Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS From Progressivism to Melancholia I ere Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. Truth Will Prevail NEws PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1966 NIGHT EDITOR: ROGER RAPOPORT Cutler's Review: Dictatorship Over Students? STUDENT LIFE at this University could be in for a drastic change. The Regents' approval of Vice-Presi- dent Richard L. Cutler's "Recommenda- tions Concerning the Regulation of Non- Academic Conduct" yesterday gives Cut- ler something close to dictatorial power over students for the foreseeable future. -How he will use that power-how he will delegate that power-and how much he will consult the University commu- nity--remains to be seen. There is considerable confusion sur- rounding discipline of non-academic mis- conduct of University students. As Cut- ler noted at yesterday's meeting, there are, in some cases, up to six "ultimate" officials to which discipline cases could go. Lines of responsibility are vague. The recent Knauss Report suggests a restruc- turing of Student Government Council; other aspects of student affairs need study. HENCE THERE IS a strong case for a thorough revision of existing policies on student conduct, student organiza- tions and student activities. But whose job should such a review be? It is questionable whether the Re- gents should have given Cutler-and Cut- ler alone-such sweeping powers: "Ulti- mate authority" over non-academic con- duct, authority for an "immediate and comprehensive review" of all student reg- ulations, the power to review SGC's pro- cedures and--more important-the power to "establish such interim regulations as are necessary" until the "immediate and comprehensive review" is completed. Although the Regents added provisions which "encourage" Cutler to consult with the University community and "permit" him to delegate his authority to academ- ic authorities, student groups and his staff, no one knows how much consulta- tion and delegation Cutler is going to do: He need not do much. The adminis- tration has not had a particularly happy time dealing with students in the past several months. At yesterday's public meeting, President Hatcher denied that "recent events" had anything "at all" to do with the sweeping grant of power to Cutler; but the Regents' own secret work- ing papers introduce Cutler's new powers with the statement, "Inasmuch as there can be no guarantee that events similar to the recent 'sleep-in' will not occur in the near future . . ." etc. With "recent events" very much in their mind, the Regents have already shown they are receptive to a crackdown on student af- fairs. AND IF THIS IS Cutler's aim, he now has the power to accomplish it. Yet Cutler's whole attitude towards power is an open question. Numerous sources have indicated repeatedly that, when asked who should have authority over students' lives, Cutler has emphatically said, "I should"-and then, less enthusiastically, adds that "others should contribute" as well. Last year, highly-placed informants add, Cutler made a series of successful power plays designed to force President Hatcher to give him more authority within the administration. Whether he embarked on this campaign to increase his status among the University to repre- sent his student constituency more effec- tively or merely to increase his status among the, University's vice-presidents is, these observers feel, a matter of doubt. It is therefore time for the University community to think long-and carefully. Powe'r corrupts, and absolute power cor- rupts absolutely, goes the old saw; and it seems unlikely that one man should conduct an "immediate and comprehen- sive review" of student life by himself. INDEED, the reports of the Committee on Disclosure and the Knauss Com- mittee are detailed descriptions of how inadequate the decision-making at the University can be when people affected by decisions do not help make them. The establishment of vice-presidential student advisory committees is a sign that the University may be recognizing this. An "immediate and comprehensive re- view" of student affairs consisting of edicts from Cutler's office would be a backward step the University cannot af- ford to take. THUS STUDENTS and faculty should use every opportunity to work with Cut- ler during his "review" and to ensure that they are, indeed, consulted. If students and faculty do not provide the major force behind revision of student affairs policies, someone else will. -MARK R. KILLINGSWORTH Editor By ED SCHWARTZ Collegiate Press Service "ACK TO SCHOOL" magazine articles do not generally pro- duce significant insights into con- temporary education but this year's Newsweek contribution may be something of an exception. Referring to an almost, "psy- chedelic" temperament on college campuses this fall, the article cites a new wave of introspection, re- miniscent of the apathy of the '508. What began as a burst of ener- getic progressivism in 1963 and 1964, is ending as an acute me- lancholia in 1966. Even the peace marchers are beginning to wonder. THERE'S A certain truth to these observations. One could de- tect the spirit at virtually every student gathering of the late sum- mer. The N.S.A. National Student Congress was considerably less volatile than those of recent years; there was more sullenness than fervor. Revorts from the annual gathering of the Students for a Democratic Society emphasized a growing feeling of frustration, even despair. Four separate workshops of the United States Youth Council-an inter-organizational confederation of religious, political, and service groups-ended up asking what they were doing there at all. Young Americans for Freedom dropped its Political Action Committee, de- ciding to focus on high school re- cruitment. THE SAME SPIRIT permeates the campus itself. To be sure, there is an unparalleled interest in edu- cational reform and spurts of life from former coldbeds of silence. Nonetheless, the idea which seems to intrigue students the most is that of the "T-Group"- Sensivity Training Sessions which involve exploration into the iner- most thoughts and feeling of the participants. And the brooding has developed its morbid side-Mod- erator magazine predicts 1,000 stu- dent suicides this year. The Moderator story, unior u- nately, was more descriptive than analytical-kind of a guided tour of campus psychoses. One quoma- tion from a report on the NSA Student Stress Conference last year, however, focuses on a central part of the problem: "Our solution is to inject into the system more human qualities, the most obvious of which is emo- tion . . "Why load us with super- ficial principles and ideals, ob- viously less important than a $14,000-a-year job and tenure? "We want ideas that are worth some passion." FEELINGS-that's the key. The present generation of students wants to feel. Furthermore, they are attempting to do so in % cul- ture which makes the excrcise of emotion extrmely difficult. Hence, the transition from pofi- tics to psychology cannot be con- sidered a "new" trend. It is, rather a new phase in a general pattern of development on the campus of the '60s. Ed Friedenberg's Coming of Age In America documents many rea- sons why, in terms of their high school experience, college students might seek, or avoid, overt ex- pression of emotion. The high school, he finds, is "like a bad book: sentimental, ex- trinsically motivated, and intel- lectually dishonest." The poor are told to shut up-they're uncouth;" the rich are told to pipe down- they're "spoiled;" the middle class is told to "be reasonable;" "be mature;" 'be a gentleman;" "be quiet." WHEN THE admonitions are re- inforced by the good old 'competi- tive spirit," and an elaborate structure of rules, they serve to stifle openness of any kind. "What comes out," Friedenberg observes, "is uniform, bland and creamy, yet retains, in a form difficult to detect, all the hostile or toxic in- gredients of the original mixture." The "original mixture," was stirred up a bit in the early '60s. Needless to say, Kennedy was a major factor in legitimatizing the passions of youth. The Civil Rights Movement played a large part- demonstrating, as it did, the re- sults of our indifference to a large segment of the population. The opportunity for direct in- volvement provided added impetus. Students were allowed to feel- they were given an opportunity to vent emotions through quasi-ac- ceptable channels. They respond- ed. THE IMPORTANT POINT is that the response was as much an experession or personal emotional needs as a "new social conscious- ness." Snider critics often attack- ed this--revealing, perhaps, their own fear of expressing themselves. Today, Civil Rights groups have grown suspicious-white middle class kids with "hang-ups" don't always make the most effective organizers. Nonetheless, the "Feel- ing Factor" was and is a major consideration. It is unfortunate that the only people who discuss it are the ones who enjoy im- pugning such motives. Today, the Feeling Factor has had to find new expressions. The War in Viet Nam; the draft; the general aura of Johnsonism do not provide the clear-cut moral im- peratives which instantly com- mand dedication. THE INEFFECTIVENESS of the anti-War Movement has contri- buted to an overall sense of frus- tration. Politics is "out," because feeling has been taken from it. The rock has been turned over, however, and those, "inner voices" will no longer be silenced. The new forms of expression- "T-groups;" psychedelic drugs; privatism in various forms-are, as yet, rudimentary. While a few have been grabbed too hastily- LSD is a little more volatile than a march in Selma--the willingness to explore may yield techniques which could be beneficial to the entire society. Sensitive educational reformers are already studying the develop- ments with interest, and, in some cases, applying the techniques. YET, IN THE LONG RUN, the real task will be integration-of finding ways to relate the emo- tion needs of stdents to the intel- lectual discipline which enhances their expression and development. This has always been the task of the artist; the rest of us must ac- cept it now as well. The essence of style is that it embodies form and substance. In the past, we were satisfied with form; in the psychedelic phase, we accept only substance. At some point, we have to find both. (Schwartz, a regular contribu- tor to EFS for the past several years, is now an officer of the U.S. National Student Association.) 4 ir4 Letters: The LSA Steering Committee To the Editor: YOUR MISS Meredith Eiker has an unbelievably erroneous pic- ture of the literary college steering committee, as her article and edi- torial (Oct. 20) plainly demon- strate. Her theme seems to be that last Tuesday the committee underwent majoruorthoplastic surgery and was duly transformed from an in- effectual, do-nothing, conglomera- tion of idealists to a Vital Source of Power, Energy, and Action. Frankly, we were at the meeting Tuesday, and the discussion was ' no more lively or fruitful than usual. WE MADE PLANS, as the com- mittee has done for the past twen- ty years; we decided that attack- ing specific issues would get us farther than merely decrying the fact that nobody in the college seems terribly interested in educa- tion, as the committee has done for the past twenty years. To Miss Eiker, who claims that, "For years and years its members have sat in on weekly meetings intelligently discussingvarious stu- dent problems-but only discus- sing," it may come as a shock that the steering committee initiated the junior year abroad program, advised residential college on cui- riculum, and, in conjunction with the faculty curriculum committee, was responsible for the recent changes in distribution require- ments and the new pass-fail po- tion. MOREOVER, although M is s Eiker states that the members "are hoping to institute 'student coun- seling seminars' in which personal counseling will come from upper- class students" the fact remains that these seminars have taken place every semester except-and the irony is exquisite-this Trans- formed semester. The relationship between the committee and the faculty and student body must also be cleared up. Although Mr. Litven, the cur- rent chairman is quoted as say- ing, "We are aiming to be some- thing more than a weak voice," the committee is not, and has never claimed to be any kind of student voice. Student voice, if it were ever to exist, would certainly find other matters to shout about. Let's face it: the vast majority of students are ironically and appallingly apathetic about academic affairs. DESPITE MISS Eiker's state- ment that the members of the committee are "appointed," every spring interested students have a well-publicized chance to petition for membership. On the basis of this document and an interview by the current committee, the stu- dents are either accepted or re- jeeted. Thus, the membeis represent, if anyone, the tiny peicentage of students who are seriously inte- rested in not only in the philo- sophical meaning and the value of an education at the univeisity, but also in embroiling themselves in and figthing the current mal- functioning academic machina- tions. It is true that much of the steer- ing committee's "prestige" stems from the fact that "it has not ag- gravated the faculty too much." IN THIS connection, it must be noted that the committee avoids incurring administrative wrath precisely because it works fairly quietly, and the faculty can take the committee into its confidence without feeling that whatever it (the faculty) is currently consider- ing will not be broadcast all over campus prematurely and in a twisted, erroneous manner. Cer- tainly, if nothing else, Miss Eiker has illustrated how this can hap- pen. FURTHERMORE, the Daily has not always been very cooperative in the past about publishing the activities of the steering commit- tee. APPARENTLY, however, there has been a change of heart on your part. We only hope that in the future this will do more good than harm. Miss Eiker observed that "Un- doubtedly University administra- tive bureaucracy will provide a few major stumbling blocks for the steering committee. But with per- severance and continued accep- tance of responsibility, the steer- ing committee may be able to overcome these obstacles." This is a totally unrealistic at- titude. The committee is purely advisory in function. We have no vote on any of the faculty com- mittees on which we sit in. Once our proposals, suggestions, and comments have been fed into the bureaucratic machinery, there is nothing we can do but try to keep track of where, if anywhere, they went. For example, two years ago, we tried to put through changes in the cheating code and were blocked. HOWEVER, IN ALL fairness, Miss Eiker made one very valid, if not original, statement when she observed that "actions speak louder than words." Her whole article concerned what she said the committee said it was going to do this year. Now let's look at what had actually been done. Miss Eiker's claims to the con- trary not withstanding, in the past student representatives have been allowed to sit on only. the curricu- lum committee and the adminis- rtative sub-committee on cheating. This semester for the first time committee members will also at- tend the meetings of the admis- sions committee, and the adminis- trative board. Also, representa- tion on the curriculum commit- tee was increased: But when were these innovations actually made? THE DEPARTMENTAL advisory committees are starting to func- tion now. But the plans were drawn up last semester, so why not mince the words, and give this semester's program a chance to speak for itself-through actions. In conclusion, then, if you feel it is your duty-and an admirable one at that-to inform those stu- dents who are seriously interested in academic matters about what the committee is doing, please just tell the truth, and get your facts and themes straight before dash- ing of such dithyrambs. Diane Lynn Saltz, '69 Robert E. Golden, '67 LSA Steering Committee members Requirements To the Editor: IN THE OCTOBER 20th issue of the Daily I read that Dean Spurr was "travelling around the country trying to 'sell' graduate school deans on a new degree ..." to be called the "Candidate in Philosophy." Several weeks ago I read another article in the Daily quoting Dean Spurr concerning the matter of "standards" and "requirements" for the Ph.D. de- gree. When Dean Spurr returns to Ann Arbor, I would like to see him launch a campaign which a recent speaker on campus-Hans Kung- might call 'Truthfullness in the Rackham School." IT SEEMS HIGH time that the august powers-to-be who set the standards for those who seek the Ph.D. in this university adopt one requirement for the degree and eliminate all others. This requirement should be that the candidate gain those experi- ences and acquire that knowl- edge which will make him compe- tent in his field, with due con- sideration given appropriate cog- nate areas. It is dishonest and hypocritical for the .Rackham School to im- pose superfluous requirements upon students who must satisfy such requirements as the expense c4 needed skills, knowledge, and experiences highly germane to their fields of specialization. A CASE IN POINT is Rack- ham's absolute position that a reading knowledge of at least one foreign language is a must for every doctoral degree. It is my opinion that such a requirement remains on the books because of the intellectual senility of some who feel more comfortable with such things as French and finger painting than with reality. If a student needs languages, let him study five if necessary. But if. a language appears to have low priority in a given Ph.D. pro- gram, then let the student make better use of his time. In my own case I will never understand the relevance of having had to translate into Eng- lish the philosophy of John Dewey which had been put in French by 4 Chinese author. -George N. Vance, Jr. Ph.D. applicant, Rackham School of Graduate Studies 'p I. '4 Boston 's Whites HERE ARE THREE races in this world," said Walter J. Lee, 17, a Bos- ton high school senior, "white, negroid and yellow. "I'm Chinese and I'm yellow. So how can the school committee suddenly de- cide I'm white." The Boston School Committee did de- cide Thursday that 671 Chinese-Ameri- can students are white in an attempt to avoid charges that their schools are ra- cially imbalanced. By a clever stroke of racial 'definition they can now proudly point to two predominantly Chinese Schools and claim that they art not ra- cially imbalanced. THE STATE racial imbalance law de- fines an imbalanced school as one with a more than 50 per cent non-white pop- ulation. Under this law the state has withheld funds from the Boston school system until a satisfactory 'plan was in- troduced to alleviate the segregation. Little did the committee know that by reclassifying the Chinese students as white and leaving their parents in the non-white category, it has now desegre- gated the housing units of the Boston community. HE RULING to reclassify Chinese stu- dents would hardly seem to fill the bill. The next logical step for the policy-mak- ers of the Boston school system would be to reclassify all Negro school children as white also. They would then have racial- ly balanced schools and could point with parochial pride to their all-white popu- lation. Business Staff SUSAN PERLSTADT, Business Manager JEFFREY LEEDS ..... Associate Business Manager HARRY BLOCH ................ Advertising Manager STEVEN LOEwENTHAL .... .. Oirculation Manager ELIZABETH RHEIN ............, Personnel Director THE INTERNATIONAL World Court of. Justice, following the Boston prece- dent, could reclassify the entire world population as white. Then someone would finally have to do something about all those poor whites. -PAT O'DONOHUE Advice AS MICHIGAN proceeds toward its edu- cational Master Plan, Mario Savio's remarks in the October issue of Harper's offer some pertinent advice on the sub- ject to students here: 'THE HISTORY of the adoption of the Master Plan and a careful study of the Muscatine Report show that faculty members and students are consistently excluded from those groups of legisla- tors, bureaucrats, and businessmen which make the most far-reaching deci- sions concerning the development and re- form of the University. "Those of us whose lives are directly involved are denied any effective voice in these decisions which structure and per- vert our immediate, daily environment. "What has become of the 'consent of the governed?' "PERHAPS students at other large uni- versities can benefit from Berkeley's mistake. For our early fears of the Mus- catine Committee apply in varying de- grees to all large universities in need of reform. "No one can speak for students but students. And we will secure the right to a decent education only when we have organized ourselves independently of both faculty and administration, in much the same way that workers have orga- '.. .But, nothing for him . .. I'm driving ...' t . a . .. , .. .. . .. . .. . . ... .a . . ... .. . .. .. . .. .. . . . . . _ ,. _ . ... . . . . .v , ".::::: . r: . . . . .. .. v O.. .., ......:.. ... .. ' By PAT O'DONOHUE and STEPHEN WILDSTROM Last of a Series THE PRESENT Selective Service Act expires in less than 10 months. There is no excuse for extension of the current system, with its inefficient use of man- power and gross inequities. A synthesis of the widely-vary- ing proposals for reform can pro- vide a system which is both equi- table and capable of meeting the nation's military and civilian manpower needs. The following suggestions would form the basis of such a system: * NATIONAL SERVICE. Vol- untary national service should be provided as an alternative to the military draft. Presently, Peace Corps and Vista volunteers receive deferments while in service but are not given permanent exemp- * LOTTERY. Some form of lot- tery should be established to choose the men required for the armed services. A sound plan for such a lottery has been proposed by Sen. Edward Kennedy (D- Mass). The names of all men turning 18 in a given year would be placed in a national pool and the names of those to be inducted arbitrar- ily drawn. Students wishing to complete their education would be allowed to take deferments, but would then have to take their chances with the 18-year-old group when they graduate. These deferments would also be contingent on national security manpower needs. TO PROVIDE for implementa- tion of the lottery along with vol- something similar to the depres- sion Civilian Conservation Corps, could be created to eliminate this inequity. If a man did not qualify for any form of national service, or if he changed his mind about en- tering civilian service, his name would be placed in the current draft lottery. Although the exact effects of a non-military alternative on the military manpower supply cannot be predicted, it is felt that given the choice between possible mili- tary service and certain civilian service, enough men will choose to take their chances with the lot- tery. In addition, pay and term- of-duty differentials could serve to make the lottery alternative more attractive to many. * WOMEN. By not drafting Past objections to use of wom- en for military service have been subjective, based on tradition, and essentially meaningless. Compelled by a small population and grave threats to its national integrity, Israel has had great success util- izing women in all military capaci- ties. Though the need in the Unit- ed States is not as pressing, this country cannot afford to pass up half of its potential manpower resources. * STANDARDS. The armed services currently have a single standard, medical and mental, for all men. However, the vast va- riety of jobs in the armed services clearly call for differential stand- ards. While a combat soldier must be in top physical condition, there is no reason why a . ngil-gusgher in * CIVILIANS. The armed serv- ices currently use vast numbers of uniformed men in jobs that could easily be filled by civilians (as well as inducted women). The Defense Department could ease the pressure on military manpow- er by simply hiring civilian em- ployes to fill these jobs. Civilian employes wouldbe par- ticularly useful in domestic ad- ministrative and supply capaci- ties. THESE SUGGESTIONS do not provide a panacea for the prob- lems of the draft; there is no perfect system that will satisfy everyone. There will always be those who are philosophically op- posed to the concept of compul- sory national service in any form. However, when dealing with a system such as the draft, one must