THURSDAY, NO1VEMOER 10,1~966 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIVE i 1 V ti/ a' a T i -4 . t - For Direct Classified Ad Service, Phone 764-0557" Monday through Friday, 12:30 to 2:30 P.M. VOICE-SDS Membership Meeting SGC Endorsements PLEASE CHECK YOUR AD The Michigan Daily makes every effort to avoid errors in advertisements. Each ad is carefully checked and proofread. But when you handle hundreds of ads each day, mistakes do slip through. We ask, therefore, that you check your ad and if you find an error, report it to The Michigan Daily Classified Dept., 764-0557 be- tween 12:30 p.m. and 2:30 p m. We regret that we can- not be responsible for more than one day's incorrect in- sertion if you do not call the error to our attention. Thank you. FOR RENT TWO MAN newly decorated apartment. Available now or Jan. 764-2416 days, 761-8573 evenings. C2 FEMALE ROOMMATE needed for mod- ern one bedroom apartment with swimming pool in Ann Arbor. Prefer nurse. Call 438-8280. C1 FC WINTER SEMESTER-Wanted 4th man for mod. 4-man apt, corner Packard and State. Lease thru April '67. $60/month. Call 662-6268. CB TWO MALE ROOMMATES needed for 4-man house, completely furnished, ?z block from stadium. $50 rent per month from Jan. 1-June 1. NO 2-8186. 601 E. WILLIAMS Modern furnished one-bedroom apt., half block from the dagonal. Recent- ly redecorated. 663-6052 or 662-7787. C43 FOR RENT-Modern two man efficiency apartment. One block from campus. Available for immediate occupancy. $65. 761-2844. 044 BARGAIN CORNER SAM,'S STORE Has Genuine LEVI'S Galore! For "Gals and Guys" LEVI'S SLIM-FITS-$4.98 "White" and 5 Colors CORD. SLIM-FITS--$5.98 LEVI'S STA-PREST PANTS Never Needs Ironing-$7 LEVI JACKETS "White"-Denim.-$6.98' LEVI'S Superslims-$4.98 LEVI'S Dungarees-$4.98 Guy's S-T-R-E-T-C-H LEVI'S-$5.98 Gal's S-T-R-E-T-C-H LEVI'S-$6.98 Sta-Prest Slim Fits-$5.98 Cotton Turtlenecks-$1.79 (All Kinds of Colors) Open Mon. & Fri. Nights SAM'S STORE 122 E. Washington FOR RENT NEED 1 GIRL (grad or sr.) for modern 2-man. 665-4557. C50 MODERN APT., 2 bdrm. Available Jan. 1. 1967. Tenants graduating. Call 761- 8326. C40 LARGE EFFICIENCY apartment to sublease beginning Dec. 25. 665-7596. C45 CAMPUS-BI-LEVEL modern furnished one bdrm. apt., air-cond., study area, parking. $175. 663-0866. 046 WANTED--4th man to share big apt.; amiable, studious. Start Jan. 1. Rent: $45/month. Call 663-7985. 047 GIRL WANTED for four-man apart- ment second semester.. Modern, close to campus. 715 Church, No. 7. 662-2100. 037 MODERN APT. 2-3 man, 2 bdrm., furnished, garage, close to campus. Available Jan. 11. Call 761-3366 after 5:30 p.m. C48 ONE MALE for two man apt. Call 662- 3651. C49 IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY--Apt. space for 2 men in four-man unit. oCntact House Manager, 406 Packard or call 761-4156. 040 STUDIOS-make reservations now for second semester. Ann Arbor Apart- ment Agency-sublet service, 1217 S. University. 761-3688. C41 PERSONAL PARK YOUR HONDA, hang up your sheepherders jacket, and meet the girls with the long blonde hair at the ALL CAMPUS MIXER; in the Union Ballroom on November 11. P44 PERSONAL JEFF L.: A very happy P-Bell! Ricki FC ONE SNOW TIRE FOR SALE - Brand new. 7.00 x .13. Call 761-2234. FB TRANSPORTATION RIDERS WANTED to Los Angeles or thereabouts Christmas Vacation. Call Stan Hoffman, 761-9695. 019 GOING TO N.W. DETROIT this week- end? Travel in style. Call Jon at 764-3614 for ride in on Friday after- noon. GD RIDERS WANTED to Ithaca or any- place in central New York, leaving anytime Friday, and returning Sun- day night the weekend of Nov. 11. GD HELP WANTED. BLOOD DONORS URGENTLY NEEDED $7.50 for Rh positive, $10, $12, $14 for Rh negative. Hours, Mon.-Thurs. 9-4; Fri. 1-7. 18-21 years old need parent's permission. Detroit lood Service, 404 W. Michigan, 'Ypsilanti, Mich. 483- 1894 H LOST AND FOUND Ranking Action 3RS Union 8:00 TONIGHT w"wo "GIFTS THAT RING when wedding bells chime." Austin Diamond, 1209 BE PROMPT damnit for the Gargoyle S. University. 663-7151. F3 Mass Meeting at 7:30 this Thursday ARETHE Sigma Pi Actives ready to n the Student:Publications Building. AR im 1Atvsray t REMEMBER 7:30 THURSDAY! PC lose? Fl PRE-THANKSGIVING HILLEL DE WOULD YOU belive it's actually com- SPECIAL - "Antennas and Antiqui- ing closer? FC ties"-an engaging and witty illu- strated talk by Prof. Edward Stas- SUPPORT the 1966-1967 INTRAMURAL heff who was on leave as Production ice-cart championships. Don't let Director of the Instructional Televi- your house be aced out by the IN- sion Trust of Israel-on Nov. 20. (No crowd. 665-9281. F8 Deli this Sunday). P45- yWE'VE BEEN put in a trick!! Need LBJ-Watch out. Finch is on his way. fourth man for inexpensive modern How well will he succeed? FE apartment, two blocks from campus, AME___TLT __________d __th so- for 2nd semester. Call 761-7666. FF AMBER FLATLETS abound with ,so- phisticates, esthetes, cognoscenti and Y.. enter alive; you leave living at the intelligentsia. 549-4045, Crooks Rd. SMITTY'S Friday night. F at 13%, Royal Oak. F46 ~F.B.I. BLACKLIST. DOCUMENTED. WOULD YOU believe once every two "The F.B.I. Security Affair" weeks? Apartment Four does it again! Bob Marshalls-Overbecks See ya Saturday night! Karin, P.Q., Jan, & Judy FC It m LOST-Gold ring initials H.B. vicinity WANTED!! - A ride to Chicago this of 925 Church St. Reward offered. weekend. Call Jeanne at 761-6872. 07 Call 665-4576. AA PHI EP'S FINEST RICH RAKER Needs a date for Saturday Call 761-3187 or 764-1097 3' WORKING GIRLS looking for 4th to share roomy apt. Will be available be- ginning of Dec. If interested call 663- 1431 after 5:30. C39 IMMEDIATELY WAfTED Two room- mates to fill 4 man apartment. New bldg., quiet neighborhood, one block from U. Towers. Call Dan, 761-8857 or Luis, 764-3150, 034 NEED ONE GIRL to share modern 4- man apt. 1015 Oakland, Apt. 2. 662- 8506. C29 BIKES AND SCOOTERS SPRING IS JUST AROUND THE COR- NER! Get your '65 Honda now. Exc. condition. Call Steve, 761-1755. ZB 1966 HONDA 305 Scrambler, four months old, excellent condition, best offer, must sell. 761-1303. ZE FREE with any repair order your motorcycle will be stored free over Thanksgiving holidays. Make reservations onw at UNIVERSITY MOTORCYCLE SALES 211. E. ANN 662-3979 BRIDGESTONE,' COTTON, AND HODAKA Z YAMAHA YDS-3, '66 250cc. Excel. cond. Best offer. Call Shefferly at 761-1345 or 665-3567. Z34 HONDA 50 Sport, 1400 miles, excellent condition, best offer. Call 761-5785. 1964 HONDA Super Sport. Good cond., must sell. 663-1173. Zil BLACK Suzuki X-6 HUSTLER. Only 950 miles. Only $598. 662-4100. ZA Available Now Yamaha Sportscycles from 50 cc. to 305 cc., including the unbeatable YL-1 twin cylinder Yamaha. Bank financing. NICHOLSON MOTOR SALES Triumph, Yamaha, BMW 224 S. First 662-7409 USED CARS '60 VW. GOOD condition. New tires. Call662-5252. N29 RAMBLER AMERICAN, 1964. $625. Call 665-2150 after 5 p.m, N31 BUICK, LeSabre '60, 4 dr. sedan, auto- matic trans., power steering and brakes, new tires, EXC. cond. $495. Call 668-6100. N30 G.T.O. 1965, 2-door hardtop, tri-poer, 4-speed, new 4-ply tires. Call 663-9875 after 5 p.m. N PERSONAL Evaluation of the JOHNSON BACK- LASH at SMITTY'S. F48 HOW can it be COOL if it's in the Quad? I don't know but IT IS. SMITTY'S Friday. - F47 WANTED - Cats, any size, shape or style. Call either Mike Less or Steve or, Stevie!) at 662-0983 anytime. F50 BAHAMAN HOLIDAY December 27 - January 2 $193.00 Includes Round-Trip Fare Full Week at Freeport Motel Ground Transportation and others. For details call 665-2806. After 5 p.m. FOR SALE-Two sets of two tickets for Thurs. Soph Show. Call Steve Muffic at 663-6710. P49 THIS SATURDAY the Sigma Pi actives become permanent fixtures of the Palmer Field Turf. F2 LOST WATCH-White gold, 23 jewel, square face, link chain. Vicinity of Phi Ep house or South Quad. Senti- mental value. Reward. Call Karen, 764-0777. FA Rent Your TV from NEJAC GE and Zenith portables for only $10 per month. FREE service and delivery. Phone 662-5671 NOW. F WAKE UP SERVICE-Have your phone ring at any designated time-day or night-LOW RATES. DON'T BE LATE FOR CLASS OR WORK - AGAIN. TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE, 665-8871 (24 hours). F BUT I WARN YOU, that if you do not admit we are a war, if you again defend all the infamies and atro- cities of this Antichrist, upon my word, I believe he is, I will not know you in future, and you are no longer my friend, no longer my faithful slave, as you say. But how do you do? I see I have frightened you, sit down and talk to me. FC BUSINESS SERVICES TYPING, ACCURATE, PROFESSIONAL, THESES, DISSERTATIONS, MANU- SCRIPTS, ETC. 439-2831. J20 RIDERS WANTED to Grand Rapids-- Late Sat. night (probably midnight) and return Monday afternoon. Call Jake at 764-8585 between 6 p m. and 1 a.m. G RIDER WANTED to Buffalo, N.Y., this weekend. Leaving Fri. after 10 a.m. to return on Sun Call Marty, 761-3187. MISCELLANEOUS HILTON SINGLE DANCE CLUB will hold a dance every Friday night at the Y.W.C.A. Parker Room from 9-12. Good music for your dancing pleasure. M23 STOLEN ID Well worn U of M ID number 466-225-0 name of Charles Edward Humphrey Jr. This notice is published to warn anyone accepting this card as identi- fication that he does so at his own risk. M21 FRATERNITY & SORORITY BANQUETS For your dinner meetings, dances, or banquets . . . excellent food and ac- ' commodations for up to 140. Reason- ably priced. Call Manager, Huron Mo- tor Inn, HU 3-1771, Ypsilanti. M HELP WANTED SUNDAY DELIVERY BOY wanted. $2 hour. Must have car. Call Student News Agency after 7 p.m. 665-8786. H47 PERSONNEL RECRUITER Young man to be trained. Must be willing to travel throughout U.S.A. weekly by jet. Will contact and in- terview engineers and scientists for major computer and aerospace man- ufacturers. Consider for short or long term. Must be over 21. Contact R. W. Reilly for appointment, .662-3876. H44 COUPLE WANTED. As relief house parents for Washtenaw County Juv- enile Home. Live in private apartment. Responsible for supervision of 12 teenagers from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Sun- day through Friday. Good salary plus fringe benefits including Blue Cross and life insurance. Call 665-7511, ext. 277. E45 PART-TIME EVENINGS - Interview work four evenings per week (5-10:30 p.m.). Call for Mr. Holt. for interview, 761-1488. H46 WOMEN with good speaking voices needed to do telephone work. Good hourly rate plus bonus. Ideal for stu- dents. Part-time day or evening hours. Phone 761-8620. H43 MASTER and DOCTOR of SCIENCE IN NUCLEAR ENGINEERING: Financial aid available for Engineering and Science Majors for study in Nuclear Engineering. Fellowships, trainee- ships, and research assistantships available. For information write: Chairman, Dept. of Nuclear Engineer- ing, University of Virginia, Char- lottesville, Virginia. .H37 PAID PSYCHOLOGICAL subjects want- ed at Mental Health Research Insti- tute. Call Pam Liggett, NO 8-7516, Mon.-Th. 7-10 p.m. H24 LOST-Brown wallet, last Wed., urgent- ly needel. Reward for return, Call F. P. Weber, 761-7980. A12 LOST-One silver lady's Bulova watch on Central campus. 764-2976. A13 FOUND in Undergraduate Library-A fairly small, greyish, male, alley cat. Owner please call 784-2770. AV $10 REWARD. Gold wedding ring, heavy with swirling, linear design. Call Bob eves. 761-4121. A9 LOST-Raccoon Hat, Wed., Nov. 2 be- tween Thompson St. parking struc- ture and Haven Hall. Name inside. Please call Judy, 764-8382. A10 LOST-Art 571 Notebook. Reward. Call Carolyn White, 764-2041. A7 ON SIDEWALK between Aud. B and diag, on south side of Angell Hall- Heirloom ring, gold, 3 rubbies, set vertically with 2 pearls. Substantial reward offered; immense sentimental value. Please help!! Call 665-5720, Debbie. A6 WANTED TO BUY (This offer good any time) F~MECHANICAL ENGINEERS CAREER OPPORTUNITIES FOR GRADUATE ENGINEERS IN THE GRAPHIC ARTS FIELD PRODUCT DESIGN *CUSTOMER SERVICE * SALES MANFACTURING We offer challenging positions in the above areas to quali- fied technically trained men who desire a future with a well established progress-orientated organization. Miehle-Goss-Dexter, Inc., is the world's largest manufacturer- distributor of printing presses and associated graphic arts machinery. The MIEHLE DIVISION is the world's leading pro- ducer of sheet fed presses for commercial printers and lithog- raphers, book and magazine printers, label printers, carton plants and printing departments of large businesses. Our representatives will be on your campus NOVEMBER 15, 1966. Arrange an interview through the Placement Office or mail your resume to ONE SNOW TIRE WANTED - Brand IRONING done. For information, call new. 7.00 x .13. Call 761-2234. FB 665-8732. J19 LES MADDOX and Alaska Governor: Kiss Off! FC IT'S GETTING bigger and it's coming closer. FD ALTERATIONS and TAILORING men's and ladies' clothing in excellent work- manship. 225 E. Liberty St. 665-8195. J18 ' Be IN on the biggest, most exciting event of the academic year. Attend the Gargoyle Mass Meeting this Thursday at 7:30 in the Student Pub- lications Building for more details. WILL DO TYPING - Theses, term papers, general typing. Call after 5. OR 5-8780. J14 WANTED TO BUY-2 tickets for Fri. Night Soph Show or will trade for 2 Thurs. night tickets. Call John at 764-3622. K21 WANTED-4 tickets to Soph Show. Fri. night. Call Jan, 764-9891. K20 WANTED TO RENT ATTRACTIVE SINGLE ROOM right next to campus. Available for next semester. Refrigerator, semi-private bath. Leave message to Khoi Vu or 663-9364 or stop by Rm. 1, 413 S. Forest, eves. $55 per month rent. L10 FOR SALE FOR SALE-4 Soph Show tickets for Sat. Call Andy at 665-8187. B5 ARGUS 35 mm c-3 match-matic camera. Exc. cond. $35. Call 663-3105 after 3:30 p.m. B6 HONDA C110 50cc sport. $125. Call 761-2479. B4 FOR SALE-1965 Honda 5-90, red, im- maculate, rack, all proper service on record. Call David at 663-9854 after midnight. BC FOR SALE - ESPANA GUITAR that sells for $160 at University Music House plus Hardshell case worth $30. Both $105. Call David at 663-9854 after midnight. Perfect. BC ELECTROLUX tank type vacuum clean- er, all attachments in good cond. Will sell for $35. 663-917. B2 HONDA SUPER HAWK, has new pis- tons and rings. $450. 665-6601. B33 i 761-3993 HAIR REMOVALYornmefoQUCA URT BY ELECTROLOSIS is a disgusting top- AND EXPERIENCED manusCr RAnd ic for a personal column. Much bet- thesis typing, transcriptIon-medical, ter you read about the special 52- legai and technical conferences: page Sesquicentennial issue of Garg- mimeographing offset; ditto; litho- oyle, coming to campus November 16. graphy; varityping and composition. J.A.R.-Welcome to Ann Arbor, the big AA PROFESSIONAL SERVICE U., and apartment 12! FC ASSOCIATES. INC MR. JOHN P. MEYER Assistant Personnel Manager YOU CAN'T TEACH an old Psych stu-. dent new analytical techniques, for id will expand his ego. PC BLESSED are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth, though their in-! heritance may not be worth the traumas required to acquire it. PC JAY the Cockroach Pt. I, Ch. 5-Yes- terday, Jay had an exam and had to ask for a recommendation and' thusly did not appear, today. He had excaped from the x-r-t wavetube with Jennie's help and now was happilyI going about his life. Wandering through the halls of Angell, he met his one true love-Jezabel. Boy' What! a chick or a cockroach she way! PC 334 Catherine MUSICAL MDSE., RADIOS, REPAIRS A-1 New and Used IR struments BANJOS, GUITARS, AND BONGOS PAUL'S MUSICAL REPAIR 119 W. Washington SPINET PIANO BARGAIN Wanted: Responsible party to take over low monthly payments on a spinet piano. Can be seen locally. Write Credit Manager, P.O. Box 276, Shelby- ville, Indiana. X11 THE MIEHLE COMPANY DIV. OF MIEHLE-GOSS-DEXTER, INC. 2011 W. HASTINGS STREET CHICAGO 8, ILLINOIS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNTY EMPLOYER 4 ::w UAC Academic Affairs Committee Presents THREE MEN ON A RAFT &aokeft 4 Mid-Season SALE $401,000 Fall and Winter Fashions (all from our regular stock) Q?' 4 l= .l .,Sf' REDUCED TO CLEAR CHICAGO PUBLIC SCHOOLS will have a representative on campus November 16, 1966 For information about certification, procedures and teaching opportunities, arrange for appointment at: UNIVERSITY PLACEMENT OFFICE Attention Contact Lens earers Save 35% On Wetting Solution Mon., Nov. 14 7:30 P.M. UGLI Multipurpose Rm. i. I English Professor Marvin Felheim Psychology Professor Harlan Lane -Philosophy Professor Arnold Kaufman The three men are floating on a raft in an ocean. There is a certain amount of food and water on the raft. Each man will argue why he, being what he represents in the academic world, has the right to the food and water. I; I - I DRESSES - SPORTSWEAR - KNITS - COATS 1,000 SPORTSWEAR Items Sweaters - Skirts - Slacks - Tops - Jackets 399 to 1499 were to 25.00 All Famous American and Import Designers BETTER DRESSES CAR COATS DESIGNER KNITS including jackets frOm 999 1299 99 1999 to 4999 were to 45.00 junior, misses, petites were to 55.00 were to 85.00 1 E _.___'II I WETTING SOLUTION-SOAKING SOLUTION-CONTACT LENS CLEANER SOLUTIONS DECONGESTANT DROPS CONTACTISOL ALLERGAN Send Coupon To With Check or Money Order Contact Lens Solutions P.O. Box 2282 Lansing, Mich. ONLY $100 Ear. mm mm. mm mm mm - mm m mtminn I *Name *Address SCHARTERED M ET FIGHTS TO EUROPE, SUMMER, 1967 MASS MEETING Monday, Nov. 14, at 7:30 Sale begins Friday 9:30 A.M. Come early for Best Selection Save as you complete your winter wardrobe Students, have you tried LIBERTY CAR WASH 31 R W Liberty (3 blocks west of Main St.) Open to 9 P.M. Friday &, 9:30-5:30 Saturday and do your Christmas Shopping early YOU MAY LAY AWAY JcS REDUCED FASHIONS I I A& a ft A-9 k I A M L l I