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November 04, 1966 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-11-04

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See Editorial Page


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Occasional falling action
as the brisk winds blow

Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom


An Editorial..
WE ENDORSE Congressman Weston E. Vivian for re-election
in the Second Congressional District.
The issues in the race between write-in "peace" candidate
Elise Boulding, Republican State Representative Marvin Esch and
Democrat Vivian are complex. A decision to support one of the
candidates was not easy. Our decision rests on the following eval-
uation of the candidates:
" MARVIN ESCH: Although Esch is a significant improve-
ment-particularly on civil rights legislation-over former Con-
gressman George Meader, Vivian's Republican predecessor, many
of Esch's attitudes are still rooted in the past.
Specifically, he believes that present federal poverty programs
fail to reach the poor-with which we agree. However, he pro-
vides no viable alternatives to present policies. His suggestion that
local governments and school boards administer the program ignores
the fact that these bodies do not represent and are no more re-
sponsive to the poor than are federal agencies.
tional Committee handouts rather than independent judgment,
he attacks the rent-supplement program, one of the most imag-
inative attempts to attack poor housing conditions.
Esch also has scant enthusiasm for civil liberties. He clearly
says he would have voted for appropriations for the House Un-
American Activities Committee even though he claims to doubt
the value of some of its activities; he supports HUAC's notorious
Pool Bill, which both the Justice and Treasury Departments op-
posed as unnecessary and unconstitutional. He has even criticized
Vivian's vote against automatically denying assistance to nations
trading with North Viet Nam, hinting this was implicit support
for "trading with the enemy."
Hence, while Esch points out important domestic problems,
he fails to present solutions to them. His position on Viet Nam-a
call for an investigation of the situation-is less a policy than an
attempt to avoid the responsibility to offer one.
For though the situation there certainly deserves study, Esch's
failure to take a stand based on presently-available information
in effect constitutes an endorsement of the present escalation of
the war. What is necessary are now policy proposals, which Esch
has failed to provide. It seems most likely that he would follow
House Republican Leader Gerald R. Ford's militant line if he were
" ELISE BOULDING: We share Mrs. Boulding's concern
over the escalating conflict in Viet Nam. We hope, as she does,
that the Democratic Party will strike out more boldly than it has
in new foreign and domestic policy initiatives.
The question is one of tactics in this specific election. Mrs.
Boulding's campaign has been seriously deficient in presenting
a set of sophisticated foreign and domestic alternatives.
MRS. BOULDING hopes to make a show of strength on which
a genuine peace movement can be built. Yet there is little
prospect in this district for a contest like that of the close Scheer-
Cohelan primary race in California.
Scheer, the peace candidate, discussed both foreign and do-
mestic issues; he articulated his positions carefully; his organization
was extensive; his base of support was broad, including not only
-the Berkeley academic community but also the ghettoes of Oak-
land, and he ran in the Democratic primary rather than the elec-
Mrs. Boulding, however, has failed to discuss domestic issues
or to present a broad, coherent foreign policy platform; her orga-
nization is minimal and is based almost entirely in Ann Arbor, and
she is running not as a candidate on the Democratic primary ballot
but as a write-in candidate in the general election in a conserva-
tive congressional district.
But that Mrs. Boulding's presence in this campaign has been
of great value no one can deny. Her candidacy has assured far more
debate on the Viet Nam war than would have occurred had she not
And, more important, her candidacy has offered a starting
point for something that has been a long time coming here-a
clearly defined, well-publicized force to the left of the regular
Democratic Party. Those who vote for Mrs. Boulding must con-
sider that vote a pledge to continue working after the election
for a new organization aimed at forming a substantive platform
over the next year-and-a-half and working to move the Demo-
cratic Party to the left before the 1968 convention.
Unfortunately, a vote for Mrs: Boulding will not be signifi-
cant because of the lack of an effective power base at this time.
" WESTON E. VIVIAN: Vivian's record on domestic leg-
islation has been outstanding. One of seven PhD's in Congress,
he has been an asset to his Committee on Science and Astronautics.
He supports a strong rent-supplement program and a strong fed-
eral housing discrimination bill-something which five out of the
six Michigan House Republicans opposed.

Vivian also is leading advocate of strong measures to combat
air and water pollution-he was able to exempt air pollution
control devices from the administration's bill to suspend the in-
vestment tax credit-and has successfully worked to help his dis-
trict secure federal assistance in this and other areas. He clearly
stood up for civil liberties in the House, and was one of the 58
congressmen who twice voted against appropriations for HUAC.
ALTHOUGH VIVIAN'S domestic record has been outstanding,
we are concerned that Congressman Vivian has not been more
forceful in his public advocacy of a halt in the bombing of Viet
Nam or representation of the Viet Cong in peace talks.
But long before the campaign began, he was advocating Com-
munist China's recognition by the U.S. and its admission to the
United Nations' Security Council; denouncing Congressman L.
Mendel Rivers' suggestion that we bomb Communist China's
nuclear capacity; urging de-escalation of the conflict, and pressing
the President to move closer to U Thant's three-point peace pro-
posal, which the administration later did in Arthur Goldberg's
speech to the UN.
Although Vivian has unfortunately not been the most mili-
tant opponent of the President's course in Viet Nam, he has been
active and influential in the 60-member pro-peace faction within
the Democrats in the House of Representatives. If any peace move-
ment is to succeed, it must work as a part of a broad political
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SGC Defers
Rebuttal To
Cutler Letter
Plans To Establish
Committee To ReView
Organization Rules
Student Government Council
last night postponed for a week
official reply to Vice-President for
Student Affairs Richard L. Cutler's
letter to SGC concerning regula-
tions for student organizations.
8GC President Robinson, how-
ever, outlined action which might
be taken in accordance with Cut-
ler's request that SGC define its
power to sanction student organi-
Robinson acknowledged SGC re-
ceived a letter from Prof. Robert
Knauss of the Law School which
suggested in part that they con-
sider such cooperation with Cut-


Appeal Role
Assumed by
V-P Cutler
Judiciary System
Altered; Secondary
Committee Replaced
Exercising power granted him at
the last Regents meeting, Vice-
President for Student Affairs
Richard Cutler has set up an 'in-
terim' judiciary system with his
own office serving in the principal
appellate capacity.
The new system, which was out-
lined in a letter sent yesterday to
the chairman of Joint Judiciary
Council, has abolished the Com-
mittee on Standards and Conduct
as an appellate body and replaced
it with the Vice-President for Stu-
dent Affairs.
The appellate clause reads "ap-
peals from the decisions of the
Joint Judiciary Council will be
heard by the Vice-President for
Student Affairs, who will 15rovide
for further appeals to the Presi-
dent and, ultimately, to the Re-

to t

-Associated Press
tern Michigan students have joined the 'housewives revolt' as they picket in front of their 'freedom snack bar,' set up in reaction
he high prices charged for such sundries as hamburgers and milkshakes at the EMU Student Union restaurant.


He saidNelans areobeing made FLACULTY INTEREST HNIGH
to establish a committee to con-
tinually revise SGC rules con-
cerning the recognition of student
organizations and their appropri- P Dep .Organize
said SC contemplates sending let- s
ters to all student organizations
stating a position that organiza-
tions should first attempt to con-
ministration through SGC before
taking recourse in other methods. By MEREDITH EIKER is prepared "to listen" to student of undergraduates in psychology. psychology major.
Action confirming such moves TPconcerns. He expressed further the In the future psychology majors "This way," Ezekiel said, "stu-
might be taken next week. hope that the association would will select a counselor from a list dents can have more frequent
Faculty Advisers Association, a unique approach to enhance student-faculty commun- of about 35 faculty members. contact with their advisor and he
Also next week, SGC plans to departmental student academic i ication and "acquaint the faculty This instructor will advise only in turn. will come to know the stu-
explain their position on the need advisory committees at the Uni- with undergraduate needs." four or five students during the dents he counsels more complete-
for faculty advisers for student or- versity. was formalized last night Ezekiel announced last night as course of the student's junior and ly and thus guide them with
ganizations. This is a point Cutler at an organizational meeting at- well a change in the counseling senior years as an undergraduate greater success."
had asked SOC to review before tended by over 80 psychology stu-
any final action is taken by the ens.nd
Committee on Referral, which is The new association evolved"
advising Cutler on the merits of during recent weeks when seniory
a possible veto of an SOC pro- members of the Undergraduatel
posal reducing the requirement of Psychology Advisory Committee
membership lists of organizations, decided that a more effectualA u d it OC
The explanation might come in~ group might come from increased tr tR e os
the form of a resolution "show- student participation and a broad-
ing points of misunderstanding" er base of support.
between the administration and Prof. Daniel Ezekiel, faculty By NEAL BRUSS that the examiners may not have Lee said that he could not tell
SGC, and, in effect, answering sponsor of the association and a time to audit the records of the how much time would be required
Cutler's letter. member of the department's un- A "routine" examination of the di th r e x ofor the University audit, but had
After the main meeting the dergraduate faculty committee, University's financial records has University medical complex this roughly scheduled 10 to 15 men
Credentials and Rules Committee told students that faculty interest been begun by state auditors, year. Lee said that all other roc- for two to three months for the
decided not to designate on the in the organization is high. He Auditor General Albert Lee said ords of University income, ex- task.
ballots for the SGC elections No- said the psychology staff, which yesterday. penses, and investment would be He said that the auditors were
vember 16 whether the candidates consists of about 200-60 of whom Lee said that "a first cursory studied. not "looking for any particular
are incumbent or not. are primarily involved in teaching, examination" Monday indicated "There is nothing special about thing," but that they would supply

Temporary Set-Up
The new system Cutler has cre-
ated is in effect until an over-all
review of Judicial procedure at
the University is completed and
final recommendations for a per-
manent system are made. The re-
view is now under way, headed by
David Baad, assistant to the Vice-
President for Student Affairs, but
it is uncertain when it will be
Cutler's letter also represents a
re-affirmation of the role of the
all-student Joint Judiciary Coun-
cil, whose status was uncertain
after the Regents gave all power
for non-academic discipline to the
In his letter Cutler said he
"wishes the interim structures and
procedures to depart as little as
possible from existing ones." Thus
he has granted to JJC power to
"continue to serve in its present
capacity as the campus-wide stu-
dent judiciary body."
'Good Prograin'
The program agrees entirely
with proposals made by JJC, says
JJC Chairman Richard Zucker-
man, '67, who says he is "very
satisified" with Cutler's move.
According to Baad, the vice-
president technically has the right
under the new system to over-rule
any JJC decision, even verdicts of
innocence, and personally exercise
final disciplinary power.
The interim system requires JJC
to consult with "'the dean of the
unit in which the student is en-
rolled" when penalties involving
suspension or dismissal arebang
contemplated. Baad feels it "very
unlikely" that the JJC and deans
will disagree concerning such

NSA Presents Draft Report,
IStarts National Student Poll

By NAN BYAM Service. The referendum will ask:
students whether they approve of
The National Student Associ- colleges and universities compila-
ation, the country's largest stu- tion of class rank to release to the!
dent organization, is protesting Selective Service.t
the Draft with campus teach-ins,
symposiums, student balloting and Desires Debate
administration building sit-ins all tiNSA is also co-sponsoring a na-
over' the country. tional conference in Washington,
NSA is sponsoring a movement D.C. on the draft, inviting mem-!
to mobilize several hundred col- bers of forty civic, labor, religious
leges and universities throughout and student groups to participate.
thesUntedStatesrsingtheughoNSA wants to stir up student de-
the United States urging them tobae nhedftsuadto
hold some form of student draft bate on the draft issue and to
referendum w i t h i n the next asa psdent vien it s
month. NSA is unequivocably op NSA president Eugene Groves,
poedt th.pAsntuiconcripionhas four major objections to the
posed to the present conscription draft system as it stands now:
system and they want everyonedta
to know about it. -It interprets service to mean
NSA has written a report on the only military
draft which was released on Oc- -Its arbitrary process of selec-
tober 21. It contains two points tion may discriminate against'
for students to consider. In the youths in the lower socio-economic
report, NSA proposes the abolition levels.
of the Selective Service system -The use of university facil-1
and in its place, the adoption of itier for recruitment and testingc
a voluntary service, including the violates academic freedom
option of a military or alternative -the uncertainty of selection 2
duty. disrupts marriage, career andg
Specifically, the report deals: graduate school plans.a
with the issue of class ranking in The latter objection is close to1
compliance with the Selective the heart of NSA headquarters,.

for last year's president was clas-
sified 2-A upon graduating.
To date, Harvard has held the
only referendum, but today NYU
took a preliminary poll canvassing
about a hundred students and the
University of New Mexico present-
ed a petition against the Selective
NSA reports that within three
weeks studies from- many college
and university referendums should
be conclusive.

this audit," Lee said. "It is not an
investigative audit. The auditors
are not looking for anything in
Audits Required
He explained that the revised
state constitution requires the
auditor general to examine all
financial records of all state
He said that his staff has aud-
ited the records of nearly all of
the state's colleges except for the
University, Wayne State Univer-
sity, and Michigan State Univer-
sity. He said that audits of the
other two of these are slated for
next year.
"The auditors see how the de-
partments are run," Lee said.
"They cannot say how the schools
should be run, because the schools
are autonomous. But they can
make recommendations to the

"some information legislators sayj
they want."
Lee said that he thought his
staff's audit will be the first ma-
jor examination of the University'sI
financial records by a state
He said that a shortage of up
to 35 men on his 90-man staff has
made an audit of University rec-
ords impossible up to now.
Although financed without state
funds, University housing records
will be audited, Lee said.

New Dental Institute
Geared for Researchers


The organization of a Dental
Research Institute dealing with
oral health research and training,
approved last Friday, will inte-
grate the medical sciences of
anatomy, genetics, physiology, bio-
logical chemistry, pharmacology,
microbiology, and pathology with

Instructors' Dismissal at MSU

Triggers Student Protests, Petitions

the Department of Oral Biology
of the School of Dentistry.
Vice-President for Research A.
G. Norman termed the proposal
"another step in the evolutionary
development of the dental pro-
fession, as the dentist has become
less the technician and more the
A vital component of the new
School of Dentistry now under
construction, the institute will
concentrate primarily on research
and will very likely be a supplier
of dental professors.
Serving on the policy committee
for the institute are Norman, Al-
lan Smith, vice-president for aca-
demic affairs, Dean William Mann
of the School of Dentistry, Dean
William Hubbard of the School of
Medicine and Dean Myron Weg-
man of the School of Public
The result of planning covering
a two-year period, the institute
will seek financial assistance from
the National Institute of Dental
Research, and will draw substan-
tial financial contributions from
other sources.
It will he staffed by experienced

AT A MEETING OF President Harlan Hatcher, Vice-President
Marvin L. Niehuss, and five members of Voice political party
yesterday, President Hatcher said that- a student referendum on
the draft could not be binding on the University.
Hatcher said that the final decision as to whether the refer-
endum could be binding lay with the Regents and that the Uni-
versity had no right to agree to being bound without the Board's
Hatcher added that no institutionalized process existed with-
in the University whereby a student referendum could influence
University policy.
* * *
PRESIDENT HARLAN HATCHER last night called for more
cooperation between the United States and Canada in solving
problems of urban affairs, pollution, and traffic which affect
both sides of the border.
He said that the problems of the megalopolis cannot be
solved without such cooperation. He made his address before
the Canadian-American Seminar in Windsor. The seminar is
sponsored by the University of Windsor.
A MEETING TO FORM AN Anthropology Student Academic
Advisory Committee will be held today at 3 p.m. at 210 Angell
Hall. The committee will advise the faculty on changes in de-
partmental requirements, course changes and use of teaching
fellows. The committee may also help handle complaints from
Any interested undergrads who have enrolled in anthropology
courses may attend.
Research Council will advise the National Science Founda-
tion in the selection of candidates for the Foundation's program
. a -.--I -- -Afe--.tfolns , nc- a n+' mo nit

By REGINA ROGOFF ent literary magazine that- pub-
lishes student and faculty mate-
An ad hoc organization of Mich- rial, and to which Lawless has
igan State University students is been a contributor.
circulating petitions demanding Zeitgeist is described by Strand-
the reversal of a departmental de- ness as a "free-swinging maga-
cision not to renew the contracts zine" and it has been suggested
x of three non-tenured instructors, that the association with Zeitgeist
Almost 2000 people have signed influenced the apointment deci-
the petitions insisting upon the si
reinstatement of W. Gary Groat,: sStrandness stated that the basis
Ken Lawless and Robert F. for the decision is a "private and
Fogarty. ._,.,1+- +-o t hl e t at n p

The General Assembly of thef
MSU student government has
passed a resolution requesting that
the Student Board look into the
The Association of American
University Professors may investi-
gate whether there has been an
infringement upon the academic
freedom of the instructors in-


The MSU administration has

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