# t Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN TINDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS rPOWER C te ' "t et andaDr.Happens tS tudents, POETRY by MARK R. K ILL INGSWORT H ^:"}+,:"::^:L'Ii ' ::.,.; r,, ..+l.:rr: vJJY:,:J~or:$r .i;r.J; .pi"r'r,'vi~. f: iii . ., ... ere Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. Trutb Will Prevail NEws PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily ex press the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This mus t be noted in all reprints. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1966 NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT KLI VANS Election Tax-Credit Plan: Limiting Democracy IN ITS FRANTIC RUSH to adjourn, Con- gress enacted a careless, bad law-the election tax credit provision. This measure will provide sorely-need- ed funds for the Republican and Demo- cratic national committees for presiden- tial contests by permitting any taxpay- er to claim a tax check-off of one dollar as a contribution to either party. Ostensibly an extension of participa- tory democracy, the optimum utilization of the procedure will put some $60 mil- lion additional dollars in the collective tills of the two major parties-dollars from individual citizens, and not from vested, financially powerful groups. The apparent result will be a lessening of the power of pressure agencies that work against the public good. THE UNFORTUNATE clause in the law, . however, states that tax credits may be earmarked only for parties which poll- ed at least five million votes in the pre- vious election. This is unwarranted dis- crimination against the minority politi- cal parties, which soak up the one per cent differential between the total and the major party vote. In light of burgeoning "peace" cam- paigns in various parts of the country- Ann Arbor included-and after Stokely Carmichael has called for an all-Negro political party, the restriction sets a bad precedent. It opens the valves on a po- tential financial source to the two big parties, while leaving the others in their unimproved monetary conditions. To argue that the dollar per taxpayer! is not worth haggling over, is to insist that a single vote is not important - both, votes and dollars accumulate to bring about power changes, and to change history. Under the new measure, dollars might be withheld or diverted from third parties that merit financial backing as much as the Democrats or Republicans. WHENONE of the Big Two runs into debt after a presidential election, the satraps form tinseled Republican or Democratic clubs, with $500 entrance fees, and gilded membership cards. Or they hold $100-a-plate dinners, featur- ing some old windbag extolling him- self, the Party, and the Nation. A small political group has no such resources, and usually finds itself hanging by a thread over the pit of financial insolv- ency. While it is desirable to have a wider population contributing to political cam- paigns, the hastily conceived rider seri- ously threatens the longevity of the law. It is doubtful whether the law will stand .the test of constitutional validity if ever challenged and brought before the Su- preme Court. BECAUSE THE TAX-CREDIT law flag- rantly discriminates against small po- litical parties, it is unfortunate that Con- gress wasted its precious end-of-term time in its passage. Hopefully the next session will bring revisions of the meas- ure to provide equitably for the support of all parties. -STEVE FIRSHEIN YOU GET your date back to Stockwell a half-hour after closing. Or you get caught bringing beer to your fraternity party. Or you forget to put on your "M" car sticker and get nabbed. Or you want to run for Student Government Council and ask how to go about it. What happens to you next? Viewed in the context of re- cent weeks and recent decisions, the Regents' approval of near- dictatorial powers for Vice-Presi- dent Richard L. Cutler presents some profoundly disturbing ques- tions. The major one is: What's going to happen to students? The an- swer: Nobody knows yet. The next issue is: Who decides what happens to students? The answer is the same. CUTLER NOW HAS all non- academic disciplinary powers for- merly spread out between Presi- dent Hatcher, the other vice-presi- dents, academic deans and the faculty. He has all the non-academic disciplinary powers which Intra- Fraternity Council, Panhellenic Association and Inter-Housing As- sociation used to have. And Cutler also has the pow- er to conduct a comprehensive re- view of all campus regulations and Student Government Council ac- tivities-a review which, among other things, is supposed to "fur- ther the goal of personal, social and moral development of indi- vidual students and student groups in their life outside the class- room." In short, if he wanted to, Cut- ler could easily institute a one- man control over every aspect of non-academic student life at the University. CUTLER'S new powers are sin- gularly ironic in view of the Uni- versity's history in the area of student affairs. After the then- dean of women had outraged the University's collective conscience in the early 1960's by her policy of notifying the parents of coeds who dated inter-racially - and after further disclosure of sim- ilar activities built up intense pressure-a review committee in- vestigated the entire mess. In its 1962 report called the "Reed Report," after its chairman, the committee declared: The University student "must be considered a participating member of a 'community of schol- ars,' with responsibilities and op- portunities commensurate with his capacities. He should be expected to participate . fully in decisions affecting his welfare . . . He should work with faculty and administra- tion for the broad welfare of the University, tempering his self-in- terest to the common good. It was an inspiring philosophy. Partly as a result of the dean of women scandal, and partly as a result of the philosophical direc- tions the Reed Report suggested to the University, since the Reed Report students have been in-, creasingly involved in University affairs. FOR EXAMPLE, Cutler set up student advisory committees for each of the nine subdivisions in his own Office of Student Affairs. The Regents provided for a stu- dent advisory committee to work closely with them as they select President Hatcher's successor. And last Friday, the Regents approved the establishment of stu- dent advisory committees for each of the vice-presidents. The record suggests that, when the University bothers to ask stu- dents what's on their minds, it usually gets some fairly intelli- gent answers. President Hatcher, for example, said Friday he had found students were "perceptive and mature in understanding what the proposal (for vice - presidential advisory boards) is about"-not surprising, since students proposed the idea to Hatcher themselves. THE RECORD also suggests that, when the University takes the time to explain its workings to students, the students get a better understanding of University goals and problems-and are that much better at offering advice. Indeed, Vice-President Cutler said facetiously Friday that the advisory panels might affect stu- dent protests on campus because "some students who are members of advisory groups may understand administrators' problems better and thus become less than satis- factory representatives of militant groups." And, finally, the record sug- gests that, when the University ignores students, a crisis erupts. The University ignored the thoughts of the students involved when it complied with the House Un-American Activities Commit- tee's subpoena in August. The re- sult, as the Faculty Senate As- sembly put it, was "regrettable" and a nightmare of administrative bumbling. The University ignored students on the police-on-cam- pus issue. The result was a sit-in. SO, WHAT IS particularly alarming about Cutler's assump- tion of dictatorial powers over stu- dents is this recent trend in Uni- versity policy - away from the Reed Report, away from the idea of asking students' opinions, away from the belief that people who live under rules should help make them. Indeed, Cutler asked for these vast new powers without consult- ing a single student or faculty. As Prof. Robert Knauss of the Law School-the chairman of a special committee which only re- cently urged greater student par- ticipation in University affairs- said in a massive understatement: "It would have been better to get wide consultation with students and faculty before bringing the new regulations to the Regents." If Cutler got the power to is- sue new regulations about student life without asking students and faculty advice, he might well issue such new regulations in the same way. If Cutler conducts his "imme- diate and comprehensive review" of student life without asking stu- dents and faculty for advice and counsel, he will not only abrogate tradition. He will have undermined student faculty faith in and sup- port for the processes of the University itself. YET THERE IS no sign that this will not occur. Cutler has not yet come up with a plan to in- clude students and faculty in his review of student affairs. He has yet to announce his intention to get faculty-student advice on dis- ciplinary regulations. In short, Cutler has all the power, and there is as yet no sign he intends to share it-to use it wisely. As John Stuart Mill said long ago, "We need not suppose that when power resides in an exclu- sive class, that class' will know- ingly and deliberately sacrifice the other classes to themselves: it suf- fices that, in the absence of its natural defenders, the interest of the excluded is always in danger of being overlooked: and, when looked at, is seen with very dif- ferent eyes from those of the per- sons whom it directly concerns." THAT IS the issue. A careful reading of the Regents' working papers on Cutler's new powers makes it clear that these powers were granted, for fear of the re- cent sit-in and other student un- rest. But if Cutler ignores student and faculty opinion in exercising these new powers-if he fails to share these powers with them-if it is true that "power resides in an exclusive class"-then the Regents' action will inevitably intensify the very problem it was supposed to solve. Letters:* New Draft Premises Needed To Whon. It May Concern ONE PHENOMENON of American jour- nalism is the syndicated medical col- umnist. Fortunately, our American doc- tors have seen fit to keep themselves in the mainstream of American thought and have not fenced themselves off into a dream world of medicine and professional practice. The best example I have run across recently is the column by Dr. George Crane entitled "Worry Clinic" and cir- culated in a large number of newspapers to millions of people across the country. I present his medical advice in toto: DONNA STRESSES a vital point that should challenge every patri- otic American and especially all par- ents. Like Daniel Boone, Donna wants more privacy as regards to her per- sonal rights. But the gradual spread of communistic doctrine has thus in- vaded even the plumbing equipment of our schools! ByDR. GEORGE W. CRANE CASE A-549: Donna D., aged 15, is an attractive Hoosier high schooler. Dr. Crane, her mother began, we have a beautiful new high senooi that cost over $2 million. But many of our daughters are like Donna and complain at the lack of privacy. "Although the showers for the girls are available for them after gym classes, there are no curtains to give them any privacy. So the girls must walk around in the nude and take a shower in plain sight of all their coed classmates. "Don't you think this breakdown in modesty and the violation of privacy is destroying what we cultured mothers have tried to build up?" "YES, Donna's mother is 100 per cent correct! Even in our standard Amer- ican homes, we still have doors to the bathroom! And shower curtains! Neith- er children nor adults are supposed to take baths in public. - "Yet there has been a pernicious trend to destroy personal privacy and turn our homes into goldfish bowls. It started in 1913 with the Income Tax law which £1tltiat &ilg Editorial Staff MARK R. KILLINGSWORTH, Editor BRUCE WASSERSTEIN, Executive Editor CLARENCE FANTO HARVEY WASSERMAN Managing Editor Editorial Director LEONARD PRATT.......Associate Managing Editor JOHN MEREDITH.......Associate Managing Editor CHARLOTTE WOLTER .. Associate Editorial Director ROBERT CARNEY.......Associate Editorial Director BABETTE COHN............. Personnel Director ROBERT MOORE... ......Magazine Editor CHARLES VETZNER .............. Sports Editor JAMES TINDALL ... ........ Associate Sports Editor JAMES LaSOVAGE........Associate Sports Editor GIL SAMBERG......... ..Assistant Sports Editor SPORTS NIHT EDITORS: Gravle Howlett. Howard permitted bureaucrats to invade the bank accounts and pay checks of every citizen. "And it has spread ever since into so- cial, political and even religious realms. Yet we physicians still find that many cultured adult males, reared with a sense of privacy in the bathroom, are shy aboutour request to produce a fresh urine sample for a diabetes test. "And many of these cultured patients will protest that an occasional callous doctor will even expect them to void in the office, in front of a female nurse! Indeed, many men (perhaps of the "old school" where privacy instead of Commu- nism was the rule) can't even use the public of "goldfish bowl" urinals at air- ports, hotels or railway stations. "Instead, they seek the walled-off priv- acy of a booth. So it is time to highlight this public schoof violation of the time- honored rules of American privacy! Priv- acy is thus a symbol of free enterprise, wherein you enjoy private property rights, too, and freedom from unwarranted search or seizure in your private homes. "By contrast, the tendency to expose all your personality, your business records, bank figures and wage rates to public view, is an integral doctrine of Commu- nism and socialism. Many blase Ameri- cans pooh-pooh those who keep exposing the insidious encroachment of govern- ment on us private citizens. "Oh, you're just looking for a Com- munist under every bed! They try to ridicule the smart patriots. But ever since 1905 the Socialists have been diligently invading our 'free enterprise' field and taking over our lives. They started with a big banquet in 1905, to which profes- sors of our eastern universities and sem- inaries were invited. "For they figured those professors could brainwash the school teachers and clergy, as well as college sociology pro- fessors, till Americans would soon accept socialistic doctrines as the sophisticated viewpoint. Beware !" THANK YOU, Dr. Crane, for your ad- vice. I feel better already. No Comment Deprartment-- I "PRESIDENT HATCHER said, in an ap- parent reference to the September 30 sit-in in the office of Vice-President and Chief Financial Officer Wilbur K. Pier- pont, that the new regulations were not 'drawn up with reference to any recent innidnti' To the Editor: THE RECENT series on the draft reviewed, in the main, the standard list of objections to, and revisions of, the present system. The list was standard for it ac- cepted the premises of the sys- tem as presently arranged. To ac- cept these premises is to end up with yet another version of the Rube Goldberg machine of which this present arrangement is but one variety. What is needed is some think- ing about alternative premises that might lead to substantially dif- ferentarrangements. Here is a list of three alternative values that lead rather directly to some dif- ferent principles of selection and service. 1) THE UNITED STATES is a political organization. Its armed forces defend this organization. Therefore, only actual participat- ing members of the organization should be called upon to partici- pate in its defense. Given this premise, no one has any obligation to bear arms un- less he in fact can participate as a citizen in the political life of his state, and in the federation of states. The rule is no vote, no fight. Incidentally, this clarifies the 18-year-old vote question. Peo- ple should not get the vote be- cause they are called upon to sol- dier. Rather the reverse, they should soldier because they are citizens as indexed by their stat- us as voters. If women vote, they too should serve. Senior citizens also. 2) DEFENSIVE WARS, preven- tive interventions, police actions, advisory expeditions, etc. which are undertaken to defend the benefits of the American Way of Life should be manned by those who reap said benefits. ' Thus, assuming that education and gross income are crude but more or less representative in- dicators of what most Americans give thanks for on the last Thurs- day of every November, citizens should be ranked by the relative size of their slice of each. Citi- zens then might be obliged to de- fend the AW of L in direct pro- portion to their benefits. This in- cidentally maximizes another bas- ic American premise: that the first shall be first, and the last, last. A highly motivated military ready and able to engage in a spirited and meaningful defense of the U.S. would no doubt result. 3) THE U.S. as a political entity wages wars to defend its free- enterprise economy. Therefore, its defenders should be recruited by free-enterprise methods. Thus, soldiers should be attracted from the usual labor-markets that ex- ist in American society. This by offering competitive wage levels and fringe benefits. Although the slogan "a living wage for American killers" may jar the sensibilities of some, it nonetheless follows from the log- ic of American enterprise. To one who objects that the result of this arrangement would be a mil- itary establishment of mercenar- ies, one can only say: no doubt. But we are all mercenaries, are we not. And anyhow, isn't that what we have now, except at the enlisted and draftee level. THESE THREE premises are not the only ones possible; nor are they the best. The point is that the general issue of the citizen and the structure of obligation that bind us all to the state is what is in questionhere. Draft re- visions that fail to inspect the premises on which the issue is built are likely to fall of their own weight. --E. T. Silva,. Instructor in Sociology Fraternities To the Editor: I REALIZE that I am, in effect, answering Prof. Hagen's letter rather than the original editor- ial on fraternities, but I fear that many administration and faculty members may share his viewpoint. I failed to notice when the con- cept that the human mind could be forced to think certain noble and idealistic thoughts, if legisla- tion was passed against outward admissions to the contrary, was accepted, but indeed it appears to be. The Supreme Court has ruled that owners of public services cannot refuse to serve on the bas- is of "race, color, creed," etc.; schools are required to "inte- grate"; employers are prohibited from discriminating; legislation was suggested to regulate home- sellers choice of buyers. Each of these is very proper on the basis of the principle, "the end justi- fies the means." Correlated: If people can be forced by fear of prosecution to conceal their prejudices, in time their prejudices will disappear. I agree that this may conceivably happen. Yet, I fear the damage to the concept of human dignity and intelligence which may occur in the meantime. PERHAPS Prof. Hagen's remark (with apparent pride) that fra- ternities had been "forced" to integrate and the implied appli- cation to the Michigan campus compelled me to criticize this all to prevalent means of accom- plishing "good." I wonder how you can force anyone to integrate. Do you arbi- trarily pick a community or fra- ternity and declare, since there are no Negroes inthe group, that they are discriminating? Do you then arbitrarily pick a Negro and attempt to place him in the group? If you fail, do you then declare discrimination is proven and attempt to force him in by threats, legislation, or sanctions? If this is the procedure, as it seems to be on manycampuses, in what way does this exemplify the "educational and training goals of the University?" You would teach me by these methods that it is no longer necessary to reason with a human being, to educate, in- form, and convince him of the proper moral goals of our society, that they may be forced into his mind by threats and accusations that he is thinking otherwise. THEREFORE, I suggest that, if our University is dissatisfied with the present goals, achievements, or attitudes of students, that it seek to convince them of the va- lidity of other goals and atti- tudes in an informative well-rea- soned manner. Admittedly, this may not broaden the student out- look as quickly as some hope for, but it is more likely to leave the student with a sense of dignity and confidence in his own ability to apply his education and Intel- ligence to the moral problems of today. -Larry Halvorsen Pace Vote To the Editor: WHY VOTE for Mrs. Boulding, when a vote for her is ac- tually a vote against Representa- tive Vivian? Because if Mrs. Boulding's candidacy contributes to Mr. Vivian's defeat in 1966. the Democratic candidate in 1968 will know that he will at least have to talk about the war. But if her candidacy does not contribute to his defeat, do you expect Mr. Vivian to drop his suc- cessful policy of silence and be more outspoken in 1968 or 1970? More immediately, a vote for Vivian will help American lead- ers conclude (correctly) that the war in Viet Nam is not the most important single political issue. HOW COULD THEY conclude otherwise, if a candidate for whom the war is not the most important issue were to win next month? A vote for either Mr. Vivian or his Republican opponent prob- ably will not affect the war ever. A vote for Mrs. Boulding may have some slight effect eventually. If not this year, when will you make your vote count against this war? 1968? . -Dave Ermann, Grad. "" CAMPUS FORUM- EDITOR'S NOTE: Today be- gins a new editorial page fea- ture entitled "Campus Forum." The feature consists of position papers from members of campus Young Democrats, Young Re- publicans, Young Americans for Freedom, and Voice Political Party. The articles will appear per- iodically in series Monday through Thursday and will deal with a pressing campus issue. The first topic is "Cops on Cam- pus: Problems and Solutions." Today's statement comes from Young Americans for Freedom. MUCH COMMENT in recent weeks among student politi- cal groups has been centered around the appearance of plain- clothesmen at, certain political ral- lies on campus. It has been the position of Students for a Demo- cratic Society, our counterpart on the left side of the political spec- trum, that the appearance of these police officers is a serious restric- tion upon freedom of assembly. It has even been suggested that the police have no right to be on campus, and that a joint student- administration committee be formed to resolve this "problem." The major question is, does the appearance of police (in uniform or otherwise) on campus really violates the rights of any stu- dent organization? Is this appear- ance by law officers another ex- ample of the "police state" whose "rise" ultra-liberals have been so unanimously attributing to the "anti-clmoeratic right wing of adequate system of law, such that the rights of any citizen may not be impeached by arbitrary force. We recognize that the chief in- strument for the protection and maintenance of domestic peace is, and must be, the police, and that because of their unique position in society, theirs must be the right to enter into any situation which they deem of a disorderly nature or harmful to the best interests of society in general. LOOKING more specifically at the Michigan campus, then, we ask whether the appearance of police in any situation out of which violence or law-breaking may arise, is a restriction of the right of free assembly. Young Americans for Freedom doubts very much that it is. In the past few years, SDS and many of its sister organiza- tions have taken up a new catch- phrase called "civil disobedience." But what does "civil disobedi- ence" amount to, if not a deliber- ate attempt to flout the Ameri- can system of law in the name of some "higher" code of moral- ity which seems, conveniently, to be accepted only by those who en- gage in this glorified law-break- ing. YAF CONCLUDES that in any situation where the law may be broken (and what is law-break- ing, if not the arbitrary negation and denial of another man's rights), the police have the right to be on hand, and if necessary, 'V V j.'Wl ZY 41 NK !'I/1 vgm. I am,