BUDGET REQUEST: KEYS TO SUCCESS See Editorial Page LY Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom ?43Iai1 i GLIMPSE OF WINTER h-35 Low-19 Cloudy and colder, with possible snow flurries 0 VOL. LXXVII, No 53 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER2 1966 SEVEN CENTS edical Schools Consider Curricula Re) By DAVID KNOKE the atmosphere of a graduate medical schools being stuffy and Critics of medical school policies needed to match the population Community Mental Health Center He school, not of a trade school." conservative institutions. have often pointed out that among surge. La; and various poverty war pro- schoi A pending revision of the Harv- In a meeting last Friday, the As for the University's medical the 10,000 annually rejected many In May, 1966, Dr. Alex Gerber, grams. to t afd Medical School's curriculum' Harvard medical faculty showed a school, it has its own curriculum applicants would make qualified a Los Angeles surgeon wrote in Vice-President Hubert Hum- hosp for the first time in half a cen generally favorable attitude to- study committee which has been candidates. The Association of "Medical Economics" that "four- phrey wrote that "the new laws do care tury, may be the harbinger of a wards adoption of the committee's in deliberation for several months American Medical Colleges has es- teen new schools and a thousand not heal, they merely provide the "T movement to reform curricula in proposed reforms. The Crimson and will soon present its recom- timated that a third Of these graduates a year are now forecast resources whereby skilled men and oppo medical colleges across the cou-pot try. Harvard's actions will be student newspaper reported: mendations for changes to keep would make good medical students for 1975. This increased output women in society can.heal." post aimed largelys atInsig s- " nup with the advances in medical if facilities were available to take will not balance the projected The physician's role in society hosp aimed largely at increasing stu- "A number of the speakers knowledge. them. Only 7,940 physicians were population growth." was the subject of a speech by ente dent freedom to take more elective blamed the large number of labs The noticeable decline in the graduated in 1965. Within the foreseeable future, Harvard Medical Dean Robert othe courses, to begin specialization a student must attend each day, number of physicians for each Just a decade ago, the president each physician will be required to Ebert before the Association of hosp earlier and to reduce the number as well as the rigidity of the cur- segment of the general population of the American Medical Associ- care for additional numbers of American Medical Colleges 77th thin of required lectures. riculum, for taking the flair out of has been increasing. Greer Wil- ation was optimistically proclaim- patients. What can be done to annual meeting last week. He cited and, A faculty committee of the the 'dazzing' students who enter liams, a Rockefeller Foundation ing the capacity of schools to pro- keep physician quality from de- a notable lack of concern among shou Harvard Med School released a Med School ... But while most of consultant, analyzed the records of vide enough physicians to keep up clining? medical schools for incorporating Eb report early last month with rec- the faculty members agreed that 66 four-year medical schools and with a growing population. The Federal Government is be- community responsibility into the ties ommendations for streamlining the curriculum is now too rigid' found that only 46 of them had Yet just two years ago the coming increasingly involved in all teaching environment, scho the student programs by begin- several said they feared any stepped-up their production of S u r g e o n General's consultant areas of medical training and "This is not surprising," said plan: ning specialization within the changes." physicians. A dozen schools had group, the Bane Commission, re- patient service under a dozen new Ebert, "for the medical schools city school itself. The report also asked The stimulus for change has actually stopped growing or de- ported that the population was al- programs. have never assumed community servi for a reduction in the amount of been building up across the coun- clined; among those were Harvard, ready outgrowing the medical These include the Health Pro- responsibility was their business. the "factual information and memor- try for several yeas. Many doc- Johns H o p k i n s, Pennsylvania, school supply. The Commission at fessions Education Assistance Acts The health care system was plan- medi izing pressed upon the students. tors and professors are concerned Stanford, Northwestern, Vander- that time stated that 60 per cent of 1963, the Nurses Training Act ned interms of taining particular thee The medical school should have with the image of the nation's 88 bilt and Tulane, increase in M.D. output would be of 1964, the Medicare Act, the kinds of doctors." and EIGHT PAGES orm suggested that medical ols review their relationships he city and other voluntary itals in which patients are d for, here are two diametrically sed views," he said. "The ure usually assumed by city itals is that all patients who r should be paid for. The r view is that the teaching ital should subjugate every- g to the needs for teaching research and admissions Id- be selective." ert suggested medical' facul- bridge the gap between the 'ols and commhunity health ning by contracting with the hospitals to provide total ces to the people served by hospital - using university cal manpower and financing ffort, with funds from federal state programs. Undergrads Launch New Organization Psychology Students Predict Expansion To Broadly Based Group By MEREDITH EIKER fora A novel approach to the student poin advisory- committee idea will be launched at the University when Na undergraduate psychology students app meet tomorrow evening. The new a n organization's f i r s t gathering, pub scheduled for 7:30 in Aud. A of ing Angell- Hall, will be highlighted assi, with a "scientific travelogue" pre- sented by Prof. James McConnell. Dan Wojcik, '67, currently a member of the Undergraduate befo Psychology Advisory Committee, th e xplained that the new Associa- the tion will not be a typical academic advisory committee in that it will not consist merely of a "small atio hand-picked students group pass- pled ing information to the faculty." to c Rather, Wojcik continued, "it hopefully will be an organization with a broad base of support, in- cluding as many psychology ma- in jors as are interested-probably deve "200 students or more." The objectives of the proposed Pre association have been defined as follows: - Cat " to be a sounding board for all criticisms and suggestions con- and cerning t h e improvement of courses, teaching methods, etc: within the department; few * to serve as an intermediary is c catalyst for student-faculty con- judg tacts. A recent survey of psychol- S ogy faculty members found 47 of them willing to tutor five stu- dents each over a two-year period awa (junior and senior years). B.F 0 to increase psychology student Smi cohesiveness by involvng students $40, in departmental social functions such as a supper club, film fes- 9 tival, TG's, etc. 1 to co-ordinate and .sponsor them specialized services of particular the interest to psychology students. These would include a collection of graduate school catalogues and that applications and an employment Uni bureau designed to put faculty $2,4 ' and students in touch with one den another and with their research needs and abilities. equ BUDGET DECREASE: Third Party thi Ba Formation' ' NEWS WIRE DEAN JAMES B. WALLACE of the music school announced ee administrative appointments yesterday. Eugene W. Troth, merly assistant to the dean and professor of music was ap- rted assistant dean, in charge of the University division of the tional Music Camp at Interlochen. Michael H. Stone was ointed assistant to the dean in charge of school relations, new post that deals with' information services, human and lic relations, and the placement of graduates in college teach- positions. Robert T. Warmann was appointed administrative istant in charge of admissions, counselling and registration. *.* * * UNIVERSITY PRESIDENT HARLAN HATCHER, in a speech ore the American Forestry Association last night, announced creation of a professorship of outdoor recreation, endowed Laurance Rockefeller. The Samuel Trask Dana Endowed Chair of outdoor Recre- n, first of its kind in the nation, is being made possible by a dge of $200,000 from Rockefeller, contingent upon other gifts omplete the $500,000 endowment. GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY has lifted its ban on drinking men's dormitories in what officials described as a move to elop greater responsibility among students, The Associated ss has reported. Rev. Anthony J. Zeits, director of student personnel at the holic-supported institution with an enrollment of 6,700, said male students would be allowed to keep and drink both beer hard liquor in their dormitory rooms. Father Zeits said penalties would be imposed against "those students who misuse alcoholic beverages. The university onvinced that most students will exercise good and reasonable gment." THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUN DATION announced the arding of grants to three University professors. Prof. Robert Helling, Prof. Peter B. Kaufman, and Prof. Alexander H. th, all of the botany department, were granted sums of 600 $60 dM $1i.45 400 res ecrtivel_ Considered Boulding Supporters - View Campaign As Important Alternative By LISSA MATROSS The winner of the election in the second congressional district is of secondary importance to those working for Mrs. Elise Boulding, write-in peace candidate running against State Rep. Mar- vin Esch (Republican) and incum- bent Rep. Weston Vivian (Demo- crat). According to Edward Geffner, Mrs. Boulding's campaign man- ager, the campaign has given a "small .group of voters the option of not voting for the lesser of two evils. The issues will still be around after the campaign and so will the dissatisfied voters whose needs are not met by the two major political parties." The Boulding campaign, says one of Mrs. Boulding's workers, can be viewed as another entree into public affairs by those people who find that the present parties can not or will not meet their needs. The effect of Mrs. Bould ing's campaign is to sensitize those people outside the present system. Debate The debate last week in Ann Arbor between the three candi- dates, says another Boulding work- er, would have been far different without a peace candidate. Issues like Viet Nam, civil liberties, and the draft are being discussed with, a new urgency.I "Our job after the election is to find those people that vote for Mrs. Boulding, keep them togetherI and build from there." BL t "jb UildliUa frnm fh AUIXL± in -Daily-Thomas R. Copi MANUPELLIS WALL The wall surrounding the construction area of the new Administration Bldg. has become the site of "fieldwork" projects for students in basic design classes 'in the school of Architecture and Design. Several professors in A & D were each given one of the four walls for their classes to decorate several weeks ago, and since then colorful abstract designs have replaced the political slogans which first graced the walls. COMPLETE PROGRAM SOUGHT:' Local Mothers Form Union To Enlarge Welfare Benefits Candidates For Regent Interviewed Murphy, Brown Say Collective Bargaining Should Be Instituted By PAT O'DONOHUE Incumbent Regent Irene Mur- phy, Democrat and Robert Brown, Republican, two of the four candi- .dates seeking two Regental seats in the November elections, both say the University should recog- nize unions as bargaining agents for its employes. The pair gave their views in a television program broadcast last night by WMSB-TV, Michigan State University's station. They were interviewed by John Gagnon, news editor of the Wayne Daily Collegian, Kyle Kerbawy, editor of the Michigan State News and Mark R. Killingsworth, editor of The Daily. Referring to a present public employe collective bargaining law, Mrs. Murphy said the University should "contest and comply" with the law at the same time. Collective Bargaining Indicating her support for col- lective bargaining here,,.she stress- ed that the University has op- posed the law in court solely as a possible threat to its autonomy, adding that the Regents are hesi- tant to set up a bargaining sys- tem of their own withot State Labor Mediation. Board approval since this might constitute an un- fair labor practice. Agreeing with Mrs. Murphy's acceptance of unions, Brown said that the major "point of conflict" lies in determining how many bargaining agents should repre- sent University employes. He in- dicated he favored one union to represent all University employes. The candidates were also asked to what extent they felt students should be able to participate in decision-making processes of the University. Mrs Murphy said "policies re- main for a long time but the stu- dents are only transient" and therefore "should not try to en- grave their viewpoint in the ce- ment" but students should be able to express their opinions in an advisory capacity to the adminis- tration, she added. Brown agreed with Mrs. Mur- phy, but specified thatn the c se of the draft referendum, that while "the Regents have backed away from class 'standing,' he thought "gradesshould be trans- mitted" in order to aid the stu- dent in complying with the Selec- tive Service System. Rising Tuition Asked about rising tuition, Mrs. Murphy stated that "new con- cepts are needed to meet the new economics of the 20th century." She added that the state Legis- lature should realize that, by in- vesting a certain amount in a stu- dent's education, they receive in- creasing returns at the end of his education. She cited the GI Bill as having resulted in a twenty- fold return in added tax reve- nues on its initial investment in education for armed service vet- erans. Brown said the concept of a sliding fee schedule based on abil- ity to pay needed more specific definition before it could be put into effect. But he added that he ,ou 4>,z, ana , 0fu UNIVERSITY STUDENT mselves in school, but sin money has been uncollecti The annual report of the 8,420 loans, worth $3,692 versity last year. The prey 71,119. At the end of 1965 t loans outstanding in the a ivalent training and experi End of Apollo Proje Tightened Federal p c vry. bu aung from iere ' oes not necessarily mean the forma- By BETSY TURNER frequently borrow money to keep tion of a third political party o .m based on the issues of the Bould- An organization to nHumanize ce 1897, less than one per cent of ing platform Existing Welfare, consisting of ible. 30 to 45 mothers who are recip- Geffner explains that the pres- ients of funds under the program e business office for 1965-66 shows ent canvassing done by Boulding of Aid to Dependent Children and ,220, were made to students by the workers has greatly expanded the welfare, has been formed in Wash- ious year's 6,101 loans amounted to organization. Many people who tenaw County. -66, the University had 15,764 stu- felt that their political leanings The group has presented to the amount of $7,997,779. ' were not being expressed by the County Department of Social Serv- two major parties have now found ices 12 basic demands for serv- ence. a vehicle to voice their views. ices and treatment which they feel -__-_ they are entitled to but are not receiving. "Existing policies are either in- adequate or not followed," said SMrs. Kate Emerson, one of the members of HEW. ct Cited aso Cause of ; epeenatvs of the organi- zation will meet with the super- visor of Social Services, Myrna l e ea l 'Goss, and other members of the iesearch~ Spending SaeWlreDptmnof local department tomorrow. State Welfare Department of- ficials pointed out yesterday, how- is- among the three major agencies- ucational activities in 1965 totalled ever, that welfare policies are made of Defense, NASA and AEC - is $2.3 billion, not at the county but at the he matched by an increase in the Although the 15 states contain- state and national levels. in budget shares of the 28 other ing 65 per cent of the country's The major demands of the group he agencies which hold about 16 per population received 69 per cent of include: more information on pol- ch cent of the 1967 budget. The dol- the money, support was even fur- icy changes before they take ef- A's lar increase from $2.1 to $2.5 bil- ther concentrated in those colleges fect; more money for essential be. lion will apply to such areas as and universities with large science needs; a review of aid termination ns health, natural resources, environ- and engineering programs. In 100 policies; and protection of HEW p- mental control, transportation and institutions of higher learning, against alleged harrassment from m- educational methods. nearly- all of them Ph.D.-granting welfare workers. n- The projections for 1967 are schools, total allocation- was $1.8 Aid, to Dependent Children is e- 'based on the President's budget billion, or 77 per cent of the total.'designed to provide funds for requests presented to Congress in 'U' Gets $58.8 Million mothers who are the sole source n- January, 1966, and a survey of the The Department of Health, Ed- of support for their families. In ut needs of 35 federal agencies made ucation and Welfare granted over order to be eligible, a woman must ss. by the National Science Founda- $1.33 billion, followed by the De- be separated from her husband or tic tion. partment of Defense with 11.6 per else he must be unemploved or never given a chance to get the education or training that would qualify us for the positions." The Union is further demand- ing that the rights of the mothers to continuing education' and job training be listed in writing. The group claims that "many welfare recipients have been afraid that ADC would find out they were at-- tending school and would subse- quently be taken off welfare." Welfare policy requires a moth- er to seek employment, if she has only oneschild, when the child is two years old. The policy, how- ever, does allow the mother to. substitute school attendance for the job requirement but the funds for the schooling must be provid- ed by a source other than wel- fare. The union statement also in- sists that budget information and changes in rules and regulations be made known before the changes go into effect. Mrs. Goss said, "often the office does not know of the changes which are to be made more than a week before they are to go into effect. Local boards have no say about policy decisions." Thomas Cook of the State Wel- fare Department in Lansing said yesterday, "Attempts have been made to explain changes in publi-. cations sent with the pay checks but they are usually not under- stood, and much confusion is caus- ed atthe local offices due to in- quiries," Another demand of the group is the prompt delivery of checks. Members of the organization re- port that a majority of their checks -have come at least one or two days late and several have been as much as two weeks late. Mrs. Goss says she is not aware of any rise in the number of checks See MOTHERS, Page 2 The long - suspected levelling- off of federal research and de- velopment spending has apparent- ly begun. From a small 0.8 per cent of the 1940 budget of $9 billion, to 15 per cent of the estimated 1967 budget of $112, federal spending on R&D has grown in an unbroken rise, and the Atomic Energy Commi sion accounted for 85 per cent the projected 1967 budget. T "sixties shift" which resulted the slow-down is attributed to t wind-up in construction of laun and test facilities for NASA Project Apollo lunar landing prol The drop in federal allocatio NSF Announces Two New Instruction, Research Plans' since the post-World War period. for plant, applied and develo Yet in the period 1964-67, the most mental research is slightly cor significant characteristic of fed- pensated for by a continuing i eral R&D support is its holding crease in support for basic r steady for two years and its pre- dicted drop in fiscal 1967 to 14 per cent of the budget. This will amount to $15.9 billion. The tremendous growth R&D I search. Basic research is aimed at i vestigating natural laws witho regard for immediate usefulne< Concentrated largelv in academ 'The National Science Founda- tion announced it has instituted two new programs and made changes in a third in an effort to upgrade science instruction and research at "potentially" top science instutions. The new programs are the Col- lege Science Improvement Pro- ment Program will encourage the colleges to formulate and put into effect *plans calculated to improve the preparations of students for careers in science, including teach- ing. The Departmental Science De- velopment Program is designed to I