Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS U.S. Poses for Canada's Critical Eye .; mm WnlAre Fre,420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. NEws PHoNE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1966 NIGHT EDITOR: SUSAN ELAN Leary' s New Religion: Promising Miracles? THANKS TO Dr. Timothy Leary, there is a bold new concept in religion this week-the League of Spiritual Discovery. (In case you missed it-the initials may be cleverly reduced to "LSD.").. However, the league was formed to be more than a delicious little anagram. Dr. Leary has stated his intention to create a serious new approach to Divine Reve- lation, in a systematic use of drug; and, by resting upon the rights of religious freedom, to find a sanction for LSD. We might question whether legal ma- nipulation is the rock upon which Leary's church has been founded. But there is a question far more fundamental than this. IN LEARY'S LAST statement of creed (in a Playboy interview), he lauded LSD as the penultimate aphrodasiac. This is not to make a Puritanical judgment, but rather to point out Leary's consistent apotheosis of the powers of the durg. In his many defenses of the psycho- delic dream, the doctor has lauded LSD as first, the absolute release from the super- ficialities of society; second, the zenith of love potionary, and now, the shortest cut to Holy Conmuhion. But always, the hyperbole is in effect. What Dr. Leary seems to be attempting to impress on the public is that LSD is "The Answer." The Rosetta stone for in- terpretation of the 20th century; a skele- ton key to Utopia. BUT LSD IS A DRUG; it can provide only an easing of the symptoms of modern life. The very terms and slogans of the psychodelic experience stress a transitory escape. The drug provides a "trip"-not only an excursion into the self, but a neces- sary return to the surface. Dr. Leary has whimsically suggested that the drug be used every 7 days, to parallel the prac- tices of Western religion. But he also admits that the drug will not be effec- tive if it is used more often. Thus, Leary's great commandment, "Turn on, Tune in, and Drop Out" has all the moral efficacy of "Hear no Evil, See no Evil, Speak no Evil"-since evil or the outside world retains power over the individual for six days out of every seven. THE LOVE OF LSD is certainly not the root of all evil. But neither is it im- mediate Nirvana. The great test for the apostles of the League of Spiritual Dis- covery will be to make that drug discov- ery relevant to the entire complex of human experience. -LIZ WISSMAN By ROGER RAPOPORT TORONTO-"Last week the Tor- onto Globe and Mail ran a six column picture of the San Fran- cisco cops because of the riot," complains U.S. vice - consulate Nicholas Volk from his modest office in the American consulate building here. Looking out through the con- sulate's barred window, Volk says, "That seems like a real overplay. I mean the cops weren't even doing anything. They were just standing there." Volk seems resigned to the sit- uation. And he has reason to be. For even a brief visit here clearly shows that the Canadians are not rooting for the Americans. THEY BUY our cars, watch our TV shows and even glance at our news magazines. But they don't love us. In fact, they seem to jump at every chance to put down their neighbor to the south. The Toronto Globe which has already won world attention for printing a cartoon of the Statue of Liberty wearing a gas mask, runs vivid pictures of the Viet Nam war. Last week there was a four col- umn picture in the Toronto Star showing a Vietnamese interpreter for the U.S. First Cavalry interro- gating a helpless looking young woman at gunpoint. TO BE SURE all this could be dismissed as liberal press propa- ganda. But both these papers are respected Canadian journals. More important, conversations here in- dicate an increasing Canadian antipathy toward the U.S. Says another Canadian, "You looked ridiculous in all that House Un-American Activities Commit- tee nonsense. We don't have any- thing like that. There's no such thing as being un-Canadian." The Canadians are bemused by the activities of the John Birch Society and similar right wing groups. "We don't have any kind of a right wing here in Canada," claims one student. "What we do have is all financed by the United States." ONE OF THE REASONS behind the Canadian cynicism is alleged super-patriotism in America. "You are all so terribly patriotic," com- plains one informed Canadian co- ed. "Your history books are a joke. They're so slanted toward the American way, the American dream and manifest destiny." The Canadian's warm reception of American draft dodgers also seems to indicate a growing hos- tility toward the U.S. It's not just the radical left wing Canadian students that are glad to see Americans fleeing the army. Ca- reer soldiers, housewives and busi- nessmen all seem to say come on up." WHEN A DRAFT dodger ar- rives in Canada several organi- zations will openly help him get settled. Finding a job poses no particular problem. American ex- patriates report no discrimination in hiring against draft-dodgers. On the job Americans find no" difficulty. "I found none of my co-workers bear any animosity to- ward me," says one expatriate. Part of the reason Canadians are so congenial toward draft- dodgers is that most personally oppose the draft. There is no draft in Canada. But the American political scene isn't the only target of the critical Canadians. CONSIDER ONE example from the Canadian Broadcasting Com- pany. Last week the staid radio network ran a detailed documen- tary on homosexuals in San Fran- cisco. Following the report a honey- voiced young lady gave the credits and cut directly into the middle of a recording of Barbara Streisand's "People," beginning deliberately with: "Lovers, very special lovers , . WHILE the Canadians are skep- tical of the American they do take on other Canadians, too. The problem is that the issues in Can- ada are minimal. It's tough for student protestors to find a cause. How can you pro- test the draft in a country that doesn't have one? Occasionally the Canadian stu- dents capitalize on a domestic is- sue. Last week 2000 University of Toronto students marched on the provincial capital building. The is- sue: simplifying the application procedures for the provincial scholarship award programs. CANADA'S older generation has a hard time getting tough on its youth. Complaints about Yorkville, To- ronto's synthetic little Greenwich village are minimal. How can any- one get fired up about teenybop- pers in their mod outfits and min- nie skirts inhabiting well-scrubbed coffee houses? It's tough for the Canadians to attack their kids on weak morals too. A new study of premarital sex shows "ther's less than you think." SOCIOLOGIST William Mann reports that only 15 per cent of the women and 35 per cent of the men studied were actually in- volved. "There wasn't all that much sex on the Canadian cam- pus," is his verdict, The only group in Canada shocked by Mann's findings was the administration of his Univer- sity, Western Ontario, in London. The school forced him to resign because of the report. Moreover no Canadian publisher is willing to print Mann's book on the study. Canada does have its problems. But a bad scholarship application is simply not as big a story as a war in Vietnam. Thus there is little doubt that the Toronto papers will continue running those gloomy six column pictures. And the Canadians criti- cal lenses will continue to give them a more honest view of the U.S. than most Americans have. F 4 * i eComplaints from Baits Demand Attention -Daily-Roger Rapoport Toronto's new city hall and informed source 4 THE PETITION from Vera Baits resi- dents is now in front of the proper au- thorities. Many of the complaints have", been taken care of and would not have been included in the petition had there been. better communication between adminis- tration and students. However, several of the suggestions are still legitimate and should be implement- ed. ONE OF THESE is the alternate bus; loop that would eliminate the 20 min- ute ride Baits residents must now take. At present, the buses make a complete' circuit around North Campus before ar- riving at Baits, , going first to married housing. It is completely feasible that every second bus go first to Baits and then complete the same circuit in the opposite direction. Study areas are a necessity to any living complex. The Baits students pres- ently lack adequate study facilities. The snack bar in the Commons has been opened but hardly seems to have an atmosphere conducive to study. Robert. West, manager of the Com- mons, noted that no one has taken ad- vantage of the snack bar for study pur- poses. Could it be they feel a more suit- able place can be found? Efforts should be made temporarily to utilize the up- stairs cafeteria in its off-hours, from 8-12 p.m. ONE PROBLEM seems to lack a solu- tion: high prices of food at the North Campus Commons, the only place stu- Editorial Staff, MARK R, KILLINGSWORTH, Editor BRUCE WASSERSTEIN, Executive Editor CLARENCE FANTO HARVEY WASSERMAI Managing Editor w Editorial Director LEONARD PRATT ........ Associate Managing Editor JOHN MEREDITH ........ Associate Managing Editor CHARLOTTE WOLTER .. Associate Editorial Director ROBERT CARNEY ...... Associate. Editorial Director ROBERT MOORS............Magazine Editor BABE OHN .... .......... Personnel Director NIGHT EDITORS: Michael Hefter, Merle Jacob, Rob- ert Klivans, Laurence Medow, Roger Rapoport, Shir- ley Rosick, Neil Shister. CHARLES VETZNER ............ Sports Editor JAMES TINDALL ............ Associate Sports Editor JAMES LaSOVAGE ......... Associate Sports Editor GIL i5AMBERG.........Assistant Sports Editor SPORTS NIGHT EDITORS: Grayle Howlett, Howard Kohn, Bill Levis, Bob McFarland, Clark Norton, Rick Stern, John Sutkus, Gretchen Twietrneyer, Dave. Weir. Business Staff SUSAN PERLSTADT, Business Manager JEFFREY LEEDS ........ Associate Business Manager HARRY BLOCH ............. Advertising Manager STEVEN LOEWENTHAL ........ Circulation Manager ELIZABETH RHEIM ............ Personnel Director VICTOR PTASZNIK ............. Finance Manager dents can eat out there. The Commons, like the Union and the. League, was set up to be self-liquidating. Unlike the Union, however, it cannot take a loss on food since it has no other source of in- come. When Bursley is completed; Baits resi- dents will have the option of purchasing meal tickets there. However, the problem exists now and something needs to be done now. Per- haps the expenses that will be incurred by the Commons this year as the complex is being completed could be spread out over a period of years facilitating lower prices. At any rate, some arrangement needs to be made; the students need to eat this year as well as next. THE STUDENTS have presented their grievances. It is now up to the admin- istration to make North Campus livable by answering their complaints in the best and fastest possible way. -DEBORAH REAVEN Really? WE RECEIVED an unsigned letter at The Daily yesterday. It makes you wonder: "Why Jews are hated, feared and make friends into enemies: "Representing a mouthy little minute section of the students, they annually capture The Daily's space and infect its gentile staff with their snide, sniping, vicious tactics, creating crisis where none exists, screeching maledictions like Old Testament minor nuts, making them- selves hateful to the academic scene." Y NINTH GRADE German teacher once told me that it's good to hear the hounds of hell barking occasionally. It reminds you of how close they are. --LEONARD PRATT No Comment SELECTIVE SERVICE Director Gen. Lewis B. Hershey, greeted by 150 stu- dents conducting a peace vigil, said last week the nation should no longer toler- ate "suicidal" protests of United States policy in Viet Nam. Hershey said there are "constitutional limits" to which protestors can go un- der the guaranteed right of dissent. "Tolerance should be abandoned when a pacifist neither wants to go abroad nor wishes to remain at home but seeks to drill a hole in the bottom of the boat carrying troops or collects blood to do- Life A board the Good Queen Mary By ALICE BLOCH ON BOARD THE QUEEN MARY -Tea at 4 p.m. daily, kinder- garten-style rhythm bands for adults, fancy head-dress competi- tions, pickled boar's head for lunch, and daily lotteries on the number of miles covered: this is the stuff that life is made of on an English ocean liner. For the unsuspecting passenger >n his maiden voyage on the Queen Mary, shipboard life is like- ly to consist of either complete boredom or a frenzy of anti-cli- mactic activities dreamed up by the social directors. The daily program discreetly slipped under the door by the ste- ward shows no lack of ingenuity in finding ways to keep passengers occupied. FRIDAY, FOR EXAMPLE, the program includes a card party and deck games in the\ morning ("an opportunity f o r g o o d camera shots"), taped organ concerts all day, the inevitable tea party, rhy- thm band (elderly ladies banging on triangles and tom-toms), bin- go, and a "ladies' choice dance." All passengers are also exhorted to participate in the fancy head- dress competition, one of the cli- maxes of the voyage. "Make a head-dress representing some title or theme at present making world headlines-say, a -urrent hit tune or some topical event. Start your preparations right away!" The program gushes. THE MORE individualistic pas- senger is likely to keep away from this sort of activity and spend the duration of the five-day voyage staring at the ocean. However, there are two forms of excitement that break up this- monotony: rough weather and meals, which usually manage to occur simultaneously. No sooner has the passenger de- cided smilingly that he is not go- ing to be a victim of the infamous "mal de mer" than he finds the smile frozen on his face as he rocks from side to side. He soon dis- covers that walking down the stairs and drinking a bowl of soup are major operations. BUT THE SHIP menus are de- signed to perk up the appetite of even the sickest passenger. A typ- ical luncheon menu features Can-. adian pea soup, grilled herrings with mustard sauce, Oxford brawn, rolled jellied ox tongue, pickled boar's head, and plum pudding. Tourist class passengers gener- ally start out the voyage, feeling like third-class citizens but soonr discover that they are getting the best deal. First-class passengers can rent the best deck chairs and enter the fanciest lounges, but tourist classers usually have the most fun. "The first-class passengers fig- ure that they are paying so much money that they should be enjoy- ing every minute, so they sit, around waiting to be entertained," explains a tourist-class English girl returning home after a sum- mer in the U.S. THE CREW traditionally prefers working in the tourist-class sec- tions, wherer they can relax and chat with the passengers instead Df being studiedly respectful. And although the crew is strict- ly forbidden to fraternize with the passengers, a group of girls taking a night stroll on the deck is bound to be accosted several times by sai- lors who "need some American girls for a party." Most of the passengers are hap- py to see dry land again at the end of the voyage, and for many the high point of the trip is stand- ing on the bridge and watching the misty harbor of Cherbourg get larger and closet. "Come-on, lovey-do," says an Englishman to his wife. "Let's go get our passport stamped, ducks." (Miss Bloch, enroute to Paris for junior-year studies at the Sorbonne, is The Daily's Paris correspondent.) S Sigs oit SccssforVoe t 8 -4 By DAN OKRENT AS CAMPUS LEADERS across the state organize a concerted drive for a November victory for the state constitutional amend- ment lowering the legal voting age to 18, there are early indications in Michigan political circles that the measure will attain success. Friday's announcement, that a coalition of students and educa- tional leaders has been created to press for the proposal's passage is the latest of these indications. The group, called the Michigan Citizens' Committee for the Vote at 18, will bring nationally known speakers to the state to inform and arouse the public. THE VOTE ISSUE has long been a rallying cry for restless youth and tireless reformers, and has been batted around in Michigan for. the last 10 years. However, the efforts of a youth-conscious Leg- islature this past winter and spring have brought about the first appearance of the issue on the ballot. The amendment's passage re- quires a simple majority of those voting for passage. Its approval would make Michigan the fifth state to have a voting age lower than 21, and only the third to lower the suffrage requirement from a previously higher limit, The first two states to do this were Kentucky and Georgia (both states require the age of 18), while Hawaii (20)and Alaska (19) included the standard requisite in their original state constitutions. AS IN EARLIER years-when the conflict never got nast public Secondly, the proponents will stress that the 18-year-old by proximity to the learning years, is more informed and more inter- ested in the governmental process than his elders. "They (students) have a real stake in government today," said a spokesman for the citizens' com- mittee. "They have always been intense- ly interested in the issues of edu- cation, poverty and civil rights...-. Their involvement combined with the effects of mass communication has made the age of 21 obsolete as a minimum age for voting." The amendment's adversaries insist upon the maturity argu- ment, that 18 is too young and that today's youth is still to ir- responsible and unconcerned to responsibly wield the power of the ballot. IN EITHER CASE, the argu- ments in favor of the bill, as well as simple political relaities, are certain to take upon new and sig- nificant meaning in this election year. First, signs point to the fact that the "fight-vote" causists are. to attract far greater attention this year due primarily to the Viet Nam war. At no time in re- cent history have the moral and social implications of the draft been more acutely felt. Surely, the World War II draft was far greater in size and conse- quence, but it may hardly be as- sumed that protest against it was of any great significance. More Americans fought, but there was hardly the skepticism and disap- proval that's detected today. IN LIGHT of this fact, the realities of the war will have a great impact on the mind of the Michigan voter. It is one thing to say that he, who may be subject to the draft' and to fighting a war should have something to say in determining the policy that will point in such directions; but it's a different mat- ter when those in question are being plucked from society by the draft and are actually fighting in such a war. Americans have always been wont to have a streak of sympa- thetic involvement in morally po- litical questions, regardless of pre- vious leanings and rationales. SECONDLY, apart from what- ever pressure may be exerted by the war and the citizens' commit- tee campaign, both political par- ties may be counted on to lend ef- fort to the campaign. It is a political axiom that suc- cessful candidates court those who will help their campaigns, and Michigan politicians are aware of the aid that aroused youth can give to any partisan campaign. As such, the four candidates for the two major statewide races this fall have all subscribed their sup- port (at least in name) to the drive for the 18-year-old vote. For any to have abandoned this abundant wellspring of non-voter support would have been a blun- der that may have cost dearly- not only in current aid, but in fu- ture campaigns as well. BUT THE PROPONENTS of the bill are not overestimating the backing of the politicians. James Graham, president of the MSU student government and coordi- nating chairman of the citizens' committee, made this clear in his statement Friday: "This is basically an issue of end for youth ... We're just getting lip service' from the politicians. So that leaves the real campaigning up to us." N .9- ~v~ 4, ~,# 1iJ~ , "'-.. 7 A A A Letter or Disease To the Editor: IT HAS BEEN estimated that ten thousand Americans will die of kidney disease in the next year even though they could be kept alive indefinitely through treat- ment twice a week by dialysis machines. They will die simply because the rest of us are not concerned enough to save them. ace of a social system that dif- fers from ours and fear it so much that we're cur ently spending $2 billion a month to fight alleged, devils half way around the world. Some simple arithmetic wil show that our cost of blasting and roasting alive "devils" (and innocents) for one and one-third days in Viet Nam is just what it would take to save our own 10,000 «inimc n£ ri ni - C- - - fnrt. I