Ohia State . 24 Michigan State 41 'Northwestern.. 24 \ Stanford Wisconsin . . .13 \ Purdue... . .20 Iowa . . . . .. 15 Illinois . . . . 6 Notre Dame . .38 UCLA . . . . . .28 j Missouri.. . . .10 Slippery Rock .25 . . . 3 Oklahoma .....0 California . . .15 Iowa State . . .10 Glassboro . . . .0 DIFFERENCE BETWEEN PROTEST AND SABOTAGE See Editorial Page Y Li4t 41fl1 ~l~aiAO COOLER High-52 Low-n40 Partly sunny; diminishing winds Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVII, No. 45 ANN ARBOR MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 23 1966 SEVEN CENTS TEN PACES Jug Rout Quenches G1 / lvi Victory Thirst By CHUCK VETZNER worst loss in Minnesota history. But there were a couple of Sports Editor (It was.) Of course they were stu- salient features in the 1966 Battle Hurray for the Michigan Wol- dying the 'record books while the for the Little Brown Jug (why do verines. They won back the LittleIgame was going on, but . . . all neutral parties think that Brown Jug. Nobody knows how the players damn water bottle has any signi- Then there's: Hurray for the feel about such games, but I'll bet ficance?) Michigan Wolverines. They got ITony Mason was chatting about First was a lay midway their first Big Ten victory of the the Wisconsin-Ohio State game through the fourth quarter when year. on his hot line to the coach sta- the Wolverine substitutes were Well, how about: Hurray for the tioned in the press box. And may- digging to keep their shut out. Michigan Wolverines. They just be the signal for hiking the ball Bump Elliott sent n first string .about killed Minnesota yesterday, was Dick Vidmer's second yawn. linebacei denis organ t oga 49-0. but ot na.hrddwnpay ora The game had all kinds of in- Cut and Dried was cut down on a block that cost Tetgaset ha a kis ofr in-Cutan dhim two torn ligaments in his teresting aspects to it. Like for There is irony in the attitude right leg and all future service instance, Minnesota has these real toward such a massacre. When it to the team this year. keen pants. They're sort of gold.r ended, people just walked away And then there's involuntary. on gold. In stripes yet. The rage from it without feeling. There was uncntole thougtsinoflunast. of the conference, really. Of frm ihu eeig hr a uncontrollable thoughts of last of hecofernc, ealy.Ofno lingering memory of Jack cursthe football team doesn't Ceancy'ebrilliamnttohdownsJorkwek's loss to Purdue that the courseilinttocdonso game stimulates. play too well, but 1r . .Dick Vidmer's phenomenal 79 per Same Team, Different Score Believe It or Not ScentTpassingfpercentage. Even people who aren't interest-;cent passing percentage. Gopher coach Murray Warmath ed in fashion could find plenty There was no inner warmness noted, "The way Michigan played to keep them amused. The game for the healed Jim Detwiler whose today, they would have beaten was chocked full of anecdotal tid- two touchdowns keep him among Michigan State and Purdue." bits such as Michigan didn't re- the Big Ten scoring leaders. "You know something," Mason ceive a kickoff all day. And what stick's in people's added, "we used the same plays And a whole bunch of reporters mind-Rick Sygar's 57-yard punt against Purdue we used against were really absorbed in scholarly return for a touchdown yesterday Minnesota."I research to see if this was the or his safety in last week's game? See GOPHERS, Page 9 -Daily-Thomas R. Copi LOUIE LEE, Michigan defensive halfback, reaches around Minnesota's Hubert Bryant to break up a fourth quarter Gopher pass from Larry Carlson. Three Minnesota quarterbacks were frus- trated to the tune of only six completions in 25 attempts. -Daily-Bernie Baker ERNIE SHARPE. Wolverine offensive halfback, hauls in a swing pass before tracking 11 yards in the fourth quarter against Min- nesota. "everywhere Ernie" gained 15 yards rushing and scored a touchdown. - ___--_---____ .- l eat the ljtemI' li Praise Given For Junior iiiciai, Faculty I- III EDITOR'S NOTE: Beat the System is a regular Sunday feature of The Daily. Its continuation depends on the need stu- dents have for it. If you have questions you cannot answer else- where call The Daily at 764-0553 weekdays between 3 and 5 p.m. or address your queries to 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor. I am a graduate student and find myself sitting with fresh- men at football games. Many of my friends have expressed dis- satisfaction with their seats in relation to other students. What is the policy on football ticket priority. J.B. The Michigan Ticket Department says that priorities for student ticket sales are based on number of semesters completed at University. -Hence, grad students transferring to the Uni- versity are given freshman priority; the same with any other transfer students. Teaching fellows who did not receive their undergraduate degrees here sit with the freshmen unless they want to spend three dollars more for faculty tickets. The faculty are arranged as to rank in the region of the 50-yard line. Organ- ized groups of more than three persons can send their ID cards and football coupons to the IM building with pne person. But groups must be of the same priority as the ,lowest individual in the group. Married students move down one priority if they buy a ticket for their spouse. This is so a senior student's spouse does' not rob the chance of an unmarried senior for better tickets.' The Ticket Department does stress that although Michigan's 101,007 seat stadium holds more spectators than any other collegiate stadium, it was designed so that any of the seats afford a good view of the action below. How long has the strife between UAC and The Daily been going on? Have they always settled their differences on the foot- ball field? Who is winning in the Daily-UAC football rivalry? H.M.H. The history of the overbearing struggle between UAC and The Daily is one of continqus enmity. It all started 43 years ago when a Laily assistant pencil-sharpener quit the staff to become chairman of a Union committee (UAC was formed recently from a merger of the Union and League). It seems that the Union could find no one more qualified. But in giving up the pencil- sharpener, The Daily lost its most muscular football player, the got a lot of exercise turning the pencil sharpener). Consequently. the traitor scored seventeen touchdowns against The Daily in an unofficial football game. In 1960 the Daily editors came across a story about the game forty years ago, and decided to get revenge. So they non- chalantly went out and beat the Union 16-14 in the first of the current series. After the game the Daily team was trying to figure out what kind of trophy to award themselves, when one of them ,. tripped and fell in a wastebasket. Hence . . . The Little Brown Wastebasket. Until this year the Daily's efforts have been wasted, as they are behind in points, 36-48, and in games, 2-4. THE MICHIGAN CIVIL RIGHTS COMMISSION is presently compiling the results of a questionnaire distributed on campus during registration. The questionnaire was designed to determine the racial and Y ear Abroad 'Overseas Eduucation Program Viewed As utler s Having Dual Benefits By CAROLYN MIEGEL New BI OSA Students agree that the Univer- sity French and German junior 'year abroad programs have a dual purpose: education and cultural contact in a foreign country. TheTaBilC OS sonrs programs are "a way of learning life a bit and of learning to ap- preciate the foreign country and WASHINGTON (V)-The 89th Sen. Albert Gore, (D-Tenn.), But Gore yielded, stopped talk- sage of the year's last big bill, America more," according to Eric Congress adjourned yesterday af- a $5-billion appropriations meas- Hoberg, a veteran of the Univer- Cress aoned yserday a called it dangerous, complained ing and the bill passed, 31 to 22. a $ illion arpati mes- siysFec rga.ter the Senate had overcome a ure. Like the tax package, it went sity's French program, - frustrating, last-minute deadlock there were no safeguards against He had lost earlier, 37 to 15, on a to the White House. Under the auspices of the lit- over a tax bill, corruption, and vowed to fight dvbeen ladedamendmen itha The Congress's major achieve- erary college, study abroad ca be The final gavel fell after hours the bill with every weapon avail- ; Last Bill ments came during the first ses- tAken t rovu Unveria cenae of angry -debate in the Senate- able to a senator. That opened the way for pas- I sion, which ended Oct. 23, 1965. in Air-enur.Gen Fran he, and ,and of speech making and re- - -- - - in Freiburg, Germany. While en- cesses in the House, which hadRO E rolled in University programs in icee its Huse, whihad A MPUS France and Germany, a student completed its business Friday. CA P S.*E receives residence credit for his A scant 17 days ahead are the work abroad. Course election is elections that. will shape the' 90th " closely supervised by the Univer- Congress. The 89th, winding up city staff abroad and the junior its business, fixed Jan. 10 as the, e- e s o Cn i u year abroad office here in Ann Ar- date for the next one to convene.- bor. The Senate's impasse swirled Study abroad in other than around an intricate, amendment-Research Educ1ion a University centers, that is in oth- laden tax bill, originally designed ere er American college centers or in to lure foreign investments to the maybe univers t ya stuthemselves, United States. By NAN BYAM Instead, the campus chapter of Program, the Viet Nam war that sudent must technically ed amendments YAF is again concentrating its and the draft referendum. leavethe sUiersttfohaiyary In the end, the amendmentsr Although three weeks ago its efforts on educational programs. "The University chapter of YAF leave the University for a year overshadowed the bill. Among members passed a- motion con- 'Spreading information and edu- is against corruption in the Pov- snior pply for admission forhis them was a provisio that will demning a sit-in staged by Voiccating is our primary goal," Rhine erty Program," Rhine said. YAF have the government finance political party, Young Americans said. members suggest that the govern- Cite Disadvantages presidential election campaigns, for Freedom does not plan to be- Next Monday, Tuesdaymandrment allow the free enterprise Students who have studied with $60 million to be split be- Icome extensively involved in cam- Wenes day, Twlstribute system to work in order to cure abroad recommend the programs tween Republicans and Democrats I pus issues this fall, according to seea aF cies dRsell that American idiosyncracy, and highly, but did cite disadvantages, in 1968. its president, Wally Rhine, '68. verl thousand copies of ow- private foundations should assume Many cautioned students against-- ig "ericanksads ,F responsibility for alleviating pov- beingoveroptiisti abot thiring next week's distribution, YAP being over-optimistic about theirpastohv bokse.Aim erty. recepion n forign ountres R Jplans to have a book sale. A filmery reception in foreign countries.pormwl esatdwihwl Draft Referendum . Harriet Fendelman, a German Me ,pogram will be started which will Rraf Refler o eums major who went to Freiburg last R ebegin with a documentary of Rhinedecl taft referendum be- year, said, "We weren't sought Ronald Reagan's campaign speech. tause of disagreement within the after just because we were Amer- ~4 , J Research Work group. One opinion is that the icans, and sometimes we Dere CdURSleu.eniscussStudent Some YAF membersare work- draft should be abolished in favor avoided because of it." Linda Mar- ing with the Institute of Social- of a highly paid professional army. kle of the German program i'eal- Research to study the goals, mem- Another faction believes the draft ized that "everybody in the world By PHILIP BLOCK along with Regent Carl Brablec bership, and leadership change of should be continued in some form hates us." Hoberg warns students Hope for an increase in student organized the meeting, asked campus political groups. similar to the present system. YAF "not to expect too much from participation in University deci- Voice members if they had tried Though YAF seldom takes a is opposed, however, to alternate the people. The French are not sion making was generated at a to work through Student Govern- public stand on controversial is- service and feels that the federal friendly and are fiercely nation- breakfast meeting between four ment Council on the police issue. sues and doesn/t participate in government has the right to draft alistic. If I didn't hang around Regents and members of VoiceIShe and Regent Robert P. Briggs campus politics, Rhine did outline American men only for military with Americans, I didn't hang political party Friday. expressed some doubt as to YAF positions on the Poverty reasons. . around with anyone." The meeting was prompted by whether Voice had made a sincere - --- -- - Most returning students advise Voice's frustration m trying to effort to meet with Pierpont , making friends with the natives 'ofm , and not associating continually Obtam proper communication with peacefully. nenr w with American friends. "Try and the administration over the po- Reply much as possible, advises Harriet This faile to establish pop ast vi cit pl o ca m- Fendelman. "Although it is very ties resulted in a Voice sit-in atpuVocmebrGyRthEntoi tN a n Bb ng tempting to be with people you Vice-President and Chief Finan- berger. '67, replied, "it didnot know, if you make up your mind cial Officer Wilbur K. Pierpont's occur to us that SGC could supply and don't get discouraged, valu- office three weeks ago. } the means of communication. TWSiE ASTAy IP an Manild retr yfSte able friendships can be made. Regent Irene Murphy, who Voice went,. however, to the !President Johnson today re- Dean Rusk told sreporters eno in- _- -i University administration and ;hewed the U.S. offer to stop bomb- day the United State had no in- asked to have its complaints heard ing North Viet Nam and schedule dication from Hanoi as to what it Estable by ae , th dmainthatrd a withdrawal of American forces would do if bombings ended. whom they felt had the final from Viet Nam if the Communists Johnson said in renewing the authority onth"isu.; will say what they are prepared to ooffer to North Viet Nam: __u"h eit bece e t do for peace. "We are ready to stop the bomb- that we would not be heard un-s His remarks were made in a ing of North Viet Nam. We are For Pa helle i O pender' the existing situation, we sat- statement prepared for his depar- ready to produce' the schedule for the withdrawal of our troops- m.rnul,,a See Related Stories , a m V ast Claim Plan Vi ates Old Principles Administration Drops Tougher Proposals To Stop Student Sit-ins By ROGER RAPOPORT Student and faculty leaders voiced deep concern yesterday over the Regents decision Friday to give Vice-President for Student Affairs Richard L. Cutler vast new disciplinary powers in matters of non-academic discipline. Some faculty members express- ed "relief that the Regents didn't do anything worse," while others charged that it was a "dangerous move to consolidate all this power in one office." The Regents voted to shift all non-academic student disciplinary powers formerly spread out be- tween President Hatcher, the other vice-presidents. academic' deans, and .the faculty to Vice- President Cutler. Cutler was also directed to conduct a 'review of campus regulations and Student Government Council procedures. Drastic Sources indicated that the Uni- versity administration has been seriously contemplating mn o r e drastic action in an effort tohead off demonstrations, since the Sept. 30 sit-in at Vice-President Wilbur Pierpont's office. A number of top administrators 'had reportedly favored a plan that would establish a specific set of legally grounded university reg- ulations banning sit-ins and threatening the arrest of students who disrupt activity in adminis- trative offices. One of the proponents of the plan, Vice-President for Academic Affairs Allan F. Smith recently outlined this idea to his Advisory Committee on Educational Policy of the Literary College sources in dicated. Vehemence The committee members "ve- hemently opposed," the idea be- cause the "students would merely be encouraged to test thernew regulations." says one source. Ultimately the administrative officers and the Regents decided to push through Cutler's ten rec- ommendations which had been in the works since last spring.