idan t Dily Seventy-Sixth Year EDrrED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNwvERsrrY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 TthWillPrai Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This mus t be noted in all reprints. PERSPECTIVES The Move Past Impotence By HARVEY WASSERMAN I THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1966 NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT KLIVANS Which Will We Have: Concessions or Riots? THERE IS A TIDE in the affairs of men, and it nay soon reach flood level at the University. Ndbody wants a Berkeley here--check,,that, some of the more ar- rogant Voice. members would probably en- joy one-but still looks like it might just happen. And soon.' There, is revolt. in the air. Throughout the country the name of the game seems to , be student dissatisfaction. There is reason ,for this: the sterility of the cul- ture and especially the frustration of the college experience for so many. One comes to college to become fulfilled and it. doesn't happen; prospects of finding "meaning" outside the campus in the "real world" seem equally dim. Ours is a combustible generation. And the administration presently is setting off potentially dangerous sparks. T E RECORD SGC vote turnout yester- day, indicates the excited mood of the campus. Students have taken their amorphous discontent, their "gripes," and focused it on something specific: Rich- ard Cutler. Voice wilt-probably 'sit-in soon. Many of the more moderate students feel a kind of moral obligation to do something dramatic to shov their own discontent with the drift of administrative action since the HUAC disclosures. It is not, only the students. Some of the more vocal faculty believe that they also have a moral obligation to make a stand in a university that they feel has somehow lost its equilibrium, whose pow- er is subtly becoming deranged. According to one professor, "this is a real bind. We're caught between open re- volt and passive acquiescence to some- thing that we don't think is right." RICHARD L. CUTLER has become the villain. This is ironic, and perhaps un- fortunate for he assumed the vice-presi- dency for student affairs heralded as an ideal choice by all sectors of the Univer- sity. Nevertheless, today he is a figure surrounded by controversy; he has be- come a rallying cry for the more dissi- dent people on campus. Cutler today is a "heavy" and if revolution comes to the University it will be fought in his name. Cutler is discussed these days in such emotional terms that they often bear little resemblance "to reality. As a result of some bad decisions-both substantive and procedural-he has incurred wrath throughout the University. ~He has become George III amidst the righteously indignant colonists. Now is a -good tine-to cool things down. CUTLERS BAN on sit-ins was not a good move. Sit-ins have been so rare, have been undertaken by such a tiny per- centage of the. University body, and are usually greeted with such universal dis- pleasure that they do not represent a Cris 1n1 th TNSION BETWEEN,, Israel and the M7ab nations of the Middle East; is building in the aftermath of Israel's Violent retaliation for recurring border crossings by terrorists from Jordan. There is a growing probability of an - armed confrontation between Israel and the Arab states despite all calls by these groups for -settlement of differences cur- rently under consideration by the United Nations. HEPROBLEMl is a growing one. The current Security ;Council session cohcerning' the Arab-Israel question is the third such meeting since July. It is considering the attack which Israel mounted last Sunday to retaliate for ter- rorist border raids from- Jordan. With tanks and French-built Mirage fighter jets, y they crossed the Jordanian border in daylight and pushed ,with little oppo- sition to' three nearby villages. The in- vaders ordered the eVacuation of the villages, blew up about 40 buildings and then retreated lback across the border. Jordan labeled Israel's attack a "naked act of aggression" and it seemed for a time that a full scale battle between Jordan and Israel would develop because of this incident. But Jordan's leaders realized that they serious problem to the University com- munity. Cutler over-reacted to a prob- lem which is more nuisance than threat, and in doing so he has created tension. Cutler had the right to make the rule. Power given him by the Regents allows him to unilaterally institute any restric- tions on student behavior he deems nec- essary. But, banning sit-ins reeks of au- thoritarianism. Moreover, it could serve as an in-road to more serious restrictions of student rights. HOWEVER, Cutler's most serious mis- take was his timing, his striking in- sensitivity to the anti-administration hos- tility lingering from the HUAC disclos- ures and the fear that his increased pow- er might be abused. His failure to con- suit with the students-he told SGC days prior to his sit-in action that he intend- ed to make no new rules regarding stu- dent behavior-on recent questions, seem- ed to confirm these fears. SGC's move earlier this week, threat- ening to withdraw from the OSA, shows how bad the situation has become. But the proper action now is not to castigate, but to de-escalate. There is no logical reason why this campus should face a crisis. It is in nobody's best inter- est for there to be a Berkeley in Ann Ar- bor. HOW TO COOL DOWN the situation? The first thing to realize is that Dr. Cutler believes that his actions are gen- uinely in the best interests of the Uni- versity. The campus. must stop looking at Cutler as a "bigger-than-life bad guy." He isn't. But Dr. Cutler must now make some kind of concession to the student body and faculty. His face desperately needs saving, and he can do it best by admit- ting an error, and bringing students back into the dialogue. Tonight SGC meets to finalize its proposals conceriing withdrawal from the OSA. This is the moment and the place for Cutler to bring his basic intention- which is to make the University an in- stitution conducive to student develop- ment and maturity-back into line with his actions. He should rescind the sit-in ban to- night. And SGC should accept in good spirit-not as a victory for itself or for special interests, but as a victory for the entire University. BUT IF THIS doesn't happen, if there is no concession at all from the OSA and Cutler, this campus may see bad times. For the moderate element, the non-arrogant left but unequivocally liberal elements, have become disturbed by the tone of what has been happening here. And they seem ready to act. -NEIL SHISTER IT IS IMPORTANT to realize that Student Government Coun- cil has been a detriment and not an aid to the student voice. Its existence in and under the Office of Student Affairs has given that office its paper legitimacy-as long as there was a student govern- ment there, the OSA could claim to be representing student in- terests. But it has never performed that function in fact. The "channels of communication" provided by the OSA have in fact been a one- way street from the administra- tion building, and there has been no communication - unless you consider a stream of executive decisions, postponements, half- truths, and pressure a legitimate form of communication. MONDAY NIGHT SGC formally recognized the problem. It decided. that providing the touchstone for the only paper embodiment of participation was no longer a good idea when, in fact, real partici- pation was a joke. Now, in turn, without the legi- timacy of SGC, it is the Office of Student Affairs that is the joke. It isnot pleasant for anyone when such things happen, but worse is when such things are necessary and don't happen. One need only read a small part of the history of OSA-SGC relations - executive delays in SGC actions despite months of consultation, failing to consult with SGC on the subpoena of organization lists, passing regulations of conduct without consulting SGC despite assurances that such consultation would occur-to know that SGC's existence has been a tool for only one interested party. One can only wonder why such action did not come long ago. BECAUSE THE University has indicated that it will neither re- peal the substance nor the senti- ment of its new sit-in regulation, the official break tonight is mere detail. If Council does not follow through, it is dead. Any organi- zation which recognizes the prob- lem at hand, collects popular sup- port around a specific course of action, and then fails to take that action, is dead. There are, unfortunately, a number of complications sur- rounding the issue. First, the break is without personality conflicts. The Office of Student Affairs is not an individual phenomenon on this campus-it does not act as an entity unto itself, but as an organ of administrative and Re- gental dictum. That is precisely why the job of this Vice President for Student Affairs has been an impossible one -that office has been designated to serve as the enforcer of admin- istrative decisions while still be- ing nominally the representative of student interests. The Vice President had only to go one way or the other-there was no flexi- bility. WITH THAT understanding, a number of tactical implications come clear. If the argument that "we must not alienate the admin- istration and Regents" is to be of use, then one must assume that something in the present relation- ship will bring those two bodies to yield something. That assumption is simply-not valid. The present structure has been conscientiously strained to the limits. If the administration were at all sympathetic, the OSA would be acting in good faith. If the Regents were sympathetic, then Ed Robinson would be speak- ing at their meetings, and they would not have allowed the ad- ministration to proceed so reso- lutely in the opposite direction from student participation. To say that they "are not aware of the problems" is to be naive. Two months before the Sesqui- centennial year, smack in the mid- dle of a crucial $55 million drive, the last thing the powers of this University are is unaware. WHAT THEY are unaware of is that the student body is serious about establishing participatory and representative rights for itself. Only when that is established can one talk of preserving student power. Given the make-up of this particular administration, the es- tablishment of that fact has ne- cessitated substantial and dra- matic action - and it will need more. Unfortunately, at this time the issue of sending class rank, with all its implications for national draft policy and the Viet Nam vwar, has been tied to the issue of stu- dent participation. I am writing at too early an hour to know whether or not the referendum has passed. If it fails, the issue will appear somewhat clearer. If it passes, some energy will have to be expended to make sure that the real issue of student partici- pation is clearly defined. BUT WHETHER the confronta- tion comes on the referendum or on the latest OSA dictation, the administration has defined the fight in terms of power. And, because it is their game. power it must be. *r Power Politics: Irrelevant in Europe WHAT STRUCK ME most in Western Europe was how far theory has been overtaken and surpassed by the facts. The ideas and issues we have been so hot and bothered about during my life- time have in these days become largely irrelevant, like old maps of cities that are being rebuilt or the snapshots and the invitations and the theatre programs which we accumulated when we were young. The old fighting faiths have fad- ed out, and for the generation that has grown up since the war they are for the most part curiosi- ties that are no longer interesting. THE MODERN WORLD, as I am using the term, is the world that is being shaped by the new indus- trial revolution of this century. Its coreeis, ofgcourse, the very rapid technological advance, in- deed explosion, which includes the whole gamut of inventions from the jet engine and computers to the synthetic fibers and the con- traceptives, the almost indescrib- able multitude of products of nu- clear, electronic, chemical, metal- lurgical, medical and agricultural ingenuity. An integral element of the new industrial revolution is the grow- ing knowledge of how to manage a modern economy for the pro- motion of progressive affluence. IN THE ADVANCED countries the kind of life men are living today was not even imagined when they were still at school. There- fore they are not prepared for it. Because their ideas are out of date while their lives are being changed so rapidly, modern men' are driven to concentrate their at- tention and their energies on work- ing out the detailed consequences of change for themselves and their families. They have -become, they have had to become, "pragmatic" in the sense that they deal with the de- tails of living and making a liv- ing and have put aside the great world. They do not have the am- bition to participate in history and to shape the future. Mdoern men are predominant- ly' isolationist. They are preoccu- pied with the more immediate things which may help or hurt them. Their state of mind is mark- ed by a vast indifference to big issues, and in this indifference there is a feeling that they are incompetent to do much about the big issues. THIS INDIFFERENTISM can best be understood, I think, by noting how the conflict between capitalism and Communism, which has dominated so much of the world's public passion for 50 years, is being transformed by the evo- lution of events. Today and Tomorrow By WALTER LIPPMANN The technological revolution of our time has made obsolete "cap- italism" as it was understood at the beginning of this century, as it is still understood by romantic reactionaries like Barry Goldwat- er. And "Communism" as it was conceived by Lenin or by Marx before him does not describe what is actually going on in the Soviet Union. There are now so many vari- ties of social organization - in the United States, France, Ger- many, Scandinavia, Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union itself-that only a pedant or a fanatic could pretend to draw a line where the market economy ends and central planning begins. The differences between capitalism and Commu- nism are ceasing to be ideological and are becoming increasingly managerial and technical. THE TORRENT of changes has washed away the foundations of the structures built up because of the cold war. Thus, when the Com- mon Market was conceived after World War II, it was thought of as the core of a new Western an- ti-Communist state which would stand guard as a great power against Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union. That'conception has been generally abandoned, and the Common Market has been cut down to a size where it is a suc- cessful Western European econom- ic union which may, indeed should, be opened and enlarged to in- clude more and more of Europe. There has also been a decay of the NATO military establishment. Men have simply ceased to believe what they took for granted when, under Gen. Dwight Eisenhower as supreme commander, the NATO establishment was put together. The proof of this is that the Unit- ed States, Britain and Germany are arguing about the exchange costs of their troops. If they real- ly believed those troops were vi- tal to their security, the argument would be regarded as disgraceful. ALONG WITH the decay of such a great and reputable postwar in- stitution as the NATO establish- ment, there is a resounding in- difference and lack of interest in the traditional rhetoric of power politics. The old notions of the Western white man's burden and his duty to run the world and save it-a notion which has, taken in- numerable forms-has, with negli- gible exceptions, ceased to interest Europeans. It can be said with some truth that the reason Europeans are no longer interested in imperial prob- lems is that they have lost their empires. But that is not the whole truth. They have learned that the white man's burden has become an unbearable burden in the world that has come into existence since World War IL Because of the obsolescence of the power politics of the 19th cen- tury and the early 20th; the id- iom of American diplomacy today often sounds as if it belonged to the horse-and-buggy age. There is not much virulent anti-Amer- icanism in Western Europe. But there is a widespread distaste for our moral pretensions and a rude tendency to judge our exhorta- tions and our advice by their ma- terial content alone, conceding to us little extra credit and influ- ence for truth and wisdom. THIS LAMENTABLE pondition is due, I think, to the fact that since President Kennedy's death our foreign policy has been con- ducted by men whose minds were formed and whose convictions hardened about 25 years ago. So I come back home thinking how much we have to do in order to catch up with the world that is passing us by. (c), 1966, The Washington Post Co. Letterfs: Teaching Fellows Support SGC 4jt e Middle East and that they would presently have no chance by themselves against the effi- cient army of Israel. They therefore went to the United Nations with their claims. IT NOW APPEARS that Jordan is hop- ing to gain support for a coalition strike. There have been calls for an all- Arab alliance including Syria, which has allegiances with the Soviet Union and Egypt. In addition, Jordan has already decided to reevaluate an offer from Iraq for a military alliance which it has pre- viously rejected. There have been calls by the press for an all-Arab alliance, in- cluding Syria, which has alliances with the Soviet Union and Egypt. But the chances of such a total alli- ance are not great as there is a deep political rift between Jordan, which would side with Saudi Arabia, and the Syrian alliance. If there is no Arab combine, adou- ble coalition will still most likely form, threatening Israel from both sides. Therefore, Israel is under considerable pressure, and it needs the diversion of high-level security talks to mask plan- ning of new strategy and bargaining for new allies in the face of such huge Arab threat. Israel is girding for a fight and they expect action soon, but how soon To the Editor: AS BOTH students and teachers, we deplore the recent high- handed tactics of Richard Cutler, vice-president for student affairs, nullifying legal methods of col- lective influence, i.e., the refer- endum on class ranking, and abol- ishing the sit-in as an extra- legal recourse to action. As teachers, we resent Cutler's denial of the students' civil liber- ties, because it undercuts our ef- forts to encourage students to be- come responsible, self-directing human beings. -As students, we watch with alarm the gradual ero- sion of our ability to influence those who make the decisions which affect our,: lives. We re- sent the implication that we lack the maturity to be responsible ci- tizens in the University commu- nity. The University, as represented through the actions of Richard Cutler, seems to be perpetuating the "traditions" which .isolate the student from meaningful politi- cal activities, and we weel that this can only have further delibi- tating effects on the student's con- ception of himself as an agent of social change. IN THE EVENT that the stu- dent body votes to abolish class rankings, we feel that this deci- sion should be binding on the Uni- versity. If the University refuses to acknowledge this, we shall sup- port the position of Voice politi- cal party, Student Government Council and other interested per- sons to force recognition of stu- dent opinion. We want to make clear, however, that whether or not the referen- dum passes is not the central is- sue for us. Our position is clear and unequivocal: abridgement of personal freedom is not tolerable in our University community. At the present time, we are consider- ing alternative courses of action in support of our statement. We call on other teaching fel- lows to join with us in address- ing themselves to the issues. Funny Coincidence Department (The following is a partial text of two accounts concerning the Defense Department's recommendations to the University con- cerning broadening equal opportunities under the Civil Rights Act.) Students unite ! To the Editor: I CHOSE grad work at this uni- versity instead of a competing institution in a neighboring state not only for academic reasons but because I was proud of my alma mater's record on freedom of ex- pression, press and assembly. I could not face being part of a place like OSU where the right of dissent and protest is being swallowed by aniadministration which is acting in a tyrannical fashion. Is the same thing happening here? Our administration has fall- en very neatly into the trap the radical element wished it to-in fact, has taken some giant steps toward chaos itself-i.e., releasing names to HUAC. DEAR FELLOW middle-ager's, why not admit a sad mistake, apologize to students and faculty and open the door to a real dia- logue-not a confrontation? I have, observed the Antioch College community for several years. There students, faculty and administration form a real work- ing group. All are deeply involv- ed in the decision-making proc- ess. And these are decisions vital to all areas of college life. The administrative council includes both faculty and students: com- munity council likewise. Of course it's not easy: the price of community is palaver. Talk goes on and'on and on some- times before the sense of the meet- ing arrives ! But it is talk - not youthful rebellion and adult back- lash. Theeplace is in a continual healthy ferment. AND STUDENTS, I have been with you on countless picket lines and demonstrations on peace and civil rights issues. I shall continue to be with you-an exception to the above 30 rule! But may I cau- tion forbearance? Try a vigil first-not a sit-in. For it is in the spirit of grief- real mourning at the breakdown. of communications which has oc- curred, that the whole university community should approach this crisis. I shall mourn with you and as- sure you I'll stay through even if it becomes a confrontation. At the point of going to jail, I may have to screen myself out-I have three children. On second thought, per- haps I'll ask Vice-President Cutler to baby sit through my jail con- finement. I need to read Thoreau and Emerson and meditate on self- reliance and individualism and Mr. Cutler might conclude that deal- ing with the unapathetic genera- tion is far easier than living with 6, 8, and 13-year-olds! -Mrs. Carlene Blanchard, Grad Voice Statement To the Editor: VOICE-SDS strongly supports SGC in its move to declare in- dependence from control of the Office of Student Affairs and Vice- President Cutler. We reaffirm our move, and invite other student or- ganizations on campus to Join in the movement for student control over student affairs. VOICE-SDS Referendum To the Editor: WENT to the balloting place Wednesday, obtained a ballot, 0 marked it as well as I could. No one will find out my opinion, from that ballot. I marked choice number 4 in part 2A because I believe that economic incentives to serve in the armed forces should replace 0 conscription. But if there must be conscription, why can't I voice my opinion on how it should work out? A note in choice 4 instructed me not tovote on part 2B. Evi- dently those who don't believe in conscription are to be ignored if they want to express an opinion on what they would prefer if they have to put up with conscription. BUT PERHAPS I shouldn't com- plain: I wouldn't have voted in part 2B anyway. Why? My opin- ion isn't expressed there. Is it a strange and outlandish opinion? I don't think so - it happens to be the present system under which only conscientious objectors should be permitted to avoid service in the armed forces. Choice 1 certainly doesn't give the option ("all those chosen: should serve in the armed forc- es."). But neither does choice 2 ("all those chosen: should be able to serve in the armed forces or have forms of alternative .govern- ment approved service open to them in lieu of serving in the 4 armed forces."). I don't think that everyone chosen should be able to get out of serving in the armed forces- only conscientious objectors. Is such a choice not permitted? AN MAVBE it wuldn't have "The Defense Department's rec- ommendations were made public just a week after five Tuskegee Institute faculty members visit- ed the U-M campus to continue implementation of the three-year- old exchange program between' the two schools. "At present nine Tuskegee stu- dents are enrolled in U-M, three more than a year ago.,. "Between 50 and 60 students in the honors program at Tuskegee will visit U-M during the Tuske- gee semester break late next Jan- uary to examine U-M's honors pro- gram, attend classes and take part in other cultural and academic activities in the Ann Arbor area "The Defense Department rec- ommendations became public while one of the University's recruiters, -Robert Marion, was criss-cross- ing Michigan in quest of quali- fied Negro students - his usual job. "Marion, a Negro from Muske- gon Heights, who once played foot- ball for U-M, is assistant director of admissions. "I', -. ,d'f ,czhigh rhnr, ~~with "The Pentagon recommendations were made public just a week aft- er five Tuskegee Institute faculty members came to the U-M cam- pus under the three-year-old fac- ulty exchange program between the two schools. "At present there are nine Tus- kegee students enrolled at the U- M, three more than a year ago. Between 50 and 60 honor stu- dents from the Negro school will visit Ann Arbor in January to at- tend classes and examine the hon- ors program. "The U-M, according to (Exec- utive Vice-President Marvin L.) Niehuss, has been making an ef- fort to recruit Negro students from throughout the state. Robert Mar- ion, U-M assistant director of ad- missions and a Negro who came here from Muskegon, is criss-cross- ing the state visiting high schools with large Negro enrollments in attempt (sic) to get Negroes to enroll at the U-M. "At present there are 91 Negro freshmen enrolled under the U-M Opportunity Award Program,