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October 29, 1966 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-10-29

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Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom


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EStil ASKS --
Local Rights 4F di&gau aiLj
Law Control NEWS WIRE

Thinks Citizens Can .
Enforce Civil Rights
Better than Capitol
State Rep. Marvin Esch (R-Ann
Arbor) says he wants the Federal
Civil Rights law administered at
the local level.
In an interview Esch, the Re-j
publican candidate for second
Congressional district claimed that
"The federal government up to
now has only guaranteed legal
civil rights; however, we do not
guarantee actual civil rights," says
"Evidence for this is the fact
that to date only 18 cases have
been tried under the 1964 civil
rights act, yet we all know that
the law has been violated count-
less times."
Esch offered a four-point pro-
gram of a better enforcement of
the civil rights acts :
-The establishment of local hu-
man relations commissions in all
major cities.
-The establishment of state-
wide human rights commissions.
-The organization of advisory
committees which would aid the
individual commissions.
-The creation of training pro-
grams which would instruct the
human rights commission mem-
bers in the specific tasks involved
in handling civil rights cases.
Esch says that the key goal of
his program is to open up the
channels of communications at
the local level between civil rights
workers and those involved in en-
forcing the civil rights legislation.
Esch also proposed that local
school boards be the governing
bodies which would handle the
"I don't see any reason to create
parallel organizations to do the
job of existing institutions," says
Esch. "The school boards are the
best governmental representatives
of the people living in the districts
which need the aid."
Esch thinks that there is a def-
inite need for cooperative poverty
programs between industries and
He feels that the non-college-
bound high school student needs
an improved technical education
which would prepare him for the
types of jobs available to him.
Esch suggests that this educa-
tion be handled jointly by high
schools and interested industries-
The Republican candidate also
sees civil rights enforcement as a;
program which should be admin-
istered at the local level.
Incumbent Rep. Wes Vivian
Dem. faces state Rep. Marvin Esch
i Rep., and write-in Peace candi-
date Elsie Boulding for the seat
from the second Congressionalj
district ingNovembers election.
Mrs. Boulding's platform is based
on opposition to the war in Viet


SEN. ROBERT F. KENNEDY (D-NY) speaks at 9:30 a.m.
today in Pease Auditorium on the Eastern Michigan University
campus in Ypsilanti.
Kennedy will then journey to the University of Detroit cam-
pus for what is billed as the major talk of the day's agenda be-
tween 11 a.m. and 1 p-m. He will then go to Pontiac Central High
School in Pontiac for a speech to students there before flying to
Escanaba for a final speech at that city's high school.
YOUNG DEMOCRATS WILL sponsor a public reception for
three Democratic office seekers Saturday evening at 8 o'clock.
Irene Murphy, incumbent University Regent; Donald Thurber,
incumbent member of the State Board of Education; and Nathan
Conyers, candidate for Michigan State University trustee, will
appear at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Siegel, 1515 Edin-
borough Rd. in Ann Arbor-
LYNN TOWNSEND, PRESIDENT of Chrysler Corp. will be
the guest speaker at a banquet in the ballroom of the League on
Saturday, Oct. 29, beginning at 7 p.m.
The banquet, sponsored by Alpha Kappa Psi business fra-
ternity, will be followed by a semi-formal dance. Reservations
may be made in advance by phoning 761-8346.
THE UNIVERSITY'S 24-INCH Schmidt Telescope is begin-
ning its long move to Chile. The telescope is being loaned to a
U.S. astronomy observatory in the Chilean Andes. The U.S., Soviet
Union, and a European group are all separately racing to build
observatories to make a detailed exploration of the Southern
Hemisphere sky. The move of the University's telescope from the
Portage Lake Observatory near Ann Arbor to Chile is being paid
for by the National Science Foundation. The telescope will be
returned to Ann Arbor in five years.
CONSCIENTIOUS OBJECTION to a single war and the
Selective Service System will be the subject of an open discussion
at a meeting of the American Civil Liberties Union tonight at
8 o'clock in the Ann Arbor Community Center, 625 N. Main.
Speaking at the meeting will be Detroit ACLU attorney Richard
Goodman, University-Dearborn Campus philosophy Prof. Carl
Cohen, University law Prof. Beverly Pooley, and University eco-
nomics teaching fellow Michael Zweig.
A $56,000 BOOK GIVING an eyewitness account of Ferdi-
nand Magellan's voyage around the world was acquired for the
University's Clements library. The book, written by Pigafetta, an
Italian sailor, was published in Paris in 1525. It was purchased
with funds raised privately by the Clements Library Associates
4t a New York auction this week. Only six other libraries in the
world own the book. Pigafetta, a Venetian, accompanied Mag-
ellan as a volunteer and kept a journal of the voyage from 1519
to 1522"
ning a third campus by 1980, an educational consultant told the
WCC Board of Trustees last night. The trustees were told that
the school could have 16,000 students by 1980. Projected enroll-
ment for the new college is 7,000 in 1970.
FIVE BIG TEN SCHOOLS are participating in a program to
acquaint staff members of five other midwestern colleges in the
techniques of operating large universities-
Financed under a $77,310 federal grant, the program is run
on an intern basis, with instructors from the smaller schools
serving on internships at either Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin,
Minnesota, and Michigan State. The grant was issued to the
Institutional Research Council of Eleven, an organization com-
posed of the Big Ten universities and the University of Chicago.
GRADUATE SCHOLARSHIPS for students interested in
studying at a German university are currently being offered
through the University, Candidates must have completed a B.A-
or B.S. degree by the end of summer term 1967. Applications are
available from the scholarship office, 2011 SAB.


-Daily-Michael Badamo
PROMINENT THEOLOGIANS William Hamilton, far left, of the Rochester-Colgate Divinity School, and Thomas J. J. Altizer, far
right, of Emory University spoke last night at the Conference on Radical Theology being held at the University.




Hamilton Delivers Eulogy on God

Deadline On
4 IncuIbent Council
Members Announce
Intentions of Running
Associate Managing Editor
The deadline is rapidly ap-
proaching for students to an-
nounce their candidacies for the
six Student Government Council
seats at stake in the Nov. 16 elec-
Although no one has yet regis-
tered for the election, at least four
incumbent council members plan
to file for re-election before the
5 p.m. Monday deadline.
Incumbent Michael Koeneke,
'69, confirmed last night that he
will 'try to retain his seat, and
sources indicate that John Pres-
ton, '69- Michael Dean, '67, and
Bruce Kahn, '68, whose terms on
SGC also are about to expire, in-
tend to campaign this fall.
Won't Run
However, Patricia McCarty, '67
said yesterday she definitely will
not seek re-election, and two-term
incumbent Neill Hollenshead, '67,
has not yet announced his plans.
Dean was elected to a one-
semester council term last spring,
and Preston, Koeneke and Kahn
all were appointed to fill vacant
seats earlier this fall.
In addition to the incumbents,
SGC members expect several other
propspective candidates to regis-
ter Monday, in a last minute rush
often characteristic of past SGC
campaigns. They pointed out that
18 students petitioned last month
for the seats now held by Preston,
Kahn and Koenke, they anticipate
that some of these people will be
among those to file on the last
day. 1
At the moment, it appears that,
unlike the last several SGC con-
tests, candidates will not run on
party slates. REACH and SCOPE,
the two parties that competed in
last spring's election, both have
been disbanded, and to date no
students have announced their in-
tention to organize for the elec-
Full-Year Terms
All six terms are for one full
year. However, if a senior who will
not be at the University next fall
is elected, his tenure in office will
automatically terminate at the end
of the winter term. The vacancy
created will be filled in the spring
election, at which candidates for
the other elected SGC positions
will also be up for grabs.
In order to become a, candidate
in the fall election, a student
must register and pay a $5 fee at
the SGC offices before 5 p.m- Mon-
day, Oct. 31. The campaign will
officially begin at 9 a.m. Wednes-
day and will run until the night
before the election.
Candidates are also asked to
prepare platform statements which
must be submitted to election
officials by Nov. 7
Student Government Council
is currently in the midst of a
major controversy over its- rec-
ognition procedures for student or-
ganizations. The new procedures
were passed last month. Among
other things they would do away
withr the requirement for the fil-
ing of membership lists.
Vice-President for Student Af-
fairs Richard Cutler is currently
contemplating a veto of the ac-
tion. This week he asked SGC to
reconsider the new procedures.

Death of God theory may allow
man to "walk barefoot into ,reali-
ty," continue to attack idolatry,
and take a new opportunity "for
the serious work which has to be
hdone," according to William Ham-
ilton, professor of theology at the
Colgate Rochester Divinity School.
'We are learning," Hamilton
said, that we are fated to be liv-
ing at a time of the Death of
God . . . when confirmatory evi-
dence to this vision from unexpec-
ed and interesting sources is
coming in."
Hamilton made the remarks last

night in an address in Rackham
Auditorium during a public session
of the Conference on Radical
Theology, currently being held at
the University.
The conference is being attend-.
ed by authorities in philosophy

Hamilton told an audience of 300 Publishers, in cooperation with the
the Death of God theory was not Office of Religious Affairs, the
the result of "inserting ideas in Ecumenical Campus Ministry, and
our heads, but is in the context of the National Campus Ministry As-
somthing that has happened. sociation to sponsor the event.
"One can point to something The f i r s t address, entitled
and say, 'that's what it means, "Kingdom of God and Death of
that's why we cannot have Him God," was presented by Thomas

any more' . . . We are, in fact, in

and theology from throughout the the Twentieth Century,
country. Through reports and dis- ferent relation to the wor
cussions at the conference, they eerefre."
are attempting to determine whate R dicl
the Death of God philosophy Radical Theology

n a dif-
rld than

means, how it affects philosophy
and religion, and what the role
of the radical theologian* should

Spurr To Back New
Candidate's Degree


the number of students holding
Qr71a nn r] qotrooc 1 Si r3-"l

Activism Role Shifting at Berkel
As the New Left Abandons Ol-
By KATHIE GLEBE Sproul Plaza for a conference on ed by the 1964 uprising will be
Black Power. In a Daily Califor- determined by what happens this
A long-haired blonde sits be- nian article, student activist Bet- year. Up until now, Feuer says, the
hind a card table passing out tina Aptheker said that the deci- Muscatine Report on Educational
literature on a campus "sexual slon "=.. .is going to be opposed," Reforms has been thought of byz
rights" forum. Dozens of bill- and that it "serves as a precedent student activists as a "power play"
boards advertise a rally on black to ban any conference and per- on the part of one faction of the
power. Sandal-clad, fuzzy-headed verts the educational function of professors, and has been greetedI
"hippies" lounge about the steps the university," with indifference on the part of
of Sproul Hall, sampling the vari- - Such discord in student-admin- the faculty.
ous causes. 1 istrative relations may be, in part, Politics U.S. Psychedelics
And, as colleges across the ! a result of Chancellor Roger Some think activism in general
country wonder where the action Heyns' appointment of Associate is waning. The psychedelic culture
will be this year at the sprawling, Professor John Searle to the posi- may be replacing concern over
University of California at Berke- tion of Special Assistant on Stu- such issues as Vietnam, civil rights
ley, administrators and student dent Affairs. The appointment of and stronger student government.
activists turn to more serious ques- Searle, a leading faculty activist, 'There are a lot of students who
tions. b was greeted with mixed response, both participate in political events
How will the university be af- Alienated Left and take drugs," Gartner con-

The graduate school is about to aavanceU degree," ana presu-
begin a major review of the Uni- ably increase the employability of
I versity's doctoral program in an a substantial group of scholars,"
effort to turn out more students contends Spurr. About 10 per cent
with advanced degrees and of the University's doctoral can-
streamline current academic reg- didates never complete their de-!
ulations. gree.
Dean Stephen H. Spurr of the Candidate
Rackham School of Graduate The proposed candidate's degree
Studies will push for acceptance would be awarded upon comple-
of a new doctoral candidate's de- tion of all doctoral requirements
gree program at the graduate fac-I except the dissertation.
ulty meeting Nov. 9T The University currently awards
"Acceptance of an intermediate a Regental Certificate to students
candidate's degree would increase h at the all-but-dissertation level.
- The certificate would become a
degree if the new proposal is ap-
proved by the Executive Board of
the Graduate School and the Re-
Dean Spurr thinks that there
[ey CaiiipiIshould be a "meaningful time lim-
it-perhaps five years" for the
e aproposed candidate's degree. Cur-
rently students are given seven
1 k et L in e yearstocomplete a PhD degree.
The faculty is also expected to
consider proposed changes in the
students are attempting to corn- language requirement for doctoral'
bine campus political groups in a students. Currently the graduate
'united front." 'Since the dis- school requires all students to
integration of the FSM," Miss have a reading knowledge of two
Aptheker said in the Daily Cali- languages - French, German or
fornian, "each group has had to Russian-which is decided by pass-
fend for itself. There has been no ing a 112 course with a grade of
Iunit but t h intets- , v O aL B or better or by taking a read-

Hamilton said that the radical
theologist is "the man who is try-
ing to make things Christian
without God." He said that the
radical theologist works at the
point of intersection of three
dialogues: "the black-white dialo-
gue; the dialogue of Catholic,
Protestant and Jew; and the be-
liever-unbeliever dialogue."
"Certain kinds of experience
which made it easy to talk about
God are taken away from us," he
He stressed that a radical Chris-
tian will not call his "new dis-
covery" God because "he is too
respectful of the old God."
Divine Demise
Hamilton explained s e v e r a 1
theories of "the divine demise,"
i that "God once was and now is
F not;" that 'faith in God was in-
nocent foolishness . . . and now is
a serious mistake;" and that "He
has permanetly withdrawn and
we may not expect him back."
He stressed, however, that it
may be important to avoid all
Death of God myths and use new
understanding instead to justify
new religious activities.
Hamilton gave the second pub-
lic address in the Conference. Sev-
eral addresses have been delivered
in the past two days of closed ses-
sions in the North Campus Com-
mons. Sections of the papers may
be published by Bobbs-Merrill,

J. J. Altizer, professor of religion
on by the historical realization of
the Death of God as the darkness
before the dawn.
Lest this interpretation seem too
audacious," Altizer said,, "it .is
proper to note that it is so pri-
marily in the perspective of the
Christian theological tradition, for
it obviously shares much with both
the great creations of modern
vision and the purer expressions
of mystical vision."
at Emory University, Atlanta.
"When we examine those pri-
mary modern prophetic announce-
ments of the Death of God," Alt-
izer said, "we discover a remark-
able and even ecstatic note of
"Although this joy is accom-
panied by anguish and dread, by a
realization that the Death of God
ushers in a new darkness and
chaos, a darkness which is the
consequence of the disintegration
and reversal of our history, it is
nevertheless true that the great
prophets of our time have willed
the Death of God with all the pas-
sion of faith.
"Their is not a Stoic submission
to the- iron laws of fate, or a mere
acceptance of an obvious and de-
monstrable truth," Altizer said
"but rather the free and radical
choice of 'a destiny which their
choice itself unveils.
"Even the night upon their hori-
zon is a consequence of faith,"
Altizer said, "a faith daring to
embrace the death of God as a
redemptive event, and thus choos-
ing to accept the night brought

Tuskegee Students Apathetic on
Rights, Favor Personal Goals



Uiy,o uu h iur~~ 1"evera
political groups on campus have
remained the same."
Mario Savio, leader in the FSM,'
provided a working basis for form-
ing the consolidation with his
statement, "Principles for the
Framework of Rules on Student'
Political Activity," outlining the
means of guaranteeing "maximum
political freedom on campus."
Many of these measures on the
part of both students and admin-
istration are being influenced by!
the Faculty Resolution of Dec. 8,,
Critics of the resolution say that
it has paved the way for imme-
diate acts of force and violence on
the Berkeley campus, and that
further steps in this direction may
result in making the American

ing examination,
Among the contemplated chang-
es is a provision that the lan-
guage requirement be on a "min-
imum" level rather than on a
"substitution-by-petition princi-
ple, and that the Graduate School
Executive Board establish mini-
mum requirements for all PhD
The graduate school is also con-
sidering making the requirement
for a cognate outside the field of
specialization independent of the
language requirement. Another
proposal is that the Graduate
School Executive Board establish
minimum requirements for all PhD
students and that departments add
requirements but not substitutes.
Also on the agenda will be a

A University philosophy profes-
sor reports a surprising lack of
civil right militancy among stu-
dents at a prominent Negro col-
lege, Tuskegee Institute in Tus-
kegee, Ala.
Prof. Arnold Kaufman, who
taught at Tuskegee during the past
academic year, said students at the
college generally "don't think in
very radical or novel ways" on civil
"While there is 'a small core of
;militant students," says Kaufman,
"the mass of them are apathetic."
He said that they will mobilize
on civil rights only in crisis situa-
tions. For example, when one Tus-
kegee student was murdered in a
racial incident, the students staged
a number of demonstrations. "But

"Because of this attitude, they
fear that civil rights militancy
could endanger their future career
Kaufman says this attitude is
fostered by the university admin-
istration which "discourages civil
rights activism because it would
interfere with ones 'proper' edu-
Kaufman says that the "Negroes
are emerging from a time of op-
pression. Frightened people don't
think in very radical or novel
Generally, he explains, the stu-
dents are trying -to get away from
their backgrounds. "When stu-
dents were taken in a special pro-
ject to aid poor Negroes some of
them refused even to get out of
the car," says Kaufman. "Getting

Kaufman, "I was reminded of a
line in Ralph Ellison's 'The Invis-
ible Man-' Ellison talks of the fam-
ous statue at Tuskegee of Booker
T. Washington lifting the veil off
the Negro. I always wondered
'whether he was lifting the veil
off or putting it back on.'"
Kaufman thinks the Tuskegee
students are in for a shock when
they leave school. "They will find
that their expectations will not be
met. They have accepted a cer-
tain rhetoric, but social reality
won't fulfill those expectations. As
these and other Negro students be-
gin seeking good jobs, housing and
schools, relatively few will find
themselves accommodated. Scott
Paper may hire five Negroes for
an office of 500. But do you think
they're going to hire 50?"
Kaufman predicts that this frus-

fected by the aftermatn o tne
1964 Faculty Resolution "that the
content of speech or advocacy
should not besrestricted.. ."? How
can the administration and the
New Left achieve a niore work-
able relationship? In what direc-
tions will radical efforts be chan-
neled in 1966?
SDS Big Power
"gtStdents for a'TDemocratic So-I

A former Professor of Philo-I
sophy at Berkeley, Lewis Feuer,
charged in a recent article for the
Atlantic Monthly that it signified
a caputulation to the student ac-
ivist in the eyes of the moderate
liberal student body, and that the
alienated left acquired "... a curi-
ous exemption in the university
from any laws of morality." The

tends, "and more and more of,
them would rather go home andE
smoke pot than stand in a picketI
Evidence does suggest that po-
litical activity this year will neveri
equal that of the great studentt
uprising in 1964. Last week, thef
New Left students party, Slate,j
was dissolved by its membership.


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