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November 16, 1966 - Image 10

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1966-11-16

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Complete Text of SGC Resolution on OSA Action,

On Saturday, November 12,,
1966, Vice-President for Student
Affairs Richard L. Cutler, an-
nounced the first rule made by him
under the complete authority in
the area of non academic disci-
pline given him by the Regents at
their meeting in October of this1
year. While the substance of this
rule is of little concern, since it is
redundant with certain civil laws,
the process of its formulation is
of considerable significance. Once
again, an executive office of the
University has taken action which
may have direct and significant ef-
fects on the lives of the students,
without any prior consultation
with student government groups,
student advisory groups in the Of-
fice of Student Affairs, or the ap-
propriate faculty group--i.e., the
SACUA Subcommittee on Stu-
dent Relations. In this instance,
Dr. Cutler failed to seek such ad-
vice even though he recently stat-
ed, in a widely circulated 'letter
regarding his new authority, "I do
not consider this action (by the
Regents) as a charge to me to
exercise summary or arbitrary au-
thority" and he reaffirmed "the
importance of student involvement,
in and accountability for affairs
which concern them." This failure
is doubly questionable in view of
his public statement to the Re-
gents on Friday, November 11,
that no new rules were forthcom-
ing from his office.-Perhaps most
importantly, he met with the
Student Government Council on
Wednesday, November 9 and did
not then discuss the possibility of
new rules in this area.
Indicative of Basic Problem
Unfortunately, this is not an
isolated instance. Rather, it is in-
dicative of the basic problem faced
by students and faculty at this
University. The system as it is

presently structured does not al-
low for true participation by thesea
groups in decision-making, in ad-
dition, those who presently hold
top offices in this system appar-
ently do not believe that students
and/or faculty have any right to
even consultation in the making
of major decisions. Numerous ma-
jor decisions have been made by
the executive officers of the Uni-
versity in past months, decisions
which have had and will continue
to have profound influence on thea
lives of students and faculty and
on the quality of education at the
University without any attempt
to consult those most affected.
These decisions include: the es-
tablishment of the Highway Safe-
ty Research Institute; the report
to the Regents recommending
against the establishment of a
University bookstore, which would
have made textbooks and supplies
available at reasonable prices and
broken the monopoly which pres-
ently exists; the release of the
names of 65 students and faculty
to the House Committee on Un-
American Activities; Dr. Cutler's
request to the Regents for absolute
authority over student behavior;
the policy of compiling and releas-
ing class rankings, and the refusal
to consider a student referendum
binding on this issue. Several of
these have been followed by for-
mal or informal apologies by var-
ious executive officers, and/or re-
affirmations of these commit-
ments to faculty-student consul-
tation "next time." But it is now
clear that these verbal statements
bear little or no relation to the
administration's actual behavior
in this area, and their promises at
this point are unreliable.
No Real Commitment

real commitment1
ment of students
major decisions.

to the involve-
and faculty in
This lack of

commitment is primarily a func-
tion of the nature of the system;
administrators are not forced to
consult, and it is thus easier and
more expeditious for them to sim-
ply talk to each other. This prac-
tice means that, whatever a man's
background, he rapidly comes to
accept the policies, rules and
myths of the system, and his lack
of contact with practicing faculty
and students means that his
awareness of their interests and
needs quickly dissipates. This sit-
uation is deplorable at any univer-
sity, at any time, but especially
at this university, one of the fore-
most educational institutions in
the United States during its Ses-
quicentennial year, and during an
era when students, at least, are
more willing than ever before to
become involved in and respon-
sible for decisions which shape
their lives. It is most frustrating
in view of the Regents re-affirma-
tion of the value of such involve-
ment at their October meeting
when they approved the plan to
establish Student Advisory Boards
to several of the executive officers
of the University.
Communication Broken Down
We, as the duly elected repre-
sentatives of the students, are
deeply disturbed by these events.
We are forced to conclude from
them, that the intent of the rela-
tionship between the OSA and
Student Government Council to
provide for communication be-
tween students andtother respon-
sible elements of the University
Community, has, in fact, broken
down. This disturbs us even more,
for in the absence of this sort of

between students and the admin-
istration at other universities be-
come likely. In our opinion the ac-
tions we have outlined previously
have only exacerbated the real
sources of student complaints at
issue in these cases.
SGC Concerned
Based on these historical facts,
SGC is very concerned about what
can be done to improve student-
administrative relationships. Over
a period of two and a half months,
we have made every effort on con-
sult with concerned and interested
groups in the Administration and
faculty. With the faculty, our ef-
forts have been mutually profit-

able in terms of good advice and a
sound working relationship. With
the Administration, however, this
kind of relationship has not been
In light of our constant efforts
to work with the Office of Student
Affairs, we cannot understand this
breakdown, which has been evi-
denced by certain policies recently
promulgated by the O.S.A. Our
quarrel is not so much with sub-
stantive policies but with the pro-
cedures by whic hthey are formu-
lated. Our attempts to improve the
cedures by which they are formu-
and have met with too little re-
sponse from the Administration.

Therefore we feel it necessary to
take the following steps. Primari-
ly, since we feel that, as the duly
elected representatives of the stu-
dent body we have an obligation
to express the students' opinions
in all areas which concern them,
and since the structure and ac-
tions ofthe O.S.A. have obstructed
the fulfillment of this role. We
therefore feel there will be no
other course than to declare our
independence of the U.S.A.
But, since our ultimate aim is
to increase the involvement of the
students as partners in pursuing
the common interests of the Uni-
versity Community, we would wel-

Read EA
Anyone can

314 S. STATE ST.


Security Council To Meet
On Israel-Jordan Dispute,
UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. WP - izing and supporting teri
The U.N. Security Council has bands.
been summoned to meet in urgent In a letter to the council
session this morning on a Jor- Farra said heavy losses of lif
danian complaint of "reckless and property resulted from the
wanto aggression" by Israel. raeli raid.
The meeting was called by U.S. "By this surprise and dast
Ambassador Arthur J. Goldberg, attack against civilian popul
the council president for this and property," he said, "Israe
month, at the request of Jordan's added and more link in the
ambassador, Muhammad H. El- chain of acts of war against.
Farra. people.
The complaint is based on a "We have warned the coun
raid by Israeli forces Sunday on its last session of imminen
Jordanian border villages. Israeli raeli aggression, and this
authorities said the raid was in meditated act of lawlessness
retaliation against activities of proved that our warning was
Arab terrorists whom they said founded."
were based in the villages. The Jordanian ambassador
It was the third time in five the question was "very urgen
months that the council had been reflects the tense situation i
asked to deal with violence in- area and the need for ade
volving Israel and its Arab neigh- measures and steps to arres
bors. further deterioration in the M
The last debate. on an Israeli East."
complaint against Syria, ended in- --------- -
conclusively with a Soviet veto Daily Classifieds
earlier this month. Israel had
contended that Syria was organ- Bring Quick Resu


come any action on the part of the
Administration which would dem-
onstrate a willingness to co-oper-
ate with the students and faculty
on matters relevant to them. The
suspension of the rule concerning
roristsit-ins followed by consultation

l, El-
e and
e Is-
el has
cil in
It Is-I
s has
r said
t and
n the
t any

with students and faculty would
be such a step. If such an action,
i.e. the suspension of the sit-in
rule, is not taken, we feel we must
become independent of the O.S.A.
and we ask the University Com-
munity to join with uskin search-
ing for a decision-making struc-
ture which includes students, fac-
ulty, and Administration working
in concert for the betterment of
the University.
for information call
Tickets are available
at Travel Bureaus or
the Michigan Union

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Thus, the executive officers of communication, the
this University appear to have no sorts of sit-ins which

have arisen



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