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October 13, 1966 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-10-13

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gl14frit ~


Cloudy and warmer withi
a chance of rain by afternoon

Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom


New Committee

To Steer Higher Education Plan

A study-steering committee for
the development of the State
Board of Education's Master Plan
for Higher Education will hold its
firstkmeetinghtoday in Lansing,
marking another step toward the
completion of the long-awaited
The. steering committee, com-
posed of deans and vice-presidents
from state colleges and univer-
sities, will act in an advisory capa-
city to Harold T. Smith, project
director for the development of
the plan.
The committee will help to de-
termine what studies will be need-
ed toround out the plan and aid
in setting up the staff required to

conduct the studies, Smith ex-
It will also help to set up ad-
visory committees composed of
faculty representatives, business
and professional groups and stu-
dent representatives.
Dean Stephen Spurr of the
Rackham School of Graduate Stu-
dies .will represent the University
on the steering committee.
Discussed by educators for al-
most a decade, the naster plan
is intended to establish uniform
guidelines which can be applied
to individual policy decisions re-
lating to Michigan's rapidly ex-
panding system of higher educa-
Issues which will inevitably be

dealt with by the master plan in- summer of 1967. This may not be fred Kaplan of the math dept. Smith, referring to his work as Kaplan said he thought faculty
clude: as early as originally expected, was in Switzerland on leave, at- head of the preparation of the members would probably be mostc
-the balance between the con- Smith said, since he wants to give tributes much of the difficulty to report of Gov. Romney's Blue Rib- sensitive to provisions of the plan
stitutionally guaranteed autonomy as many different educational and the board's delay until they ap- bon Committeee on Higher Edu- dealing with program changes,f
of the state's educational institu- political groups as possible a pointed a new State Superinten- cation. such as the introduction of Ph.D.z
tions- and their obligations to co- chance to review the plan. dent of Public Instruction. Board Kaplan identified the aim of of programs as requested by Westernt
operate with the board's efforts at The board has met with con-I members also point to the other the project as providing "long Michigan University and Eastern
coordinating higher education; siderable criticism for its slowness issues during their first two years range plans to prepare for major Michigan University recently. New(
-the proper relationship be-! in developing the plan, from the which included the controversy developments which are -not co- programs might relieve some of<
tween the board and the Legis- American Association of Univer- over the University's expansion of ordinated now." He said there has the load for existing programs,
tweetheuboardran heLis y Aernssocatn ofe U - its Flint College branch, the new been a long need for the plan since Kaplan continued.
lature and; sity Professors and other groups,
the distinct to be since many educators assumed the college for the Tri-City area, the a lot has already happened. Faculty will be involved in thez
-a ed yth ive roes o state ayoudeaporitysite whenIrequest for the establishment of Kaplan expects the plan to set planning on committees reviewing
played by the three major state plan would be a priority item when an osteopathic college and other up procedures for reviewing pro- preliminary drafts of the plan.
universities, smaller state institu- the board took office almost two issues gram changes which would effect "We will probably be asking the
tions, private colleges and com- years ago. In a recent interview, Kaplan other schools in order to prevent faculties of each of the institu-
munity and technical colleges in Prof. E. Lowell Kelly of the psy- said, however, that since Smith's overlapping and duplication. It tions in the state to elect memberst
expanding Michigan's educational chology dept., who served as acting appointment last May, there has should also make overall recom- to represent them, with perhapsl
facilities. chairman of the AAUP Committee been no delay; work on the plan is mendations for growth so insti- one representative for each schoolt
The target date for completion on Organization of Higher Edu- just moving quietly. Kaplan also tutions don't become overly *big, and two for larger ones such as1
for the plan is some time in the cation last spring while Prof. Wil- commended the Board on choosing Kaplan continude. the University, smith explained.,

Kaplan said he hoped enough
copies of tentative provisions
would be available to permit gen-
eral discussion among all inte-
rested faculty members as well as
other groups.
Kaplan also said he believes stu-
depts could be very helpful in the
development of the plan since
many of the things that should be
changed can best be stated by stu-
dents. He cited the area of hous-
ing as one example.
Smith agrees' that students
should be included and is anxious
to determine a place for them.
He hopes to accomplish it through
contact with student government
leaders throughout the state and
is open to suggestions.

New Chem.


Course Tried
At Colleges
'General Science'
Program Designed
For Non-Majors
Collegiate Press Service
CHICAGO-A $1 million effort'
to improve U.S. college chemistry
courses-particularly for the non-
chemistry major-went into full
operation this fall.
Most universities are already do-
ing a good job with the students
who will make their careers in the
field, acording to Dr. L. Carroll
King, chairman of the newly or-
ganized Advisory Council on Col-
lege Chemistry.
rThehbiggestnproblem in the
area," he explains, "is how to de-
vise a good chemistry course for
the students going into the arts,
the humanities, journalism, edu-
cation or the social sciences-"
Grant Finances Development
The Council, with headquarters
at Stanford University, will fi-
nance the development of new ed-
ucational aids and curricula on
college campuses across the coun-
try under a two-year grant from
the National Science Foundation.
The usual offering to the non-
chemistry major has been the
4 "survey course." But, King says,
"'The survey course has never
really worked. Its general short-
coming is that it teaches theory
as fact. The whole character of
scientific knowledgehand the
means scientists use to solve prob-
lems have been neglected."
As an alternative, King suggests
that a specially designed "general
science" chemistry class might be
offered to non-majors. Such a
course would be designed to ex-
plain to the students what scienceF
is and has accomplished, how it
operates and why it is doing what
it does.
Explains Nature, Content
The course would explain some-
thing of the nature of science as
well as its content to the non-
science students who will be future
legislators, historians, artisks and
* The $1 million grant will bej
used to finance the innovation
efforts of 30 professors now teach-
ing chemistry at various universi-
ties through the U.S.
The 30 will experiment with:
electronic teaching aids,

4r mirStigantatly a e




-MFA I-OU - --w w w U - - U -a

Late World News
By The Associated Press
last night the United States still hopes for "a more considered
reply" from the Communists to U.S. proposals for scaling down
or ending the war in Viet Nam. The Communists have publicly
rejected U.S. proposals.
Rusk also made a new bid for discussion of U.S. proposals
with the Communists, saying that if there is uncertainty about
their meaning "the way to clear it up is through discussion."
NEW YORK-THE STOCK MARKET roared ahead yester-
day to its biggest single day's gain in almost three years.
Some Wall Streeters said the surge in the final trading hours
was linked to yesterday's statement by Secretary of Commerce
John T. Connor that there are no present indications economic
controls will be needed to support the Viet Nam war.
The Dow Jones average of 30 industrial stocks closed up
19.54 points at 778.17, the highest one-day advance since Nov.
26, 1963 when it gained 32.02 points in its recovery after President
John F. Kennedy's assassination.
Brokers were encouraged by the market's jump.
One said that the action was certainly a sign that "a bottom
has been reached for this decline in 1966."
contract offer last night-described by White House mediators
as "a slight improvement"-but it was immediately rejected by
11 unions whose 125,000 members are scheduled to strike Monday.
Secretary of Commerce John T. Connor, speaking for the
presidential mediation panel, said "Are're at dead center" in
efforts to avert the walkout which the government says would
injure the Viet Nam war effort.
President Paul Jennings of the AFL-CIO International Union
of Electrical Workers, the biggest of the 4 1-union combine nego-
tiating with the giant company, called General Electric's latest
offer "insignificant."
wide volunteer drive today and tomorrow from 8-5.
The drive's purpose is to give students the opportunity to'
sign up to work with various charitable organizations in the Ann
Arbor community. It will also give those organizations a chance
to recruit the help they need.
were chosen last night and announced by Special Events co-
chairmen Howard Weinblatt, '68 and Maureen Anderman, '68.
The girls and their sponsoring organizations are (in alphabetical
order): Christine Anderson, '67, Delta Tau Delta; Margaret
Asman, '68, Alpha Phi; Julie Emerson, '67, Kappa Alpha Theta;
Lypn Goldsmith, '69, Delta Phi Epsilon; Rusti Hansher, '69,
Sigma Delta Tau; Sherry Milliken, '67Ed, Sigma Alpha Mu;
Marti Schlesinger, '69, Tau Delta Phi; Linda Sloan, '68N, Kappa
Alpha Psi.

To Bi
Due Process
At Maryland
Student's Suspension
For Drug Possession
Causes Legal Battle
Collegiate Press ServiceI
I disciplinary action against a Uni-
versity of Maryland freshman
charged with possession of mariju-
ana has raised due process ques-
tions over the University's judicial
Robert F. Sauer. 18, of Balti-
more, was released October 9 on
bond after being arrested in his
dormitory room for illegal posses-
sion of marijuana and barbituates
two days earlier.
A University spokesman reported{
that the Office of the Executive
Dean for Student Life has sus-
pended Sauer from housing for
"believed possession of mari-
No Specific Rule
There is no specific regulation!
at Maryland prohibiting the pos-
regulations state that residents
session of the drug, but University
who fail to observe "accepted
standards of conduct" may be
asked to leave their dormitories.
In "extreme cases where the
conduct of a student may not be
in conformity with the best in-
terests of the University," the rule
continues, a student may be dis-
missed from school.
Sauer's status as a student will
be decided soon by University of-

wild Fraternity

' -Daiy-Ron Holco
SPEAKING AT AUD. A, yesterday, Franz J. T. Lee condemed the "oppressed conditions of
South Africans" under the rule of the white Afrikaander
African, Freedom Leader Ask,
U.S. Aid in Black Liberation

Taxes Cause
Pierpont Says Act
Not Intended To Avoid
Property Assessment
The State Legislature will in-
vestigate the University's unpre-
cedented decision to build a $300,-
000 house for Nu Sigma Nu Med-
ical fraternity.
Rep.. Jack Faxon (D-Detroit),
chairman of the House Subcom-
mittee on Higher Education, says
he plans to consult the state at-
torney general's office on the mat-
ter. Rep. Faxon, who also plans
to question University officials
here on the matter today, explains
.that "The University may need a
special resolution from the Leg-
islature to build this housing
mb unit."
the The special resolution may be
required because the University is
serving as a tax shield for the
fraternity, Faxon explains.
"There is a serious question of
whether the University is aiding
a conspiracy for some citizens to
defraud the government of income
tax," says Rep. George F. Mont-
gomery (D-Detroit), a member of
the subcommittee.
Pierpont's Rebuttal
if Reli- But Vice-President and Chief
Financial Officer Wilbur K. Pier-
id LLB pont said yesterday that the Nu
doutB Sigma Nu plan "is not a planned
South attempt by the University to take
ng te property off the tax rolls."
is Ger- Under the plan established last
its doc- year and approved by the Re-
fluence gents indSeptember, the Univer-
Social sity will build and own the fra-
South ternity house. Half the cost of
the building will be paid by the
ies, Lee University. Nu Sigma Nu will re-
exten- pay this sum to the University
on a 15 year imortgage held by
the University's investment office.
The other half of the structure
Ph will be financed by gifts from Nu
Sigma Nu alumni.
Upjohn Proposal
s This plan was originally sug-
gested several years ago by' Gif-
ford Upjohn, a Nu Sigma Nu alum-
nus after the fraternity failed to
suitibi- gain sufficient funds for a new
house on its own. Upjohn is pres-
rt with ident of Upjohn, Inc., a well-
he per- known pharmaceutical house.
.S, stu- Upjohn suggested that the fra-
phases ternity should try to u'se the Uni-
he pro- versity as a tax shield. He ex-
plained that if the house were
'eceived University owned gifts to the
y grad- building fund would be tax de-
ayhew, ductible as educational contribu-
ogy de- tions.
The Upjohn Foundation gave a
sity re- million dollar gift to the Univer-
ological sity's $55 million fund drive this
Howard spring for clinical pharmacology
he DAS research.
t it en- Very. Damaging
ice the Rep. Faxon said he thought it
d suc- would be "very damaging for the
d sf-University to proceed on anything
ting of like this until we've consulted with
them." Plans tentatively call for
y Gegroundbreaking of the new fra-
y Ger- ternity house at a site on Fuller
1'ntinl,.. ---


"One out of every three non-
white babies born in South Africa
dies before one year."
These deaths, from malnutri-
jion_ were one of the nrevailing

"The black man is a foreigner
in his own land!" Lee cried.
Supporting Apartheid
It seems the U.S. is supporting
apartheid, concluded Lee. This
country's enterprises in South'
Africa depend on a cheap labor'
force and that force is a product
of apartheid. Therefore, Lee ex-
plained, the U.S. is now supporting
a double policy 'toward the Afri-
can "Resistance Movement."
About 100 attended the lecture,

sponsored by the Office of
gious Affairs.
Lee received his MA an
from the University of
Africa and is now attendi
University of Frankfurt it
many. He is now writing h
toral dissertation, "The in
of European and American
and Political Theories in
While continuing his stud
has written and lectured

ficials, the spokesman added. The' ' "" " " vie " I"' "1 i'.'
case will probably go to Darrell ; problems described by South Afri-
F. Rishel, director of judiciary af- can Franz J. T. Lee, in his lecture
fairs, he said. Rishel's office usual- Wednesday night on "The Free-
ly handles student disciplinary dom Struggle in South Africa."
cases. !T.PP '. fmin,. f th Alpxa ,dr

Campus Service Corps Plans
Tutoring, Trips for Children

Role of Due Process
Several s t u d e nts questioned
whether the University's discipli-
nary action, which by-passed a
system of students courts, con-
stituted a denial of the rights to
due process of law within the Uni-
University action was likewise
questioned because it paralleled
legal proceedings by the state, thus
possibly subjecting Sauer to double

iee, iounaer o vie aexn r
Defense Committee (ADC) and
European representative of the
African Peoples Democratic Union
of South Africa, is touring the
United States to promote the
movement for black liberation.
Lack of Knowledge
"The Average American knows
almost nothing about Africa," he

Detroit Area Studies He]
Future Social Researchei


By BETSY TURNER with specific problems of their CSC is financed chiefly by a jeopardy for his alleged offense.
individual child, government grant of $22,000 re- The question of due process is
Tutoring, Field Trips, Creative The cultural project, a second ceived this year. A full time direc- a fundemental one in any theory
Dramatics, adult classes . . . just aspect of the CSC, consists of tor and full-time secretary are of university of judiciary systems,
few of the activities provided by small groups of eight to ten chil- employed, leaving an overall bud- especially when significant punish-
Campus Service Corps of dren and one student advisor from get for to project of close to' ment is dealt out. A general move
Eastern Michigan University for EMU. The groups participate in 12,000.. throughout the country seems to
residents of the Ypsilanti area. a variety of activities usually on Policy Determination be aiming at insuring these rights
The project originated in 19641Saturday mornings. The policies of CSC are deter- of due process, even in private
by tn. estly Fundaion S aturda
by ter Westley Foundation stu- Various Activities mined by two bodies-a board of schools where previously discipline
dents in Ypsilanti, now has nearly Field trips to Greenfield Village, directors and a student board. The could be arbitrary.
300 volunteer student workers. Ann Arbor, Dairy farms and cidar board of directors consists of the Similar Case
Two hundred students tutor ele- mills are just a few. Creative Director of Religious Affairs of In a similar marijuana case att
mentary, junior high and high j dramatics is also an intricate part EMU, the President of Student the University of Pennsylvania two
school children on a one-to-one of the program. Students partici- Council, the Alumni Director, the weeks earlier, a sophomore student
basis. pating in the EMU creative dra- Student Director (chairman of was put on disciplinary probation
The emphasis of tutoring is pr- matics program aid in directing CSC), the Cultural Director, and until he graduates. Prosecution
marily on academic problems al- the children's work. Cooking, sew- the Vice President of Student Af- was subsequently initiated by thel
though the socio-emotional rela- ing, baking, are other areas where fairs of EMU. State.
tionship between the tutor and struction is available. The student board consists solely In that instance, students pro-
tutee is also important. A third program of the CSC is of the student leaders of the dif- tested that the University took
Area schools nrovide the names , . , .FU,.. ,.. ..- 1 - "a ~,,;Z+of ha

I To combine the development of
Lee is especially interested in new research with the teaching of
enlisting the support of the United research techniques and methods
States because he feels this coun- in real situations, the sociology
try has a , duel attitude to his department has been conducting
cause. 'Detroit Area Studies since 1951.
The U.S. voices support of the Future social researchers are
liberation but interests in profit usually trained in the calm and
from U.S. firms dependent on the safety of the classroom, research
cheap labor force keep it from usually goes on in the hubub of
taking a definite stand. the city. Recognizing these in-
The oppressed conditions of the consistencies, the DAS was in-
South Africans, Lee stated, are augurated.
the result of the Afrikaander There are other reasons.
ruling class which believes in Graduate students working on
"apartheid." Under this policy a their master degrees and some
white parliament, representing 312 Honors Sociology seniors partici-
million people, is supposed to rule pate in the DAS. Under the old
13 million nonwhites. system, each student undertook
an individual M.A. project, but
People Point the Direction lack of time, experience and mo-
Lee pointed out the United Sta- ney hampered most from engaging
tes is supposed to be a democracy, in meaningful studies.

tellectual worthiness andc
lity as a training vehicle.
. Working in close consor
the faculty advisor and th
manent director of the DA
dents are involved in all
of work needed to bring ti
ject to fruition.
"It's great. I wish I had r
similar training during my
uate 'days," says Leon M
assoc. chmn. of the sociol
"Students at the Univers
ceive excellent method
training because of DAS."1
Schuman, the director of tb
stated. He pointed out that
ables students to exp.erien
problems, frustrations an
cesses involved in the crea
meaningful research."
Attitudes and Religio:
The Religious Factor by
hard Tenski nf . highly inf'

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