Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNwERSrrY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS - P.Ft - - Ions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. iUl Prev4H 40MYNl T, N RlRiC. NEWS PHONE: 764-0952 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This maus t be noted in all reprints. I WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1966 NIGHT EDITOR: MEREDITH EIKER r Nm mnrnnirrn -... irr rr rrrr r r r e ..rr.r.r 'U' Should Continue Ranking Nov. 16: By LEONARD PRATT tweeni Associate Managing Editor try and WAS TYPING a paper in my be adm kitchen the other night and of the got thinking some frightening haps, b things: These f The line between reform and modern revolution in a society is usual- they ar ly a thin one, crossed to every- Who one's surprise when its outlets for sity is reform movements are stopped up, how its building ever-increasing pressures This U. for change behind them. consists And it's odd how this almost politici classic prescription is beginning to fit the University. Legitimate ALL+ attempts at reform this fall have the ins been stopped at every turn - the eth' from the Knauss Report to the an etho referendum that's being held to- ductivit day--and the pressure's building cial sta up. to exp run on1 CONTINUING with this line, I The thought, the large modern Amer- The ican university is, above all, a play a creature of its society. Two-thirds lished of this University's budget comes better v from w hat m ight be called "so- ciety c a " - h t i , n n -n e n l - t c nda cial" - that is, non-internal - it ca sources. ptdc - Product The university's students are eventua being groomed to take positions influen in that supporting society, its fac- But b ulty shuttle back and forth be- term- ime it and the society's indus- d government and it must ministered within the mores society-a wide range per- but a strictly enforced one. unctions are more than the university's activities - e its definition. is responsible for a univer- another good measure of s society defines its goals. niversity's Board of Regents s of five industrialists, two ans and a banker. OF WHICH is to say that stitution is tied tightly to Los of modern American life, os stressing measurable pro- ty, financial gainsand so- atus. It would be fantastic ect the University to be bases other than these. university can, of course, leading role for its society. lead it within the estab- social ethic by developing ways of doing what the so- eclares should be done, or actually alter that ethic by ng individuals who will ally themselves be able to ce it. both of these are very long- 20- or 30-year-phenom- Yes .. No .. To Throw the Bomb ena, They have nothing to do with how a university is run today, THERE ARE probably few peo- ple who would disagree with this analysis, general as it must be. But strangely enough, the very people who should be most aware of it-the activist faculty and stu- dents, myself included-seem to have been those least interested in its policy implications this fall. The Knauss Report, for exam- ple, has as its self-confessed goal the gradual shifts of authority within the University to create a "University family" in which all members will actively participate. Student Government Council's draft referendum, for another, has as its implicit aim a reformation of power in order to grant some amount of actual decision-making ability to students. YET the well-known analysis given here could not emphasize more the great futility of these goals, I have a professor who was an undergraduate here 12 years ago. Several weeks ago he mentioned how surprised he was to return here and find that "students to- day are arguing for substantially what we were arguing for then." Looking through old Dailies more than confirms his suspicions. Nor is the Faculty Assembly in any better position. The very issue this fall which the Assembly would have most wanted taken up with its agents in the administration -the faculty vice-presidential ad- visory committees-was the one issue which the vice-presidents were not about to talk over with the faculty-the HUAC disclosure episode. SGC and the Assembly have his- torically been elements of reform within the University. Their sig- nal lack of success this fall, un- der conditions which should have given them greater successes than any period in their history, marks them as anacronisms which have little place in the emerging Uni- versity. To be sure, students and faculty have reform roles to play within their respective spheres- the faculty within their depart- ments and the students within their various organizations-that' do bear to a varying degree on the University's future. It is here that their efforts to reform the Uni- versity should be concentrated, for it is only here that they have a prayer of success under present conditions. To reform the University as a whole they cannot. It's much too big and powered by forces much too strong to ever be shaken by anything less than a concerted at- tack. And it is just that kind of drive which has never been must- ered on this campus, concerned as it has been with reform. SO WHAT CAN the reformers do to get the sort of institution they desire? Tragically, the only answer is: go away. There is noth- ing in the University today, and there is not likely to be anything in it in the future, that the re- formers can keep from being con- ditioned directly by its social con- text rather than by its members. There is brilliance here and there is greatness, but it is aca- demic brilliance and academic greatness. A great institution the University is not, and the reform- ers cannot make it one. SO THE ONLY way it can be- come by one, I thought, is by way of the revolutionary alterna- tive, by enough people making enough noise to force it to change. Maybe someone ought to throw a bomb .. ON PART I of today's draft referendum, students should vote in favor of con- tinued compilation of class ranks at the University. In reaching a decision on this question, students must bear in mind that to vote for compilation of class ranks does not implicitly entail an endorsement of the present system of conscription in all its details. Students wil be given a chance to comment on these in Part II of the referendum. Nor, does a vote for rank- ing necessarily even imply acceptance of class ranks as an ideal criterion for de- termining a student's eligibility for defer- ment. A vote against ranking cannot be justified simply on the basis of dissatis- faction with some of the class rank meth- od's drawbacks; the issue is not simply whether class ranking is good or bad. Rather, the question is whether the University best fulfills its obligation to its students by cooperating with the pol- icy established by the Selective Service System, which clearly had legitimate au- thority to act in this area. The answer to this question is yes. IT IS OFTEN ARGUED that the Uni- versity has a moral obligation to de- fend the integrity of the academic com- munity by. challenging external laws and other regulations imposed upon it which hinder the educational process or are un- fair to its students. But this principle is applicable only when a fundamental tenet such as freedom of speech or free- dom of association is endangered. - Although its wisdom is debatable, the, Selective Service System's request for class rank information clearly does not constitute such a threat, and thus the University's compliance with, it in no way involves an abrogation of its responsibil- ity to the academic community. By compiling class rankings the Uni- versity is essentially performing a serv- ice for its students: it provides informa- tion which, on their request, students can transmit to their local boards \for use as a basis for maintaining their de- ferments. Students should vote for a continua- tion of this policy. -JOHN MEREDITH Associate Managing Editor THE COMPILATION of class ranks by the University for use by the Selective Service System is a perversion of the educational process and must be abolish- ed. Students are being asked today in the SGC referendum whether this compilation should continue. They must answer with a decisive "no!" There are many arguments used by the administration and others to justify rank- ing. A number of these are well-taken. Probably the soundest defense of compila- tion is that class rank provides an addi- tional piece of information for draft boards to use in considering a student's deferment. ALTHOUGH IN ITSELF, this justifica- tion fails to consider the broader ap- plications. The University is ostensibly in business as an educational institution. Its primary goal should be to provide its students with the best education obtain- able. Anything which diverts its func- tions from that goal must be resisted. By compiling class ranks for the Selec- tive Service System, the University acts as a screening agency for the draft. Educa- tion ceases to be a primary value; it be- comes a means for avoiding military serv- ice. There has been much dispute lately over the relevancy of grading, but grades do provide a useful function by providing students with feedback on their academ- ic progress. When grades are used to de- termine who will be deferred and who will serve, this function is subordinated to a competitive struggle for survival. Clearly the draft referendum encom- passes a wide range of issues, philosophi- cal and practical, idealist and pragmatic. But the central issue is the role of the University in society. Should the Univer- sity serve the broad purposes of educa- tion or should it act as a screening proc- ess for the armed services? THE CHOICE is clear. -STEVE WILDSTROM oV 4 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: SGCs Approach to the Referendum More Flak for HUAC "ONE OF THE MOST serious breaches of academic freedom of students in re- cent decades, not excluding the McCar- thy era." - This was the charge leveled by the American Civil Liberties Union against the House Committee on Un-American Activities subpoenaing of membership lists of campus organizations critical of American policy in Viet Nam. HUAC by its very nature is an intini- dating organization designed to discour- age free inquiry and debate as it at- tempts to curb dissent. AND THROUGH its compliance with this un-American committee and its violation of the guarantees of the First Amendment the University is guilty of an even greater violation of freedom. The University, which claims to be dedicated to free inquiry and debate has failed miserably in its responsibility to its, students, its faculty and its ideals. Unfortunately, the release of member- ship lists was only the first in a series of attempts by the University to curb dis- sent. The ban on student sit-ins, the re- fusal of the administration to accept the decision of the student draft refer- endum as 'binding, the reluctance to abolish membership list requirements for campus organizations are all alarming signs that while the administration may applaud the freedom to dissent in theory, it is unwilling to allow this freedom on its own campus. Business Staff SUSAN PERLSTADT, Business Manager JEFFREY LEEDS'...... Associate Business Manager HARRY BLOCH .............. Advertising Manager STEVEN LOEWENTHAL .......circulation manager ELIZABETH RHEIN ........... Personnel Director VICTOR PTASZNIK ................ Finance Manager JUNIOR MANAGERS-Gene Farber, Erica Keeps, Bill Krauss. Sam Offen. Carol Neimera. Diane Smaller. IT IS TIME for the University to begin practicing what it preaches. It is time for the University to begin setting an example for the standards of freedom rather than blindly following the dictates of McCarthy vintage institutions. And above all else it is time for the Univer- sity to "abide by the law"--the first law of this land-the Constitution. The New York Times, in its lead edi- torial yesterday, specifically criticized the University for its failure to uphold the freedom of dissent. "A university where no questions are asked and no hypothes- es are challenged would be a school for the living dead. Only the totalitarians who fear truth try to create such schools. "SINCE THERE IS no valid way to dis- tinguish what may be questioned and what may not, many students and many professors inevitably criticize the society in which they find themselves and the governments that rule over them. When this happens in Communist Hungary or France or Franco Spain or Castro Cuba, most of us applaud the students and pro- fessors as fighters for freedom, as indeed they are. "When it happens in Ann Arbor, Mich., or in Berkeley, Calif., not all of us; are so enthusiastic-because the agitation is for things we don't believe in ... "Any educator ought to know that those who wish to expose radical student activ- ities for the sake of exposure, and who want to intimidate, harass and overawe dissenters by a show of congressional pow- er are also normally those who have little respect for the liberties of other citizens in other fields of activity. "FREEDOM ON CAMPUS is indivisible from freedom in the larger society." It is regrettable that the University. which was the scene of the first teach- To the Editor: SGC'S APPROACH to the draft referendum is misleading with regard to the wording, interpre- tation, and aims of part I of that referendum. Under the present University policy students already decide what information will be sent to their draft boards. But this fact is not explained on the ballot. The present policy protects the individual's freedom of choice whether he be in the maority on this issue or not. SGC has ig- nored this fundamental principle. The male undergrad may now choose to have the University send or not send any of the follow- ing information to his draft board: enrollment in good stand- ing, grade point average, and/or class rank. In addition he may opt to base all, part, or none of his defer- ment on the draft test. Thus SGC's apparent intended success of part I diammetrically opposes its prin- ciples. Individual freedoms, as we see it, would not be fostered, but rather suppressed by the rule of a tyricannical plurality. SGC's, apparent approach to make binding the outcome of part I is sheer folly. It has already confused the voter as to the is- sue. Students are not sure what participation means, let alone what the outcome would signify. For SGC to interpret student par- ticipation as an endorsement of SGC's implied desire to make binding the outcome is presump- tuous. Under SGC's assumption those who favor the present pol- icy would have their views distort- ed. WHEN WE VOTE in favor of the present policy, we vote for the individual student to determine what information will be available for him to send to his draft board. Such a vote does not endorse a desire for a binding referendum. If SGC truly wanted the stu- dents to make binding the out- come, then it should have incor- porated this question into the ref- erendum. Part I of the referendum's worth has been exaggerated. The abolition of class rankings with- out a meaningful revision of na- tional policy will hinder the stu- dent on this campus while other students on other campuss go un- hindered. SGC would serve its con- stituents far better by allocat- ing its limited resources towards areas that promise more direct and concrete results, e.g., SHA and the studentradvisory boards. THE INDIVIDUAL'S direct ben- efits from class rankings far out- weigh any possible disadvantages. He is not coerced by the present system, but would be forced to risk everything on the basis of an arbitrary exam if class rank- ings were no longer available. This kind of exam abets dis- crimination against underprivil- iged students. Such students with genuine aptitude, but lacking fav- orable environmental factors, con- sistently score lower on similar exams. For everyone the most equitable policy is freedom of opportunity. By voting for continuing the Uni- versity's policy, you can voice your support of this principle. -James Feeney, '68 -Robert Bodkin, '67 Against Ranking To the Editor: A T THE LAST general meeting of the University of Michigan Young Democrats these two reso- 1iiunn wer enored-. 1 Thh. fect educational choices and pur- suits. Its abolition will not be detrimental per se to Michigan's students. Wayne State University will not compile class ranks and the campus has not been drafted en masse. IT SHOULD BE emphasized that no resolution concerning the mor- ality or necessity of the Vietna- of a student governing body which has been ignored. It manifests a desire to strike back at the forces which have ignored it: The (revised) Strident Govern- ment Council Plan (accepted by the Board of Regents, Nov. 20, 1959), states that one function of Council is, "To participate through whatever means at its disposal in :~4 * u -M = . ''j' j. t" Dg, ,r Y7 ;r . ' 's aY dtAI ' r, w . at "Ti-lS TIME 6A 6\GcOG TO SH]DW YCAJ MY SCARS..." by which decisions are made; even when pursuing this intention in protest, Council must show itself capable of the responsibility it is seeking. I believe that the Monday mo- tion issustrates a marked political naivity in not recognizing the total political entity in which the Board of Regents, other vice-pres- idents, faculty, and the President, contribute to the decision-making process. Newspapers across the state are hearlding a schism be- tween Council and the Office of Student Affairs. The state legisla- ture will be aware of this move- ment . . . and the motion was passed without consulting with any administrator. THIS POINT most vividly illu- strates my argument. SGC has acted without consulting. How can: the same Council expect to have other than the same courtesy re- turned. The impact of the Mon- day motion was not considered in the dimensions which it has emerged; and there is now little thought of turning back because the dialogue is breaking. Now we will witness a lining up of forces and a drawing of lines The weighty problems we are com- mitted to solve will be reduced to "game" status, where the con- testants will "win" and "lose." THIS IS where student govern- ment falls short. Our commission as representatives of students in a governing process will be traded for positions on a team which "attacks" and "defends," perhaps winning an issue but inevitably voiding a communication. It is possible that Dr. Cutler will act to'conciliate Council. The lan- guage of the motion, in 'fact, en- courages such a conciliation. This action could be construed as a "victory" but the day when stu- dents can be consulted and serve more effectively in deciding cru- cial issues will be yet further re- moved. This year's Council cannot dis- count its heritage of frustration, nor can it discard its present mood of discontent. However, there is no case for continuing the present course. -Dick Wingfield, '67 Elected Member of SGC Mine's Worse To the Editor: REGARDING Harvey Wasser- man's editorial, "A Voice" (Sep- tember 12), I still thing mine (congressman) is worse. A former FBI agent, H. Allen Smith was just re-elected, by a 3-1 margin. He was given a O rating by the New Republic in votes on the cru- cial issues of the last two years (including most of those you men- tion in your article). No, Mr. Smith is not talking about running for governor of Cal- ifornia, at least, not since Rea- gan's victory. But if the disas- trous state of affairs is ever reached when the Republicans control the House of Represen- tatives, Mr. Smith, as ranking mi- nority member on the Rules Com- mittee at the moment, would be- come its chairman. And you think Howard Smith was bad in that position! -John R. Greenwood He's OK To the Editor: A CONGRESSMAN'S job is to be the voice of the people. This is the standard by which he should be judged. A large majority in Samuel Divine's district feel that he has correctly spoken for them. As distasteful as it may be for some, by the definition of democ- racy, Mr. Divine has been a good congressman. -Robert Prentiss, Grad I disagree. A Congressman's job is more than being "the voice of the people"--he is also elected to be the people's leader. As a legislator my Con- gressman has information in Washington that the people in my district do not have. He also has access to the news media. Further, he is held accountable for his acts only every two years. This means he can act Intel- ligently in Congress, return to present a case justifying that action, and expect, within lim- its, to convince his consti- tuency of that right course of action. His mandate is both to lead and to follow. This becomes especially ob- vious when you consider that because my district is tradition- ally moderate Republican, the Republican candidate has con- siderable leeway of action and stance within the limits that will allow him to be elected. My Congressman chose the extremes that I consider the very worst for the district. And in so doing he has drawn the constituency farther toward those extremes. Thus he disserves both by his votes in Congress and in the type of consensus he leads., The "definition of democracy" is not applicable when one con- siders the real alternatives of action allowed my unsatisfac- tory Congressman. -H.W. ii jV mese war prefaced our decision. Students on all sides of this is- sue voted for the resolutions. Finally and most importantly, students should be allowed to par- ticipate meaningfully in those de- cisions which directly affect their lives. Class rank is certainly one of these!issues. -Martin Katz, '67 Vice-chairman, Michigan Young Democrats Explains Vote To the Editor: AS ONE OF the two members of SGC who went on record against the action Council took Monday, I would take this oppor- tunity to defend my case. Monday's motion is the response the discussion of University policy and to serve as an official liaison between University policy-making agencies and the University stu- dent community." Dr. Cutler's fail- ure to consult with the Council in such matters as the recent "Sit-In Decision" served to deflate the spirit of the Council Plan and became a catalyst for the Monday motion; however, it didn't justify the action Council took Monday- which may serve to void the Coun- cil Plan. ALTHOUGH IT is" the role of Council to demand its rightful power, it is also the lot of SGC to preserve student power. In essence, the real intention of Council was to change the process i Birch Society Should End Secret Policies VIRTUALLY since it was born, the John Birch Society has been a pain or agony to Repub- licans and Democrats alike. How one stands on it or whether one condemns it has posed a series of serious problems of party uni- ty when in-fighting politicians try to exploit the group's contro- versial status for factional gains. I have not been and am not among those who agree with the blanket denunciation of this or any other group of people with- out consideration of individual differences. This seems an appropriate time BARRY GOLDWATER and intended only in the long run to destroy reputations and make political hay. When the John Birch Society began, most members publicly identified with it were those al- most universally well thought of in the communities in which they live. Their goals seemed thorough- ly reasonable: dedication to indi- vidual liherty nnnnition to col- I was perhaps the first man in Washington to debunk and deflate Welch's nightmare visions. BUT FROM THAT time for- ward, those who deal in political slogans, rather than reality, neat- ly packaged and sold the blanket smear that everyone in the Birch Society, including those who re- fused to join the blind denuncia- tions, is and was a dangerous "right winger," possibly even a fas- cist. And at the same time it was said that the Birchers were try- ing to take over the Republican ence in either party cannot by any stretch of the imagination be called "infiltration" or the Birch- ers taking over. TO CLEAR IT UP I would like to make the following suggestion -along with my often repeated one that the members depose Rob- ert Welch. I urge that the Birch Society drop its policy of secrecy regard- ing membership, making it fully public so that people working for either party can know who the Birch members are and then can judge honestly whether they are working for the best interests of I