Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MTCHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Legislative Change in a Romney Year? . .- - =°+ ere Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. Truth Will Prevail NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily ex press the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. HURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1966 NIGHT EDITOR: NEIL SHISTER ;The I=A Freshmen: Confusion from Col. Holmes WHAT COULD BE more important to a freshman these days than his draft status? This year's crop of freshman men all will be classified 1-A by the Michigan Selective Service Board. This decision, however, may be contested by the De- troit Central Committee for Conscientious Objection (CCCO), on the basis that it is a violation of National Selective Board policy. THE PURPOSE of classifying freshmen 1-A (rather than II-S) and not drafting them is unclear. The Michigan Selective Service has assured freshmen that their 1-A status will not alter their standing, at least during their freshman year, with their local boards. However, the obvious result is to place freshmen in the pre- carious position of having continually to "prove" themselves in order to avoid be- ing drafted. According to Colonel Arthur Holmes, Michigan Selective Service Board direc- tor, the decision to classify freshmen 1-A was made by the individual local boards. It is, however, remarkable coincidence that all local boards in Michigan should reach such a decision simultaneously. It is more reasonable to assume that the de-i cision was4 made at the state level by the Michigan,Selective Service Board. This is the contention of the CCCO. Colonel Holmes, however, denies that any such directive was issued by his of- fice, although he did state that local boards had been informed of their "op- tion" to classify freshmen as they wish. COLONEL HOLMES' denial of State Se- lective Service Board responsibility for the decision to classify all freshman men 1-A makes legal action against the move by the CCCO or individual students im- possible. If a violation of National Selec- tive Service policy cannot be attributed to a statewide agency, action can not be tak- en through the courts. The only channel left open to a freshman classified 1-A would be direct appeal to his local draft board. And, Col. Holmes' refusal to acknowl- edge responsibility for the action, insures that his policy will not be challenged ex- cept by the ineffective appeal through the local boards. He has, in effect, an airtight case with which to protect him- self. BUT THE REAL PROBLEM here is the uncertainty surrounding the whole question of the status of freshmen and the legality of their 1-A standing. The fact that Michigan is the only state to initiate such a procedure highlights the equivocal nature of the decision. And, the decision itself, whether or not it was made by the State Selective Service Board, reflects the inadequacies of the Se- lective Service policy in general. --REGINA ROGOFF By MARK LEVIN THE EXPECTED avalanche of support for Gov. George Rom- ney in the November election will most definitely leave Lansing a different place next January when the new session of the Michigan Legislature convenes. If, in fact, Romney does have effective coat- tails, he could pull a Republican state Senate right in with him on his way to a possible Republi- can presidential nomination. How- ever, no matter how powerful a lift he can deliver in the Senate, the opposite side of the Capitol dome, the House, will remain in the Democrats' control. The prospects that the state Senate will remain in Democratic hands are rapidly dimming. A switch of just four seats in the Senate would leave the body in a stalemate( with Republican Lt. Gov. William Milliken given the tie-breaking vote). In this position, Republicanswould control all the committee chairmanships and a majority position on all Senate committees. There are presently five shaky seats which could go to Republi- can candidates. In four of these races, the present incumbent won by less than 10,000 votes in 1964, a Johnson landslide year. These districts are in largely rural and semi-urban areas with Republi- can voting records, and their Dem- ocratic incumbents have largely stuck with the progressive Demo- cratic element in the Senate and will be sadly missed if that sector of the party ever hopes to capture the Democratic Senate leadership. UNDER THE NEW state consti- tution, Senate terms have been lengthened to four years, begin- ning in 1966. Both parties are well aware that whoever wins this time is victor for four years, not just two as in the past. If a Republican Senate should be elected, many of the familiar faces will still be there, but some of them catapulted into new posi- tions of authority, oth6rs demot- ed to playing the impotent role of the minority party. Such prominent figures of the past two years as Sen. Garland Lane (D-Flint), chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee, a 20-year House veteran. He comes from the Upper Peninsula and is usually politically distant as well from the other members of the committee, who are from Detroit and other large urban centers. The stand that both parties will take on fiscal reform and a gen- eral increase in taxation will be the crucial problems facing the Legislature, no matter what its complexion may be, for both items must be accomplished next year if increases in funds are to be granted to any state institu- tions or agencies. By the beginning of fiscal 1967, which starts in July, the state budget surplus will be exhausted and present sales tax revenues, which are at an all time high, will not meet the growing needs of the state. New taxes are needed and it is difficult to pre- dict if the Democrats and Repub- licans can get together on them. THE DEMOCRATIC majority in 1965 defeated a Romney plan calling for a state income tax although Democratic platforms have advocated such a plan for many decades. And, Republicans have in the past consistently balk- ed at the mention of an income tax, even at the expense of em- barrassing their own governor, as in 1963-64. What these changes in person- alities and policies will mean to the University when it makes its annual trek to the state for ap- propriations remains to be seen. However, one course of action is highly likely. A Republican Senate would un- doubtedly stick closely to the gov- ernor on budget decisions. The governor has in the past asked for appropriations well below Univer- sity requests. The Democrats in the Legislature, nevertheless, have granted large hikes over Romney recommendations. How the University plays its political cards in this uncertain fluctuating atmosphere of state politics will above all determine its success when budget hearings roll around. This is a formidable task for any administration - let alone one which will soon have significant personnel changes it- self. 4 Senate Leaders Lane and Dzendzel Will a switch in Lansing minimize their power? and Sen. Raymond Dzendzel, Democratic majority leader, could lose their substantial power to their Republican counterparts. Both Lane and Dzendzel have attempted to extend their influ- ence into the fields of higher edu- cation-Lane, by his tight purse policies as chairman of the ap- propriations committee, and Dzen- dzel by his attempt to ban Com- munist speakers from state-sup- ported campuses. EVEN IF the Democrats should retain control, intra-party squab- bles may result in large-scale swapping and trading of party leadership positions and commit- tee chairmanships. Some conserv- ative Democrats, who are long on seniority but short on ideas, may be relinquishing some of their po- sitions to some of the new progres- sive faces elected in the 1964 John- son landslide. An intra-party move will al- most certainly be made to wrest power from the Dzendzel-Lane coalition. Dzendzel barely retained his position last March in the middle of the session, following his sponsorship of stop-and-frisk legislation and the Communist speaker-ban resolution. At that time, many senators indicated that they would rather retain Dzendzel for the remainder of the session than face the adverse publicity which would result from "dump- ing" their majority leader. If Dzendzel should go, and this is by no means certain, a great deal of Lane's power would go with him. IN THE HOUSE, things are quite different. This body will certainly stay Democratic, with turnovers shifting only slightly to the Republican side. The dis- tricts have been arranged in the Austin - Kleiner reapportionment plan to assure a Democratic ma- jority. The Republicans will have to resign themselves to the mi- nority position for many years to come. Although Speaker Joseph Ko- walski (D-Detroit) is secure in his job, many of the imnportant committee chairmen may be un- der attack from "young Turks" within Democratic ranks, who are demanding increased power and a greater role in decision making. Kowalski has often been accused of working in "secretive" ways and giving too much authority to the Democratic old-guard, both of which have stirred resentment among the new members. How- ever, as long as "Gus" Scholle, president of the Michigan AFL- CIO, stands behind Kowalski, he will remain speaker. THE KEY TARGET of any at- tack may be Einar Erlandsen (D- Escanaba), chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee and A. You Can't Win with UAC MANY YEARS AGO, a senior editor at The Daily wandered a couple of blocks from our humble abode on Maynard Street ("You know, right next door to the SAB") and was promptly and pre- emptorily. hustled off by a gang of do- gooders who swept out from under the skirts of a long-forgotten, unnamed as- tronomy professor. They held him in bondage for the remainder of his time at the University. Breaking off from The Daily, this miss- iug link of the senior staff capitulated to his captors and formed, the Univer- sity Activities Center, famed throughout the world for practically nothing. The Daily, not content to sit on its collective hands, proceeded to challenge UAC to a joust. Simultaneously, the girls battled in a softball-throw. Since then, sophistication has precipitated football. WORD FROM THE CAMPUS under- ground reveals that the UAC football team-slated to meet The Daily Libels in a mortal battle on the IM fields this coming Friday-will be starting a 540- pound gorilla at left blocking back. The final straw of many, this carries severe implications as to what directions the activities gang over at the Union will be leading our campus through during the coming months. It is not that the Union will be start- ing the gorilla, who is a sophomore in Phys Ed, that arouses our ire, even though ground rules prohibit either team from playing underclassmen in the annual set- to. What scares us, what pounds at our, sensibilities, is that the UAC "brass" is condoning this being's retreat from 'his studies. After all, isn't that why we're here? Surely, not all of college life should be centered around a student's books, around the cloistered habits of the professional learner. (To quote: "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.") But have these demigods down on State Street no sense of proportion, no feeling of priorities? This particular gorilla, mind you, is not an average gorilla, but a sensitive lad who is foresaking his duty at the Big "U" to be exploited by the tweedy superces- sors of Madison Avenue. AND, YOU ASK, in a fit of outrage, where does it all lead? What does it point to? Well, brother, watch out. Soon, they might not restrict Winter Weekend to Washtenaw Avenue. They might reinsti- tute a Homecoming Parade, they might even choose a queen for a someday-in- the-future Homecoming contest from a list of bathing beauties, rather than someone who is, so to speak, "kind and good." But what can we do? If we had any sensitivity at all, we'd send the whole lot of them on a one-way trip to summer camp. They'd fit in well. -DAN OKRENT Letters: 'Passing Up Spoils Band Day To the Editor: AS CONDUCTOR of your Uni- versity Bands for the past 31 years, I have been most grateful for your continued interest, sup- port and enthusiasm. You have indeed been most kind and have never failed to evince your keen appreciation of our efforts. Your response to our perform- ances, both on the gridiron and in the concert hall, have long been a, great source of pride and satisfaction to me and my musi- cians. Because of your continued loyalty, your Michigan Bands have alweyas endeavored to uphold their motto Non Tam Pares Quam Superiores. THE 210 marching men of Michigan, as you are well aware, work diligently each afternoon and Saturday mornings to prepare gridiron performances that will please you and all fans attending the game. Your response to our efforts has always projected evi- dence of your acceptance of our performances. For this we thank you. However, unfortunately, last fall and again this season our half- time performances have been ser- iously hampered (and on Band Day, utterly ruined) by those stu- dents and fans in the west ,tands who, I believe without malice or forethought "passed" students up the rows from the bottom to the top of the stands, thus creating a state of disturbance which has spoiled our half-time perform- ances. These disturbances have ad- versely affected our Band Day relations with Michigan high school administrators, band con- ductors and high school musicians. HENCE, on behalf of the Uni- versity of - Michigan Marching Band and myself, I respectfully request that all students and fans kindly refrain from the mention- ed activities, at least until the bands have concluded their per- formances, Again, may I thank you for your interest and support of the past. I shall look forward to seeing all of you Saturday. -William D. Revelli The Mug To the Editor: AS I SIT in the Mug amidst a pile of garbage, I am contem- plating the "services" of the Un- ion. Granted the hard working bus boys are always a source of amusement, but I am interested in the other ways the Union serves me. The Union food service is as competitive (i.e., money-grabbing) as any Ann Arbor restaurant. In my opinion the "Student Special" is far from special either in price or quality of the food. Certainly the other prices (e.g., 40c for a glass of juice!, 25c for a pot of coffee, and 40c for a hot dog) are nothing to go into raptures over. Who owns the food service and all those profits? The Union's philosophy may be "Diminished service for all." The bands on Friday night this term have been, in a word, gross. Last year the music was quite better. Last year the 10 cent cup of cof- fee was edible, but this year the paper cup is smaller, costs 15c, and doesn't seem to taste as good. To top everything the Union pool vanished! It costs a student 5c to cash a check (why charge?), and it is necessary to get permission of a manager to page a student. Pag- ing is an unquestioned service for Union guests only. I wonder if free check cashing is another guest service. Anyone familiar with unions at other state schools (say Illinois or Wisconsin) would get quite nauseous after inspecting the Michigan Union. (Perhaps it is the garbage on the tables.) In- deed the Michigan student de- serves better. --Stuart Rothstein, Grad Losh Fraud? To the Editor: A FRAUD has been committed, but not on the University com- munity. It has been perpetrated by Bruce Wasserstein on Doctor Hazel M. Losh. And all for the sake of a clever editorial. In his editorial "Homecoming Panel Should Abide by Democ- racy" of Oct. 12, 1966, Mr. Was- serstein claims that the Home- coming Special Events Committee has "rigged" the Homecoming Queen Contest. He says that the girl with the highest number of points (Doctor Losh) was refused her place in the semifinals. In fact, Doctor Losh did not receive the number of points nec- essary to enter the semifinals. She was only scored by two out of eight judges. (This is certainly not to her discredit because she is not and never was entered in the contest.) The purpose of this letter is, however, not to argue the validity of the judging proced- ure. That would bring us down to Mr. Wasserstein's level. WHAT REALLY upsets us is that he proclaims that an "ob- scure fraternity would give this contestant an Honorary Award" as "a lame excuse." The fact that Beta Theta Pi Fraternity and the Homecoming '66 Central Com- mittee wish to pay Doctor Losh a formal tribute is anything but a "lame excuse." We feel that it is a richly deserved honor. Doctor Losh has no place in a Homecoming Queen contest. It would be demeaning to the sym- bol that she has become to even intimate that she should compete with University coeds. Mr. Was- sterstein has shown a great lack of respect for someoneas uni- versally appreciated as Doctor Losh by making a joke out of something that we have taken very seriously. THE PRESENTATION was sup- posed to be a surprise. We want- ed to really make it something special for her. That is ruined now. But then, it was a clever little editorial, wasn't it Mr. Was- serstein?- -Maureen Anderman, '68 --Howard Weinblatt, '68 Co-Chairmen, Special Events Homecoming '66 Students Unite ! To the Editor: STUDENTS UNITE! We feel that Dr. Hazel Losh should be nam- ed the official Homecoming queen by Student Government Council. Be at the SGC meeting tonight in the SAB to urge on this just cause. -Cathy Wojton, '69 Acting Chairman of the Coed Committee to Coronate Dr. Hazel Losh Pass-Fail Late To the Editor: THIS PAST WEEK the curricu- lum committee of the Lit School, under the chairmanship of Mr. Roy Pierce announced that the pass-fail system is presently scheduled to go into effect. next May. A discussion with Mr. Pierce and Dean Hays of the Lit School reveals that purely administra- tive problems' prevent, the inaug- uration of the system this com- ing January. These administrative problems are derived from such insurmountable situations as "that some people have already pre- classified." I appreciate the fact that there are administrative problems asso- ciated with instituting such a pro- gram, and that such complica- tions require time to be resolved. We must, however, weigh this complication against the fact that 4000 seniors will be denied the opportunity to participate in the program. IF THIS IS a worthwhile pro- gram, as I believe it is, then sure- ly with nearly three months to go before the start of the new semester, this administrative prob- lem can be overcome. -Harlan Alpern;'67 Welcome, Philharmonia WHEN THE PHILHARMONIA Orchestra, one of the University's two student orchestras-the other is the Symphony Orchestra-started its year this Septem- ber, things didn't look very encouraging. Music school officials frankly conceded the Symphony Orchestra, not the Phil-, harmonia, had gotten most of the avail- able string-player talent. The Philhar- monia's conductor was not Prof. Joseph Blatt, the highly-esteemed former con- ductor of the Metropolitan Opera, but an assistant. And the Philharmonia had on its program Bartok's Concerto for Orches- tra -- so complex and difficult that a Symphony Orchestra guest conductor last year was advised not to try to perform it. HEN, HOWEVER, came the surprise. The Philharmonia performed the Barr- tok last Tuesday at Hill Aud., and its au- dience -- largely composed . of music school professors and students -- gave them a standing ovation and repeated cries of "bravo!" A standing ovation for any perform- + - -, . ance in Hill Aud. is unusual; such appre- ciation for a student group from such a critical audience is unprecedented in re- cent memory. The orchestra deserves tremendous praise for its stirring per- formance; and Theo Alcantarilla, its con- ductor, deserves every decibel of his au- dience's enthusiastic applause. He is not only a competent musician but an enthus- iastic catalyzer who spurred his orches- tra to the point that, as one of its string players put it, "We just played over our heads." THUS THE PHILHARMONIA scored a triumph Tuesday evening. It seems well on its way to becoming a jewel in the University's cultural crown. The re- sults are a delight to watch-and hear. -MARK R. KILLINGSWORTH Editor Congratulations GRADUATION DAY, 2000 A.D. The President of the University walks slowly to the podium on a sunny spring .I The Rhinemaiden' of New York "As I Got Violence, It, The Oracle Said We Should End Except Maybe For Nuclear Bombing" -.r- :1 W/ A - f t 'HOMPING furiously on a Chic- Alet, I alighted from the plane at Kennedy Airport feeling quite festive and worldly in my red plaid suit and black high heels. However, this ephemeral air of sophistication was quickly pol- luted when the smirking steward- ess placed the green Boy Scout sleeping bag upon my shoulder and smirkingly thanked me for "traveling United." I mumbled something about camping in Cen- tral Park in autumn and then marched through the red carpet- ed tunnel to three days of whimsy and "Truma." The latter, a mixture of "grand- mother and Gertrude (neither of which are suitable for the char- acter in mind), is a lively grand- mother of mine who is the liv- ing parody of old age and mother- hood. Because of her frank van- ity and complete lack of matron- liness, Truma has always been grazing with the darker side of the family herd. IN A NUTSHELL By BETSY COHN seven of herself sporting her mul- ticolored hairshades of the past 10 years); her closet is an assort- ment of over 100 vividly colored rodentia skins, silks, hides, etc.: and her bookshelves are properly lined with leatherbound tomes in both English and German. It is only when one dares to probe behind the ivory statuettes and between the hardbound books that one really begins to know Truma. Snuggled stealthily be- tween Hermann Hesse and Arthur Schnitzer is undoubtedly a well used paperback edition of Candy, Chocolates for Breakfast, or Pas- sion on the L Train. Because of her deep devotion to the late President Kennedy, she has kept a watchful eye over n ,nlra n .nml .nn OO 4a-n I r a, - force which has kept Truma run- ning her sprightly pace as canas- ta club president, confidante to several intriguing affairs and Cu- pid for all her amorous lady friends (one of whom promised her a vacuum cleaner in exchange for a husband . . . the lady got her husband but my grandmother is still using a carpet sweeper, much to her disillusionment) has been Adams' Chiclets. They have cured more of her upset stom- achs, foot ailments and headaches than any witchcraft brew or chem- ical compound could ever hope to remedy. Because of Truma's sweet tooth (which are, to be sure, all her own), it is'a challenge to sit in a chair without landing one's pos- terior in a box of Barton' Chompettes while an elbow makes a decisive plunge into Filstein's Chocolate-Covered Peppermints. TRUMA has never made any grandmotherly claims or procla- 0