Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Oct. 26: Just Like The Lone Ranger IW "- -I" PW Where Opinions AreaFree, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MIcH. Truth Will Prevail NEws PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 196@ NIGHT EDITOR: MEREDITH EIKER Heyns' Speech: The Political University "The Master said, it is only the very wisest and the very stupidest who cannot change." --Analects, XVII, 3 By LEONARD PRATT Associate Managing Editor SINCE HE'S not likely to change, which of the two is Richard Cutler? That's the question that's going the roundsabout the vice-presi- dent for student affairs, and I don't know the answer. Cutler is interestingly-nothing perjorative intended-like Lyn- don Johnson. It's hard to imagine another man who could have done more for the interests of the peo- ple who promoted him for office, but it's also hard to think of an- other who, because of the policies with which he has been associated, has been as maligned by those same people. HOW CUTLER has become as isolated as he has from the Uni- versity's liberal establishment, is an interesting story. At the base of the story is this: ,Cutler'is an administrator. Any- one who works with a group for a period of time soon becomes a part of it in every sense. He adopts its values and its views just by association. It was pretty inevitable that after a while Cutler would come to adopt the outlook of many members of the administration, an outlook emphasizing harmony with the Regents, the alumni and the President to the detriment of values held by other University groups. BUT SURELY the community's disaffection from Cutler could have stopped there. Why didn't it? One big reason is simply Cut- ler's history in office. When he was appointed, he came to an emasculated Office of Student Affairs. Clearly an administrator is out of water without some power with which to exercise his opinions, so it was only natural for Cutler to begin streamlining his office and boosting his authority to create that power. But that required maneuvering and maneuvering requires politics. Unfortunately, as Louis Feuer pointed out in a recent article in the Atlantic Monthly, the one thing a university administrator cannot afford to become known as is Machiavellian. This is what has happened to Cutler. A UNIVERSITY Community. suspicious of centralization of power and administrative en- hancement no matter what the cause, has been a little uneasy about Cutler's work ,or a long time. Students, prior to this fall, have always felt a little hypocritical about their uneasiness. Was not Cutler's rise in status a rise in the status of their spokesman within the administration? It was indeed, but the uneasiness was always there nonetheless. It was there because Cutler so clearly enjoys his work and the authority it gives him. There is surely nothing wrong with that in itself, but the dual role of the vice-president for student affairs makes it suspicious. ON THE ONE HAND he is the students' spokesman within the administration. In this respect, the general student feeling has always been that the more authority Cut- ler has, the better. But on the other, Cutler is the administrator responsible for en- forcing the University's rules on its students, and suddenly having a vice-president who clearly un- derstands what he has to do to carry out his enforcement func- tion efficiently has made mary students suspicious of Cutler's real role: "Is it to aid the students or the administration?" one asked recently, assuming a natural op- position of the two goals. Recent events have confirmed their suspicions. Cutler's role in the HUAC affair, the role he as- sumed after the Voice sit-in and now his unprecedented role as sole guardian of Student Government Council has made many people more than uneasy. "MANY PEOPLE" is more than students. The liberal faculty es- tablishment from which Cutler came is perhaps more disenchant- ed with his performance in office at this point than any other group on campus. That's easy enough to understand. While to students Cutler is merely beginning to be- have like many administrators, to these faculty members he is one of their own who "sold out." All this disenchantment with Cutler is pretty unfortunate. Idealistic considerations aside, the vice-president' for student affairs, along with the vice-president for academic affairs, needs the sup- port of the community. It wouldn't make much difference if the Fac- ulty Assembly were mad at Gilbert Lee. But Cutler's successful per- formance in office depends on daily contact with the University community; if that community is down on him, his effectiveness can't help but suffer. MAYBE ALL TIIIS is just a passing thing. I doubt it. Cutler has taken it on nimself to remake student life at the Uni- versity in the way he considers proper. The problem here is that this goal leaves Cutler's ends- active student organizations, free political discussion, student par- ticipation in University affairs- and his means-boosting his own authority-open to confusion. And everybody has indeed confused them. Because of the confusion he seems to many to have made this drive into a personal crusade. He is thus feared and resented by those who ought to be his natural allies. POSSIBLY none of this is fair to Cutler. Certainly none of it is fair to what he is trying to do for students. But that's the way it i CHANCELLOR ROGER W. HEYNS of the University of California at Berkeley last week listed three misconceptions gen- erated by the nation's press that have distorted Berkeley's "role as a center of learning": * That Berkeley consists of three pow- er blocs-the administration, the faculty and the students. The essential processes that take place are those of power con- frontations, bargaining and temporary coalition. * That Berkeley is an instrument of direct, social action in which university facilities and influence are used for pro- grams of social activity selected by the members of the academic community. * That Berkeley is a public utility, ex- isting to serve the needs of taxpayers. As a rebuttal to these "misconcep- tions," Heyns defined a university as a center of learning in which faculty and students are partners in the process of learning, and not the political mechan- ism that is portrayed in the press. Heyns said that the pressure exerted on universial officials by the press give Berkeley a "modified stimulus-response type of existence. Immediate university policies are demanded, and subsequently issued, without time for thought and examination of the situation at hand. Both the administration and students are caught up in an endless treadmill of action, statement, reaction and restate- ment." HEYNS' THIRD POINT, his objection to the treatment of the university as a public utility, is quite a valid one. The university must retain its autonomy and independenoe from the general social mentality if it is to function as a former of ideas and a source of new ideas. The university as a "public utility" means the university with a set and carefully con- trolled mentality-a useless appendage. Heyns' first and second points, however, are not "misconceptions": It is unfortu- nate, but there seems little denying that many major universities, Berkeley and Michigan included, have boiled their in- tra-university affairs down to three clear- lydefined . power blocs-the administra- tion, the faculty and the students. Recent dealings at Michigan have made such divisions all too clear for the public to understand-there are no misconcep- tions involved. Ultimately, of course, we are all working for the same goal-the maximum benefit in terms of education and research. But whereas historically there has been only one philosophy as to how that goal is best achieved-the ad- ministration decides with, perhaps, some help from the faculty-now things have changed. The faculty is more active, the students are more active. Because there was no structural provision for general participation in university decision-mak- ing, early visible power blocs have formed along the most natural lines of the new political interest. 0 Which carries over into the second "misconception." American universities are the hotbed of social action that keeps the nation going. The new stress on so- cial science and the new feeling of the need for genuine social activism has brought university people into the field in droves. They are politicians, social work- ers, activists while moving in and out of the university. HEYNS' POINT, of course, was that the institution, as an official institution, does not participate in social action proj- ects. That is true. But by now that seems irrelevant. The universities of this na- tion have become its heart-they have supplied and must continue to supply the social experts and activists that keep the country going. That is its function as an institution-"an instrument of di- rect, social action." HEYNS CALLED these images of the university "misconceptions" to pro- tect his state institution politically-peo- ple justifiably do not like the institutions they support working on their society in a manner they might not like. But then the defense rests on a "public utility" concept. Perhaps the only "image," and one which university administrators, both state and non-state, should be promot- ing is the combination-a realistic assess- ment of the American university whose utility to the public lies in the fomenting of the social change without which our society will burst its seams. If the gen- eral public can be made to understand that function, one barrier to advancing university and social progress will be eliminated. UNFORTUNATELY, the implication of Heyns' speech is that it's going to be awfully tough keeping the universities away from public pressure long enough to keep doing the job. And impressing the public with the necessity of that free- dom will be no mean task. --CAROLYN MIEGEL AO 4- Letters: Waeler's Resignation Notice St riped Power in Chester, Pa. To the Editor: This is a copy of the letter I sent yesterday to Dick Zucker- man, chairman of Joint Judici- ary Council. THIS LETTER is to serve as no- tification of my desire not to actively participate in any further activities of the Joint Judiciary Council. In light of the Regents' meet- ing of Friday, Oct. 22, 1966, where Dr. Richard Cutler, vice-president for Student Affairs, was granted (as he had requested) sweeping powers in the area of non-aca- demic discipline, I fail to see the possibility of the Joint Judiciary Council having any meaningful role in the future. Although it is true that the Council can work with Dr. Cut- ler to set up what he considers is an "equitable" judiciary sys- tem, the final proposal must still pass Dr. Cutler's approval, and I sincerely doubt if I could agree with anything that would be nec- essary to pass this final approval. Prior to the Regents' ruling, I felt that the best solution to prob, lems that had developed in this area of non-academic discipline was to establish a University-wide committee composed of represen- tatives from the faculty, the stu- dent body and the administration, to be charged by the Regents to deliberate and suggest what should be done. IT WOULD have been the place of this committee to write a phil- osophy and a mechanism to carry out this philosophy. It is perhaps unfortunate that events of recent days, specifically the sit-in, caused the Regents to take immediate steps and probably prevented this committee from ever becoming a reality. I feel that the area of non- academic discipline is so broad in scope at the University of Michigan that in order to formu- late a practical system, a system amenable to all and one that will pass the test of time, it must en- compass all segments of the Uni- versity-the faculty of all the various schools and colleges, the students and the administration. The concentration of power in one office, and more directly in one administrator, is both dan- gerous and impractical. While it is true that the Regents did "sug- gest" that Vice-President Cutler consult with these, different seg- ments of the University, he is neither required nor obligated to do so. This is unfortunate. While I cannot speak for the Student Government Council, I can speak for myself as a member of the Joint Judiciary Council when I say, I think we have been pre- empted without a reasonable op- portunity to express our own views concerning non-academic disci- pline, which we too have debated and considered for more than the past year. I FEEL it is very unfortunate that we have once again been mis- led by the Office of Student Af- fairs, concerning whathDr. Cutler was going to do-ask the Regents for this incredible delegation of power. Specifically I refer to state- ments made by Dr. Cutler and by his assistant, Mr. Baad, that the Office of Student Affairs was not interested in asking for Re- gental bylaws to codify the new system proposed by their office. It appears however that this is exactly what they did want, Re- gental bylaws and Regental ap- proval to back their position. Very simply I do not feel that as an individual or as a member of the Joint Judiciary Council, I am interested in working with Dr. Cutler to set up what he considers is an equitable system for han- dling non-academic discipline. I do feel that granting Dr. Cut- man the incredible power to do anything he desires in the area of non-academic discipline. EVEN THOUGH the Regents allow appeal to themselves or to the President of the University, the power, it mugst be agreed, does for all practical purposes stop at the vice-president's level. I will not further speculate as to what pre- cipitated this incredible delega- tion of power at this time, but I will predict that if this University is not to regress to the point where there are rules for everything, un- necessary rules, the Regents will be forced to change their minds in the near future. Neither the students nor the faculty will ac- cept this present situation result- ing from the Regents' ruling. I do feel that there was a need for a change and I think now is the time to consider that change. As you know, I expressed to Mr. Baad recently that if his office were really interested in coming up with an equitable solution to prob oms in the handling of non- aca mic discipline, there were three things his office could have done immediately: FIRST, the Office of Student Affairs could have set up clear and unambiguous lines of author- ity in the areas of University stu- dent housing, student organiza- tions and the driving regulations. Then, even before the Regental ruling, these areas fell within the purview of the Office of Student Affairs. The Joint Judiciary Council could have been given the oppor- tunity to work with the Office of Student Affairs to investigate and remedy problems in these specific areas. Second, all other cases of non- academic discipline could have been referred to the respective deans of the various schools and colleges until a revision was com- plete. Third and finally, the Office of Student Affairs could have active- ly supported the position taken by the Joint Judiciary Council in proposing a University-wide com- mittee charged by the Regents to deliberate in this area and write a philosophy and mechanism for handling non-academichdiscipline. I DID NOT understand then nor do I understand now, why, if the Office of Student Affairs wants a meaningful and practical revi- sion in the area of non-academic discipline, that these. proposals could not be carried out. Mr. Baad clearly rejected them. Since it appears that these pro- posals are no longer practical un- der the present situation, I fail to see the possibility of a mean- ingful and equitable solution. I cannot in good conscience serve in a totally meaningless capacity. I therefore respectfully submit my resignation to the Joint Judiciary Council of the University of Mich- igan. -John Weiler, Executive Secretary Joint Judiciary Council :M1otoricycele Meeting To the Editor: A MID THE MANY charges of lack of communication between university students and those who make the laws and regulations, an unusually happy development has been quietly taking shape in connection with the proposed city motorcycle ordinance. It has come along so well that it deserves much wider attention-it is a bright sign as to how issues can be resolved with mutual satisfac- tion when each group approaches the other as fellow human beings sharing residence in the same city,. rather than as faceless adminis- trative entities. Tonight (Wednesday, the 26th) there will be an open hearing on how to deal with motorcycle traf- fic in Ann Arbor. It will be at 7:30, in the Multipurpose Room of UGLI. This is a cooperative ven- ture, a chance for everyone to be heard-bike dodgers as well as rid- ers-and actually to help write an ordinance that will do the job that is needed without leaving rough edges to irritate anyone. Members of the City Council and of the University Traffic Advisory Board will be there, ready to open their ears as well as their mouths. They want students, who will be most affected by the ordinance, to participate as much as possible in formulating the law. THE CITY COUNCIL has been very receptive to constructive sug- gestions made during the last few weeks, and its members have gone out of their way to be encouraging and helpful. This meeting is the culmination-the chance for the give and take of real communica- tion. If it's a success, who knows what other administrative a g e n c i e s might notice it, and living could become astonishingly friction-free in these parts as we move on to tackle profounder and more sen- sitive issues in the same spirit. --Peter A. S. Smith, Professor of Chemistry Pirandello To the Editor: T HOUGH Miss Marchio's reviewv of October 13 was eagerly re- ceived in these quarters, it should be explained to the reading pub- lic that some of us in the audi- ence had an experience rather dif- ferent from hers. What was, un- fortunately, "the one weak point of the play" for Miss Marchio, was for many of us the most meaningful: the entrance of the veiled woman. Miss Marchio is quite right in saying that Pirandello has used an ingenious device to interpret the significance of the action. But that device was not Laudisi, as she would have use believe. It was the veiled woman. Laudisi's main concern was the significance of il- lusion, which was not really Pir- andello's main concern; the veil- ed woman's was-the significance of illusion in human terms. Look at the words she spoke. Illusion is "the remedy which our compassion finds" for the misfortunes of life. The question Pirandello posed to us in this play CAMPUS FORUM: The YR's FOUR NEGRO9S died recently in the ghettoes of Chester, Pa.-in fires in condemned housing which had never been repaired. The Negro comimunity was ang- ered and wanted action. There were two alternatives-to riot, or to organize. Don Roose, a white social worker and a graduate of this University, had assum- ed the head position at a local settle- ment house just before the last fire. He was the only white staff member-in fact, he was the only white man in the area. However, Roose is an organizer, and a good one. The people were brought in off the streets to activate the already existing Chester Home Improvement Project (CHIP). Overnight, a "fix-up, clean-up" organization became a pressure group. A SET OF DEMANDS and grievances were drawn up and presented to the Chester City Council. For the first time in its history, Chester's council listened and reacted to the black slum-at least to a certain extent. Immediate destruc- tion of condemned vacant houses was one of the demands. The council quickly guar- anteed the demolition of five of the 400 such houses in Chester within the next 30 days. Further, the committee called for the enforcement of a Pennsylvania state law Business Staff SUSAN PERLSTADT, Business Manager JEFFREY LEEDS......Associate Business Manager HARRY BLOCH...........Advertising Manager L-PWPOT T l.^ MrW. Lv n4 ....rmila .f f...anap which requires that all rent paid by wel- fare clients to a landlord of substandard dwellings be held in escrow until improve- ments are made. The council supported the proposition although it took no im- mediate action. Endorsement was also given to a pro- posal suggesting the creation of a Volun- teer Program of Inspection to be set up and run by the city. Local residents would be trained and appointed as official in- spectors. At present Chester has only four inspectors for 25,000 dwellings. ALTHOUGH the actual action which was taken by the council is nominal, the reaction to such pressure was quite dif- ferent than it has been in the past. Council listened and will continue to listen-if forced to. And, CHIP has no in- tention of letting upnow. This is black power on a grass roots level. The black man had no voice and he lived in slums, died in fires in slum housing. Now they are organized and have power-so council listens.. But when Stokely Carmichael talks of "Black Power" he talks of not letting any white people into the ghettoes as lead- ers. Don Roose is white. The Negroes of Chester were not effectively organized until Roose came. WHITE PEOPLE-truly interested white people such as Don Roose-must not be excluded. The slum-dwellers are, in addition to being black, hopelessly poor unless organized. Every day spent with- out the organization of the poor black man is another day he suffers miserably, and is two or three more days lost in the race for economic betterment. EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the second of four articles in the Campus Forum series "Cops on Campus: Problems and Solu- tions." By LARRY EATON Chairman, College Republicans IN RECENT WEEKS, Ann Arbor tpolice have instituted a prac- tice of attending certain activi- ties of some campus organizations. Specifically, the police were presenteat certain campus rallies of Voice political party, and it is alleged that there were pictures taken of people obtaining litera- ture at tables which Voice set up at these rallies, and attempts made to obtainlinformation regarding membership of the organization. The police maintain that they have followed their present course of action in an attempt to pre- vent social disturbances they an- ticipate as possibly resulting from such gatherings. Voice maintains that whatever the purpose of the police presence, it is operating as a form of intimidation directed toward their activities. The ques- tion seems to be whether cam- pus groups have a valid right to protest the involvement of police was: How can we be kindest to one another? This was the issue at stake. The veiled woman an- swered again. The remedy can avail only if the misfortune re- mains hidden and the integrity of the illusion is maintained. MISS MARCHIO'S objection to this character seems well found- ed. The veiled woman's speech did, in fact, sound a little formal and dramatic, not as we are ac- customed to hearing. But this was understandable. She was a sym- bolic character, not a real one. She was the illusion. Her quiet dig- nity reminded us very much of Athena at the end of the Ores- teia, restoring justness and kind- ness. And yet, we were a little star- tled when the veiled woman first appeared on the stage. We too, expected to see a real character- the real Signora Ponza. And be- ing startled into recognizing. this expectation served as a powerful reminder of our own all-too-hu- man weakness. But the rules of kindness are inviolate. To be kind to one another, we must be strong. AND SO, as we left the theatre, it was not with the impressions of Pirandello's bitterness and pessi- mism that Miss Marchio had. But rather we were singularly struck by his warmth, hopefulness, and quiet wisdom. Let us add without reserve, to make up for what cer- tainly must have been an unin- tentional omission on Miss Mar- chio's part, ,that this production was masterfully directed and bril- liantly acted. -Thomas A: Segal, Med.- 1 in what the group considers its own functions. We are not here involved with the presence of police, without in- vitation, in private meetings. The police concede they would have no right to cover a private meet- ing. We are here dealing with a public mass gathering in a pubiic place. THERE SEEMS to be no one denying the right of campus groups to assemble peacefully when they so desire. But the po- lice maintain that since these are public meetings, they are entitled to be present as wellas anyone else. And they have seen fit to attend, and, as they say, remain in the background to assure that the purposes of the 'meeting are indeed peaceful, and that they re- main so. At this point it seems to become clear that the University itself is no longer involved. There is in- volved merely a situation which is within the jurisdiction of the lo- cal police, and which such police feel they must cover in the pub- lic's interest, to prevent any un- lawful disorder, which they feel is likely to result. And, although it may seem somewhat stifling to the group involved, it never- theless appears clear that the po- lice are acting within their full legal rights in "covering" the meetings in the manner they say they do. But at least two other matters need to be considered.'First of all, if the police merely "cover" these meetings, remaining in the back- ground, as they claim to do, we have one situation. But this claim does not seem to accord with the allegation that they have gone to the extent of photographing people taking literature, and that they have attempted to get mem- bers' names. THIS NO LONGER sounds like the policeare remaining in the background. They are making themselves conspicuous, upsetting the meeting to some extent, all. longer based on any valid reason whatsoever. Indeed their actions seem at that point to degenerate into pure harassment; and it further ap- pears that they are using unwar- ranted methods of obtaining in- formation and evidence which very probably should be considered an invasion of privilege, for purposes which might be in fact quite in- nocent, but which could well ap- pear to be for the purpose of bringing future pressure to bear on the organization. In the second place, what is the wisdom of having police cov- erage of such meetings? Indeed, they maintain that it is for the protection of the public from civil disturbance which might result from the meeting. But in fact, is this a reasonable fear, in the light of past experience? It would seem at least questionable that it is. Although it might be unfair to charge that the police have a different reason for attending the meetings than they admit to, their actions would seem to manifest to some that indeed they must have a different reason for their ac- tions. WHAT IS the practical reality for the future, then? The police contend that they will continue to cover all such activities, in view of their opinion that the meetings manifest an aura of pub- lic hazard. Therefore, whether or not this is a fairassumptionton their part, and in spite of the nuisance value which their pres- ence creates for the meeting, it would seem to be the right of the police to decide that the contin- uance of their policy is advisable; and if it is made clear to them that their presence is not needed, they will surely give up the prac- tice after a time. But when the mere presence of the police should become more - when they begin taking pictures, or in any other way disrupt the orderly process of the meeting - A. "_:-: , J . 1~l 'i ~\ Vll {" 6tAN TooR AI11 . . ' ;< I