TUESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1966 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE T M TUESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1966 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE Soviet Policy StandHints of Peace Ianeu ,erings By HENRY S. BRADSHER News Analysis MOSCOW--Shifts of emphasis in the Soviet position on Viet Nam are being studied by diplomats here for hints of Kremlin willing- ness to try to arrange peace. Taken at their most extreme interpretation, the shifts might mean that the Soviet Union is now movng cautiously toward setting up a settlement-with North Viet Nam's approval. Clues pointing this way might be read into speeches in recent days by Communist Chief Leonid 1. Brezhnev and Premier Alexei N., Kosygin.j But this is far from certain. At the other extreme, the shifts could be interpreted simply as tactical responses to American statements, lacking any deeper significance. Reiterates Hanoi The "no significant cnange" school of diplomatic analysts was supported by the publication Sun- day of a Soviet-Polish communi- que. In effect, it reiterated Hanoi's -tough position dating back to April 1965. This includes demands for a halt of U.S. air raids on North Viet Nam, a complete American with- drawal from South Viet Nam and a long-range settlement dictated by the Viet Cong. This Hanoi position and similar Viet Cong terms for ending the war are unacceptable to Wash- ington, which has been looking for possibilities more realistic for both sides. Shifts of emphasis from the basic communist position have been noticeable for long enough to suggeset a possible connection with two recent developments. They are the checking of Com- munist offensive action in South Viet Nam by the -massive Amer- ican forces, and the "great cul- tural revolution" that has shown Red China to be an unstable and possibly unreliable ally for Hanoi. Secret Visit After these developments be- came abvious, Premier Pham Van Dong of North Viet Nam and his defense minister secretly visited the Soviet Union for talks in August. Then the Soviet Union began a series of bilateral talks with its East European alies. They will culminate this week in a Soviet- bloc summit meeting in Moscow. (Leaders of the Soviet block assembled in Moscow yesterday night to try to decide what to do about China's errant brand of communism and its obstruction of aid to North Viet Nam. (The top Communists from Bul- garia, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Mongolia, Po- land, Romania and the Soviet Union are also expected to see Soviet cosmonauts launced into orbit Thursday.) Perhaps these events are not directly related in a way that shows a sequence of developments leading up to the shifts of em- phasis. Diplomatic analysts here cannot be sure, but they are ;n- trigued. Some of them suggest this ten- tantative interpretation: Hanoi decided - the war cannot be won outright. With China both unstable and refusing to facilitate aid deliveries from other Commu- nist countries to Hanoi, the North Vietnamese government decided that a settlement would be .better than continuing to absorb losses. Weaken Position But any rush toward a settle- ment would weaken the Commu- nist negotiating position, and so there is now a cautiously slow movement, these analysts claim. Maybe Kosygin offered a clue. He said Thursday that the Viet- namese war would have been stopped if China had cooperated with Communist aid efforts. This might be the first step to- ward justifying a settlement ar- ranged by Hanoi and Moscow. Peace without victory could be blamed on the Chinese, thus meet- ing their shrill charges of a Krem- lin sellout of the Communist cause in Viet Nam. The East European meetings would fit in as Moscow's effort to assure support for any peace moves, anticipating Peking blasts. Brezhnev in a speech Saturday said that to remove the main ob- stacle to better Soviet-American relations, the United States must stop air raids on North Viet Nam, "stop the aggressive war against the Vietnamese epople, respect not in words but in deeds the inde- pendence, sovereignty and terri- torial integrity of other countries and peoples." Brezhnev omitted a clear de- mand for a U.S. withdrawal and a Viet Cong-dictated settlement, al- though these reappeared in the Polish-Soviet communique. Not Consistent Brezhnev's words were not in- consistent with the current U.S. negotiating position. It calls for a halt of air raids conditional upon assurance of a reduction in North Vietnamese military activities, a phased and inspected withdrawal of both U.S. and North Vietnam- ese forces from South Viet Nam, and a Viet Cong seat in negotia- tions. (B r i t i s h foreign secretary George Brown was reported yes- terday night to be convinced that Soviet leaders will be ready to play an active role in Viet Nam peacemaking if American bomb- ings in North Viet Nam end. (This is the message Brown felt Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei A. Gromyko has been flashing to re- cent private exchanges in New York and Washington.) - v -ti Set Up Board Of Inquiry Into Strikes Johnson Uses Taft- Hartley Act Under National Safety Claim WASHINGTON (JP)-Strikes con- tinued to erupt at scattered Gen- eral Electric Co. plants yesterday as President Johnson acted to in- voke the Taft-Hartley Act and halt any shutdowns found to im- peril the national safety. Before setting out on his Pacific Journey, Johnson named a board of inquiry to look into the strikes which so far have idled more than 30,000 workers in six states. Most of the disputes are reported to be over local issues. Many of the strikers ar'e in the AFL-CIO International Union of Electrical Workers which over the weekend ratified a national agree- ment with GE worked out under White House mediation to avert a nationwide strike. But the strikes are also by others of GE's 125,000 union work- ers in craft unions such as the machinists and guilds. Picket lines were being respected where re- quested. The board of inquiry named by Johnson are: John Dunlop, eco- nomics professor at Harvard; David Cole and Jacob Seidenberg, veteran labor experts and media- tors. Cole is the chairman. They left immediately to first look at the walkout of .6,000 at the Evendale, Ohio, plant which has slowed production of engines for F4 Phantom fighters used in Viet Nam. From there; the board is em- powered to go to other struck GE plants. The White House said Secretary of Labor W. Willard Wirtz, Se.re- tary of Defense Robert S. Mc- Namara and acting Atty. Gen. Ramsey Clark recommended to the President that the inquiry board be set up. Wirtz and McNamara were active in working out the contract aproved by the IUE and 10 other unions with which the IUE held coordinated negotiations. The IUE represents 80,000 of GE's 125,000 workers in 160 plants. Under the Taft-Hartley law the board of inquiry reports its find- ings to the President without ree- ommendations. Senator Robert P. Griffin, Republican nominee for the U.S. Senate, left, addressed remarks to a luncheon of the Detroit Economic Club yesterday as former Gov. G. Mennen Williams unpacked his briefcase. Williams, the Democratic nominee for the Senate, debated the issues with Griffin on a take-a-turn basis. Recent polls have shown Griffin with a slight edge in voter popularity. DAILY NEWS HINTS SAIGON VISIT: President Defines Asian Role As 'Peace, OrdeProsperity' Arabs Label Ambassador Pro-Zionist Follows Friday Act; Thant Gives Goldberg Afro-Asian Protest UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (P)- An Arab delegate on Monday accused U.S. Ambassador Arthur J. Goldberg of being politically identified with Zionism. Goldberg replied that he could be regarded as a Zionist "in the same sense that many world statesmen, in- cluding some Arabs, considered themselves Zionists." Syrian Ambassador G e o r g e Tomeh made the charge in the Security Council during debate on an Israeli-Syrian dispute. It came shortly after Secretary- General U Thant delivered a pro- test to Goldberg from 62 Asian and Africandcountries against the invasion of the Syrian mission to the United Nations last Friday by a young American Zionist group. First U.N. Accusation This was the first time in a U.N. forum that Goldberg, a Jew, had been accused of being a Zion- ist. He has been the subject of such charges by Arab nationalists in statements distributed to papers. Thant has asked that Goldberg meet with him to receive the Asian-African protest. Thant Concerned Thant conveyed also to Goldberg his own concern about the inci- dent, and received in return an assurance from Goldberg that the United States would provide police protection for any U.N. diplomatic mission, either on request by the mission or Thant. Goldberg further offered to dis- cuss with representatives of the U.N. diplomatic missions, which are scattered in buildings mostly around U.N. headquarters, any ad- ditional steps that can be taken to insure the safety of diplomats and their headquarters. The invasion of the Syrian mis- sion last Friday by the young Zionists set off a storm of protest in U.N. diplomatic circles and against revived talk of moving U.N. headquarters out of New York City. WASHINGTON (P) - The Mar-I ine Corps has decided to exend1 the duty of regular officer pilots and some key aircraft mainte- nance men for one year to meet growing Viet Nam war needs, sources disclosed yesterday. Officials said an order to that effect has been prepared and is expected to be made public within a week. It was not know immediately how many men would be affected, but officials emphasized that no Reserve officers would be told to stay on duty. Second Extension The mandatory extension will be the second in two years for reg- ular officer Marine pilots. Pilots, along with all other regular of- ficers, were held on the job in August 1965 but permitted to re- sign as of Sept. 1 this year. Since then, at least 125 aviators have left the service-many of them to join commercial airlines. On Oct 7, the Navq announced it would continue to hold an es- timated 300 fliers and 700 other key personnel on duty for another year. The Marine problems are noth- ing new: both the Navy and Air Force have said they need more piloes and are seeking increased training facilities next year. The Navy has reported it will not meet all of its aviator requireients un- til the early 1970s. Train New Fliers This year the Marines expect to train 525 new fliers, and sources said they have asked the Defense Department for a 40 per cent training boost next year. There nave been published re- ports that the Marines are short 650 flying officers, but officers have consistently denied this. Ask- ed yesterday about the alleged shortages, one Marine officer said; "We have plenty of people to take care of aviation requirements." Another symptom of pilot stress is the fact that the Marines have been forced to send some flying officers back for second combat tours in Viet Nam after only six months in the United States. High Court Drops Hearings On Electoral College System WASHINGTON (P) - The Su- preme Court yesterday refused to hear a case challenging the Elec- toral College system and one directing that police and lower courts treat alcoholism as a dis- ease rather than a crime. Rejected also by the Court was a case asking a broadening of the right-of-cousel to cover minor of- fenses. The Electoral College dispute was brought to the court's door- step by Delaware. Later 12 other small states asked to be heard on Delaware's side. They questioned the constitu- tionalitynofthe "winner-take-all"' system under which all of the states electoral votes are cast for the presidential nominee who re- ceives a plurality of the state's popular votes. Lelaware Atty. Gen. David P. Buckson claimed this gives voters in larger states disproportionate power and gives the larger states excessive political influence. Justice Abe Fortas condemned the decision in a sharp dissent. He said criminal punishment of chronic drunks is crude and un- civilized. Justice William O. Douglas join- ed Fortas in the alcoholism dis- sent. The majority gave no reason for refusing to hear Thomas F. Budd, an Oakland janitor arrested 34 times in 27 years on drunken- ness charge and described in med- ical testimony as a chronic alco- holic. Budd's appeal claimed that pub lic drunkenness is an unavoidable symptom of the disease of chronic alcoholism. Further, he contended that criminal punishment violates the protection against "cruel and unusual punishments" provided by the Eighth Amendment to the Constitution. Earlier this year, two of the 11 federal circuit courts held chronic alcoholics could not be criminally punished for drunkenness alone. By not taking the Budd case, the high court passed up the oppor- tunity fof laying down a uniform rule for all the courts. The right,-to-counsel case was pressed on the high court by the Legal Defense and Educational Fund of the National Asseciation for the Advancement of Colored People. The point at issue was whether state courts must provide lawyers to paupers accused of mis- demeanors. The court already has held that persons charged with felonies are entitled to counsel PRESENT SHORTAGE: Marine Corps Extends Tours Of Pilots, Maintenance Crews HONOLULU VP) - President Johnson arrived yesterday after- noon in the mid-Pacific American state from which he will launch a 25,000-mile, 17-day mission to the Far East, hoping for peace. "We don't expect to pull any rabbits out of the hat at Manila," Johnson said in a brief arrival statement. He referred to his forthcoming conference at the Philippine capital with the heads of nations fighting the Commu- nists in Viet Nam. The President and Mrs. John- son stepped from their jet at Honolulu International Airport to receive a cheering welcome from about 3,500 persons, and the tra- ditional leis-flower garlands- from state dignitaries. They paused at the airport for several minutes before leaving in ,. motorcade for the University of Hawaii campus where the Presi- dent delivered an address, setting the tone of his trip through the Pacific. He pledged to help build new societies of freedom, peace and prosperity in Asia. "America's role in this new emerging Asia," Johnson said "is that of a neighbor among equals -a partner in the great adventure of bringing peace, order and pro- gress to a part of the world where more than half the human race lives." His statement was in an address prepared for delivery at the East- West Center in Honolulu on an overnight stop before leaving on the journey to New Zealand, Aus- tralia, Thailand, Malaysia, South Korea and the seven-nation sum- mit in Manila. While South Viet Nam is not on his itinerary, he may stop there briefly, possibly Oct. 27. Premier Nguyen Cao Ky ow South Viet Nam said he would invite Johnson to go there after the Manila con- fenrece Oct. 24-25. In a Saigon story, the New York Daily News reported that Johnson will visit U.S. troops in Viet Nam during his tour. "Preliminary planning of ar- rangements and security measures are quietly in progress," the mor- ning paper said in a dispatch from Joseph Fried in Saigon. The News continued: "Reliable sources said the secur- ity men want the President to avoid Saigon,bor spend as little time as possible here, because of the danger of Viet Cong terrorists striking at him. "Ideally, Johnson would fly to U.S. bases at Da Nang or Cam Ranh Bay. They are isolated and better protected. "Present plans call for him to arrive here after the Manila sum- mit meeting of Viet Nam allies. while he is en route to Thailand. He isscheduled to leave the Phi- lippines Oct. 27." I I SUBSCRIPTIONS, NOW ON SALE ! I World News Roundup LUNCH-DISCUSSION TUESDAY, Oct. 18, 12:00 Noon U.M. International Center SUBJECT: "RELIGIOUS HARMONY IN A MUSLIM COUNTRY" Speaker: MR. ARIFIN WARDIMAN of Indonesia Student in Information and Control Engineering By The Associated Press WASHINGTON - President Johnson has signed a bill he says offers new hope to persons dis- charged from the armed forces under conditions other than hon- orable. The new law permits a dis- charged serviceman to obtain an exemplary rehabilitation certifi- caste Whenever he can show he has led an exemplary life for at least three years since the date of his discharge. The purpose is to lessen the handicap, both to reputation and to employment, which such per- sons often suffer. WASHINGTON - The House passed and sent back to the Sen- ate yesterday a compromise fair packaging and labeling bill. The roll-call vote was 242-6. The bill is almost precisely the same as one approved two weeks ago by the House after the Com- merce Committee removed Senate provisions for mandatory federal packaging standards. The bill contains mandatory la- beling provisions and gives the government new authority to move against such things as partially filled packages, "cents-off" pro-f motions and designation of pack- age sizes with terms such as "giant economy size." JAKARTA-Dr. Subandrio, In- donesia's former minister on trial for his life, blamed both President Sukarno and military leaders yes- terday for failing to stop Com- munist advances here. For Reservations, calf 662-5529 Sponsored by the Ecumenical Campus Center TODAY-TUESDAY, October 18 4:10 P.M.' MULTIPURPOSE ROOM, UGLI Pastor Max Lackmann, speaking II -- VOICE-SDS General Membership Meeting MOVIES "12-12-42" (A social-erotic political underground film) & "Time of the Locusts" (edits of Japanese, NLF, Arvin, & U.S. CINEMA II presents Saturday Night and Sunday Morning ALBERT FINNEY A&9 P.M. Aud. A, A. H. 11 'i "POSSIBILITIES for CHURCH REUNION" (What does our Union in Christ mean for our Human Bodies?) Pastor under the Church Council of Westphalia until relieved of his pastoral duties in 1959, Lack- mann became co-founder of the "League for Evan- gelical-Catholic Reunion." He was arrested twice by the Gestapo, in 1936 and 1942, the second time I 11 I 11 II NEIL SIMOlN'S Comedy Hit ~