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November 02, 1966 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-11-02

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Seventy-Sixth Year


here Opinsons Are Free
Truth Will Prevail , 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH,

NEWS PHONE: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.



Two Keys to Success
For the Budget Request

No v.,
Associate Managing Editor
SBE DIAG'S been a confusing
place lately.
That's partly because it's fall
at the University, one of the
most schizophrenic occasions that
nature and the modern world have
managed to create.
But somehow, schizoprenia aside,
the Diag's been providing an in-
teresting and complex picture of
the University for its denizens.
Let me show you what I mean.
Every Wednesday noon Voice po-
litical party strings itself across
the Diag to remind people there's
a war on. That's probably one of
the best ideas Voice has had in
a long time, because the war's an
easy thing to forget,
YOU'D THINK that "television's
war" would have made a greater
impact on people. When, as James
Reston has noted, we can turn on
the television and watch Johnny
get killed over dinner, it's odd the
war hasn't taken on more of an
immediacy than it has. Evidently
the nation of voyeurs can't real-



ize the pictures mean that more
is dying than phosphorous atoms.
They can't realize it, so they
forget the war. And every Wednes-
day, Voice reminds them of it.
That's a part of the University.
The dissidents remind them of it
by standing on top of the Diag's
Orange Moose. The people who
cross the Diag must also walk
over the Yellow Banana, and
everyone headed into the Grad-
uate Library passes that old stand-
by, the Phantom Rabbit.
NO ONE KNOWS, or will admit,
who the Diag's stencil-chopping
mafia is, and that's probably just
as well. It's much nicer playing
with the concept of the Mystic
Moose than trying to figure out
why its creator did.
Behind the entire campaign is
no doubt Super Goy, operating
from a secret Idaho hideout. (If
you don't know what a Goy is, by
the way, you are one.)
There's magic in calculated ir-
relevancy. There's a lot of charm
to a planned thumbing of one's
nose at the world. That's a part
of the University too.

someone care - or having them
care and then changing their mind
about it-has also been happening
a lot on the Diag.
The fall is best for either get-
ting to know a girl or wishing you
never had, and plenty of people
have been using the Diag for both.
Coming back to a campus full of
beautiful girls-tradition notwith-
standing-and trees for them to
sit under in the afternoon makes
doing anything else pretty tough.
But people finding the time to
do other things is a part of this
place too.
THIS FALL they've found the
time to build more Diag booths
advertising more concerts on more
weekends than any fall has pro-
duced in at least the last three
A, lot of people complain that
the weekends divert students from
the serious issues they would be
drawn to otherwise, but that's not
quite right. In fact the students
who take up their time on the
ecstatic weekends probably would
not be too interested in talking

about the future of American ed-
ucation anyway. And if the seri-
ious discussion groups are losing
members to the weekends maybe
they ought to try a little recruit-
ing themselves.
Which is to say the weekends are
also a part of the University's na-
ture: a large part of it is made
up of upper middle-class students
whose whole background has guar-
anteed that they will be the week-
end type.
IF SOMEONE'S interested in
changing that nature-which isn't
a bad idea-that's on thing. But
until he succeeds, the weekend
types should be enjoyed for what
they are-modern America on the
The Diag also illustrated last
week the University's continuing
participation in the forefront of a
basic element of American social
change-the Great Sexual Revolu-
tion. The American Broadcasting
Company used the Diag to inter-
view everyone on campus about
the GSR who was guaranteed -
with one exception-not to know
anything about It.

Diag-and-television influences
could do a lot for the GSR itself.
This way It will be about the
only social movement of the 1960's
which both centers on the cam-
pus and gains some sort of uni-
versal sympathy. Thank God for
electronic journalism.
AND THANK GOD for the Diag
for all this to happen on.
It's much more than the geo-
graphical heart of the University.
Anyone sitting there with a note-
book over a period of good-weather
weeks would come out with a pic-
ture of the University's daily life
substantially more accurate than
he could gain anywhere else. He'd
see the tops of most of the ice-
bergs that make up this vast place.
A lot of highly-paid and un-
paid people around here talk a
good deal about what the Univer-
sity is in order to figure out what
it should become. The problem is
that much of their talk is very in-
troverted, removed from the real-
ity of the University.
They could save themselves a
lot of wasted effort by spending a
couple of afternoons a week on the



sity budget to the state Legislature,
the annual grab for an increasingly lim-
ited supply of state money begins. Wheth-
er or not the University succeeds in get-
ting what it considers its fair share of
state revenue depends on two factors -
gubernatorial and legislative action on a
tax increase and the state of University
relations with certain elements and per-
sonalities in Lansing.
The University has asked for $74 mil-
lion in state appropriations. Realistically,
it knows it can never hope to achieve
this figure, no matter what its pressing
needs may be. Last year, the Univer-
sity requested over $65 million in its
original budgetary request. The governor
requested in his overall state budget $57
million for the University. The Legisla-
ture finally granted a little over $58 mil-
lion, a $7 million increase over the pre-
vious year.
BUT THIS YEAR Michigan's fiscal prob-
lems have finally reached a climax.
The University cannot hope for an in-
crease of any size in its appropriation
unless the governor and the Legislature
face the fact that increased state reve-
nues must be obtained-now, through fis-
cal reform.
The large state surplus which has buoy-
ed state budgets for the last two years has
rapidly diminished. The state sales tax
is providing the maximum amount of rev-
enue that it can, but this is just not
enough. A state income tax-to which
both Republicans and Democrats have
given lip service in the past-must be
enacted if the University and other state
institutions and agencies are to be prop-
erly supported.
Romney will, in all probability, intro-
duce a "fiscal reform package" in Jan-
uary. But, no matter what the package
is, it will call for a tax increase-essential
if there are to be any increases in the
state budget. Although there is a prohi-
bition in the state constitution against a
graduated income tax, hopefully there will
be some degree of fairness in the new tax
through a system of deductions which
will have almost the same effect.
IN IT LAST SESSION, the Legislature
balked at the passage of a state in-
come tax. The Democratic majority fear-
ed that such a move might jeopardize
their newly won positions of power.
,This year, however, the House-which
will certainly remain under Democratic
control-may feel a bit more secure in
its position and agree to the action. A
state income tax has been part of the

Michigan Democratic party platform for
the last decade, and House leaders may
finally respond to pressures from party
and union leaders.
In the Senate, on the other hand, pass-
age of a state income tax may well depend
on the results of the November election.
If the Senate is Republican, it will owe
its victory to Gov. George Romney's coat-
tails and will be obligated to follow his
leadership to approve the tax. If the
Democrats retain control, a state income
tax might have rough going with the de-
termined opposition of Sen. Garland Lane
(D-Flint), chairman of the Senate Ap-
propriations Committee. Lane has utilized
all his power in the past to block passage
of such a measure, but his position may
be untenable.
BUT FISCAL REFORM, while it is need-
ed more than anything else to insure
that the University's budget requests are
met, is not the only answer. Assuming new
sources of revenue are found, the share
that the University eventually gets is a
direct result of its public relations job
with the members of the Legislature.
The Legislature has final say over all
budget appropriations. The public image
of the University-as impressed on the in-
dividual legislator by his associations with
the University's lobbyists and officials--
therefore, is a vital determinant in his de-
Unless relations are cordial and unless
there is effective communication among
interested parties, the needs of the Uni-
versity are overlooked in favor of other
hungry state colleges and universities.
Public relations and effective political
maneuvering are the keys to success in
N THE PAST, the University's image has
been marred by its disagreements with
the state over Public Acts 124 and 379. In
addition, its public relations job has not
been very highly thought of by a large
segment of the Democratic majorities in
the House and Senate. University admin-
istrators have been charged with being
aloof and not cooperating fully.
Although the University has justifica-
tion for its opposition to P.A. 124 and
379, there is no excuse for animosity to-
ward public relations.
WITH THE MANY new faces going to
Lansing next January, hopefully the
University will change its approach and
more effectively communicate with legis-
lators. Without this, the University can
only dream of procuring the sizable and
needed appropriation it has requested.


Letters: Vivian Is No Peace Candidate

To the Editor:
SOME PEOPLE who have signed
the Voter's Pledge (to support
peace candidates) say they in-
tend to vote for Weston Vivian
in the coming election. In my
opinion, Congressman Vivian does
not qualify as a peace candidate
in any sense.
Vivian has ' made statements
which can be interpreted as op-
posingescalation, but he has not
acted to oppose escalation in the
one sure way a congressman can
act-namely, vote against appro-
priations specifically earmarked to
expand the war.
LAST YEAR, Vivian voted to
spend $14 billion to escalate the
war in Southeast Asia. If he did
not know then how the money.
would be spent, he knows now
how it was spent. There is not a
shred of evidence that the $14 bil-
lion brought peace an iota nearer.
On the contrary, it may have de-
stroyed whatever prospects for
peace there may have been a
year ago.
Soon after the election, the ad-
ministration will ask for more,
probably much more money, to
expand the war still further. More
blood will be spilled, more flesh
will be burned, more rice fields
will be poisoned, more people will
be made homeless. Congressman
Vivian has given sufficient in-
dication that he will vote to so
spend this money.
He may regret the way it will
be spent, but he will have no say
in this matter. The administra-
tion will decide this. The admin-
istration is committed to contin-
ued escalation. In voting for the
appropriation, Congressman Viv-
ian will be supporting the admin-
istratiin's war. For this reason, I
cannot assign any more weight
to Congressman Vivian's regrets
about the war thancanbe ser-
iously assigned to similar senti-
ments expressed by Johnson, Hum-
phrey, or Rusk.
PEOPLE WHO intend to vote
for Vivian explain that Esch's
position on the war and foreign
policy is worse than Vivian's. They
conclude that voting for Vivian
is politically realistic. The politi-
cal reality of the situation is that
congressmen have next to noth-
ing to say about foreign policy,
except when it comes to voting
or withholding money. On this is-
sue, Vivian's vote will be exactly
the same as Esch's.
Elise Boulding, being a write-in
candidate, will not be elected. Nev-
ertheless, a vote for Mrs. Boulding,
besides honoring the Voter's
Pledge, is politically realistic. The
administration, which has shown
itself to be imperious to reason
and callous to human misery, is
sensitive to political pressure. A
large vote for Mrs. Boulding will

"4 -i,-. , s. ryr

be politically significant precisely
because the race between Vivian
and Esch is likely to be close.
If either loses by a small mar-
gin, the peace vote will emerge
as a politically significant factor.
Therefore, for those who are in-
tent to make their vote really
count against the Viet Nam war,
there ought not to be any qges-
tion for whom to cast the vote.
ALSO, there is the future to con-
sider. A small vote for Elise Bould-
ing will tend to perpetuate the
present pattern: the voters will
continue to be offered choices be-
tween two evils. A large vote for
Elise Boulding will encourage more
candidacies of this sort, candida-
cies that may one day make elec-
tions truly significant events in
our lives.
-Anatol Rapoport
Crand Flourishes
To the Editor:
, AND A FEW hundred others,
witnessed a great if not un-
common politically d r a m a t i c
achievement; Governor Romney,
with an enthusiastic stage crew,
succeeded in transforming a Mon-
day morning political rally on the
steps of Hill Auditorium into a
scene highly resembling a locker
room football pep talk before the
big game.
Coach Romney, with his two less
verbose assistants (played by con-
gressional candidates Esch and
Griffin) must be commended for
his grand flourishes in prodding
his team into the true spirit of
the game. This process was high-
lighted by his major argument

against the opposition-that Cap-
tain Soapy plays a dirty game by
wearing a green polka-dot bow tie
and a winsome smile to gain the
fans' support.
My hope is that either Coach
Romney, in his earlier locker-
room rallies, has made more con-
crete objections to the tactics of
the opposing team - or that his
own team will refuse to blindly
obey such purely meaningless ar-
IN ANY EVENT, it's good to see
that the University still has the
good old "rah-rah college spirit",
even if it takes a bit of dramatics
by a governor and twodcongres-
sional candidates to insure it.
-Ellen P. Frank, '68

When you drive a bike you
have to drive on the assump-
tion that everybody else on the
road, in a car, is out to kill you.
Not by mistake, but intention-
ally . .. premeditated murder to
wipe you off; collusion, all driv-
ers. This is why there's com-
raderie among bikies; bikies
wave to each other. You know,
like, here we are, we're fight-
ing the mammoth.
Robert Shellow and Derek Roe-
mer, sociologists of the motorcycle
clubs, also report this common
Regardless of their organiza-
tion or status within the sport,
motorcyclists agree on one thing
-they all complain of police
persecution. They also report be-
ing victimized on the roads by
car drivers.
On the other side, the frustra-
tion of being caught in a web of
traffic while bikies zip by on all
sides is well known. There is no
need to disguise the fact that
this practice is a major raison d'-
etre of the cycle. But then neith-
er is there reason to deny that
much of the animosity of the
motorist toward the cyclist is a.
direct consequence of these frus-
IN AN IMPORTANT sense, a cy-
cle ordinance is on battle in the
conflict of generations. This is
especially true in a university
town. As long as the average mo-
torist resents, and envies, the in-
creased mobility of the cyclist, the
war will continue. The major ques-
tion is, will it take place in the
halls of the City Council or on
the streets and highways?
-David L. Angus
School of Education
'Fre ks'
To the Editor:
SUNDAY NIGHT, I saw the Cin-
ema Guild movie "Freaks" at
the 9 p.m. showing. I would like
to address this letter toucertain
members of that audience.
Your reactions to the movie
showed so pitifully that you eith-
er missed the point of the movie
entirely or got it very well. Your
raucous, boorish laughter at scenes
of people denied their full human
potential can only be looked on
as signs of half-humanness on
your part.
Just as those unfortunate people
were denied, through circumstance,
fully normal human physical qual-
ities, so it seems you have been
denied the fully human mental
qualities of identity with, and com-
passion for, all other human be-
ings. In this regard, your appar-
ent inability to see beyond phys-
ical appearances to the essence of
a human being is very saddening.

TO ME, your laughter was tell-
ing: it betrayed great fear. One
of the tenets of the psychology of
laughter is that laughter is a very
handy way to lessen feelings of
fear. I think your laughter be-
trayed a great fear of the ab-
normal. Your laughter seemed to
be loudest during the written pref-
ace when the history of the fear
of, and the non-acceptance of,
abnormal people was being outlin-
ed. What a telling place for you
to laugh!
It said to me that you have
not learned to live with the fear
of the abnormal, and the abnor-
mal itself, which is always with us
and even within us. To bring it to
concrete terms, what would you
do if you married and gave birth
to an abnormal child? Would you
laugh then? I hope not.
YET PERHAPS I am overstat-
ing my point. Perhaps your laugh-
ter is only a sign of growing up.
It may be a necessary thing for
you. If so, I hope you outgrow
it soon. I say this because your
laughter is tonly a small sample of
of the history-long tendency of
men to fear those people whom
they see as different from them-
selves, in any way whatsoever.
Only as we learn, as individ-
uals, to outgrow such insular feel-
ings and develop a feeling for the
essential oneness of mankind will
the human race collectively accom-
plish such a task, so necessary in
this age with the Bomb staring
us in the face.
-David G. Klucko, Grad
Rah, Raht
To the Editor:
STRONGLY agree with Mr.
Hartranft's letter that there
should be at least six attractive
coeds on this campus and thus
qualify Michigan for a coed cheer-
leading squad. In fact, I'd even
stick my neck out and say that
there are probably seven attrac-
tive coeds on this campus. How-
ever, Mr. Hartranft bases his
4rgument upon premises which
should be reevaluated:
1) While Michigan has an en-
rollment three times larger than
Cornell,, Michigan also has a larg-
er percentage of its enrollment in
graduate school, thus, one of those
six coeds would probably be in
grad school.
2) One of the six coeds would
probably be married. Do we want
married coeds on the team?
3) Would all six coeds want to
be cheerleaders?
CONCLUSION: Only three of
the six coeds would make the
team; therefore, I think Michi-
gan, like Cornell, should abandon
the project.
-C. J. Summers, Grad



Germany:o Arms or Economy

AS THE FOUR-DAY OLD government
crisis in West Germany continues,
Chancellor Ludwig Erhard's attempts to
make a go of his miority government
appear doomed. Erhard will probably be
forced to resign within the next three
Last week, the shaky coalition between
Erhard's minority Christian Democratic
Party and the Free Democratic Party col-
lapsed over the question of increased
taxes..The government now seems to have
no place to go but down, and no one has
yet offered to help.
THE BREAK was precipitated when four
Free Democratic Party cabinet mem-
bers disagreed with Erhard's plan to hon-
or an ,agreement to buy military hardware
to compensate for the foreign exchange
America spends on troops in Germany.
Under the current agreement, West Ger-
many is to buy $1.35 billion worth of mili-
tary hardware in the next two years, but
the appropriations for these purchases by
the government are $900 million short.
The four cabinet members-opposed to
the whole plan-refused to support the
additional taxes needed to raise the $900
million, and resigned from the coalition
when Erhard insisted that they support
The rub is: Germany does not need
much of the equipment it will be purchas-
ing. Its military leaders are wary of the
quality of American equipment after a
l'ong series of crashes of U.S.-built F-104
jet fighters. In addition, the tax hike still
would not cover the cost of the equip-,

had a valid argument: making purch-
ases to compensate for American expen-
ditures to defend Germany is only fair;
but disrupting the German economy to
buy goods of marginal utility is totally
But, now the entire affair has been lab-
elled a plot-two cabinet members of Er-
hard's own party have been accused of
trying to remove the aging-Erhard will
be 70 next February-chancellor from of-
It is obvious that Erhard is not going
to accomplish much with a minority gov-
ernment that is not even backing him.
His attempts to put through the tax-hike
have failed miserably. Yet, Erhard still
hopes to serve his full term, which does
not expire until 1969.
His opponents say that they will shame
him into resigning with a no-confidence
vote in the Parliament. Although such a
vote does not mean that Erhard must
resign, there are indications that he will
shortly after the important elections in
Bavaria on November 20. In this state
%election, his Christian Democratic Party
is expected to lose all its seats.
The political crisis would then, theoret-
ically, end. However, it is still not clear
which new coalition would form. And,
whatever it may be, that new government
will still be bound to an agreement to go
into debt to buy unneeded military goods.
THE UNITED STATES has not demand-
a ,nv+ 'rinM ' ntl it rnnd1rn not hP

To the Editor:
on the cycle ordinance over-
looks the main issue. He dis-
cusses "passing stopped cars along
the curb"' as if it were merely a
matter of traffic congestion. In
fact, the problem is the psych-
ological impact of this practice on
the "stuck" motorist.
WHETHER OR NOT it is ever
discussed, there is a constant and
unflagging, but silent, war be-
tween motorists of the four-wheel-
ed and two-wheeled varieties.
"Bike" riders frequently complain
of their treatment at the hands
of police and other motorists. In
a recent article by Henry S. Stone,
Jr. there appeared a no doubt
exaggerated expression of the cy-
clist's hostility.


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U THANT'S extended term as
Secretary-General of t h e
U.N. comes to and end Dec. 31.
He has announce(z his intention
to resign and, despite a multi-
lateral effort by' powers which
have found little else to agree on
in the UN's twenty-one year his-
tory, he has not changed his mind.
U Thant took the helm of the
United Nations in time of crisis.
Shortly after Dag Hammarskjold's
death in a plane crash in the
Congo, the U.N. involvement there
was successfully ended. Resistance
in Katanga died down and, with
the aid of various U.N. agencies,
a stable government was formed
under Moise Tshombe.
But the involvement had been
Onnnoed hv the nviet Tnion .and

posture in Lebanon-he qualified
as an impartial and objective
source. Further, as a Burmese he
was neutral representing the key
emerging bloc in the United Na-
tions-the ever-multiplying na-
tions of Africa and Asia.
But further U had proven him-
self patient and able arbitor-and
it was an arbitrator his position
would require him to be.
it was in the interest of world
peace to throw U.N. forces into the
breech against North Korea, he
met stiff opposition from the
USSR. The Soviets refused to sup-
port or respect Lie's office, and
Lie was able to act only by Rus-
sian default. Had Lie - stayed on
after the Korean crisis, Russian
J:_ ......... - .1-- - ;,+ . era-

sian displeasure with U.N. inter-
U THANT WANTS to intervene
in Vietnam, but this time it is the
United States which has refused
to limit its maneuverability. The
war in Viet Nam dominates world
affairs and, as Thant says, makes
progress in other areas virtually
Trant's desire for admission of
Red China has been hard to push
through, and the tensions and
polarization surrounding the U.S.
position there has not helped. A
meaningful solution to the prob-
lems of weapons controls has also
been made more difficult. And
Thant's plan for a strong and
effective U.N. army seems further
doomed by tensions arising from
f a lh n Mnff

and the prospects for its getting
any stronger don't look like they
are getting better.
said that he was not appointed
Prime Minister to sit over the
liquidation of Her Majesty's em-
pire. So U Thant feels he need not
be a Secretary-General whose de-
creasing power is the most frus-
trating of world developments.
Should U Thant leave in De-
cenber, the United Nations will
be deprived of perhaps its greatest
leader, and will subsequently be
involved in a power struggle that
could deal the organization its
death blow.
We would urge him to stay-
and as long as the framework of
the United Nations exists there is
a hope for it. And it is not totally

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