TUESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1966 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FTVN TUESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1 9 6 6 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE rrvw ...- . . I - For Direct Classified Ad Service, Phone 764-0557 Monday through Friday, 12:30 to 2:30 P.M. BIKES AND SCOOTERS 1966 YAMAHA YIS3, 250 cc. Exrell. cond. Will bargain. 663-9948. Z:A BLACK Suzuki X-6 HUSTLER. Only 950 miles. Only $598. 662-4100. ZA '64 750 ROYAL Enfield Interceptor. $900. 665-4249. B19 MUSICAL MDSE., MUSICAL MERCHANDISE GUITARS FOR YOU Hormonyv 12-String 139.50 Harmny Stella 12-Stg. 62.50 Harmony No. H55 Sovereign 112.)0 Harmoney No. 162 Flat Tops 47 50 Fender Shenandorag 12-Stg. 300.00 Also a complete line of electrice ;nl- tars: VOX. FENDER. MOSRITE and U EanFYothers. DRUM SETS FOR YOU U NCONTRACTED CLASSIFIED RATES LINES I day 2 .65 3 .85, 4 1.05 5 1.20 6 1.40 7 1.55 8 1.70 9 1.85 10 2.00 INCH ES 1 2.00 2 3.75 3 5.35 4 6.85 5 8.25 2 day 1,25 1.65 2.00 2.30 2.60 2.90 3.20 3.50 3.80 3.80 7.30 10.40 13.35 16.25 3 day 1.80 2.40 2.90 3.35 3.80 4.25 4.70 5.10 5.50 5.50 10.60 15.20 19.65 24.15 4 day 2.30 3.10 3.75 4.35 4.95 5.55 6.15 6.70 7.15 7.15 13.75 19.60 25.75 31.85 5 day 2.80 3.75 4.55 5.30 6.05 6.80 7.50 8.20 8.75 8.75 16.75 23.95 31.50 39.35 6 day 3.25 4.35 5.30 6.20 7.10 8.00 8.80 9.60 10.25 10.25 19.55 28.20 37.15 46,55 add. .45 .60 .75 .90 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1,40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 Ads maybe run on a "till canceled" basis, i.e. the ad runs until you notify us to stop it. Additional costs per day after six days. Ads that are of 1 12, 21, 3 , etc. inch size will be billed at the overage of the lower and higher inch rate. LOST AND FOUND LOST Oct 5-Pair of girl's brown se- lecta frame France glasses. Desperate. Call T. Drouillard, 764-3822. A38 LOST-U of M ring. Vicinity Hill and Oxford. Inscribed S.J.W. Reward. Call NO 5-3669. A37 LOST-Brown leather pocketbook Wed. or Thurs. Call Dina Glouberman, 761- 3697. A39 FOUND - Near Oakland-Monroe, one pair of glasses in brown leather case. Call Mike, 665-3120 or 761-5690. AF LOST-Two gray striped male cats, 3 mo. old. Return to 1509 S. University. NO 3-4086, Reward. AB LOST-About 2 weeks ago-Gold. I.D. Link Watch. 764-0774. A36 LOST OCT. 11 - Rebound paperback copy of "The Incomplete Enchanter." Sentimental value. Reward. Call 764- 0817. A35 USED CARS '60 MGA-Nassau blue with tonneau dual carb. Best offer. Cal Ed, 663- 7091. N13 AUSTIN HEALEY Sprite-MKI. Make offer. John, 665-0829. N12 '61 VOLVO 544-Economical transpor- taso-tation. 29 mpg. $495. 668-9829. N20 1961 VW: excellent condition, sunroof, radio, completely overhauled, call af- ter 6 p.m. 764-8928. N4 1963 VW: interior and exterior in exc. cond.; rust-free chrome, good tires; low mileage; includes radio and seat belts. Reasonably Priced HU2-1772 N5 MGA 1960, good cond. Best offer. Call 663-7091. N6 1966 MUSTANG, V-8, stick, 5700 miles. 665-6491. NB 1960 DODGE Phoenix. Good cond. Call after 4, 663-1025 or 668-7167. N48 TR-3 1960 BRITISH Racing Green. Back seat. Very good cond. $600. Call Ned, 764-4447 or 665-2667. N38 G,T.O. 1965, 2-door hardtop, tri-power, 4-speed, new 4-ply tires. Call 663-9875 after 5 p.m. N BUSINESS SERVICES TYPING-Theses, dissertations, resumes, manuscripts, etc. 439-2831. Jil EXPERIENCED LEGAL SECRETARY desires typing in my home-for indivi- dual or company. Call 665-8560. J5 BUSINESS SERVICES NEED A BAND for Homecoming? Call Pop Rock Booking Agency, Lansing, Mich. 20 great soul and rock bands. 2 a-go-go girls. Call Steve Perpich 517-484-1021. J10 761-3993 Your number for QUICK, ACCURATE AND EXPERIENCED manuscript and thesis typing, transcription-ethdical, legal and technical conferenees: mimeographing: offset: ditto; litho- graphy; varityping and composition. AA PROFESSIONAL SERVICE ASSOCIATES. INC. 334 Catherine WANTED TO BUY 2 FOOTBALL tickets, Illinois game, Nov. 5. Call 668-8363. K12 MISCELLANEOUS UNDERGROUND Films-Masonic Tem- ple - Scottish Rites Room. Detroit, Oct. 21, 8:30. Sponsored by ACLU. M16 HELP YOURSELF to maintain Mental Health by helping others. RECOVERY, INC. Non-sectarian. Sundays, 3 p.m., Presbyterian Campus Center, 1424 Washtenaw, Chaffee Room. M14 FRATERN ITY & SORORITY BANQUETS For your dinner meetings, dances, or banquets . . , excellent food and ac- commodations for up to 140. Reason- ably priced. Call Manager, Huron Mo- tor Inn, HU 3-1771, Ypsilanti. M HELP WANTED ESTABLISHED R & R band looking for experienced lead guitarist or organist who can sing. Call Steve at 665-2665. HF CLERK--Young lady over 18 for two nights per week. Must have good references. Village Apothecary, 1112 S. University. Call for appointment, NO 3-5533. 1123 STUDENTS interested in working at Boyne Mountain or Boyne Highland, please write Larry Middleton, Boyne Highland, Harbor Springs, Michigan. H22 GROUNDS HELPERS: Students, if you want to work during your off-school hours around a large apartment pro- ject now and in the winter, call Mr. Mercier 665-4574 between 8:30 a.m. and 4 p.m. daily. H21 FRATERNITY needs waiters and bus- boys to work lunches and dinners. No experience necessary. Call Ed or Don, 761..-0992. 1H20 HELP WANTED BLOOD DONORS URGENTLY NEEDED $7.50 for Rh positive, $10, $12, $14 for Rh negative. Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 9-4; Fri. 1-7. 18-21 years old need parent's permission. Detroit Blood Service, 404 W. Michigan, Ypsilanti, Mich. 483- 1894 H PAID psychological subjects wanted at Mental Health Research Institute. Call Pam Liggett, NO 8-7516 Mon.-Thurs., 7-10 p.m. H24 PERSONAL "OH DEM Watermelons." San Fran- cisco Mime Troupe Minstrel Show. Sat., Oct. 22, 8:30 P.M. Ann Arbor High Aud. $2.00. F31 HAPPY BIRTHDAY PETE-Don't cele- brate too, too much! HAPPY BIRTHDAY LDZI P29 Look for FURSTOVE WALL F30 ANN ARBOR'S best buy in a diamond. engagement ring. Check it! Austin Diamond, 1209 S. University. 663-7151. F1 BILL FRIEDMAN-Just wanted to say hi, grouchy. M.R.V. FB THEY'RE COMING, they're coming, they're coming, and won't stop com- ing, until they've arrived on October 22. Who's corning? Ask any P1 Lam. F28 HOT UP?? P26 YEAH!! Welcome back SSS!! -Michigan Men FE TWO APA Tickets far sale for this Fri- day's performance. Reduced price. Call 761-4693. . P CONGRATULATIONS AND BEST WISH- ES TO DARREL GROSZ AND THE FORMER GAY ROSSITER ON THEIR RECENT MARRIAGE. F27 PRSUNAL BEECHLER-What basis do you have for your brags?-The Catholic. P"B WHEN YOU HAVE 'nothing to wear' try on Je Revien's Perfume by Worth. Available at The Village Apothecary, 1112 South University. F22 MICHIGAN MEN: Do you know that SSS is BACK! FE THE ENG. COUNCIL is looking for its bulletin board. . . FB WANTED: Tender Loving Care for fos-t ter children in your home. Short term and long term. Ages: new-born to teen-age. Financial reimbursement. Call Catholic Social Services. 662-4534. WANTED-3rd girl for modern 2-bdrm. apt. Close to Frieze. 663-1068. E9 GOT ANY problems to solve? Need love, guidance, understanding. Need split milk to cry over, or beer to weep in? Looking for people on the go, the in crowd? You'll find it all this Thur. nite at APARTMENT 101's first group therapy session, for details call 761- 7772 FB TO THE Greene Fish: Boy, was she Ugly! Willie FF Rent Your TV from NEJAC GE and Zenith portables for only $10 per month. FREE service and delivery. Phone 662-5671 NOW. F F.B.I. BLACKLIST. DOCUMENTED. "The F.B.I. Security Affair" Bob Marshalls-Overbecks FOR RENT 3RD MAN NEEDED to share apartment. 925 Church St., Apt. 7. Phone 761- 5816. C4 522 S. DIVISION-Furnished apt. for 2 persons. $125 per-month. Lease thru April '67. Call 665-0089, C6 WANTED-4th girl to share mod. apt. located right on campus. Call any- time, 662-4700. C5 ONE MALE to share modern 2-man apartment. Starting Winter term. Call 662-3651. C44 WANTED for Winter Semester: Grad Sto share furn. 2-man apt. close to campus. Call 663-7993 eves. C3 WANTELD ITOKRENT nCnC^kl L I ' kf f ITC'!1 Tn n e IT 2 GIRLS WANT 3rd roommate to share modern 4-man apartment, $65 a month. 665-0561. L5 MARRIED COUPLE need inexpensive apartment immediately. Call George Junne, 764-2425 or leave message. LF TRANSPORTATION RIDERS WANTED to Bloomington, Ind., this weekend. Leave Fri. around 12. Call 665-2418. 0121 NEED RIDE to AMHERST or NEW YORK for weekend of Oct. 28th. Will share expenses. Call Natalie at 761- 6872. GD RIDER WANTED to Buffalo, N.Y., this weekend. Leaving Fri. after 10 a.m. to return on Sun Call Marty, 761-3187. FOR SALE ELECTROLUX tank vacuum cleaner with all attachments. Runs like new. Cost $130 new, will sacrifice for $25." Call 663-9177. B35 1965 MUSTANG, 6 cyl. stick shift, ivyj green. Best offer over $1400. Call be-j tween 8 and 5. 764-3497. After 5 call 662-9890. Leave message. B SHOTGUN-12 ga. Browning auto, and 3/4 length Black leather coat by Todd, size 42. Call 761-3835. B32 HONDA SUPER HAWK, has new pis- tons and rings. $450. 665-6601. B33 REFRIGERATOR, $50; automatic wash- er, $50; 16 m.m. Bolex movie camera, 3 lenses, projector, tri-pod, $350. NO 3-5861. B28 35 M.M. SLR CAMERA outfit. Call 665- 0740 after 6. B29 '64 MGB - Wire wheels, tonneau, etc. $1300. Call Jim, NO 2-3779. B31 BIKES AND SCOOTERS 1964 RED Austin Healey 3000, 4 passen- ger, low mileage, overdrive, roll win- dows, exc. cond., wire wheels, rea- sonable price. Call 761-7900. N11 85 CC KAWASAKI 1965, good condition. Call Hicks, 761-1303. Z25 1965 HONDA Super Hawk. MUST SELL -Best offer. Call 761-7761. Johnny Shoem~ak er. Z22 YAMAHA 125, 1965, 4,000 miles. Cheap. 663-3878. Z21 YAMAHA '65, 80cc, $225, 482-3974 after 6 p.m. Z19 '64 YAMAHA-Black, immaculate. 662- 9829. Z24 HONDA OWNERS Let us do your fall tune'up and over- haul work. Fast efficient service. Genuine replacement parts used. UNIVERSITY MOTORCYCLE SALES 211 E. Ann 662-3979 Bridgestone Cotton and Hodaka BIKES AND SCOOTERS 1964 HONDA S-50. Good condition. Low mileage. 6 months insurance includ- ed. Call around 6:00 p.m., 665-2264. ZIS WOULD YOU BELIEVE? HONDA CA100 $251.34 Total 0110 263.57 Total CA102 265.35 Total C865 300.40 Total CT200 323.23 Total CM91 325.98 Total CT90 346.80 Total 0590 348.38 Total CA160 522.64 Total CB160 601.63 Total CLl6O 601.53 Total CA77 649.77 Total CL 77 719.30 Total CB77 723.60 Total CB450 989.90 Total Deposits must be in before 26 October HONDA of Ann Arbor 3000 Packard at Platt 665-9281 Z26 1965 HONDA SuperHawk. "305" cc. Ex- cellent cond. 3,000 miles. $525. 761- 8813. Z17 '64 VESPA 125, good cond. 2,000 miles. $225. Call Jeff, 761-9250. Zil YAMAHA YDS-3, '66, 250 c.c. 27 BHP. Mint condition. Asking $575. Call Jon at 665-3567 or 761-1345. Z12 TIRED OF lightweight performance? Trade now for the new hot OSSA. Honda of Ann Arbor 3000 Packard alt Platt 665-9281 TIRED of lightweight performance? Trade now for the new hot OSSA. HONDA of Ann Arbor 3000 Packard at Platt 665-9281 YAMAHA JET 100cc, 1966, 2,000 miles. Good condition. Call NO 3-4775. Z3 SUZUKI X-6. $650. Price includes $45 Bucl. helmet. Call Ken Field, 665-3669. SZ50 HONDA 50 Sport, 1400 miles, excellent condition, best offer. Call 761-5785. 1964 HONDA Super Sport. Good cond., must sell. 663-1173.Z1 1967 NORTON 750's $1330 Total nothing down World's fastest, most powerful stock motorcycle HONDA of ANN ARBOR 3000 Packard at Platt 665-9281 SWEETEN YOUR MORNING COFFEE with 'rixun iTplstar Set 515.00 A-I New and Used It struments Trixon Spcedfire Set. with BANJOS, GUITARS, AND BONGOS double bass pedals 525.00 PAUL'S MUSICAL REPAIR Also. Whitehall Drum Sets avail, from 119 W. Washington 119.50 to 375.00 - -ANN ARBOR MUSIC MART SPINET PIANO BARGAIN 802 South State Wanted: Responsible party to take over Phone 662-6550 low monthly payments on a spinet - --- ..____.__. piano. Can be seen locally. Write PINK PEARL drum set. 4 drums, 2 Credit Manager, P.O. Box 276, Shelby- ride cymbals, hi-hat. Call John, 764- ville, Indiana, Xl 0619. X6 Coli 764-0558 EUROPEAN, MOTOR SERVICE' 25 Years of Experience on All Foreign Cars 0 Parts for all' foreign cars 24-hr. service for anything not in StQck EUROPEAN MOTOR, SERVICE Complete Auto Repairing & Pointing Specialist Foreign Car Service 1946 PACKARD RD. - ANN ARBOR, MICH. Phone 663-5403 GUYS and GALS get ready for the 4TH GIRL NEEDED for mod. apt. Call dance. FB 665-0824. Ask for Kathy. Cl PH '(761-5961) desires to find woman willing to have a Napolean.-M.A. FB THE ONLY place in Ann Arbor to buy a diamond engagement ring. Check it. Austin Diamond, 1209 S. Univer- sity. 663-7151. F4 TO KAREN AND THE GRAD STUDENT: CONGRATULATIONS!! Bill, Chuck, Rick, Dick, and Terry FB Who's LESLIE FIEDLER? FF BARGAIN CORNER_ SAM'S STORE Has Genuine LEVI'S Galore! For "Gals and Guys" LEVI'S SLIM-FITS--$4.98 "White" and 5 Colors CORD. SLIM-FITS-$5.98 LEVI'S STA-PREST PANTS Never Needs Ironing--$7 LEVI JACKETS "White"-Denim-$6.98. FOURTH MAN wanted for mod. apt. on campus. 662-0874. 1341 Geddes, No. 6. C2 508 LAWRENCE-4, 5, 6 man apt. $260 per month. 4 Bedrooms. Spacious. quiet. Available second semester. Call 662-8121. CC 3 GUYS NEED 4th to share furnished' 4-bedroom hse Call 761-4009. C49, READY IN 2 WEEKS or for winter term. 2 men to fill a 4-man room. $55 ma. 665-5358 C50 ANYONE interested in purchasing fur- niture and subletting bachelor apart- ment. Nice and new. Write Box K, c/o Michigan Daily. C WE DESPERATELY NEED a fourth girl for our spacious apt. ONE BLOCK from campus. Call 761-5159. CC SUBLET SERVICE Open now: We have apts. for rent or rent them for you. 1217 S. University (across from Campus Theatre), 761- 3688. C MODERN 1 Bedroom 3-man apt., 1 block from campus. Available second semester. 662-5652. C47 GIRL WANTED to share house. Sepa- rate bedroom, parking. Phone 668- 1851 after 4:30. C30 IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY - One bed- room apt. New, furnished, air-condi. Priced for 1, 2 or 3 people. Call 662- 7961 afternoons and evenings. C46 WANTED TO RENT MALE GRADS wanted to share fur- nished house on Whitmore Lake. Call 449-4184 between 1:30 and 3:30 p.m. weekdays and anytime on weekends. L4 Available Nowt Yamaha Sportscycies from 50 cc. to 305 cc., including the unbeatable YL-1 twin cylinder Yamaha. Bank financing. NICHOLSON MOTOR SALES Triumph, Yamaha, BMW 224 S. First 662-7409 '65 BMW, R60, 600cc, excellent condition. Best offer. Call 665-6377. Z20 Open Daily 8 AN. td 8 P.M. Except Sundays Next to the Party Store 12-12-42- by Bernard Stone Tom McDonough Dick Gereindesy An Underground film Tonight: 8 P.M. Ugli Multipurpose Rm. Sponsored by Voice/SDS OFFICE' HOURS Circulation-764-0558 Call between 1 and 4 Classified-764-0557 Call between 1 and 3 e a LEVI'S Superslims-$4.98 LEVI'S Dungarees-$4.98 Guy's S-T-R-E-T-C-H LEVI'S-$5.98 Gal's S-T-R-E-T-C-H LEVI'S-$6.98 Sta-Prest Slim Fits-$5.98 Cotton Turtlenecks-$1.79 (All Kinds of Colors) Open Mon. & Fri. Nights SAM'S STORE 122 E. Washington - - - r r iM t4ORTHO@ CHEVRON CHEMICAL CO. ORTHO DIVISION will conduct campus interviews October 20 and October 21 for sates training leading to agricultural and garden chemical marketing positions. Contact Placement Office for appointment. -an equal opportunity employer- T'S: ORTHOJO CHEVRON DESIGN,s CHEVRON* - I I CAREERS IN STEEL ST Et Our representative will be on campus NOV.9 to interview undergraduate and graduate candidates for Bethlehem's '67 Loop Course -our highly regarded management training program Items to Decorate Your Apartment or Room 1 rNr. IN FISH NETS Just arrived from Japan. Assorted sizes and colors. $2.50 to $7.95 MADRAS BEDSPREADS Big Selection Single Sizes $4.95 Double Sizes $6.95 The Finest Unpainted HARDWOOD FURNITURE Large Selection Available L Brighten interiors with colorful, Translucent Panels ROOM DIVIDER$ CABINE1T DOORS a x FLOOR SCREENS FOOD BAR TRIM -RISMALITE- Prismalitetranslucent panels open the way to new ideas in interior decorating. And Pris- WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1966 Trueblood Auditorium (Frieze Building) 4:00 P.M. OPPORTUNITIES are available in steel plant oper- ations, sales, research, min- ing, accounting, and other activities. DEGREES required are mechanical, metallurgical, electrical, chemical, indus- trial, civil, mining, and other engineering special- ties; also chemistry, phy- sics, mathematics, business administration, accounting and liberal arts. If you would like to discuss your career interest with a Bethlehem representative, see your nlacement officer HANS KUNG'S university education began in Rome at the German College and Gregorian University and continued later at the Catholic Institute and the Sorbonne, both in Paris. After his first major work, JUSTIFICATION, a study of Karl Barth, Father Kung took up his present position as Professor of Fundamental Theology at the University of Tubingen. His subsequent works which include THE COUNCIL, REFORM AND REUNION, and THE COUN- .. CIL IN ACTION, confirm his credentials as a good spokes- man for his positions. He attempts to describe the current encounter of Christianity with a familiar, yet strange, world. This lecture treats how the Church approaches men of the world, both as members and non-members of its TT[X&VT1 IA iriIUI~TIT lA TDfl i I1 11