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October 23, 1966 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-10-23

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Report Analyzes Viet Dilemma

'U' Officials, Faculty Blast

(Continued from Page 3) the Iron Triangle were not im-

Dozens of "spoiler operations"
followed and for the first time in
the war the allied side truly was
calling the tune rather than leav-
ing it to the Communists to pick
time and place for a major battle.
North Vietnamese commanders
also learned some lessons: Com-
munist Chinese propaganda that
America was a paper tiger did not
apply to the rugged young men of
Gen. Westmoreland's s w e llin g
command. Communist troops are
proud of their discipline under
fire, their aggressiveness and will
to win. They found an enemy that
could match them in these traits.
They found that the American
formula to win, with the South
Vietnamese army unable to stem
the tide, was effective after all.
Anerican air and artillery took
a terrible retribution when the
Communists hit an American unit.
Jungle hideouts safe since the
early days of the French war were
hammered by B-52s and long-
range artillery. Weary Communist
commanders learned that even
such redoubts as War Zone D and

nune to a sudden visit by troop-
laden helicopters.
Allied Strategy Simple
Allied strategy was strangely
simple compared to the vast com-
plexities of a war in which polit-
ical and military considerations
share importance.
First, the enemy's big units
must be found and hit with swift
attacks in a series of meat-grin-
der operations that would grad-
ually force the enemy to break
up into smaller and smaller units
for survival.
As the big units were forced out
of their old stomping grounds,
government t r o o p s, political
cadres, teachers and administra-
tion would come in behind to ex-
tend the area under'Saigon's con-
Bishop Reubf

trol. This is generally referred to
as pacification.
Cut Enemy Supply Lines
Meanwhile, ground troops in
South Viet Nam and Navy and
Air Force warplanes in the North
and in Laos cut the enemy's sup-
ply lines to halt or slow the Com-
munists' ability to move in fresh
troops and material, especially
such items as ammunition, food
and medicine.
A year and a half after the first
U.S. ground combat units arrived
and five years after President
Kennedy sent the first combat ad-
visers, the best than can be said
is that the over-all plan is in its
beginning stages. U.S. and allied
troops are engaging only about
five per cent of the reported Com-
munist force in the South.

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(Continued from Page 1)1
"Cutler's power and ego were
severly diminished in the HUAC
thing. Giving him all this power
is a way of building him up:
again," the official said. Another
official charged that "the very
necessity of having to enumerate
all these powers of the Vice-Pres-
ident reaffirms the low status of
Cutler's office. If he really had
power and the full respect of
others there would be no need to
spell out all this new authority."
However, Prof. Robert Knauss
of the law school who chaired a
recent Senate Assembly Commit-
tee on University Affairs commit-
tee on student participationhere
said he thought "there should be
a complete review of non-aca-
demic discipline," as provided for
in the new regulations.
Knauss added that he thought
"It would have been better to get
wide consultation with students
and faculty before bringing the
new regulations to the Regents."
John Manning, assistant to as-
sociate Dean James H. Robertson
of the literary college said he was
deeply concerned about the sud-
den change in policy.
"Until now no student at the
university could be expelled with-
out the explicit approval of his
college. Both the faculty code and

a long respected tradition have i However, another SGC member
insisted on direct faculty involve-:Ruth Baumann, '68, took a dimmer

ment in such cases."
"It appears that this is sud-
denly no longer guaranteed by
the Regents, I find it difficult to
understand why Dr. Cutler would
recommend unilaterally the abro-
gation of such a guarantee even if
he intends to maintain the prac-
tices of the past."
Prof. Abraham Kaplan of the

view of the sitain
"Our power, whatever we have
left (on SGC), seems to be merely
temporary--subject to removal by
Cutler at any time. Even the SGC
plan is subject to change via his
"It seems ironic that on the
same day that the Regents ap-
proved the plans for the advisory
committees to the Vice-Presidents
they gave Cutler almost absolute




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Ther'sa certain pride of

philosophy department said that power over student non-academic
he "supported Cutler's view that affairs and student organizations."
there has to be some ultimate__
source of authority."
He added, however, that while
he "felt the new proposal is some-
thing that needs to be done," he
opposed putting "the emphasis on AsM anila iM eet
the rules and punishments for the
rules." Oueiis Monday
But Student Government Coun- p
cil President Ed Robinson ex- SAIIGON, South Viet Nam (R)-
pressed cautious optimism about A lull in major ground fighting
the import of the new regulations. persisted in the Viet Nam war yes-
Hypersensitive terday, but intelligence reports
"I saw Cutler after the Regents reaching allied commanders indi- 4
meeting," said Robinson and "he cated stepped up action by the
looked very calm. I think perhaps Viet Cong is coming to coincide
the reason he has been so tight with the Manila summit confer-
and hypersensitive this fall is that ence opening tomorrow.
he didn't have a specific job set Allied commanders were prepar-
up for him. Now that he has these ing for an expected surge of Com-
powers I'm hoping he'll work in a munist terror and military acti-
more relaxed way." vity over the next few days. 4



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(By the author of "Rally Round the Flag, Boys!",
"Dobie Gillis," etc.)
Way back in 1953 I started writing this column about
campus life. Today, a full 13 years later, I am still writing
this column, for my interest in undergraduates is as been
and lively as ever. This is called "arrested development."
But where else can a writer find a subject as fascinating
as the American campus? Where else are minds so nettled,
bodies so roiled, psyches so unglued?
Right now, for example, though the new school year has
just begun, you've already encountered the following dis-
1. You hate your teachers.
2. You hate your courses.
3. You hate your room-mates.
4. You have no time to study.
5. You have no place to study.
Friends, let us, without despair, examine your problems
one by one.
1. You hate your teachers. For shame, friends! Try
looking at things their way. Take your English teacher,
for instance. Here's a man who is one of the world's
authorities on Robert Browning, yet he wears $30 tweeds
and a pre-war necktie while his brother Sam, a high school
dropout, earns 70 thou a year in aluminum siding. Is it so
hard to understand why he writes "F" on top of your
themes and "Eeeyich!" in the margin? Instead of hating
him, should you not admire his dedication to scholarship,
his disdain for the blandishments of commerce? Of course
you should. You may flunk, but Pippa passes.
2. You hate your courses. You say, for example, that
you don't see the use of studying Macbeth when you are
majoring in veterinary medicine. You're wrong, friends.
Believe me, some day when you are running a busy kennel,
you'll be mighty glad you learned "Out, damned Spot!"
3. You hate your room-mates. This is, unquestionably,
a big problem-in fact, the second biggest problem on
American campuses. (The first biggest, of course, is on
which side of your mortar board do you dangle the tassel
at Commencement?) But there is an answer to the room-
mate problem: keep changing room-mates. The optimum
interval, I have found, is every four hours.
4. You have no time to study. Friends, I'm glad to re-
port there is a simple way to find extra time in your busy
schedule. All you have to do is buy some Personna Super
Stainless Steel Blades. Then you won't be wasting pre-
cious hours hacking away with inferior blades, mangling
your face again and again in a tedious, feckless effort to
winnow your whiskers. Personna shaves you quickly and
slickly, easily and breezily, hacklessly, scrapelessly, tug-
lessly, nicklessly, scratchlessly, matchlessly. Furthermore,
Personna Blades last and last. Moreover, they are avail-
able both in double-edge and Injector style. And, as if this
weren't enough, Personna is now offering you a chance to
grab a fistful of $100 bills. The Personna Super Stainless
Steel Sweepstakes is off and running! You can win $10,000
and even more. Get over to your Personna dealer for de-
tails and an entry blank. Don't just stand there!
5. You have no place to study. This is a thorny one, I'll
admit, what with the library so jammed and the dorms so
noisy. But with a'little ingenuity, you can still find a quiet,
deserted spot-like the ticket office of the lacrosse team..
Or a testimonial dinner for the dean. Or the nearest re-
cruiting station.

8:30 p.m.-Dance Festival Con-
cert: Hosho Noh Japanese Dance
Troop will perform in Hill Aud.
8 p.m.-The APA Repertory Co.
will present Sartre's "The Flies" in
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.,.
On Being

8 p.m.-The APA Repertory Co.
will present Sartre's "The Flies"
in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
8:30 p.m.-Dance Festival Con-
cert: The Robert Jeffrey Ballet
will perform in Hill Aud.
7 and 9 p.m.-Cinema' Guild
Halloween Weekend Festival will
present Val Newton's "Dracula"
in the Architecture Aud.
7:30 p.m.-Office of Religious
Affairs Lecture: Prof. Thomas J.
J. Althizer of Emory University
will speak on "Radical Theology
and the Death of God: A Discus-
sion" in the Michigan Union ball-
8 p.m.-The APA Repertory Co.
will present Sartre's "The Flies"
in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
8:30 p.m.-The University Wood-
wind Quintet will perform in,

The Week To Come:A Cam





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pus Calendar
7:30 p.m.-Office of Religious
Affairs Lecture: The Rev. William
Hamilton of the Colgate-Roches-
ter Divinity School will speak on
"Racial Theology and the Death
of God: Further Discussion' in
the Rackham Aud.
8 p.m.-The APA Repertory Co.
will present Sartre's "The Flies"
in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
7 and 9 p.m.-Cinema Guild
Halloween Weekend Festival will
present James Whalen's "The
Bride of Frankenstein" in the Ar-
chitecture Aud.
8 p.m.-The APA Repertory Co.
will present Sartre's "The Flies".
in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.'
8:30 p.m.-Dance Festival Con-
cert: The Fiesta Mexicana Dance
Company will perform in Hill Aud.
2:30 and 8 p.m.-The APA Rep-
ertory Company will present Sar-

Rackham Lecture Hall. tres' "The Flies" in the Lydia
FRIDAY, OCT. 28 Mendelssohn Theatre.
7 and 9 p.m.-Cinema Guild 7 and 9 p.m.-Cinema Guild
Halloween Weekend Festival will Halloween Weekend Festival will
present John Parker's "Demen- present Ted Browning's "Freaks"
tia" in the Architecture Aud in Architecture Aud.
USE OF THIS COLUMN FOR AN- Graduate Outing Club, Hiking and
NOUNCEMENTS is available to officially horseback riding, Sun., Oct. 23, 2 p.m.,
recognized and registered organizations Rackham Bldg., Huron St. entrance.
only. Forms are available in Room 1011
* * * Gamma Delta, Supper at 6 p.m. fol-'t
Folk Dance Club (WAA), Folk dance, lowed by a panel discussion on "new
Mon., Oct. 24, 8:30-11:30 p.m., Wom- morality" from a Christian point of
en's Athletic Bldg. view at 7 p.m.. Oct. 23, 1511 Washtenaw,
t* * *, University Lutheran Chapel.
Baha'i Student Group, Informal dis-
cussion, Fri., Oct. 21, 8 p.m., 335 East
Huron, Apt. 5. All welcome. University Lutheran Chapel, 1511
* * * Washtenaw, Oct. 23. 9:45 and 11:15 a.m.
Sociedad Hispanica, Tertulia-Span- services, Rev. Eugene Nissen in charge.
ish conversation in an Hispanic at- Holy Communion will be celebrated i
mosphere, Mon., Oct. 24. 3-5 p.m., 3050 in both services; "This Do Ye." Bible
Frieze Bldg. class at 11:15 a.m.

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