PAGE TEN THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY. ATTC.TTl.'9T :Qi1. 1g9st _AETE HEMCHG NDAL TT -A TT _g flia i Goy hl ul. 71 5V, l;fOb RE SEARCH (Continued from Page 9) worth it in the end, but certainly the disciplined old departmental system will never be the same. Interdisciplinary appointments, centers and institutes and study programs have proliferated, and may have the most tenuous of relationships to any of the de- partments connected with them. The largest and internally most cohesive unit at the University is the Medical Center, even though in this case the term refers to geographical arrangement a n d nont to administrative organiza- tion. Even so, the Medical Center is often more of a cohesive, well- structured unit capable of under- taking a variety of related tasks than are most administrative units to which the term "center" is applied. Presided over by Dean William Hubbard, a figure comparable on- ly to Pierpont for suavity and dis- ciplined control of an organiza- tion, the Medical Center operates almost autonomously from the rest of the University.- Research in the biomedical sciences is growing faster than in any other field. This fact, cou- pled with the tremendously high level of financial support given to medicine in general in the United States, makes research at the Medical Center exciting, expand- ing, productive and expensive. After the Medical Center the Institute for Science and Tech- nology is the largest University research unit. Established in the late 1950's after the Sputnik spur to education, IST has never really gotten off the ground as an or- ganized, driving force for re- search and education largely be- cause there was never enough thought given to exactly how it would fit into the University. Most programs in the fields of science and technology are more easily fitted to old departmental patterns than wrenched out and placed in a separate institute with other programs with which they have very little in common. It was thought for a while that the institute could fall back on a program of aid and encourage- ment for Michigan industry, but there has never been much in the University that could be related directly to Michigan's economic development. IST does have a productive In- dustrial Development Division, but there isn't enough there to fill a program on the scale set up for the institute. So the director, Prof. James T. Wilson, is left with a beautiful building and various programs picked up from odd places in the University, none of which really fit together. These include the Biophysics L a b and the Electro-Optical Sciences Lab, the only original products of the attempt to make IST a real science institute. And the Electro-Optical Sciences Lab has in fact proved a tempest in a teapot within 'the IST organiza- tion, as Prof. George W. Stroke, its head, almost had a large part of the University's research appa- ratus in orbit before he was final- ly shifted to the electrical engi- neering department and settled down with some generous research grants, The other part of IST is the Great Lakes Research Division- which existed long before IST and still has a life of its own-and the Willow Run Laboratories. Willow Run The 2Willow Run Labs were added on to IST in 1960, in hopes of some sort of mutual benefit which hasn't really materialized yet, though there are still hopes. Willow Run work is very defense oriented and is usually classified. There is a minimum of relation- ships with either faculty or stu- dents from the University, most of the work being done-by pro- fessional researchers. The Institute for Social Re- search is probably the most spec- tacularly successful of the inter- disciplinary operations. However, this very success must be troub- ling to administrators because of the unlikelihood of duplicating elsewhere within the University the conditions that have made ISR possible. This institute, is a product of of the research program is still there. Aerospace The a erio sp a ce dpartment., much in the news this summer. presides o v e r a comfortable' amount of space research spon- sored by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the Air Force. Myriad projects are or- ganized into the Space Physics Research Lab, the High Altitude Research Lab, the Propulsion Lab, and the Wind Tunnel Labs. (The engineering college has a penchant for organizing endless numbers of "labs." of which these are some of the larger. They arise as one or two faculty in a par-' ticular area gather in considerable research support and a graduate student following. This is com- bined with lots of specialized equipment, so a shingle over the door soon follows.) emmunica tions, conflict resolu- tion and museums work. This is what the scientific ex- plosion is all about. Meanwhile, t h e University's bulwark against severe imbalances among the various disciplines are various intra-University sources of funds, which are carefully par- celed out for maximum return among projects that can't find support from timid sponsors, or are given to younger. less experi- enced but promising faculty or to the poorly supported fields. Take a brief look next at other parts of the University's research: -Prof. Paraskevopoulos in the architecture and design college is working with his students on the design and construction of cheap plastic houses, one answer to gen- eral methods of building construc- tion that are still in the 19th cen- VU 1* Elsewhere in the engineering I . college th ere is a lt of research -Prof. Larson in the same bthat falls on the line between school has studied city planning basic and-applied. This has put and looks forward to the "world the engineering faculty into a city". position of continually having to -The business administration defend itself against the "purists" school has a great many indus- across the street in Randall Lab, trial and economic studies going for instance, or in various literary that begin to get at some serious college departments. problems in hospital administra- Many Projects Lion, industrial relations and eco- The chemical and metallurgical nomic development; ONE-DAY SERVICE ON DRY CLEANING Research: it involves everything from the pulse rate of a rodent to computerized data. The University is continuing to set the pace in its research contributions, and its program is the largest in the coun- try for any single campus. "The House of Quality" We do all types of laundry t4twoj )PD Cleafte/' DIAL 662-0198 Corner William and Maynard Sts.-Ann Arbor, Mich. UO Probably wondered what the STUDENT CO-OPS are all about... At Michigan there are four men's, five women's and one married couples co-ops which house about 250 students. WHO OWNS AND RUNS HOW MUCH DOES IT COST ? THE CO-OPS ? Each house sets its own budget. Average WE DO costs for the past semester have been: In each house each member, new or old, Week Semester shares equal responsibility for ,ll decisions; Rm. & Bd. $17.20 $275.20 what to eat, how much to spend, how much to Bd. only 11.50 184.00 work... New members pay a $20 deposit when they The co-op houses are owned by the Inter- join; it is refunded when they leave. Cooperative Council (I.C.C.), a corporation set up and run entirely by the students who live or eat in the houses. WHO DOES THE WORK ? WE DO WHO MAY JOINW THE CO-OPS ? All cooking, dishwashing, maintenance and management is done by the members. Anyone beyond the freshman year or who Any member, new or old, can be elected is over 21 who agrees to participate in running officer: president, house manager, food pur- the co-ops democratically is welcome. Members chaser, accountant,.. . are accepted on a first come, first served basis, without racial, religious or political discrimina- It takes from four to six hours a week per tion. There is no pledge or initiation period. member to run a co-op. The exact work time is decided by house vote. WHAT ARE THE LIVING There are no maids, janitors, or hired AND cooks. EATING ARRANGEMENTS ? As a roomer; you are provided furnished HOW ABOUT THE LIGHTER living quarters as well as social space and eat- SIDE OF LIFE ? ing privileges. As a boarder, you get 20 meals A co-op is something more than a lot of a week. people trying to live economically. Co-ops Any member may invite guests. There are enjoy a characteristically congenial and infor- adequate laundry facilities. Co-ops stay open mal atmosphere because our members come during vacation periods and in the summer. from all kinds of backgrounds and from all "Guffing/" our traditional between meal over the world. Social activities are determined the labor and genius of Rensis Li- kert, its director, who founded it in the early 1950's. ISR was start- ed in connection with the bur- geoning pseudo-science of survey research. From meager beginnings -the University offered Likert and his colleagues heat, light and space but no money for operations and salaries - Likert built the in- stitute into one of the greatest so- cial science operations in the world, with some outstanding the- orists, economists and assorted in- terdisciplinary types on the staff. It was one of the University's greatest bargains. Stimulus Even more important than ISR's I t. own research has been the stim- ulus it has provided to other parts of the University. The people that work there have proved to be a powerful attraction to draw in new programs in social science fiedls, along with excellent fac- ulty anxious to be a part of the "critical mass" of talent t h a t comprises ISR. The economics and psychology departments have certainly benefitted, while the most spectacular "spin-off" has been the Mental Health Research Institute, variously identified as a bastion of systems theory and a spawner of radicalism. MHRI's innocuous title masks one of the most exciting and di- verse centers of activity at the University. Prof. Anatol Rapoport professes to be in a field called mathematical biology. Prof. Kon- stantin Scharenberg is in neuro- pathology; Prof. Merrill Flood is another mathematical biologist, and Prof. Ralph Gerard is in neu- rophysiology. Altogether the academic staff- with PhDs numbers about 60. Research at MHRI delves into ev- ery aspect of information systems, biological systems and social sys- tems, from artificial models to hu- man subjects. "Theory", often ex- pressed in some sort of mathema- tical modeling of the essential ele- ments of a real system, is a com- mon worod-game theory, com- munications theiry of urban growth, and others. As with ISR, the excitement generated by the critical mass of researchers working at MHRI has spilled over into many depart- ments and schools, serving to at- tract good students and faculty, generate Students for a Demo- cratic Society and teach-ins, and generally to throwing off sparks in a great many directions. It was in the engineering col- lege that research at the Univer- sity first got started back before World War II, and a great deal engineering department, one of the very fine ones in the country, has numerous projects underway. Prof. Donald L. Katz has also done a great deal for the Univer- sity through his work in estab- lishing a computer curriculum for engineering undergraduates and in helping to guide the Univer- sity's general involvement in com- puter use. Other active departments are numerous: civil engineering, elec- trical engineering, mechanical en- gineering, meteorology and ocean- ography, naval architecture and marine engineering and nuclear engineering. The naval tank, run by Prof. Richard Couch is a par- ticularly interesting operation. Ship designs are tested in it by towing models up and down a long pool. Prof. William Kerr heads up both the nuclear engineering de- partment and the Phoenix Pro- ject, which was started after World War II through private contributions. 'I' h e University's post-war leadership in the devel- opment of peaceful uses of atom- is energy, particularly in the uses of isotopes, was a result of this undertaking. In the electrical engineering de- partment, where Prof. Hansford Farris recently succeeded Prof. William Dow as chairman, Prof. Fred Haddock is active at his Radio Astronomy Observatory on Peach Mountain near Ann Arbor., In the literary college there is a fantastic variety of work going on: astronomy, botany, chemistry,1 economics, geology and mineralo-i gy, mathematics, physics, physics, psychology, sociology, zoology,i -The dentistry school, with its excellent faculty and library collections, has long been severe- ly restricted by space but will soon be housed in the finest new building on campus. --The public health school un- der Dean Myron Wegman has quite an ambitious program in public health economics, commun- ity health service, environmental health, epidemiology, and indus- trial health, enhanced by a recent Ford Foundation grant for inter- disciplinary population studies. The money is going to continue to flow. The demands for new knowledge by a society that makes rapid economic expansion the rule are going to increase tremendous- ly. Society is going to be more and more willing to lay out huge sums for research and development as it learns that the returns from money invested in knowledge and theories of how to deal with it- work with it and make it work for society-will be far greater than for money invested in steel mills or airplanes. It has been estimated that over 65 per cent of, the net worth of the United States is intthe minds of its citizens, not in their equip- ment, ash opposed to 35 per cent before World War II. That's why IBM is a good stock. Value no longer rests In the ap- plications of knowledge. It rests less and less in the knowledge it- self, and more and more in its creation, in new discoveries, me- thods and theories that keep coun- tries expanding and put universi- ties and their research programs in the very center of a social revo- lution wrought by information and its communication. 01 STUDENT BOOK SGRVIC Don't wait 'til sophomore year to discover where to save money on books STUDGNT BOOK SERVICE 1215 South U. 761-0700 r SHIRTS .. . handled wi thLoving Care . . they're done at KYER'S! JOIN rrHE MICHIGAN DAILY j 06 .................. . ,... s>: Your shi rts really get gentle treatment at Kyer's. They are washed in nylon nets. . . ironed carefully on the lot- est equipment.. . packaged in plio-film for protection P= }! ss. TRW ' I .- I3 Apache Mocs have a one-piece upper and a hand sewn vamp ... conform to the natural shape of the foot, hug the heel and give more comfort than you've ever known. x until ready to wear. f Call NO 3-4185 Today - 1 I tN 56o No. 566 Cordo All