PAGE TEN THE 311CHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, OCTOBER 211966 PAGE TEN THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY. OCTOBER 21 1966 .v ar^F;"; "f.>:" ^.fi . fi4 .f^,. r,,}vr?",rJ vgr,::"v,"+,r ""r'"Y .fi:"i' 'et M:::"?:?'r,"'r+::ysrA yy.:.>4:'!!. ."r.!r°?!.};. '" .rif+ S";4. :i::"r,"",{tiSy ...... :::::.n >y.:{. ":"}}: :::. ..... i-{jGaWq,. ' ," ;:"y r; r rr>:. ,rvR>';"" { "qa:, "::..,{; J..". .. ...7^?:?q.v.?.:"??}i? >??:i'r?'r:{J.> :,:4;",},.r.. :, r.t . ,. r: . ":'{:.r. n, : ' >' ;. ..>$".; ,.}.",r>"',.. r. :>".": v: r..4 . d' ."r'i r. r..fir .'e '>e' >"rr, r... ..v. r. + ' -r"'" ".>wn-:.>^."...>.«r::,.v."r {":v:^'rv.".".^.:: r... v. «. rrJr.>.":" ^.. ar. o...:«r. r:..:b.,>,.,.a.". r. ....4>.. r.,......,.."J:rs": DA I LY OFFICITT BULLETIN :.*raJrx ^. sr."::^." ^.":." v:."." :""." : ra:: ro>r."."::,:" sv: x:.:": ra::: v:.:: . v... -.vd,"vr, y vr.". " "Jarvr J rrn a" " .v.:.:rr.".^.>"JfFa fi:"'.":{,:{r:4":":":.... .F.:d":.......>.. r...... r..{..... :.v." ti ". > ."r ,":"E":":'Jr. .:>a+X":":Jri '+'+.. 1," :JJ' &'J'"S a":f ...r . P,..r "nrF,"::... rv:."... r...... L...... .,T..". :. r. e + "rr .":>v: "r. >rr v.":ie"r1..... ,±r."," ..>.,. . vrr.":"7 .' .r7::"'rA":}i .................a«..,vv Yvi?:iti{{"a :i [>::. r........u ..,.ra GL $:"?:iii:r?>i:.".:vYr f.J." }.}is4s :" a 5's.":"r" ":": :f.i".v Y:h4:S}"'r?:;".+Prr"r.":5.1,r":":v."}."." :."a":::.".".v."r: r....., v.',r SONY Tape Recorders Are In A Class By Themselves!!! ' The Daily Official Bulletin is an sity of California, will speak on "SolarI official publication of the Univer- Abundances and the Solar Atmosphere."1 sity of. Michigan for which The ichigan Dailygassumes no editor- General Notices ial responsibility. Notices should be GrrNbc s sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Student Government Council Approval Room 3519 Administration Bldg. be- of the following student sponsored ublicat nm aon th day predayi events becomes effective 24 hours after for Saturday and Sunday. General the publication of this notice. All pub- Notices may be publishedt a maxi- licity for these events must be with- mum of two times on request; Day -held until the approval has become ef- Calendar items appear once only. Apprtvem Student organization notices are not Approval request forms for student accepted forpublication. For more sponsored events are available in Room information call 76484429. 1011 of the SAB.: _______4__ Generation, Magazine sales, Oct. 261 and 27, all day, Union, Engine Arch, FRIDA, OCTBJ~RDiag, Fishbowl, Angell Hall. Film Club International, Movie, "The Day 'Calendar Householder," Oct. 22, 7:30 p.m., Nat-l ural Science Aud. Center for Programmed Learning for Business Seminar-"Management Orien- tation to Programmed Learning": Mich- igan Union, 8:30 a.m. Tha following sponsored student events are approved for the coming Office of Religious Affairs Lecture- gweekend. Social chairmen are reminded' John Montgomery, professor, Trinity that requests for approval for social College, Illinois, "An Evangelical Per- events are due in the Office of Student spective of the Radical Theology": Mul- Organizations not later than 12 o'clock tipurpose Room, Undergraduate Library, noon on Wednesday prior to the event. 4:10 p.m. FRI., OCT. 21-- Cinema Guild-Luis Bunnuel's "Sub- Acacia, Open-Open House Party; Al- ido Al Cielo": Architecture Aud., 7 pha Delta Phi, TGIF; Alpha Delta Phi, and 9:05 p.m. Record Party; Alpha Epsilon Pi, Open- Open; Alpha Sibma Phi, Open-Open; Dept. of Astronomny Visitors' Night Alpha Tau Omega. Open-Open; Beta --Donat G. Wentzel, professor of as- Theta Pi, Band Party; Chi Phi, Open- tronomy, "The Solar Wind": Aud. B, Open; Cooley House, EQ, Open-Open; Angell Hall, 8 p.m. Delta Kappa Epsilon, Open-Open; Del- ta Tau Delta, Open-Open; Delta Upsi- Professional Theatre Program Per- Ion, TGIF; Delta Upsilon, Record Par- formance-APA Repertory Company in ty; Evans Scholars, Open-Open; Kappa Baldridge's "We, Comrades Three": Sigma, House Party; Phi Delta Theta, Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. 8 p.m. TGIF; Phi Delta Theta, Open-Open. Phi Epsilon Pi, Party; Phi Gamma School of Music Concert-University Delta, Open-Open; Phi Kappa Psi, TG- Jazz Band, Bruce Fisher, conductor: IF; Phi Kappa Psi, Open-Open; Phi Hill Aud., 8:30 p.m. Sigma Delta, Open-Open; Psi Upsilon, Party; Sigma Alpha Epsilon, TGIF & Astronomical Colloquium-Fri., Oct. Open-Open; Sigma Alpha Mu, Open- 21, 4 p.m., Room 807 Physics-Astronomy Open; Sigma Chi, Open-Open; Sigma Bldg. Dr. J Paul Mutschlecner, Los Phi, Party (Open-Open); Sigma Phi Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Univer- Epsilon, Open-Open; Sigma Pi, TGIF; Sigma Pi, Open-Open; Tau Delta Phi, Party; Tau Epsilon Phi, Open-Open; Tau Kappa Epsilon, Open-Open House ORGA NIZATION Party; Theta Chi, Display Building; Theta Delta Chi, TGIF; Zeta Beta Tau, Open-Open. SAT., OCT. 22- NOTICES Acacia, Open-Open Band Party; Al- pha Delta Phi, Open House; Alpha Delta. Phi, Band Party; Alpha Epsi- Ion Pi, Open-Open; Alpha Sigma Phi, USE OF THIS COLUMN FOR AN- Open-Open Band Party; Alpha Tau NOUNCEMENTSis available to officially Omega, Open-Open; Beta Theta Pi, recognized and registered organizations Alumni Open House; Beta Theta Pi, only. Forms are available in Room 1011 Band Party; Chi Phi, Theatre Party; SAB. Chi Psi, Band Party; Cooley, EQ, Open- * * * Open; Delta Chi, Band Party; Delta Newman Student Association, Com- Gamma, Open House; Delta Kappa Ep- munity mass and supper, Oct. 21, 5:10 silon, Nero Party; Delta Sigma Phi, p.m., Newman Center, 331 Thompson. Open-Open Band Party; Delta Tau ~'* * Delta,, Open-Open; Delta Upsilon, Open Sociedad Hispanica, Tertulia-Span- House, Delta Upsilon, Band Party; Evans ish conversatiol in an Hispanic at- Scholars, Band Party Open-Open; mosphere, Mon., Oct. 24, 3-5 p.m., 3050 Lanbda Chi Alpha, Open-Open Party; Frieze Bldg. ' Michigan, WQ, Open-Open. * * * Phi Delta Theta, Open-Open; Phi Baha'i Student Group, Informal dis- Delta Theta, Band Party; Phi Epsi- cussion,' Fri., 'Oct. 21, 8 p.m., 335 East Ion Pi, Party; Phi Gamma Delta, Open- Huron, Apt. 5, All welcome. Open; Phi Kappa Psi, Party; Phi Kap- * * * pa Tau, Theme Party; Phi Sigma Del- Folk Dance Club (WAA), Folk dance ta, Band Party Open-Open; Phi Sig- with instruction open to everyone, Fri., ma Kappa, Party Open-Open; Pi Kappa Oct. 21, 8-11 p.m., Barbour Gym. Alpha, Party; Pi Lambda Phi, Open- * .*m * Open House Party; Psi Upsilon, Home- Society of Automotive Engineers, coming Party; Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Films and slides to accompany techni- Brawl; Sigma Alpha Mu, Fireside Open- tal presentation of Chrysler's Racing Open; Sigma Chi, Open-Open; Sigma Hemi, Oct. 24, 7:30 p.m., Multipurpose Nu, Alumni Open House; Sigma Nu, Room, Undergraduate Library. Every- House Party Open-Open. one °welcome. f Sigma Phi, Open-Open; Sigma Phi Epsilon, House Party & Open-Open; Guild House, Friday noon luncheon, Sigma Pi, Open-Open; Tau Delta Phi, concluding -series "The Role of the Party; Tau Epsilon Phi, Alumni Open Military in U.S., An Appraisal," Oct. House; Tau Epsilon Phi, Open-Open; 21, 12-1 p.m., Guild House, 802 Mon- Tau Epsilon Phi, Band Party; Tau roe. Kappa Epsilon, Band Party Open-Open; a * * Theta Chi, Open-Open Band aarty; Guild House, Friday evening sing-in Theta Xi, Open-Open; Triangle, Open- at Guild House, 802 Monroe (Italian Open; Trigon, Dance; Williams, WQ, dinner at 6 p.m.), Oct. 21, 8 p.m. Parent's Weekend; Zeta Beta Tau, Open-Open Party; eZta Psi, Band Par- ty. SUN., OCT. 23- Cooley, EQ, Open-Open; Goddard-Ox- ford, Open-Open; Noble, Oxford, Open- Open. Placement ANNOUNCEMENT: Dept. of State and U.S. Information Agency-Application for Dec. 3 test must be filed for by tomorrow, Oct. 22., Representative will be at the Bureau next Mon., Oct. 24, call 764-7460 for appointments. Applications available at Bureau, deadline: postmarked tomor- row. POSITION OPENINGS: Fidelity Union Life Insurance Co., Dallas, Texas-Two state managers for East and West Michigan and local managers. 26-35 yrs. old, graduate,lead- ership and personal incentive is nec- essary. Mgr. need not sell ins., local agency manager potential for several openings, * * * For further information please call 764-7460, General Division, Bureau of Appointments, 3200 SAB. SUMMER PLACEMENT SERVICE: 212 SAB- Union Carbide Corp., Oak Ridge, Tenn.-Biol., Chem., Engr., Math, Phys. and Stat. majors. Applications filed by Jan. 1. Lufthansa Airlines, Frankfurt, Ger- many-Details now available for ap- plidation by students having conversa- tional German. Great Valley Girl Scout Council, Al- lentown, Pa.-Interview, Mrs. White visits Oct. 26, at Michigan Union Room 3Z, 7:30 in evening. Represents four beautiful camps, need unit leaders, waterfront director, staff nurse, busi- ness manager and program director. For further information please con- tact Summer Placement Service, 212 SAB, Lower Level. TEACHER PLACEMENT: The following schools have vacancies for now and/or next semester: Ann Arbor, Mich. (Child Psych. Hos- pital)-Emot. Dist. Essexville, Mich. (Essexville Hamp- ton P.S.)-H.S. Ind. Ed.-Power Mechan- ics, MachineTool, Drawing. Fowlerville, Mich.-Commercial. Frankenmuth, Mich.-H.S. Engl., H.S. Guid. Manchester, Mich.-H.S. Phys. Ed./ Basketball Coach, H.S. Math, Elem. & H.S. Rem. Reading. Mt. Clemens, Mich. (Clintondale P.S.) -H.S. Counselor. For additional information contact Miss Collins, Bureau of Appointments, Education Division, 3200 SAB, 764-7459. ENGINEERING PLACEMENT INTER- VIEWS: Make interview appointments at Room 128-H, West Engrg. Bldg. Phone 764-8483. OUT'i. 7- Armco Steel Corp. Armstrong Cork Co. Clark Equipment. Detroit Edison Co. General Electric Co. I.B.M. Corp.-BS-MS only. North American Corp.-All Divs. Union Tank Car Co. Velsicol Chemical Corp. THE WORLD'S FIRST FULLY AUTOMATIC TAPE REVERSING SYSTEM The amazing Sony ESP electronic brain automatically senses when the tape track has ended. After 10 seconds of silent track, ESP automatically reverses the tape direction. The Sony 660 also features NEW XL-4 Quadradial Sound .. . 4 speakers literally surround you with stereophonic sound. Less than $575.00. " SUPERSCOP ':tip 5 NEW! SONYMATIC 900 -oi AUTOMATIC PORTABLE RECORDER The new 51 pound easy-toting lightweight with amazing room-sized volume. AVC (Automatic Volume Control) for perfect recordings every time. Start/stop microphone. Operates on 4 flashlight batteries or can be instantly switched to household current. Voice activate optional. Only $6750 :}ih':";":9 b1*8433 88 : 4:;. 4 _ _____ _ ----- I +Xr It's Coming! The STUDENT DIRECTORY f:.:°: .. ;, - . ,. _ :. .. _:; ; ..; 1 I. I ._N ,: .: 4f i