TUESDAY, OCTOBER 25,1966 . THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAt :F THRFU TUESAYOCTBER25, 966T~l MIHIGN !JILYP~fV TDU~S CS.R 4 . Sa5S4 rt7lxrl l uinnrl 11 Hungarian's Peace Hints Scrutinized Question Whether He Had Hanoi's Authority Or Spoke Own Views WASHINGTON (P) -- The an- nouncement by a Hungarian min- ister that North Viet Nam might be softening its position on peace in Southeast Asia is receiving se- rous study in Washington. Administration officials are try- ing to find out if the Hungarian foreign minster, Janos Peter, was speaking on behalf of the North Vietnamese or merely expressing his own views. As of yesterday, the officials reported no tangible evidence of Hanoi's. willingness to negotiate and are advising caution on the question of Peter's authority to speak for the North Vietnamese. Last Week's Brief Last week Peter is understood to have briefed reporters in New York on anattributable basis. He was reported as having said that Hanoi: -While insisting that the Unit- ed States stop its bombing raids, is willing to drop its condition that the National Liberation Front, political facade of the Viet Cong, must be recognized as sole representative of the Vietnamese people. -Has indicated it would not in- sist on an immediate unification of the Viet Nams. There was no indication of a change in Hanoi's attitude in Pe- ter's U.U. speech Oct. 18. Peter told the assembly then that Hanoi felt there has been no real and valid peace offer from the United States. He said he spoke with "the full and true knowledge and understanding of the, opinion of North Viet Nam and of the Viet Cong." If this is true, and officials have no reason to doubt that it is, then Peter's background in- formation might represent Hanoi's position, officials speculated. State Dept. Cautious The State Department's offi- cial reaction reflected both in- terest and vaution. "We always study with care any indication that the other side may be inter- ested in a negotiated settlement of the Viet Nam conflict," press officer Carl Bartch said. At present, he added, "we can- not judge whether these reports do in fact represent a new de- velopment." Third World Nations Ask' Bomb Halt Tito, India, UAR Demand U.S. Pullout, Viet Cong Recognition NEW DELHI (W)-The leaders of India Yugoslavia and the Unit- Sed Arab Republic said yesterday the only solution to the Viet Nam war is a cessation of American bombing, withdrawal of all for- eign forces an'd the seating of the Viet Cong as a "main party" in any peace talks. : Prime Minister Indira Gandhi and Preisedtns Tito and Gamal Abdel Nasser outlined those steps i a joint communique on the end of their tripartite summit only a few hours after the seven-nation -Associated Press summit on Viet Nam dpened in NDHI and Nasser (left and right), the leaders of India and the Manila. Ly, yesterday issued a communique from their summit meeting of The New Delhi communique said end to United States bombing in North Viet Nam, a withdrawal of American bombng of North Viet 'the Viet Cong guerrillas at peace negotiations to end the war in Nam "shouuld be ended imme diately without any precmnditions.' it called for implementation.of the Geneva agreements and with- drawal of all foreign forces. *l * "These three leaders. the com- munique said, "recognize that IMPLEMENTS GREAT SOCIETY 89th Congress Finishes Record Finance Session BY WILLIAM F. ARBOGAST use of many things from pills to, PRIME MINISTER INDIRA GA United Arab Republic respectivel unaligned nations calling for ane foreign troops and recognition of Viet Nam. 'YANKEE }GO HOB An AP News Analysis limousines. WASHINGTON-The 89th Con- Opinion on where these new gres finished its course Saturday paths ultimately will lead depends night after two years of blazing on the viewer. ' historic legislative trails-at on- The bulk of the heavy Demo- precedented financial coast. ratic majorities who enacted the These trials led past near-rev- laws with help from some Repub- olutionary milestones in the fields licans see in their achievements of social welfare, civil rights and the bright promise of more abun-' use of federal power, to _rotect dant and just life for all Amer- consumers. icans. And they count the costs a This Congress appropriated a sound investment well within the! record of $264 billion, $119 billion means of the world's richest na-t last year and about $144 billion tion. this year, including interest cn the Republicans and conservative national debt. Last Year's total Democrats who oppose .nuch of was $2.4 billion less than Presi- the legislation fear the 89th has dent . Johnson asked. This year's opened the door to an excessive reduction was about $883 million. federal role in many areas of pri- A large portion of the total, of vate concern. And they see the course. was for the Defense De- heavy spending as a breeder of partment and the Viet Nam war- possibly disastrous inflation and costs not connected with the land- worse. mark social legislation. When the 89th Congress ended Surpass 77th it first session last year, Johnson Not even the 77th Congress, described it as "the greatest in which sat during the first two American history" as it imple- years of World War II, in 1941 and mented item after item of what he 1942, appropriated as much calls "The Great Society." money. Its comparable figures Despite some lagging on his were about $205 billion, with the programs this year under the $147 billion in 1942 being tops for mounting fiscal and financial im- a single year. pact of the Viet Nam war, it's Written into law during the two doubtful he has changed his es- years were such long-sought pro- timate. bill, unemployment compensation increases, international health programs and permission for striking unions to picket construc- tion sites where more than one union is employed. On Plus Side On the plus side, from the ad- ministration's point of view, were increases in minimum wages, anti- urban development program, cre- ation of cabinet departments for t housing and transportation, auto- mobile and highway safety laws, readjustment benefits for "cold war" veterans, and pay raises for military and civil service em- ployes. Much of the unfinished business is expected to be requested anew by the President next year. And much of the legislation enacted faces review and financing to keep it alive. How much the President will get from the 90th Congress will depend on the outcome of the November elections when all 435 Hotise seats and 35 Senate seats will be filled. Pollsters are in general agree- ment that Republicans will make some gains, particularly in the House. If the GOP picks up as many as 20 more House seats, the Presi- dent's 1967 program could be In real trouble. A switch of that many votes in the 89th Congress would have defeated many big bills that barely skimmed through over conservative opposition. Despite the Democrats' top- heavy numerical majority-295 to 140 in the House and 67 to 33 in the Senate-they didn't have that kind of working control in the 89th. M! Johnson's Hotel Site. Bynti-War Fiipino MANILA (P)-About 2,000 Phil- the students had hoped for. Theirl ippine students dramatized their leaders had predicted a turnout of opposition to the war in Viet Nam 5,000 but less than half that num- with a wild but brief fight yester- ber showed up. day night with police outside It was enough, nevertheless, to President Johnson's. hotel. get the vocal minority of Philip- At one point, as police moved pine students on the record with in with clubs and rifle butts to their fellows in Australia and New disperse the students, half a dozen Z e a 1 a n d, who demonstrated police pistol shots were fired into against U.S. policies in Viet Nam the air. during the President's visit to After the battle, which lasted those countries. about 20 minutes, police hauled The Philippine students began 20 students away in patrol wagons their demonstrations at dusk inj and 12 in ambulances. One Amer- front of the U.E. Embassy and all ican television cameraman's head was noisy but orderly for two was bloodied by a student wielding hours. Then they headed for the a bamboo pole. Manila Hotel about half at mile Johnson, in Manila , for the away. seven-nation summit conference They moved into the small on Viet Nam, was in his suite courtyard before the hotel anid a when the 'demonstration took police cordon was thrown up At place, just after 8:30 p.m. He first guests in the hotel peered' could hear the faint echoes of the from their windows and viewed "Yankee go home!" slogans and the demonstration with amuse- the shouting and screaming of ment, students as the police moved in. Harangues Crowd Less Than Hoped For Then two loudspeaker ieeps The demonstrations, however showed up, a student in dark spirited, were something less than upahsudnt in dark glasses began haranguing the of Riot Students where citizens generally were hibiting warm friendship for as they gathered in knots watch the doings of the s summit leaders. Johnson who said that at summit he is "an equal am equals," has deliberatelyk shuning a dominant role here was last to speak in the ope fiffllo -_ participation of the South Viet- namese National Liberation Front political arm of the Viet Cong would be necessary as one of the main parties in any efforts for realization of peace in Viet Nam." Asked to clarify the point on foreign forces, Nasser said, "It ex- is clear to everybody the Amer- him cans have troops in Viet Nam. If there are any North Vietnamese to in the south they have to with- even draw back to the north." The leaders proposed a wider this meeting next year of the non-, mong aligned countries, and Nasser said been the tripartite leaders will contact . He the heads of state of the non-j ning aligned nations to pake plans for uhameetm grams as health care for the el- derly under the Social Security System and multibillion-doilar, across-the-board aid to education. Broad new statutes were passed in an effort to insure Negroess political, economic and social equality on a scale never before attempted through legislation. Provision for mandatory °ederal auto safety standards highlighted enactments aimed at protectingj the cnsumer in the nurchase and "Rubber Stamp" On the other hand, Rep. Gerald R. Ford, the House Republican leader from Michigan, and many of his GOP colleagues call this a "rubber stamp Congress." They say it abdicated its authority and' let the administration dictate costly and unwise legislation the country does not need. Left stranded by adjournment as the legislators headed home to Goldberg Calls Thant Peace Plan a 'Package Proposal' UNITED NATIONS, N.Y.-(P) U.S. Ambassador Arthur J. Gold- berg said yesterday the United States considers the three-point peace plan of U.N. Secretary-Gen- eral U Thant a package proposal aimed at scaling down the war. "The war will not come to an end if the bombing stops,",Gold- berg declared in an interview on the NBC television show "Todays" Peter's Remarks Goldberg said also that he was encouraged by statements made by Hungarian Premier Janos Peter in the General Assembly on Oct. 18. "I thought his remarks were very interesting, they moved a bit," Goldberg said. "And it's one of the faint signals which I think makes me feel a little-I empha- size a little-more optimistic about a peaceful resolution of the Vietnamese conflict." He added that he thought ?e- ter's statement reflected some re- laxation by Hanoi on two of its demands for eritering peace talks -a U.S. troop withdrawal and that the NFL be the sole repre- sentative of South Viet Nam at peace negotiations. But Golberg said what is need- ed now is "direct dialogue," so that the U.S. and Hanoi positions can be discussed between "the ad- versaries to the conflict. And I hope that would cone about." Thant Tactics Thant is pressing for an uncon- ditional halt to the U.S. bombing of North Viet Nam, a military de- escalation by both sides and rep- resentation for the National Lib- eration Front-political arm of -the Viet Cong-in peace nego- tiations. There was no immediate com- ment from Thant on Goldberg's assessment of his proposals. In a U.N. Day statement mark- ing the 21st anniversary of the world organization, Thant de- scribed the war in Viet Nam "not only a disaster for the Vietna- mese people, but also a constant threat to world peace." crowd, and the mood turned ugiy. A police whistle sounded and police charged. They clubbed some students to the ground and drag- ged others away. The courtyard! was strewn with hastily jettisoned placards. Some fleeing students were pursued as they scattered, then re-formed in small groups. One band gathered in a nearbyI park and the leader claimed he{ would bring charges of police+ brutality., They pronised a gen-. eral strike of Philippine students I next week. A police official said the order to disperse the studerts was given because they had moved onto the private property of the hotel. Korea's Park Away South Korea's President Chung Hee Park was away from the hotel' when the demonstrations started and returned at the height of it.! He was brought in the back door. seSS1U1n. gul 1Cui. 110UlJU 1 Gl u~ta;a seek re-election on Nov. 8 were Coalition many bills the President wanted A coalition of conservative WORLD (IHIURCH SERVICE.kept alive. They died when the Democrats and Republicans nar- -_* final gavel fell and must start rowed the edge considerably, par- all over next year when the 90th ticularly in the House. It ^iouldn't Congress convenes. take much more shrinkage to give D o ct r A leg e LiZ V ZWAmong these was the 1966 civil the conservatives dominance in rights bill which carried a con- the House. troversial provision to bar disa The 89th got much of the Presi- ,rimination in the sale of private dent's program off the ground Inj redo rean Sold ershousing put on the market by and in operation last year and anyone other than an owner- spent much of this year imple- occupant. menting or revising it. It was in NEW YORK (A) -Vietnamese properly treated, without that lehem and then changed to Allen- This passed the House but was session almost 10 month each civilians are suffering far more treatment. The time and care goes town, began Ict. 19 and so far has sunk in the Senate by 'a Repub- year. casualties in Viet Nam than U S. to the warinjured." accounted for 39 Viet Cong killed lican-Southern Democratic fili- In addition to health .are, edu- and South Vietnamese military Hall, 69, said antibiotic drugs and large amounts of wealpons buster combination that obviously cation and rent-subsidy programs, forces, an American doctor back and doctors are sorely needed for and supplies, including 5.500 drew much strength from public it enacted a voting rights bill, from a study there said yesterday. Vietnamese civilians. pounds of rice, seized, a U.S. mvil- concern over widespread racial costly new health programs, an Dr. Wayne W. Hall of Ridge- Increase Medicine tary spokesman said. rioting in Northern and Western antipoverty bill and a historic, wood, N.J., said both declining As a result of his report, Church The operation, in which the cities. change in the immigration laws. health conditions and war vio-,! World Service is expected to in- A" Also swept into the wastebasket It did those things last year, and lence are taking their toll among crease its medical operations in mican tioops weie said t -be by adjournment were a bill to ban altered some of them this year. the native population. Viet Nam, where it already has at det Cstate laws forbidding union shop But it didn't keep up that siz- "Many more civilians are in work about 60 doctors, nurses, was the only acover c odarkne Iclauses in labor contracts, and a zling pace in 1966, when many of jured by bombs than army per-0 rs, nuied was the mam ac reo- measure to give home rule to the its members obviously were more lurd b bobs hanai'Y pr-sanitation engineers, community ed as the Viet Nam war c~l- Dsrc fClmi.Bt eecnendwt etn lce sonnel." he said. . development experts and others, tinued in one of its erioi lulls. District of Columbia. Both were concerned with getting elected At a hospital in Saigon serving a spokesman said. on the President's'program than with te President's pro- both military and civilians, he Hall said there is about one A general upsurge in terrorism Also brushed aside were bills grains and prestige. It sharply said the war-injured ratio was 10 doctor per 30000 people in Viet or a large-scale offensive by the calling for election law and con- cut the President's programs and civilians to one soldier. Noting Nam much lower ratio than be- Communists to co-incide with the gressional r e f o r m s, four-year prestige. It sharply cut the Presi- that more than 5,000 Americans Nare the war opening of the Manila summit I terms for House members, foreign dent's boosted allotments for the have died in Viet Nam since 1960 "Compared to tne situation here conference apparently failed to trade expansion, conservation of more popular education and he said in an interview: in America, a sick or injured Viet-materialize wild river areas, a truth-in-lending j health programs. Inadequate Treatment namese has about one chance in "The probabilities are that ' 44 of getting a doctor," he said. there are 5,000 civilians deaths "Sanitary conditions are de- from the war every six months." plorable, much worse than beforeOO N L Y ' Many, he added, die from wound the war. It seems that the people infections which are not ade- have lost their spirit and lost their. M J " Y l ? l A L Y ! C.. quately treated. Hall, who spent six weeks in Viet Nam to survey medical needs there for Church World Service.I .. ., ... .,__ ., ..: . . 1 So far as is known, all the other an interdenominational Protestant chiefs of state weie in their suites. and Orthodox relief agency, said The chants and shouts of the health care for civilians has grad- protesters were audible in John- ually shrunk. son's fourth-floor hotel suite. The war is consuming the med- The demonstration near John- ical care and the beds," he said. son's hotel was the first sizeable "This leaves the average sick per- show of animosity in Manila, son who would get well, if he were will even to try to maintain de- cent conditions." Civilian Clearance In a multibattalion force of U S. 1st Infantry Division troops- perhaps 2,000 men or more-push- ed along the banks of the Saigon River yesterday in a major opera- tion to clear Viet Cong from the area for resettlement of South Vietnamese civilians. The operation, first called Beth- OPENS TONIGHT! World News Roundup CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. - The National Aeronautics and Space Administration plans to launch a powerful Atlas-Centaur rocket at dawn today in a test intended to fully qualify the booster for un- manned flights to the moon and planets. The shot is one of two sched- uled here this week. At 6:05 p.m. Wednesday, the Communications Satellite Corp. is to launch a payload toward a stationary orbit high above the Pacific Ocean to open up the first commercial space communications links between North America and Southeast Asia. GRENADA, Miss. - Police ar- rested 214 Negro marcherse-most of them school-age children-yes- terday when they refused to stop at barricades around integrated Grenada schools. Those arrested were charged with obstructing normal use of public sidewalks and refusing to obey an order to disperse. Police said the marchers refused to turn back at highway patrol barricades two blocks from the school where patrolmen have been stopping everyone but pupils and their parents since early Septem- ber, What ? $100 TWO KOSHER CORNED members BEEF OR PASTRAMI $125 SANDWICHES non-members MARTHA GRAHAM IUIE "~One of the miracles of our timne!"-N.Y. HERALD TRIBUNE i 0 I