!uebner, Brown Lead in egental Race SeeStoryT, Back Pag e 3:30 A.M. EXTRA Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom 4Ia1 AF4 3:30 A.M1. EXTRA "I VOL. LXXVII, No. 59 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1966 SEVEN CENTS EIGHT PAGES ti' " .i I Close Vote * * * * * * * * * Third Term In Second District Race Boulding Write-Ins Considered Factor In Vivian Defeat By BOBCARNEY and RONALD KLEMPNER State Rep. Marvin Esch (R-Ann Arbor) used expected out-county Republican support, and the land- slide-proportion influence of Gov- ernor Romney yesterday to turn_ back the second term bid of Rep. Weston Vivian (D-Ann Arbor) to represent the Second District in Congress. With 88 per cent of the V vote in, Esch polled 55,802 votes as compared with Vivian's 54,036 to gain the seat in one of the state's closest congressional races.j The total vote for write-in "peace" candidate Elise Boulding could not be determined early this morning. fBoulding headquarters estimated their candidate had re- ceived 1000 votes written-in for her as a congressional candidate. However, she also received write- in votes for other races as well. The total Boulding vote for Con- gress in Ann Arbor was 71, ac- cording to City Hall officials. Esch's victory was one of five where Republicans turned out freshman Democratic representa- tives: the 19th District, the 11th, the 7th, and the third. Republi- can strength in these so-called "swing districts" was attributed in large measure to the coattail pow- er of Republican Gov. George Romney. Neither Esch nor Vivian was prepared to make any statements of victory or defeat. Esch's head- quarters, however, were in a gen- eral state of optimism. Their can- didate came upstairs to the Strat- ford room of Inn America at 1:15 a.mand announced that, in a pre- inct by precinct tally, he was generally running ahead of for- mer Republican Rep. Meader's tal- ly in 1964. He said the trend was going the way he had planned, and that if the trend continued, he expected to get around 51.3 per cent of the vote. At the time Esch was ahead by 900 votes, but said that he felt the roughest precincts, those of Monroe County, had not given Vivian his needed margin. He admitted that some strong Democratic precincts had not yet reported, but added that the - strongest Republican precincts were also unreported. Esch said that he felt the race - would go "down to the wire," and added he wasn't ready for any definite 'announcements before 4 or 5 a.m. He said the key areas yet to report were Livingston and Lenawee Counties. At 2 a.m., KVivian headquar- ters unofficially announced de- feat. Workers had pinned their hopes on an 8000 vote margin from Democratic Monroe County, which never materialized. With 35 of the 52 precincts re- porting, Vivian led by only 5000 votes. Most of the precincts yet to b counted were from out-coun- ty areas which are slightly Re- publican.r Other issues on the ballot for Irni lrsident ws an amendment Defeat - Year-Old Vote As Governor Pro osa 1'For Romney ___ _ .Z7 X1 ' Y Ut.'7 fl l it I A - -r T'- r'.-r -S &-W f 5-1*f "'I I Vote Loses NEWS WIREB2 Ju ALIFUINIA RACE: ge -1 Reagan Swamps Brown In Persona lity Contest' Late Election Bulletins By The Associated Press COLUMBUS, OHIO - Gov. James A. Rhodes easily swept himself and a full slate of Republicans back into the statehouse last night, but the son of the late "Mr. Republican," Robert Taft Jr., was in trouble. The 49-year-old son of the late U.S. Senator from Ohio and the grandson of a President trailed Democratic Rep. John J. Gil- ligan in partial returns in Cincinnati's first congressional dis- trict. Gilligan, 45, won his first term in President Johnson's Ohio landslide two years ago. * * RICHMOND, VA.-Democrats William B. Spong and Sen. Harry F. Byrd Jr. swept the three-party field to capture both of Virginia's U.S. Senate seats, but the Republicans doubled their House strength in yesterday's congressional elections. It was a victory of landslide proportions for the Democrats with Spong topping the ticket by 30,000 votes in the Senate races. The Republicans however regained the ninth and won the eighth with William C. Wampler and William C. Scott. PORTLAND, MAINE - Maine voters re-elected Republican U.S. Sen. Margaret Chase Smith yesterday, but gave Democratic challenger Kenneth M. Curtis an upset' victory over Republican Gov. John H. Reed. They also sent Democratic freshman Congressman William D. Hathaway back for a second term from the 2nd district and gave the 1st district seat to Democrat Peter N. Kyros. Reed, who barely won his last election in 1962, was in serious trouble from the beginning, and Sen. Smith's vote-drawing power was apparently unable to save him. A number of towns he carried in 1962 went to Curtis. In areas where he did win, it was by margins less than those of two years ago. HELENA, MONT. - U.S. Sen. Lee Metcalf of Montana, a liberal Democrat and a supporter of President Johnson on most issues, picked up a lead yesterday in his bid for re-election against conservative Republican Gov. Tim Babcock. Metcalf got margins in Great Falls and Helena and an early landslide in the labor city of Butte., With 232 of 1,061 precincts 21 per cent reported, Metcalf had 34,512 votes to 26,442 for Babcock, even though Babcock was leading in traditionally Republican Billings, a cattle and indus- trial center in eastern Montana. Babcock led in many of the rural counties after attacking the Johnson administration on the farm program. "earorn utiZens Uphold Johnson NViet a War Palic By The Associated Press fusal to denounce members of the middle-of-the-roader." Brown In- By MARK LEVIN LOS ANGELES - Republican John Birch Society, which is sisted that the "New Left" had Ronald Reagan captured the gov- strongest in California. not controlled the party, and last Michigan voters yesterday over- ernorship of California with a de- In August, the Democratic Cen- week he termed the movement whelmingly rejected a constitu- cisive victory over two-term Gov. tral Committee distributed a doc- "further to the left than the tional amendment which would Edmund G. "Pat" Brown yester- ument entitled, "Ronald Reagan, Communists." have lowered the voting age to 18. day. Latest returns pointed clearly Extremist Collaborator," which The issue of extremism focused The proposal, which received to a Reagan victory, giving Brown charged that Reagan both sup- largely around the University of, backing from both Republican and only 46 per cent of the vote. ports and collaborates with, right- California Berkeley campus. Rea- Democratic party officials, lost by The California campaign was a wing extremists. Brown frequently gan first advocated legislative con- a margin greater than two to one. hard fought interchange of issues scored Reagan's strong support of trol of the school, but later said James Graham, chairman of the and insults. It began as a conser- Sen. Barry Goldwater's candidacy he would appoint John McCone to Jtue Gra ting c omithe vative-liberal confrontation, but for the presidency in 1964. lead an investigation of political student coordinating committee by election day the campaign Reagan charged that the Demo- activity at Berkeley. He has char- for the proposal, said last night more closely resembled a person- cratic Party was under the heavy ged that the campus has been that the defeat was due largely to ality contest. Seasoned politician influence of the "New Left." He dominated by "a minority of mal- the "lack of an effective educa- Brown was no match for the Hol- l accused Brown "of trying to kid contents, beatniks and filthy tional campaign." lywood-groomed Reagan. I the people into believing he is a speech advocates." "We lacked campaign assets in Reagan's campaign increasingly ---- -. - . - -..... --- - general," Graham said. "Outside emphasized Brown's record, rather1 the areas of the major universities than his philosophy. However, as the issue was largely dormant. in most of the other contests in P ercyen ate V ic or Most people were just not inte- large states, backlash was an issue. rested," he added. Reagan opposed the Rumford Act, " " The State Legislature voted last California's open housing act, the ; ballot. Under state statutes, all ing Rights Act of 1965, and the li amendments to the constitutionj 1966 Civil Rights Bill. must receive approval from the He has said that he favors solv- By The Associated Press ple, by the University of Chicago voters in a referendum. ing racial problems on a private CHICAGO - Illinois Republican newspaper and a group of North .ebasis rather than by legislation. Charles Percy scored an impres- western University professors, who In anoter reerendum; Dear- Reagan once indicated that the sive victory yesterday by defeat- described him as a man groping calling for U.S withdrawalfrom federal government should pass ing Democrat Paul Douglas in his for a way out of growing destruc- Viet Nam. civil rights legislation, but his bid for a fourth Senate term. tion. In the nation's first test of campaign managers reported Late returns indicated Percy Most observers noted a surge of vtrsnietothVitNmtempered his remarks. Brown has Ltereunsiniatdyecy Motobservrsntecaaisugno voter sentiment on the Viet Nam had a reputation as a strong civil would take 55 per cent of the vote. Percy poularity as th campai n war, residents of this Detroit Percy took a considerably softer e P suburb defeated 20,667 to 14,124ri Both candidates attempted to stand on Viet Nam than Douglas, st ug suport from a ballot question asking: make extremism an issue. Brown and won the support of many lib- Coutye(igow itriuesa "Are you in favor of a cease frequently attacked Reagan's re- erals. He was endorsed, for exam- Jorities in downstate districts. fire and withdrawal of U.S. troops ---- ---- - ----- Percy's stand on open housing from Viet Nam so the Vietnamese , was less clear than his opponent's. can settle their own problems?" /y n1 O re o cV t or Douglas, who supported .open Democratic Mayor Orville Hub- H atieI housing, accused Percy of, chang- bard favored the resolution. He ing his position whenever he repeated throughout the campaign Ichanged a campaign area. that. he opposed sending U.S. JVI Waukegan Mayor Robert Sabon- troops "to fight some poor little jian, who campaigned on a plat- barefoot guys who have never done PORTLAND - President John from a tour of war area in July, form of opposition to open-hous- anything to us." hav, ninen~said-+hatc he was "very ing, apparently did not make any r r 1 a i ! Fakes Labor, Negro Wayne County Votes; Capitol Sights Raised By The Associated Press Gov. George Romney and Sen. Robert Griffin yesterday soundly defeated their Democratic chl- lengers, thus boosting Romney's chances to win the 1968 Republi- can presidentialtnomination. With 74 per cent of the vote tabulated, Romney led Ferency by 1,178,859 to 765,383, and Grif- fin led former Gov. G. Mennen Williams 1,069,930. The governor's margin is larger than those he compiled 'in his two previous suc- cessful campaigns. Ferency conceded at 11:20 a.m., and Williams acknowledged de, feat 25 minutes later. .Though Romney made no com- ment last night about his presi- dential prospects, the governor's supporters already were sporting "We Need Another George in the White House" buttons and politi- cal analysts were speculating about a contest between Romney and California Gov.-elect Ronald Reagan at the 1968 GOP conven- tion. Since Romney's term is for four years, a Romney presidential victory in 1968 would elevate Lt. Gov. William Milliken, returned to office With Romney yesterday, to the state house. Romney and Griffin both jump- ed to early leads and watched their victory margins steadily build up through the night. Most surprising was the failure of Williams and Ferency to make a good showing in Wayne County, for years the stronghold of the Democratic party j;n Michigan. Michigan Republicans usually can count on victory if they can combine 35 per cent of the Wayne County votes with their tradition- ally solid support from other areas of the state. Though final totals were not yet available at 2:45 a.m., it was obvious that both Romney and Griffin would surpass the 35 per cent mark. At one point in the evening, the governor actually had over 50 per cent of the Wayne County votes. And Williams' mar- gin over Griffin was not substan- tial. In his six races for the gov- ernorship, Williams often captur- ed more than 65 per cent of the .Wayne County total. It was the first election defeat for Williams in a long and color- ful political career, and the first Republican Senate victory in Michigan in 14 years. Almost everyone had predicted an easy victory for Romney, and attention during the campaign fo- cused on whether the governor could pull Griffin in as well. Griffin had entered the Senate contest as a three-to-one under- dog, but his appointment in August to fill the vacancy created by the' death of LDemocratic Sen. Patrick McNamara increased his chances, and recent polls had shown him ahead of Williams. STATE HOUSE DECIDES: i Majority; No Victory son's Viet Nam policy may nave .,....,, .tia sc-v -- played a significant role in Ore- encouraged at the way the war substantial cuts into either the gon yesterday as Republican Gov. was going." Percy or Douglas returns, Mark Hatfield, an opponent of the Initially, Hatfield's attacks on Another issue was age; Douglas President's Asian position, soundly the war seemed to lose him many is 74, Percy 47. It is likely- that defeated Rep. Robert Duncan, votes in the race for Democratic Percy was also aided by a sym- . "ii1 considered to be a hawk. Sen. Maurine Neuberger's seat. pathy vote resulting from the bru- The pollsers had given Duncan When the governor first an- tal slaying of his daugher Valerie, a slight edge in the contest, but nounced his candidacy he was during the campaign. returns gave Hatfield a 53 per thought to be invincible. He had Douglas, a leading New Deal cent edge. been the strongest Republican vote liberal and economist, is a strong Hatfield has repeatedly attack- getter in Oregon history. supporter of President Johnson's ed the conduct of the Viet Nam spotro rsdn ono' Callaway charged that the elec- war,hsaying that the bombing of But then Duncan swamped a Viet Nam policies. He has been a tion of Maddox would bring racial the oil depots in Hanoi and Hai- "peace" candidate in the Demo- leading member of the Committee disorder and martial law to Geor- phong 'could well ignite the world cratic primary. The initial opinion of One Million to prevent the ad- gia. Maddox countered by attack- in a fire we will be generations polls after the primary shocked mission of Communist China into ing Callaway's charges. putting out." He has advocated a the political pundits as they show- the UN. Maddox, 51, who was a former three point program for easing ed Duncan tohave a large lead' He has been a persistent propo- "Democrat for Goldwater," and the Asian hostilities. mainly because of widespread op nent of strong welfare measures Callaway, 39,.an ex-Democrat, are Hatfield 'called for a cessation and the President's Great Society both conservatives. of the bombing of the North and viewsa program. He campaigned on the Their supporters staged such a cease-fire in South Viet Nam, But as the campaign wore on, theme of prosperity under Dem- . Tirup tes:duhto he followed by United Nations Hatfield began to eat into Dun- oeratic administrations and his BULLETIN ATLANTA, Ga. W)P)-- Repub- lican Howard H. Bo Callaway surged into the lead early today over Democrat Lester G. Mad- dox in the Georgia governor's race. But the election remained a clifhanger with write-in votes threatening to keep either nom- ing, Maddox led with 48,5 per cent of the vote. Callaway polled 46.2 per. cent and Arnall 5.2 per cent. Write in votes for candidates oth- er than Arnall have not been counted yet for an unknown rea- son. These totals do not include ap- proximately 100,000 votes in At- lanta which have not been count- ed and which could markedly af- II