4 I '9' a, yf rx f JN .F vol Sr ?;: if j: ix l! _ Z7 Y,.$ ............ . A r i ,'.. f{ . r . r e. .t4x :{..:{ t,. +. f l .. i .l .. ^ .ti TJY.vi' Jf'}j +. 'S DISSENT Ak THE NEW LEFT: Fellowship of Bleeding Hearts by Prof. Stephen Tonsor T HAS BEEN the experience of a number of observers that in spite of the inordinate amount of clamor made by the "New Left" they are a singularly inarticulate group. Paul Jacobs' and Saul Landau's The New Radicals, A Report with Documents,' does nothing to dis- abuse the reader of this opinion. It is a dull, tendencious book written in the party-Chinese, of this senti- mental and willful little-league of bleeding hearts. They are a group negative to a degree inconceivable anywhere other than the land of positive thinking. They are irration- al to a degree inconceivable any- where other than a university cam- pus. They would like to be unbut- toned and succeed only in being dis- hevelled. They would like to be his- toric and succeed only in being hysterical. Still, let us be charitable and take them at their unprepos- sessing best. It would be an overestimation of their role to credit them with exercising a needed critique of Am- erican society. Indeed, such success as they have had has been in those areas where they have been at one with the American consensus and their failures of late stem largely from the fact that; aside from civil rights, they have found no resound- ing echo in American public opin- ion. Still their aspirations and their fears spring from generous if not always clearly articulated feelings and their debate is for the most action, and finally the violence, "lovelessness" and frequent cruelty of our society are all issues which, trouble the "New Left." That they are troubled by these issues is the one sign of their social good sense. Not all of their enthusiasm give civilized men such encouragement. THE FACT IS, however, that the New Left has established no monopoly of concern with these is- sues. The issues are the common concerns of our whole society and there is not a forum in America where they are not debated. The Liberal establishment for which the New Left shows such contempt and the Right, for which the New Left shows such amused fear, both pre- occupied themselves with these larger ethical questions sometime before the Left shed its ideological blinders and climbed onto the band- wagon of morality. Fears expressed for the dignity and freedom of Americans comes with ill-grace from those who so recently have made common cause with Castro, with Mao and with the Viet Cong. No doubt it is due to what R. H. S. Crossman, a British Laborite has called the "moral. asymmetry" of the Left. Still it is difficult to understand how a group which makes heroes of Fidel Castro and Stokeley Carmichael can be ser- ious in any genuine dialogue con- cerning humane values and inalien- able rights. Jacobs and Landau do a good job ..... ... ..............r ..... ........ ........ > ........................ The vast majority of its mem- bers will be reabsorbed into middle class America and will go to work for the Chicago Tri- bune and General Motors. ditions within the United States or indeed, the non-communist world; but rather it is a reflection of the 'objective" conditions within the Communist world. "The voice is Ja- cobs' voice, but the hands are the hands of Essau." The rhetoric of ethical concern and personal au- thenticity are the latest mask of the "popular front." THE NEW RADICALS constitute a "popular front" whose pur- pose is to combat American resis- tance to Communist aggression and at the same time give the Marxist bloc opportunity to recover from its ideological and economic' disor- ganization. This is how the "move- ment" is seen from the- vantage point of Gus Hall. It goes without saying that this certainly is not the objective of ev- ery member.of the movement. As a 'popular front" organization it must of necessity be non-ideologi- cal. The elements which compose it (the radical intelligencia, Left-lib- eral students and professors, hobo- " hemia, the Lumpenproletariate, and finally, the Marxist ideologues in all their infinite variety) form a very unstable amalgam. Their language cannot for a number of reasons, be ideological and they find themselv- es communicating with each other in a foreign tongue. The lingua franca of the group combines in about equal parts, elements from Marxism, the sex and drug experi- ence and the existentialist cliches f authenticity and alienation. It' is obvious, moreover, from a close reading of the documents in Jacobs and Landau that each of these groups gives the common language a private meaning. Finally, docu- ment after document attests to the fact that the "popular front" amal- gam is breaking down already and that the New Left has entered a period of crisis and disillusionment. Since ideology is not a suitable basis for unity in a popular front" grouping, the New radicals have sought that unity in sentiment. Sentimentality, which is a way of escaping from objective reality without seriously attempting its transformation, has become the characteristic of the movement. It is the futile gesture, the enraged withdrawal which proves that the heart is pure though the hand is effete, which- characterizes this sentimentality. And the New Left is aware that the lack of ideological coherence vitiates the activities of the movement. Time after time Ja- cobs and Landua point up the ne-m cessity for the development of an ideology if the movement is to re- tamn itsN surrende Ideologic will bec broad ba ALL O of s whose se not shar sensus is social cri ture com to be rea The con United S time app very con able, is social an modern tion an and host the cent lishment cals will that one They all by doing Howev Radicals is tempt and Lan movemei to the r that the serve ne; nor prof for the t ety in w they wil themselv of its m into mid go to wo and Gen But a treat to "New Le the tote generatic phase of like thei will seek tivity th alism de so many camp of points ti ogy will accurate need onl and a p of actior tions wi those ins activist increasir because gectariar tural an of Cana vitality. But if sentiment is red in order to procure an al ground the movement compelled to surrender Its se.r F WHICH is another way aying that any movement ntiments and solutions are ed by the American con- bound, short of a decisive sis _which threatens to rup- Gpletely the social fabric,. bsorbed Into the consensus- iplex social fabric of the tates, which from time to ears to be, because of Its plexity, extremely vulner- one of the most resilient id economic fabrics in the - world. Its power of attrac- d absorption of alienated ile groups is enormous and ripetal drag of the estab- on this generation's radi- doubtless be greater than any past radical generation. set out to do good and end well. er, the history of the New is still in full course. It ing to look beyond Jacobs idau to the future of the nit, When it becomes clear nembers of the movement language of sentiment will ither .as a permanent bond vide a workable program :ransformation of the soci- rhich they find themselves 1 slowly and painfully sort 'es out. The vast majority rembers -will be reabsorbed dle class America and will rk for the Chicago Tribune reral Motors. significant number will re- ideology which made the ~ft" new. They will become alitarian activists of this on. They will be the second f this modern Narod and r Russian counterparts they in overt revolutionary ac- e success which sentiment- ~nied them. In this, as in other developments in the the New Radicals, SNCC ie way. At this point ideol- not need to reflect in any way existential reality. It y serve as a basis for unity rovocation and vindication 4 n. Ideologically .inspired ac- ll prove as ineffectual as spired by sentiment and the ideologue will find himself ngly alienated. Ostracized of their violent and nasty nism they will sink to a cul- d social level similar to that da's Doukhobors. CHARDIN (from page three) be "desperately frozen and desperately closed," irremediably superficial, making us die and itself doomed todeath. Furth- ermore, he experienced the occasional darkness. in prayer and 'weariness of God' that is inseparable from an earnest life of faith. Teilhard searched hard, therefore, to find what issue there might be (the French 'issue' is a recurrent word in his .writings) to the elan of humanity, what opening at the other end of human progress that would not be inhuman or subhuman. He sought to discover how the flower of human achievement might be preserved. PRIOR EVEN to his explicit religious beliefs, Teilhard believed, in a way that cannot be merely written off as wish- projection, that there must be a success- ful outcome for man's earthly achieve- ment. I believe this through inference ... I believe this through personal need ... Most of all perhaps, I believe this through love, for I love the world around me too much not to have con- fidence in it. In a much disputed essay, "Comme Je Crois," directed to the non-believer (as most of his writing was) he made a state- ment that was later jumped upon by his severest critics as evidence that he chan- ged Christianity into "evolutionism of a naturalist, monist, pantheist type." If, as a result of some interior rev- olution, I were successively to lose my faith in Christ, my faith in a per- sonal God, my faith in the Spirit, I think that I would still continue to believe in the World. The World (the value, the infallibility, the goodness of the World): that, in the final anal- ysis, is the first and the last thing in which I believe. Hardy statement to come from a Cath- olic priest, no doubt, but De Lubac spends a good half of his book in defending it. Methodologically, as the starting point of an Apologia for his belief, it represents a return to the starting point of a man's experience, i.e., his simple allegiance to the world in which he finds his existence rooted and his instinctive awareness that there is much more to be found out about it than at first meets the eye. "Wonder," says Aristotle, "is the beginning of philo- sophy;" and this wonder is produced by the world around us. This statement of Teilhard's is a personal testimony, too;- he recognized that his confidence in the goodness of created being was so strong that it could not but imply a theological dimension. THIS CONFIDENCE in created being - was so innate to Chardin's mind, Mooney tells us, that "the one fault he detested was the deliberate acceptance and delight in disgust with life." It gave him eyes to see the phenomenon of spirit within the development of the universe, and he judged it to be "the cosmic move- ment par excellence, that on which all depends and which nothing can explain." Hence Teilhard's very original phenom- enology of evolution, which detects a dou- ble force within all living organisms: not only what he calls 'tangential energy,' which "tends to link an element to other elements on the same level of organiza- tion," but also 'radial energy,' which 'tends to draw an element forward into structures of ever greater complexity." His training in paleontology has allowed him to observe the general movement of those forms of life which are imbedded in successive levels of the earth; and in searching for its direction he was led to the 'generalized physics' which he sets forth in The Phenomenon of Man and which points to both a 'within' and a 'without' in all developing things. The 'without' of physical things is their. measurable, determined, predictable be- havior. This is no doubt what Freud re- fers to in his statement that organic in- stinct (and hence matter in general) is basically conservative, tends to repeat the same pattern over and over. Freud con- tinues: "It follows that the phenomena of organic development must be attributed to external disturbing and diverting in- fluences." FROM THE strict scientific viewpoint of controllable measurement this is unimpeachable; but Teilhard, philoso- phizing about what he observes, con- cludes that the forward movement of the universe - from inanimate to animate (Biogenesis), and from animate to reflec- tive (Noogenesis) - is too irreversible "He recogniized that his confidence in the good. lies of created being was so strong that it could not htimply a the ogical not to be explained in its turn by some factor 'within' the developing bodies .themselves. This direction or finality which he perceives within even the simnp- lest forms of developing life he connects with the concept of 'consciousness' or participated spirit. This is a much broad- er, more inclusive phenomenon than the birth of reflection, which occurred at the moment when an advanced phylum reached a critical threshold of complexity. beyond which lay the birth of thought' The advent of reflection, the moment of hominization when biological life chan- ges "from zero to everything" is for Teil- hard, of course, the most significant mo- ment to observe in the past. History be- gan at this point where "the most ad- vanced part of the personalized." HUMAN DEVELOPMENT, Teilhard ob- serves, is no longer in a bodily, or- ganic direction but in that of Noogenesis, the development of the inner life. Within the family of man, in face of others, an individual must become a person. Advance in evolution must mean "that the quan- tity and the quality of the personal must constantly go on increasing." As long as men were moving out to settle uninhabi- ted parts of the globe, the energy they expended was mostly tangential. But the human monads start to recoil upon them- selves and interpenetrate as mankind packs more tightly upon a round sphere with no more vacant real estate. This is the stage of socialization, where the tangential energy of technol- ogy realizes a mega-synthesis (mega-, hyper-, super- were favorite prefixes for Teilhard). Radial energy must corres- pond by pointing men to an ever fuller life of the spirit together. The drive of man in such a condition is "to be united (that is, to become the other) while re- maining himself . . . Union differenti- ates." At this point man has taken over the direction of the world from the natural forces at whose mercy he has been, and can now say: "We are evolution." Change' is an inadequate word to use for this process; 'genesis' is better, since it presupposes a goal. This stage of total- ization involves a frightful increase of responsibility. The failure to take one's part in the staggering enterprise repre- sented by the 'great society' could lead to mechanization and standardization of the worst sort-to 1984. TERRIBLE hesitancy is induced in man by not being sure of the out- come. A depersonalized goal of the Marx- ist type, which Teilhard ranked with "the pitiable millenarisms," may well not move him at all. He wrote: How are we going to love something like the world or humanity, realities that are collective, impersonal, even monstrous in certain respects? The converging radii are being drawn ever closer, says Chardin, either into the cosmic machinery, into a Second Matter of compounded determinisms, or to Some- one, a person who somehow must em- brace us all, a center of our centers, Omega Point. Omega is a reality at the summit of evolution that draws us there, transcendent yet very much present to the process from its beginning. Teilhard was no pantheist, but he re- j ected that sense of mutual exteriority between God and the world which has been the bane of so much orthodox reli- gious thought. De Lubac characterizes his position with a phrase from Augustine: "Deus non creavit et abut" (God did not create and then go away). Teilhard wrote: God's creative action is no longer conceived as abruptly inserting its work into the midst of pre-existent beings, but rather as causing to come to birth in the depths of things the successive terminations of its activity . God makes things make them- selves. FROM OMEGA everything holds to- gether. From this point alone comes that force capable of drawing us together into that universal love (by 'amoriza- tion'!).in which alone we can survive. Up to and including Omega, the terminus of evolution, Teilhard has played the role of philosopher, inducing patterns from the past and deducing their future direc- tion. What is of extreme interest to any philosopher who will follow him this far is that his reasoning has led him to a Prime Mover and goal of evolution who i per- sonal. This quality is not normally attri- buted to the 'god of the philosophers,' and many will still no doubt protest it. But De Lubac underscores the fact that "for Teilhard everything rests on the primacy of the Person; concrete Presence at the heart of the Universe, dominating it, ani- mating it, and drawing it to him." FROM THIS point on, of course, Teil- hard's Argument is theological. Its starting point is gospel-history, culmi- nating in the God-man's resurrection from the dead on Easter. Teilhard asks part cast in the rhetoric of ethical choice rather than the dialectic of ideology. No one today would care, even in the face of our great success as a society, to deny that our society is bedeviled with a host of seemingly intractable problems none of which is peripheral and all of which go to the very heart of the meaning of the American experience. Civil rights, human dignity, the problem of war in contemporary society and under the conditions imposed by an advanced technology, the struggle to extend freedom of thought and expression and to increase indepen- dence of action, the growing ,,ense of alienation and loss of identity and purpose produced by our highly urbanized, industrialized and bur- eaucratized society, the loss of the sense of democratic participation produced by manipulating political * The New Radicals, A Report with Documents; Knopf. Vintage Books. New York; 1966. universe found itself himself erranea center theolog narrow hard c size the of the Inevi into te eyebrom the un: omizat vinced captivi discove with V Ephesi God ti both it under sians I "were- and or and in In He i Chu the f all t neno Fath+ dwel . . . "1 in d'i N< mf in presenting the prevailing mood of Weltschmerz with which the New Left justifies its actions and its affectations. However, they do not. outline an adequate history of the "movement" relative to the histori- cal development of the parent so- ciety. I suggest they do not do so because such a history would reveal how new the "New Left" is in terms of its social critique. Indeed, it seems to me that the overriding negativism of the "movement" is the result of the fact that most of the pragmatic and workable solu- tions had, previous to its birth, been preempted by Liberals and Conserv- atives. Those who conceive of the "New Left" in terms of orthodox Marxian ideologymistake its nature and un- derstand little of its history. For this reason alone Jacobs and Lan- dau is an indispensible handbook. The "New Left" is the reflection, not of' what Marxians like to des- cribe as the "objective" social con- SD NT .. . he thin the heal of tl Froi Col. 3, ing", spiritu sizes t concej crator divine gaged tue of in wl dwells gether it in (The is a Stoics used # the ci ESP' tE it is i his ur his th- the Cl liturg: drawi sphere kenosi extens the ur forma his on (I trax mat stro gory (from page six) In doing research that is of relevance in this country; and --careful development of the living conditions and curriculum for maximum benefit both to the foreign students, and professors, and to the host University. Naturally, the present large comple- ment of foreign students at the Univer- sity and the accumulated experience of those who have worked with them (the English Language Institute here-is a not- able example) can serve as an excellent starting point. The establishment of the prototype of the international university on this cam- pus would be a creative and exciting un- dertaking, one entirely in' keeping with the rapidly expanding role the University has played in its surrounding society as well as its more traditional role as a center for scholarly study. AN INTERNATIONAL community fired by the creative accumulation of ex- panding, internationally-oriented, intel- lectual thought coupled to real, practical action has long been much more of an imperfectly conceived, platitudinous vis- ion than a reality. But American affluence, American jets and the rapidly expanding horizons of the American university indicate that the re- ality is now within reach, that the na- tional university can be one of the first major social institutions to truly go in- ternational (though it had better hurry If it is not to find itself following paths, perhaps undesirable ones, staked out by- international business). It's time for edu- cation to join the jet set., .-.....:......'..-.F.1..+.. .. ,.... v:. : .. ..-..-.-..........,........:. :.. . . ..:+. ... e... ... 1 ... . . . ...s........." r......,..i..rSr,.....S..S.. .. S«. .S T1.. ,. .W ,, :5.*L. :. t ,....«...«w .. . ~ «. L *.,,L .A ': :..: :....« } .... .A A.. . .,. ..:A1. >...t.K~ . r Pn- -r-., -r.Llt! kAtf"WI# AAi rI All 1I A.i.AR^A"T41tiG