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October 23, 1966 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-10-23

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AJohrnson Expects Asian Tour, Manila Conference
ToPersuade Hanoi To Consider Viet Peace Talks




By FRANK CORMIER ported by the voters back home. ation at the polls. He sees this as cause of its big military presence primarily as combat forces but to
~, ~'T1~QTETO ANIA WTH If all these factors converge as a complete !mis-reading of the in Viet Nam, the majority stock- assist in pacification.
NSN ResRQnUTte Esien opsthy.ilh American po tical sdene and de- holder.
(p ",-leiex Jh-te rsdn hpsteywlh Johnson is convinced, too, that
~ ~a-thinks North Viet Nam might de- blbfes that ifftail Republican coa-.,The President -concedes there nthe 4South Vietnamese army must
n op thai is' aw'journiey iet ae e oka gressional can idates won and al dfeo pno mn oagetda oei hsae
anidother devlopients will 'corn- cd o aeanwlo tposse- 4 are difrencesofpiona ngdoagrtdelmeinhsae.
l~n so~a o prsude ano tobilities for a negotiated peace, his 'fellow democrats lost, there the six nations and he is hopeful There will be conversations in
Maienelook t p ssibilitiesifor However, he concedes there are would be no reason to expect any some of these can be ironed outMaito, butS thVe
-Vit Nm peae alk.Dig elements of doubt 'in all this. softer attitude toward the war, in Manila, or that better under- Nam's scheduled transition to rep-
,t a paetksThe President, while hoping for standing can be achieved.rsetiv gorn ntJhsn
~ o.noihsst eetdy The first stages of Johnson's Jll alI, adrpael an easing of North Vietnamese in- Some conference participants wants to get a more precise pic-
ir~ the first days of his long jour- 900ml rphv n-r- transigenice, is heartened by signs are less flexible than Johnson ture of the timetable for the next
be e carries no agic: wand'umphal. Big crowds-impressive that the Soviet Union would like are less flexible, than Johnson 'to- round of Viet Nam elections.
and ipec s no' miracles when he by' any standard-turned out in to see a settlement. And he hopes ward negotiations. South Viet Also, considerable attention will
niigets in 'Manila-tomorrow and New Zealand and Australia. De that Red China's increasing diffi- Namn and South Korea appear to be given to South Viet Nam's eco-
Trito day wth sib allies' inl the Viet spite a few jarring incidents- culties will give Moscow' greater be in this category. nomic problems. The President is
NiTn war:s stetssn fpito influence with Hanoi. Opthers, n h hlpie si prepared to order new steps de-I
~wvr ei oeu ht the presidential limousine in Mel-. n h hlpie si
Tow yers hemis confnecupe bun-iteesapaet that Johnson was delighted by his this group, seem to favor greater signed to lessen the economic im- I
fR suJohnson andnhisecountryuhave recent White .Huse talk w ith So- concessions than Johnson believes pact of the American troop res-
; ~h9~~rdvlore~swl en many friends in Australia and iet Foreign Minister Andrei Gro- are warranted-such. as a newercintacoty.Teaue
'ontrae, hat_ eUnied t ew'Zslndmyko. He. has told friends. it was halt- in American bombings of of these moves has not been dis-
does niot starnd *lone in Viet' Nami, a "a hell of a meeting." orth Viet Nam. closed.
that Ameic'a and its President As for the U.S.,elections, John- Finally, another topic will be
have the' respsect. Df Asians, and son is convinced Hanoi expects his As for .Manila, Johnson hopes Dissatisfied with progress to-thkidoAsaoemrefm
:that Johnlson policies''area sup- Viet Narin policies to suffer repudi- the conference' will remind the wFars pacification, Johnson wouldthkidoAsaoemrefm
Communists that the United like to see a new administrative the war.
__ -- --- -- -- State has Asian allies in the war organization created to handle- - °
adthat all are working, in har- thsrcntuto n oild-Pone 482-2056
. .B L E $ness, He sees the meeting as a velopment work.
,i ~~board of 'c retors sersion in whc' The e seems 'to be a passibility
..,, .,.; . ._ .. ., ., ., r .,. . . all stockh o'lders. ha ve a voice evenI that addit o a U .S t o s m a
tinI. ro s a 'M 6 r he waily .Othfl -JBulhietin is an mal Vibration Analysis of Polyvinyl- though' the United States is, be-] be sent to South Viet Nam, not EREiARA
of Icl l pbfation "of the Vunver-' 'chloride," Mon. Oct, 24,.Room 629 Phys -________D____________n'_ditr.'______________t__30pmChirOPN_530_.M
i~chgai aiy sui~e n' dior an Snwl rim NOW SHOWING
vairisponslhility.r'Notices should. be HELD OVER !--FREE HEATERS-
A ini 'JYTYPWRITTEN form- to Doctoral Examination for Wayne Er-
RJoomn 3579 Admintstration Bld~g,. be- .. nest Barth, Chemistry; thesis: "The2n H T y1E K
Yore' t p.m. of the dlay preceding Synthesis of Corannulene' (Dibenzo
t'~or -Saturday andi Sgnday.. General 24, Room 3003 Chemistry Bldg., at 2 jHG LO OEYI sasrne n fetn imta
N No ces may be pubtithed4 a maxi- p.m. Chairman, R. G. Lawton. "IHLWCMD.I sasrneadefcigf1nta
npun of two times on rep cest; tray should not be passed by "-PAUL SAWYER, Michigan Daily
Clenldar Witeis appear once -'only. Center for continuing Education of
U. Student organizatioja noticed are not Women: Is having a coffee hour 9:30-a
acf~pted for.,publicatiopj. For more 11 a.m., Tues., Oct. 25. at the Valleyr
ixlfarmation 'cal' 764 8429 r Room, ,North Campus qaommon,. for -
,.'- -- ~ '' women who live at Northwood .Apart- - -Br#'ndwo Gill. Th "r ;.
WSUNDAT4, QCTOJ3ER 23 mnents. All women who are interested i
in continuing their education are in-="
Dqnaln a vited, ___R4D. Shown at 9.30 Only
Professional Theatre. Program Per- y P o J 4 URfRAY AAMILT
- 'rniance-APA Repertory~ Compogny I lxe SUSAN DEXNERS" LES CAE WARREN STEMES a
Baidridge's "We Comrades Three": POSITION OPENINGS: r n, rUK.
:L't odls har,2 n .Wi. S. Merrel Co., Birmingham, ei~ili aRKFR aasA
P:?r"3.~'. . Mich.,--Pharmaceutical, sales, products . LLfhUOI 'III eboraI' NRMAN MAILER'
-~ C~iea"Gii~-Jern~ enor's"LaRe-requiring prescriptions, mainly to phy -_________
~d e" r~tetr Ad, n sicians and hospitals, resident interns =___ __ _____-
gl~ -and doctors. Formal and on-the-job AS
_________ s ;: trng. Prefer degree,- any liy. arts orv
University Musical Society Concert- mktg, major. Noi previous exper.' Two long . I@I y C rtiS
i'Icoiw Chamnber Orrhestra, Rudolf' opend ingEasideWof Detroit andSo c'bvNY " i Natalie WoodI
Br>hal ? condtictor; Raokham Bidg.,GrnRais ** VASSI
,8 :3Q p m.,- For further information please call AROU /C1 -L.G EHenryj Fondaj
E es Mo deiV Appointments, 3200 SAB. ofT/E QI/s u enB c
Bureau of" Industrial Relations 'sem- EDUCATION DIVISION: o r
t . in r-"Myanagement " of M1yanagers": 146 The following schools will interview atr
Business Administration, 8:15 p.mn. the Bureau during the week ofOct. 3i: Sona OOl
;gip i~ering °mecbanics ",seminar - Ortonville, Mch.-Elem. only.
JohnI W. Hiutchinson, 'assistant proles- 'WED., NOV. 2-
sor of strtt7a i 'echanics, Harvard' Dearborn Heights, Mich,. (Dist. No. 'n
-'-'niversity,: -"Some Examples on the 7)-Elem.-1st, '2nd, 5/6th, 6th, Elem.
S# lity. of Imperfection- Sensitive Phzys. Ed., Sec -8th grade 'SCi./Math, R'NO
'St utures'~ 325 West Engineering, 4 7th Grade Engl./8th grade, Engl./Art, 'a /k C t' /, / l LESLE PARRISH and EDWARD EVEETTHOTON
Sth grade-sci. X'W ri-ftA/
'Deopt of Pseuig 1 im Lec- Birmingham, Mich. -Elem.-kdg.-d,' 'fff\4/VJ/E TECHNICLR rm WARNER BRS.
Vocal, Lib., Elm.J.H. Reading, -H.S- PLUS-O
~tare-Jaaohes F'. lia~niell, professor= Diag.' Visit. Teh.,, Cou~nt., Ind. Arts, "WHENFIH FIGHT"
qt "tsaril~ .ai o 1 r4ms Be' Trns- Math, Math/Set., Physics. 'y. '2CLRCRON
ferred Chemically?"' -lams S-TIUR., NOV. 3-2 OLRCRTON
bly 7liaJ1 7. 0 p ., ' ,'' ' Grand Rapids, _Mich: (Forest Hlls ",.wo- -_____
_._.., P .S .)- F ields not stated. .
-'7- 'v;4yAlr[il al pclptq Vance Fes- :Garden City, Mch.-El'em.-3-8, Sec.
stfva-H so fiohItoupe:' mil" Aud, Math/Sd., Ind. Arts.'
x8;30 P.M. FRI., NOV. 4--
Ph l d l h a a - l m , M t , g r s-Center for R ussian St'u~dies :Coflc- Phys. Ed., G en. S ol.' " '-
quuM--Wilam Zimmerman, asst prof.
-of political 'science, "Social Science. Re- Make appointments now. NJ()Vy J ' Shows t .
change Program: Problems and, possi- pointmnents contact Miss Collins, 'Eu-
-; bilittes': Lane Hall, Commons Room, reau of Appointments. Education Dlvi- , 6:15-9:00
k :10 p.m., Mon. Oct. 24. All Interested sion, 3200 SAB, 764-7459.' __________________________________
pe>rsons are 1.pxvited - SUMMER PLACEMEN'T 'SERVICE: 'e'I "'I l' L
s 4W-, 6X '7 " : ,12 SAB3- -c o. d~
w.,en erac I':tCj Great Valley Girl Scout Council, A- 'r' -
lentown, Pa.-Interview, Mrs. Whitef">t
8ports-WVOma:T>omx~x students w " visits Oct. 26, at Michigan Union Room'Ia
have completer - CLef :Ypysical -edue- 3Z, 7:30 in 'evening. Represents four "Dbevil-
R: tion requirement who wish to register beautiful camps, need unit leaders,
ielectively may do so in Barbour Gym- waterfront director,, staff nurse, bual- may care .
'naslum (Main F opr) ion Thurs- and esaaae n rga ietr dogfigts in
Firi.,, Oct. 27 and ' Registrttn houirs - * -- the skies i .
*are 8:30 a.mn. to 11:45 a~fl: For further information please con-' Vllu
_____ - tact- Sunmmer 'Placement Service,'.212 devil mtay -care wt
Education tntors' and Seniors: Ap-' 'SAB, Lower Level. - hve affairs o
plication, for the School of Education - ' - -tegon! ilns
Scholarships for the Winter: TermhegbpaeS
(II), will he available in -Roomp- 1431 r'.'New brA True, r. ~bsrbig
{"UES on November 1. Applicants: mustsA orig
have high scholastic standing. .Both # f-LrU~ U3
the,plication and the interview are d am
K- t be~h1et~d4urtg'oven1~e; '' ;Program- NO26 4' 1ElE
mat meeting-fo rshef -and- "opho IIIIII~~
' "mores interested in spending their Jun-?~'
icor year in Freiburg. Germany, will beARMDTEM L '.. v "
held, on Tuesday eeinOc.25 traalt' , \-
7:30 p.m. in Room 3D of the Union.Aetl Fl MHit- lfUT IIL1 EED .
Flu Shots: There will be a ~~ fl e2a zIhCENIURY-fOX GEPG PEPPfP0I3' S GjP4~ SG[ AORESS
from 8-11:30 a.m. and 1-4 :$*p~m. Ma- reetines10-Ee.&Sn 12
4 charge Is $1 for students 4#:icd r-ni~Maies$
ad$1.50 for faculty, i ~Vxpe:taff andsiaues ;y rtxa
r 33 w-
. Student Tea: At the horrt- ©f ?reSl { -.:'., - . - a irirr
dent nd Mrs. Harlan ~'ro ' ~ nni mmmmhm mmmmm n
WdOt26frm4-6 p.g$t1y}. t s

dents are cordially invited. " °''j
Botany Seminar: Dr. C.k chI Sell' j
-' University of North Carolina wuill stfak Nk 1
on "Carniverous Plants," fed , Oct flW{f\?!1 d W
'~26, 4:1 p.m., Botanical Gardes Aud'fi II& 4 ~ ~~jfJ~ U'D
~ Special Lecture: Dr, . GA, Barclay,
professor and chairman of -te Dpart-
ment of Chemistry of the newl,form~ - '- e aqai iesti yny tIDI
Australia, will' speak on ;" Ciehtry* U
in Australia," on Mon., Oct. 24, at 4 t,-U
p.m. in Room 1200 of the, Chiaiistry ' plu
Doctoral Examination for Caril George ' FRICt 2 a
SOpaskar, Jr., Physics; thesis. "A -Noir Oct 2a d 23
apologizes for its - 'i (The Rules of the Game)
Sept. 21st Issue'-1~jJ~~~ (dir. Jean Renoir-1 939)
(or rather for the lck of it) RICHARD N French, subtitles. Renoir, himself, appears in NI
We kew t wuld e agret II
issue! We even had 4,000 copies thisdelightful and poignant study of European I
printed~ ~ ~ ~ ~ up Fu e'tl a u!ISciety." Highest Rioting: Sight &.Sound. One I
We're sorry if' you' were one ofj
these who missed us. However, weothegaes pictures of all time. u
do hove a clever suggestion. GetI
yourself a special three issue sub-
scription to "Garg" for only 75c , l SHORT: "COPS--Buster Keaton i, 8 :3 0 Pfnatcbran n e or




y ALPHA PHI OMEGA and the Pershing Rifles







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