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November 13, 1966 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1966-11-13

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Ohio State . . 14 Michigan State 37 Notre Dame . .64: Purdue . . . . .16 Mississippi . . .14 Illinois . . . . . 49 Arkansas . . . .2
* Iowa . .... .10 | Indiana . . .19 Duke.. . . . 0 | Minnesota ...0 Tennessee... . 7iWisconsin . ..14|SMU . . .. . . .

SClarion. . . . .40
9 Slippery Rock. 0

(See Editorial Page)

Sir rigan

:43 a t t

Some chance of
snow tonight

Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom


Assistant Sports Editor
You can tell a winner a mileR
away. You can feel it.
And at Michigan-even if it is
a place weird enough to institu-
tionalize defacing walls as an art
form-it's no different.
Here is a 5-4 team with a de-
fensive end who after a 28-20
win over Northwestern (2-5-1),
can say, "(Cas) Banaszek is a
great end. Really tremendous. He's
gotta be, the best there is in the
Big Ten. It's too bad he's on a
losing team." This week no one
can see the Blue as losers.
They won . . . they won because
a group of very talented seniors
realized that this was it, that they
were playing the last game in
Blue. And tley decided that they
really wanted this one.
THE Game
"It would've been horrible to
lose this last one," said Dave
Fisher afterwards. "We just had
to win it."
"We couldn't lose the last one


Nor thestern,


in the big bowl," agreed Barry Cas Banaszek's side on their,
Dehlin. sweeps. Northwestern's great 228-
But it took 30' minutes for it to pound tight end was a devastat-
hit them. ing blocker, and, though lacking
In the opening period, the Wol- speed, his sure hands and often
verines were 'still playing some amazing ability to be at the right
sloppy football. Northwestern came place at the crucial tine, made
out tough and determined, using him Northwestern's only effective
a split offensive line against Mich- receiver (5 for 54 yards).
igan's normally set defense in or-
der to get better blocking angles. At the end of the first half
They were very successful. the Wildcats were on top of a
Playing control ball, they ram- 17-14 game. And although the
med 69 yards in their opening 15Wolverine offense hadn't really
plays, spearheaded by fullback Bob been shut off except by a fumble,
McKelvey's eight carries. Northwestern's stunting slant de-
fense was making it tough for
"We thought they'd be tough." fTnyMasonskingmit toghrryr
said Michigan Coach Bump El- Tony Mason's linemen to carry
sidt of theiglcoatsBanmtey-out their assignments. And, not
liott of the Wildcats, "and they counting the 10 plays which Mich-
sure were. They were very basic igan ripped off in the final 80
in their game. ot hn1ffr

They really couldn't miss. The
fired up home crowd, which had
just been turned on by the "a-
vodee-o-do's" of 187 marching men
of Michigan, put the icing on the
offensive and defensive adjust-
ments made at the half.
But would you believe North-
western scored first?
A low snap from center forced
Stan Kemp to back-peddle with
the ball on his own 29, trying
to get his punt away. With two
Wildcats charging hard, Kemp,
who was getting whomped pretty
well all game, first figured that
if he could get around them he
could kick the ball out on the
run. But seeing that he couldn't
pull it off, he tucked the ball in
and was downed by safety Bob
Hampton for a 14-yard loss.
The Wildcats moved four yards
in the next three plays-Blue soph
defensive back Bob Wedge diop-
ping his chance for an official
"Silky" Sullivan game - busting;
interception-and Dick Emmerich
ended the Wildcats' scoring at 20
with a 27-yard field goal.
See CLANCY, Page 7

Backfield Machine
"Outside of Michigan State. they

secolls 1 Mea Iu, ule wluuu
had control of the ball for 45
plays to the Wolverines' 25.

-Daily-Thomas R Copi
SENIOR CAPTAIN Jack Clancy says "good-bye" with one of his
typical great catches and went on to score Michigan's fourth
touchdown as the Wolverines rolled the Wildcats 28-20 yesterday
in the 1966 home finale.


ave got the best running backs "We didn't want it bad enough
ve seen," commented defensive at first," explained Carl Ward,
id Rocky Rosema, who was more who himself had another out-
an a little relieved to find that standing game. "We missed a lot
knee injury he had sustained of blocks. No, we didn't play well.
the fourth quarter was not ser- Having all of these seniors play-
us. ing made the difference in the
The Wildcats especially favored second half."

--.Daly-Thomas R. Copt
JIM DETWILER closes out his home Michigan career with this
pass play of 49 yards for the Wolverines second TD. Detwiler
also rushed for 81 yards on nine carries.

ACLU Asks Schools To





Resist HUAC Subpoena
NEW YORK-The American Civil there is strong likelihood that if ards of confidentiality regarding
berties Union today called on 900 universities did contest a subpoena student and faculty informtion."
llege and university presidents in the courts such a challenge The group referred to its own pol-



across the nation vigorously to
resist any future subpoena by the
House Committee on Un-American
Activities for the membership lists
of campus organizations critical
of U.S. policy in Vietnam.
The civil liberties group plea
came in the wake of the HUAC's
subpoenas of membership lists at;
the University and at the Univer-
sity of California at Berkeley last
summer which the ACLU termed'
"one of the most serious breaches'
of academic freedom of students
in recent decades, not excluding
the McCarthy era."

would be upheld.
'In support of its position the
Union cited several Supreme Court
decisions which uphold the privacy
of organization membership lists.
In a group of cases involving at-
tempts by state authorities in the
South to secure NAACP member-
ship lists, the ACLU noted that the
high court supported the civil
rights group's refusal to comply
with a compulsory disclosure
which would be a "restraint on
freedom of association." It need
hardly be pointed out, the ACLU
said, that the "risks inherent in
h ricnn r of mo hci liccI

icy position that "the names of
officers and members (of campus --
organizations) should not, with-
out the consent of the individuals Swinton!DRAFT POLL SHOWS:
involved, be disclosed to any non- A P scl ps r g zo
college person or organization or
to any college person having noH1
direct and legitimate interest S eaks herein,"
andreunivrite"o suepb i
The ACLU also pressed colleges O E WASHINGTON (/ - Most relatives
statementsi"expressing conce n Americans oppose substitution of those wh
over threats to academic freedoma lottery -for the present draft ily mem
' a Mh " as ahDaly system, a polling organization told and tho
in California and Michigan"Former Daly Editor a national conference on the draft involved
result of the subpoenas. Such
saeetteUindcae, Has Bylines From yesterday. Repres
sta-tements, the Union declared,y "The vast majority of Americans professic
c lr l~nscnt"itr iain ,. n " __

Against Lotte
in the armed forces, The Harris me
rho say they have a fam- ported that a poll
ber eligible to be drafted, found that 64 per
se who are not personally queried said the
in the Viet Nam war." draft. Later that .
sentatives of educational, mounted, to 90 p
onal, youth, women's, la- August this year t
siness, veterans, church, slipped to 79 per ce
nd other national organi- "Clearly, though
are attending the confer- Service) system'
hich ends today. It was jwrk," " t em
provide a national forum Ilwork, the me
ussion of the present draft tinued.
and of possible alterna- "The draft is a
peakers yesterday noted its need is recogni
cretary of Defense Robert orandum said.
amara had been quoted, "If there i's tok
k as saying a lottery might the present draft

In a letter to the heads of col- ~ 1iA~~~V ~tII~~~1j IU LVI IL tC . ~tiiiO~V1
Ina ete t te edsofco-thed asciosure of membersnip asrs ishoud aaso assert e term na ion,
leges who are members of the of dissident anti-war groups are if the situation should arise, to
American Association of Colleges, of the dimensions of those faced refuse to comply with subpoenas
the Union's executive director. by NAACP chapters." of this character."
John de J. Pemberton, Jr., and its Letter Urges To "safeguard jealously the tra-
Academic Freedom Committee The Union letter urged that "at dition of free inquiry and debate",
chairman, Professor Samuel Hen- the very least, institutions may be at institutions of higher learning,
del, warned that the HUAC's sub- expected to pursue the quite or- the ACLU urged universities "to'
poena action is "a definite threat thodox and risk-free procedure of resist all attempts to surb dissent."'
to academic freedom," adding that seeking to have the subpoenas The university, said the Union'
"it asserts the intimidating power quashed." But, the group added, letter, is "precisely that forum in
of an official investigating body if that effort fails, it "is incum- which society must tolerate un-
armed with compulsory process." bent upon the university to as- orthodoxy if it is to get the benefit
Subpoenas Document sume whatever risks are involved of independent investigation and
The Committee's subpoenas im- in a non-compliance (with the judgement."
pelled the Union to make a just- subpoenas); for the alternative is If the university role "is to en-
completed survey of its 39 affili- to shift to its students -the risk courage far-ranging and critical
ates throughout the country, on of invasion of their rights under discussion and to support its stu-f
the extend of HUAC campus in- the First Amendment." I dents and faculty in the exercisel
vestigations of anti-war groups. The ACLU declared that the in- of freedom of speech and associa-
As a result of its survey, the ACLU fringement of academic freedom tion," maintained the civil liberties
said that "while at present we involved in the subpoenas of stu- organization, "it is incumbent
have no information that HUAC dent membership and officer lists upon the university not to contri-
intends to extend its investigation as "so pernicious an attack on bute to stifling such discussioni
to other universities, obviously this academic freedom that, if called and not to assist in exposing' in-x
continues as a real and overhang- upon, it is prepared to lend legal dividuals." University authorities
ng threat." assistance to its resistance." should help to organize support
The ACLU's call for opposition1 A second step urged by the within and outside the academic:
to the Committee's "violation of Civil Liberties Union was the or- community in opposition to en-
the guaiantees of the First ganization of "s t u d e n t-faculty croachments upon acadmic free-
Amendment" came after the sub- committees to set specific stand- dom.
poenas were issued last summer
at the two universities in connec- WEDNESDA Y:
tion with the HUAC's probe of
peace groups opposing American,
participation in the Vietnam war.I
The University delivered lists!!A m in1]itation Casts
containing 65 names drawn from
three organizations-an affiliate
of Students for a Democratic So-
ciety, a nCommittee to Aid the Viet-
ciynamese, and a local chapter of
the W.E.B. Dubois Club. The

Over 100 Countries favor drafting young men for mil: bor, bu
itary service," Louis Harris and farm ar
Stanley M. Swinton, number Associates said in a report pre- zations
two man for the world's largest sented at a luncheon session. ence, w
news agency speaks here tomor- The memorandum to Gus Ty- called tc
row. ler director of special projects for for disci

Swinton, a University alumnus the American Veterans Committee system
and former city editor of The which is sponsoring the confer- tives. S
Daily, is assistant general man- ence, added: .that Se
ager and director of world services "There is little support for a S. McN
for the Associated Press. He was form of lottery under which all this wee


given the University's distinguish-
ed alumni award Friday.
He directs AP news and news-
photo distribution in more than
100 countries outside the United
Swinton spent. 16 years as a
foreign correspondent for -the AP
and has had bylines on dispatches
from more than 100 countries. He
wrote a famous eye-witness ac-i
count from behind the Germanj

would have an equal chance forj
being drafted. By almost three to
one, 75 per cent to 27 per cent,
the public rejects substituting the
lottery idea for the current sys-
"This support is expressed al-
most equally by those who have

correct some deficiencies in the is clear about th
present system. nearly four to on
One speaker, Joseph P. McCur- the idea of a unive
ray, president of Queens College gram for all youn
N.Y., called for an end to the 18 and 26, under w
draft, charging the present system choose between a t
is both economically wasteful and the armed forces, 1
unfair. ' or in some other p

[Surpr 1ise Step,
'ry Made Over
morandum re-
in March, 1965
r cent of those Step May Be Attempt
y favored the
year, the unity To Head Off Protest
er cent but by On Draft Referendum
he support had
ent, it said.. By ROGER RAPOPORT
, the (Selective ' In a surprise weekend move
is thought to Vice-Pfesident for Student Af-
iorandum con- fairs Richard L. Cutler banned
student sit-ins "which interfere
ccepted because with the normal and orderly oper-
zed," the mem- ations of the University."
In a new regulation released
be a change in yesterday, Cutler specifically out-
law, the public lawed "by way of illustration but
e direction. By not limitation, unauthorized oc-
le, people favor cupancy of the private office, con-
rsal service pro- ference rooms, or reception rooms
Zg men between of any University staff member,
which they could blocking ways of access to such
wo-year stint in areas, unauthorized occupancy of
the Peace Corps, University buildings beyond nor-
ublic service." mal closing hours and disrupt-
:.......,..~,;,.,ing by other means the necessary,
operations of the University."
Cutler said that students who
" violate the new regulation, es-
tablished under interim powers
granted him by the Regents last
month, will be judged by Joint
, Judiciary Council. "Penalties' may
E include warning, probation, rea-
'..'...sonable monetary fines, or, su -
isory capacity. pension or expulsion from the Uni-
ution towards versity."
on, sure, but Cutler explained yesterday that
extent. I just "Until the general climate here
'ideal' system changes this kind of regulation
keeps power in is necessary."
administrators, There has been speculation that
should be for student activists may mount a
dents." sit-in here if students vote in a'
rendum is one referendum, scheduled for Wed-
ings to hit this nesday, that the University should
time. The out- stop sending in class ranks to the
n-binding vote Selective Service System. The ad-
olition of class ministration has already said that
much less im- it does not view the student ref-
grand student erendum as binding.
eme than the Sources said that Cutler told the
t half the stu- Regents Friday that, "There are
y votes. strident demands being made that
ote of 300, like the University accept the results
)C election, I'll
sappointed. I'll See TEXT, DOB, Page 2


lines when Benito Mussolini,
Italy's Fascist dictator was killed
and hung by his heels by Com-
munist partisans.
The 47-year-old AP offiical will
speak, at 4 p.m. Monday in Rack-
ham Amphitheatre in a jour-
nalism lecture.

. .

Cm puss s Statm%%ems5;#N#sss#Msma$#mm3m mm3#

. ... ......

Key Vote


ACLU noted that "these lists were
sent without first advising those
named so that they at least might
have had the opportunity to seek
legally to enjoin the university
from complying."
At the Berkeley campus of the
University of California,., the sub-
poenaed membership list included
the signature of at least one stu-
dent who was subpoenaed to ap-
pear at the HUAC's August hear-
ings. "A student may now justly
infer that the inclusion of hisj
name on any such list entails for
him the risk of future inquisitions

By NAN BYAM I week clarifying, the university's versity policy in disregard of the
stand on the draft referendum. students opinion," says SGC's ref-
Should the University ceaseir Although the referendum has erendum coordinator Ruth Bau-
compilation of class ranks to b little chance of changing univer- mann '68.
used by the Selective Service? sity policy, Student Government "Personally I would not accept
Officials on other campuses and Council President Ed Robinson such a policy. Any sense of dem-
in Washington will keep a close thinks the referendum could af- ocracy on this campus is limited
eye on balloting over this question feet national policy. to begin with-and adamant pol-
posed on Wednesday's draft refer- Robinson says that Burke icy would merely affirm what
endum here. But the vote won't Marshall, Chairman of President many of us already suspect-that
make much difference to the ad- Lyndon Johnson's commission for as long as the decision is up to,
ministrators here. They cast their the draft review has voiced deep the administration, students will
ballots last spring. interest in student opinion on the never get any kind of voice in!
The reason, Vice-President for draft. these matters."
Student Affairs Richard L. Cut- The draft law expires in July of University officials contend that
ler put it recently: 'The admin- 1967 and Marshall's committee is if class ranks were not submitted
_- - L: __ I - __ __I__t:_._ ..r, ..,,..., ,. ,.., r, , L. ..,..r. _ . ,., +- fl Ce cn~i~o Qav ripa 1.4 in

Ed Robinson needs a haircut.
It hangs long, curling over in
the back so it almost touches
his shirt collar. He tugs at it
often, and after the president of
Student Government Council
has finished talking for an hour
it's pretty disheveled. But then
it was disheveled before he
started really.
The way Ed Robinson dresses
and looks gives much insight
into what he is. At Soph Show
Friday night he showed up in
blue jeans. During SGC meet-
ings he is the first to doff his
sport coat and loosen his tie-
on those nights when he wears
a tie.
"I'm all for respect, but re-
spect predicated on nothing
more than habit doesn't really
have much of a basis, does it?"
Robinson is an activist. But
unlike many others who loudly
proclaim their activism with
self-righteous pride, Robinson
casually alludes to his with
something of a self-effacing
tone. And, also unlike many

SGC is a funny thing here.
Most students look at it with
ridicule, with a 'what does it
do, anyways' attitude. They see
it as something encumbered
with democratic trappings but
basically devoid of substance. In

a low level adv
There's an evol
more participati
only to 'a certain
can't buy their
because it still k
the hands of
and universities'
teachers and stui
The draft refe
of the biggest th
campus in a long
come of the no:
'as far as the ab
ranking goes is
portant in the,
participation sth
fact that at leas
dent body actuall
"If we get a v(
in last year's SG
be completely di
be a lot less entl
as this idea of
voice in decision
since it will loo
really gives a da
whole thing af
again, if it ends
students vote W
be tremendous."

husiastic as far
a real student
n-making goes,
k like nobody
amn about the
ter all. Then
up that 17,000
Vednesday, it'll
f Y 2n.,

of this referendum as binding."
Cutler also reportedly told the
Regents that, "It is possible that
the outcome of the referendum
will be in favor of abolishing this
procedure. In this case, the like-
lihood arises that the University
will be faced with a vigorous pro-
tes~t move~ment including demon-

many respects, perhaps, they are
How come so many students

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