?. Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Oct. 14: Silly Season in Ann Arbor ere Opinions Are Free, Truth Wil Prevail 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily ex press the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1966 NIGHT EDITOR: SUSAN SCHNEPP 1 Nu Sigma Nu Plans Required Better Notice By LEONARD PRATT Associate Managing Editor IMPORTANT NEWS runs in cy- cles. This makes journalism a manic depressive business. Things are great when they're hopping, but often, like now, business is slow. Ann Arbor and the University are in the firm grip of a silly season, a season with no news, which The Daily has so far cam- ouflaged by publishing a paper full of no-news every morning. THE FIRST major chunk of no- news that came along, which even The Daily wasn't desperate enough to print, was the installation of tinkling silver chains along the walks of central campus. The Uni- versity has got to be the only col- lege in the Western Hemisphere in which students going to class feel like they're touring the White House. Some no-news that founds its way into print was the scrap over the University's ready compliance with the House Un-American Ac- tivities Committee's subpoenas. As near as I can tell, all it proved was that President Hatcher be- lieves in going along with the oc- casionally absurd demands of the U.S. ,Congress-something every- one already knew. People were catharized, but that's about all the headlines meant. It wasn't bad for a laugh. THE ONLY THING surpassing the HUAC frenzy was Vera Baits Housing's lack of doors in the early fall. Their bitter demands on John Feldkamp, housing director, are about as excited as any group of students here has gotten about anything lately. Except, of course, for those Student Government C o u n c i 1 members who are trying to make the administration agree to bind its draft policies to a referendum whose implementation is question- able, whose meaning is doubtful and whose outcome may oppose its stated policies. Lots of luck. Then along came E. Gifford Up- john (the Dastardly), a million- aire who lives outside of Detroit and still-here's news!-wants to give money to the University for something irrelevant. "Fraud!" screams everybody, "they'll have a fraternity that discriminates!" So what's news? NOT TO BE LOST in the shuf- fle, Voice political party finally screwed its courage to the stick- ing point and SAT-IN. The ad- ministration screwed its courage to the sticking point and did noth- ing. Many faculty, students, alum- ni and a few Regents now want to screw Voice to the sticking point. Lots of words on both sides with little-that truly meaningful word -communication on either. The Homecoming Central Com- mittee didn't want "Doc" Losh to be Homecoming Queen and every- body from Bruce Wasserstein to Beta Theta Pi got excited about that. Now here's something a man can sink his journalistic teeth into. Sort of like he'd sink his jour- nalistic teeth into a sponge. Sue Marr as Homecoming Queen I" could get excited about, but any- thing short of that seems more than a trifle blase. SPEAKING of Honor, Wisdom and Courage to Serve, how about updating the University's under- graduate rites de passage? Now that everyone's so thoroughly con- fused about just which gras or weekend we're celebrating when, how about inaugurating one which will end the confusion. We'll call it Michi-Sesqui-Win- ti-End-Coming-Gras. It will con- tinue for eight days and eight nights, at the end of which the physics department will shoot An- gell Hall to the moon. Think of the publicity. That's about as significant as a lot of the innovations here this fall seem. It might be unfair to complain about this state of affairs, but I don't think so. WHEN the supposed "activists," the people who are interested in getting an institution moving-in stimulating its creative potential --can't raise themselves to any more than a lot that's happened this fall, things aren't right. There are three things of any consequence that so far seem like- ly to come out of this year. The Knauss report was one, though its implementation is in doubt. The presidential selection advisory committees are another, just by virtue of their existence. Poten- tial student advisory committees to the vice-presidents are the third, though their implementa- tion has been slowed a bit. Yet all three are very much the product of thinking and effort done in months and years past, not at all the result of current efforts. CURRENT EFFORTS whose re- sults will come in the future? There don't-seem to be any. Next fall could be even duller than this one. * THE STATE LEGISLATURE will inves- tigate the University's plan to build Nu Sigma Nu fraternity with its own funds., The investigation comes because the Legislature learned about plans to build the fraternity indirectly well after they became fact. Though the University pub- licly announced its plans to build the fraternity in January of this year, the adninistration apparently did not make any special effort to notify key legisla- tors of the plan-mostnnotably the mem- bers of the higher education subcommit- tee. Should they have been expected to bother? FIRST, THE NU SIGMA NU plan involves a precedent in the financing of a new, privately-owned housing unit by a Michi- gan state university. The University is planning to loan $100,000 towards the $400,000 project. The fraternity will put up the rest of the cost of construction, and will pay the loan back over a 15- year period. The extraordinary factor in the plan is that this is a first in this type of financ- ing. The University should have known that the higher education subcommittee and that its chairman would be interest- ed on this basis alone. There are other bases for interest as well. Nu Sigma Nu is a fraternity. It chooses its members like any other fra- ternity. The University has a ban on bias. But even without bias fraternities ob- viously are not open to all who might want to join: they pick and choose. What, then, is the likely reaction when a legislator finds the University is help- ing finance the building of housing whose occupancy is-based on fraternity proced- ure instead ,ofbeing pen to all who might be interested? Unfavorable, especially if he is not fully informed on the matter beforehand. NEXT, THE UNIVERSITY, to be sure, is perfectly entitled to use federal in- come tax laws which provide that dona- tions by private citizens to universities fur university-owned fraternity facili- ties. The Internal Revenue Commission ruled in 1960 that such action is entirely legal. What concerns legislators-and others -is not the legality of the University's actin, however; its legality is obvious. What is questionable are the policy im- plications of such an action-for never has the University, or any other Michi- gan state-supported school, assisted fra- ternities in such a direct manner. There are further unanswered ques- tions in the mind of the University com- munity on the Nu Sigma Nu problem: The accessibility to similar arrangements for other interested parties with similar proj - ects in mind, and whether this arrange- ment is a precursor of other similar de- velopments as the University struggles to provide adequate housing are primary among them. And such questions form an integral part of the political and professional work of the state Legislature, and espe- cially of Rep. Faxon, who has expressed continued interest in the housing prob-, lems of this particular university. The University could have made the aftermath of its decision much more pleasant and politically sound for itself had it bothered to inform Faxon fully and members of his committee of the plans at the time they were announced, or at least to have included the issue on the agenda of the legislative housing in- vestigation scheduled for December. IT IS NOT an infringement of autono- my, but rather a matter of simple courtesy and good politics to keep legis- lators informed of our activities, especial- ly when they are of such a complex and significant nature. -HARVEY WASSERMAN Editorial Director. Letters: Loomis Replies to Kugler To the Editor: DR. ISRAEL KUGLER'S recent letter to The Daily (Oct. 1) presumably reflects accurately, both in tone and content, what the organization he heads has to offer the college professor, so lit- tle comment on that account seems necessary. And, since the United Federation of College Teachers is relatively young, it is not espe- cially noteworthy that he speaks only of its goals, not of its ac- complishments. However, Dr. Kugler's view that power confrontation is the sole imeans of achieving academic ob- jectives, along with his belief that college faculties and administra- tions are irreconcilable adversar- ies, while historically inaccurate, does serve to point up a crucial distinction between the philoso- phy of the UFCT and that of the American Association of Universi- ty Professors. The AAUP believes that the pro- fessor should participate signifi- cantly and cooperatively at all lev- els in the government of his col- lege. two-year or, four ,and the AAUP has been demonstrably suc- cessful in helping to put this pol- icy into effect at hundreds of in- stitutions. Clearly, the principle is not yet universally accepted; where a proper voice is denied the facul- ty, it must be won. Here the UFCT has adopted a worthy goal. IT IS FLATTERING that ap- parently they have adopted many other objectives that the AAUP has enunciated and worked to achieve for half a century. How- ever, in light of Dr. Kugler's re- peated expressions of disappoint- ment in the AAUP, it seems rele- vant to note a major contrast be- tween the two organizations-Dr. Kugler offers promises, and the AAUP offers tangible contribu- tions, These include, at colleges throughout the country, increas- ed faculty participation and self- government, substantially better salaries and conditions for super- ior teaching and research, sound- er tenure policies, and a wider ac- ceptance of academic freedom. THESE MAJOR accomplish- ments are largely ignored by Dr. Kugler in his advertised "critical analysis" of the AAUP, but not by the profession at large, and not by the 80,000 college faculty mem- bers who endorse and support the AAUP by their voluntary member- ship and participation in its work. --Ralph A. Loomis President, Michigan AAUP '~ -- LW ca g ''Lur-leeni Wallace thinks ah'm a pretty good cook !" The concept of civil disobed- ience, which has been practiced with a great degree of success by Voice, can only operate in a so- ciety which is tolerant of those who. dissent. Were this a more so- cialistic, enlightened, benign, or non-establishment society, perhaps MVr. Taube would experience more difficulty being noticed than he is in Ann Arbor. I would speculate that were this university located in Ann Arbor, France, perhaps Mr. Taube's no- ble effort would have been broken up with a series of billy clubs, rather than the soft words of Vice- President Pierpont. YET VOICE provides a vital service to the campus community, a service that perhaps the bu- reancratic establishment would prefer not, to see performed. In Vice-President Cutler's speech Fri- day, he cited the recent sit-in as an attempt "to evade the usual channels of decision - making." Voice, by sitting-in at Mr. Pier- pont's office, highlighted the de- liberate speed at which the Uni- versity attempts to create mean- ingful communication between dissatisfied students and the Uni- versity hierarchy. It should be obvious to all who know the operations of a bureauc- racy that the bureaucrats need to preserve the system, both as a means of livelihood, and as a buffer against all that may at- tempt to dislodge them. It is no wonder that any at- tempt to "evade the usual chan- nels" will be fought by bureau- crats, simply as a means of sur- vival. More than one person has felt that channels, protocol, form, hierarchy, call it what you will; the system creates a perfect trap for these individuals who lack in- itiative. MR. CUTLER seems to be com- plaining that the system which teaches initiative in the classroom should somehow be protected from practical application of classroom lessons. If this is his fear, then I suggest that he revise the cur- riculum to preclude all attempts to instill initiative. Yet I also suggest that Mr. Taube remember that civil dis- obedience never advocates the de- struction of private property, and that it is the duty of the police to protect private, as well as pub- lic, property, as well as the gen- eral well being of the populace, from damage or injury, from whatever potential source may threaten it. -Jonathon Wilde No Permit To the Editor: W OULD YOU BELIEVE I got a ticket for "NO PERMIT U OF M LOTS" and for purposes of identification they put my valid permit number on the ticket. In case I don't pay the dollar, this way they'll be sure to be able to find me. -Stuart Corwin Easterner To the Editor: KUDOS to Miss Carolyn Mie- gel for her excellent parody of Midwestern college editorials, "An Easterner Comes West." -James L. Ackerman, 439L -Clement Malca, Grad LETTERS All letters must be typed, double-spaced and should be no longer than 300 words. All let- ters are subject to editing; those over 300 words will gen- erally be shortened. Our World "JrHE INTERNATIONAL climate has not been so explosive since the end of World War II . . . If fear and suspicion prevail . . . I am afraid we are going to face a great and terrible holocaust .. . All the wonderful creations of mankind's history of about one million years are in danger of being obliterated." -UN Secretary-General U Thant August 24. Reprinted in I.F. Stone Weekly. t Cyclists' Big Chance BELIEVE IT OR NOT, there has been notable and significant cooperation between the Student Traffic Advisory Committee and the City Council in for- mulating a, new motorcycle ordinance, and there is room for more student parti- cipation. City Council has accepted an invita- tion from the Traffic Board to co- sponsor a public hearing on the ordi- nance. The hearing will take place Oc- tober 26, and will be open for attendance and participation to all interested par- ties. As of now, the proposed ordinance in- cludes provisions for 1) a maximum city speed limit for cycles of 35 m.p.h. (the same as for automobiles), 2) the require- ment that all drivers and passengers wear a helmet with at least a stripe of white paint, 3) the prohibition of passenger carrying night driving for bikes under five brake-horsepower (horsepower meas- ured at the rear wheel), 4) head and tail- light requirements. MUCH OF THIS is already state law, but the fact that the city is consid- ering acting on these proposals indicates that strict enforcement may be upcom- ing. And we ought to appreciate the op- portunity to offer our opinions. The first draft of the law, written in September of last year, limited city cycle speeds to 20 m.p.h., prohibited passengers on any cycle, required a special night driving permit. The new regulations make quite a bit more sense. And student opinion had a bit to do with them. The Student Traffic Advisory Board has had its recommendations tak- en seriously, the city has been receptive to student comment. OCTOBER 26 will offer the best oppor- tunity possible for hoards of cyclists to regulate their own driving rules. -MICHAEL DOVER Philharmonia To the Editor: IT WAS WITH great satisfaction that I saw The Daily taking notice of the concert of the Uni- versity Philharmonia. I should like, however, to set the record straight on a few points. It is true that the other orches- tra, the University Symphony Or- chestra, has a greater proportion of experienced string players. Yet I want to point out that the first stands of every section in the Philharmonia are occupied by some of the best players the school has; and that the winds in both orchestras are of equal quality. Furthermore, the conducting of both orchestras is to be shared by Mr. Alcantarilla and myself. (He will lead the Symphony in De- cember and on other occasions.) As concerns the program chosen by Mr. Alcantarilla, I could whole- heartedly support his choice of the Bartok, as I myself performed the work here six years ago with strings far inferior to those of the present Philharmonia and the orchestra then did a vedy cred- itable job. If guests were discour- aged to tackle the work, that was rather a reflection on their ability, not the orchestra's. I KNEW that Theo Alcantaril- la, whom I personally have chos- en for the position, would come through as brilliantly as he and the orchestra did, because he just is a real conductor and the or- chestra is as competent as we who organized it expected it to be. Both are fully deserving the en- thusiastic acclaim they received from the audience and The Daily. --Prof. Josef Blatt Conductor, University Orchestras Homecoming To the Editor: THE ASSININE nature of the letter from the co-chairmen of special events for Homecoming is indicative of the total psychology of picking one "coed" to be Home- coming "Queen." --Laura Kramer Voice Sit-In To the Editor: rUHE LETTER written by Skip *Taube, attempting to explain the actions of Voice, is deserving of a reply, especially in the con- text of the front page article by Jenny Stiller, which appeared in last Sunday's Daily. Mr. Taube, as well as the orga- nization which he represents, seem to forget that their primary reason for being in Ann Arbor is to obtain an education, rather than to expouse whatever brand of politics they choose. Mr. Taube especially seems to forget that were it not for the very police which he seeks to preclude from the campus area, as well as for other bodies of armed men who attempt to uphold law and order, he would not be as able to sit, walk, or sleep where he chooses. The Truth Is Catching Up Virtue, Vice and Victory RARE IT IS in the affairs of men that the personification of virtue meets the personification of vice in an all-out, unequivocal struggle to the death. But such Is the case today. For at 5 p.m. The Daily Libels meet the UAC Short Circuits to decide one of the most critical questions facing this University Editorial Staff MARK R. KILLINGSwORTH, Editor BRUCE WASSERSTEIN, Executive Editor CLARENCE FANTO HARVEY WASSERMAN Managing Editor Editorial Director LEONARD PRATT....... Associate Managing Editor JOHN MEREDITH ....... Associate Managing Editor CHARLOTTE WOLTER .. Associate Editorial Directot ROBERT CARNEY ...... Associate Editorial Director ROBERT MOORE ..................Magazine Editor BABETTE COHN............. Personnel Director NIGHT EDITORS: Michael Heffer, Merle Jacob, Rob- ert Klivans, Laurence Medow, Roger Rapoport, Shir- lev Rosick. Neil Shister. CHARLES VETZNER ................. Sports Editor JAMES TINDALL............ Associate Sports Editor JAMES LaSOVAGE .......... Associate Sports Editor GIL SAMBERG .............Assistant Sports Editor in crisis: Who will take possession of The Little Brown Wastebasket? Intrinsically, of course, the wastebasket is insignificant. But symbolically The Wastebasket and today's contest assume vast importance. They epitomize some of the hard and brutal questions the Uni- versity must answer-now-or undergo moral gangrene. SOME OF THOSE QUESTIONS: What should the University's response to UAC be? Why is the administration op- pressing labor unions while it tools for the Michigan Union? Why has President Hatcher abdicated his moral responsibil- ity by refusing to take sides? Why has Vice-President Pierpont failed to ask a riot squad of Ann Arbor police to be at the game today? We do not judge motives in this dis- tasteful and sordid affair; but we cannot refrain from pointing out that truth and justice have here been found to have more than the usual number of fair- weather friends. As Herodotus observed long ago, however, "Count him truly cour- BARRY GOLDWATER RECENT DAYS have brought another bumper crop of proofs that Republican issues in the 1964 presidential campaign were cor- rect. Mr. Johnson's refusal to de- bate them, along with distortion of some of the issues, appears clearly to have been political dou- ble-talk, or double-think. Take the nuclear issue that was totally distorted by the Johnson campaigners into a scare-ridden charge that Republicans would use such power recklessly. The Re- publican position, and my posi- tion particularly, was that Amer- ica's nuclear strength should not be wasted by rash diplomatic statements. It was our position that the enemy in a war must never be given a nuclear sanctu- ary in which he is assured no form of nuclear power will be used against him, no matter what. Such assurances could do noth- ing less than encourage an enemy to fight on, killing more Ameri- cans, dashing real hopes for peace, And such assurances are pre- cisely what this administration, particularly through UN Ambas- sador Arthur Goldberg, has given the Communist forces fighting in Viet Nam. THAT, IN SHORT, is the John- son policy as compared with the Republican policy of no tipping our hand. this covered nuclear power, and he emphasized the 1964 Republican position that the enemy should never be given assurance of what we would or would not do. I am awaiting President John- son's description of former Presi- dent Eisenhower as trigger hap- py. He won't, of course, be able to make such a charge. Nor, if he had stuck to the facts, could he have made such a charge in 1964 about other Republicans, myself included. ANOTHER POINT with a fa- miliar ring is a survey taken by the magazine U.S. News and World Report. It seems many business- men are worried that upcoming Treasury rulings may be the first step "to discourage private pension plans now covering 28 million people." Throughout the 1964 presiden- tial campaign, Republicans made a case for private pension plans and warned that federal actions easily could shake them, possibly end them. In particular, I stressed the hope that the addition of new burdens to the already heavily burdened Social Security system would not be used as an excuse to divert more and more funds away from private plans and into government plans. I made it repeatedly clear that I favored an overall system of Social Security in which plans by labor business, both private and government, would be wisely baf- anced and all assured of strength and continuity. Instead of commenting on that, the Johnson campaign resorted to more scare tactics. suh ashow- 4 Y