cut car production by 3.7 per
cent next month and by 4.4 per
cent more in early January.
The cut in production schedules
by the nation's largest automaker
followed a report by a trade pub-
lication that GM, Ford Motor Co.
and Chrysler Corp. already have
trimmed 58,000 units off their No-
vember car production plans..
New car sales in the first 10
days of this month have lagged
five per cent behind the pace of
a year ago.
GM said its scheduled produc-
tion cutbacks will be made "to bal-
ance production plans for the near
future with expected demands."
Eleven of GM's 23 assembly
plants will be affected by elimi-;
nation of some previously sched-
uled overtime and a reduction in
the daily rate of output, the firm
* * *
PASADENA,'Calif.-Lunar Or-
biter 2 radioed its first pictures
of the moon yesterday and a source
said they showed a crater-pocked
but flat area; apparently safe for
men to land on.
The source, who could not be
identified, said he had seen Po-
laroid prints made as the pictures

were received at a tracking sta-
tion at Goldsteon, Calif., yester-
day afternoon.
The pictures, meant to show
surface details as small as three
feet in diameter, indicated typi-
cal lunar terrain dotted with cra-
ters of all sizes.
Scientific evaluation of the pho-
tographs will be made when pic-
tures are released later, but the
source said a preliminary look in-
dicated there were no slopes se-
vere enough -to make a landing
spacecraft overturn.
* * *
HERNANDO, Miss.-The De So-
to County grand jury indicated
Aubrey James Norvell, 40, yes-
terday on two charges stemming
from the shooting of James H.
Meredith last June.
Norvell, an unemployed hard-
ware store salesman from nearby
Memphis, was charged with as-
sault and battery with intent ,to
kill Meredith, and with pointing,
aiming and discharging a firearm
at N. Z. Trout, a special investi-
gator with the Mississippi High-
way Patrol.
Meredith, the first Negro known
to be enrolled at the University
of Mississippi, was shot from am-
bush and wounded on the second
day of his "march against fear"
in Mississippi.






A roomy, jold-over bag
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