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October 13, 1966 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-10-13

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,. . ... s


Ky Cabinet
Faces Crisis
Over Arrest
Threaten Resignations
To Coincide with Ky
Visit to Asian Parley
SAIGON, (P-Regional differ-
ences yesterday threatening a split
in the Cabinet embarrassed Pre-
mier Nguyen Cao Ky as he made
plans for the Manila summit con-
ference two weeks hence.
Ky had hoped to present his
16-month-old regime as united
and stable when he goes to the
Manila meeting of seven nations.
But one Cabinet member has
resigned and informants said five
others have laid their resigna-
tions on Ky's desk.
Protest Dictatorial Means I
Informed sources said 11 of 12
southern ministers of the Cabinet
petititioned Ky to protest what
they termed dictatorial methods
of Brig. Gen. Nguyen Ngoc Loan,
a northerner who is police boss
in South Viet Nam. Ky also is a
former resident of North Vietnam.
The current crisis came about,
sources said, when Loan ordered
the arrest of a high official in the
health department who was sus-
pected of "overt southern political
The health minister, Dr. Ngu-!
yen Ba Kha, quit his post Oct. 3
after a stormy cabinet session
and Ky accepted the resignation
last Friday but warmly praisedE
Kha in an apparent effort to
smooth over the dispute.
Mutual Distrust1
But the real cause of the crisis
is the traditional mutual distrust1
and suspicion of northern and
southern leaders in South Viet-
nam. The northerners include
those who fled North Vietnam
and those from the northern
provinces of what is now South
Viet Nam.
Informed sources said Ky was
trying to paper over the dispute
so he could present a solid gov-
ernment front when he meets in
Manila with leaders of Australia,1
New Zealand, the Philippines,
South Korea, Thailand and the1
United States.{
Northern and southern dele-
gates to a Constituent Assembly,
elected to write a new constitu-
tion, have also been wrangling
along regional lines.
The assembly 117-member be-
gan meeting Sept. 27 but has
bogged down in politicking and
bickering. Work has not started
on the constitution.
Warns of Walkout
Deputy Premier Nguyen Luu1
Vien, who backed up Kha, hadt
warned that other southerners in<
the Cabinet would walk out unlessz
the assistant was released.
Informants said that Vien and
ministers for youth, education,
public works and agriculture had
handed initheir resignations.
Finance Minister A u T r u o n g
Thanh, who is abroad on business,
promised to join them upon his
Ky does not operate with his
Cabinet in the way of most other
nations. The Cabinet's role 'ap-
pears more administrative thant
advisory. Most of the key posts1
are in northern hands.t
The cabinet is made up of the
10 military men in the junta andI
10 civilian ministers.
Ky is one of those from North1
Vietnam, and the southerners
charge the northerners exert un-
due influence.f

Dispute Put
Before UN
Jerusalem Charges f
Aggression After
Land Mine Incident
JERUSALEM, Israel (A)-Israel'
will ask the U.N. Security Council
to meet to consider what it calls
aggression by neighboring Syria.
the government announced yester-I
day night.
In Damascus the Syrian govern-1
ament radio reported the Syrian;
army held maneuvers yesterday
and the army chief of staff. Gen.
Ahmed Soueidani, said Syria is
prepared "for any eventuality"'
with Israel. He said the nation'
would be mobilized and armed m
ociated Press the next few days.
Consider Aggression
K The Israeli announcement said:!
"Prime minister Levi Esnkol has
nmittee on decided to request a Secuity.
th visiting Council session to consider Syrian
emilitarize aggression against Israel. The!
prime minister arrived at this de-
cision after consultations with the'
foreign minister.
"Appropriate instructions havej
been sent to the Israeli mission at
the United Nations." b i
Foreign Minister Abba Eban is s
at the U.N. session heading' his(
W ' ~countrv's delegation.

Threaten GE with Major Strike;
Federal Injunction Imminent .

moth General Electric Co. appear-
ed headed today toward the big-
gest strike in its history in a show-
down climaxing years of strained
labor relations.
A special White House mediation
panel which called the meeting
reportedly held little hope of
averting the threatened walkout
of 125,000 members of 11 unions
at 12:01 a.m. Monday.
George Meany, president of the
the 13.5-million-member AFL-CIO
called a meeting of the 11 unions
Friday to draw plans for "all-out
support of the AFL-CIO and all
its unions in the event that Gen-
eral Electric forces its workers to

The AFL-CIO International Un- other Tuesday night that they
ion of Electrical Workers, repre- wouldn't even walk the 10 feet
senting some 80,000 General Elec- across a Labor Departmen corridor
tric workers, heads the 11-union to talk with each other.
combine. The negotiations involve Johnson is believed virtually'
only that union, but any contract certain to invoke an 80-day, Taft-
agreement would become a pattern Hartley Act injunction to delay
for the other unions. the threatened strike because Gen-
Both sides in the bitter contract eral Electric products include en-
dispute lapsed into silence by mu- gines for jet fighter planes and
tual agreement after two days of helicopters, aircraft cannons and
sharp verbal exchanges. machines guns, radar and other
The truce was called until after military equipment vital to U.S.
yesterday's joint meeting, the first forces in Viet Nam.
between the two, sides since short- The company has offered a
ly after the talks were moved here three-year contract including wage
from New York at the request of 'hikes it estimates at four per cent
President Johnson. a year, plus six cents per hour in
Union and company negotiating cost-of-living pay increases, im-
teams were so angry at one an- n - n in


SECRETARY OF STATE DEAN RUSK yesterday briefed the House Foreign Affairs Com
recent international developments. He later told reporters of this week's discussions wit
Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko, which he hopes will lead to agreements to d
space, and control the spread of nuclear weapons.
McNamara Tours Battlefiel
Irnud-hEl k~rt-Q gof 4 111"4 Trtbj

Johnson Asks Boost
In Social Security

provea . nsuance, Pens Ons ana
other benefits.
The unions argue that the wage
increases offered by the company
would be wiped out by sharply
rising prises unless their demand
for a bigger cost-of-living wage
increase is granted.
Another key union demand is
for binding arbitration to settle
grievances, which led to some 30
strikes so far this year at many
of General Electric's approxi-
mately 160 plants."
A 'strike by the 125,600 members
of the 11 unions would be the big-
gest walkout ever staged against
General Electric, which has a long
hstory of stormy labor relations.

NEW YORK (A) - President.
Johnson appealed for racial justice
yesterday night with a reminder
to Italian-Americans that not long
ago, they "felt the raw pain of
discrimination in America."

be provided not only to the aged,
but to the more than one million
disabled Social Security bene-
They would cost $2.2 billion a
year. Johnson did not discuss fi-
nancing, except to promise rec-
ommendations that will keep the
system financially sound.

K-d ~u/ E uv W.. P ' F-8u.'.7 1./ 1 4. UV.4/L.

SAIGON, {J')-Secretary of De-
fenese Robert S. McNamara visit-
ed a coastal battlefield yesterday,
scene of a Communist debacle,
and told victorious U.S., South
Korean and Vietnamese troops
the battle "is a perfect illustra-
tion of three independent na-

"There was obviously no weak-
nesses or lack of trust among
these three national armies." Mc-
Namara told the troops at Phu
Cat, north of which the allied
forces wiped out what officials
claim was the equivalent of a

U Thant Convinced His Plan
Best for Peace Negotiation

Secretary-General U Thant was
reported' yesterday to be telling
U.N. diplomats that his proposals
.have the best chance of persuading
Hanoi to enter peace negotiations
on Viet Nam.
A U.N. spokesman said Thant
was quietly pressing his three-
point plan, including an uricon-
ditional halt to the U.S. bombing
of North Vietnam as a first step.
He said Thant was doing so de-
spite various plans offered by the
United States, Britain and some
smaller countries.
In the continuing General As-
sembly debate, Liu Chieh, the Chi-
nese Nationalist delegate, told the
United Nations that the freedom
of independence of South Vietnam
"cannot be bargained away in the
name of peace."
"Peace will not come to Vietnam
until the Communist aggressors

are convinced they cannot win by
force and violence and that ag-
gression does not pay," Liu said.
As is their custom, the Soviet
Union and other Communist-bloc
delegates showed their opposition
to Nationalist China by walking
out on the speech.
Mahmoud Riad, foreign minister
for the United Arab Republic, sup-
ported Communist demands for an
unconditional end to the U.S.
bomb attack on the North, with-
drawal of all foreign troops and a
key role for the National Libera-
tion Front.
Thant was described as believing
that since the United States began
the bombing of the North and thus
escalated the war, it would be
proper for the United States to call
off the bombing in the hope of
getting Hanoi to agree to negotia-

m f a "Other Americans now are feel-
The announcement follows a igtesm egtwihyu
mine explosion Sunday near Shaar! ing the same weight which you
battalion of North Vietnamese Hagolan that killed four Israeli and your families once felt," John-
and Viet Cong. soldiers and wounded two. son told Americans of Italian de-
"It is also a magnificent ex- Israeli officials charged that scent as they celebrated Columbus
ample of what modern mobility responsibility for this incident and Day. Democrats said more than
can do to defeat the enemy and for the earlier blasting of two one million people turned out be-
keep our own casualties to the Ihouses in Jerusalem lay with the fore his schedule was half com-
lowest possible level." Syrian authorities. In Israel's view pleted.
Troops Ashore the perpetrators crossed into In The President keynoted his day
Yesterday as 4,000 fresh Amer- rael from Syria, in Baltimore, Md., with a call for
ican combat troops arrived in the Jordan Responds broad increases in Social Security
country. The new troops, the last King Hussein, the Jordanian benefits next year, then moved to
contingent of the 4th Infantry monarch is reported to have said New York to taunt Republicans
Division, brought the American that Jordan would open up a sec- as a party of fear.
force in Vietnam to 325,000 men. ond front against Israel if Syria Four Points
As the buildup continued ground and Israel began an open war. Johnson outlined a four-point
fighting subsided into small skir- Hussein's government and the J
mishes. leftist Surian regime are bitterly Social Security program previously
In addition to the 325,000 Amer- antagonistic, but the monarch!disclosed by the White House.
ican soldiers in Vietnam, there are said, "An Israeli move against "I will recommend to the next
nearly 42,000 troops from five Syria would threaten our west Congress an average increase in
other allied nations and some 705, bank," referring to a former part Social Security benefits to at least
000 South Vietnamese under arms. of Palestine belonging to Jordan. 10 per cent. That means an aver-
During his two days in Saigon, Israeli and Jordanian forces ex- age of a minimum of 10 per cent.
McNamara told reporters in Da changed fire for 20 minutes today It could be 12, it could be 14," the
Nang, he investigated the con- after an Israeli army patrol stray- President said.
gested port of Saigon among other ed into Jordan's territory during -He said every worker employ-
matters, an early morning fog, an Israeli ed under Social Security for 25
"Great progress has been made, military spokesman announced. ;years or more should get a mini-
but drastic progress still has to "Syria Responsible" arsmum monthly benefit of $100.
be made," he added. New instal- Eshkol Tuesday told the ambas- That would far exceed a 10.per
lations to handle cargo are being sadors of the United States, the cent increase for some pensioners.
built at the port. Soviet Union, France and Britain
"Part of the helicopter revolu that Damasous' responsibility "for{--"It will recommend specific
tion in war is the almost mirac- recent acts of murder and sabo- proposals that will materially in-
uulous improvement in medical tage committed inside Israel terri- crease the income of those under
treatment for wounded men, Mc- tory" had been proved beyond Social Security who continue to
Namara said. doubt. work after reaching retirement
"The ratio of dead to wounded On Tuesday, Premier Youssef age." Johnson said his program
in this war is less than one-half Zayyen of Syria said Syrian forces could also ease the tight labor
the rate of the Korean War, which would set the entire area ablaze ' market.
was an improvement on World in the event of any attack from -"I will recommend that hos-
War II. In some cases as many as Israel. pital and medical care coverage
80 per cent of the wounded in an - - ---_-
action are returned to duty with-
in the country itself.
Morale High who PETITIONING for the
"The morale of these meun whio
have been wounded is really re-
markable. I have never come Board of
across morale like this in my Bife,
and I served three years in the
Army myself in World War II. I
They all seem to feel :hat they iM
are doing something valuable and
they are proud of their unit and
the work they are doing.
"I made it perfectly clear that w
if the troop deployment is to be e
constructed by the limit of the front 7:30-11:30
Vietnamese economy, the deploy-
ment will have to slow down." !
McNamara explained that the Sign up now for interview
import of consumer goods is neces-
sary to absorb the new money# at 2538 SA B
generated by the continued Amer-
ican expansion of the war effort. ---

! - - --- -


lead an. informal discussion on the dynamic
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9:00, Thursday, Oct. 13 at the
1421 Hill St.
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World News Roundup

By The Associated Press
voted 39 to 33 yesterday in favor
of a broad proposal for govenment
financing of presidential cam-
paigns out of voluntary contribu-
tions made by income taxpayers.
The plan, sponsored by Sen.
Russell B. Long, D-La., could make
$70 million available to pay ex-
penses of the 1968 campaign.
* * *
WARSAW, Poland-A dispatch
from Peking said yesterday that



TODAY, Promptly
Arena Theatre

4:10 P.M.
Frieze Building

Red China's militant young Red
Guards had killed several Com-
munist party officials in the
northern city of Tientsin.
"In some places, the Red Guard
activities resemble real pogroms,"
wrote Daniel Lulinski, Peking cor-
respondent for the Polish Com-
munist party paper Trybuna Ludu.
WASHINGTON - Secretary of
the Army Stanley R. Rester has
recommended that in the event of
'any call-up of reserves, the Pen-
tag'on order into service about
30,000 trained individuals not as-
signed to units.
His suggestion was in a memo-
randum circulated among defense
manpower experts before passage
of the bill giving President John-,
son authority to order up nearly
two million Reserves and National
Guardsmen without declaring a
national emergency.
The Reserves authority was
written into a $58-billion defense
appropriation bill passed Tuesday
by both houses of Congress. {

Department of Speech
Student Laboratory Theatre Program
Admission Free

"Rich and Intriguing!" "Seasoned bg Wit."-Detroit News
" 'Right You Are' " Just Right! All of Them Fascinating."
-Ann Arbor News


Lloyd W. Putnam



folk songs, work songs, annal songs, children's songs,
cowboy songs, songs about elves, etc.
They are DROLL love
See themi this weekend at

(A seminar in religion sporisored by
The Office of Religious Affairs)
Place: GUILD HOUSE, 802 Monroe St.
Time: THURSDAY EVENINGS: October 13, 20;
November 3, 10, 17, 7:30 p.m.-9:00 p.m.
by Thomas W. Ogletree (Abingdon paper-
back, 1966). Selected readings to be
I-A Setting for Radical Theology
(Historical Background, Contemporary Context)
l-Theological Fragments
(Consideration of William Hamilton)
Ill-The Problems of Meaning
(Consideration of Paul Van Buren)
IV-Christian Atheism

ii I



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