I Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD TN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS POWER University Board Elections: The Candidates POETRY by MARK R. KILLINGSWORTH ........x...... ......... ..~,.. .. .. . . . . . . . ..... r. r. r.......r........................................... wommommot-- F- . f Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. uth Will Prevail NEWs PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. )AY, NOVEMBER 1, 1966 NIGHT EDITOR: SUSAN SCHNEPP Battle of Gloucester Wy:r TheR W'sN O ver Wlio WON the battle of 2640 Gloucester Way? When Judge James Breakey granted landlord Martin Wagner an injunction last Tuesday against the picketers at his home on Gloucester who accused him of an eviction on racial grounds, it appear- ed that Wagner was the winner. In fact, the dispute .has not been de- cided, and in the end, a just decision will prove Wagner the loser. For, while Breakey's decision-a valid one-served the short-run interest of the landlord, it wasn't without cost to Wag- ner. In the process of justifying his re-' quest for an injunction, Wagner's attor- ney conceded that "my clients were re- sponsible for actions of a racial nature which should not have occurred." This concession satisfied a major de- mand of the picketers-a public apology to the two girls evicted-and it appar- ently resulted from the pressure of the picket line. The concession will also have an im- portant effect on the result of the Hu- man Relations Council's examination to- day of the racial aspects of the two girls' eviction. WAGNER STILL CONTENDS that the eviction was not the result of "racial mistakes," but rather the result of the "intolerable" relationship between the girls and his daughter, who shared the apartment with them for two months. This relationship, however, did not be- come "intolerable" until the reactions of neighbors to the girls Negro friends pres- sured Wagner to ask the girls to leave. The HRC, therefore, may indeed find that the primary reason for the eviction was discriminatory. And according to .HRC director David Cowley, if the primary or, original cause was discriminatory, the group will move to block the eviction. But there are other reasons why Wag- ner can't claim victory.; FIRST, the girls' claim to an oral lease -which would stifle Wagner's desire to have a written lease drawn up-is still up to the court to decide. If the girls can prove that an agreement was reached al- lowing them to occupy the apartment un- til April-not merely on a month to month basis - Wagner will have no grounds to move for a new lease. Secondly, if the oral lease argument is not upheld, the matter will probably go to an arbitration board composed of three members of the HRC, and one represen- tative from both sides. Wagner offered to have such a body arbitrate the new lease, and the HRC agreed. However, Cowley stated after the hearing Tuesday that the HRC's terms for establishing a new lease differ sig- nificantly from the terms Wagner pre- sented. Mr. Wagner desires that the rent coin- cide with other rents -in Ann Arbor. However, his original agreement with the girls established a rent lower than the going rate in Ann Arbor, and Cowley says this original agreement will be taken in- to consideration. Cowley also feels that any harrassment or discomfort the girls have experienced should be considered. Thirdly, the damages Wagner is seek- ing against the pickets and the two girls are not likely to be granted, because the girls will file a counter claim of harrass- ment against Wagner, and have evi- dence to back that claim. As a result of the counter claims, it is unlikely that anybody will pay anybody anything. THUS, THE COURT'S decision Thursday neither put an end to the battle nor declared a victor. The value of the hear- ing lies in its restoration of communica- tion between the two parties.' Wagner is in fact a man "who has made mistakes in racial relations and desires to correct those mistakes," as his attor- ney put it. But the picketers could not be expect- ed to accept the man's sincerity until he was willing to concede those mistakes di- rectly to them. The hearing provided the forum for that concession, and restored the communication that any solution re- quires. -BOB CARNEY Associate Editorial Director EAST LANSING - Lost in the shuffle of the Griffin-Williams struggle and George Romney's impending reelection, are the con- tests for six state-supported uni- versity board seats, ignored but vi- tally important. The elections for the board seats -two each at Wayne' State Uni- versity, Michigan State University and the University-will help de- cide a number of key problems, from university growth to student participation in university deci- sion-making to chronic deficien- cies in state support for higher education. REFLECTING the importance of these contests, each of the 12 candidates for the six board seats came here to answer questions put to them by the editors of the newspapers of their respective schools. Recorded by MSU's WMSB-TV (Channel 10), the interviews - three programs involving four candidates each-gave a good in- dication of how each of the can- didates approaches education. One program has already been broad- cast; the next two - including candidates for University Regent -will be shown at 7 p.m. Tues- day and 4 p.m. next Sunday on Channel 10. While The Daily's Code of Eth- ics precludes editorial endorse- ment of any candidate for Re- gent, there is no such prohibi- tion on comment on candidates for the other university board. And although the contest for the two regental seats up for grabs is of direct concern to the University community, it should study the candidates for the oth- er two university boards with equal care-for the winners there, no less than at the University, will determine the future of higher ed- ucation in the state. On the basis of last week's in- terviews, then, one can arrive at the following conclusions about the candidates for the MSU and Wayne boards: For MSU's board of trustees: * FRANK MERRIMAN, a Re- publican incumbent running for MSU's board, may have been an effective trustee when MSU was small and preoccupied with agri- culture (Merriman himself as a farmer active in farm organiza- tions). But it appears that Merriman lacks a grasp of the issues which are crucial for the great univer- sity MSU is fast becoming. He is uninterested in furthering stu- dent participation at MSU; he has no concern about MSU's burgeon- ing size and little interest in man- aging or curtailing its growth (36,- 000 students registered there this fall), he claims that the only problem growth presents is get- ting enough money - to provide enough trained faculty. Hence, Merriman falls far short of the requirements of a great university. 0 NATHAN CONYERS, a Dem- ocrat, is-in contrast to Merriman -quite concerned about the ef- fects university growth has on the teacher-student relationship and the general environment. He urges a comprehensive study of growth -somthing MSU and Merriman have yet to do-and would en- courage student participation in university affairs. Hence, despite Conyers' relative lack of experience and knowledge of the details of MSU's operations, he promises to be an outstanding member of MSU's board. He is an outstanding candidate who def- initely deserves to be elected. * GLENN THOMPSON, a Re- publican, suffers from inexperi- ence and fails to bring any pol- icy or analytical talents to re- deem this defect. He opposes the concept of a sliding tuition fee schedule based on ability to pay -something both Republican can- didates for Regent endorse-and he appears to have little sympa- thy for efforts to increase stu- dent participation in decision- making at MSU. Like Merriman, Thompson has none of the in- sight or perspective which a ma- jor university needs; and he has the additional defect of a lack of knowledge of MSU. His election would be an unfortunate step backward in MSU's strides to- wards greatness. 0 WARREN HUFF, a Demo- cratic incumbent now serving as chairman of the MSU board, is an outstanding candidate who combines a detailed knowledge of MSU's affairs with a clear per- spective on its needs and its fu- ture. Although he does not want to establish structural forms of stu- dent participation in MSU deci- sions until MSU's problems sur- rounding rules of student disci- pline and student life have been settled, he hopes to work toward such participation as soon as pos- sible. He places the brunt of the blame for shaky and flawed uni- versity growth squarely on the Legislature for its failure to pro- vide adequate financial support; and he points to residential col- leges as a way to manage growth and retain a coherent large uni- versity environment. Articulate and able, he manifestly deserves re-election. For the Wayne board of gover- nors: * DR. ALBERT SOKOLOW- SKI, a Republican, shows an ap- palling lack of knowledge in general and of Wayne in partic- ular. Evidently lacking any con- cern or knowledge of the prob- lems of expansion, he maintains that university growth should be limited "only by the college-age population of the state itself." Earlier he gained fame as a can- didate for Detroit's board of edu- cation on the slate of the crypto- racist Thomas Poindexter. One can scarcely think of a less de- sirable candidate for Wayne's board. * MRS. JEAN McKEE, an in- cumbent Democrat, on the other hand, combines a clear knowl- edge of Wayne's needs with, a number of ideas on its future. She indicates concern over Wayne's feud with the activist West Central Organization and hopes that Wayne's expansion will not occur at the expense of com- munities on its periphery; and she is evidently receptive to expand- ed student participation in Wayne's affairs. She is an out- standing candidate who should be re-elected. * LESLIE SCHMIER, a Demo- crat, has considerable experience in education as a sparkplug of a number of private groups work- ing with deprived children. But with this social concern, Schmier adds a regrettably doctrinaire view of university problems. , Like Sokolowski he says uni- versity growth should essentially be limitless without offering sug- gestions on how such growth can be managed: he says that tuition should be free for in-state stu- dents, which is admirable but in the present context hopelessly vis- ionary. 0 NORMAN STOCKMEYER, an incumbent Republican, has an impressive knowledge of Wayne's problems and a liberal attitude toward key issues facing it. He supported President W illi a tn Keast's decisions to allow Commu- nist theoretician Herbert Apthek- er to speak at Wayne, despite a state Senate resolution condemn- ing the appearance; he supported another Keast decision to with- hold class ranks from the Selec- tive Service System. Although he has a less liberal philosophy to- wards student participation and tuition and other economic issues, he should be re-elected. 1v 4 Letters: Vivian 's Peace Record Lauded, Draft Referendum Flaw STUDENT GOVERNMENT COUNCIL has made a mistake in its decision to at- tempt to make the referendum binding after the November 16 vote. The draft referendum asks for opinion on the present system and on many of the alternatives but it also asks the stu- dent to vote yes or no on whether the University should compile class rankings. The students decision on this ques- tion should be made binding upon the ad- ministration prior to the vote. The deci- sion to compile class rankings for the use of the Selective Service System is one which the students should make as it affects their future rather than the fu- ture of the University. SGC ARGUES that it would be more ad- vantageous to make the students' de- cision binding after the vote has been taken. They reason that, if the adminis- tration refuses to accept the students' decision, there will be more support from the students and faculty to force the ad- ministration to accept the results of the vote. However, the administration has said it will consider the decision of the stu- dents but will not accept a binding ref- erendum. If the students attempt to make it. binding after the vote the adminis- tration could maintain that they are conisidering the students decision, and consider it ad infinitum. IF THE VOTE is not binding upon the administration it is nothing more than an opinion poll. The students may have voted to abolish the University's present system of compiling class rankings with no effect. Their opinion will have been heard, considered and ignored. Furthermore, if the students express their willingness to continue class rank- ings there will be no push to make the referendum binding on the University be- cause the University merely continues to compile class ranking. The opinion poll will have been taken but no step will have been made to increase student participa- tion in decisions directly affecting their future. The referendum will be meaning- less. THERE IS STILL time to make the ref- erendum binding upon the adminis- tration before the vote is taken. If the students know that their vote will mean something other than an expression of opinion, they may get out and exercise their franchise. At the moment there ap- pears to be little interest in the referen- dum as evidenced by the lack of support for the teach in. There is still time for the students to force the University to accept their deci- sion and their participation in the de- cision making process. -PAT O'DONOHUE To the Editor: THE DEBATE among congres- sional candidates reported in last Wednesday's Daily recalled to my mind the 1962 Senate race in Massachusetts, where my wife and I worked for the "peace" candidacy of H. Stuart Hughes, a historian. The theme of that candidacy was "Steps Toward Peace." The campaign realized that to go for a sudden, complete and unilateral reversal of a foreign policy would in fact make no impact at all. So without abandoning the dream of a world in which people do what is right, the campaign centered on certain "initiatives" which were practical and which would point the direction, invite recipro- cation, and hopefully lead to a cooling of international tempers. The feeling was that if we were to achieve a more peaceful world, this is how it would come about. RECENTLY I had occasion to collect, as well as I could, Con- gressman Vivian's record in his first term in the House of Rep- resentatives, because I was asked to participate in two panel dis- cussions on the local write-in can- didacy, presumably on the basis of my 15 years' active participa- tion in the peace movement. Vivian's record, all put togeth- er on this issue, impressed me greatly, and since I have not seen it emerge from thehdebate, I would like to share it with your readers. Since it is my compilation, and not from the congressman's office, I can't guarantee that it is com- plete. But it is, to the best of my ability, factual and straight. I have omitted domestic issues and for- eign issues not directly related to Viet Nam, but I have included items concerning freedom of speech and dissent, since I re- gard these as relevant to contin- ued citizen expression on the Viet Nam question. HERE, IN BRIEF, is Vivian's Viet Nam record (all actions ex- cept those marked with an asterisk were on the floor of the House of Representatives): 5-5-65-With Rep. Reuss, notice of concern about the situation and of no support for escalation. 5-13-65-Defended the nation- al teach-in; suggested House use the occasion to concern itself with the issues raised; and give Viet Nam "full discussion." 2-25-65, 2-2-66-Right of dis- sent; vote against appropriation for HUAC. 8-12-65-Spoke against propos- ed bombing of Chinese nuclear facilities. *1-5-65-With Rep. Fraser, tele- gram to the President: Let Gold- berg's presentation to the UN be- come formal submission of the conflict to the United Nations. 2-15-66 - Defended students' right to participate in political activity. 3-1-66-Voted for supplemental Viet Nam appropriation, but, with 78 Democratic congressmen, at- tached statement calling for lim- itation of the conflict and ini- tiating negotiations. 3-15-66-Program of economic aid for civilian purposes, rehabil- itation, reform. 3-31-66 - For recognition of China, her admission to the UN and patience with the difficulty of opening channels after years with North Viet Nam (Vivian's vote on this issue was recently attacked in large advertisements by his Republican opponent). 6-20-66-Spoke in defense of a conscientious objector in Viet Nam. 8-26-66-Spoke and signed a statement with 48 other congress- men, urging that we disassociate ourselves from the "spiral of es- calation" advocated by Premier Ky, suggesting new initiatives for negotiation. *8-?-66--With six other con- gressmen, members of the Demo- cratic Study Group, met with the President, urged acceptance of the idea of phased troop with- drawal, supported U Thant pro- posals, which, with some modifi- cation, were subsequently sup- ported, by Ambassador Goldberg at the UN. *10-11-66-Press interview fav- oring curtailment of bombing of North Viet Nam. 10-17-66-Eight point program for "deliberate and reciprocal re- duction in the level of the con- flict" 1) "Having demonstrated our ability .. to .deny victory to the Viet Cong and North Vietnamese troops . . . let us (now) concen- trate on providing security and beneficial government to lim- ited areas . .. (while making ef- forts) to determine workable pre- conditions for a political settle- ment... 2) ". . . Press the South Viet- namese government to complete the transition to civilian control 3) "Deliberately reduce the ex- tent of (North Viet Nam) bomb- ing. . . to induce negotiation.. . 4) ". . . Assure all parties to the conflict of a seat at any negotiat- ing table . . . Negotiations could lead to the formation of a broad- ly and fairly representative gov- ernment; if so, we should accept the outcome. 5) ". . . Phased withdrawal of American forces ... 6) ". . . Neutral role for Viet Nam, internationally guaranteed, ... preferably (through) the Unit- ed Nations. 7) ". . . Generous amnesty ... as soon as the process of politi- cal settlement is initiated. 8) "... A program of economic and social development and re- form to which the United States and other powers should contrib- ute through the United Nations THE FRIENDS Quakers) Com- mittee on National Legislation, a leading peace voice in Washing- ton for many years, in its Octo- ber, 1966 newsletter rates all 435 congressmen on the basis of sev- en key peace and international votes or actions, and four domes- tic positions. Congressman Vivian is one of only seven who rated 100 per ceht on all 11 key issues. The voter who is really inter- ested in peace must decide wheth- er he can afford to let this man and this record disappear from the national scene. -Walter Scheider Biophysics Research Div. 'Deplorable!' To the Editor: (A letter to Representative Weston E. Vivian) MANY PEOPLE are unhappy nesabout your obvious unwilling- ness to express strong opposition to such disastrous foreign policy as exemplified by the U.S. take- over of the war in Viet Nam since the advent of the Johnson ad- ministration. Most of these un- happy critics, I'm sure, are fel- low Democrats dismayed at the course taken by our President. We hoped you would point to lies about the origin and nature of this war, to lies about our "commitment" and purpose as well as to lies about the legality, con- stitutionality and practicality of our participation. We hoped that you would speak out against the outrage of moral principle which we feel our conduct of this war represents. We even hoped you'd exert some leadership in explaining that this hot war derives inevitably from the false premise on which the cold war' rests: that Communism is inherently, totally and irre- trievably evil. YOU HAVE FAILED to take po- sitions we had hoped you might take. Your reason may be that you disagree with our views. Such a reason is at least understand- able. Not much different from the position of your Republican op- ponent and therefore deplorable, but understandable. On the other hand, you may agree substantially with the views stated but also hold that the lesser evil is to publicly take a "practi- cal" position in the sense of com- patability with the objective of being reelected. This position is also understandable and, to the extent that it is necessary, deplor- able. Yet there is an attitude which I find less understandable and more deplorable than those already mentioned. This is exhibited by the voter who criticizes your "prac- tical" employment of the lesser evil principle and yet adopts the same tactic himself in voting for you as against the outspoken peace candidate, Elise Boulding, on the assumption that votes for her would go unnoticed by the great vonsensus seeker. ENOUGH VOTES for peace can- didates can change things. The simple fact is that Elise Boulding is such a candidate and you, Mr. Vivian, are not. -R. F. Burlingame Moderation To the Editor: T HE EXTREME position taken by the peace candidate, Mrs. Boulding, and her advocates may actually jeopardize the cause of peace in Viet Nam. Mrs. Boulding exhorts the Unit- ed States to withdraw immediate- ly from Viet Nam. In the present cold war milieu, the great major- ity of citizens of the United States will interpret this proposal as 1) political humiliation, 2) abandon- ment of non-Communist al- lies in Viet Nam and in the rest of Asia, and 3) complete submis- sion to the demand of Hanoi and the NLF (and to Russia and China). IRONICALLY, Mrs. Boulding's radical peace position could bring us closer to nuclear disaster by forcing the issue to become a choice between ignominious with- drawal or a complete military set- tlement. The simplicity and ex- tremism of this choice, while ap- pealing to militarists and pacif- ists alike, repel those who desire a peaceful solution to a complex political and social problem. What is to happen to the 600,- 000-plus non-Communist Chris- tians who fled from North Viet Nam a decade ago? Are they to be part of the cargo shipped to the United States with American sol- diers? Or are they too a "cost," as the peace advocates call Mr. Vivian's possible defeat resulting from their campaign? If indeed the present Saigon government would topplepwithout United States military presence, then the only organized power left to govern the people of South Viet Nam would be the NLF. What does the NLF say about their non- Communist Vietnamese country- men? Will they grant a general amnesty and even give a voice in the government to these people, or will there be a purge in South Viet Nam, following the example of their Soviet and Chinese allies? SHOULD WE ASK these ques- tions before or after we agree to withdraw from Viet Nam? Should AS MR. VIVIAN said at the re- cent SGC sponsored appearance, who here does not want peace in sViet Nam? But, given the present opposing forces among the Viet- namese themselves, given the large mobilization of Communist Viet- namese stimulated by our presence there, and given the mass of com- mitted anti-Communist Vietna- mese presently unable to form a representative government of their own, how will the peace resulting from "an immediate and rapid withdrawal of all foreign forces" (does the latter include North Vi- etnamese forces?) from South Viet Nam result in anything but an- archy or a forceful seizure of the government by the NLF? Is this what Mrs. Boulding and her followers advocate? If not, then why do they not offer alter- natives? Why not talk about these complexities of peace before we withdraw? Can there be a nego- tiated settlement after the main stimulus to negotiate is removed? IT IS TIME for the advocates of peace in Viet Nam to endorse and support Mr. Vivian, who of- fers us a workable, attainable and therefore true peace platform. -Carl M. Shy M.D., Grad, School of Public Health Film Reviewers To the Editor: j WAS VERY disappointed to learn from your letter column on Sunday of The Daily's new policy on movie reviews. A pol- icy which excludes reviews by any- one associated with the campus organization which presents the film (e.g., reviews by Cinema Guild board members of Cinema Guild films has a nice, righteous, politic ring to it, but it works out badly in practice. I concur with the arguments adduced by the letter writers of Sunday against the policy, and I have , a further argument of my own. You people are depriving us of the fine reviews of Mr. Paul Sawyer. Without recalling any names, let me say that for three years I never read a decent movie review in The Daily. You went through one ignorant reviewer after an- other until finally last spring Mr. Sawyer camne to our relief. He wrote good reviews; in fact, some- one even wrote a letter to The Daily at that time in his praise. Had that ever happened before? At any rate Mr. Sawyer continued to say intelligent things this fall, too, and now your absurd policy has deprived us of him. THE NEW POLICY will prob- ably hurt The Daily: an Intelli- gent reviewer is hard to find. I wish you would reinstate Mr. Saw- yer. -Blanchard Hiatt, LSA,'67 EDITOR'S NOTE: There is no doubt that Mr. Sawyer and other Daily film reviewers who belong to the Cinema Guild board are eminently qualfied to write superior critiques on motion pictures. However, the theoretical possibility of a con- flict situation for a reviewer who is associated with an organiza- tion presenting films in a high- ly competitive marget requires on the floor resentatives Record, Oct. of the House of Rep- (cf. Congressional 17, 1966). 4 V.' 0I "You Wanted Something Modern, Didn't You?" * Beach-In Dwarfs Teach-In "JT'S TOO BAD the Beach Boys 'weren't at the Draft Teach-in, then maybe more people would have shown up." Unfortunately, the organization and publicity for Sunday's teach-in on the draft was poor bordering on the abom- inable. Conflicting campus events were not cancelled, general knowledge of the event was minimal, the interesting na- ture of the speakers was not made known. But even so, the turnout of 65 people was disappointing, and must not be re- - ......... A. r - - r%.........$vZ1 s. - - - A#. dents in this country now have a very real opportunity to affect the national draft system. The President and his spe- cial commission on the draft, headed by Burke Marshall, will be seriously con- sidering student opinion." Further, the student body on this par- ticular campus has a very real chance to decide the relationship of their academic career to their draft status by voting in the SGC referendum Nov. 17 and by supporting SGC efforts to make it bind- ing on the administration. n 0 I 1 00 1