ELECTION ROUNDUP: COATTAILS, NO ISSUES See Editorial Page :Y l3EOfr iAu ~IiA4b CLOUDY High-60 Low-45 Possible showers today and tonight Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom VOL LXXVII, No.58 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8 1966 SEVEN CENTS EIGHT 'PAGES EIGHT i'AGES Predict Minor Republican Gains in House, Senate WASHINGTON (/P)-The 1966 election campaign wheeled along yesterday through clouds of un- certainty over Viet Nam, back- lash, and living costs toward Re- publican gains of modest dimen- sions in Tuesday's climactic bal-' loting. Unless undetected undercurrents' of sentiment are stirring among a prospective 59 million voters, a survey completed five days before the election indicates the Republi- cans are likely to gain fewer than 30.House seats, pick up perhaps a net of one Senate seat and possi- bly gather in five or six more gov- ernorships. The GOP can count on gains in one or both branches of some state legislatures, the analysis indi- cated, but not a nation wide sweep. No single issue stands out as a pivotal one on which the election' outcome will be decided. The war in Viet Nam seems to be the greatest concern. It has been talked and argued about as a campaign issue, but there are no signs it will sway many votes. Viet Nam is an immeasurable factor. Nor can it be determined whether white resentment at the pace of Negro progress will stir up sizeable backlash vote or whether resentment against in- flation and high prices will have any major effect on how the peo- ple vote. Also unknown are whether Pres- ident Johnson's Asia-Pacific jour- ney might have some vote-pulling appeal for the Democrats and whether - his upcoming minor operations might bring the Dem- ocrats some sympathy votes. In any event, no major political ners. It tabs Percy as the Repub- been demonstrating a sort of po- dent is trying to inject the Viet upheaval of nationwide propor- lican most likely to oust a Dem- litical perpetual motion week after Nam war into the campaign as a tions is in sight for the campaign ocrat from the U.S. Senate- week along the campaign trails vote-catching device. He went on finale-no throwing . out of the grizzled veteran Paul Douglas. criss-crossing the country. De- to say such tactics are foolish andI "ins" on a scale so massive as to Movie-television actor Reagan spite disclaimers, the idea still dangerous. endanger Democratic majorities in apparently is out in front in a gets around that both Kennedy Obviously nettled by Nixon's as- the Senate, House or governors' tough, tight race with Democratic and Nixon might be in there pitch- sertion that the Manila conference mansions. Gov. Edmund G. Brown. There ing for the presidency two years brought peace "no nearer" and In fact, the Tuesday results are plenty of other attention- from now. commited the United States to a might turn out to be notable lar- sparking races, too-for governor Then there is Democratic Gov. long and costly war, Johnson went' gely for their omens for 1968. Re- in Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, George C. Wallace of Alabama. I on to say, in effect, that when publican Govs. George Romney of Maryland and New York, and He can't succeed himself, so he is Nixon was vice president he didn't Michigan and James A. Rhodes of Senate contests in Massachusetts, running his wife, Lurleen to serve know what was going on in gov- Ohio are in this classification, Tennessee and Texas. a puppet term while he controls ernment. along with the party candidate One thing that catches the eye the strings and ponder another try Nixon called the President's acid for governor in California, Ronald of party pros is that the chief in 1968 as a third-party presiden- comments "a shocking display of Reagan. So, too, is the Republican tom-tom thumpers this election i tial contestant advocating the temper." senatorial candidate in Illinois, year are men who aren't running cause of the white man. Johnson echoed the views of Charles H. Percy. for anything-this time. Johnson and Nixon livened the many other observers, partisan A survey by Associated Press Sen. Robert F. Kennedy of New verbal proceeding a bit on Friday. and nonpartisan, when he told the bureaus and member newspapers York for the Democrats and for- The President hit into Nixon at reporters he doesn't think Tues-f just ahead of the election lists mer Vice President Richard M. a Washington news conference, day's voting will bring any major Romney and Rhodes as big win- Nixon for the Republicans have declaring the former vice presi- revision of the party line-up in Congress and doesn't see Viet Nam as a leading issue in voters' minds. ! i ,, ; C+ 1 t i ., F Many known political names are on- the ballots in both state and national elections - Eisenhower, Stevenson, Taft, Roosevelt, and two Rockefellers. Earl Eisenhower, young brother of the former president, is run- ning for Cook County Chicago clerk on the Republican ticket. Adlai E. Stevenson III, son of the late ambassador to the United Nations and Democratic presiden- tial candidate in 1952 and 1956, is trying for state treasurer on the Democratic ballot in Illinois. Robert Taft Jr., son of the late Ohio senator who was called "Mr. Republican," is the Republican nominee for the House in Cincin- nati's 1st Ohio District. Faculty Vote Defers LSA 4 Credit Plan Less Subjects Taken, Transfer Difficulties Are Disadvantages By PAT O'DONOHUE K " 'NEWS WIRE I I 1 The Faculty Assembly of the' literary college voted yesterday to defer a resolution proposing that all courses in LSA carry four hours credit,. that students 'shall normally carry four courses per term" and that a total of 128 hours le required for the Bachelor of Arts degree. The report was presented to the dean and the executive committee of the LSA by Prof. Albert Feuer- 'werker, director of the Chinese studies department. The executive committee re- quested the curriculum committee to= consider the proposal and de- liver a report on the proposal to the executive committee. The curriculum committee re- ported "if we overvalue our courses in terms of credit hours, we will create difficulties for stu- dents who wish to transfer to other schools or who wish to go to graduate school" as one of the disadvantages of the proposal. They cited the "opportunity to exchange breadth for depth" as one advantage to the proposed program. The curriculum commit- tee's report stated that "the stu- dent representatives to . . . the committee placed particular em- phasis on this point." The report added that the "prin-' cipal disadvantage of the programI is that "it would reduce the num-I ber of subjects which a studentj can study."' The resolution will come up for discussion at the December meet- CONGRESSMAN WESTON E. VIVIAN (D-Ann Arbor) has been endorsed for re-election by the liberal National Committee for an Effective Congress, it was announced yesterday. NCEC, which is supporting 18 Republicans and 53 Democrats in House races, bases its endorsements on the progressive outlook of its candidates. Earlier, Vivian was endorsed by Rep. John Conyers, Jr. (D- Detroit), a member of the National Conference for New Politics. led by Dr. Benjamin Spock. PHI KAPPA TAU FRATERNITY will offer a running tally on election results tonight. The service will cover returns from gubernatorial and senatorial elections across the nation, Mich- igan congressional races, and local contests. Students who cannot follow the returns on radio or television or who are interested only in a particular race can obtain in- formation by calling 761-2330 any time between 7:30 p.m. and 1 a.m. INTER-HOUSE ASSEMBLY WILL be working with repre- sentatives from the Peace Corps during the week of Nov. 13-19 in a recruitment program. Discussions and meetings will be held in the residence halls while the representatives are. on campus. More information will be available later this week. IHA also announced at its meeting last night that a re- cruitment program for next year's residence hall staff will start Nov. 15. Applications will be available Dec. 1 and interviews will start Jan. 23. People outside the residence halls are eligible and there will be no screening by the University. Interviews will be held only in the individual dormitories. The University Housing Office hopes that all appointments will be made by March so that housing arrangements and contracts can be made more easily. THE LAW SCHOOL WIILL BE expecting 50 prominent alumni for two days of special programs and review of the Lawt School's operations this Thursday and Friday. The judges and lawyers will also have the opportunity to be present on Thursday and Friday for the 43rd annual Henry M. Campbell Competition, in which pairs of students compete IHA Favors Eliminating Soph Hours Survey Helps Reveal 'U' Women's Opinion< To IHA, Panhel, SGC By HELEN JOHNSON Inter House Assembly voted last night "to support a resolution for the elimination of sophomore women's hours and to recommend further study on the prospects of sophomore apartment priveleges." Their decision reflects a more liberal view than the resolution passed recently by Panhellenic Association. Panhel recommended I that sophomore hours be extended rather than eliminated. Student Government Council Vice-President Cindy Sampson, '68, said that, though SGC has not yet considered the matter, she ex- pected SGC w.ill be ready to make a recommendation to Vice-Presi- dent for Student Affairs Richard Cutler by January, at the latest. She is presently consulting with A psychologists, residence hall di- rectors and other experts qualified to advise on the degree of matur-I ity, regard for peer pressure and other pertinant factors applicable Secretary McNamara is seen am to the average sophomore women. sharply criticized the dissenters Both IHA and Panhel based then politely asked them to let their opinions, in part, on a sur- - - - -- -- vey which they conducted with theT aid of the Institute of Survey Re- TV INTERVIEWS: search. The study was supportedI by SGC. Circulated among approximately --Associated Press QOMPTU DISCUSSION nidst a group of Harvard students protesting the war yesterday. He for their discourteous behavior. He answered some, questions, and him be on his way. Franklin D. Roosevelt Jr., an- other son of a president, is on the Liberal party ticket in the New York race for governor. He might pull enough votes away from Democrat Frank O'Connor to toss a squeaker to Republican incum- bent Nelson A. Rockefeller. The other Rockefeller, brother Winthrop, is in another tossup battle for governor in Arkansas going along the main drags in a horse-drawn wagon, now and then, looking for votes against ardent segregationist Jim John- son, a Democrat. Since the Senate. is bound to stay in Democratic hands and the governors will be more potent po- politically in 1968, the key contests this year involve the fate of 44 freshmen Democrats i.n the House. See REPUBLICANS, Page 2 Higher Rent Charged For Apartments, Charter Realty First To Raise Rents On Fall of 1967 Leases By STEVE WILDSTROM There were indications yester- day that there may be some fairly substantial increases in student apartment rents next year. Students seeking living facilities for Fall, 1967, have reported that monthly rents for modern four- man, two-bedroom apartments close to central campus are run- ning between $70 and $75 per man. Comparable apartments cost ap- proximately $60 to $65 per man this year for a twelve-month lease. Students living in buildings managed by Charter Realty have received lease renewal notices for next year and have reported their rents have been raised from $3 to $12 per month per man. Repre- sentatives of Charter were not im- mediately available for confirma- tion of the increases or comment on the causes of the rent hikes. Apparently, - Charter is the only major Ann Arbor realtor to have sent out renewal notices. ,Pulte, Inc. Patrick Pulte, of Patrick Pulte, Inc., a major apartment owner, Said last night that his firm is not planning any general increase in rents. He said that although there may be some spot adjust- ments, both upward and down- ward, no accross-the-board chan- ges are planned. Mrs. Elizabeth Leslie, assistant director of student-community re- lations, said that she was not aware of any general increases al- though she had heard unconfirm ed rumors of one realtor planning to raise rents. Mrs. Leslie said any increases would most likely be the result of generally rising costs. A student living in Carriage House, a Charter managed build- ing, said that her rent for next year has been raised from $65 to $74 per month. Another stu- dent living in a Charter managed building reported an increase of $3 to $66. $13 More A student living in the Park Plaza Apartments reported an in- crease of $13 to $72 per month for next year. Students looking for CORRECTION The headline "T-Groups Ex-. periment in. Therapy"'~ which appeared on this page Sunday morning was seriously mislead- ing. In fact, as its accompanying story says, 'The T-Groups are not intended to provide individ- ual therapy." The groups are solely a means of illustrating group interactions to psychology students. The Daily regrets the publication of this headline. apartments have also said that Dahlman Apartments and Apart- ment Ltd renuts are up about $10. If the increases turn out to be general, the average cost of a two- bedroom four-man within two or three blocks of campus would be epproximately $280, an increase of about 11 per cent over this year. Rents this year are substantially the same as they were last year for modern buildings. Rents in older buildinas are up as a result 11' YA A VW nI £) J'0'1PaI 4 £-ood 1,450 University women, both af- filiat~d and unaffiliated, the sur- vey questionaire asked girls wheth- er sophomore hours should be re-' tained, eliminated with apartment permission being granted, or elim- inated without apartment prive- Iegyes being gyranted. Unions, Student Voice at'U' By MARK LEVIN In regard to President Harlan MU1 - against each other in .a mock supreme court. G' "' . Hatcher's speech before the Amer- ing of the LSA faculty according r . s id FOf the 272 female residents of Two more Regental candidates ican Bar Association on Univer- to LSA Dean William Haber. dormitories responding to the sur- have endorsed the right of Uni- sy r A second resolution stating that Allen, dean of the Law School, will address the visitors on Fri- vey, 32 thought hours should be versity employes to bargain col- nlinssd D huns chic "this faculty mildly censure the day, followed by a panel discussion on "Computers and the Law" I retained. The remaining 240 lectively. of sad, "Dr. checie administration" of LSA "for in- presented by members of the faculty. -omen were evenly split as to John Collins, a Democrat' words (opposing collective bar- itiating the pass-fail option pro- -. whether nours should be elim- Mrs. Trudy Heubner, a Republi- fortunate. In view of the reaction gram" in the winter semester in THE POLITICAL ROLE' OF U.S. corporations abroad and inated with or without apartment can, presented their views Sunday to his statement, I think he may spite of the faculty action ap- priveleges. afternoon in a television program have realized that himself." proving that the program be in- current negotiations for removing trade barriers within the Sorority women, on the other broadcast by WMSB, the Michi- Oppsitioaise itiated in the spring term also Atlantic area will be the focus of a one-day legal conference hand, with roughly a 60 per cent gan State University station.Opposition a Mistake came up for consideration. Nov. 19 at the University. response, indicated that only 54 The pair were interviewed, along Collins further said that the This resolution was "tabled in The seminar is to present a discussion of legal and economic of them approved of both elimin- with candidates for the Wayne University has made a mistake in good spirit" according to Haber. i problems of the Atlantic area from four practical policy-making ating sophomore hours and ex- State University board, by John challenging Public Act 379 ,the Haber said the Faculty Advisory aspects--corporate, legal, economic and governmental. t e n,d i n g apartment priveleges Gagnon, news editor of the Wayne state statute giving public em- Committee on Presidential Selec- swhile 299 favored mere abolition Daily Collegian; Kyle Kerbawy, ployes the right to bargain col- tion "gave a full and encourag- Co-sponsors are the American Society of International Law of hours, and 329 expressed the editor of the Michigan State News lectively. ing" report of its work in the last and the University's International Law Society. The program will view that sophomore hours be and Mark R. Killingsworth, edi- Mrs. Heubner agreed with Col- six months. run from 9:15 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in Hutchins Hall. kept. tor of The Daily. lins. She said it is "impossible to -.-.-.--...-.-avoid collective bargaining." " She added, "Unions are entit / 0 "ed to their fair share. Collective Diversified Interdisci plinar y Activity S parks MHIRI 'ingg I ntrdtct ina Actvit Spa ks HR1 bargaining may be difficult, it D -11~er tfie p ay be time-consuming, it may be costly, but it's an important process and we ought to have it." SR searchers Work To Cure Mental Disorders incumbent Democrat Irenedur phy and Republican Robert Brown, By LYNNE KILLIN Prof. William Livant is a psy- duces planaria, a fancy name for The MHRI atmosphere has the lege and other centers like the had also supported the concept of chologist, yet he sees nothing un- flatworms, to the culinary arts of capacity to breed two sorts of un- Conflict Research and Kresge collective bargaining at the Uni- The Mental Health Research usual in studying the development cannibalism. He even communi- usual scientists. Hearing Institutes. versity in an earlier televised in- Institute is far from dull. Where of the child by reading books on cated with his fellow planaria en- O The main limitations on its re- terview with the three editors. else is there such diversified in- economic theory. thusiasts in his "Worm Runner's woe ma in g atMHIaist search are financial. Members of Sliding-Scale Tuition terdisciplinary activity? Prof. James V. McConnell intro- Digest." confe main worfield, usualy i the institute must either receive While Collins and Heubner ,e":;.:."-MHRI Director James G. Miller conjunction with the advice and funds for research from MHRI it- agreed on collective bargaining, leads a harried life just directing assistance he can give or receive self, or go looking for a grant they disagreed on a proposal to the Institute. In his spare time, from other related disciplines from some outside organization. introduce sliding-scale tuition fees, ""'ihe also heads up EDUCOM, a However, once he has obtained his based on ability to pay, to hold computerized education network, The other sort is the neo-Ren- funds, they have almost total down the impact of rising tuition works closely with the Medical aissance type -reseacher-scholar freedom of action. costs. School on an automated medical who are well versed in several Although there is a danger of Mrs. Heubner, indicating general library and tries to keep tabs on areas, often experts in some ap- becoming isolated inside a per- philosophical agreement with the the half-dozen branches of his in nplied branch and generalists in sonal project and getting "hung idea, said that it is nevertheless terdisciplinary organization. others. up," this freedom is nevertheless "not practical at this point." There w Is MHRI a dynamic, forward- This combination of approaches responsible for some of the most are "numerous scholarships and looking group of inventive think- from many viewpoints often leads progressive, creative research in other types of financial aids avail- mn a mn as h to seemin lv - odd arranements. a ,able" presently, she added. versity decision - making, Mrs. Heubner replied, "Students have to have a voice in things. Our children are more sophisticated. They are entitled to speak on and have an advisory role in decisions." 'In Loco Parentis' Collins added that he favors the recent trend for major universi- ties to draw away from the "in loco parentis" doctrine in which the institution attempts to act in place of a student's parents in disciplinary matters. Both indicated general support for student participation in an ad- visory capacity as members of com- mittees from the departmental to vice-presidential level. In an interview shown Tuesday evening over WMSB, Mrs. Mur- phy and Brown also endorsed the concept of student participation in an advisory capacity. Needs Refinement. Brown, discussing the sliding-fee concept, declared that it needed more specific. definition and re- finement before it could be put into effect. He added, that he saw "nothing wrong with charging an equitable fee" to all students based on family income and other abili- ty-to-pay factors. Mrs. Murphy, stressing she be- lieves education is an investment which repays itself swiftly in terms i of additional tax revenue, declared that "new concepts are needed to meet the new economics of the 20th Century." - She said that if the same gov- ernmental unit which pays for ed- ucation could reap some of the tax benefits of such an investment, gaining financial support for edu- cation would be much less diffi-