FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21 1966 TINE MICUIGA1~ flIIiv r3~3L IMUISI E Cabinet lies ignations Reflect Viet Nam Regi( )nalism By KENNETH L. WHITING Associated Press News Analyst SAIGON-Deputy Premier Nguy- en Luu Vien submitted his, resig- nation from the cabinet this week. Yesterday, 24 hours later, he sat smiling beside Premier Cao Ky and heard Ky announce that Vien will act as head of government *while Vietnamese leaders attend attend next week's conference in Manila-. His resignation was not officially withdrawn.1 It was ot rejecte Oe ofcal In Kys oice said, "I was not formally -received-" Six other resignations announc- powers and Southern civilian ed Wesdnesday and accompanied members are low on the official by bitter attacks on the govern- totem pole ment are in the same strange lim- By timing their revolt just be- bo. fore the seven-nation summit No reports on the political tur- called to study Viet Nam's future, moil appeared or were broadcast, the discontented ministers seem- No officials would talk. The peo- ple directly involved did not seem certain of the status of anything. *But a piecing together of often contradictory reports gives this picture: *Ky's regime is not imperiled, on- ly embarrassed, by the dissension. The 35-man Cabinet has no vital ingly hoped to win important con- cessions. Two of those who quit seem de.- termined to stay out. At least two have returned to the fold. The resignations were prompted by Viet Nam's emotion-charged North-South regionalism overlaid by oldtime politicking. Viet Nam historically was sep- arated into the rice-rich French colony of Cochin China in the South's Mekong delta, the Man- darin protectorate of Tonkin or present-day North Viet Nam, and the old imperial Buddhist kingdom of Annam along the central coast. Ky and many top leaders in Sai- gon are refugees from what is now North Viet Nam. Ky comes from Hanoi. Even though Ky and other northerners came to the South 12 or more years ago, they are still mistrusted by Southerners, espe- cially since taking tions. over key posi- Northerners in the Cabinet hold the foreign affairs and informa- tion portfolios and the important Rural Reconstruction Ministry post. The 27 Northern refugee depu- ectd S e. 1C1 to write a new con- sution already haveymerged as progressive element. Southerners won only 44 of the assembly's 117 seats though they comprise two- thirds of the total population. The seven Cabinet ministers evidently saw the Southern posi- tion eroding, and decided to rebel. Trouble started more than two 24-hour police seizur of r. Nguy-he en Tan Loc deptyt HatM- ister Nguyen Bat K Ha.i- discrimnation agains Sth ernersg in the gvrmn.He wa e eased, but Kha quit his portfolio in protest over the arrest. Ky accepted Kha's resignation and praised his performance while in office. Much Southern displeasure was directed against Brig. Gen. Nguyen Ngoc Loan, chief of the national police, security service and immi- gration force, who had selzed Loc. Loan denied Loc was under ar- rest but said he was "invited for a little conversation" con'cerning "a number of charges against him.,, Loan declined to specify the charges. th Apart from the regional conflict, sters epoedly ~saw InLan the threat of ruthless police state Imethods used here under Ngo Dinh Diem. Experienced observers believe the only serious threat Ky might face would come from his fellow generals. Ten generals control the all-powerful National Leadership Committee although It was en- larged to accept 10 prominent ci- vilians. Ky, 36, Is head of government and Lt. Gen. Nguyen Van Thieu, 43, is chief of state. Thleu is an ure e I s noted for hang sur vived In one high office or another through a number of changes In government. (.) Talks Show Interest In Nuclear Ban Top Ambassadors Open Anal Debate Over Disarmanient UNITED NATIONS (P - The United States and the Soviet Union dleclared yesterday that prospects were improved for agree- ment on a treaty to ban the spread of nuclear weapons. Both warned also that substantial differences remained. U.S. Ambassador Arthur J. Goldberg and Soviet Ambassador Nikolai T. Feddorenko made the statements in opening the annual disarmament debate in the as- sembly's 121-nation main Political Committee. Claims Progress Goldberg told the committee that substantial progress has been made in th e 17-nation disarma- ment talks in Geneva. He said the United States was encouraged *also by statements made by Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei A. Gro- ..myko after his recent talks with President Johnson and Secretary ofState Dean Rusk in Washing- With that in mind, Goldberg de- clared he was happy to inform the committee his country and the Soviet Union "have agreed to take Sadvantage of this new and more promising situation. Discussion Exploratory "'We are engaged in a continuing and joint search for mutually ac- ceptable ways of overcoming our remaining differences. Our discus- sions at this stage must of neces- Ssity be exploratory. They will not be easy since important differences remain." Agreement on a treaty would be another milestone on disarma- mnent similar to the limited test- ban treaty signed in Moscow in 1963. France and Communist *China have never signed that treaty, and there is no assurance they would sign a non-prolif era- tion pact. RED GUARD CITED: U N Association Report A dvocates Representation for Both Chinas *.-:.x.n.;; TWO CONFUSED MEN held a news conference in Saigon yesterday. Speaking to South Vietnamese Prime Minister Ky is Nguyen Lun Vien, deputy prime minister in Ky's government, who "resigned" from the government Tuesday after having been named to Ky's delegation to the upcoming Manila conference. Yesterday it was announced he would head the government while Ky is in Manila. POLICY HELD RESPONSiBLE: Britis Unempl-oment Fgr WASHINGTON (P) - The time joined this country in opposition has come for the United States to to extending an invitation to Pe- support the seating of both Coin- king, in order to work toward the munist China and Nationalist representation of mainland China China in the United Nations, says in the United Nations." a national policy panel of the U.N. Roosa said in a news conference Association of the United States, in connection with the report that .In a 64-page report released last 17 of the 27 members of the panel night, a panel of 27 prominent felt it is important to tell Peking business executives, scholars and that it could count on a Security bankers supports the promise of a Council seat it if sits with Na- seat on the U.N. Security- Council tionalist China in the assembly. for Communist China if Peking Modification acepts the two-China approach in Kenneth T. Young, president of the U.N. General Assembly. the Asia Society and former am- The panel for the U.S.associa- bassador to Thailand, Is joined by tion, a private organization, was four others in favoring a two- headed by Robert V. Roosa, former stage modification of present U.S. undersecretary of the Treasury policy. and now a partner in the Wall Young says this would provide Street firm of Brown Brothers, for dual representation in the U.N. Harriman & Co. The vice chair- General Assembly of both Chinas, man was Frederick S. Beebe, chair- but defer the question of changing man of the board of the News- the Security Council membership. week-Washirigton Post Co. He is joined in this reservation bership in the Security Council should be left to future negotia- tions. The report emphasizes ,the United States must continue to protect its Asian allies from mili- tary attack and adds: "We con- sider it essential that the Repub- lic of China Taiwan retain its UN membership." Other Moves , The repor4 recommends that the Chinese issue be included in a general move which would bring the divided states of North and South Korea, North and South Viet Nam and East and West Ger many Into UN membership "This approach remains a theor- etical possibility, but it Is dloubtful that such a move would simplify the issues involved," the panelists find. "A case might be made for a representation and membership proposal which Included North and South Korea and even North and South Viet Nam but the German situation is politically very differ- ent." Evidence by Arthur H. Dean, partner of the The exceses of Communist aw firm of Sullvan & Cromwell China's Red Guards and the hard- Lucian W. Pye, professor of politi- ening of Mao. Tse-tung's extremist cal science at Massachusetts Insti- policy are cited as convincing evi- tute of Technology, Franklin A. dence of "the need to provide Lindsay, president of Itek Corp., fresh and timely encouragement to and Hardy C. Dillard, dean of the those moderate influences that school of law, University of Vir-' still-rmi nCia ginia Thne*"repo~rt say 'it is the con- "" Postpon eDecision sidered judgment of the panel that Prof. George E. Taylor of the the United States "should prompt- jFar Eastern Institute of the Uni- ly begin consultations with those versity of Washington holds that countries which have, in the past, the question of Red Chinese mem- LONDON UP)-The British gov- ernment reported yesterday the biggest jump in unemployment in four years, with a winter of labor strife in prospect. The Labor government's policy of deflationary austerity waG held directly responsible for much of the 97,027 increase in the jobless since Sept. 22, making the total unemployed 437,229. Left-wing Laborites called the report on unemployment "most gravely disturbing." All production stopped at the big Austin Motors plant at Long- bridge because of a strike oi car deliverers, which began four weeks ago at the British Motor Corp., makers of Austin,. at Oxford. The drivers walked out when the cam- pany announced 12,000 men will be laid off next month becaus.e of the austerity measures. Behind the labor disputes at G nMrand othes atb Vauxhal, a the Rover Motor Co., was general discontent with Prime Minister Harold Wilson's six-month freeze of wages and prices. Freeze Compulsory A voluntary freeze was ordered by the government July 20. The freeze was made compulsory Oct. 5 after some unions and firms re- fused to observe it. Wilson made the freeze com- pulsory during Parliament's sum- mer' recess and is seeking legts- lative approval next Wednesday. He almost certainly will be as- sailed not only by opposition Con- servatives because of the growing business stagnation but by leftist of his own Labor party because of the hardship for workers. The outright freeze is to end Jan. 20. but the government al- ready has said It will maintain a program of "extreme restraint" on wages and prices for a further six months. In the House of Commons on Thursday, left wingers charged the governmnet was maintaining no effective control on prices and said the freeze was hitting workers ex- clusively. Government spokesmen rejected this charge. smm"""'"""""' mmm"" m'""""'" mmmmm m-mmmmme"m=minmmmm"mmm II aI EI (I CIcNEMA BUILD a I I HRS DIG YNMT" * . * I I s on y sI ~ Oc.20 nd 2 -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - --I- rn FILM CL UB IN TE RNA TIONA L FATH ER BROWN (TH E DETECTIVE)-a comedy from Britain starring Alec Guinness and Joan Greenwood TH E HOUSEHOLDER-a comedy from India starring Shashi Kapoor Also a documentary on India will be shown. All Films in English Increase in Clothing Prices Drives Living Costs Upward II Saturda Otbr2,16..7:0pm Natural Science Auditorium $1 .50 per person WASHINGTON (A)-A jump in clothing prices pushed the cost of living to a new peak in September prices since la st dMay. Frther in creaes are expected in the months just ahead. In reporting yesterday the Labor Department said its consumer price index rose three-tenths of 1 per cent during the month to a record 114.1 per cent of the 1957- 59 base period. This meant that consumers paid $11.41 in September for the same goods and services which cost $10 about eight years ago. Other Increases SAlthough higher clothing prices, especially for women, were prima- rily responsible for this eighth straight monthly advance, the Bureau of Labor Statistics said housing and medical costs also in- creased while automobile 'prices declined. Living, cost during September were 3.5 per cent above a year earlier and bureau Commissioner Arthur Ross said he expects that trend to continue through the end of 1966. Hopes for 1967 4Ross was more hopeful for 1967 and predicted a slower climb in Atlas Shugged &TeFutnhead Nathaniel Brancden's the philosophy of AYN RAN end its application to psycholou IL.:.LA..f4 I A living costs although he said i t's still too early to project any pre- cise figures. The decline of two-tenths of 1 per. cent In over-all food prices came in the face of a spreading boycott of supermarkets by house- wivesrin scattered sections off the SHERATON HOTELS DiSCOUNT Students and Faculty receive generous discounts at any of the 130 Sheraton Hotels and Motor Inns on Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights and ANY NIGHT during Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Summer Vacations. Open- ings in New York and California are closing rapidly so make reservations for these cities now, FOR FURTHER INFORMATION OR TELETYPED RESERVATIONS CALL Bruce Hillmon-761 -5679 I , m I U ii ii -- ----- ~ivi17ll bs in a Cracker BarreC or'( I, 1 II The Metroolit-n-Dr-a Q-art--- featuring Hal Youngblood and Jimmy Launce of WJR, Detroit presenting: DON JUAN IN HELL "A warming performance"--A. Fiddler I WRITTEN BY SAUL L.ANDAU AND K. G. DAVIs FROM ORIGINAL, TRADITIONAL AND IMPR(OVISED MATERIAL DIRECTED BY R. G. DAVIS PROGRAM NOTES What is a Minstrel Show? Some of you over 40 may have the material available did not talk about what we know, and feared, The Minstrel for miends itself to some of the subjects that confront us. It is an epic form, an open stagie forrm where social subjects can be bounced around and not reduced to 'adjust- ii U