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October 23, 1966 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1966-10-23

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Seventy-Sixth Year


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Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH.
ruth Will Prevail

NEws PHONE: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.


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The Difference Between
Protest and Sabotage


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THE CULTURAL exchange program be-
tween the United States and the So-
viet Union, which has probably contrib-
uted more to international understand-
ing than any other single project, is be-
ing threatened by the actions of a few
extreme individuals who persist in try-
ing to -sabotage the efforts of both na-
tions to move toward a relaxation of
FRIDAY NIGHT'S concert in Detroit by
the Moscow Chamber Orchestra, a su-
perb instrumental group, was disrupted
by several members of the right-wing
Breakthrough organization. Apparently
these individuals, who also belong to
the John Birch Society, felt they were do-
ing their part to make this world a more
decent place in which to live by disrupt-
ing and picketing the concert.
One of them went on stage, forcing a
halt in the concert. A scuffle followed
between the diligent protector of Amer-
ica's freedoms and a justifiably outraged
member of the audience. Two Break-
through members were arrested, and the
audience booed them as they left. For-
tunately, the mentality which sees a
worldwide conspiracy to subvert the
American Way in the act of sending some
Russian musicians to perform in this
country is limited only to a few pathet-
ically sick individuals.
But damage was done to the cultural
exchange program. The chamber group's
director, Rudolf Barshai, was understand-
ably upset and protested the incident to
the State Department.
How many other Russian artistic groups
and individuals - renowned throughout
the world for their unparalleled quality-
will be eager to go on an American tour
when incidents like the one in Detroit
IT IS DANGEROUS and foolish to try to
equate political issues with culture in
any form. For example, Hitler was known
to be an admirer of Richard Wagner's
music, yet that fact did not and should
not have prevented the appreciation and
performance of Wagner's music in this
country and our Allies resisting the Nazi
Likewise, throughout the tension-filled
period of the cold war, Russian ballet
groups such as the Bolshoi, orchestras
such as the Leningrad Philharmonic, and
solo instrumentalists like Emil Gilels and
David Oistrakh have played to capacity
audiences in this country. No one has
suggested that Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky
should not be read or that Tchaikovsky's

music cannot be played because of poli-
tical differences between the U.S. and the
Soviet Union.
IT IS THROUGH the arts that human
beings both in the U.S. and in Com-
munist nations can discover a common
bond and realize the all-important fact
that humanity must co-exist harmoni-
ously despite differences in their poli-
tical, economic and social systems--dif-
ferences which in some cases may be well
justified because of a particular nation's
social and historical heritage.
However, it is the paranoid individual
in our society, both on the Right and on
the Left, who threatens the laborious but
slowly progressing efforts by mankind to
reach greater mutual understanding. The
John Birchite who sees a Red under every
bed and the New Left ideologue who can
find nothing good in American society
both suffer from a persistent delusion
that paints the world in bold black and
white strokes, ignoring the ultimate real-
ity that most issues can only be solved
in that vast grey area where differing
opinions and systems of thought must
be reconciled to produce a meaningful
THUS, THE ATTEMPTS of organiza-
tions such as Breakthrough to break
down and destroy the hard-won steps to-
ward international understanding, which
are being taken in spite of the Viet Nam
war, must be condemned. To be sure, any
political organization has a right to prop-
agate its opinions through peaceful dem-
onstrations and picketing.
But when a group invades a concert
and forces the orchestra members to re-
treat backstage in humiliation, the line
between free expression of opinion and
disturbance of the peace has certainly
been crossed.
Managing Editor
(AN YOU BELIEVE your eyes and ears?
I don't know anymore. After seeing
Lyndon Johnson wave his great hand
over Samoa this week and command that
it arise and walk, it is hard to know what
to accept. If he could only do that sort
of thing back home...
Perhaps Johnson isn't God, but did you
notice how that tidal wavebacked down?
Then again, maybe there was no tidal
wave. Maybe the whole thing is a hoax.
Associate Editorial Director j



The Children 's Community:

Yea Kids!

Daily Guest Writer
"Start new kinds of schools.
Don't coerce the children. Don't
test them and grade them.
Don't pretend that they .are all
alike. Have patience and faith in
the innate powers of life."
-A. S. Neill, "Summerhill"
the cornerstone of the Ann Ar-
bor Children's Community School.
The school meets at the Friends
Center, weekday mornings, and it
is open to anyone.
The children's ages range from
four to six years. Those who can-
not afford tuition do not pay; oth-
ers pay according to a sliding
scale. The teachers at the school,
aided by assistants, are certified
teachers, college students, poets.
THE SCHOOL recognizes, along
with a growing number of icono-
clastic educators, that the rela-
tionship between a child's curiosity
and his environment is the most
crucial factor in the learning proc-
Rote mechanical learning has
become a death-blow to the for-
mation of a human being. But
building a bridge between what is
of organic, innate interest to the
child and that interest's extension
into his uniquely-perceived envir-
onment can enable the child to
become a healthy, happy adult.
A child should be free to fol-
low nis own inclinations into what-
ever constructive direction they

TO A CHILD, a word is not a
typographical abstraction; it is
alive with the fire of being. To a
child, a number is not merely a
quantitative abbreviation: it burns
with a multitude of flowers, stars,
stones, trees.
To a child, play is the act of
shaping and defining living inner
perceptions. It is by following
this humanization of external
reality, that a child can come into
true contact with that reality.
This is the bright red exclama-
tion point of our school!
WE DO NOT intend to be caught
up in the authoritarian grind-

stones of American education.
Rather we intend to bring our
grain to life.
We believe, therefore, that a
child's living environment is not
to be prestructured, but rather
that the school structure is to
have a natural relationship with
the growing process. The school
fits the child.
Thus, our school is not at all
limited to a classroom; it probes
with its antennae itno the entire
outside world. The community is
more truly our classroom - the
buildings our desks, the streets
our paders, imagination our ink.
We take trips. (Once we traced

the life history of an apple from
the orchard to the. grocery store.
The children are now more fa-
miliar with both the natural and
economic properties of the apples
they eat.)
OUR SCHOOL is approximately
half white and half black, but it
is crucial to note that it is not
founded on rockbed integration.
For no two cultures are miscible
to the extent that their essential,
almost chemical properties can be
What we try to achieve isthe
opportunity for independent, uni-

que cultures to act as catalysts
upon one another; to charge each
other with multicolored sparks
bottled in their organic founda-
White and black children re-
ciprocate the warmth of each oth-
er's dialect and customs. Never do
they merge into one another, but
like sugar spooned into tea, sweet-
en all around.
For brotherhood is not a mono-
lith, but two mountains shaking
ACROSS THE U.S. there is a
multitude of schools similar to the
Children's Community-six in New
York state alone. But by multi-
tude, of course, we mean only a
spit in the bucket-a bucket of
bureaucratic proportions.
We have no pretentions to rev-
olutionizing the extant American
education system-at least by a
clash of doctrine. That would be
like David without his slingshot.
However, we hope that at least
some of our approach will work
its way in, like a draft of fresh
air. What we are most concerned
with is giving the children who
attend our school the chance to
grow up uncramped by authori-
tarian preconceptions - to give
shape to their own lives.
WE ARE NOT prophets. We are
only people faced with the hum of
a mechanical society who wish to
banish for a while the hum in the
lives of the children that come to
4Feinberg is an assistant at the
Children's Community.)


-Daily-Thomas R. Copi

Letters:* Living in East Quadrangle

A Tribute to Dean Thuma

THE REGENTS Friday recognized the
work of two outstanding men in com-
mending the retiring Burton D. Thuma,
director of the residential college, and
naming as his successor Associate Dean
James Robertson of the literary college.
THUMA, WHO-WORKED closely with
the faculty planning committee to
establish the final plans for the exciting
small college within a large university,
deserves every word of the praise the
Regents and, before that, the literary col-
lege executive committee gave him.
Indeed, these two tributes illustrate
Thuma's stature-for Thuma battled with
both groups to ensure that plans for the
new college would not be "economized"
until it could no longer provide the kind
of quality education and academic Inno-
vation which is the aim of the college.
Editorial Staff
BRUCE wASSERSTEIN, Executive Editor
Managing Editor Editorial Director
LEONyARD PRATT.........Associate Managing Editor
JOHN MEREDITH ........ Associate Managing Editor
CHARLOTTE WOLTER .. Associate Editorial Director
ROBERT CARNEY ...... Associate Editorial Director
BABETTE COHN.........,.. Personnel Director
ROBERT MOORE.. ..............Magazine Editor
CHARLES VETZNER ..... ......Sports Editor
JAMES TINDALL ... ........Associate Sports Editor
JAMES LaSOVAGE .......... Associate Sports Editor
GIL SAMBERG....... ...... Assistant Sports Editor
SPORTS NIGHT EDITORS: Grayle Howlett, Howard
Kohn, Bill Levis, Bob McFarland, Clark Norton, Rick
Stern, John Sutkus, Gretchen Twietmeyer, Dave
NIGHT EDITORS: Meredits Eiker, Michael Heffer,
Robert Klivans, Laurence Medow, Roger Rapoport,
Susan Schnepp, Neil Shister.
DAY EDITORS: Robert Bendelow,NealBruss. Wal-
ls e Immen, David Knoke, Mark Levin, Patricia
O'Donohue, Stephen Wildstrom.
Klempner, Dan Okrent, Deborah Reaven, Jennifer
Rhea, Betsy Turner.
Firsheim, Aviva Kempner, Lyn Killin, Carolyn

Workirng carefully and slowly, and guid-
ed by a deep concern for the fundamental
necessities of the. college, Thuma never
gave up, gave out or gave in-and thou-
sands of future college students will be
grateful to him.
IN APPOINTING Dean Robertson to suc-
ceed Thuma when, with a job well
done, he retires this summer, the Re-
gents made an outstanding choice. As
Dean William Haber of the literary col-
lege said in making the recommendation
to the Regents, Robertson combines "the
respect for higher standards of academic
performance and the warm personal in-
terest in the welfare of each student
which should properly characterize the
relationship between the college and its
As a counselor, professor and adminis-
trator, Robertson has gained the affec-
tion and respect of his colleagues and
students. His record is indeed - quoting
Haber again-one of "conspicuous excel-
lence," and so will be that of the residen-
tial college.
ONE FACT, HOWEVER, mars the pleas-
ure which Robertson's appointment
otherwise would give: the proposed col-
lege has yet to receive more than $100 in
private donations. If the Regents and
administrators want to ensure a success-
ful tenure for Robertson as director of
the $11.55 million college, there is but
one way: They must ensure that the goal
of $4 million for it in private donations is
reached-and surpassed.

To the Editor:
THE BOULDING supporters are
by no means a homogeneous
group. Some of the motivations
that compel different people to
support the write-in campaign
1) THE SIMPLEST approach is
that of one who considers ourin-
tervention in Viet Nam to be un-
just, our destruction of the coun-
try to be outrageous and who
cannot, in conscience, vote for
anyone who has voted in favor of
war appropriations enabling our
troops and planes to continue to
kill people. This is a straightfor-
ward position of conscience and all
other considerations become irrel-
2) A second approach is an ex-
tension of the first. Here the fur-
ther consideration would be that
our Viet Nam involvement is an
aberration in a generally correct
American foreign anddomestic
policy. If that is the case then
the question of not supporting a
liberal congressman with whom
one is in agreement on most is-
sues is not to be taken lightly.
Boulding supporters who take this
position have weighed the war is-
sue against other issues and sup-
port the write-in in spite of their
reluctance to see Vivian defeated.
3) A THIRD approach is that
the Viet Nam war is not at all an
aberration but a logical step in a
pattern of American policy, since
1945, starting with the needless
atom bombing of Japan and ex-'
tending through the crushing, or
attempted crushing, of revolutions
in Greece, Iran, Cuba, Santo Do-
mingo, the rearming of Germany,
the overthrow in Guatemala, the
intervention in a civil war in Ko-
rea and so forth.
The conclusion here is that this
pattern will not be broken in the
framework of Republican-Demo-
cratic politics, that the question
of Vivian versus Esch is pure

supporters might agree that the
U.S. pattern is one of counter-
revolution and reaction but that
our actions often fall short of be-
ing as bad as they could have
been. That is, we intervened
against the Bolsheviks in 1919 but
did not send sufficient forces to
be successful; we did not bomb
across the Yalu River; Eisenhower,
despite the insistence of men like
Radford, Nixon and Dulles, did
not send troops in Indo-China in
1954; while we engineered an in-
vasion of Cuba, Kennedy did not
make it an all-out effort.
This interpretation leads to the
conclusion that pressure might be
beaningfully exerted to restrain
our government even within the
present framework., (A sound case
can be made for the preponder-
ance of external rather than in-
ternal pressures for restraint in
most of the above cases-e.g.. the
frantic trips to Washington by Att-
lee and Faure during the Korean
THE QUESTION then is what is
the most effective pressure. In our
situation there seem to be two
ways of answering that:
a) Vivian is inadequate as a
restrainer and therefore our pro-
test must be expressed through
an independent campaign without
concern for whether Vivian there-
by loses, in the hope that this
campaign will lead to a third party
force in Ann Arbor; or
b) Vivian is inadequate and
should indeed be defeated in or-
der that he not become a fixture
in this district-the hope here
would be that in the future pres-
sure for restraint can be brought
to bear by a consistent anti-war
Democratic congressman once the
party here has learned that no
candidate can win without the
votes and the door-to-door leg-
work of the peace people.
THERE ARE compelling enough
arguments in any of these ap-
proaches. It is an aggravated out-

To the Editor:
THINK that it is about time
that somebody write an article
about the living conditions in
the quad. I happen to live in East,
but I'd rather imagine ,that the
conditions are alike in one if not
more of the University housing
The problems are so manythat
it is difficult to know where to
begin. Perhaps a look at East
Quad will suffice as a starter.
THE ROOMS in East look more
like slums than living units for
University students. The walls are
cracked or the paint is peeling
off to leave the affect of a cheap
prison cell that one sees in movies.
Admittedly, no one expects the
University to paint the rooms
every year, but there are 'only two
coats of paint on the walls which
would tend to indicate that the
quad has only been painted twice
since its glorious erection.
I also must admit that the Uni-
versity now has a total of three
painters (a little while ago there
was only one) to decorate all of
the rooms. Perhaps, it should be
admitted also that it would be hard
to find painters who would be
willing to do this work. The oth-
er problems of the "slum" can al-
most be listed; poor lighting, poor
heating, poor bathroom facilities;
not enough closet space, etc., ad
THE PRICE that a student now
pays for his private little castle is
on the humorous side of this
tragedy. For a run-down single
room, a student pays $1,010 while
a person in an overcrowded dou-
ble pays $960. It should be grant-
ed that there is such a thing as
maid service but this is using the
term very loosely. I find it nec-
essary to reclean my room even
after the maid has diligently dust-
ed my chair and window ledge.

out what is happening to Sunday
evening meals, tablecloths, etc.
THERE ARE several more prac.
tical problems than these men-
tioned so far; highly talked about,
in the quad, subject of the open-
open policy. As the policy now
stands, open-open (times when
girls are permitted in the rooms)
are restricted to Friday. and Sat-
urday nights with limited hours.
It is also the ruling that the doors
must be kept open half-way. This,
indeed, is funny.
The reasons for this type of pol-
icy must indeed be ludicrous. It is
perfectly understandable that the
University is agraid of pregnan-
cies, but the University is now re-
stricting part of a student's devel-
opment. If a person is not mature
enough to know what the outcome
of his actions will be, then he does
not belong in this University.
When I was a freshman here, I
kept hearing about the broad op-
portunities for development that
the University offered; now the
other face speaks only of restrict-
ing the student's activities. If a
student cannot use his room for
his own private affairs then he
will turn to go to a friend's apart-
ment. What is the difference?
SEVERAL of my friends go to
schools in the East which have no
such stringent rules for residence
halls, there is a much more re-
laxed atmosphere in boylgirl re-
lationships than there is here.
A criticism though is of little
use without a solution. What I
propose is the girls be allowed
into the rooms during the week
until 11 p.m. Thishwould not only
help keep down the noise in the
'UGLI,but would definitely helf
reform the barbarian atmosphere
that permeates throughout the
On the weekends girls should
be allowed in the rooms anytime
after noon until one-half hour be-
fore girls have to be back in their

very nice of the University to
reward these people with a year of
pure hell in the quad.
Perhaps it can be explained by
the personal satisfaction that these
men must obtain from their work.
I highly commend all of the staff
who work so hard for no visible
appreciation by the University.
about girls hours would be nice to
end this with. I can't help but
think of the parties last June and
last December when girls (at
home) were brought back home at
six in the morning or perhaps la-
ter. Now before people start to
shout "SIN," let me say that these
were deb parties where the girls
and the guys are supposed to be
ladies and gentlemen.
If the University will admit that
they are in no way trying to
make ladies out of the girls that
first arrive here then perhaps they
should be restricted to early hours.
If, on the other hand, the Uni-
versity will say that ladies do
come forth from this university
then I contend that these ,same
women should be granted the re-
spect that is due them.
On the other side of the coin,
it should be the males who are
oversexed and not to be trusted.
Now the University should state
that they breed rapists and sex
maniacs. If this is .the case then
the men should be locked in their
rooms before night descends.
LIFE at this University is not
easy nor do I suggest that it
should be. I do hold, however, that
the living conditions and the sim-
ulated living conditions of the
hard cruel world outside could be
made more realistic and bearable.
-Ed Schmidt, '69
"(jUR POWER is not in bricks

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