FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1966 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1988 TIlE MICHIGAN DAILY # iii.,i i/ .i i iVUy J McNamara Pleased With War Effort Back from Viet Trip; Indicates No Change In Present Operations SAIGON, South Vietnam (W)- Defense Secretary Robert S. Mc- Namara said yesterday night "the rate of progress has exceeded out expectations" in military opera- tions in Vietnam over the last year. He suggested the swelling U.S. war effort will be pursued along its present lines. "I saw nothing that in any way indicates a substantial change in the rate of operations, the tempo of operations, or the type of opera- tions in the months ahead," Mc- Namara said in a statement on completing a fourday tour, his eighth visit to this war-torn coun- try. "I saw nothing that indicates any need for a change in the rate of deployment of U.S. forces in the months ahead." Another B52 raid on Communist forces within the old demilitarized zone between the two Vietnams, offical acknowledgements of the 1i loss of three more American planes elsewhere, and minor skirmishes aground marked McNamara's final hours in looking over a war that now claims the direct attention of 328,000 U.S. servicemen. In Washington, Sen. John Sten- nis, (D-Miss), said U.S. combat forces for iVet Nam may climb to more than 500,000 by next year. Stennis, chairman of the watch- dog Senate Preparedness subcom- mittee, said one general believes as many as 750,000 men will be needed. Stennis said Congress may be asked to supply supplemental appropriations of $17 billion to cover the rising costs. Informed sources said adher- ence to current policy means to extension of the 12-month tour of duty for American troops in Viet- nam. Certain pilots and selected, spe- cially qualified staff and advisory officers are called on for longer service and some combat personnel stay voluntarily on. But military commanders and Defense Depart- ment officials agree that an ex- tension for the enlisted men would be unwarranted and would have an adverse effect on morale. "I never come here without being impressed by the morale and the performance of the U.S. roops, both individually and collectively," McNamara said. In speaking of allied military efforts, he said: "The pressure on the Viet Cong, measured in terms of the casual- ties they have suffered, the de- struction of their units, the 'neas- urable effect on their morale, has been greater than we anticipated." Reports show 41,620 Viet Cong and North Vietnamese have been killed since Jan. 1, against 10,633 Americans and South Vietnamese servicemen dead in combat. A de- cline in enemy morale is reflected in part by a rising number choos- ing to surrender. McNamara p r a i s e d Premier Nguyen Cao Ky's government for its efforts to curb the inflation that spiraled menacingly last spring, and the leadership of Brig. Gen. Nguyen Duc Thanh in pro- moting the rural reconstruction or pacification program. He made this point: The Vietnam government met it "very courageously, very wisely, very forthrightly when it devalued the piaster" from 73 plasters to the dollar to 118 last June. It has been successful. As you know, it has stemmed the inflation, damp- ed it down. We are very pleased with the results, because the risk of inflation is a leavening factor affecting the future deployments of free world forces." LBJ Rejects VIET WAR: Halt in Viet Kosygin Says Peking Inaction Bomb Raids Prevents Communist Victory President Renews MOSCOW 0'a-Premier Alexei friendship rally in Sverdlovsk, a China "inflicts increasing dam- Invitation to Soviet N. Kosygin charged yesterday that west Siberian industrial city that age to the interests of the Viet- Red China's obstruction undoubt- he is visiting with Polish Commu- namese people, the interests of Leaders To Visit U.S. edly had prevented a Communist nist leader Wladyslaw Gomulka world socialism," he added. WASHINGTON () -!President victory in Vietnam. and Premier Jzef Cyrankiewicz. Kosygin did not spell out just JHNGTONbutsp residedty Kosygin said China's refusal to The official Soviet news agency how China has hampered Com- Johnson all but spurned yesterday cooperate with other Communist Tass reported Kosygin's speech. munist support for North Vietnam Nam. He renewed a bid for Soviet countries in joint support for Viet- "Had American imperialism en- and the Viet Cong. Namee.CmHeisrenewedr a oanebidthforit Soviet: al leaders to visit this country and namese Communists "renders a countered the joint rebuff of all Reports circulating here for apparently bracketed the Soviet big service" to the United States. countries of socialism, of their more than a year concern Chinese Union in among nations seeking , The Soviet Union is providing united policy, then doubtlessly a obstruction of Soviet military aid "considerable additional assist- quick end would have been put to shipments overland through China peace in Viet Nam. simnsoeln hog hn T h e President's foithcoming ance" for North Vietnam. he said. its outrages in Vietnam and the H T h Prsidets orthomig }to Hanoi. journey to the Pacifc and one or "Military personnel for the aggression would have been cut two other items took up 17 mm- amed forces of North Vietnam are short." Kosygin said. Never stated officially, the re- utes before reporters got a chance being trained in the Soviet Union." "China's position has become a ports have not been officially de- with questions at the televised ses- he said. serious obstacle in the struggle for viet government sidestepped a sion with Johnson in the White Kosygin spoke at a Soviet-Polish this sacred cause." Chinese demand that it den House East Room. them. The centerpiece of the expedi- " " This has left some diplomats tion to the Far East will be a con- lic B an k fI with the impression that the ference in Manila Oct. 23-27 seek- Kremlin wants the reports known ing to build foundations for peace without wanting to be directly in- in Viet Nam. 1 o volved in them. Asked about another pause in. *I *1 D ock erg er Soviet economic aid goes by sea the bombings of North Viet Nam, F il to the port of Haiphong but mill- Johnson said he did not wish to tary equipment is believed to have the military strategy, but DETROIT (AP)-Directors of the The six directors also denied the been sent through China rather added: "I would say this, we have colapsed Public Bank of Detroit charge by State Banking Commis- than risk its, being caught in a had two pauses. The same sources failed yesterday in an effort to sioner Charles Slay that Public possible U.S. naval blockade. suggested these pauses. The enemy get the courts to reconsider put- Bank's liabilities were greater than Soviet weapons sent to Hanoi id ting it into receivership. its assets. have included antiaircraft missiles Johnson said asking other coun- tries to increase their participa-! The directors, six of the bank's The director added that a long- and jet fighters. North Vietnamese tion in the Viet Nam war is not a 3,, also attacked the method of standing problem of making bad pilots are being trained in the subject of the Manila conference. takeover as clandestine. consumer loans, particularly in the Soviet Union. "Our purpose of going there is, Acting on the testimony of state home improvement field, had been Kosygin also criticized the to review the commitments we en-1 and federal bank examiners, corrected. "great cultural revolution" in tered into six months ago," he said. Wayne County Circuit Court Judge Public'scollapse, one of the China, saying it and other recent Asked if he sees any better hope Benjamin Burdick ordered the largest bank failures since the De- developments indicated that Chi- in relations with the Soviet Union, bank into receivership at at late pression, was not thought to be the nese leaders are going further to- Johnson said, "I am an optimist. night meeting Tuesday. rsl fcrettgtmnypl-wr iiigtewrdCmu see no reason for the American It was taken over at the meet- u f n one po- ward dividing the world Commu- people to fear the Soviet Union." ing by the Federal Deposit In- They are "causing serious dam- The President went on to say surance Corp. and immediately James H. McGuire, president of age to the struggle for communism there hadbeen a period of "some sold to the bank of the Common- Public Band said. Wednesday the and for freedom of peoples, and headway" in Soviet relations but wealth, another Detroit institu- bank's capital account-1.3 mil- to the cause of peace and interna- that "there seemed to be a cooling tion. lion in the red-resulted from tional security," Kosygin said. of relations" later. The six directors asked Burdick losses on installment loans. While speaking at the friendship Johnson said he had done noth- to block the merger of its assets Louis Berry, a director and a meeting, Cyrankiewicz condemned ing to contribute to that cooling, with those of Commonwealth. real estate man, yesterday defend- U.S. policy in Vietnam and also as- noted that an air agreement has Burdick denied the petition, say- ed the bank's loan policy as nor- sailed the Chinese. just been completed and said he ing any alteration of the purchase mal banking practice. He said the is "working hard" on consular and agreement between FDIC and bank's capital position had im- space agreements. Commonwealth would give Com- proved since McGuire took over as What is needed most, Johnson monwealth cause to rescind the president last March. Tonight throug said, is an agreement guarding deal, thereby endangering the Early Mazey, secretary-treasurer Saturday against proliferation of atomic deposits of the Public Bank, which of the United Auto Workers Union, weapons. Commonwealth had guaranteed. which owns 13,000 shares of the _bank's stock said the procedure Shakespeare's which the bank was disposed of World News Roundup was "cockeyed." CORIOLANU W OrtBES O R&R Uited Auto WorkersL -Associated Press SECRETARY OF DEFENSE ROBERT McNAMARA meets with Lt. Gen. William G. Westmore- land, commander of U.S. forces in Vietnam. McNamara is currently touring the country, inspec- ting American troops and installations in the Southeast Asian country. URGENT MEETING: UN Security Council Session To Discuss Israeli Charges UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. OP)-- The U.N. Security Council was called into urgent session today to take up Israel's charge against Syria of open incitement to war. Israeli Foreign Minister Abba Eban requested on Wednesday that the 15-nation council take up the newest Middle East crisis. He' charged that sabotage groups were being sent from Syria on missions of murder into Israel. The 12-nation Arab group charged yesterday that Israel was seeking the urgent meeting of the U.N. Security Council in order to, Two U.S. Researchers Recipients of Nobel Prize SWENDEN VP)-Two U.S. re- searchers in cancer were jointly awarded the 1966 Nobel Prize for Medicine, crowning a long list of their achievements and honors dating back to 1910. The awards were announced yesterday. Dr. Charles Huggins, 65, a pro- fessor of surgery at the University of Chicago; and Dr. Peyton Rous, 85, a pathologist at Rockefeller University in New York City, will share the cash prize of $60,000. Each will also receive a gold medal. Huggins was cited for his dis- c o v e r i e s concerning hormonal! treatment of cancer of the pros- tate. Rous was selected for his dis- covery of tumor-inducing viruses. In Chicago, Huggins said: "I, of course, am pleased by this honor and the news that my hero in medicine, Dr. Rous, will share the Nobel Prize in Medicine for 1966 with me, my wife, my family, and my research colleagues at the Uni- versity of Chicago." The awarding faculty of the Caroline Institue noted that Hug-j gins' greatest achievements in the medical field dated to a series of articles in the late 1930s, which! later opened new paths for the treatment of certain types of can- cer in human body. Huggins established in a num- ber of experiments on dogs that the functioning of the prostage gland was entirely dependent on the production of male sex hor- mones, or androgens, in the tes- ticles. The institute said Huggins also proved that female sex hormones, estrogens, could neutralize the an- drogenic reaction and thereby bring about atrophy of the pros- tage. Huggings was the first to intro- druce nontoxic, nonradioactive derivates of a known composition in thehtreatment of cancer and through this he became a pioneer in chemothei'apy, the awarding body said. The institute, noting that in 1910 Rous discovered the first virus that evokes malignant, growths of the sarcoma type in} hens, said: "The significance ofI Rous' initial discovery in 1910 has' been enhanced with every passing year since the isolation of leuke- mia virus in mice in 1951, and its real importance and bearing have only been comprehended in the last 10 years." The institute said it is remark- able that the Rous virus, previous- ly believed to be limited to poultry, has been found to evoke tumors in a large number of animal species including mammas. This started a trend that seri- ousy shook previous conceptions and raised an opinion in favor of virus theory, once the stepchild of cancer research. create suitable conditions for massive aggression against Syria. They made the charge in ad- vance of todays meeting which had accused Syria of trying to stir up a new war between Israel and the Arab nations. Burhan Hammad, secretary of the Arab group and. member of the Jordan delegation, said that thegroup had decided at a meet- ing to throw its unanimous sup- port to Syria. The members are Algeria, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Egypt and Yemen. Arab View Hammad said: "In dismissing the Israeli complaint as artificial and faked, the Arab group ob- served that Israel seeks to achieve two goals: the creation of suitable conditions for the perpetration of massive aggression against Syria and other Arab states, and the es- tablishment of a calculated atmos- phere at the United Nations dur- ing its discussion of the Palestine question in the Special Political Committee next week" The Israeli complaint was based on incidents along the Syrian-Is- raeli border. Israel blamed a sabo- tage group, El Fatah, of Palestine Arab refugees allegedly based in Syria. U. N. Committee The U.N. Special Political Com- mittee is set to take up the peren- nial issue of raising money for the care of the 1.3 million refugees from the Israeli-Arab war by the U.N. Relief and Works Agency. The debate offers an arena for a full-scaleairing of Israeli and Arab differences. Syria has disclaimed responsi- bility for the border incidents. Last Saturday four Israeli police- men were killed and two injured in the explosion of a land mine Israel claims was planted by the sabotage group. The United Auto Workers had put money into the other banks By The Associated Press DETROIT-General Motors re- which became insolvent in recent BLACKPOOL, England - Brit- ported yesterday that sales of its months-$3 million at the San ain last night sent off "final 1967 models climbed about 4 per Francisco National Bank and terms" for a compromise with cent in the first 10 days of Oc- about $50,000 at the Brighton Na- rebellious Rhodesia, 'warning that tober compared with the same per- tionac Bank ofd Denver. mlini some compulsory sanctions willroderastmyard thsm e Public Bank had $117 million in be imposed through the United Nod last year deposits and $132 million in assets Nations if the new talks fail. New passenger car and commer- as of Dec. 31, 1965. cial vehicle sales totaled 145,- It first opened its doors in 1957, The opposition Conservative 1273, compared with 116,072 a year although an application for a party immediately pledged tooth- ago-but the total was far short chrtr anapmiaethreefoyea and-nail resistance against anyag-u htoawafrshr charter had been made three years and-nail resisaner ins a of the record 165,348 sold in 1963. earlier and argued in the courts. form of UN intervention. Deputy Leader Reginald Mau- * * * The Michigan Supreme Court dling told 4000 Conservative dele- ST, LOUIS, Mo. - St. Louis eventually overruled the State gates at the party's annual con- was still without its two major Banking Department, which had vention that "disaster for Britain, newspapers yesterday as a walkout held that the charter could not be1 Rhodesia and all southern Africa" by union printers continued at the issued until the group forming the will follow if compulsory sanc- Pulitzer Publishing Co. bank obtained deposit insurance. tions are imposed. A University Players Production October 12-15 8 p.m. Trueblood Aud. BOX OFFICE OPEN DAILY from 12:30p.m. NEW YORK - The stock mar- ket skidded sharply downward to- ward the close of the trading session yesterday. Trading was heavy. At 3 p.m., the Dow Jones aver- age of 30 industrial stocks was down 4.23 points at .773.94. It had climbed to an advance of 7.18 points within half an hour after the market opened. The average price per share of common stocks on the New York Stock Exchange was up 3 cents. ONE NIGHT ONLY! F i U il//el GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING SUNDAY, October 16 at 4:00 REFRESHMENTS : n !i 1429 Hill Street All Are Welcome R Proudly Announces The Engagement of MARTHA GRAHAM D HANCE COMPANY THE GREATEST MODERN DANCE COMPANY IN THE WORLD!" -Saturday Review "ONE OF THE MIRACLES OF OUR TIME!" -N.Y. Herald Tribune FRIDAY October 28 8:30 P.M. Hill Auditorium SEATS NOW ON SALE ! AT MENDELSSOHN THEATRE BOX OFFICE OR BY MAIL DIRECT FROM N% Try Daily Classifieds Call 764-0558 -BLIXT i Ia t { PETITIONING for the Board of THE iii WILDB this is a picture of ed and patricia reynolds the reproduction is blown up over 20 times life size. ed and patricia are elves. . . see how happy they are! see how fast ed is playing! his fingers are bleeding! patricia sees that ed's fingers are bleeding. she is laughing hysterically no, patricia no! I ' '' 11 sommwr- W~i:*