WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER, 9, 1966 TILE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THE WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9,1966 THE MICUIGAN UAILY PAtH! rimi~v p 4 Ca N.I al 1 a"JLI F/ * North Vietnamese Looking for Crucial Militt iry Win By WILLIAM L. RYAN Associated Press Special Correspondent SAIGON, South Viet Nam (P)- U.S. military men say the Com- munists in Viet Nam are despe- rately in need of a significant battle victory, and probably are building up in the north for an attempt 'to achieve one. Military sources say Gen. Wil- liam C. Westmoreland, the U S. commander in Viet Nam, is con- cerned about the demilitarized zone between North and South Viet Nam, created by the 1954 Geneva Conference which divided the nation. Signs of a big Communist build- up have been detected in the gen- eral area, along with indications that the North Vietnamese 324B Division, badly hurt by the U S. Marines' Operation Hastings in August, is being reactivated. U.S. attention also is turned to the south-to the Mekong Delta area, where up to now there has been no major American deploy- ment. An American drive into the delta is in prospect. The military sources say the Red buildup in the north is being weighed against the lack of a sig-' nificant Viet Cong or North Viet- namese military success since last March, when a Special Forces en- campment was overrun in three days of fighting in Thua Thien Province. An upsurge in Viet Cong terror in many areas of South Viet Nam is interpreted as a reflection of Communist frustration. The terror is described as wanton, as if Com- munist discipline were slipping somewhat. Military authorities say the Viet Cong are showing an increased disinclination to stand and fight anywhere, preferring instead to use their old hit-and-run tactics. This does not presage anything like a Communist collapse, but it does indicate the Communist side is hurting, they add. There is an outside possibility that the Communist quest for a victory might be an attempt to strengthen Hanoi's bargaining po- sition, although there has been no sign from North Viet Nam that it is ready yet to go to a conference table. Military men's assessments of the over-all situation are tinged with cautious optimism, ilthough they admit that in present cir- cumstances victory is a long way off. If, indeed anybody could de- fine just what victory might be in this sort of war. They say more troops are need- ed, but not necessarily for combat. Rather, they, say, manpower is needed to support revolutionary development teams in a pacifica- tion program to rebuild South Viet Nam's hamlets and secure them from Red attack. Even those hamlets designated as pacified-there are not many- still must be on guard day and night and must conduct constant patrolling of wide perimeters around the hamlets. Despite the trace of optimism, little has changed in Viet Nam for many months except that it is now regarded as impossible for the Americans to be defeated. The enemy remains difficult to find. The Communists do nor at- tack superior forces or comnmit themselves to set-piece battles against vastly superior firepower. They have to be hunted down and flushed out. There have been a number of U.S. military successes north of. the Mekong Delta, but the delta remains a long-term military, problem. The rice basket of the nation is the region where half the population lives. It has suffered heavy civilian casualties since 1961... While much of the war In Viet Nam has become a purely Amer- ican operation, the war in the delta is between guerrillas and government militia forces for the most part. The army of the Republic of Viet Nam (ARVN) is doing little actual fighting. In the areas where the Americans are carrying the burden of the war, the ARVN forces are concerned largely with rear-guard duties. Even in the Mekong Delta, where there still are only a rela- tive few American troops, ARVN forces are not heavily engaged. The Americans are reported ready to deploy parts of several divisions in the delta for a drive which may have a telling effect on the out- come of the war. Successor For Erhard Considered German Chancellor Agrees to Party Plan, Suggested Heirs BONN, Germany (W)-Chancel- for Ludwig Erhard agreed last night after a sharp parliamentary setback to let his Christian Dem- ocratic party choose a 'possible successor and said he would sup- port any one of four men for his job. The full membership of the par- ty will meet today to select the candidate whom President Hein- rich Lubecke will nominate to Parliament to try to end the crisis precipitated by the breakdown of Erhard's ruling coalition late last month. Erhard, 69 and head of the WestI German government for tho past three years, agreed to support any one of these four men as his suc- cessor: Possible Successors -Rainer Barzel, 42, Christian Democratic leader in the Bun- destag. -E u g e n e Gerstenmaier, 60, president of the Bundestag. -Kurt-George Kiesinger, 62, prime minister of the State of Baden-Wuerttemberg. -Gerhard Schroeder, 56, West German foreign minister. Schroeder is regarded as Er- hard's personal choice as succes- sor. Commission Erhard also agreed to head a three-member commission to ne- gotiate with the other two major parties in the Bundestag to try to form a majority government. The chancellor's decision was announced by a spokesman a few hours after a majority in the Bundestag urged Erhard-the man considered responsible for West Germany's economic recovery mir- acle-to ask for a formal vote of confidence. He refused, saying, "I decline to take part in a show trial." But he repeated that he would not stand in the way of anyone who could create a majority in the Bundestag. The current government crisis erupted Oct. 27 when the Free Democrats broke with Erhard, and his parliamentry majority vanish- ed. - The Free Democrats refused to go along with Erhard's proposed $18.8-billion budget. It calls fori 4 increased taxes to meet West Ger- many's obligation to buy U.S. armsi to help offset the cost to thei United States of keeping its troops in Germany.1 Infantrymen MALFUNCTIONS: Face Crush Gemini Launching Postponed; Of Viet Cong Lunar Orbiter Flight Adjusted -Associated Press RURAL VOTER POWER' Lester Maddox swung into the Georgia governorship last night with solid vote margins in rural sections of his state. The' Democratic candidate defeated a Republican conservative and a former governor who was a write-in opponent. (See story on Page 1.) WASHINGTON PARLEY: ree tatesmen llecide Allied Troop Use in Europe Attack Interpreted As Communist Plot To Influence Voting SAIGON, South Viet Nam (R)- U.S. infantrymen hurled back an- other Communist attack in Tay Ninh Province yesterday and the official count of Viet Cong and North Vietnamese dead there in six days of sporadic battle soared to 758. Though again denied the signi- ficant victory by which they ob- viously hoped to influence voting trends in the American election, the Viet Cong scored in two raids in other sectors: -A U.S. spokesman said a guer- rilla detachment moved into a Mekong delta village at 75 miles southwest of Saigon at 2:30 a.m. Monday and kidnaped the entire population of 90 to 100 persons. -Ten guerrillas disgused as Vietnamese government troops raided the community of Hoc Man, 11 miles northwest of Saigon, be- fore dawn. The Vietnamese com- mand said the raiders killed nine civilians, wounded eight and in- flicted light casualities on the militia garrison. U.S. pilots hammered at Com- munist targets both North and South of the 17th parallel Mon- day. They flew 507 sorties in South Viet Nam and 140 multiplane mis- sions over the north. WASHINGTON gp) - The De- fense Department said yesterday that weekend remarks by Secre- tary of Defense Robert S. McNa- mara do not rule out the possibili- ty of a 500,000-man U.S. force in Viet Nam at the end of 1967. The Pentagon chief, speaking Saturday at President Johnson's ranch in Texas, said American strength in Viet Nam wil have in- creased by 200,000 at the close of this year to about 385,000. McNamara added: "I think it's clear that barring unforeseen emergencies, the increases in U.S. forces in South Viet Nam in 1967 will be substantially less than this year." McNamara did not spell out what he meant by "substantially less." But by simple arithmetic a 1967 increase of 115,000 men, while substantially lower than 200,000, would raise the American commit- ment to the half-million mark. Asked to clarify McNamara's statement, the Pentagon offered this interpretation: "The state- ment does not necessarily rule out a figure as high as 500,000 for' the end of the calendar year 1967 in Viet Nam." CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. (P) - Launching of the Gemini 12 astro- nauts, scheduled for today, has been delayed 24 hours because of a problem in the autopilot system of the Titan 2 booster rocket. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration rescheduled the double launching for tomor- row. The Atlas-Agena target ve- hicle is to lift off at 2:16 p.m. EST, with the astronauts to head skyward at 3:55 p.m. The problem cropped up during Roman Catholics Will Join In Ecumenical Bible Project a so-called midcount check of the Titan 2. The Titan 2 is to boost Navy Capt. James A. Lovell Jr. and Air Force Maj. Edwin E. Aldrin Jr. on the final flight in the Gemini series. They spent Tuesday reviewing their flight plan and discussing the mission with NASA officials. Lunar Orbiter Lunar Orbiter 2 lost and then regained its lock on the guiding star Canopus yesterday midway in its quarter-million-mile flight to photograph potential astronaut landing sites on the moon. Laboratory said Canopus came Into view of a sensor on the 850- pound spacecraft about four hours after a minor mishap at 4:20 a.m. Regaining the celestial guide- post increased chances of success in a critical steering maneuver scheduled for 2:30 p.m., EST said a spokesman for the Montreal Aeronautics and space Administra- tion. The maneuver, an 18%-second firing of a rocket motor expected to increase the craft's 2,200 mile an hour speed by 47 m.p.b., is de- signed to aim Lunar Orbiter 2 closer at the moon. Without correction, the' course on which it was launched from Cape Kennedy, Fla., Monday would miss the aiming point by 2,700 miles. The Camera-carrying spacecraft rolled off its lock on Canopus when radioed commands fired a small attitude-control thruster, an action necessary to clear propel- lant lines for the steering ma- neuver. A spokesmen said reacquisition of Canopus came on the first at- tempt. VATICAN CITY ()-In a major Christian unity move, the Vatican announced yesterday that Pope Paul VI has authorized the Roman Catholic Church to work with all other Christians for a common Bible. An American priest from Bos- ton, the Rev. Walter M. Abbott, was named to direct the project for the Church. "Without a common Bible," he said in a comment on his appoint- ment, "there will be no unity." The Vatican Ecumenical Coun- cil, in what was a victory for pro- gressive bishops of the Catholic Church, had endorsed the concept of a Bible that could be used by all Christianity. The secretariat already has in- formed the various Catholic bish- ops' conferences around the world of the papal authorization to un- dertake common Bible studies. . . WASHINGTON (M)-Three nego- tiators named to determine the Western troop levels required in Europe to maintain an adequate deterrent, and who should pay for what forces, will meet here today and -tomorrow. But final answers to the sensi- tive questions are not to be ex- pected at this time, informants said yesterday. This will be the second meeting of the three: John J. McCloy, of the U n i t e d States; Britain's Deorge Thomson, minister of European affairs; and West Ger- many's Karl Carstens, No. 2 man in the Bonn Foreign Ministery. NATO The North Atlantic Treaty Or- ganization will be represented by Arthur Hockaday, a special as- sistant to NATO Secretary-Gen- eral Manlio Brosio. McCloy, 71,rveteran adviser to presidents, met with his two part- ners in Bonn on Oct. 20-21. They discussed questions of defense pol- icy, the defense burden and the foreign exchange problems result- ing from the stationing of troops in Germany; a communique said. Three working groups were es- tablished. One was to study the Soviet military threat to Europe today; another the allied military and strategic position in NATO's "central front," meaning Ger- many; and the third, the finan- cial aspect. The groups met in Bpnn. The meeting beginning Wednes- day will review position papers from each group. The three men are expected to give the groups some new instructions, likely nar- rowing down the problems. They will meet again at the end of this month, presumably in Some salient points can be re- ported already: -Despite the fact that the Soviets have been introducing new weapons and possess greater fire- Power aimed at the heart of Eur- ope, there is nothing to indicate Soviet aggressive intentions. -Accordingly, a certain stream- lining of Anglo-American forces in Europe which hopefully would' leave allied combat effectiveness intact, is a distinct possiblity. -The view seems to be gaining ground that the question of Anglo- GL4DDERT1 BTS OF THOUSABlDS. CONTRIBUTE TO generation Bonn, to prepare an interim re- Amercan force levels in Europe port for the December meeting of should not be decided by financial NOV. 16 NATO ministers. Reports A final report is expected by mid-January 1967. An interim report was promised the British because Prime Min- ister Harold Wilson is committed to cut defense spending and one way would be to withdraw part of the British army on the Rhine. He is pressed to reach a decision quickly, before the end of this year. The working groups are under- stood to have made good progress, and the U.S. position is reported to be approaching the stage of crys- tallization. bookkeepers, but on the basis of how many troops are needed to defend Europe. To the three points American specialists make the fol- lowing observations: Redu.tion -Troop reductions: The British are reported to be thinking in terms of 10,000 to 18,000 men of the about 51,000 they now have in Germany. American withdrawals could be in the neighborhood of 40,000 men, out of 220,000. -Financing: This question boils down to German willingness, or ability, to offset the foreign cur- rency cost of keeping British and American troops in Germany. deadline, 2nd issue: 420 maynard UAC Academic Affairs Committee Presents THREE MEN ON .A RAFT Mon., Nov. 14 7:30 P.M. UGLI Multipurpose Rm. World News Roundup By The Associated Press DUBLIN, Ireland-Prime Min- ster Sean Lemass announced yes- terday he will deliver his resigna- tion to President Eamon de Valera on tomorrow. His successor is expected to be Finance Minister Jack Lynch, 49. * * TOKYO - Communist North Viet Nam, professing no interest in either the results of the U.S. elections or President Johnson's peace offers, served notice Wed- neday ,it would continue to seek a. battlefield decision. Viet Cong leaders, quoted by Hanoi's Viet Nam News Agency, also repeated the vow "to fight to the end even if it takes five or 10 years or more and even if the U.S. increases its aggressor army to 400,000-500,000 or more. CAMBRIDGE, Mass.-Harvard College formally apologized yes- terday to Defense Secretary Rob- ert S. McNamara for the "dis- courteous and unruly confronta- tion" Monday by anti-war demon- strators. McNamara's path was blocked by some 400 demonstrators as he left the John. Fitzgerald Kennedy Institute of Politics. He was jeered and heckled when he tried to an- swer questions about the Viet Nam war. You will be AUTONOMOUS and AUTOCHTHONOUS. Your rewards will be AURIFEROUS. You will have the opportunityN for intellectualt' ALLOGAMY. Renaissance types are definitely welcome at Philco! We need scientists, mathemati- cians and engineers .. . dreamers and do-ers ... to help direct the world wide efforts that have made us a major company fast approaching $1 billion in annual sales to consumer, industrial and government markets. We are a major subsidiary of Ford Motor Company. We have 10 divisions whose diverse interests range from exploring the moon to educating future leaders in depressed countries . . from Automated Bio- logical Laboratories to advanced systems of communications ... from radios to radar. If you are interested in a fast-paced, truly rewarding career with a fast-growing com- pany, we'd like to talk to you. We will be visiting your campus on November 10 and 11. Contact your Engineering Placement Office. Stop by and talk to us about the future, or write to College Relations, Philco Corporation, C and Tioga Streets, English Professor Marvin Felheim Psychology Professor Harlan Lane Philosophy Professor Arnold Kaufman The three men are floating on a raft in an ocean. There is a certain amount of food and water on the raft. Each man will argue why he, being what he represents in the academic world, has the right to the food and U water. CHARTERED JET FLIGHTS TO EUROPE, SUMMER, 1967 MASS MEETING Monday, Nov. 14, at 7:30. I Appearing in the Green and White Series,