Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS POERald The Once and / Future Residen aetial Colleg%e >POETRY by MARK R. KILLINGSWORTH ............ ....:}J.4; Fy &r,....Lb'{G'..}...........}:"........:{:............... G1.. WWROMUMMO-- -_77 re o Are ee 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. NEws PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials. printed in The Michigan Daily ex press the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This mus t be noted in all reprints. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1966 NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT KLIVANS .. .. Nu Sigma Nu Non-taxable Fraternity THE UNIVERSITY'S decision to help fi- nance a new chapter house for Nu Sigma Nu, a medical fraternity, has solv- ed that fraternity's financial problems, but it raises other questions, which may be much more difficult to answer. The fraternity complained that it was in need of a new house, and that funds could not be raised through the normal contributions from alumni. Gifford Up- john, president of Upjohn, Inc., a phar- maceutical firm, then suggested that the fraternity ask the University to build and own the new house. Money would be pro- vided by a special fund set up by the University expressly for the future house. Upjohn also promised to contribute a substantial amount of money to the fund. BY ALLOWING the University to own and build the house, the alumni's con- n would be tax deductable as contributions to an educational institu- tion, Also, because the new house would be owned by the University, it would be exempt from local property taxes. John Feldkamp, director of housing, said that the University would only sup- port the rebuilding of such houses if his office saw a need for the building, and if money for the program could not be rais- ed by any other means. If used sparing- ly, this policy is fine. However, if it is followed indiscriminately, and these serv- ices made available to all organizations, some interesting situations could develop. FIRST, IF ONE GROUP of alumni can make such a contribution to their old fraternity, then other alumni who have similar ties with their fraternities, might insist on equal treatment. If a fraternity like Nu Sigma Nu with an abundance of wealthy doctors as alumni must resort to tax gimmicks to raise funds, then it is more than likely that other houses with* fewer prominent alumni, will insist on the same privilege. Secondly, will this tax sanction only be offered to the privileged elite who want to go Greek? If -the University al- lows this, it is becoming a tool of the fraternities. It is not furthering its own ends, but those of a private group. Thirdly, if the University, in a sense of equity, would extend this privilege to other groups who want to raise funds, this would lead to all sorts of gross viola- tions of the privilege of tax exemption. In this case the University would allow itself to become a tool of all minority groups on campus. Again they would be further- ing the ends of these groups, and not those of the University community as a whole. Fourthly, University ownership of a fraternity also exempts its members from payment of real estate taxes. Fraternities, especially when placed in or near resi- dential areas, make use of city facilities. Even when they do pay taxes, they pay proportionately less than others, consid- ering the number of persons living in the house. The University also could become a vehicle to avoid paying real estate taxes. THE UNIVERSITY should treat its tax , exempt status as a privilege, that should be used only in instances which benefit the academic and cultural pur- poses of the college community; not as a means of benefiting the social needs of private organizations. A lack of respect for this position can only lead to a ques- tioning of the University's integrity in such matters. The gains from such a pol- icy are limited to a minority of students, with few benefits for the rest of the com- munity., Unless the University plans to make it- self an active owner of the fraternity houses, and not just a paper landlord, then it should not extend its name and reputation to fraternities to be used le- gally. -RON KLEMPNER AS THE UNIVERSITY wends its merry way toward the comple- tion of its $55M fund drive, one gets the unavoidable impression that the Residential College - probably the single most impor- tant item on the University's shopping list-will wind up get- ting nothing. The drive has netted nearly $50 million so far-about $48 million in earmarked money, and some $2 million in no-strings gifts. The Residential College hasn't gotten a dime of the restricted money; and there are literally dozens of other deserving University projects which could use a part of the $2 million. To make the obvious obvious, if this trend continues the $11.55 million Residential College will not only have to be cut back even more (the lack of ready money has already forced planners to cut out $1.45 million from earlier plans). The lack of money for the Res- idential College is also going to retard its development-such as a long delay in getting its science and library buildings, for exam- ple, which are already planned for only in the distant future. AND THE LACK of money for the college could also weigh heav- ily on the literary college, which is already in serious need of new facilities like a new chemistry building and a romance language building. It is scarcely a very appealing prospect. The principle behind the Residential College-to create the atmosphere of a small, 1200-stu- dent college while retaining the intellectual and cultural resources of a large university-is, as Presi- dent Hatcher says, an attack on one of the fundamental problems of universities and of society at large. All.agree that it would thus be a tragedy for the Residential Col- lege to die stillborn, without a chance to prove its worth. But there appears to be no activity at the moment which will ensure that this will not happen - which means, to be concrete, that no one seems to be having much suc- cess at raising money for the college. PRESIDENT HATCHER, Regent Paul Goebel and others are, to be sure, beating the bushes for money for the college. Regent Alvin Bent- ley, in charge of special gifts, is working with the faculty plan- ning committee for the college and others to develop donor "pack- ages." Yet the visions of eager donors which danced in administrators' heads - most notably the Presi- dent's - last spring have quite obviously failed to materialize. De- spite the combined efforts of fac- ulty, administrators and alumni, the Residential College has not a cent more now than it did in April, when the Regents approved plans for the college. It would be foolish to try, to find a "scapegoat," for there is none. The major cause for the Residential College's continuing poverty is the fact that apparent- ly nobody wants to give any money for it; there is very little anybody can do to change that. BUT THERE are two things which the University should begin to consider-now-even as it re- doubles its efforts to conclude the $55M fund drive with the entire $4 million President Hatcher has set as the Residential College's goal in that drive. First, the University should recognize that aggregate figures- $55 million, for example - are meaningless if their composition fails to achieve what, in fact, the $55M drive is trying to do: to en- sure "the vital margin of excel- lence." Ten million dollars of the nearly $50 million already collected goes for a highway safety research in- stitute, for example--but nobody, not even Arjay Miller, kids him- self that a dime of that money will "ensure the vital margin of excellence," regardless of what- ever else it might do. . THUS, WHEN the University raises the $55 million which is its goal, it should simply raise the goal-and refuse to count as part of its receipts towards that goal anything which does not contri- bute towards its "shopping list." It may make fund-raising seem more difficult, but the ease at get- ting $10 million for an indoor plumbing institute has no relation to such an institute's contribution to "excellence." Second, the University is also clearly going to have to solve its problems with the state legislature in the field of construction. The University objects to a state law which requires state approval of university construc- tion plans and choice of archi- tects as an invasion of constitu- tional autonomy. In an attempt to avoid the law's restrictions, the University refuses to take money on the law's terms. WHETHER OR not the law is constitutional is a matter for the courts. It would certainly seem wise, however, for the University to settle the question-it may need some legislative support for the Residential College in the future, and it will surely need state money for a number of other long- overdue buildings. The signs of strain from the freeze on state money are already obvious. For the first time, stu- dent tuition fees are being used to finance one building (the new Administration building - a su- preme irony!): the "evening-out" of student tuition scales, which netted about $330,000. went to help build the University Events Building. But the University's needs are so great that this kind of back- door financing probably will not be possible much longer, and eventually state money will be the only way out. THUS THE UNIVERSITY ought to seek Attorney General Frank Kelley's advisory opinion on the constitutionality of the construc- tion law. Kelley has already ruled an earlier law violates university autonomy: he hinted here last week that he is sympathetic to the University's plea for autonomy: and the University has already sought to overturn another law, concerning collective bargaining, as unconstitutional. Why not test this one? If the University is serious about starting the Residential College on a firm basis, it should renew a drive for funds and act on its convictions concerning state construction law. Anything else would be hypocritical; anything else would have unsolved a central problem of all big universities- and probably create a few new ones. Just When Things Were Going So Well THE ADVOCATES of student participation have been having a rough time lately. And just when it looked like things were going so well. Judging by the speeches of Uni- versity administrators over the past year, the establishment of new student advisory groups, the new policy in the OSA, and finally the recent Knauss Report, one would think that the University was going to take the lead and grant students real decision-mak-' ing power. Some still think so. But the statements and actions of the so- called "liberals" within the admin- istration following the sit-in in the administration building indicates otherwise. There's been an administrative backlash. THE SAME people who ac- knowledged the rights of students and faculty to make policy for this University are now concerned with other things: the image of their University; the efficiency of their operations; law and order. We'll give you participation, they say, but this is still going to be an administration-run University. Hmm. The contradiction is the result of several factors. First, the ad- ministrators are beginning to real- ize what the rhetoric they've been using really means to students. And they don't like it. For in fact, there are two con- ceptions here. The 'student par- ticipation' of the administration- meaning just participation, and that of the students-meaning ac- tual student decision-making pow- er, to which they're entitled sim- ply as human beings. The administrators' statements on participation have given rise to greater student hopes for actual power. The sit-in was the result of the frustration of these" expectations, Students are realizing too, that they and the administration are talking about two different things. THE ADMINISTRATION hoped to satisfy the demands of students by talking student participation. Now they must deal with the frus- tration that they have helped to create. (This of course is aside from the central point that stu- dents have a right to authority in the areas they know best and not just an advisory status.) The administrators must realize that some things are going to be out of their control-if they grant students and faculty the rights they deserve. Efficiency simply can't be as great when power presently in one place is divided among students, administrators and faculty. Like those in the North who condemned the actions of Selma, but had different feel- ings about open-housing, the Uni- versity administration isn't an- xious to accept what those stu- dents are demanding. THE SECOND reason for the University reaction last week was mis - understanding. Wilbur K. Pierpont obviously cannot conceive of the frustrations that caused The Associates by carney and wolter the members of Voice to sit-in. And Mr. Pierpont is not an ex- ception. These students are serious. They have a right to decide about things' that concern them, and they aren't about to be told, "I don't talk to students." NOR ARE THEY about to ac- cept to Mr. Pierpont's argument that they should first go to SOC with their problems, on grounds that SGC is the students' legiti- mate power. SGC's legitimate al- right, it just isn't power. Richard L. Cutler's veto right proves it. And if SGC can't act (without administration a p p r o v a 1) why should they let it do the talking they can do just as well them- selves? In the police affair, all they wanted to do was talk to Pierpont, which isn't too much to ask. Es- pecially since their group is effect- ed more than any other by the police camera force. BUT IF THE administrators are getting some shocking realizations, the advocates of student power will eventually get some of their own. For these students-Voice is a good example - are liberals. And this is not a liberal campus. Nor is SGC a traditionally liberal body. Think back a few years, and you know what I mean. This campus is a picture of the middle class en- vironment which provides it with students. The faculty is no exception. Presently, the liberal members have had considerable interests. But remember the administration is protecting the interests of the remainder of the faculty. (And even then, class ranking, the grade system and other such non-liberal policies are present.) THINGS WILL change when faculty is granted real power. In fact, when the days of stu- dent power finally arrive, the ad- vocates of liberal policy may have, more trouble than they're having now. While they're still the major participators, things are OK. But when the students here get used to real decision making power, they'll be more participation. And the apathetic today, will be con- servatives then. AS IN THE case of the admin-. istrators, the liberals are going to discover that democracy isn't al- ways efficient. They'll discover that demonstra- tions and marches and such things just don't pack it with their con- servative peers. They'll have to re- learn the old SDS system com - munication. They'll have to learn to organize the middle class: But that's a way off at present. Another problem is more pressing. That problem is the establishment of a constitution defining in de- tail the domain of administration, the faculty and the students. Sort of a checks and balances system. FOR STUDENT power will not merely evolve. The administration reaction last week revealed the impasse to that power. And since the administration is presently calling the shots, they'll win. With a concrete legal docu- ment, however, the students and faculty will have first, a means of coalition, and secondly, a positive issue upon which to fight. They will no longer be reacting, they'll have the initiative. If the administration finally ac- cepts their position, the document can only help to speed and ease the period of transition. Some of the more apathetic would argue that the realization of student and faculty power just ain't worth all the effort it'll take to solve the problems we've posed. Nothing good be farther from the truth. But the total result is worth it. First, because students and fac- ulty will have power they're en- titled too. But more important, because this University will pro- vide a more relevant education for the real world. IT WILL TAKE the same effort here to get things done that it does in the world of post-educa- tion. People on this campus will have to learn to communicate. That kind of training is badly needed. ,+ First Degree Murder Comes in Second EVER SINCE the Warren Commission report ;cA the assassination of Presi- dent Kennedy was issued, the mystery surrounding the event has declined to nothing among the majority of citizens in this country. It is generally accepted that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone and that Oswald was murdered by Jack Ruby to avenge the assassination. The reversal of Ruby's murder convic- tion and death sentence by the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals last week seems to add support, however, to the widespread belief in Europe and the. claims by American skeptics that Ruby was acting as a. member of a complex conspiracy to silence Oswald, with the expectation that he would escape the electric chair. There seems to be little doubt that Ru- by's trial had been conducted under ques- tionable circumstances. The atmosphere was one of great excitement, and Judge Joe B. Brown, Sr. made several question- able rulings. Yet, the reason given by the Appeals Court for its reversal was not, as had been expected, that a change of venue to a county other than Dallas was not granted: THE REASON was that Judge Brown ad- mitted as evidence testimony from a Dallas police officer who said that Ruby told him shortly after he killed Oswald Editorial Staff MARK R. KILLINOSWORTH, Editor BRUCE WASSERSTEIN, Executive Editor CLARENCE PANTO HARVEY WASSERMAY Managing Editor editorial Director LEONARD PRATT........ Associate Managing Editor JTOHN MEREDITH....... Associate Managing Editor CHARLOTTE WOLTER . .Associate Editorial Direct ROBERT CARNEY ...... Associate Editorial Director ROBERT MOORE..................Magazine Editor BABETTE COHN................Personnel Director NIGHT EDITORS: Michael Heffer, Merle Jacob, Rob- ert Klivans, Laurence Medow, Roger Rapoport, Shir- ley Rosick, Neil Shister, CHARLES VETZNER..............Sports Editor JAMES TINDALL.........Associate Sports Editor JAMES LaSOVAGE.........Associate Sports Editor OIL SAMBERO.............Assistant Sports Editor. h n/T11Td 11!^.Ti'.T 'MlY'1YT ~ fb, !".- wt. !?..,4wi .'.T .n w that he had planned to do it for two days if a chance arose. The reversal on this ground was based on a 41-year-old Texas statute ruling out any oral statements made by a defend- ant "while he is in the custody of an officer." Because the remarks were made from 10 to,40 minutes after the shooting took place, the court ruled that Judge Brown should not have used his preroga- tive to admit the evidence as a spontan- eous confession. By ruling this testimony inadmissable, the Appeals Court has removed all the evidence of premeditation. This would permit only a conviction of murder with- out malice at the new trial ordered by the Appeals Court to be held in another county and presided over by another judge. THE PENALTY for murder without mal- ice is five years. With the time Ruby has already served plus the time he is likely to serve before all his appeals have been exhausted, he will more than likely be a free man by the time he is finally convicted, if at all. This fact-that in all likelihood Ruby will never go to the electric chair-gives added emphasis to the claims that he was a member of a conspiracy to assassinate the President, and killed Oswald to silence him. The claims that the courts are in on a plot to "get Ruby off" are, of course, ab- surd. They do not detract, however, from the fact that Ruby probably knew, if the murder was premeditated, that he would never be executed with his background of epilepsy and the great excitement which would undoubtedly surround the trial. THOUGH THERE was no evidence in the Warren Report or at the trial to indicate that Ruby was in fact a member of a conspiracy. However, the action of the court last week has, at least, made it possible for the supporters of this theory to point to it and say that there is still some question. They say that, if Ruby was part of a complex conspiracy led by people in high governmental posi- tion these neonle wouldn not have al- 'Old Politicians Never Die They Just .0 l* By STEPHEN FIRSHEIN LATELY we have been subject- ed to more of those old re- runs starring the Rosencrantz and Guilderstein of the Republicans, Ike and Dick. Eisenhower, the Grand Old Pa- triarch of the Grand Old Party, spends less time on his namesake college in New York, than he does on politicking. He contin- ues to prove that old soldiers never die-they just publish their memoirs, make asinine speeches, and write dull articles for Read- er's Digest. In one such piece a few months litical hibernation to propose a ago, Eisenhower came out of po- mandatory military draft for all 18-year-olds to make "men" of them, prevent juvenile delinquen- cy, abolish illiteracy, and do all sorts of other swell things. THE DRAFT and the war con- tinuing to preoccupy his thoughts, he gave a press conference on He noted that the gradual esca- September 30 to clarify his views. lation of the fighting posed an eventual "threat to the freedoms we are advocating" and called for "as much force as we need to win." An incredulous reporter, asked whether this included nu- clear weapons. "I'd take any ac- tion to win," replied the former President, presumably forgetting the tightrope-walking he had to do in Korea. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, President Johnson shed his non- partisan "give-me-your-tired-your poor" aura, and laced into Re- publican criticism of his admin- istratinn "Thev have no eonstrue- tensions. They don't know what to do about crime in the streets, or how to end the war in Viet Nam. But they do know that if they can scare people, they may win a few votes." "They," it appears, means main- ly Richard M. Nixon, the man who lost the presidency because of a lousy makeup job. He is deep- ly immersed in the GOP cam- paign circuit and is obciously get- ting under Johnson's tender skin. NIXON CONTINUES to have tremendous political appeal across the country, as he stumps on be- half of Republican candidates for the House and Senate. He will show up in some 60 districts be- tween now and November. He senses a widespread discontent with Johnson, and hopes to make sizable inroads into the predom- inantly Democratic Congress. He now has considerable finan- cial security, to the tune of $200,- 000 per year from his senior par- tnership in the law firm of Nixon, Medge, Rose, Guthrie and Alex- ander and from an intense speak- ing and writing scnedule. He is untarnished by the Goldwater dis- aster, although he faithfully back- ed the party ticket and platform in 1964. And he has learned from Barry that the route to the Re- publican nomination is paved with ALLIES' atj-. \ \1i political debts and allegiances chalked up during the non-presi- dential election years and the primaries. BUT HAS the old pro really changed? From his recent inane remarks, it appears not. The man is still a sleight-of-hand artist, and a master of vicious innuendo. We hoped that he would keep his, promise made at that ill-tem- pered teary-eyed press conference after his 1962 gubernatorial loss to Pat Brown in California. He told the reporters then that they wouldn't have Dick Nixon to kick around any more, and announced his retirement from politics. But the Nixon legacy in Cali- fornia politics lives on and he is after the biggest prize again. Ron- ald Reagan has mastered the Nix- on Comsymp tactics perfected in the 1962 California contest, and initiated a decade earlier in a congressional race against Helen G. Douglas. The idea is to accuse your opponent of being soft on Communism, while stopping short of actually calling him a Commu- nist-a kind of "Brutus is an honorable man, but . . . " ap- proach. NIXON IS applying much the same treatment on Johnson. "In Viet Nam the administration has been too little and too late with its reaction to Communist ag- gression," he asserts. And, "I think we're at a great turning point in history. That is why I'm for a strong policy in Viet Nam. I've concluded that if the Commu- nists are stopped here, this would be a great turning point in the struggle between freedom and Communism." Thirteen years ago, as Vice- President, he pointed with pride to the cessation of hostilities in the Far East noting that "the Truman-Acheson policy got the United States into war and the Eisenhower policy got us out." But the nation had hardly won a con- vincing victory over the Commu- nist foe. Nixon's turning point in 1953 was a truce; in 1966 he wants total victory. In addition, he is disturbed by all the anti-war sentiment in the Democratic party, and considers it vital for Johnson to unite his brethren for the good of the na- tion. "Damn dissent, and full speed ahead," might be his battle cry. FINALLY, he is highly critical of the impending Manila Confer- ence between the United States and her Asian allies ,terming it "The first time a President may have figured the best way to help his party is to leave the coun- try." But, then again, Dick hasn't been to hot on any of the peace offers advanced by his country. As the great writer Samuel Johnson once said, "Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel." For Dick Nixon, we might add "anti-Communism." $ Jo Z . jo/ _ The 'Most Practical' People r-Vwv. TWRNTTV..TTN nPnt. rv has an he sn to snring out of their r