DEMOCRATIC PARTY REGROUPS (See Editorial Page) L S ir~rgx D43aii 4 TURNING COLDER High-46 Low-38 Rain turning to snowflurries Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVII, No. 60 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1966 SEVEN CENTS New Regents avor Student okesman to EIGHT PAGES Board By MARK R. KILLINGSWORTH Editor The University's two Regents- elect last night gave qualified en- dorsement to the .idea of a stu- dent representative to the Re- gents. Mrs. Trudy Heubner and Rob- ert Brown, both Republicans, said: in separate interviews that stu- dents should have an advisory O voice in University decisions from the departmental level on up. Mrs. Heubner said that having a student representative entitled to appear before the Regents to dis- cuss matters of student concern is "only fair-the democratic way! of the University." Wq She added, however, that such a representative could not be a member of the board as such, but would simply appear before them. Brown, saying that "there should be communication between all lev- in the of els of the University communi- Chief Fi: ty," declared that, "If you have the Pierpont machinery available for choosing a don't b( student representative serving in should i an official capacity, someone who day-by-d has been duly elected and recogniz- versity." ed, I think the means should be He ad provided for student communica- way that tion directly with the Regents." Arbor a Brown added that he doubted which m such student - Regental communi- every da cation would occur before each the very monthly Regents meeting. "If it professor looks like there is a need for it are the every month, fine, but I don't wrk'." think that would be the case," he said. "It would probably occur in- Also co frequently and only on a few mat- role ind ters of great concern." tests suc Asked about his views on the teach-in role of the Regents in University- "If activ student relations in light of the Universit teach-in and the September sit-in they sho fice of Vice-President and gents, who may have to decide nancial Officer Wilbur K. whether questions of academic or , Brown declared: "I just non-academic freedom are at is- elieve that the Regents sue. Sometimes University policy inject themselves into the itself .must be examined because day operations of the Uni- it cannot fit all situations which ded, "There is no possible t a Regent can sit in Ann and make the decisions ust be made every hour of ay. Our job is to select best administrators and s, and tell them, 'Here guidelines, now go to mmenting on the Regents' dealing with activist pro- ch as the sit-in and the , Mrs. Heubner declared, ists break the rules of the ty or state or federal law, ould come before the Re- might arise." Both Regents-elect said the se-: lection of a successor to President Hatcher is a top priority decision. Mrs. Heubner said she feels the University should have a "fairly young" man with "a lot of ideas and a lot of courage.'' She added that the next presi- dent "must have a reputation as a scholar and should be a diplo- mat-even a salesman." She continued, "There are so many college presidents I know who are good men but are on a single track. Ours should be a man who has experience in many fields who can see how everything fits in at the University." Brown commented that "a uni- versity of this size needs a man of stature among university adminis- trators. He's got to be a man with broad vision, someone who is at- tuned to the modern concept of college life and college programs." Mrs. Heubner said she also hopes to concentrate on "upgrading sci- ence and research at the Univer- sity," adding, "that's my 'crusade'." The University "is losing its standing among excellent schools, on the east and west coast in this field," she commented. The University "should have en- dowed chairs here and generally elevate science and research - we have to get new scientists who can bring new jobs to Michigan and do what Cal Tech and Massachu-! setts Institute of Technology stu- dents are doing for their states," able to apply what they're learn- she declared. ing to an actual working situa- Brown said he particularly wants Lion." to "work to figure out ways to Mentioning such a program al- cope with the mounting problems ready in operation at the Univer- of increased enrollment, to deter- sitys Dearborn branch, Brown mine our needs in housing, class- said, "If the University could try rooms and professors. to lead the way in this area per- "We must know where we're go- haps we'd have a greater purpose ing to recruit g food faculty and in our learning process." how we're going to keep them here-how we will compete with industry and government," he went on. "Trying to maintain our stand-: ard of excellence is my main con- cern." He added that the other "big project" he is interested in is the possibility of "combining the learning process with a working process." Brown explained that he hopes to find ways for students "to. be Brown and Mrs. Heubner de- feated incumbent Democrat Irene Murphy and fellow-Democrat John J. Collins by relatively comfortable margins. The defeat of Mrs. Mur- phy and the expiration of retiring Democratic Regent Carl Brablee'sa term leaves only one Democrat, Al- lan R. Sorenson, as a Regent. In other education board con- tests, Republicans James O'Neil and Leroy Augenstein defeated Democratic incumbents Donald M. D. Thurber and Dr. Leon Fill for the State Board of Education, cre- ating a Democratic-Republican balance of 6-2. Victors for Michigan State Uni- versity Board of Trustees were Re- publicans Kenneth Thompson and incumbent Frank Merriman. They defeated incumbent Warren Huff and Nathan Conyers, both Demo- crats. The MSU board now has a 5-3 division favoring the Demo- crats. Wayne State University's Board of Governors is now evenly split, 4-4, after both Republican can- didates, Dr. Alfred H. Sokolowski and incumbent Norman Stockmey- er, won over incumbent Mrs. Jean McKee and Leslie Schmier, the two Democrats seeking election. The newly-elected board mem- bers take office Jan. 1, 1967. Y NEWS WIRE' r Student Organization s THE CITY CHARTER AMENDMENT passed Tuesday con- cerning the sale of liquor in the "dry island" area around central campus will not eliminate that area. It will only permit the sale of packaged liquor by establishments other than drug stores. The amendment corrects a state law requiring all drug stores to have a registered pharmacist on duty. Since the sale of liquor was limited to only drug stores, this law prevented those stores without pharmacists from retaining or getting liquor licenses. The amendment, however, still does not allow the sale of liquor for consumption on the premises. * * * * UNIVERSITY SOCIAL SCIENTISTS, began yesterday a ma- jor study concerned with public opinion and voting behavior based on Tuesday's election. The 1966 election study by the Survey Research Center of the Institute for Social Research is the ninth in a series of presidlential and congressional elections studies initiated in 1948. The Survey Research Center maintains a staff of trained in- terviewers in 76 areas, located in 36 states and in Washington, D.C. These interviewers will contact about 1600 respondents, chosen scientifically to provide an accurate cross-section of the, opinions of the American people. Results of the interviews, never identified with any indi- vidual or address, will be coded, analyzed, and published in a statistical report. The report will be used by government offi- cials, businessmen, economists, and educators. * . SEVERAL CHANGES IN THE administrative personnel of the Office of the Registrar were recently announced by Edward G. Groesbeck, University registrar. In the newly created post of assistant registrar is Harris D. Olson, director of the statistical service in the office since 1958. Tom Turner, supervisor of the statistical service, succeeds Olson as its director. Don Beach will replace director of registration Douglas Woolley who has been named the first registrar at Washtenaw Community College. John Stewart will succeed Beach as super- visor of advanced classification. Herbert Sigman has been named to succeed E. Jack Petoskey as director of orientation. Petoskey is the dean-elect of Alpena Community College. Sigman was formerly assistant to the dean in freshman and sophomore counseling, in the Col- lege of Literature, Science and the Arts. Larry Katz will replace Thomas Clark as administrative assistant to the registrar in charge of Selective Service counsel- ing and student certification. Clark will become the new super- visor of records. e gulations Approved B Y * * * * * 7* * * Committee To Confer Euaculty May Leave 'W ith R egents By MEREDITH EIKER There are 24 regents at Berke- Copyright 1966, The Michigan Daily ley, 16 of when are appointed forj Informed sources at the Univer- year terms. Reagan probably By PAT O'DONOHUE sity and elsewhere said yesterday won't have the opportunity to ap- that professors at the University ponocta n eetwti A report by Prof. Arthur East- of California, Berkeley, may be the next 15 months, the official man of the English department, seeking new positions as a result added. chairman of the Faculty Advisory the election of Republican Ron- Equilibrium Committee on Presidential Selec- aldhRecgin af gepurnicanfRCn- Many at Berkeley feel, however, tion, indicates that the committee ald Reagan as governor of Cal- that Reagan will not be able to wants to continue its consultation According to these sources, ev- wit he Regents up to eral dissatisfied Berkeley faculty: decision on the University's next members may consider the Uni- President...' . versity in their decsion to change After giving a brief review of jersii h e alrea n-e the committee's activities at jobs. Officials have already con- ?Monday's meeting of the literary; tacted some Berkeley professors. college faculty, Eastman said: One University official here A peace candid "The Regental Committee (on termed Reagan's success at the presidential selection)has askednd polls a "political tragedy" and re- ::.. . . . .;".;.. ferred to widespread rumors "sup- fnO mO it Ai'.,U I i taU ~LaaA n snn. ? destroy the university's rium primarily because th ty has nothing to hide an therefore survive an inv onslaught. The effects of a tracted investigation woul ever, harm Berkeley's rep in the academic communit pus sources report. Berkeley equilib- One University professor who e facul- recently visited Berkeley for a d could onference commented that a gen- eral "joke" atmosphere pervaded estigate the campus there before thej my pro- gubernatorial election, and that d, how- visiting professors quipped that if putation Reagan were elected, other uni- y, cam- versities could begin raiding the Berkeley faculty. )NA LITY PROFIL .t:t: :i '.1e}"..".L.....:J..J::s .:lit iimaggelmismig.. m smm11}....1.........J...... s O:Js :".::Jj.:... NN%##imiis##iiig22missN#AN#%%#%25%'!##%%%25!!%##%!525#imiMimi!Nesesm:-:-N's and there will be yet further, meetings. We look forward to a continuing consultative role as the selection procedure works out to a presperous conclusion." A key administrator in the lit- erary. college said last night that the report "definitely shows the active interest the faculty com- mittee and the faculty in general have in continuing their role in the process of presidential selec- tion." One Regent said yesterday "we think highly of these committees and continue to look forward to their operations" but that "this is a confidential matter and cannot' be made public until we know, what we're doing. We can't elect, the President in the public eye." ported by faculty at Berkeley" hat his election might create an "unpleasant and unfavorable" at- mosphere at the university there. Investigation Reagan proposed during his campaign to investigate the Berkeley campus thoroughly. The governor-elect of California in- dicated that he wanted the Berke- ley regents to ask former CIA di- rector John McCone to undertake such an investigation. McCone, according to a Berkeley official, said he would not pursue the investigation without this re- gent request. The source said further that the regents would un- doubtedly defeat Regan's proposal by a probable 17-7 margin if asked to consider it. C decd voti sion she gre& Arb Iter. a ni serv the stro A Dem dep way 'peas best to b tinu F Ker nom By MEREDITH EIKER originally, Elise Boulding had ided merely to abstain from ing in the district's Congres- nal election when she found could not fully support Con- ssman Wes Vivian (D-Ann or) in his bid for asecond n. "Vivian is competent and ice guy," Mrs. Boulding ob- ved, "but his stand against war in Viet Nam wasn't ing enough." number of other people- mocrats, Republicans, and in- endents alike-felt the same and figured that a write-in ace' candidate would be their t method of expressing their ings to the public. "I agreed be that candidate," she con- ued. inding her husband - Prof. nneth Boulding of the eco- nics department-enthusias- about her candidacy and her dren-a son and a daughter Ann Arbor High School, two s in elementary school, and on at Antioch College-at t agreeable to'their mother's tical aspirations, Mrs. Boul- g set up campaign headquar- in the Peters' Hotel at64th Ann Streets. I don't think the appeal of idea of a peace candidate While the official count of the number of write-in votes Mrs. Bouldings actually received is not yet final, the defeated peace candidate does not feel direct- ly responsible for Vivian's fail- ure to win the re-election. "I'm sure,". she says, "that my total votes will not come anywhere near equaling the differential between the votes of Esch and Vivian." Mrs. Boulding is not current- ly making plans to run again as a peace candidate in the' '68 elections. As far as she's. con- cerned the establishment of a formalized Peace Party, or other third party, in Ann Arbor is an open question. "We don't want to jell our ideas prematurely or become a small 'in-group' or . partisan third party. We want to leave the door open for everyone con- cerned about domestic and for- eign policies." Mrs. Boulding has not set her sights low, nor does she intend to retire in defeat. Next se- mester she'll be teaching a sec- tion in "Marriage and the Fam- ily" here at the University. But when 'she's not in class or at home with her family, she'll undoubtedly be found at her headquarters, promoting peace. GEncompass Provisions For Appeal Rules Do Not Require Membership Lists, Mandatory Advisers By REGINA ROGOFF Student Government Council last "night approved a slightly re- vised set of regulations for gov- erning student organizations. The new rules are essentially the same as those passed a month ago, except that they clearly spell out procedures for appeal when disciplinary action is taken against an organization. They reassert SGC's original position that stu- dent organizations should not be required to maintain either fac- ulty advisors or membership lists, in spite of a letter from Vice- President for Student Affairs Richard L. Cutler which criticized council's failure to provide for mandatory faculty advisers and raised questions about the ad- visability of permitting "clande- stine organizations" on campus. Prior to writing his letter, Cutler had reviewed the original version of the regulations, announced that he might veto it, and asked the Committee on 'Deferral to prepare a report on. SGC's action. The committee, which serves Cutler in an advisory capacity, submitted its report to him two weeks ago; he then passed it on to Council, along with -the letter expressing his own views. Criticisms Both the Committee on Referral report and Cutler's letter were critical of SGC's failure to make faculty sponsors mandatory and to provide procedues to insure duie process in .disciplinary cases. Cutler's letter, but not the com- mittee report, also included the reservations about "clandestine or- ganizations." In a split vote, the committee recommended that Cut- ler not veto the regulations, and the vice-president simply urged council to reconsider its action in light of his letter. Cutler appeared at last night's meeting before the vote was tak- en and answered SGC members' questions about student organiza- tion rules and several other issues. Rationale At the same time as it passed the new regulations, SGC adopted a motion explaining the rationale for its action. The letter states that nember- ship lists are inadvisable because of procedural problems they would pose for the Office of Student Af- fairs and the necessity of "pro- tecting the individual political rights of organization members." Instead of listsrSGC'c new rules require organizations to submit the names of two officers-enough, according to the letter, to prevent "clandestine organizations" and to facilitate communcations be- tween SGC'and the organizations. ELISE BOULDING AT MICHIGAN STATE: AAUP Requests ATL To Re-eXamne chiL at I son. eeision Not To Rehire Instructors leas [ poli dinE By LAURENCE MEDOW versity College which includes Zeitgeist has been described by The AAUP chapter's statement ters No re-evaluation has yet been ATL, called the AAUP suggestion Strandness as a "free-swinging resulted from a two-week inquiry and scheduled on the decision not to "the most irresponsible statement magazine" and it has been sug- prompted by requests from several|s" rehire three Michigan State Uni- that it has been my misfortune to gested that the association with chapter members. ! the versity instructors in the depart- read." Zeitgeist influenced the appoint- --------N C - E S ment of American thought and Carlin said the council had "de- ment decision. - TWmTCOED S language (ATL), according to liberately maligned the integrity According to Strandness, the VIVIAN Prof. Benjamin Strandness, chair- and good faith of all who partici- trio's appointments were consider- man of the department. - pated in the decision" and de- ed by a democratically-elected ad-, The executive council of MSU's manded proof of the charges or a visory committee of department t chapter of the American Associa- public retraction. members which decided not to re-' tion of University Professors "in- Due Process new them. He said that the basis vited" ATL to re-examine its de- The AAUP statement said that for their decision is a "private cision not to reappoint Robert' due pi'ocess had been followed in and privileged matter." FogartynKen Lawless and Gary the ATL decision and that it con- However, a recently-circulated W Groat. According to Ervin Barnes, formed to AAUP and MSU regu- student petition, with almost 2000 for president of the council, the sug- :lations. But the statement went signatures, demands release of the days gestion was made to "clear the on to say that "the non-reap- reasons for the dismissals. Elise air" on a situation which has be- pointment raises broader issues of Strandness described the situa- writ come a controversial issue on the sound personal policies and pro- tion as a "very, common, routine thet MSU campus. - cedures." Academic freedom for procedure" and indicated that he Vivia Many doubts have been raised non-tenure probationary facul-y did. not see any justification for _- .gain in the university community as to members depends on sound pro- the interest it has generated in ond whether or not the three men were cedures, Barnes said. the press. Students are discover- M denied reappointment for purely In striving for excellence, the ing some facts of profesisonal life :>won professional reasons, Barnes said. statement said, a university "has which they seem previously un- ality "But the AAUP does not accuse the right to deny reappointment aware of, he said. "There's miore ing's I-1-APT priartmonit of hing non- t farn mmrc mwhns Dr- involved in such decisions than buts was confined to a small group of intellectuals. When I did some door-to-door work in Mon- roe, I found a lot of older peo- ple who had been through the World Wars opposed to the Viet Nam conflict. "If we had had time and re- sources to do extensive cam- paigning, we probably would have found people in the rural areas-Congressman-elect Mar- vin Esch's stronghold-and in the poorer sections of Ann Ar- bor supporting us on the peace issue." ampig ot Deciding Factor By RON KLEMPNER ith official totals unavailable at least two or three more ,it is quite apparent that Mrs. Boulding's campaign as a e-in Peace candidate was not deciding factor in Rep. Wes an's, (D-Ann Arbor) failure to reelection in Michigan's Sec- Congressional District. arvin Esch, (R.-Ann Arbor) the seat with a 2700 vote plur- . The best estimate of Bould- strength runs around 1000, a more conservative estimate of write-in votes, was that most of the voters wh6 wanted to write in Mrs. Boulding, for Congress, did not know how to go about it. They voted for Mrs. Boulding for every- thing from Governor to judge- ships, In fifteen precincts of Ann Ar- bor, where write-in votes were re- ported, 112 out of 408 write-in votes were for other offices. Other reasons for invalid write-in votes were improper registration on the machine, or-ia failure to prop- erly indicate who the candidate at approximately 4;00 A.M. yes- terday morning. He said that he had made no decision in regards to running for Congress in 1968, but that he would make an an- nouncement some time in the fu- ture. Considering the close race .this time, despite a general Re- publican s w e e p on Governor George Romney's coattails, indi- cations are that Vivian may run again. . In the 18th State Senatorial District, including all of Wash- tenaw, and some of Lenawee :j ,I