Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS FEIFFE.R : . .. SOpinionsAre Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MiCH. uth Will Preval NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 Editorial's printed in The Michigan Daily ex press the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This mus t be noted in all reprints. cod ~ I"C NAVE I0 SMI ' /r LUAM OR ivib0K )oLor$ 7ti c rHURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1966 T0ITHAS .I'M HOmlM3 §T~u8. '~ t ICE' To AIJ9 t0()i TAKE' ITS go'V'6E PfLACE, 'EVFFERIWCS fFROM A/ - MOM/ NIGHT EDITOR: MICHAEL HEFFER The ADC Problem: Money and Information L)AQT 50Ot- F/1 nhAP THIMO UWPAL E Yf'rf tOT -r / IRR6 RO~N - DR/ 16G6. MAY cI- .15O S0(JYOU ' IN I NCB your - ALrTEP AbO 'Of) AcOV 4 A TODAY, MOTHERS who are receiving Aid to Dependent Children funds and welfare, and belong to an organization to "Humanize Existing Welfare (HEW)," will meet with representatives of the county welfare office to present 12 basic demands for improvements in welfare pol- icy. Their grievances are valid, and an orga- nized protest is long overdue. The de- mands range from insistence on more ade- quate information on ADC policies and on changes in them before they take place to pleas for more funds to cover such items as clothing, school fees and heat- ing. THE ONLYt REPLY to these demands from the state welfare office pointed out that policy changes are not made on the local level, but rather on state and national levels. Therefore, according to the state, the group is presenting its de- mands to the wrong authority. While it may be true that the county office cannot make any direct changes, the women of the organization are not unaware of the power structure existing in welfare departments. Pressuring local boards, until they begin to call on state and federal authorities for action, is the most politically sound move the mothers can take at this time. Direct appeals to higher offices, if acknowledged at all, would probably be quickly brushed aside. ADC mothers are also coordinating their efforts on the national level. The local groups hold national conventions period- ically where they discuss issues and tac- tics. This indicates that these women are able and ready to protest-and are going about it in a serious manner. THEIR MAJOR CONCERN is with their economic problems. At, the present time, mothers who are on ADO receive specific amounts of money which are de- termined by arbitrary and indaequate budgets set up on the state level. Budg- ets are based on $25 for food and $9 for clothing and incidentals for each mem- ber of the family. From $20 to $27 per month per family for heat and utilities is also provided. The amount allotted in the budget for shelter varies from county to county. However, the actual ADC allotments us- ually are not as high as the budgets-in other words, the amount which each woman receives is much lower even than the subsistence-level budget calls for. A sum of $128 for two people and an extra $38 per month for each additional mem- ber of the family is the maximum. If money is needed in addition to this, it must be obtained through employment, donations or other welfare programs. IF THE MOTHER works and earns more than the budget calls for, her ADC ben- efits are reduced in proportion to the ad- ditional earnings. Therefore, as long as she is on welfare, she can never acquire a total income greater than the budget set by the state agency. Yet, this budget is obviously substandard. The HEW group is protesting this low "investment" which makes "rehabilita- tion" impossible. The need for additional funds for clothes and school fees, another claim of HEW, cannot be denied. At present, all clothing and incidentals, including school fees, must be paid with a monthly allot- ment of $9. Winter heating is also inade- quately covered with a sum of $7-13 per month. IN ADDITION to the need for more funds, better methods of informing AD cli- ents of their rights must be established- another demand of HEW. Now, the so- cial worker is the only source of informa- tion for the mothers. Because benefits and changes in policy are a matter of life and death for ADC recipients, informa- tion services need to be taken more seri- ously. . The group is also asking for a review of existing termination policies. At pres- ent a person "judged" ineligible for bene- fits is cut off immediately. If the client then appeals the decision, wins, and then is reinstated, she still, in many cases, has lost several months of checks. In other words, the client lives in constant fear of having no means of income should her claim to welfare funds be questioned. THESE SPECIFIC grievances and others to be presented must be considered seriously by the Welfare Department and steps to alleviate the existing, degrading situation must be taken immediately. -BETSY TURNER ON, W LOFffR 56U& - ' ATU W0OMPERFULLY --T0 LASTE SAFE CHOICES J MY OUT- Obi V1TUAH, . - -6F THOSE OF OUR OTE CL61jTS WHbO'VEA0 W OM V1ETWAN IS JUST Mf{ATEY OMP TO FEEL- R160CrOUs AIDl / iAfk WC ECOHHND ? _ AY II,TW~4 15 A T9% 1/ TAUD.ITTOiX~ SMIPMIf ~IT L6 A T0 THE ,WlNNtJRR Cffr OF TUU6 PI2S- APPOVE MOTIVt PIG WH1O. Letters: BoulIding on 'Studying Peace' To the Editor: DR. SHY has made the point at some length that the policies advocated by me jeopardize the cause of peace in Viet Nam. As one who has been associated for some years with research programs on problems of international peace and security, I am perhaps even more aware than Dr. Shy of the "complexities" of peace-making. I am also aware that basic to processes of international problem- solving are the images of the world in the minds of the deci- sion-makers who define the prob- lems, and their supporting publics. WHEN THE IMAGES of the international system are faulty and inadequate, "realistic" solu- tions are in fact not realistic. In his speech of October 17 on the floor of the House, Congressman Vivian said that "a number of countries such as Malaysia, Indo- nesia, the Philippines, Thailand, and even Burma, now partly de- pend for their security and na- tional integrity upon some form of U.S. military presence in the western Pacific." All the sincere well-meaning lib- erals, like Mr. Vivian himself, who believe this are engaging in a dangerous fantasy concerning the role of the U.S. in the world com- munity. This fantasy is systematically fed by government-subsidized pub- lications, through commercial and apparently independent channels, of books purporting to be inde- pendent research and analysis of the international scene (for exam- ple, the account in the New York Times, Oct. 3 of the role of the U.S.I.A. in the publication of 'The Truth about the Dominican Re- public"). It is this fantasy which my campaign attacks. Senator Fulbright posed the question in his address at the University of Connecticut last March, "Are we to regard the Communist countries as more or less normal states with whom we can have more or less normal rela- tions, or are we to regard them indiscriminately as purveyors of an evil ideology with whom we can never reconcile?" This is in fact the question we must come to grips with. IF THE LIBERALS who are so attached to the "evil ideology" fantasy spent as much effort studying the documentation on Viet Nam in our own press and periodicals (if one goes beyond the front page) and in the world's press, as they do in trying to prove the essential righteousness of our role as defender of free- dom, they would know that the 10- member Presidium of the Central Committee of the National Libera- tion Front-linked by Dr. Shy in a glorious non-sequitur with Ha- noi, Russia and China-includes a Roman Catholic priest, a Buddhist monk, a priest of the Cao Dai sect, as well as the presidents of the Trade Union Organization, the Students Union, the Youth Fed- eration, the Women's Union and the Peasants Association. THERE IS ALSO a group of wealthy landlords independently forming a coalition with Cathol- ics and some NLF people. The group they are committed to ex- cluding from their coalition is the "neo-colonialists"-such as Ky. The situation in South Viet Nam is essentially pluralist, and Hanoi has demonstrated flexibility in its willingness to negotiate with the various groupings in South Viet Nam. It will not be necessary to load 600,000 non - Communist Christians on American ships when our troops withdraw. These peo- ple are more than able to partici- pate in the shaping of their own government. Probably the , only people who will seek asylum are those con- nected with the puppet regime we have supported. It is our military support of this puppet regime which prevents the real negotia- tions among existing groups in Viet Nam from taking place. THERE ARE many in this coun- try who are willing to raise their voices on behalf of eventual with- drawal, including Mr. Vivian and Mr. Esch. It is perfectly clear that sheer physical withdrawal even if begun at once would take several years to complete, because of the complex and "semi-permanent" nature of our installations there. Negotiations to provide for the orderly, systematic conduct of that withdrawal will certainly be neces- sary. However, negotiated withdrawal for most people means that we do not leave until we have determin- ed what kind of government the Vietnamese shall have. This is the kind of thinking my campaign is directed against. As Senator Fulbright said in his previously mentioned address, there are two Americas: the gen- erous and humane American of Lincoln and Adlai Stevenson, and the arrogant and self-righteous America of Teddy Roosevelt and General MacArthur. Which Amer- ica will you vote for, Dr. Shy? --Elise Boulding Write-in Candidate for Congress Second Congressional District 4 :w..n. . ..:t'".... r.. .nx......: 3r5..c.t q' . ,.. . . ..,...?.: w 4 t.. t ,k., '. 't.. . . . -$... :r. .t . .:.§.., .., F .. :.., ?...,,. +.. ...... .:... .... _ : v... .... .._ .... ....... ..i..f. . t...... .:, . .. ... .c.,4:,... ". .-... .. . . . :2t .. t .... ....:. .. .... _ " . ,...,..t.: .. sy .. : ). , . 4 *..*~ Elections -1966: Th e South Runs Sae 4 Rooting for the 'lou' THE INTRAMURAL SYSTEM was formed to provide an organized athletic outlet for undergraduates, whether as members of housing units or as independents band- ing together for the competition. Moreover, it is of interest to many for whom the actual playing of sports is not so important, for these students gather in the hundreds to root for their house or to cheer on their favorite team. ET CERTAIN inadequacies in member- ship of houses, particularly in the fra- ternity division, have had an unsavory effect upon those who stand on the side- lines. While it is not the purpose of this edi- torial to discuss the so-called discrimina- tion practiced by various fraternity hous- es, it is nevertheless apparent that some fraternities at Michigan are basically "Jewish houses," others primarily "Negro houses," and still others may be called, for lack of a better term, "WASP houses." Fraternal bonds are strengthened in such houses by ethnic bonds, and non-members are looked upon as outsiders in more than one sense. WHEN TWO HOUSES whose member- ships differ by this variable meet in IM competition, their followers, who also tend to follow the same general pattern of division, sometimes tend to cheer in an especially grating manner. In the past several weeks, particularly at IM football matches, cheers have been heard which cast little doubt that the persons yelling are not so much rooting for their own team as they are trying to deliberately Business Staff SUSAN PERLSTADT, Business Manager JEFFREY LEEDS ....... Associate Business Manager downgrade the other team on the basis of its race or religion. The cries of "Kill the Jews" or "Get that Nigger" or even "Goyim, Goyim" are des- picable at any time. When used by mem- bers of a house to "urge their team on to victory," they reflect not only a shocking lack of taste, but also a loss of the purpose of the intramural program. The members who are guilty of this action are presenting a terrible image of their own house, of the fraternity sys- tem, and of the University student body in general. WOULD THESE SAME members yell out the same epithets if they were not sur- rounded by large numbers of their own group? In light of the talk about the in- creasing liberalism of today's fraterni- ties, it kind of makes you wonder. -BOB LEES No Comment Department II "REGENT BRABLEC, a school superin- tendent who has bargained with teachers' unions, said in supporting his motion that 'collective bargaining in pub- lic institutions is generally accepted. I can testify from personal experience that it has been abrasive and inconvenient at times. But this is a process which should not be denied University employes.' " . "(Regent) Briggs, speaking against Brablec's motion, declared, 'I am in favor of recognizing appropriate labor unions as soon as it can be done legally. We are awaiting decisions on this from the Board.' "President Hatcher, in a speech last EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first of a five-part series by Warren MW. Zucker on the im- portant elections across the na- tion next Tuesday. Other topics to be discussed include the Cali- fornia Governorship race be- tween Ronald Reagan and in- cumbent Pat Brown, and the Senate race between incumbent John Tower in Texas and Wag- goner Carr, and LBJ Democrat. By WARREN M. ZUCKER THE SOUTH IS scared, very scared. LBJ and "Black Pow- er" have replaced Abraham Lin- coln and Republicanism as the primary objects of hate below the Mason-Dixon line. Next Tuesday, the old style Southern Congress- man, the cussing, Black-baiting, demogogue, will enjoy a tremen- dous renaisance. SLOWLY, ALMOST impercep- tively, the politics of the South had been changing for the better. Industrialization and urbanization, procecsses that had been very slow to reach the South, have since World War II spread rapidly throughout the South. A newly propserous and expanding upper and middle class was created as industrialization progressed. This new class, staunchly conservative in economic interests, become a political force that had to be reckoned with. Simultaneously, there occured a shift in the civil rights orienta- tion of the national Democratic party. Harry Truman, disregard- ing a decades old policy of com- promise, roundly began attacking the inhumane treatment of Negros in the South. This engendered in the South an awareness that there was no longer any significant difference between the national parties on the race issue. The almost cen- tury-old bond of the white South- erner to the Democratic party be- gan to split. THE NEWLY RICH business- man and white collar worker, no longer voting by race, began to vote according to his economic in- terests. And that meant voting Republican. Ten Republican Con- gressman were elected from the South between 1952 and 1964 in the stronghold of the new rich, the cities. Richard Nixon carried 30 out of the 47 biggest Southern These two men, Governor George C. Wallace of Alabama and Senator John J. Sparkman (D-Ark) are advocates the conservative, racist views which are expected to determine the outcome of the major elections this year in the South. Wallace, through the now-famous device of running his wife in his place, is expected to retain his office. Sparkman, running on racial issues is also expected to win the Arkansas election. occur when the racial issue was not salient to the white voters. Hale Boggs Jr., Charles Weltner, and Jerome Mackey, by advo- cating economic liberalism and ra- cial moderateism, were elected by this racially mixed working class. As long as the racial issue wa4 not too prominent, poor whites voted for the racial moderate who sup- ported their economic views. BUT IN 1966, race is the big issue, not only in the South but the rest of the nation also. Riots in the streets and the statements of Stokely Carmichael and other advocates of "Black Power" have frightened many white and made them resentful. And the 1965 Voting Rights Bill made the prob- lef worse in the South, for now the Negro has political cower in the' South. And he demanded to be made an equal partner in the coalition; the Negro wanted not just racially moderate candidates but racially liberal candidates. The answer of the poor whites to these demands plus the rioting has been a bolting of the coalition. In primaries throughout the South, poor whites supported bigoted demogogues, who because segregationist attitude that they brought with them from the Dem- ocratic party. Thus, most South- ern election battles look like con- tests between two candidates who should be running for the position of Exalted Cyclops of the local Kleagle rather than the Senate, the House of the Statehouse. IN ALABAMA, Lurleen "Let George Do It" Wallace defeated the racially moderate candidate, Richmond Flowers, easily in the primary. She (read he) faces Rep. James Martin the Tuesday elec- tion. Martin, whose beliefs dupli- cate Wallac's, has been an excep- tional vote-getter in Alabama, just losing to Lister Hill in 1962 in a senate race that was almost the political upset of the century. Thinking Wallace, constitution- ally unable to ran for the gov- ernorship again, would run for the Senate, Martin declared himself in the gubernatorial race, and vas promptly made an overwhelming choice by the political pundits. Overlooking the slyness of Wal- lace has proved costly to Martin. He could beat anyone in Alabama except Wallace, including Sen. John Sparkman. But on Tuesday, has been the most moderate of all the Southern senators on racial and domestic issues, has turned to the right. Sensing the breakup of the moderate coalition, and fear- ing Wallace's opposition in the primary, Sparkman abandoned his mild ways and has come close to matching the bigoted statements of Wallace, Martin, and his op- ponent John Grenier, the young politician noted for the brilliant job he did as Goldwater's cam- paign manager in 1964. THE DEMOCRATIC primary in Georgia received national a:ten- tion as moderate Ellis Arnall lost to Lester Maddox, a former ses- tauranteur and axe supplier, noted for his mortician's smile and his extreme segregationist views. The effects of. the street riots were extremely sharp here in Georgia, where rioting occurred for two nights and days in At- lanta. Prior to the riots, Arnell was given a good chance of win- ning the 50 per cent of the vote needed in the primary to forestall a runoff against a slew of oppo- nents. Then came the riots. In the election the next week, Arnell, while still leading all candidates, there is no distinction between Maddox and Callaway. The only issue that has developed between these men of similar minds has been that of Callaway's inherited wealth. It has made Maddox, a slight favorite to win Tuesday. JIM JOHNSON, running for governor of Arkansas after also defeating a more moderate Dem- ocrat in the primary, is perhaps the pure essence of bigotry, and demagoguery. He is a founder of the White Citizens Councils of Arkansas and throughout his cam- paign, he refused to shake hands with a Negro. Johnson has attacked outgoing governor Faugus as leading Ar- kansas down the road tonracial integration. He has called bis op- ponent, Winthrop "I'm just a po'r little farm boy" Rockefeller, every- thing from a communist atheist to a sexual deviate. His favorite name for Rocky is "prissy sissy." Rockefeller is perhaps the most racially moderate candidate run- ning for a statewide office In the deep South withnthe exception of Florida. And no one mistakes Rockefeller for Charles Weltner. He is a moderate only because everyone else is more conservative than he. The Arkansas race is be- lieved to be very close, with Rocke- feller having a slight edge. THESE RACES are indicative of the changing politics of the South in 1966 and the temporary breakup of the poor white-black coalition. The racial bigots have again taken charge of the Dem- ocratic party. Almost all candi- dates call their opponents advo- cates of "Black Power." No one supports LBJ because of his racial policies. Viet Nam is a very minor issue here with many urging a stronger, more aggressive policy. Sen. East- land has called for the leveling of Viet Nam, a statement which his opponent has called too mod- erated. No, Weston, there are no peace candidates in the South, 1966 will be remembered as the year the bigots fought the bigots on election day whilst Negros sat by trying to decide who is the worse of two evils. 1966 HAS SHOWN that the scars of the Civil War can be easily opened. The politics of class 4 V