GLOUCESTER BATTLE: WAR NOT OVER See Editorial Page C j r Ink igaui ait SNOW? High-42 Low-34 Cloudy, windy, chance of snow flurries Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVII, No. 52 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1966 SEVEN CENTS EIGHT PAGES . T U r9 uiget euest J from '6 Construction Contracts Highest Ever Annual Report Shows $71 Million Spent for Many New Projects James F. Brinkerhoff, director of plant extension, announced yes- terday that construction contracts for the University for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1966, totalled $71 million, three times the total of any previous year. The total includes figures for projects that were completed in 1965-66, several that are now un- deraconstruction, University Hos- pital renovations and a number of planning projects, Brinkerhoff said in his annual report. Projects that were completed include, the Administrative Serv- ices building, Botanical Gardens evtension, Radrick Farm golf course, Institute for. Social Re- search building and pharmacy re- modeling at University Hospital. Among major projects now un- der construction are the adminis- trative offices building on central campus, the C. S. Mott Children's Hospital, the School of Dentistry building, Medical Science Build- ing II, Bursley Hall and Vera Baits Houses I and II, the University Events building near the stadium and the Washington St. parking structure. Brinkerhoff reported that a number of major building projects involved active planning during the past year. These include the Chrysler Continuing Engineering Education Center, the Highway Safety Research Institute and the Residential College. Others were the College of Ar- chitecture and Design Facilities, Nu Sigma Nu fraternity, central campus Graduate Library, Univer- sity Theatre, Northwood IV Hous- ing, the Upjohn Center for Clini- cal Pharmacology, remodelling at Alumni Hall, Ambulatory Care fa- cilities, medical records facilities and the Continuation Education Center for doctors. In addition, there were Univer- sity Hospital renovations, includ- ing patient units, a cardiac-medi- &cal intensive care unit, ward mod- ernization and the heat station. Brinkerhoff reported the com- pletion of several campus projects. including studies of campus light- ing and walkways, campus iden- tification (signs), Ingalls Mall- North University Ave., Jefferson Plaza, Library South Plaza and Forest Ave. A number of planning projects are currently under study, said Brinkerhoff. Among them are an intercampus transportation study, University recreation openi spaces sturvey, a study of Huron River recreation resources, East University pedestrian way, com- mercial service center for North Campus, Residential College plan- ning and a master plany for the College of Engineering. The engineering services de- partment completed 420 estimates during the year for a total value of $8,597,481, and revised 28 es- timates for a total value of $353, 905. 4r idigal Dril NEWS WIRE PONTIAC-SECRETARY OF LABOR W. Willard Wirtz told a political dinner here in honor of Rep. Billie S. Farnum (D- Pontiac) last night that he feels "we are moving toward a time three or five years from now when we will see a comprehensive system of national service." Wirtz, who has been working closely on manpower problems of the Selective Service with the Presidential Advisory Commis- sion on the Selective Service, said he 'thought such a system could provide for these elements: -"the opportunity for each young man and woman to have served his country (in a military or non-military capacity) for two years before he or she is 20; -"a sabbatical not only for college professors, but for many other professions and occupations as well:" and -"a chance for those over 65 to re-enter national service" to avoid the dullness of an uneventful and unchallenging re- tirement. WILLIAMSBURG, VA.-GREATER involvement of "urban man with his outdoor heritage" was called for by University President Harlan Hatcher last night in an address before the American Forestry Association. "It is difficult to commune with nature from a jet plane five miles above the landscape," Hatcher commented. "Little better are perceptions gained from an air-conditioned car traversing a 70-mile-per-hour interstate highway." A major question for those concerned with preservation of natural beauty and outdoor recreation resources, he said, is that of involving the increasingly urbanized population with such matters. People whose only contact comes through the radio or television or from the windows of a car speeding along a highway are not likely to have much interest or understanding in their "outdoor heritage." Indeed, he said, a fifth or sixth generation of city dwellers may dislike, or even fear, the outdoors. SESQUIGRAS' GENERAL CO-CHAIRMEN, Danny Syme, '67 and Sue Ness, '68Ed will announce the theme and format of the weekend at a mass meeting Wednesday night at 7:15 in the Union Ballroom. A surprise movie will be shown in connection with the theme. Refreshments will be served and students will be able to sign up for committees. DISTINGUISHED ECONOMISTS from throughout the nation will gather at The University Novembe 17-18 for the 14th annual Conference on the Economic Outlook. Presented by the University's department of economics and Extension Service, the event annually attracts leading figures from business, government, and academic circles. This year's conference at the Rackham Building will feature at least six speakers in an assessment of the U.S. economy as a whole, the Federal budget and defense spending, consumer out- look, credit and interest rates, and a long-range forecast of the U.S. economy. * * * * JOSEPH A. PARISI, executive director of the Michigan Townships Association said that young men and women between the ages of 18 and 21 are being used by synical professional politicians. Annual meetings of state, township, and village officials in 14 congressional districts show what appears to be "overwhelming opposition" to'the 18-year-old vote, he said yesterday. The general feelings emerging at these meetings, Parisi said, is that statewide candidates for office are engaged in some sort of "dishonesty" or political trickery in supporting the proposition to amend the state constitution and lower the voting age from 21 to 18. POSTMASTER Donald G. Bachman of Ann Arbor said yes- terday that the backlog of third-class mail in Ann Arbor is being cleared up with the help of 26 extra part-time employes. He said he expects to be "absolutely current" by Wednesday. Authorization came through regional postal officials Thurs- day that allowed the hiring of the extra help and let the experi- enced mail handlers work overtime on the weekend. Discussion of 'Draft Topic Of Teach-In Disappointing Crowd Hears 3 Speakers On Selective Service By SUSAN ELAN The draft teach-in sponsored by Student Government Council and University Activities Center Sun- day fell disappointingly short of expected student participation. Three speakers representing posi- tions ranging from complete abo- lition of the Selective Service Sys- tem, to alternative service and support of the present Selective Service System addressed an aud- ience of less than 50 students. Edward Schwartz, vice-president for national affairs of the U.S. National S t u d e n t Association, spoke in favor of alternative serv- ice. In advocating alternative serv-I ice Schwartz said NSA is "not simply trying to make a system more palatable, we're trying to re- place a bad set of ideas with a good one. And we're asking that this country broaden its entire conception of what l o y a l t y means." As alternatives to military serv- ice Schwartz suggested work in the poverty program, civil rights, the Peace Corps, or in the admin- istration of a free university. In Social Interest Col. A. W. Myers, Michigan assistant Selective Service direc- tor, spoke in support of the pres- ent Selective Service System, maintaining that "due to man's basic human nature, the draft is in the social interest." Myers went on to say that the "Selective Service System cannot be eliminated as long as the United States is a world power." Since "war is an instrument of national policy and as long as there are have-nots who want what we have, we must have a way of providing man power." Myers admitted that the Selec- tive Service System is not the answer to everything, but heI claimed "that over the years it has proved its merit by performing the job it was intended by Congress to do." Abolition of Draft David Harris, president of Stan- ford University's student body, represented the position of com- plete abolition of the military draft. In reply to Myers, Harris said that war is never in the so- cial interest and that it is the goal of the draft to "collect young men i to kill or be killed." Harris added that he does not believe it is a question of the have-nots trying to get what we have, but rather of an "aggressive government trying to keep the have-nots, have-nots." According to Edward Robinson, '67, president of Student Govern- ment Council, the poor attendance of the teach-in does not neces- sarily represent a lack of student interest in the draft referendum. He attributes the lack of student participation to insufficient pub- licity. i . t 3 1 i G -Associated Press VIET CONG ATTACK CIVILIANS VIET CONG ATTACK IN SAIGON-Saigon police load a casualty onto a stretcher for evacuation durig Viet Cong mortar attack on the city today. In the foreground is the body of a woman killed by shell fragments. The shelling occurred before and during the celebration of the National Day. (See story on page three.) AT HILL AUD.: Homney Attacks iUnsrupu ous Charges' as Cam~paign Tactic Cites Study Of Graduate Disciplines 'U' Among Top Ten Despite Fewer Real Dollars from State By ROBERT KLIVANS The University yesterday .un- veiled the largest budget request in its history, asking for $74.6 mil- lion in state funds in 1967-68 as part of its total operating budget of $93 3 million. The complete request, which was sent to the Governor's Budget Office in Lansing, is $16.5 mil- lion, or 28%, greater than the $58 million that the Legislature granter the University for this year, and is about $8 million more than the University has ever re- quested. The major elements composing the budget increase are: " About $7 million "to main- tain existing progranis," which in- cludes "wage and salary increases to meet competition, inflation fac- tors for services, supplies, mate- rials, and 'equipment;" " $5.9 million for "increased en- rollment, costs" based on an esti- mated 1967-68 enrollment of 38,307students (about 2,000 more than this year), " $3.1 million for "improve- ment in instructional and depart- mental research equipment;" and, " $.75 million for "improvement in space rehabilitation." Program Statement The budget request was accom- panied by a program statement, which argued that the funds were necessary to halt a'ny decline suf- fered from past cuts in the re- quests and to preserve the Uni- versity as an important resource of the State. The report cited a recent grad- uate school raning study as proof that the University's position is being threatened. Between the Keniston study of graduate depts. in 1957 and the American Council on Education study issued this year, "the Uni- versity declined in relative rank in 13 of the 20 disciplines." Taking into account a third study which had been prepared in 1924, the budget report concluded that "the University ... advanced relatively from 1924 to 1957, but declined from 1957 and 1964." In Top Ten In the 1966 ACE Report, how- ever, the University still ranked among "the top t'en" institutions. "Therefore," the report states, "our pride in being able to keep the University among the top ten, despite fewer real dollars from the State with which to work from 1957 to 1966, is tempered by the apprehension we feel in view of the relative decline in position during these years" The report states that using 1957 as a base year, "tie Univer- sity in 1966 educated approxi- mately 43% more students with only about 31% more real dollars from the state." Self-Interest "The University's appropriation request is a clear case of self- interest for the State of Michi- gan," the report states. : "The University is an asset worth protecting . . not Just for 'the intangible prestige, but be- cause the University's graduate study opportunities and research programs attract research projects and support from the state bene- fits directly and indirectly." "And because graduate educa- tion and inherent research capa- bility represented by the Univer- sity . .. is the only type of edu- cation that provides the basis for new industry in Michigan, the consequent increased employment opportunities, and the broadened tax base." The difference between the state request and the total opera- ting budget is made up by the pro- jected student fee income of $17.7 million. an increasenof .5 million By RON KLEMPNER such tactics on the part of his At a rally in front of Hill Aud. opponent might increase as the yesterday, Gov. George Romney campaign enters its last days. He attacked his opponent's attempt to warned the public to weigh such degrade Romney's character. The statements carefully before mak- major portion of his remarks were ing their decision on Nov. 8. He aimed at Democratic State Chair- also urged the public to examie man Zolton Ferency's "unscrupu- the type of people who were mak- lous charges." ing these statements. He said, Romney suggested that Ferency's "The voters must then judge attempt to bring the gubernator- whether such people are qualified ial campaign down to a level of-t hold public office, and whether caa gedassassination was a they have the temperaments, the character assntinws integrity and the capacity to move of desperation on the partig rn."c iy of his opponent. In defending his govern." own integrity, Romney declared, Without naming Ferency direct- "I have refused to date to respond ly in his off-the-cuff speech, Rom- to the type of character assassina- ney charged, "I have been accused tion, half-truths, and mis-state- of being a bigot despite the fact ments which have characterized that I have fought and worked lthe- conduct of at least one cam- constantly for the realization of paign." total human rights for all persons The governor predicted that !in our state and nation." He add- ed, "I have been charged with hiding tax programs up my sleeve -which is a complete falsehood." In regard to claims that he was sympathetic to the Birchites, Romney said, "I have been labeled as consorting with members of the John Birch Society when my rec- ord has been one of open and v o c a 1 resistance to extremist groups." 'Stop at Nothing' Concerning the remainder of the campaign, and his opponent's actions, he predicted, "Some can- didates will stop at nothing in their stampede for votes. I base this prediction on past campaigns and also upon the evidence of this campaign to date." Romney was met with a crowd of about 500 students in front of Hill Aud. sn In an expression of hopeful ex- pectations over the governor's CONDITIONAL DONATION: Hatcher Accepts 200000 Gift Toward Professorship in Outdoor Recreation ,-.. -i By MARK R. KILLINGSWORTH Editor The University has accepted a conditional $200,000 gift from Laurance S. Rockefeller towards the establishment of a $500,000 endowed professorship in outdoor recreation, it has been learned. The chair will be named in honor of Samuel Trask Dana, the retired dean of the school of nat- ural resources. President Harlan Hatcher, who is scheduled to ad- dress the convention of the Amer- ican Forestry Association in. Vir- ginia this evening, will announce the~, T~i~ci.' n.v1+a.neQ vf' the& tial commission on outdoor rec- reation on which Dana served. 3 Conditional Gift Rockefeller's $200,000 gift was conditional-a pledge to be re- deemed if, by the end of 1968, the University has secured the $300,000 additional needed from new funds or expenditures from existing sources. ($500,000 is the total amount needed to establish an endowed chair. The $500 000 principal is then invested, and the salary for the professor is derived from the. annual interest on the invest- ment.) While one administrator said that the possibility that the ad- ditional $245,000 might not be raised in time was a "very re- mote contingency" which the Uni- versity did not consider, a key source commented last night that "we haven't being doing very well on our endowed professorships in the $55-M fund drive campaign- we'll just have to accept this wift as a challenge." Only one endowed professorship --the Dana chair-has yet re- ceived any donation. Hatcher's appearance this eve- Stu ent A n oun e pfu ture~ ambitions, the band struck even if the deadline for full sup- Twe vtA nnounce aemne "Hal to the ue port cannot be met: as Romney climbed to the rostrum. -Rockefeller might be persuad- 3 Boost Campaign ed to extend the deadline; Candidacies for SG Seats He came to the Ann Arbor area -Rockefeller might be persuad- to boost his own campaign as well ed to extend the deadline while as that of Marvin Esch who is the University invested whatever By LINDA SHEPPARD different, so we aren't following running for Congress .against. in- partial amount it had received, At-tthe same platform. However, we cumbept Democrat Rep. Westonj c I At the 5 p.m. deadline yesterdayare running on a unified construc- E. Vivian and peace candidate combining this income with op- 12 students had registered their tive view toward the Council Elise Boulding. erating funds to provide an an- candidacies for the six Student rather than toward personal Although most of those present nual salary for the Dana chair Government Council seats to be gains." which would be equal to the in- contested in the Nov. 16 election. will not be able to vote next Tues- ,come from the full $500,000 en- Teicmetcniae r Student Participation day, several members of Esch's teul$5,00n- The incumbent candidates are t campaign office saw Romney's ap- dowment; or Michael Dean. '67: Neill Hollen-a Preston said that he plans toI paincesaw m nysinp- -In the last report, University? shead, '67: Bruce Kahn, '68; base his platform on "more stu- peanesbigimottsnc operating funds or capital alloca- Michael Koeneke, '69, and John dent participation in University it emphasized the governor's and tin fus r ta - he K, 'nolicy making, rule making and the Republican party's interest in