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November 05, 1966 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-11-05

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Light snow ending
by evening; windy

Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom


GOP Candidates





One of the major projects of
the Republicans this fall is an at-
tempt to unseat the five freshman
Democratic congressmen whose
seats are up for grabs in Michi-
The Republicans feel that they
have several historic factors in
their favor. First, in general elec-
tions between presidential races,
the party in power usually loses
seats. Secondly, most of the Dem-
ocrats are from) traditionally Re-
publican districts, and gained their
seats riding President Johnson's
coattails in the 1964 landslide.
Their campaigns are all based
on two key issues: inflation caus-
ed by loose non-military spend-
ing, and a need for .a Congress
that is not merely a rubber stamp
for the President's legislation.

The five races are:
* The Second Congressional
District. Democrat Weston E. Viv-
ian is opposed by State Represen-
tative Marvin Esch, and write-
in peace candidate Mrs. Kenneth
Boulding. In 1964 Congressman
Vivian upset Rep. George Meader
by slightly over dne per cent of
the vote. Johnson's landslide help-
ed him to beat a Goldwater con-
servative. This time, however, he
will have to do it on his own
against a Republican who pre-
sents the image of a "moderate,"
Romney type Republican.
Mrs. Boulding, the third candi-
date, entered not so much with
aspirations to win, as to be able
to influence the other candidates'
stand, and spark debate on the
issue of the war. Mrs. Boulding
wants to offer the voters a clear

alternative to the war, something
she says the other candidates fail
to do.
So far the race can go either
way, although Sen. Esch has been
given a slight advantage. In an
ABC poll on the five races con-
cerning freshman Democrats, Esch
was given the best chance of any
of the Republicans.
! In the 19th District, Demo-
crat incumbent Billy S. Farnum
is opposed by Republican Jack
McDonald. Farnum had held var-
ious governmental and UAW posi-
tions before being elected in 1964.
McDonald is another "moderate"
Republican who beat out the par-
ty's 1964 nominee Richard Kuhn,
an extreme conservative. McDon-
ald based his primary fight on his
ability to get votes in, predomi-
nantly Democratic areas, such as

He claims that in a private poll
of his district four out of five
were against the administration's
War on Poverty though his oppon-
ent voted to double their funds.
In another poll, he claims that 83
per cent of the voters were in
favor of retiring the National Debt,
and ,therefore, he would vote to
cut back on government non-mili-
tary spending.
He is also against the federal
government by-passing state agen-
cies in many of their dealings
with municipalities and private
A spokesman from McDonald's
headquarters said he considers the
campaign trends to be encour-
aging, and adds that his candi-
date has slightly better than an
even chance of winning. He said
that the weather on election day
could be a factor in a district

where there are more registered Todd
Democrats than Republicans. 1964.

has picked up support since

* In the Third District, around
Kalamazoo, Democratic Rep. Paul
H. Todd, Jr., faces Republican
State Senator Garry E. Brown.
According to Todd, Brown is
trying to label him as an admin-
istration rubber stamp, but that
they discuss his actions in gen-
eralities, and haven't come down
to the specifics of his record. He
points out his work on the Food
for Freedom bill (the first bill to
deal with population control) and
his work on stemming water pollu-
tion in the Kalamazoo River bas-
His headquarters feel that his
campaign is going well. They base
their optimism on the increase in
precinct work and the fact that
according to various polls, Rep.

The Republican nominee, two-
time State Senator Garry Brown,
also won a primary against the
entrenched conservative element of
the party, by beating August E.
Johansen by a 6 to 1 margin. An
issue in the campaign was Johan-
sen's more militant stand on the
war, and the amount of forces to
be used in Viet Nam.
He has pointed to the imbal-
ance in Congress and the ease in
which the President gets his leg-
islation passed as major issues in
his campaign. He claims that he
is not against such legislation as
the poverty program, but that
changes in its administration must
be made. He also favors an across
the board cut in government non-
military spending.
Brown's headquarters said that

their candidate had at least a 50-
50 chance Tuesday.
* In the 7th District, Demo-
cratic Rep. John C. Mackie faces
Republican Donald Reigle, Jr., in
what now appears to be a possible
runaway. In 1964 Mackie won han-
dily, but since then Republicans
claim he has not maintained care-
ful contact with his constituents.
Mackie's supporters, however, pre-
dicted that their candidate would
win an easy race as a man with
a good voting record, experience,
and long tenure.
For Reigle, the son of the may-
or of Flint, this is his first for-
ray into politics. He has based his
campaign on the issue of Mackie's
poor attendance in Congress, his
opponent's overwhelming support
of Johnson's legislation, and a call
for cutbacks in non-military
spending. Reigle wants to set up

a system of priorities for spend-
ing, with Viet Nam heading the
" In the 11th District, includ-
ing the entire Upper Peninsula,
and part of the Lower Peninsula,
Democratic Rep. Raymond F.
Clevenger faces Philip E. Rupee.
Clevenger got 53 per cent of the
vote in 1964, and declines to make
any predictions as to the outcome
of the race. He has pointed with
pride to many of the federal grants
he worked for in his district, much
of which is a depressed area. He
feels that he will need a large
turnout in the Upper Peninsula to
overcome a strongly Republican
segment of the Lower Peninsula.
His opponent, Ruppe, considers
himself a "Romney Republican." If
elected he plans to vote to cut
back on administration spending
and thereby prevent inflation.

In November
UAC Symposium
To Hold Discussions
On Education Issues
Universities Activities Centei
will sponsor a conference Novem-
ber 19 to bring current, specific
academic issues to the attention
of the University community.
Hopefully, the participants will
be Regents; vice-presidents; pro-
fessors and students who have,
in the past, expressed interest in
academic affairs; student leaders
from various organizations; and
anyone else interested in attend-
Marji Kalb, '68, chairman of the
conference, and Lew Paper, '68,
chairman of the UAC Academic
Affairs Committee will begin the
conference w i t h introductory
comments on the results of the
proposals of a similar conference
held last February.
Following thekey note com-
ments, the participants will be
divided into f o u r discussion
Sam Chafetz, '67, chairman of
the writer-in-residence commit-
tee, will lead a discussion on how
to best change the 3 credit courses
to 4 credit-hours. Currently, the
faculty seems favorable to the
philosophy behind the change, but
no concret method of implemen-
tation has yet been agreed upon.
Led by James Shaw, chairman
of the junior-senior counselling
office, another group will discuss
the two-year foreign languare re-
quirement. Questions to be dis-
cussed include program revisions
so that, for example, students
could have a choice between pur-
suing conversation or literature
courses in a given language, or
completely scrapping the require-
Joe Litven, '67, chairman of the
Literary College steering commit-
tee, will head the group consider-
ing the expansion of an outreach
approach to other departments.
Presently, several sections of the
introductory course in psychology
as-a-social science are involved in
the Outreach program, whereby
they spend several hours a week
"in the field," working at a mental
hospital or at community centers.
The fourth discussion group,
whose chairman has not yet been
announced, will debate the value
and possible adoption of a con-
troversial practice known as "phi
bet" notes.
Under this plan, one person in
each lecture, .generally an honors
student, is assigned and paid to
t a k e excellent, comprehensive
notes. Approximately every week,
these notes are taken to a printer,
stapled together by a student com-
mittee, and sold to those enrolled
in the course for a nominal sum.
This policy is currently in effect
at many graduate schools--especi-
ally medical schools-including
the medical school here.
Those against the plan naturally
suspect that it will merely encour-
age students to skip lectures. The
rationale of its proponents, how-
ever, is that the printed notes will
be valuable supplements to the
lectures. For, in attempting to take
copious and complete notes, a stu-
dent often loses track of the lec-
turer's chain of argument or train
of thought. Might not lectures be

:L 4rtrgau Dally

PROF. MARSHALL WINDMILLER, associate professor of
international relations at San Francisco State College and regu-
lar foreign affairs commentator for the Pacific radio network,
will speak tonight at 8 o'clock in the multi-purpose room of the
UGLI. His recent trips to Viet Nam and Cuba will be discussed.
Mrs. Elise Boulding, write-in candidate for U.S. Congress,
will also speak.
Salem, Ore., bought a motel, renamed it the No-Tell Motel and is
offering special student rates.
Ladum, to the dismay of Willamette's trustees, then adver-
tised in the Willamette Collegian, with a headline reading "No-
Tell Motel or Bust." The ad revealed that the No-Tell "sports a
passionate red" decor and is dominated by the highest neon sign
in town. An attached coupon offered a 20 per cent discount for
student patrons.
The administration advised the Collegian that the ad was in
poor taste. The Oregon State Police have also shown interest
in the establishment.
Ladum raised the money for his enterprise by first collecting
coins for a merit badge in the Boy Scouts. He eventually opened
a mail-order coin company and bought the motel with the profits.
* * * *
A POLL TAKEN IN THE 18TH State Senatorial District,
which includes Ann Arbor, shows 75 per cent opposition to the
18-year-old vote.
The poll, run by State Senator Gilbert Bursley, consisted of
10,000 questionnaires mailed to constituents in Washtenaw and
Lenawee counties, About 2,000 replied.
Other issues besides the voting age were included on the
questionnaire. Fifty per cent of the respondents felt that enough
money was now being spent on education while 51 per cent
favored establishment of state-run vocational schools for high
school dropouts.
Forty-two per cent voted to increase the sales tax and 42
per cent favored an income tax.
* *
KENNETH W. THOMPSON, Republican candidate for Mich-
igan State University's board of trustees, charged yesterday that
planned pay raises for 94 faculty members were altered this year
as a result of pressure on university administrators.
Thompson charges, "there are two administrations at MSU;
the one headed by Dr. John A. Hannah, and the one headed by
the Democratic members of the board. It is difficult to tell which
one is running the affairs of the university."
At present, Democrats have a 6-2 majority on the eight mem-
ber board. Two incumbents are up for re-election, Democrat War-
ren Huff, now the board's chairman, and Frank Merriman, a Re-
publican. Challengers for these positions are Thompson and Dem-
ocrat Nathan Conyers.

First 4-Year
Senate Race
To Be Tight
Both Parties Expect
To Win Majority
In State Legislature
By The Associated Press
Republicans and Democrats say
they expect to control the first
four-year state Senate in Mich-
igan history when it convenes next
Democrats say they can main-
tain control of the upper house-
which they gained for the first
time since the 1930s in the Lyndon
Johnson landslide of 1964. But,
they admit, their current eight-
vote margin probably will be cut.
The Republicans aren't expect-
ed to gain control of the Mich-
igan House of Representatives
either in the election next week-
but it's hard to find a Republican
who admits it can't be done.
Republicans say they can elect
at least the five new senators
they need to take control.
To gain a majority in the lower
chamber, they'd have to win in
19 districts besides those they al-
ready represent.
Both parties agree that no mat-
ter who organizes the Senate next
year the party majority may not
amount to more than one or two
Some Democrats concede they
expect to lose one, two or three
of their freshman senators r
But Republicans would have to
pick up four seats to gain an even
split and five to have a majority.
A tie probably would favor the
Republicans. Republican Gov.
George Romney and his running
mate, Lt. Gov. William Milliken,
are expected to win re-election
handily. That would leave Milli-
ken as presiding officer of the
Senate, with the power to vote in
case of a tie.
Democrats, of course, are skep-
tical about the House race. They
outnumbered the GOP 73-37 at
the start of the 1965-66 session
and, though some concede they
expect that margin to be cut, they
expect a comfortable edge when
the next Legislature is organized.

FORMER GOVERNOR G. MENNEN WILLIAMS (Left), Democratic candidate for the U.S. Senate,
has been temporarily absent from the. campaign trail as he recovers fronm laryngitis. Meanwhile, his
'opponent, Republican Robert Griffin (Right) appeared yesterday before a group of Ford workers
in Highland Park,
NSA, Individual Universties
To0 Re-evaluate Draft Rules

Editor's note: This is the last
of a two-part series on the Na-
tional Students Association's
campaign to involve college stu-
dents in a re-evaluation of the
Selective Service System.

The National
tion's proposal

Students Associa-
for a nationwide

student draft referendum has
drawn response from several uni-
versities throughout the country.
Here in Ann Arbor, Student
Government Council is sponsoring
a referendum this month to give
students an opportunity to express
their views both on the Univer-
sity's policy of compiling students'
class ranks and on the present
and alternative national policies
on military service. 7ni preparing
for the referendum, SGC has con-
ducted an extensive campaign to
inform students about the issues
to be covered by the referendum.
A similar referendum has al-
ready been held at Harvard Col-
lege, where a majority of 2000


s t u d e n t s repudiated Harvard's
policy of sending class rangs to
students' local draft boards.
In addition, 65 per cent of the
students who participated in the
referendum indicated that they
feel student status is a justifiable
basis for draft deferment, and 75
per cent were opposed to replac-
ing the present system by some
form of lottery. However, an over-
whelming majority voted in favor
of changing Selective Service reg-
ulations to permit substitution of
service in the Peace Corps or
VISTA for military service.
Roughly 66 per cent of the stu-
dents who voted in the Harvard
referendum favored retaining the
present Selective Service examina-
One factor in Harvard's refer-
endum is very disappointing to
everyone who wanted to see a
full and enthusiastic turnout. The
2000 students polled represented
only 43 per cent of the student
body. More than 4000 ballots had
been distributed.
Faculty discussion of the refer-

endum results began on October
18, at which time the school's
dean commented only on Harvard's
relation to the draft and Harvard's
obligation under the terms of the
Selective Service System to turn
in the class ranking of each stu-
A second faculty discussion is
scheduled for tomorrow, but Har-
vard students acknowledge that
their referendum was in the na-
ture of an opinion poll only and
not binding on the university ad-
However, another school, Hay-
erford .College, has decided it will
not compile class ranks this year
for reasons of "academic inequi-
ties." Haverford's president, Hugh
Borton, explained that the empha-
sis placed on the class ranking by
the Selective Service catalyzed the
issue but theractual decision to
abandon the ranking system was
made definitely for academic rea-
sons. President Borton also ex-
pressed concern that the present
system of class ranking was forc-
ing students to avoid challenging
cqurses in order to get the required
Borton feared "The system was
forcing students to sidestep cour-
ses that would be more beneficial
to them academically."
What happens to the student
whose school does not compile
class ranks? According to a Local
Detroit Draft Board offical, Uncle
Sam cannot possibly hold the boy
responsible. Wayne State Univer-
sity has traditionally compiled no
class ranking, and its male stu-
dents are not having their student
defrement status taken from them.'
Another college with a similar
policy is Goddard College, which
will hold a draft referendum next

State Races
Culminate in
Quick Paces
Romney, Ferency Vie
For Union Support
In Wayne County
The Michigan political races are
culminating in a torrent of activ-
ity that is testing the stamina and
political prowes of the candidates.
In the gubernatorial race be-
tween Governor George Romney
and Democratic candidate Zolton
Ferency, each attempted to cap-
ture the all-important labor vote
in Wayne County yesterday.
Romney was greeted with min-
gled cheers and boos by AFL-CIO
workers in Highland Park as he
attempted to clarify the reasons
for his veto on a bill eliminating
the one week waiting period for
unemployment benefits. He said
that the bill was brought forward
only to create a "political issue
rather than to solve a problem."
Ferency attacked Romney be-
fore UAW members in Detroit. He
cited corruption in the horse'rac-
ing circuits, the malpractice suits
against Fairwood Hospital and
charges of conflict of interest
against former Insurance Com-
missioner Allen Mayerson as indi-
cations that Romney was not ef-
fectivelyridding the state of in-
ternal decay.
In the senatorial race, Robert S.
Griffin asked for more federal
help to unsnarl traffic jams in
Michigan's cities. He also said that
Detroit "must take action soon to
adapt its mass transit system to
the needs of the times."
However, Detroit's Mayor Jer-
ome Cavanagh recalled that Grif-
fin voted against the Mass Trans-
portation Act of 1964.
An attack of laryngitis has
forced former Gov. G. Mennen
Williams to stay away from the
campaign circuit for the third
consecutive day. He is resting in
his home in Grosse Pointe.
Williams did not speculate upon
the effect his absence might have
on the campaign. But he did point
out that he won the election after
losing his voice in his first cam-
paign for governor in 1948.
Meanwhile controversy is flaring
over the Detroit News' political
opinion poll which was conduct-
ed by Market-Opinion Research
Company. Circuit Judge Harry J.
Dingeman, Jr. issued an order re-
quiring the company to show
cause why it should not be re-
quired to furnish the data it used
or be enjoined from polling. The
poll showed Romney outdistancing
Ferency in the race for governor.
The complaint to the court had
charged that "The Detroit News,
the Republican party and George
Romney have conspired together
to use and publish the reports for
the purpose of creating an impres-
sion in the minds of the voting
public that George Romney can-
not lose this election.

Key Congressional, Gubernatorial Races
To Be Decided in Several State Elections

By The Associated Press
Political strategists are classing
10 Senate races, involving six
Democratic and four Republican
seats,as cliff-hangers. as the end
of active campaigning draws near.
Although other close contests
might provide election upsets,
leaders of both parties are now
concentrating their attention on
Idaho, Illinois, Massachusetts,
Michigan, Montana, Nebraska,
New Hampshire, Oregon, Tennes-
see and Texas.
But the consensus of party
workers who have followed the
campaigns closely is that there is
no predictable sweep for either
npart. MAst rnas thev av will

primarily on the outcome of gov-
ernors' races in next Tuesday's
It is in these contests for con-
trol of statehouses that Demo-
cratic strategists privately con-
cede they are considerably more
vulnerable than they believe they
are in the 435 House and 35 Senate
contests to be decided at the same
Senate Races
The 10 Senate races regarded as
down to the wire affairs illustrate
the seeming lack of an overriding
issue that reaches across the
In Massachusetts, the Republi-
cansn are nnning Attv. Gen. Ed-

Frank B. Morrison. This is largely
a test between Curtis' conservative
views and Morrison's support of
the Johnson "Great Society" pro-
In Illinois, the white blacklash,
Viet Nam and a potential sym-
pathy vote for Republican Char-
les H. Percy, whose daughter was
murdered, figure in his contest
with Democratic Sen. Paul H.
Douglas. But many politicians be-
lieve a decisive factor may be
Percy's age of 47 matched against
Douglas' 74.
In Michigan, the pros think it's
a case of whether Gov. George
Romney, seeking re-election, will
be able to pull his senatorial ap-

In Oregon, GOP Gov. Mark O.'
Hatfield has toned down his pre-
vious dissent with Johnson's1
courses in Viet Nam. But his Dem-'
ocratic rival, Rep. Robert B. Dun-
can, continues to cite his support
of Johnson's policies. Party stra-
tegists think the personalities of
the candidates may finally settle
this contest.
From the current low point of
17 governors, Republicans hope
for a substantial gain that will
give them a chance to build state
organizations geared toward cap-
turing 1966 electoral votes in an
uphill contest against Johnson's
expected re-election bid.j
mA ... -I, Tw -- A "I a

Democrats, sensing what may be
their best opportunity in almost a
decade to defeat incumbent Re-
publican Nelson A. Rockefeller,
are supplying candidate Frank D.
O'Connor with major White House
support and the crowd-gathering
magic of Sen. Robert F. Kennedy
Rockefeller, who is 58 and says
his presidential ambitions are a
thing of the past, has accepted
only minor campaign support from
other GOP big names, relying in-
stead on a well-financed, profes-
sionally run campaign.
The bearer of another famous
name, Liberal .party candidate

Petitions Now Available for
Student Advisory Positions

Letters are now being sent to
all students to inform them of
petitioning procedures for the
newly approved student advisory
boards to the University vice-pres-

All regularly enrolled students
who are not on academic discipline
are eligible. The letter states that
"it is very important that these
boards be composed of the most
t~lnpanr n tPrP-d~d1 nPonle in




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