ELECTION TAX CREDIT: DISCRIMINATORY? See Editorial Page Y Sfi Fr4 43U1 4ait1 WARMER High-65 Low-26 Mild, little chance . of rain Seventy-Six'Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVII, No. 46 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1966 SEVEN CENTS EIGHT PAGES Chemical War Research Sparks Peit Debate By DAVID KNOKE University Prof. Richard Mann of the psychology department dur- ing an international teach-in last year in Toronto, cited the Institu- tue of Co-operative Research (ICR) at the University of Penn- sylvania with conducting Viet Nam-linked studies in biological and chemical warfare. He could hardly have foreseen that such an accusation would blow up into a year-long contro- versy that would tear apart the campus with bitter debate and, in the end, essentially, leave the situation unchanged . The activities at the 11-year-old . inter-disciplinary ICR were first brought to public attention by the Pennsylvania Area Committee to End the War in Viet Nam (PACEWV) on Oct. 6, 1965. PACEWV sent an open letter to' Pennsylvania President Gaylord P. Harnwell asking the university to cancel all its chemical and bio- logical warfare contracts and make public the previous work of ICR. A student member of PACEWV employed at the Penn bookstore had observed over the summer that of 90 books ordered specific- ally for ICR, 20 dealt with the diseases of Southeast's stable crop, rice, and the dispersion of toxic agents in the atmosphere. An- other 30 books dealt explicitly with China and Viet Nam. The ICR "Annual Reports" also described c l a s s i f i e d projects SPICERACK and SUMMIT: "the feasibility of the use of tempor- arily incapacitating chemical and biological agents in specified mil- itary situations is currently being studied. . . . In addition, present and anticipated accomplishments included research into inducement1 in the biological and chemical re-,and epidemic spreading of wheat search and development program of the U.S. Army are being studied." The student peace group did not charge the university directly with complicity but stated in the open letter that "as long as the ICR remains on campus_ the univer- rust, influenza, anthrax and rice blast and the aerial dispersion of arsenic and cyanide compounds. Shortly thereafter, ICR director Carl Chambers stated the research was being done from a "defensive standpoint." Whatever skepntism remained formal pressure group opposed to the military research allegedly undertaken by the ICR. In the week following the PACEWV's open letter, both the physics de- partment chairman and the chair-! man of the faculty senate came out publicly in opposition to clas- sified research at Penn, saying that results of all research should *CLUZ*,tS.,J iJS5, U1G ItAJ*1y*kl uuml nG U1*.11.. 1 LV ,L jatJ' %. ...,. , .,.l...V1 all..-..,.tll,.. .. sity is culpable in the murderous on campus about the nature of I be "freely publishable." uses to which this research will ICR's work was shaken two weeks PACEWV picketed t h e ICR be put." later when Deputy Defense Secre- building during the International President Harnwell took the tary Cyrus Vance admitted in Days of Protest (Oct. 15-16) and matter seriously enough to consult Washington and the. U.S. "had again on Armistice Day. The fac- with Pentagon officials in Wash- resorted to a 'limited use' of aero- ulty senate adopted a resolution ington the next day and told an sol-sprayed arsenic and cyanide on Nov. 3 asking the university interviewer from the student news- compounds over the rice fields of administration to prohibit secret'! paper that the Army was "very South Viet Nam." research on the campus. upset." Meanwhile, activist f a c u 1 t y The central portion of the reso-: Separately the same day, Prof. members at Penn had leaped into lution, approved by the "largest Knut Krieger, director of projects the controversy, most notably meeting in recent history" of the SPICERACK and SUMMIT told Gabriel Kolko, associate professor faculty senate, was a statement an interviewer that ICR's work of history. Kolko headed an in- previously issued by Harnwell, stating that the university "im- ates" rather than changes univer- five faculty members who were poses no limitation on the free-'sity policy. considering resigning in protest dom of faculty in the choice of Revision of the policies was left over the university's "evasion of fields of inquiry." Contracts with to the discretion of the trustees the basic question;" he said the the government and industry are and the principle of freedom of issue of classification was see- !"undertaken to perform the ne- inquiry could be abrogated only ondary to the nature of the work cessary surveillance to insure ad- during time of national emer- conducted. herence to both the letter and gency. In March the ICR was given spirit of such contracts in order Kolko criticized the resolution two additional grants totalling spirt ohfr sur ssmaybsokscr iz te rotion t$900,000 by the Department of De- Sthat their purposes may be ac- as obscur~e; his own motion to fense to do an inter-disciplinary complished effectively, economic- condemn the specific content of study of the "threat to national ally and equitably to all con- ICR research was defeated, security posed by cftemical 'and 'corned." The campus-wide debate con- biological agents and defensive The faculty added a statement tinued unabated through the win- and offensive potentials 'of such calling for the steering committee ter. PACEWV staged a demon- anti-bacteriological systems, in- of the University Council to advise Istration, which hecklers turned cludirig their possible feasibility," the university upon "any policy into a free-for-all. Faculty mem- according to Krieger. Many fac- concerning the conduct of re- bers sympathetic to the work be- ulty members were shocked at the search programs." The University ing done at ICR held informative projects' renewal. Krieger had Council, composed of elected mem- seminars on the nature and uses said in February, "Our work is bers of the faculty and adminis- of chemical warfare. purely defensive and has no par- tration, approved this resolution Biochemistry Prof. Albert Mild- ticular application to the war in which Harnwell later said "deline- van claimed he had the names of See VIET, Page 2 } i Conscription ' Has Done Teach-in Set } _ idtita 1aiI No Bio-Chem For Sunday NEWS WIRE War Studies NSA Vice-President, Unclassified Defense Stanford Student Head Contracts Used For To Speak at Hill Aud. Where can you find a pacifist who returned his, draft card to, his board, a National Student As- sociation vice-president campaign- ing against university co-opera- tion with the Selective Service, and various other debaters, pro and con, of conscripted military service? Obviously at a draft teach-in, where else? Student Government Council and the University Activi- ties Center will co-host one from' 2:30 p.m. to 1 a.m. Sunday, Oct. 30. David Harris, the pacifist turn- ed student body president of Stanford University, will speak in Hill Aud. for abolition of con- '~scription. He will be followed by Edward Schwartz, NSA vice-pres- ident for national affairs, who will kick-off NSA's campaign for alternative service and university non-compliance with the class ranking system. The tentative schedule for the day's activities calls for the main speakers to wind up at Hill Aud. by 5 p.m. A dinner will follow un- til 7 p.m. at which time a series of seminars will be held in differ- ent rooms around the campus. Workshops Workshops from 9:30 to 11:303 on various applied 'topics will be followed by a wrap-up from 11:45 until 1 a.m. on Monday. Permis- sion for women in dormitories to stay out after regular closing hours will probably be available for the teach-in. Seminar topics will cover: the viability of a national lottery; the concept of universal military and non-military service; alternative services; abolition of conscrip- tion; and university involvement in Selective Service in general and on ranking in particular. t Workshop topics will deal with more practical means of working to achieve desired objectives. ' Decision-Making These will include methods for affecting University decision-mak- ing on the issue of ranking stu- dents on academic criteria for the Selective Service. Also to be considered are means of influ-; encing the Marshall Commission's recommendations to the President on changes in the draft to be made next year, and alternatives and abolition of any form of com- pulsory military service. INTER HOUSE ASSEMBLY, in a meeting last night, sup- ported the efforts of Student Government Council in holding a draft referendum and also presented the results of a survey concerning regulation of women's hours. IHA, in supporting the referendum, will circulate letters and bring speakers to the dormitories to present arguments on the subject The survey concerning women's hours showed that a ma- jority of women living in the dormitories now favor abolition of sophomore women's hours and about 50 per cent favor apartment privileges for sophomore women A motion was also passed which authorized the Executive Board to endorse candidates for IHA during the SGC election, DEAN WILLIAM N. HUBBARD, Jr. of the University medical school was installed yesterday as the president of the Association of American Medical Colleges. Dean Hubbard's one-year term begins as United States med- ical educators confront the problem of supplying vastly in- creased numbers of both doctors and auxiliary personnel without sacrificing the quality of American medical care. The AAMC objectives are, according to Dean Hubbard, "to strengthen, expand, and cooperate with all educational programs that are important to the nation's health, with particular con- cern for the entire span of education and training for the medical profession and health sciences." THE FINAL FLU SHOT CLINIC for University students, fac- ulty, and spouses will be held from 8 to 11:30 a.m. and 1 to 4:30 p.m. today at Health Service. * - * ABOUT 80 FACULTY MEMBERS of the literary college re- sponded to the invitation of residential college planners and attended an informational meeting on the new college and its faculty needs yesterday. The basic purpose of the meeting was to answer any questions about the college that faculty members interested in teaching there might have. The meeting was con- ducted by Burton D. Thuma, associate dean of the literary col- lege,' and director of the residential college, who said he was pleased with turn-out. Thuma emphasized that those who teach in the residential college may do so either full or part-time, and will retain their positions in the literary college. He said he hoped teachers in the residential college will have "1) a sincere interest in teaching the undergraduate student, 2) a receptivity to innovation and ex- periment in the undergraduate teaching process, and 3) pro- fessional qualifications which maintain the standards of the parent (literary) college." The college will start operation next fall in East Quadrangle with 234 students. THE NATIONAL STUDENT ASSOCIATION, a group which opposes the draft, said yesterday that it would submit findings on student attitudes toward conscription to the President's Na- ional Advisory Board Committee on the Selective Service. The findings will be obtained in referendums on 30 to 40 campuses late in November. About 1,000 colleges and universities are being asked to hold such referendums as soon as possible, according to W. Eugene Groves, president of the association. The referendum will include,'questions asking whether col- leges should cooperate in granting student deferments by releas- ing grades, and whether the draft should be abolished. iMicrobiology W ork k 3 fThe University has no clas- sified research contracts to carry out research into chemical, biolo- gical or radiological offehsve wea- Pons," accordng to Geoffrey A. Norman, vice-president for re-: search. A major factor is the Umier- sity's contractual policy of insist- ing upon open publication of any basic knowledge that a researcher may uncover in the course of his investigations. ThecUniversity in the past has had contracts with the Army I Chemical Corps' Biological Labor- atories in Ft. Detrick, Maryland. to do unclassified research in The Action for uman Rights a microbiology. Wagner, owner of the residence Ft. Detrick's primary purpose, as described in the March, 1964, Armed Forces Chemical Journal, is "the investigation of biological R ig h ts ! agents, weapons and defenses; against such weapons.' Prof. Donald J. Merchant, of the microbiology dept. in thee Medical School, has studied theA physiology of animal cells in vitro (outside the body) for producing virus. The basic research involved By SUE REDFERN is learning how to handle the virus and studying its interactions' Action for Human Rights an with the host cells. ad hoc committee composed o Merchant indicated that under University students, faculty, and ecant c a reports sent to Ft Ann Arbor residents, decided last Detrick may lead to further wor tnight to continue picketing the Detrck ay eadto urter orkhome of Martin Wagner. that might be classified. The committee charged that Prof. Philipp Gerhardt, also of Wagner had evicted two Univer- the microbiology dept. from 1953- sity students, Carol Sue Oakes and 1965 until he became department Sharon Johnson, graduate stu- chairman at Michigan State Uni- dents in the school of social work, versity, has done unclassified re- because they had entertained Ne- search for Ft. Detrick. gro friends. The two students oc- Gerhardt was a consultant for cupied a home which Wagner Ft. Detrick during and immediate- owned and rented to them on a ly after the Second World War monthl basis. and superintendant of bio-labs at Picketing began Sunday morn- the Pine Bluff Arsenal during the ing and continued until 5, and Korean war. He continued to do was resumed yesterday between 3 consultation work for Ft. Detrick and 5:30 p.m. The committee plans on his own while an employee of to hold picket lines at least until -Daily-Bernie Baker id hoc committee pickets yesterday in front of the home of Martin where alleged racial discrimination occurred. C.ro upPro tests. RacitPr"ejudice were notified two days later that the committee last night stated: their rent had been raised, and "Action for Human Rights is received notice of eviction effec- supporting the two women in the tive Dec. 1 Tuesday, Oct. 18. following demands: On Thursday, Oct. 20, the two 1. That they be allowed to have women met with Wagner's attor- friends of their own choosing visit ney, Arthur E. Carpenter of Ann them in .their home, as provided Arbor, and reached a negotiated by law. settlement which Wagner subse- 2. That a public written apology quently rejected. According to for threatening the girls' lives be Dawley, Wagner's refusal to ac- submitted to them by Wagner. cept the agreement was the inci- 3. That the terms of their ten- dent which motivated the com- ancy be maintained as originally mittee to picket Wagrer's home. agreed upon (before the alleged A Dress statement released by racial incidents)." ,Mosher Girls Submit H 0i Conference At Manila Shows Unity General Agreement Prevails Among Asian Leaders and Johnson MANILA (P) - The sevep-na- tion summit conference on Viet Nam entered its final working day today with a display of unity. If there were major disagree- ments among President Johnson and the six Pacific nation chiefs of state, it appeared these would be bypassed in the final communi- que. They were reportedly agreed on 99 per cent of what the final statement would contain, The summit conference had the look of a high-powered peace -of- fensive, but so far as Communist Vietnamese demands were con- cerned, there evidently would be no Weakening basic allied posi- tion. Sources said the "hawk" ele- ments at the conference were hap- py an4 satisfied with points in the 'statement dealing with the territorial integrity of Viet Nam, self-determination, and on con- sultations among all the allies before any peace negotiations. Insistent The South Vietnamese leaders have been insistent on this, as if warning there must be no ap- proach to North Viet Nam with- out their agreement to terms. They were also reported seek- ing assuraices that any peace agreement would Anot prevent the Saigon regime-from continuing its efforts to break down the struc- ture of the Viet Cong organiza- tion. Statements made thus far by leaders, including President John- son, hammered on the theme that the Communists could not win. The President himself said yes- terday that allied determination and unity would produce negotia- tions or an end to Red aggression, and others stressed what they de- scribed as progressive weakening of the Communist side. Assistants While the seven leaders met, their assistants at lower levels la- bored on the conimunique, from time to time consulting with their foreign ministers. Tle statement they will produce was described by one source as "thorough in every sense of the word," indicating it alwould be a long statement with points carefully spelled out. Although the U.S. commander in Viet Nam, Gen. William C. Westmoreland, told the summit conference there would. be need for more troops there, he drew a picture of steadily declining Com- munist effectiveness. He said the troops would be needed for a pro- gram of 'pacification and recon- struction-what President John- son calls "the other war" in Viet Nam. White House press secretary Bill D. Moyers, after yesterday's de- liberations, quoted Johnson as saying allied unity and determi- nation would bring a Viet Nam peace either through a peace con- ference or by a decision of the Communist side to stop its ag- gression Manila Summit The Manila summit, he said, should proauce a unity vhich would provide a new fuel for peace, and he added: "Let the bullies of the world know that when they do attack their neigh- bors, the friends of their neigh- bors will be there to resist." The United States has been un- derscoring its view of this meet- the University. Gerhardt said this was a "r unusual arrangement" buta that it had been cleared wit University administration. There is no written policya the acceptance of contract volving controversial areas biological weaponry. Howeve: contracts are evaluated on a dividual basis. "Most of our research is1 and not oriented towards items," said Norman. I Wednesday. 1 t/ 1C1I1UL119I G LIL V11 ather David Dawley, a graduate stu- added dent in social work and spokesman ' added r By MICHAEL DOVER ; if Shelley was up, conscious, and d h the about) s in- like r, the: n in- basic end for the committee, explained that-No racial trouble began shortly after Nocomment. coherent she could come in at Laoraywbeekegnswhernyagt- That sums up the story of the 7:30. In the meantime, Shelley Labor Day weekend, when Wag- Mosher girls' petition concerning had gotten dressed and went down ner rivd complaits fom their housemother, a petition to find out. when she could get he Negro visitors, which perhaps-just perhaps - to a doctor. suggests that the girls aren't on She was told she couldn't go to Neighbors' Complaints the best of terms with her. Health Service. She then asked Wagner's daughter Joan, who I At least one isn't: Shelley Kap- her housemother if she could call lived in the house with Miss Oakes lowitz, '70, who has been in Uni- an ambulance from University and Miss Johnstone, was ap- versity Hospital since September Hospital. . proached by neighbors who said 28 as the result of a dislocated Mrs. Frymier said that it was that they did not want their chil- spinal vertebrae. 5 in the morning and that she dren to see whites and Negroes John Pearson, manager of couldn't leave now. together. I Stockwell and Mosher Halls, later Shelley waited until 7:30 and According to the committee, asked her to withdraw informa- Miss Simcoke, her resident ad- *,r... oh hat rlaaaltoha Dniliv d r vP her over to Health JOINT PROGRAM: Miss Oakes and Miss Johnstone ion she ad reeasedo t ay. were subjected to continued har- But she had already given this Computers To Aid Classroom Teaching rassment from Mr. and Mrs version of what 'had happened on Wagner, who threatened to evict the morning of September 27: them if they continued to enter- In Pain By WALLACE IMMEN remedial information and resource This is, however, just an initial dents on any of the campuses. Ittain Negroes. It was 4:30 in the morning and A $1.2 million request from the material on specialized topics. He program between the t h r e e would give students of smaller "Joan Wagner told me and Shelley was lying on the floor state legislature for establishment also said that not all of the ap- schools. Ericksen reports that colleges access to educational ma- Carol Sue that Mrs. Wagner di- of the fourth floor corridor of of a three-university computer propriation is earmarked for the most of the work done will be terials already availabe at larger rected her to tell us the follow- Mosher-in pain. She had fall- network will be used for the de- purchase of the small computers developmental, "but with steadily institutions. ing: that the Wagners wanted no en and dislocated two spinal ver- velopment of computers as "sup- which will link the three schools. growing use for instructional pur- Excellent Position Negroes in that house, We were to tebrae. But no one knew that, plements to classroom instruc- Training Programmers poses at schools throughout the "Michigan is in an excellent tell our Negro friends not to visit including Shelley herself. tion," according to Prof. Stanford A significant amount of the state." position through this program,' us at our house or we had to erid ent o (ho s Ericksen, director of the Univer- total will be used for training pro- Remedial Aids Eicksen notes, "to take the lead leave," Miss Johnstone said. decin) cometd the si- sity's Center for Research and grammers and coders who will The plaE will commence with in delevopment of computer tech- On Oct. 2, Wagner is reported uation) called the assistant house. Learning and Teachg. operate the equipment. A program coputer programs in portions of nology as an .educational public by the committee to have called I the housemother, Mrs. Edith The University, Michigan State, will also be established to acquaint smthe two women and threatened rye teho he rs. Eith and Wayne State universities are university instructors with com- course ad which w il e aid utility-"them with a shotgun if they did ier jointly sponsoring the first step: puters as a new educational re- andiabl as rotie r d is I Wide instructional applications not vacate the house within 24 That was when the trouble be- in a study of the application of source. . for the t o o computers are eveloping in hours. The next day a complaint gan, according to Shelley. the comuter as an instructional I The system in use would emlo: tiona iary materials, three areas: collegiate education, was filed with the Ann Arbor Hu- T -m, n ar in , - V180r, UU e iVCLU 1C11 Service. She was transferred to University Hospital the nextdday, where she was given a spinal fu- sion to relocate the vertebrae she had dislocated. Again, Shelley's account is the only one available.- Shelley is feeling better now, but had to drop out of schogl this semester due to her stay in the hospital. When she leaves the hos- pital in about three weeks she will go back to Mosher to live for the rest of the term. It has been learned the resi- dents of Mosher were upset by all this and drew up a petition of undisclosed contents. The only information that Pear- son would release was that it was Anior by 95 ner cent of the girls