FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1966 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1966 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE 1968 Elections May Hold Trouble for Dem ocrats WASHINGTON ()-Democrats' from President Johnson on down already are in trouble from the 1966 election and are confronting the unpleasant prospect of more trouble in 1968. In his first public pronounce- ment on the outcome of Tuesday's balloting, Johnson recognized the obvious: There was not doubt the Republican p a r t y had been strengthened and: "I think it will be more difficult for any new legislation we might propose." The chairman of the Republican NationalCommittee, Ray C. Bliss, had another twist to the meaning of what he called the party's sen- sational election gains. He told a news conference the GOP could elect a president two years from now if it keeps up the momentum. Gains in Big Cities Bliss said the Republicans made big gains in big cities apd with Pick Ex-Nazi As German Chancellor Christian Democrats Choose Keisinger To Succeed Erhard BONN, Germany () - Kurt Georg Kiesinger, a former member of the Nazi Party, was chosen by the dominant Christian Democrats yesterday to try to form a new majority. Kiesinger is receiving strong backing from the Gaullist faction within his party. Only Wednesday, Kiesinger de- fended himself .against the al- legation that he had held a high post under the Nazis. He said he joined the Nazi party in 1933, the year Adolf Hitler came to power, but became disillusioned within a year. During World War II he did radio propaganda work. If he succeeds, West Germany's foreign policy is expected to swing closer to President Charles de Gaulle's France than has been the case under pro-American Chancel- lor Ludwig Erhard. Erhard's Future Unclear Erhard, 69, remains head of a minority caretaker governmeht. His future after his expected res- ignation is unclear. Kiesinger, 62, minister-president # of the State of Baden-Wuerttem- berg, was selected on the third bal- lot at a caucus of he party's Bun- destag delegation. Erhard and West Germany's first chancellor, Konrad Adenauer, 90, attended.. Foreign Minister Gerhard Schroeder, 56, who has steered West Germany on a pro-American course, was runner-up. The final vote was 137 for Kiesinger, 81 for Schroeder and 26 for Rainer Bar- zel, 42, the party's parliamentary leader. Decisive Victory Although Kiesinger had gone into the voting as the front run- ner, the decisiveness of his victory came as a surprise, since he has come under wide criticism forhis Nazi connections. After his selection, Kiesinger told a crowded news conference r he would seek negotiations with the two other parties in the Bun- destag in an effort to form a new coalition. He declined to outline his polit- ,ical program at this time. The Christian Democrats have the largest delegation in the Bun- k destag, but their 245 votes are four short of a majority. The Socialists are second with 202 and the Free Democrats, allied with Erhard un- til Oct. 27, have 49 pivotal votes. Possible Coalition The possibility remained that the Socialists and the Free Dem- ocrats might try to put together a coalition with their six-vote majority. The Free Democrats pulled their four ministers out of Erhard's government in protest against his plan to raise taxes to balance the 1967 budget and meet an obliga- tion to buy arms from the United States. The Christian Democrats abandoned Erhard after he was unable to find a new majority. They invited the other two parties to begin talks Monday. Kiesinger's chances of winning q. got a large boost when Franz Josef Strauss' Bavarian wing of the Christian Democrats endorsed him. Strauss, ex-defense minister, stands a good chance of re-enter- ing a Christian-Democratic-led government. Negro voters 'and chalked , up' heavy gains in state legislatures. Even without Johnson's con- ceding it at an outdoor news con- ference at his Texas ranch, it was evident that his "Great Society"' program was bound to encounter rougher -sledding in Congress. In the House, election results guaranteed it. In the Senate, both the Democratic and Republican leaders were raising "go slow" signals yesterday. Increased Luster And for 1968, the election gave increased luster to Republican governors who will have a potent -voice in presidential candidate picking in 1968-perhaps from their own ranks. Patronage at home and fre- quently the control of state dele- gations to the national political conventions enhance the power governors can wield in a presiden- tial election year. And the GOP' came out of Tuesday's balloting with an even half of the 50 gov- ernorships-in states that swing more than half the presidential tlectoral vote. It takes 270 of these votes to elect a president and these states have 20 more than that. From their view point of view, Republicans made a magnificent comeback in Tuesday's election- an election that followed a period in which Johnson's popularity had sagged in the polls. Dimension of Victory As one measure of the demen- sions of their victory, the Repub- licans did this: 0 They lost no incumbent sen- ator while toppling one incumbent * They lost one incumbent House member while defeating 40 incumbent Democrats. Of course, the Republicans had fewer incumbents to protect. . Even so, that last figure, espe- cially, holds ominous portents for the administration, since the cus- tomary coalition of Republicans and Southern Democrats will be strengthened to the point of jeop- ardizing some of Johnson's Great Society programs and blocking some possible new ones.' In the Senate, too, Johnson can expect both overlooking and over- seeing of items on his legislative slate. President can expect some splen- did cooperation on economizing. Mansfield stopped by his office of Capitol Hill in an interlude be- tween two weeks of arduous cam- paigning for the Democratic ticket back home in Montana and a rest in Florida. Mansfield, incidentally, lost no prestige as some other Democratic campaigners may have done. The House lineup for Montana stayed one Democrat, one Republican. And Mansfield's Democratic Sen- ate colleague, Lee Metcalf, threw back the challenge of Republican Gov. Tim Babcock by something like 136,000 votes to 119,000. As for the new outlook in the Senate, the senator told reporters: "It should be the time to stop, look and listen." Time for Tightening He said it should be a time for tightening up and reviewing laws enacted in the last two years and that it wasn't compulsory to pass a lot of new ones in the new Congress. Mansfield said Congress ought to go in for "exercise oversight," check up on new programs, and make sure Congress is getting value received for the money ap- propriated for them. While Mansfield was at the Senate, Dirksen was down at the White House-giving and talking turkey. Since the National Turkey' Federation has its headquarters at Mount Morris, Ill., Dirksen showed up with a Thanksgiving turkey for; the White House. He had a prediction about Con- gress and government spending, too. "I should judge the scalpel will be wielded rather freely," the senator surmised to newsmen. "A good hard look will be taken at the poverty program, and any other program where there may be waste or inefficiency," Dirksen said. He also mentioned demonstra- tion cities, rent subsidies and for- eign aid in this connection. And he said it would be a mis- take for Johnson to ask Congress again for open-housing legislation the Senate balked at giving him in the last session. Negro Candidates In other post-election develop- ments, Negro candidates made major breakthroughs in the U.S. elections this week, a nationwide survey shows. In some states a political color bar was breached for the first time in history. Most prominent of the Negro winners was republican Edward W. Brooke of Massachusetts, the first of his race elected to the U.S. Senate in 85 years. Perhaps even more sigificantly, Negroes across the country chalked up big gains at the grass-roots level, winning election to such posts as county commissioner, Cir- court clerk and Board of Educa- tion member. Some winners-and some losers -ran as Democrats, some as Re- publicans. Area Redistricting There were areas where redis- tricting made Negro victories, par- ticuarly in state legislative con- tests, a foregone conclusion, since members of their race dominated the voting lists. But elsewhere, the election of Negro candidates appeared to re- flect a more liberal view by a multiracial electorate. Mansfield and Dirksen From what the rival Senate Democrat. leaders, Mike Mansfield of Mon- * They lost two incumbent gov- tana for the Democrats and Ev- ernors while ousting five incum- erett M. Dirksen of Illinois for the bent Democrats. Republicans, were saying, the I LBJ Calls PARLEY WITH MARTIN: GOP Victory Gromyko Asks Bombing Halt Reasonable Before Start of Peace Talks -Associated Press NEW WEST GERMAN PREMIER Kurt Kiesinger, a former Nazi, was chosen by the dominant Christian Democrat party to try to form a majority coalition in the wake of Ludwig Erhard's gov- ernment's collapse. FIRST KNOWN USE: Viet COng Unleash Tear Gas AgainstUS Infantry Patrol Great Society Will Continue To Progress Despite Recent Losses JOHNSON CITY, Tex. (P)-Yes- terday President Johnson said he naturally was disappointed at Re- publican election victories, but felt he still had "a reasonable working majority" in Congress. And "it will not in any way' change our course of action in connection with security matters."I he declared. The President, at a LBJ Ranch news conference, conceded it would be more difficult for any new Great Society- legislation he might propose. But, he said, "it just looks like we'll have to get by" with margins of 248 to 187 in the House and 64 to 36 in the Senate The President had been holding discussions with Cabinet officials druing his respite at the LBJ Ranch, and he met yesterday with Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara McNamara, in shirtsleeves, re- ported they had discussed the possibility of deploying a U.S. anti-missile system to counter an anti-missile system the Russians are initiating and Chinese nuclear threat. "We concluded," McNamara added, "that it was much too early to -make a decision for deploy- ments against a Chinese threat." MOSCOW (P)-Soviet Foreign' Minister Andrei A. Gromyko told Canada's top diplomat yesterday the United States must halt bomb- ings of North Viet Nam before peace talks can begin. But the Canadian Foreign Sec- retary Paul Martin, said he was encouraged about disarmament prospects after a later meeting with Premier Alexei N. Kosygin. Canadian sources indicated Ko- sygin's attitude toward questions of European security, disarmament and nonproliferation of nuclear weapons held brighter prospects for East-West agreen'ent than aI Viet Nam settlement. While Martin was in Moscow, Sen. Mike Mansfield of Montana called yesterday for the U.N. Sec- S urity Council to hold a "cards on the table" session on the Viet Nam war with all interested parties in- vited, including Peking, Hanoi and. the Viet Cong as well as Saigon. Mansfield, the Senate Demo- cratic leader, criticized the United Nations for lack of action and said the war "already has the capacity to shake the precarious base of civilized human survival." Martin Visits Gromyko i Martin, who arrived Wednesday on a five-day visit, spent hours with Gromyko on Thursday morn- ing covering "virtually all aspects of the Viet problem," the sources said. It was understood Gromyko told. Martin that Moscow had no man- date from Hanoi to negotiate Viet' Nam peace terms. Gromyko also repeated demands for United States withdrawal from Viet Nam. Mansfield, in a speech prepared for Johns Hopkins University, said he didn't expect miracles from the United Nations, that the world body may be unable "to make a lontribution to peace in Viet Nam." Missing Link "It may also be, however, that the failure to seek a contribution Lunar IIPhotographs Moon Gemini Ready for Blastoff from the United Nations is the missing (link in the restoration of ueace in Viet Nam," he said. Recognizes Risks Mansfield acknowledged the risks of Communist turning down in- vitations to the type of U.N. dis- cussion he proposed, or turning it into a forum for "propaganda and invectives." "In so far as the United States is concerned, it is in the interest of this nation to welcome the con- frontation. SAIGON, South Viet Nam (P)- The Viet Cong, vehement in pro- bests against American use of tear gas, attacked a U.S. 1st Infantry Division patrol yesterday with nonpoisonous gas, a U.S. spokes- man announced. GIs in the patrol, believed to number about 30, donned gas masks which are part of their standard combat equipment. The action ebbed without a firefight and no injuries were reported. Tay Ninh Province The attack came in Tay Ninh Province of War Zone C on the Cambodian frontier northwest of Saigon, from where the Commu- nists try at the advent of the dry season each fall to promote a gen- eral offensive. Nonlethal Gas The Army spokesman said the gas was nonlethal and the gren- ades were not of U.S. manufacture. He said this was the first known use of gas by the Communists in the Viet Nam war. However, South Vietnamest authorities charged about 14 months ago that the Viet Cong fired nauses-inducing gas in an attack on some militiamen. Terror Attacks Meanwhile Viet Cong terror at- tacks are increasingly aimed at this country's police force, accord- ing to informed sources. "The general level of Viet Cong terror has remained fairly con- stant," these sources reported, but police installations are being at- tacked more often. Incomplete statistics show the Viet Cong assassinated 189 persons and abducted 489 between mid- September and mid-October. At least 52 of those killed in "selected "He is able to save them to the uttermost, who come to God by Him, seeing He ever liveth." Hebrews 7:25 CHURCH OF CHRIST' 530 West Stadium incidents" were government offi- cials, including police. Political Squabble Terrorism against the police comes at a time when they are encountering difficulties in en- larging the force and when the police head, Brig. Gen. Nguyen Ngoc Loan, is the subject of a political squabble. Loan has been criticized by some southern politicians for tactics which they said are akin to police state methods used under the late President Ngo Dinh Diem. South- erners contend Loan is harassing them at the behest of Premier Nguyen Cao Ky and the govern- ment's innner circle of northern- ers. Ky and his closest advisers are mostly natives of what is now Communist North Viet Nam. 0 American combat deaths per- sisted at a rate which may raise the war's total to 6,500 by the year end. r -M PASADENA, Calif. (1P) -Lunar Orbiter 2 joined the Soviet Luna 12 in moon orbit yesterday, but U.S. space agency scientists said there was no danger of collision or radio interference., Meanwhile, Gemini 12, Am'eri- ca's final man-in-space adventure of . 1966, sailed smothly toward blastoff Friday after technicians finally whipped rocket troubles that kept the pilots grounded two days. Mission officials checked rock- ets, men and weather, then gave the all-clear for the fiery start of the four-day journey through 1,- 600,000 miles of uncharted space. Lunar II, a 8501pound U.S. pho- Are You Ready for the Headache of the Sesequicentennial Year? Welf, for instance, are you prepared to discuss the famous fairy scene" in the all male Michigan Union Opera of 1923, with force and authority? Or, are you ready to carry on a light con- versation about the student who burned down old Haven Hall and why he did it? Are you set with enough documented examples to stay up until dawn discussing the. ugliness of the ^ first Michigan Coed and the relative merits of all the 'ones who followed her? Are you prepared to listen to innumerable old grads tell about the glories of their Sophomore year? World News Roundup tographic craft, burned a braking rocket for 10 minutes starting at 3:26 p.m. EST to slow its 3,125- mile-an-hour plunge past the moon to 600 m.p.h. Lunar Orbiter 2 and the Soviet Luna 12 both carry cameras to scout the moon's surface for fu- ture astronaut landings. The maneuver, just before Lu- nar Orbiter 2 swung behind the moon's eastern edge, was the trickiest demanded of the craft since it -was launched from Cape Kennedy, Fla., on Monday. By The Associated Press NORFOLK, Va. (A)-The Navy said yesterday the nuclear-pow-' ered submarine Nautilus collided with the aircraft carrier Essex while submerged in the Atlantic some 360 miles east of Morehead City, N.C. Naval authorities said the acci- dent occurred as the Nautilus- was making an approach during a replenishing mission. Damage to the superstructure of the submarine was described by the Navy as "extensive." There were no immediate reports of casualties.# ATLANTA, Ga. () - Twelve' voters appealed yesterday for a federal court order requiring a runoff between Republican How- ard H. Callaway and Democrat Lester G. Maddox, who were thrown into a no-majority dead- lock by a write-in campaign. Attorneys for the bipartisan voter group asked that their-law- suit be joined with one filed Wednesday in a move to block election of the governor by the Georgia Legislature. * * * UNITED NATIONS, N.Y.*(VP) - In the climax of a bristling de- bate, the U.N. General Assembly's Trusteeship Committee approved 94-2 yesterday a resolution urging Britain to use force if necessary to topple the breakaway white- minority regime in Rhodesia. Africans seeking to put pressure on Britain hoped to speed the resolution through the General Assembly Friday- The overwhelming majority in the committee assured approval by the assembly, YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE AGNOSTIC A Sunday Sermon by Hoover Rupert November 13-9:00 and 11:15 A.M. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH State and Washington Streets Broadcast WOIA-WO8, 11 :00 to 12:15: Premiere. Production ! COWBOY IN ABSENTIA by Dennis McIntyre University Players in Cooperation . with the Dept. of English TON IGHT through Saturday I 8 P.M. If you will be. read the GARGOYLE you TRUEBLOOD AUDITORIUM IL r CINEMA II _ ._ - -- -- ----,t' A IRT71 IF 1I IL M LUIS BUNUEL'S "THE YOUNG AND THE DAMNED" SAT., Nov. 12 NEWMAN CENTER 8 P.M., 50c admission 331 Thompson presents SUNDAYS AND CYBELE (Academy Award-Best foreign film of the year, 1962. French with English subtitles) "Exhilarating . . . a cinematic miracle!" --Crowther, N.Y. TIMES Friday and Saturday, 7 and 9 P.M. A,..J A An-f-.a1 -e.1 ' C S I .NOT FOB ALI our display of WEDGWOOD CAMEOS dating from the s8th century to the present day. 3c liieie nn nON SO. UNIVERSIT Y ( 1113 SOUTH"U. - ~is proud to invite you to be our guest and view these unusual (most are one of a kind) vieces: They 1' A ARK COFFEE HOUSE v 1421 Hill Street presents an original A . a A N /111/el i, Can Jews Be Pacifists? PAUL LAUTER-American Friends 11 ;, El 11