Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS 1 The Senator and 'Responsible Dissent' 0 By DICK PLATKIN . Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBORMICH. uth Will Prevail NEws PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily ex press the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1966 NIGHT EDITOR: LAURENCE MEDOW Regents and OSA: Same Old Song THE SENATOR is on the cam- paign trail. Bobby, as he is more common- ly called at the moment, is a very much sought-after and pub- licized politician. Feeding upon itself in the man- ner of a band wagon, "The Bobby Phenomenon" has given the sen- ator greater popularity thansthe President. The Gallup and Harris polls depict him as a prime presi- dential candidate who can take on all Republican comers. Democrats in danger, like Pat Brown of California, candidly ad- mit that Bobby Kennedy and not Lyndon Johnson is the man they want to campaign with them. And when he does, in spite of his ef- forts to the contrary, the local candidate is inevitably in the shadows. AN ASTUTE politicial (that is, having the biggest and best leg- islative staff in D.C. and having more academic contacts than the competition), he realizes that 19- year-olds will soon be 21. Today's high school senior will be voting in 1972. Consequently, the campus has frequently been his podium this fall. At the beginning of the week he spoke at Berkeley, at the end of the week he will be in Ypsilanti at Eastern Michigan. In his Berkeley speech, with the JFK flourish of a quote from Pla- to, he commended the school as a center of dissent. Furthermore, "It is not enough to allow dissent, we must demand it.". AN IMPRESSIVE list of valid issues of dissent was then given. The kind of a list no red-blooded liberal could challenge. Quite naturally, the situation of the American Negro was list- ed as a status quo condition de- serving of protest. The bulk of his speech was devoted to the Ne- gro's second class citizenship, and the need for implementation of existing legislation and creation of new laws. This sounded OK; young ideal- istic liberals certainly couldn't complain. IN RELATING the civil rights movement to the topic of respon- sible dissent, however, he told his audience that some Negro lead- ers (only a few, though) were calling for hatred, racism and violence. He was obviously referring to the black power doctrine of Stoke- ly Carmichael and Floyd McKis- sick. At that point, the pleasant, at- tractively-liberal speech flounders, THE SENATOR must have been carried away with his rhetoric- at least if he is referring to the same Stokely Carmichael Univer- sity students heard explain black power in Hill Auditorium. Those who attended heard of the psychological damage to the Negro who lives .in a society that treats him as an inferior. He de- scribed the systematic nature of prejudice that pervades our en- tire society. His solutions for an essentially psychological problem-the identi- fication problems of the Negro youth, et al-involved the Negro turning inward to bolster what his society systematically tears down. AS FOR VIOLENCE and hatred, he spoke of passive resistance much like Gandhi: a political method, not an absolute. He spoke of political and neighborhood groups much like that of other mi- nority groups in American his- tory... Other minority groups like the Irish. And before Senator Ken- nedy superficially condemns black power, he might compare the doc-y trine of black power to the meth- ods his grandfathers and their fellow Irish immigrants used. They certainly would be condemned now as Irish power. Think back, senator, to the days of "No Irish wanted" . . . Irish na- tionalists . . .threat , by public schools . . .power struggles in the church . . , political struggles in the city. THE IRISH found themselves considered second class citizens, Like the young Negro now they thought this evaluation premature and unjust. Alienated from their threaten- ing, unhospitable society, they formed their own groups, dedi- cated to their own welfare. Not yet totally accepted in the society of the old immigrants, they went inward to their own society. This mutual support did not mean separatism at that time and did not prevent assimilation later. THEIR "psychological" security was necessary and successful for the things they desired . . . full acceptance and participation. But then again the Irish could have forgotten about their work- ingmen's groups, neighborhood as- sociations and churches. Their im- migrant leaders could have filed away their patriotism for Ireland ("Erin Go Braugh"). Likewise, when other minori- ties felt threatened and alienated they could have numbed their minds and waited solitiously. The Jews could have disregarded Zion- ism. Poles, Italians and Slovaks maybe should have had less "sep- aratist" desires and more gener- al American patriotism. BUT WITHOUT overworking the analogy, we hope some of its meaning will ring true for the senator while he responsibly dis- sents, On Saturday morning we shall be listening. 0 THE RECENTLY-ENHANCED stature of the Office of Student Affairs should make for a more efficient administra- tion. But it will not make much differ- ence to the students. For while the transfer of disciplinary powers from a variety of administrative and faculty sources to the vice-president for student affairs may result in a co- herent policy on student behavior, it will not change the administration's stand on student decision-making power. The administration has made it clear in the past week that students will con- tinue to be denied the right to regulate their own lives. THE NEW disciplinary regulations now being drawn up by the OSA will change the fact that student decisions are sub- ject to administrative veto. For example, Vice-President Cutler says that "student responsibility for the oper- ation of judicial structure is desirable subject to the authority of the vice-presi- dent for student affairs." Similarly, Cutler is making a review of all existing campus regulations. While he will allow students to advise him on need- ed disciplinary changes he need not listen. MOREOVER, there is no evidence that Cutler will stop interferring with the activities of Student Government Coun- cil. SGC has voted to change recognition procedures for campus organizations. Cut- ler didn't like the changes and has asked SGC to reconsider. If SGC's ultimate de- cision is not to his liking he can simply veto it. THE IRONIC THING is that if students were given a role in deciding how their lives are run here, the administra- tion might be better off. Consider the recent HUAC incident. What if Student Government Council had authority over releasing the three mem- bership lists? (After all the organizations are given recognition by SGC.) Certainly SGC, whatever its defects, would never had blundered as badly as the administration did. SGC would have at least had the sense to make receipt of the HUAC subpoena public. Then the students could have brought an injunc- tion against the University blocking them from complying with the subpoena. THIS ACTION would have protected the students' rights and averted the ad- verse publicity the administration was so concerned about. Thus, by giving students decision mak- ing authority the University might do as much good for the administration as it would for the students. --ROGER RAPOPORT E Letters:, Homecoming and Cheerleaders '4 Student Advisory Boards 'THIS IS the students' big chance. The Regents' approval of the Student Advisory Board System last week marks an important victory- for students. It represents 10 months of thought, plan- ning, meetings and discussions. Students were the prime movers of the proposal from the beginning, and the fin- al system is fundamentally the same as that originally submitted by them. STUDENTS ON THE BOARDS can have great influential power. Twice month- ly they will present their opinions and advice to University vice-presidents, thus making the student voice heard before, not after, decisions are made. These de- t eachIn TIE DRAFT TEACH-IN this Sunday will be the first comprehensive public dis- cussion of one of the most crucial issues currently facing the University and its students. With the upcoming referendum on Uni- versity policies regarding the Selectve Servce System, the teach-in could pro- vide valuable information to students' before they vote Nov. 16. CO-SPONSORED by Student Govern- ment Council and the University Ac- tivities Center, the teach-in will be com- posed of seminars, workshops and lec- tures. Discussions will be held on the philsophy and operation of the draft, the national service alternative and the means of influencing University and gov- ernment decision-making. Considering the timeliness and im- port of the issues concerned, the draft teach-in deserves the support of all stu- dents. -STEVE WILDSTROM Qj4r Atr~i!#rnu Daily Editorial Staff MARK R. KILLINGSWORTH, Editor BRUCE WASSERSTEIN, Executive Editor CLARENCE FANTO HARVEY WASSERMAN Managing Editor Editorial Director LEONARD PRATT.........Associate Managing Editor JOHN MEREDITH.........Associate Managing Editor CHARLOTTE WOLTER .. Associate Editorial Director ROBERT CARNEY ...... Associate Editorial Director BABETTE COHN..............Personnel Director ROBERT MOORE ..............Magazine Editor CHARLES VETZNER ................Sports Editor JAMES TINDALL...........Associate Sports Editor JAMES LaSOVAGE .......... Associate Sports Editor GIL SAMBERG ... ......Assistant Sports Editor SPORTS NIGHT EDITORS: Grayle Howlett, Howard Kohn, Bill Levis, Bob McFarland, Clark Norton, Rick Stern, John Sutkus, Gretchen Twietmeyer, Dave Weir. NIGHT EDITORS: Meredits Eiker, Michael Heffer, Robert Klivans, Laurence Medow, Roger Rapoport, Susan Schnepp, Neil Shister. DAY EDITORS: Robert Bendelow, Neal Bruss. Wal- lace Imnen, David Knoke, Mark Levin, Patricia O'Donohue, Stephen Wildstrom. ASSISTANT NIGHT EDITORS: David Duboff, Ronald Kiempner, Dan Okrent, Deborah Reaven, Jennifer Rhea, Betsy Turner. ASSISTANT DAY EDITORS: Michael Dover, Steve cisions will involve issues of vital im- portance to students - housing, tuition and University building and develop- ment. But the advisory boards are not only a victory but also a challenge-to student interest, student participation and stu- dent responsibility. The success of the Ad- visory Board System depends on students meeting that challenge. T E INTEREST that has been shown in the system thus far has been lim- ited to the few students who worked with President Hatcher and the vice-presi- dents in drawing up the plan. Interest must be expanded. The first step in implementing the plan is to staff the committees. Student Gov- ernment Council and Graduate Student Council must find between 30 and 40 qualified students willing to contribute a considerable amount of time and effort to make the boards effective working bodies. Petitioning for positions on the boards will begin soon and all students are eligi- ble. This is the time to meet the chal- lenge. FOR IF STUDENTS are successful they will make a difference in University policy. -SUE SCHNEPP Escorts NIVERSITY Activities Center is offer- ing a worthwhile opportunity to Uni- versity students in the form of the Sesqui- centennial Escort Service. Students will serve as escorts for the many dignitaries and educators who will be visiting Ann Arbor during the sesqui- centennial year especially for those at- tending for the five major conferences scheduled. Petitioning for this service, scheduled to end last Monday has been extended to October 31-not because of lack of re- sponse, but because there are presently several misconceptions discouraging stu- dents not to apply; none of which are true. THE FIRST is that freshmen do not stand a chance. As a matter of fact, letters were sent to outstanding fresh- men encouraging them to apply for this as well as other UAC activities.' There is also a rumor that seniors aren't eligible. Bob Neff, chairman of University Services for UAC said this is absolutely "not true." The third misconception is that the in- terviews are rigorous interrogations. A 15- minute interview in an informal setting, conducted by students, shouldn't dis- courage anyone interested in the escort service. To the Editor: WE WOULD LIKE to offer a criticism of the past and a suggestion for the future to the members of the Homecoming com- mittee on Floats and Displays. As members of a University housing unit, it appears abvious to us that the University residence halls are unable to compete on a level with fraternities or fraternity-sorority combinations in either the float or display divisions. This past weekend's 1-2-3 sweep in both divisions by fraternity-sor- ority combinations seems to sub- stantiate our claim. THE FRATERNITIES and sor- orities are supplied with a captive task force-their pledges-which are drawn primarily from the very residence halls with which they now compete. The stability of their member- ship (as compared to large turn- overs in most residence halls) al- lows them to save materials from one year to the next and there- by build floats or displays of sev- eral times the value which thcir annual expenditures indicate. Operating within budgets of very dissimilar magnitudes, the $100 maximums usually spent by each entry unit represents a much larger investment to the housing unit than to the fraternity or sorority. The fraternities have also much more accessible supply lines through alumni, friends, etc. They have space for building in much greater abundance - most resi- dence halls are seriously restricted by the confines of the area in which their float or diplay must be built. THE INTRAMURAL sports pro- program long ago recognized the distinction between fraternity and residence hall competition-a dis- tinction both in resource and in spirit. The time seems long over- due for a similar distinction in Homecoming's float and display competition. The number of en- tries by residence halls in the all- university competition has dwin- dled steadily in the last few years. If equalizing divisions are not established,' and if the necessary incentive continues failing to ap- pear, it seems predictable that residence hall competition in the near future will become altogether extinct. -John R. Dunyan, Jr. '69 -Thomas R. Doyle, '70 Cheerleaders To the Editor: BELIEVE that the controversy over women cheerleaders can be resolved by capitalizing on pre- vious research conducted at Cor- nell University. Cornell is the most western of the Ivy League schools in outlook, while Michigan is the most east- ern of the Big Ten in outlook, so the results should be closely com- parable. RESEARCH at Cornell showed that the crucial question was not tradition (the only tradition real- ly worthwhile is winning), not sophistication (there is nothing less sophisticated than yelling "Fight, Team, Fight"), nor even the distracting effect on the team (the team was infintely more dis- tracted by enemy halfbacks run- ning over the goal line). The crucial question was wheth- er six attractive coeds could be found among the Cornell women. As had long been suspected, only two could be found, and the proj- ect had to be abandoned. MICHIGAN, on the other hand, is approximately three times larg- er than Cornell. Now, assuming a Gaussian distribution of bods, and noting that the men/women ra- tios of the two schools correlate satisfactorily, Icompute that somewhere on this campus there must be six good-looking women. Thus, to a first order approxi- mation, the implementation of this scheme has been shown feasible. I await anxiously any contrary evi- dence assembled by those opposed to the project. --Bob Hartranft, Grad Disservice To the Editor: WHILE the solution to the pres- ent situation in Viet Nam re- mains to be found, it is arguable that a vote for Mrs. Boulding, the write-in candidate for Congress, would be a disservice to the cause of peace there. Although it is commonly said that a vote for the "peace candi- date" would serve notice upon the administration of the size and depth of opposition, I find it hard to believe that the Administration is not already well aware of pub- lic displeasure with either the fact that there is a Viet Nam war or that there is not a more success- ful Viet Nam war. INDEED, IT would appear that for many reasons in addition to the terrible costs in human suffer- ing, e.g., the diversion of funds from domestic programs, and the uncertainty created in the econo- my, the Johnson Administration must want nothing better than some sort of negotiated settlement. To date no overtures in the di-. rection of a peaceful settlement have been made by either the North Vietnamese government or the Viet Cong. It is possible that they are awaiting the outcome of the elections beforehmaking any decision as to their future ap- proach. If that is the case, a strong showing by the "peace candidate" would re-inforce the North Viet- namese commitment to a policy of silence and intransigence. THIS MAY NOT be an objec- tionable prospect for those who feel that the United States has sinned and should not be allowed the dignity of a negotiated peace. It is not amiss to point out, however, that given the present unlikelihood of a unilateral with- drawal by the United States, those who indulge their own moral sen- timents in a protest vote, may in fact, be contributing to the con- tinuation of the conflict which they oppose. --Matthew P. McCauley Welfare Strike To the Editor: 'NOTICED in the Daily's "News Wire" that a group of welfare recipients have formed a union to presenthdemands to thewel- fare agency in this area. I should like to voice my sup- port of their action. After all, welfare has become a profession just like any other. A union could benefit its members and society in general. For instance, a union could pro- tect the people from those few irresponsible members of society, who will only accept relief when there is no other possible solution for their financial problems, and then only until they can find a job. THE POWER of such a union would be great. If it could organ- ize a strike of welfare recipients, who would refuse to pick up their checks, the pressure on the econ- omy would soon force acceptance of their demands. Think of the problems that could arise. A surplus of money from uncashed checks would pile up and threaten the National Debt. To avoid the disaster of a bal- anced budget the government would have to spend the money on scientific research or on pay raises for the military. Such fool- ish expenditure could only hurt the national interests. IF THE UNION wanted to get really nasty it could have its peo- ple take jobs! This would force those who are now engaged in catering to these people to utilize their talents in some productive capacity. All this would force the GNP up and thus improve the overall standard of living. To prevent this the government would surely agree to any terms. --Lawrence T. Curtis, '69E VOICE To the Editor: THE FOLLOWING is the official VOICE position on channels of decision-making within the realm of student affairs: Since it is our basic premise that people have the right to make the decisions that affect thir lives, the membership of VOICE has voted to recognize SGC as the only body which can legitimately deal with non-academic student matters. ONLY SGC has been elected by students to deal with such matters- No other body, including OSA, has ever been given the authority to deal with these matters by the people affected, the students. Any attempts by any other body such as OSA to( deal with such matters, and any attempt by an- other body to be final arbitrator of decisions made by SGC is a dis- tortion of democracy of the high- est order. -Gary Rothberger, '68 For VOICE-SDS Bookding To the Editor: .N THE ANN ARBOR News (Oc- . tober 20), Mr. Esch pis quoted criticizing Congressman Vivian's vote against a bill providing fed- eral penalties (up to 20 years in jail) for persons sending money or supplies to the Viet Cong or "obstructing military logistics" (e.g., halting troop trains). "Does Mr. Vivian really think we should aid our enemy in North Viet Nam? . . . He has a lot of ex- plaining to do on this left-wing Americans for Democratic Action votes," Esch declared. WHY IS Mrs. Boulding running in this race? One candidate, Mr. Vivian, aids the cause of peace by voting against such discourage- ment of dissent as the bill men- tioned and the HUAC, while the other, Mr. Esch, seems unlikely to do so. Should Mrs. Boulding run for U.S. senator, where the choice is not so clear, I would be glad to vote for her, expressing thereby my dissatisfaction with the Viet Nam war without endangering an excellent legislator. -Betty Stark, Grad Tickets To the Editor: THINK I can go one up on Mr. Corwin, who got a ticket for parking in a U. of M. lot with 4 valid permit. Last Friday I got a ticket for parking in my own wriveway, and that's either $5 or a day wasted in court. Love those Ann Arbor police! -Sandra D. Johnson LETTERS All letters must be typed, double-spaced and should be no longer than 300 words. All let- ters are subject to editing; those over 300 words will gen- erally be shortened. f4 * 'F CAMPUS FORUM II Today, Voice states its posi- tion on the issue of "Cops and Campus." V OICE SEES the issue of Cops on Campus as one which tran- scends political party lines, be- cause the action of the police on the University campus threatens the rights and liberties of indi- viduals, and hence of all groups. It is not surprising that those on the right do not care to see it this way since it is the Left which presently is being harassed on this campus. It appears, from their statement in this column, that those differing from them are not deserving of what the right de- mands for itself. Voice has a more inclusive un- derstanding of democracy, and sees the recent police activity as a potential danger to the whole University community as well as being an immediate threat to it- self. WE WORRY that what has happened to us on the Diag and elsewhere (spied upon by means of tape and film), may happen tomorrow in -the classroom. And the next day? ... "The major question," YAF cor- rectly perceives (but does not an- swer anywhere in its article), "is, does the appearance of police (in uniform or otherwise) on campus really violate the rights of any student organization?" Quite clearly the answer is yes; it "really" does when 1) the po- lice are there on the a priori as- sumption that an individual or group is guilty and criminal (with- out due process of law); 2) when they are there for the purposes of spying and intimidation; and 3) when they are there to gather mn~arnluwhich may he use~d for eral" as tantamount to an endorse- ment of the police-state. There is nothing "unique" about the position of the police in a de- mocracy: as civil servants they are functionaries of the citizenry. They are our creatures; not we, theirs. VOICE CANNOT stress this point enough, since every day the citizen is confronted with the frightening growth of autonomous police power which, attempts to make his will conform to it. Thus, we see more than the antics of the Keystone Cops in the standby-alert of 100 heavily- armed constables preparing to de- scend upon defenseless students, as happened at the sit-in in the administration building. We shudder to think that these men (and their big brothers in the Pentagon) seem to be unmov- ed by the prospect of inflicting pain and humiliation on others. Moreover, we refuse to invest what YAF calls "the American system of law" with a charisma which it patently does not de- serve. Unlike YAF, the qualifica- tion "American" does not justify to us systems or institutions which deny dignity and the power of ac- tion to human beings. VOICE-SDS is concerned with actualities. On this campus we are concerned with the actuality of police interference, and with the violation of rights, its consequence. Our solutions to this horrible situation already have appeared in a letter to The Daily (October 1). They are: 1)- Police enter the Univer- sity only in uniform at the time of a disturbance; 2) The decision to bring po- lice on campus be made by the masss mot affec ted by police It 4 Op