Seventy-Sixth Year EDrrED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS POWER 73est Hope for a Sane Political Future' POETRY by MARK R. KILLINGSWORTH 1f ."i:'1r... i. .~h" y :":f Y': :. Y Y:: .Y:' , ......... . ere Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. Truth Will Prevail_ NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This mus t be noted in all reprints. I TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1966 NIGHT EDITOR: LAURENCE MEDOW :... State Election Roundup: Coattails and No Issues THE OUTCOME of today's crucial state- wide races will in all probability hinge on the ability of Union and Democratic party workers to successfully get their votes out to the polls. The mere size of the vote in overwhelmingly Democratic Wayne County will probably be the tell- ing factor in the tight Williams-Griffin senatorial race. The Michigan electorate has seemed largely apathetic toward the whole cam- paign. Both candidates have conducted wishy-washy campaigns, comprised large- ly of platitudes and generalizations. No real discussion of issues, especially Viet Nam, has occurred. GRIFFIN, appointed senator last May following the death of Senator Patrick McNamara, had a strong lead in the re- cent Detroit News poll. However, these- polls have been almost always inaccurate in the past. Most observers think the race is very close, with Griffin holding a slight edge at the moment. Good weather and a well organized get-out the vote cam- paign could swing the election to Williams. Gov. George Romney has tried to rub off some of his political magic on Grif- fin, but with only limited success. Griffin has portrayed himself as a liberal Repub- lican with a liberal voting record. Demo- crats have only partially succeeded in dispelling this myth. Griffin is a con- servative obstructionist, not quite as far right as the Goldwater wing. WILLIAMS, returning from a stint in the State Department, has had an anemic campaign unable to build a smooth-run- ning machine. His position papers and speeches have been a great deal of mush. However, Williams appears to be the lesser of two evils, considering his past perform- ance as a progressive governor ard free- thinking assistant secretary of state. Williams, who swamped Detroit Mayor Jerome Canavagh in the primary election last August, appears to have secret sources of voter strength, which show up just when he needs it. In his many races for governor in the past, the elections always seemed tight-until the end when Wil- liams, somehow, squeeked through. ROMNEY WILL WIN by a large margin, barring a miracle, regardless of the voter turnout. The only thing Democratic officials are hoping for is that the Rom- ney margin of victory is not too much greater than Neil Staebler's losing tally two years ago-over 350,000. . Ferency's under-financed campaign has been largely ignored. He has been por- trayed by Michigan's Republican news- papers as a clown trying to throw a wrench into Romney's presidential plans. However, a whole slew of legislative, administrative and educational posts ride on just how many people vote. Romney has in his two previous races been unable to help any other candidates on the bal- lot. The offices of secretary of state and attorney general will remain in the hands of two popular Democratic office holders James Hare and Frank Kelly. The Mich- igan Senate may fall to the Republicans, but this may make little difference be- cause the Democratic majority has been, largely conservative in its thinking. STATE UNIVERSITY trusteeships and regental posts are up for election, but only at the University might there be a significant change. If Democrats do not retain their two seats on the board, they may be resigned to a minority position for many years to come. Races for posi- tions on the State Board of Education may result in a Republican victory, -but will not change things in the least-Dem-. ocrats presently hold all seats on the eight member board. VOTER TURNOUT has been the key to Democratic victories in the past, and this year will be no exception. If the votes are delivered, Williams will win and the entire ballot of Democratic candidates, excepting Gov. Romney, will be swept into office. If the vote is low, national and Michigan political scenes will be signifi- cantly altered. -MARK LEVIN YOUR VOTE today should go for Vivian. Sweeping away the cobwebs left by the inaction and conservatism of his predecessors, Vivian has been the most salutary political influence on his Second Congres- sional District in 32 years. His loss, as The New Republic wrote last week, would be "grievous," for he and a select group of con- gressional colleagues "represent our best hope for a sane political future." VOTERS EXPECT their con- gressman to help them. Vivian has. He worked diligently on air and water pollution, a key problem here --exempting pollution control de- vices from the administration's bill to suspend the investment tax credit-and he began a series of successful programs to inform lo- cal officials about federal assist- ance programs. Recognizing his diligent efforts, The Detroit Free Press and The Detroit News both endorsed him. Voters also expect their con- gressman to face crucial national issues. Vivian has. He visited Selma in 1965 long before the riots there, and returned to press on the attorney general and the vice-president the ur- gent need for what ultimately be- came the Voting Rights Act of 1965. He has repeatedly urged a de-escalation of the Viet Nam war; he has urged Communist China's admission to the United Nations Security Council. He has won the admiration of men like Congress- man John Conyers, a candidate of the National Conference for New Politics (a "peace party' 'or sorts) who endorses him, and who was here last Friday to campaign for him. NEITHER of his two opponents meets these two requirements. Marvin Esch's major contribution to the state Legislature in the past two years has been his ab- sence from it-a dismal50 per cent attendance record this year. If Esch is elected to serve in Washington, his attendance might improve. But his voting record probably will not. Esch criticizes the rent-supplement program but offers no proposal of his own to solve poor housing; he claims to be critical of the House Un- American Activities Committee,-yet he says he nevertheless would have voted for appropriations for it. IN ONE AREA, civil rights, Esch is much stronger than any of his predecessors, or, for that matter, his fellow House Republicans. Yet would Esch have journeyed to Selma and then return to push for the Voting Rights Act of 1965, as Vivian did? (Esch says he is "undecided" on whether he would have voted for a key Republican- Southern Democratic amendment to weaken the 1965 act.) Esch's "policy" on Viet Nam - merely a call for another "inves- tigation" of the problem-is more an attempt to avoid having a pol- icy than anything else. There is little likelihood that Esch would stray from the hawkish House Republican line on Viet Nam if he goes to Washington. Hence Esch offers little hope for a commitment to meet-rath- er than merely identify - key challenges of the 1960's. ELISE BOULDING is running for essentially two reasons: first, to provide a "true choice" for vot- ers who feel that Vivian and Esch cannot represent their views adequately; and, second, to pro- vide an initial show of electoral power on which a viable peace movement can be built. Yet her campaign does not pro- vide such a "true choice." The unfortunste truth is that Mrs. Boulding and her campaign repre- sent very little. She herself concedes that she has not formulated any domestic policy positions at all. Her sole statement in the vast area of for- eign policy is a call for the imme- diate withdrawal of all United States forces from Viet Nam. THERE MAY, of course, be some virtue in running a campaign bas- ed on "peace." Other candidates have run on platforms supporting God and motherhood, and hoped for a political turnabout as radi- cal as Mrs. Boulding wants. But any such group is doomed to fail- ure when its veneer of high mor- al purpose has nothing of sub- stance under it. Even if the peace movement formulates an articulate program - which the movement says is forthcoming - it will nevertheless fail to gain a power base for a national peace movement-simply because there can be no such base without a coalition of diverse elements (that, after all, is what Mrs. Boulding thinks is a desir- able Saigon "peace" government.) Yet the peace movement writes off the kind of contribution men like Vivian can make to the cause of peace, implicitly saying it can go it alone and still become an effective force and explicitly re- jecting the idea of a coalition. That is a delusion. For, as to- day's election will prove, the peace movement is a small minority of the population in a relatively con- servative district. Such a minor- ity, to be effective, must not only educate the public; it must work in coalition. AT THE LEAST, the peace move- ment will get so few votes as to prove that a "viable peace move- ment" outside a coalition -is a contradiction in terms. And, at the most, the peace movement can only get enough to deny Vivian victory - which would destroy a major element in any peace coalition and lose "our best hope for a sane political fu- ture" without demonstrating any- thing but that 2000 voters in a 100,000-vote electorate are willing to vote for a vaguely-defined 'peace campaign." Hence even a "strong" (2000- vote) peace campaign will simply halt the very program which it seeks by replacing Vivian with Esch. It is not a self-fulfilling prophecy, but an observation of the obvious, to suggest that a peace movement working outside a coalition does not deserve sup- port precisely because even at best it can gain only a small minority of adherents by ignoring the advantages of coalition. ALL OF WHICH suggests why Vivian deserves overwhelming sup- port in today's election. He alone has met the moral responsibility of having a coherent, articulated program; the influence and pow- er of his office-and his willing- ness to use them-alone offer hope for a future redirection of nation- al policies. Unquestionably, Vivian has had to equivocate and compromise on some issues. But at the same time, Vivian has taken positions far ahead of his district's thinking. He commended SNCC on its fifth anniversary; he has repeat- edly urged de-escalation of the Viet Nam conflict; he was , one of only 29 congressmen who had the courage to vote against funds for HUAC. INDEED, like the bear that flew, the wonder is not that Vivian does it well; the wonder is that he does it at all. One tends to forget that his district, spread over four coun- ties, is only slightly more than half urban (the national aver- age is 70 per cent); that it in- cludes large agricultural communi- ties: that much of its Democratic Party in Monroe County, a major Vivian stronghold, would rather bomb Hanoi than de-escalate: and that the district last sent a Demo- crat to Washington in 1932. Hence Vivian's tendency to equi- vocate or compromise on major issues is essentially a function of his shaky political position in his own district. The stronger he is, the more he can do. J. W. Fulbright, Wayne Morse, William F. Ryan and John Cony- ers all move boldly on Viet Nam because they are politically se- cure in other areas. Yet does any- one believe that they would be so aggressive if they had the razor- edge 1500-vote margin Vivian had in 1964? VIVIAN has already completed a remarkably fruitful two years in Washington; he is the best hope this district has for a political turnabout. And his positions will inevitably reflect his political strength. That is why Vivian de- serves a large vote of confidence in today's election. THOSE WHO WANT to regis- ter a protest vote against the war in Viet Nam but also want to support the valuable and effective work of Congressman Vivian do, however, have an opportunity to do both. The solution to the seeming di- lemma, as described in a recent letter to the Ann Arbor News, is to write Mrs. Boulding for the short term for senator (filling the remaining portion of the late Sen. Pat McNamara's term, which ex- pires in January), and vote for Vivian for Congress. In this way, the protest is made clear-but Vivian can be retained. ~I. Letters: The Accelerator Helps No One 4 To the Editor: IF THE AEC atomic accelerator is built here, it will be the ruination of Ann Arbor and the surrounding area. Rep. Vivian has his isssue. As a physicist he is interested in atomic research, but as a politician he is interested in a political plum. Un- fortunately it appears he does not care to weight all the possibilities of what this "development" will do in the long run to the community known now as Ann Arbor and Washtenaw County, Without a shadow of a doubt, suburbs, urban and commerial areas will sprawl from Detroit through Ann Arbor. The kind of hurried life, lack of community feeling, impersonality, and un- natural existence caused by so drastically altering the environ- ment will lead to a life which no one, particularly welcomes or de- sires, if they can have the choice otherwise. YOU CANNOT take 6000 acres, so close to an urban area, develop it, and expect that it will be just a nice little garden spot stuck off on the outskirts of town. No, this will be the final to a new Los Angeles, plunk in the heart of the Midwest. Instead of a pleasant mixture of city and country living which still maintains a sense of community life, there will be a sprawling criss-cross of roads, of jerry-built housing, of gas stations, bars, drive-ins and motels, and other buildings which invariably follow all development projects. A project as big as this and de- manding so much land should not be put in the already crowded Great Lakes area. It should be put in the desert West where it will not interfere with the ordered lives of decent, unharried citizens. be they city dwellers or farmers. There has been a definite lack of political discussion of the so- cial and ecological issues involved, and in the false representation of benefits which this costly project iss upposed to bring to the people of this area. WORSE, WE ARE letting this be foisted upon us by a lot of political trickery and by hard-sell public relations. Perhaps we need machines, development, and atom- ic power, but if the people and their leaders do not dictate when, how, and where the machines will be used, we are going to be the victims of power we cannot con- trol. And this is particularly true in regard to the awesome atomic power which has already been created. When a nation for the sake of some economic goals is ready to disregard the wise social uses of its resources, it is in deep trouble. And when a 'nation blunders into even greater problems because of a lack of foresight, we will dupli- cate the waste of the last cen- tury. -ThomasA. Brindley Ann Arbor. Vote for Mac To the Editor: TODAY please don't forget to' vote for Secretary of Defense. If incumbent McNamara were f a c i n g Republican challenger Charles Wilson and a write-in in- sungent, say Linus Pauling or A. J. Muste . . . whom to vote for? I'm quite serious, for these peo- ple are like our present Congres- sional candidates already magni- fied by participation in large fate- ful events. McNAMARA HAS become a model generation of younger in- tellectual technocrats who feel the attraction of public power. In the crystal ball, McNamara is Vivian to the Nth power. Technically trained. Degrees galore. Yes, a bit bored with private business, just as the youth are. Yes, he likes university towns. Constantly self- improving, becoming the whole man, he reads the Gita, the Sutras and the poems of Kazantzakis in bed. Contemplating the twenty- first century when all men will be brothers, women, sisters too. An Open Opportunity Employer, he. A long behind-the-scenes rec- ord of peacemaking; down with outmoded bombers, up with the Army University and less sticky napalm. Naturally, when rational- ly administering insanity a man must lie. Ah, . but for every lie, private doubts. A complex, modern man. Too modern to quit. Against him, simple Charlie; in the crystal ball, Esch to Nth. Chaotic, business-provincial, club- by with the brass, stout and true from the days before acid trips, divorces, or outspoken children and black men, "Whats good for General Motors . ; - ."Could one imagine McNamara with, "Whats good for Ford . . .."? I ADMIT IT, a vote for Vivian is not really a vote for Johnson; we know the Michigan Democrats hate Johnson and he knows it too. It is a vote for McNamara, as policymaker, as realist, as madel for the young. And for the ascend- ancy of the McNamaras. It is a choice that technical civilization must be sadistic. I think that when old Johnsons fade away, the real reckoning begins. -William Livant Reforming the Credit System THERE IS A GOOD possibility that the literary college faculty will consider a much-needed measure in its meeting next week--increasing the credit given for non- introductory courses from three to four hours. Praise be! THERE IS LITTLE LOGIC in the pres- ent system of credit hours. Introduc- tory courses, which demand less intensive work than upper level courses in any field, are nevertheless worth more rcedit hours than the advanced courses. Requiring an upperclassman to take five courses each semester in order to carry a full load is absurd. His five professors may not get much out of him, but all five will try. This system is more burdensome and detrimental to the educational experience than any combination of the draft, class rankings and C-curves. Although the sys- tem may once have been effective, It has now become outmoded. There is need for revision-a project in which the faculty can take initiative itself and do something dramatic to help the students. THERE IS A MOVEMENT afoot, prin- cipally among younger, more-outspok- en faculty here, to re-orient the under- graduate academic experience. The change in distribution requirements last year was an example of this progressive thinking. Now another problem is being dealt with at another level, by making the course load more sensible. When a student starts taking upper-lev- el courses, usually in his junior year, he has a good idea of which general subject areas interest him. He is ready-and often willing-to pursue these areas with in-' depth study, even independent research. It makes sense to let him, but the pres- ent system does not. To get enough credit to progress nor- mally toward graduation (and to keep the draft board off his back) a student must take at least 15 hours. This often requires five three-hour courses--with papers and at least 100 pages of reading each week. ALLAN F. SMITH, vice-president for aca- demic affairs, once commented that the true strength of the University lies in its decentralization, enabling each college --indeed, each department if it is suffi- ciently motivated-to make changes in the system to promote the welfare of its students. Here is a chance to make the academic experience more of a learning experience and less of a semester-long rat race. The logic and benefits of increased credit for advanced courses is obvious. It must inevitably be instituted. Why not now? -NEIL SHISTER Another Veto THE INABILITY of the members of the United Nations to agree on the settle- ment of major world crises was demon- strated again last week as the Soviet Un- ion cast its 104th Security Council veto, striking down a resolution aimed at end- ing the Israeli-Syrian border conflict. The resolution, supported by 10 of the 15 members of the Security Council, was far from one-sided, as the Soviet Union claimed. It asked that Syria strengthen measures to prevent border conflicts and that Israel cooperate fully with the Is- rael-Syria Mixed Armistice Commission, which handles border incidents. YET,DESPITE this attempt at non-fav- oritism, Soviet delegate Nikolai T. Fed- erenko assailed the resolution as a reflec- tion of what he said were Western at- tempts to "distort the real situation and to justify the extremist policies of Israel,"n speaking of Israel's "aggressive policies" and "imperialistic circles" plotting against peaceful Arab development. The Soviet veto of this essentially mild proposal to curb a situation which threat- ens the stability of the entire Middle East reflects the continuing refusal of the ma- ;r_ ___r%_.I- -n s X.. 1 n n a IM I flea j4 ... ......v t r . ..... ............... . . ..t.. ..::......... .. .h.......... ..Iv ... ... .. r." .. .:n x.. ...... ,}........ .... ... .. .. . . .... . . ..... . . . .... t}..nn.. .v. ..:.. ..... v. ..i%%:. . . .......t...,....r. .......,t, .. ....... ..,., :.,..., n::.... n..... .,....... ... ..C.. .. r r r., v:.... ... I......, t$::%i:..."..44. . . .:: ,r ..4.......... . .. X. : .......... ..:..A..... ..,,t. .t %.. ... . C1. .., .r .. ... a. . . ........1...::n.".......f,,...111£..... . Electionms 16:TeRgt-W ing Returns By WARREN M. ZUCKER GODWATER lives! In Califor- nia, Ohio, Montana, Nebraska, throughout the South. Everywhere. Contrary to the expectations (and hopes) of most political analysts, militant conservatism - Goldwater style-was not eradicated as a po- tent political force by its ignoble thrashing in the 1964 presidential election. Today, throughout the nation. staunch conservatives preaching the same ideas as their Arizona idol, sally forth in Republican ar- mor to battle the Democrats. And they will probably do much better than the ill-fated senator manag- ed to do. YET THEY do not look like Goldwater. They seem a good deal friendlier and smile and joke a good deal more than Barry did. Somehow they seem more middle class, just like you or I. Certainly they appear less fanatic, more re- sponsible and wholesome. Even a trifle handsomer. But that is because they have learned their lessons well. 1964 was an excellent teacher. Goldwater re- cited the catechism with com- pletely candor and not a little ideological fervor. He was more like a prophet calling to the faith- ful than a wise politician eagerly searching for voters. And he found much to his chagrin and seeming surprise that there were not enough faithful about to win an election. Thus, the conservative class of '66 has changed its strategy. In- stead of being preachers, they have become vote seekers. Their they are best typified by Ronald Reagan in his campaign to be- come governor of California. Or Howard "Bo" Callaway, attempt- ing to become the first Republi- can governor of Georgia since the Reconstruction era ended. Yet they could be just about any Republican senatorial or gub- ernatorial nominee running in the South, Midwestern, or Western re- gions of the country. They are also the numerous remarkably re- silient former congressmen, who having been dragged down with their idol in 1964, have bounced back to do battle again. IF THEIR TONE has changed, if their faces are different, the is- sues they talk of and the stands they take are not. Almost to the man they blast the Civil Rights Bills of 1964, 1965 and 1966. They particularly emphasize their op- position to all forms of open housing legislation. In 1964, the expected white backlash never did materialize. Many observers claimed that the white resentment of increasing civ- il rights agitation did not affect voting habits because Goldwater's stand on other issues and his image alienated great masses of potential backlash voters. But this year, in the face of increasingly militant civil riots agi- tation and widespread racial riot- ing, the conservatives have seem- ingly found a large and responsive audience in their calls for bigotry. No longer hampered by the Gold- water image, the conservatives are prepared to harvest a large crop of white resentment at the poll- 1964 well and because further es- calation of the war effort seems generally unpopular, the conserva- tives tend to only whisper their Viet Nam views lest they be accus- ed of irresponsibility. Talk of drop- ping nuclear weapons (tactical or otherwise) on North Viet Nam is also very definitely out. Crime in the streets is another concern of Goldwater that is ech- oed by the conservatives. And in- variably they blame the Supreme Court and irresponsible Negro leadership for what they see as a great increase in lawlessness throughout the land. The growing size of the federal government and its increasing role in social wel- fare programs are other joint fears of the militant conservatives and Goldwater. WHAT OF the liberal Republi- can leaders who were supposed to surge back into power after the 1964 debacle? They are facing vir- tual extinction today.; Gov. Nelson Rockefeller of New York, whose campaign style has made him one of the world's fore- most experts on international cooking, is struggling to defeat a lackluster, political hack named Francis O'Conner. This, despite the siphoning off of a large number of liberal Democrats from O'Con- ner by the third party candi- dacy of Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr., whose platform is his name. William Scranton's heir appar- ent in Pennsylvania, Lt. Gov. Ray- mond Shafer, faces unexpectedly, stiff opposition from an adver- sary, Milton Shapp, whose name was unknown to the great bulk of servative Republican defection from Brooke has dimmed his pros- pects. And the brightest Republican liberal prospect of them all, Gov. Mark Hatfield of Oregon, is lock- ed in a battle for his political life with Rep. Robert Duncan. Hat- field's repeated attacks on the Johnson Viet Nam policy have weakened his once bright pros- pects of capturing the Senate seat being vacated by Maureen Neu- berger. ALTHOUGH liberal Republican candidates could capture the gov- ernorships of New Mexico and Maryland, it is clear that there has been no widespreal liberal Re- publican revival. The liberals al- ready lost control of the party in Idaho, when Gov. Robert Smylie lost his reelection bid in the pri- mary to a staunch conservative, Don Samuelson. The Republican liberals can ex- pect no help from the party mod- erates in their ideological dispute with the right wingers. George Romney has clearly shown that he is more interested in gaining the 1968 presidential nomination than in ideological matters. Charles Percy, the expected vic- tor over Sen. Paul Douglas in the Illinois Senate race, is more concerned about Charles Percy than the fate of the nation. Last week Percy demonstrated his un- principled opportunism anew as for the third time within a year he changed his position on open hous- ing legislation. FACING THESE Republicans The Southern wing of the Dem- ocratic party is dominated by the specie of vulture better known as the racist demagogue. Feeding up- on the fear and suspicion aroused by a summer of race riots and cries of black power, they have regained control of the Southern Democratic party from the mod- erates who recently have been gaining power in the South. Preaching hate of everything from "black power to Lyndon Johnson," the Southern Democrat- ic demagogues have left the Ne- groes and the liberals little choice in the South between the Demo- crats and the Republicans. THUS, two matters have been decided before the votes are even counted tonight. First, no matter who wins and where,. it will have no effect on the Johnson Viet Nam policy. The overwhelming support the policy has received from the Democratic candidates plus the great reluctance of the Repub- licans, most of whom disagree with that policy, to discuss the issue, probably reflects the feeling among politicians of all parties that the majority of people do favor the Johnson stand. Also, with the exception of the Senate races in Oregon and Mon- tana, and scattered House con- tests, there exist no races where Viet. Nam is a big issue, where the people can select or reject the administration's stand. FINALLY, 1966 has made it clear that the capture of the Republi- can nomination by the conserva-