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October 15, 1966 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-10-15

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Windy; turning much
colder late in day

Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom


UN Meets
As Mid-East
Tension Rises
New Border Raids
Spark Israeli Threat
Of Armed Retaliation
From Wire Service Reports
JERUSALEM, Israel-Tensions
heightened along the Israeli-Syr-
ian border early today in the wake
of the most daring raid thus far
in the worsening crisis.
Three Israelies were wounded
when they were attacked by Arab
terrorists four miles inside Israel.
Israel hinted military retaliation
might be imminent. The Syrian
government had warned Thursday
that any Israeli aggression over
the border would lead to an all-out
U.N. Session
(Meanwhile, the United Nations
Security Council met in an extra-
ordinary night session to consider
Israels charge of aggression by
Syria in connection with recent
border incidents, the Associated
Press reported.
(Israeli Foreign Minister Abba
Eban opened the council debate
with a charge that Syria is train-
ing and supporting groups of sabo-
teurs, sending them into. Israeli
territory and otherwise violating
the U.N. charter.)
Israeli officials said the terror-
ists were members of the fanatical
Al Fattah Arab commando organ-
ization. They said the commandos
entered Israel from Syria via Jor-
Last Resort
Informants said Israel's appeal
to the Security Council probably
represented the last peaceful
remedy before the situation got
out of hand. Premier Levi Eshkol
inspected Israeli border patrol
bases Thursday, the informants
The Jerusalem Post, which usu-
ally reflects official thinking, also
hinted at military retaliation yes-
terday. It said the situation raised
the question of whether calm
could be restored "by diplomatic
4 means directly or by stages, or
whether it will be left to Israel to
halt aggression by the only means
available to her."
The situation was complicated
by the fact that the United Arab
Republic has threatened to inter-
vene militarily if there was "ag-
gression" against Syria by Israel.
The Soviet Union has warned that
it would take a grave view of any
Israeli military retaliation against
the regime in Damascus.
A Radio Damascus broadcast
monitored here Thursday said the
Syrian government had sent notes
to foreign missions that any Is-
raeli aggression would trigger all-
out war.
The U.N. meeting adjourned
shortly after mignight after Syria
denied it was responsible for the
border attacks on Israel. Another
4 U.N. meeting on the situation will
be held Monday afternoon.


Dissenters Put Down Picket Signs,
Shift Emphasis to Political Activity

By ROGER RAPOPORT more sympathetic to their views
The student protest movement is and working for the 18-year-old
shifting gears. Across the country vote. And on campuses like Stan-
activists are turning away from ford, activists are taking over the
protest demonstrations to get in- student government.
volved in politics. To be sure, the trend does not

Student dissenters are putting
down their picket signs to cam-
paign for political candidates, get
involved in campus politics and,
work for the 18-year-old vote.!
Many think protest tactics have
reached a point of diminishing
"People are bored with demon-
staig. says Carl Oglesby. im- 1

mean the end of demonstrations.
At the University of Chicago, Stu-
dents Against Rank hopes to co-
ordinate nationwide anti - draft
protests. On Dec. 9 there will be:
a nationwide protest of American
bank loans to South Africa. And
more demonstrations against the
war in Viet Nam and various uni-
versity administrations are in the
But there is little doubt that the
demonstration itself is taking on
a secondary role among student
activists. Groups like the Student
Peace Union, that are sticking ex-
clusively with demonstrations and
ignoring politics are in trouble.
SPU membership has plummeted

to 1,000 from 6,000 only three'
years ago.
According to Phillip Sherburne,
president of the National Student
Association students are "growing
cynical about demonstrating be-
cause they see little impact result.
They are getting involved with
electroral politics to have direct
access to the political process."
An equally important reason
why students are turning away
from protest is that they discover
they aren't needed for civil rights
"First we had to win the right
to organize and vote. through four
and a half years of protesting,"
explains a SNCC leader. "But now
we're involved in a political move-
ment," she explains in preference
to SNCC's all-Negro Black Panth-
er party.
"Now we don't need to bring


-Daily-Chuck Soberman
CAPT. ROBERT FRIETAG, A KEY N.A.S.A. official, spoke before a meeting of the A.I.A.A. last
night on the future of the space program.
NASA Official Indicates
Spa ce Program To Exand

ul 111, Ga a L l g~u , 11
mediate past president of Students
for a Democratic Society, the new-
left group that has organized hun-
dreds of protests during the past!
Political Protest
"How many people do you have
to pile up in front of the Wash-
ington Monument to see that our
demonstrations can't call a halt
to the war in Viet Nam or convince
anyone that. we are right? The
protest has to become political,"
Oglesby adds.
"We're building a political move-
ment now," says Stokely Car-
michael, chairman of the Student
Non - Violent Coordinating Com-
mittee. "The demonstrations have
served their purpose."
The switch involves a multitude
of divergent student groups in na-
tional, state, local and campus
In Detroit, the Committee to
End the War -in Viet Nam devoted
its summer to campaigning for a
Democratic peace candidate. On
the state level Young Americans
for Freedom are campaigning hard
for California gubernatorial can-
didate Ronald Reagan.

Bank Failure Probed
By Attorney General

"Landing a person on the moon
is not why we are running the
space program," Capt. Robert
Frietag, director of the manned
space field center development
program for NASA, said last night.
Speaking before a crowded meet-
ing of the local branch of the
American Institute of Aeronautics
and Astronautics, Frietag said the
lunar landing program was de-
signed to "prove that we have the
capability to operate in space."
"We no more want to get to
the moon than Lindberg wanted
to go to Paris. Both Lindberg and
NASA desire to demonstrate the
abilities of the equipment," he
Frietag predicted that the first
lunar landing would occur before
1970, perhaps as early as late
1968. "The next Gemini flight will
finish out that program and theI
first three-man Apollo missionI
will lift off in late 1966 or early
1970. We are ahead of the schedule
laid down in 1963.
"It is difficult to predict when
the Russians will land on theI
moon," he noted, "but it seems
that they are on the same sched-
ule as we are." Frietag indicatedk
that he expected the two coun-
tries to make their first successful
moon landings within two or three
months of each other.
A vast and costly space program
was envisioned by the director
after the excitement of the lunar
landing program subsides. "NASA
is only spending $31/ billion a
year now. After 1970, that figure
will be $5 billion a year," Capt.
Frietag predicted.
This additional money will be

spent applying the vast technical
knowledge learned during space
program to the "benefit of man-
kind and the man on the street."
Frietag said he believed the field
of communication will benefit
most strongly from space tech-
nology. "Bell Telephone has pre-
dicted that through the use of
satelites it will eventually cost as
little to make a call anywhere in
North America as it now does to
make a local call in Ann Arbor."
Frietag noted that a recent rate
reduction to trans-Pacific custom-
ers by Western Union is indicative
of the new trend.
The tremendous propaganda

value of communications satelites
was also pointed out. "One televi-
sion satelite over Africa," Frietag
said, "could turn the entire con-
tinent into an English speaking
"Or a Russian speaking conti-
nent," he added ominously.
Space technology will also aid
in the discovery and' better usage
of natural and technical resources.
"There are many things that one
can see from space that cannot be
seen by the naked eye or from an
airplane. On one Gemini flight,
Gordon Cooper, using an infra-red
camera, discovered previously un-
known oil deposits in Tibit.

DETROIT P-) - The Michigan
attorney general's office and De-
troit police are investigating trans-
actions between several construc-
tion and home improvement firms
and the Public Bank of Detroit,
the Detroit Free Press said yes-
terday in a copyrighted story.
Public Bank was forced into re-
ceivership early Wednesday by
Charles D. Slay, state banking
commissioner. The Federal De-
posit Insura-lce Corp., named re-

Ann Arbor ceiver by a circuit judge, sold the
Students in Ann Arbor are push- bank's assets and liabilities to
ing for city council candidates Bank of the Commonwealth.

Departmental Growth and Development
Cause Continuing University Expansion

It was one of the largest banks
to fail since the depression.
The Free Press said about eight
attorneys from the attorney gen-
eral's office are looking into
transactions between Public Bank
and the firms, which were. not
Detroit police said they have
launched an intensive investiga-
tion into the same transactions,
the newspaper said. .
Leon Cohan, deputy attorney
general, said his office is working
with Slay "and other authorities
to see if there was any wrong-
He acknowledged that the attor-
ney-eea' general's office has started an
inquiry into possible criminal as-
pects involved in financial trans-
actions that led the bank to its
precarious condition.
Sgt. Robert Hyatt of the Detroit.
police said his investigators are
checking with persons who con-
tracted with the unnamed con-
struction and modernization firms
for mortgages from Public Bank.
$1.3 Million
Slay and Public Bank officials
have said the bank's capital ac-
count is $1.3 million in the red.
They estimated its future losses
at $4.8 million.
The bank issued a statement
Wednesday in which it said "high
risk" home modernization loans
figured in its problems.
A number of lawsuits has been
filed and a long legal battle lies
ahead in the bank's collapse.
A group calling itself the Pub-
lic Bank Shareholders Commit-
tee called yesterday for a meet-
ing of stockholders next Tuesday
night. The committee asserted it
represents more than half of
the bank's 462,000 shares.
Public Bank shareholders will
not know whether they will re-
ceive a return on their stock un-
til the transaction between the
FDIC and the Commonwealth is
closed 18 months from now.

thousands of northern students
down South as we did in 1964.
We're involved in registering Ne-
groes to vote. We feel Negroes are
better at getting Negroes to vote
than whites."
The shift helps explain why
David Harris, a 20-year-old former
Mississippi civil rights worker,
spent his summer in balmy Palo
Alto, Calif., instea dof the swelter-
ing South this year.
"We don't fit in there any
more," says Harris, a student at
Stanford University. "The storm-
trooping job is over; it's not a
movement any more. Most of us
who went to Mississippi feel we
have to deal with our own prob-
Jeans and Sandals
Harris campaigned for student
body president in jeans and san-
dals at Stanford this spring and
won easily. Now he's out working
for his campaign causes: abolition
of grades, required courses and
fraternities and putting students
on Stanford's-board of trustees.
Because many student radicals
are running into aricable univer-
sity administrators, many protests
never get off the ground. For ex-
ample, while colleges across the
country were plagued by demon-
strations protesting administrative
decisions to hand in student class
rankings to the draft board, the
campus of Wayne State University
was noticably placid.
The reason: After SDS petition-
ed Wayne President William B.
Keast not to turn in rankings, he
decided the demand was legitimate
and agreed not to turn in rank-
ings next year. T
No Time
More important students are
often so preoccupied with politics
they don't have time to protest.
When the University of California
at Berkeley expelled an activist
last spring for violating demon-
stration regulations some of the
same students who brought the
campus to a standstill in 1964 tried
for a repeat performance.
Their efforts" flopped. While
some credit Berkeley's Chancellor,
Roger Heyns, with averting chaos
through diplomatic handling ,of
the affair, informed observers
think there was a more important
reason: 1,000 student activists
were busy campaigning for con-
gressional peace candidate Robert
Organizations like SDS and the
less activist Young Amercians for
Freedom find their new political
slant a good selling point for high
school students.
Membership Doubles
YAF says its high school mem-
bership doubled in the past two
years while its over-21 membership
declined. "They'll do mundane
chores no one else will do-knock-
ing on doors and handing out leaf-
lets. A smart politician will make
use of these kids," says YAF
President Tom Houston.
Principals aren't happy about
their high schools being turned
into ideological battlegrounds for
the right and left. "SDS is actively
organizing on high school cam-
puses throughout Southern Cali-
fornia," says Herbert Aigner, prin-
cipal of Palisades High School in
Pacific- Palisades, Calif. Left-wing



"A fairly orderly and continuous
system" underlies the construction
that most affects the academic
lives of students and faculty at
the University, says one literary
college administrator.
The "system" is the depart-
mental planning of capital outlay
requests. While capital outlay
budgeting usually is finalized in
legislative deliberations, the pro-
cess normally begins with plan-
ning by the teaching faculty.
According to William L. Hays,
associate dean of the literary col-
lege, "growth and development in
a department" provides the major
impetus for expansion studies.
This growth may be the result of
a boom in enrollments in the de-
partment, a change in depart-
mental teaching methods or the
"new life" brought to a depart-
ment by technology or a new area
of study,
Concurrent Plans
Hays stresses that many depart-
ments may be considering expan-
sion at the same time. Such de-
partments individually consult
with the dean of their college and
form a "program study commit-
tee" to make plans for expansion
and to justify their request for
increased space.
The faculty members on the pro-
gram study committee work with
the dean's office to prepare de-
tailed requests, with office, class-
room and laboratory figures spe-
When the departmental pro-
gram has been completed, the
work of planners in the individual
college is temporarily done.
At this stage, it is most likely
that the space requests of several
departments have been combined

in a single building drawn to pro-
vide facilities for each of the de-
Thedocument not only letals
the plans for the proposed struc-
ture but explains the need for the
structure and what will be done
with existing facilities utilized by
the departments requesting the
new structure.
In Lansing, the document is stu-
died by both the Governor's bud-
get staff and the Appropriations
Sub-Committee of the Legislature.
Federal Grants
A similar but more specific
document is submitted to federal
agencies who may have power to
appropriate grants for construc-
tion of specific types of academic
buildings. Plans that are submitted
for study to federal offices include
schematic drawings prepared by
the retained architect.
After plans have been submitted
to government agencies the Uni-
versity's influence in how it is to
grow lessens.
The .program is then submitted
to the staff of the vice president
and chief financial officer and
from there, to the Plant Extension
The Plant Extension Committee
is a board of executive officers of
the University. Its members are:
The University president, the exe-
cutive vice president, the vice pres-
ident for academic affairs, the vice
president for University relations,
the vice president and chief finan-
cial officer, and the secretary of
the University.
When the committee meets to
consider the request of the in-
dividual department, the dean of
the college or an associate may be
asked to give his recommendation
and justification for the expan-
sion project.

If the committee decides the re-'
quest is worthy, it is given more
detailed study by the staff of
the University architect, Howard
Haaken, and the assistant to the
*vice president and chief financial
officer, John McKevitt. Working
with the Dean's office and the fa-
culty committee, they make a pre-
liminary architectural study based
on the department's program.
Their study details the feasibili-
ty of the project: what space could
be furnished for the new facil-
ities, how large a structure should,
be built and how much the project
will cost.
If the project is determined
feasible by the preliminary archi-
tectural study, the University re-
tains an architect to draw the
schematic plans of the new struc-
This "retained architect" meets'
with a committee from the Uni-
versity architect's staff, individual
department and the dean or his
staff to determine the character
of the proposed structure. They
decide what activities are to be
held in specific building locations
and what sizes specific facilities
should be.
The plans of the architect and
the college committee are speci-
fied in a document submitted first
to the Regents and then to the
state Legislature.
As Hays says, "the faculty gets3
involved in every step of planning
so that they have a say in what
kind of building should be con-
structed and what should go in it."
But once the faculty has com-
pleted its planning, its involve-

own. These priorities have the
highest power of all. They deter-
mine whether a University con-
struction project is to be financed
or not, and if so, when.
The College of Architecture and f
Design has a $6.2 million capital
outlay project pending state ap-
proval. The modern language de-
partments and the psychology,
mathematics, and chemistry de-
partments are requesting buildings
of their own, and if their requests
are granted, the classics, philo-
sophy and other departments will
gain requested space.'
The engineering college is re-
questing a North Campus struc-
} All these requests have begun
with faculty studies of teaching
needs. After planning and deci-
sions, these academic problems are
channeled into the problem-solv-
ing agencies of state and national
government-where they may or
may not be solved.


ALTHOUGH ANN ARBOR school board members were ex-
pected to arrange a meeting sometime this week, nothing has yet
occurred charges of maintaining racial bias in favor of Negroes
leveled against the Ann Arbor school system. The charges were
made by School Trustee William C. Godfrey.
Alleging the school system is yielding to civil rights pressure
groups, Godfrey specified, among those influencing policy, the
city's human relations commission, the local chapter of the Na-
tional Association for the Advancement of Colored People, the
Civil Rights Coordinating Council, and "radical elements of both
political parties."
* *, * *
HAROLD KAPLAN, '68E, president of Triangles Junior En-
gineering Honorary, announced yesterday the fall neophytes
tapped this week. They are: Robert Dunford, Jim Myers, Robert
Fidelman, John Bonds, James McDowell, Stuart Edwards, Walter
Rhines, Alan Winkley, and David Hass. All are juniors in the
College of Engineering who have shown outstanding achievement
in athletics or extra-curricular activities.
The new members were tapped Monday night and were in-
formally initiated on the Diag yesterday at noon. Formal induc-
tion into the society will take place Sunday evening in the Tri-
angle Room at the Union.
DR. REED M. NESBIT of the Medical School was elected
president of the American College of Surgeons yesterday. He is a
professor of surgery and head of the urology section of the Med-
ical Center. The College of Surgeons with about 28,000 fellows, is
the world's largest organization of surgeons.

Possibilities Remote for
S pecial Writing Courses


'Vivian Offers New Measure
As Substitute for HUAC Bill
Rep. Weston E. Vivian (D-Ann I amendment which makes it clear
Arbor) has introduced a separate i that it .does ont apply to labor
bill which he hopes will avoid disputes, strikes or picketing.

Due to a typographical er-
ror, the word "not" was omitted
from the following in yester-
day's story on the State Board
of Education candidates:
Thurber said that he did not
see the board as a "superboard"
controlling the individual gov-
erning boards of the state's ed-
ucational institutions, such as
the University's Board of Re-

The possibility of instituting
specialized writing courses for ad-
vanced placement freshman at
the University seems remote, ac-
cording to Prof. Earl Schulze,
chairman of the freshman division
of the English dept.
This fall Harvard University is'
offering five new composition
courses so that qualified students
may write about an academic field
such as history, science or litera-
ture which interests them.
Edward Wilcox, head of the 20-
year-old general education pro-
gram of interdisciplinary studies
there, sees this as a substitute for
freshman English for advanced
placement students or upnerclass-

teach rhetoric to 2350 students
this semester, is using the Norton
Reader, of which six of the editors
teach at the University. Teaching
fellows are permitted to structure
the course in any way they choose.
So, as Schulze points out, Univer-
sity freshmen are offered essays
in various fields, to the extent that
their instructors diversify the
course readings.
Not Always Successful
The purpose of the course is to
teach many kinds of writing skills.
But some freshmen do leave the
course without the ability to ex-
press themselves clearly. "The de-
velopment of a writer is not con-
venient to 15-week sessions,"
Schulze noted.

at Harvard emphasizes the fact
that the new courses would only
be offered to those who already
write well.
Need Qualified Teachers
Turlish also points out 'that
there is the problem of finding
qualified personnel to teach spe-
cialized courses. The instructor
must have a command of a sub-
ject and the ability to teach and
evaluate expository prose in the
field as well.
William Schang, another Uni-
versity teaching fellow, said, "The
focus of 123 is writing, and the
reading of people who write well-"
But Judith Johnson, an English
123 teacher, mentions as the ma-
jor freshman criticism of the
course the fact that students can-


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