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October 30, 1966 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1966-10-30

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Seventy-Sixth Year

Hungary: It's




NEws PHONE: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.



Proposed Cycle Ordinance:
Amendments Are in Order

MOTORCYCLES in Ann Arbor will soon
be under the regulation of a new ordi-
The need for such a law is evident, as
the number of cycles has been increasing
each year, but the City Council should
deliberate carefully before it approves the
ordinance as it has been presented.
The ordinance contains many unneces-
sary stipulations that will needlessly lim-
it the motorcyclist, and in one case, Ann
Arbor traffic.
FIRST SUCH provision requires
both the cyclist and his passenger to
wear a helmet and safety goggles. Al-
though it would be best that these safety
measures be left to the option of the in-
dividual, the cyclist will eventually have
to have a helmet anyway, because, the
state law requiring them goes into ef-
fect in April.
The state law, however, says nothing
about the rider, and* neither should the
Ann Arbor ordinance. For, in effect, it
calls for the purchase of a second helmet
(and goggles), which seems unreason-
able, except for the gentlemen who sell
won't want to refuse your roommate,
or your blond classmate a ride, would be

to take the chance that a policeman
won't catch you. A tight turn around the
corner at State and Hill, a left on Thay-
er, should shake most any cop, but it
may bring on more serious consequences.
The state law doesn't mention "safety
glasses." The proposed Ann Arbor ordi-
nance does, but leaves the term vague
and the determination of it up to the po-
lice, who are busy enough already.
ANN ARBOR ALSO wants to stop the
practice of passing stopped cars along
the curb. This bothers motorists, as they
are stuck and can't move, but isn't the
safety hazard some would make it.
It should be noted that the motorcycle
gets away from the intersection quickly;
he doesn't have to stand around increas-
ing traffic congestion.
The cyclist bought his vehicle for con-
venience and speed. A car will get you
there, but not as easily or quickly.
Making it illegal for cycles to move up
slowly to the head of traffic would be a
waste of time for motorists and cyclists
MOST OF THE OTHER provisions in the
ordinance - especially the provision
prohibiting passing between lanes-make
good sense, and should be approved.

TODAY SHOULD BE a national
holiday in Hungary. Exactly 10
years ago, papers mistakenly pub-
licized that the Hungarian peo-
ple had won their week-old revo-
lution against Soviet domination.
"Most of the Russian troops
cleared out of Budapest yester-
day," a Daily bulletin reported.
"Bombardment threats by the
Hungarian Air Force spurred the
Soviet retreat. Through the lit-
tered streets . . . tank column
clanked from the battlefields of
a Red cause that was lost. They
left their dead and wounded be-
Russian tanks were back in Bu-
dapest and rebel escape routes to
Austria were closed. Three weeks
later, able-bodied Hungarians
were deported to labor camps in
A month later, the Hungarian
labor strike was ended, and the
Soviet army units in Hungary
began a dragnet for rebel leaders.
IN HUNGARY today, there can
be no national holiday. In West-
ern Europe and the Americas,
where Hungarian revolutionaries
fled in the last daysof October,
1956, there can be no joy for a
free Hungarian government - it
lasted less than a month.
But the Hungarian Revolution,
despite its violent demise, was
characterized by e n e r g e t i c,
thoughtful and spontaneous activ-
ity. It was a vicious affair, but
even during its most turbid blood-
baths, it was directed by a liberal
philosophy that has endured the
chaos and death.
The whole affair began as a
student protest. According to
Hungarian Radio, "At the stu-
dent's meetings held in the uni-
versities of Budapest . . . it was
decided that the young people
should arrange a silent demonstra-
tion on the afternoon of 23rd
October to expressetheir deep
sympathy and agreement with
events in Poland.
"~The young people concerned
passed a resolution pledging them-
selves not to permit any sort of
provocation or anarchistic mani-
festation and to make sure that
this demonstration of sympathy
would take place in a spirit on
socialist democracy, order and dis-
IT WAS TO BE a demonstration
in support of a new Polish Com-
munist regime, which Russian
government agents had tried to
One student, Laszlo Berke, kept
a diary of the revolution. Of the
march to the Parliament, Berke
wrote, "We started out with 12,-
000-but our parade grew longer
and longer as we moved along .. .
Bythe time we reached St. Mar-
garet Bridge, there were anywhere
from 50,000 to 80,000 people with
The "silent demonstration" was
never staged. The protestors de-
manded an appearance by former
Premier Imre Nagy, premier of
Hungary, when Stalin died in 1953.
Nagy, known for "Titoist tenden-
cies," das deposed by Matya Ra-
kosi, the "little Stalin" of Hun-
NAGY APPEARED before the
crowd on the balcony of the Hun-
garian parliament. Berke remark-
ed, "Those of us in the front
row noticed something strange as
Nagy spoke. During his speech
Nagy bent backward several times,
and at one point we distinctly
heard a voice behind him say,
"Stick to your paper.
"Those of us who heard the
background prodding shouted out,
"Leave Nagy alone up there on
he balcony!" But they answered
us simply by taking Nagy from the

came a march on the buildings
husing Radio Budapest. It was
here that the bloodless revolution
became a bloody revolution.
The delegation that had enter-
ed the radio station to request
the broadcasting of its "16 points"

-From Life Magazine, by Michael Rougler
"rIhe memory of the Freedom Fighter endures . .

was arrested by political policemen
who were guarding the building.
The crowd demanded their re-
lease and tried to storm the doors.
At first the policemen tried to
drive the demonstrators back with
tear gas. Then they opened fire,
killing one demonstrator and
wounding several others.
Among the "16 points" resolved
that day were the expulsion. of Ra-
kosi, revision of the Soviet sec-
ond Five-Year Plan, publication
of foreign trade agreements, plans
for Hungarian uranium mining
and other government decisions;
and several revisions of political
BY THE END of the night, riot-
ing was a reality in Budapest.
Hungarian troops had declared al-
legiance to the demonstrators; aSo-
viet bookstores and monuments
were wrecked.
On October 24, the revolution
shifted from an ideological con-
flict to a military and political
battle. On that day 10,000 Soviet

In Budapest, a child and a wom-
man were the only persons to es-
cape a rebel siege of secret police
headquarters. At least 10 of the
"Avos" secret police were machine
gunned as they attempted to leave
the building.
battled Soviets in the streets and
hurled Molotov cocktails at their
tanks. Soviets refused to leave
the city until the rebels lay down
their arms.
On October 30, the Hungarian
air force threatened to bomb So-
viet tanks unless they evacuated
Budapest within 12 hours. Street
fighting continued. Josef Cardi-
nal Mindszenti, arrested in 1949
for treason, was liberated, By the
end of the day, Soviet tanks with-
On October 31, rebels began or-
ganizing democratic political par-
NOVEMBER, 1956 was the turn-
ing point of the Hungarian Revo-

the Soviet Union's Security Po-
lice, Gen. Ivan Serov, assume
control of Budapest.
On November 23, a Life maga-
zine writer reported, "Ex-Premier
Nagy leaves the Yugoslav embas-
sy under a Communist-issued safe
conduct and disappears. He is be-
lieved kidnaped by the Soviets."
By November 26, nearly 80,000
refugees were reported to have
entered Austria.
The worker's strike ended on
November 27 and Soviet authori-
ties began their crush of the last
rebel units.
THE SUDDEN shift from nego-
tiation to repression by the So-
viets in Hungary has been at-
tributed to two developments in
worid affairs.
Nikita Khrushchev, then first
secretary- of the So~viet Commu-
nist party and major advocate of
the Soviet Union liberalization pol-
icy, appeared to have been over-
ruled by the Stalinist wing of

people and government of Hun-
"I MET TODAY," Eisenhower
continued . . . "to discuss the ways
and means available to the Unit-
ed States which would result in:
"1. Withdrawal of Soviet troops
from Hungary,
"2. Achieve for Hungary its
own right of self determination in
the choice of its government.
"I have sent an urgent mes-
sage to Premier Bulganin on these
This was the extent of apparent
official American efforts.
And the United Nations?
On November 4, the Soviet
Union vetoed a United States reso-
lution for Security Council cen-
sure of the Russian military activ-
ity. Ambassador Lodge moved for
an emergency session of the Gen-
eral Assembly, already in per-
manent special session over the
Suez crisis.
At this time, Nagy's last ap-
peal for UN intervention was
monitored on Hungarian Radio.
* * *
to tragedy may have been set by
international conditions. But the
failure of the rebels did not distort
their impact on the world commu-
It is the memory of the Hun-
garian Freedom Fighter that en-
dures beyond the ends and means
of the revolution.
The Soviet conception, from its
news agency ten years ago: "un-
derground reactionary organiza-
tions attempted to start a counter-
revolutionary revolt against the
people's regime in Budapest.
"This enemy, adventure had ob-
viously been in preparation for
some time. The forces of foreign
reaction have been systematically
inciting anti-den'ocratic elements
for action against the lawful au-
THE VIEW of the Hungarian
Chief of Staff on the same day:
"At this moment the whole
Hungarian nation has risen
against Soviet domination . We
were unprepared for such an im-
mense and violent reaction, and
that is why we must move quickly
to preserve the successes of the
initial revolution events.
"The most faithful allies of the
Army are the students, the work-
ers in the city, and the peasants
in the country.
overshadow the revolution, but
the haunting figure is the Freedom
Fighter, the student who fought
Soviet tank troopers in Budapest
Streets, the one- who pushed for
democratic reforms before the
violence stai'ted.
The freedom fighter never de-
nied his socialist philosophy. But
he could not tolerate the denial
of freedom in his country because
of a Soviet concept of interna-
tional socialism.
Fighter was hunted in November,
1956. He may have been "dis-
patched" by secret police. He ma
have escaped through Austria to
the West. He often lives very close
to here.
He was TIME Magazine's Man
of the Year in January, 1957.
It was his actions that led Sartre
to withdraw from the Communist
party, that led eight Nobel prize
winners to protest to the Soviet
government, that led to the resig-
nation of a quarter of the editorial
staff of the London Daily Worker.
IN OCTOBER OF 1956, the Re-

volutionary Committee of Hun-
garian 'Intellectuals demanded
withdrawl of Soviet troops, gen-
eral and secret elections, new
trade agreements, actual socializa-
tion of plants and mines, salary
raises, unionization, free agricul-
ture, compensation to peasants
whose land was collectivised, free-
dof of the press, and a national
holiday in October commemora-
ting "our nation's uprising against
It's been ten years.


Live and in Color

THE UNITED STATES government has
succeeded in placing a new communi-
cations satellite in orbit, making possible
the live broadcast of the war in Viet Nam.
It is our hope that the national com-
mercial establishment will not ignore this
call to duty.
In the past, television networks have
graciously donated prime slices of pro-
grammable time to the coverage of the
war. As the American troops grapple up
and over a contested hill, they are like-
ly to uncover only Eric Sevareid and
the entire CBS mobile unit on the other
BUT EVEN SUCH "in-depth" coverage
pfales in the comparative possibility
of live action. The intimacy, the richness
of detail which- we have so grievously
missed, is at last available.
However, massive broadcasting is an
expensive procedure, and even the Hercu-
lean efforts of the television industry to
bear the costs are not enough. The bur-
den must now be shared with another
And here we place the name of that
famous safety razor company in nomi-
nation. Who but the giant of televised
sport could handle such a spectacle?
LET US IMAGINE the grandeur of the
scene. The whistle blows and a Sun-
day afternoon is suddenly alive with her-
oic runs, brisk tackles and the screams
of the spectators. Mel Allen and Tom
Harmon, Red Barber and Dizzy Dean-
all the greats are there - making the
portable press boxes vibrate with breath-
less accounts of team strategy.

And, when a particularly fine play is
made, there is an instant replay of the
moment as it was seen by an NBC re-
mote camera right on the field. "Just so
you fans don't miss a thing."
DURING A BRIEF half-time show, the
Union City, Iowa, High School band
will play as the marching antics of the
Red Guard thrill an audience the world
The live broadcast of such an interna-
tional upheaval will vastly increase the
opportunities for worldwide cultural ex-
change. Drum majors everywhere will
achieve new dimensions in racial and po-
litical toleration.
We firmly believe that a "live broad-
cast" policy is the most advanced theory
yet put forward by the U.S. for the ami-
cable end of the Asian war. Whatever
antimosities are aroused by various as-
pects of American society, the entire
world loves a ball game.
Moreover, as a republic, we obey the
rules of good sportsmanship more strict-
ly than those of humane warfare. We
might napalm, but we wouldn't be caught
dead throwing a bean ball.
FINALLY, there is the FCC regulation
requiring a television blackout for 50
miles around the site of the "big game."
If the government dispenses with only,
this single regulation, the whole of Viet
Nam situation would be solved.
For who would go to the war if they
could stay home and watch it on their
television sets?

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TwV Views of the Revolution
The Soviet Press said:
"Underground reactionary organizations attempted to start
a counter-revolutionary revolt against the people's regime in
Budapest . . . . The forces of foreign reaction have bee;-+
systematically inciting anti-democratic elements."
A Hungarian General said:
". At this moment the whole Hungarian nation has risen
against Soviet domination. We were unprepared for such an
immense and violent reaction . . . The most faithful allies of
the Army are the students, the workers in the city, and the

peasants in the country.


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tank troops drove into Budapest to
support the secret police; the
Hungarian army supplied weapons
to patriot fighters. Imre Nagy be-
came premier, and the rebel army
demanded that Soviet troops leave
the city.d
By October 26, the battle spread
to rural Hungary. On October 27,
Nagy shuffled his cabinet, but the
move did not inspire rebel confi-
dence in the Nagy regime.
Soviet troops and Hungarian
secret police who were trapped in
the country were often brutally
killed by patriots who felt their
deaths were long overdue. The pa-
triots cited Soviet and secret po-
lice terrorism to justify their own
In Maygrovar, a small town near
the Austrian border, Hungarian
patriots trampled five secret po-
lice to death following a machine
gun massacre of 85 patriots who
marched on police headquarters.

lution. The largest Soviet tank
model was dispatched to Hungary,
and Russian troops were reinforc-
ed. Nagy declared Hungary a neu-
tral nation and appealed to the
United Nations for protection.
On November 3, Maj. Gen. Paul
Maleter, rebel leader and new
Hungarian defense minister, ne-
gotiated with Soviet Gen. Malinin
for the withdrawal of Soviet
On November 4, Soviet tanks en-,
tered Budapest. Cardinal Minds-
zenty sought asylum in the Amer-
ican legation, Nagy in the Yugo-
slavian embassy.
ON NOVEMBER 7, the last Free
Radio station went off the air.
The major refugee rush to Aus-
tria began.
By November 18, it was report-
ed that 10,000 Hungarians had
been deported to Russia.
November 22 saw the head of

the party, headed by Vyacheslav
In addition, recent British and
French attacks on Egypt during
the Suez crisis provided a timely
justification for military repres-
ers have aided the Hungarian reb-
els? According to the New York
Times, "High level informants
were inclined to view that the
ways and means the United States
would use to influence events in
Hungary would be largely confin-
ed to world opinion."
On Nov. 4, President Eisenhower
released the following statement:
"I feel that Western opinion,
which was so uplifted only a few
days ago by the news that the So-
viet Union intended to withdraw
its forces from Hungary, has now
suffered corresponding shock and
dismay at the Soviet attack on the


SGC Fulfills Its Role

THE STUDENT Government Council is
to be heartily commended for its role
in arranging the open discussion last
Wednesday between Marvin Esch, Elise
Boulding and Weston Vivian, the three
congressional candidates from the second
As Mike Koeneke, '67, council member
and moderator for the discussion put it,
the purpose of the forum was to "inform
registered students and all others inter-
ested in the issues, be they campus wide,
national or international."
Judging by the turnout there are a
substantial number of people who are so
THE SUCCESS of the discussion, how-
ever, only highlights SGC's, potential
as educational as well as a leadership
It is SGC's responsibility to inform the
student body on issues that are timely
and pertinent to it. The congressional
election, the draft referendum and the
statewide referendum on the 18-year-old

Acting through its several committees,
SGC has organized the open discussion,
a voter registration drive and a draft
teach-in to be held today. The informa-
tion is being made available, it is now
up to the student to take advantage of it.
SGC HAS SHOWN that it can effective-
ly inform the students, it is now up to
the students to express their opinions and
take part in the discussion.
Some Day...
PEKING ANNOUNCES that she has suc-
cessfully tested a guided missile con-
taining a nuclear warhead.
Ho Chi Minh hails the test as "a great
contribution to the revolutionary strug-
gle of the people of Viet Nam." De Gaulle
insists that the United States should get
out of Viet Nam because he finds "this
deadly enterprise" "absolutely detest-
able" for "a little people to be bombard-

Letters: Daily's Film Review Policy

To the Editor:
IN THE LAST week, the Daily
has established a questionable
policy with regard to film reviews.
As we understand it, this policy
maintains 1) that members of
Cinema Guild or persons associ-
ated with any of the accredited
film-showing organizations are
considered unsuitable as review-
ers; and 2) that sophisticated cri-
ticism has no place in a newspaper
of large circulation, ie, The Daily.
THE EDITORS seem to believe
that the policy which restricts re-
viewing to persons who have no
affiliation with film groups or
film societies will prevent biased
reviewing, and that the policy
I -, ~ :,~,, .:kf

ment of the film either as art or
as "entertainment" to warrant
"daily news" style reporting.
all, it is natural that a person in-
terested in films would seek others
interested in film; thus, you have
film societies. Why penalize this
Secondly, revie.wers who happen
to be members of the Cinema
Guild board(SGC) are not trying
to push CG's films at the expense
of other films being shown in
Ann Arbor-either by student
groups or by the commercial
WE ARE interested in all films
and believe that almost all films-
whether "first run" or "classics"-

-Andrew Lugg, Grad.
-Hubert Cohen, instructor
Dept. of English
College of Engineering
No Dilemma
To the Editor:
ter to the Ann Arbor News
on October 27, stated that sup-
porters of the peace candidate are
being asked to vote for Weston
Vivian as a choice between the
lesser of disasters.
I think that I can speak for all
of Congressman Vivian's adher-
ents when I say that we have
never considered him to be a
disaster whatever.
I SHARE in the feeling that
the Viet Nam war has been a
wasteful venture that has sacri-

is unworthy of a free and humane
This feeling has been expressed
by many of us in dozens of differ-
ent ways-all of them bette: than
a deliberate attempt to defeat a
man who has served the district
and the country well.
An air pollution sample taken
in New York indicated that if a
child played in a particular play-
ground on 23rd St. for-eight con-
secutive hours he would suffer
permanent brain damage caused
by the carbon monoxide in the
VIVIAN has introduced a num-
ber of bills designed to protect
bystanders against what is cer-
tain destruction due to thought-
1Acn-i -ar pi r -nat v.Th hll

date as a matter of conscience.
The point is badly taken.
--Peg Kay
To the Editor:
and the related letter of Mr.
Craig Shniderman point out one
of the major weaknesses in the
residence hall counselling pro-
Neither house directors nor
counsellors are given any first aid
instruction before they begin their
As a consequence, they cannot
deal with emergencies such as
severe cuts, comas or even back
TWO YEARS AGO, when I was
a counsellor, a girl in the dorm
fal thah n nntp Las inow,



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