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October 08, 1966 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1966-10-08

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Seventy-Sixth Year


-ere Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MIcH.
Truth Will Prevail

NEws PHONE: 764-0552


Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

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Baits Housing Petition:
Communication Lacking

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COMMUNICATION is becoming a lost
art at this University.
The most recent example of a lack of
adequate channels between students and
administration is the petition circulated
among residents of Vera Baits housing
by Dave Ermann, sociology teaching fel-
low and resident of Lee House in the
North Campus complex. Both students
and University officials are at fault.
Approximately 250 students signed the
petition expressing concern over the high
prices of food, inadequate bus service,
lack of recreational facilities and study
SUGGESTIONS were made in the peti-
tion for an alternate bus route elim-
inating a 20 minute ride Baits residents
must now take, opening the Commons
for studying, and bringing activities to
the North Campus area.
Many of the complaints in the peti-
tion have already been taken care of.
Extra bus service is being added, activi-
ties have been planned, color television
sets have been ordered. However, evi-
dence of many of these results. are not
available to the students. Hence, an out-
dated petition that could have been more
As a means of bringing the students'
feelings to the immediate attention of the
administration, the petition was a good
attempt at communication.

HOWEVER, Director of Housing John
Feldkamp feels that had Ermann
talked to him, much more ground could
have been covered.
Ermann had talked to another official
in the housing office, Chester Malanoski,
business manager, but gained no knowl-
edge of any results. He then drew up the
The administration, then, maintains
that all possible channels of communica-
tions were not exhausted. But it's clear
that the officials lack an adequate means
of communicating their progress to the
students although they have made some
efforts in that direction.
jT SEEMS FEASIBLE that a more com-
jlete transmittal of information, pos-
sibly a periodical report on decisions that
have been made or are in the offing. Per-
haps minutes of the open staff meetings
could be distributed to the dorms.
Another valuable aid would be a repre-
sentation structure between North Cam-
pus students and the students and offi-
cials on the main campus. Either Inter-
House Assembly or Student Government
Council could serve Baits as an informa-
tion service and complaint bureau in an
effort to link the two campuses closer
The University has been responsive to
the students' needs. What is needed now
is better communications in both direc-

Goldwater: Johnson 's Budget Banquet

President Johnson's latest an-
ti-business, anti-prosperity and
anti-productivity measure is an-
other example of the dangers of a
lop-sided left-wing majority on
Capitol Hill.
Conservatives, almost all Re-
publicans in this case, voted
against the Johnson request to
suspend the investment tax cred-
it. Left-wing advocates of pro-
bureaucracy economy, almost all
Democrats, in this case, voted for
Meantime, the folks at home
may well be left wondering just
what is going on in Washington.
Lyndon Johnson, talking smoothly
from whichever side of his poli-
tical mouth might seem most
pleasing at any given moment,

says the suspension of the tax
credit is a move to fight inflation,
"HURRAY!" say most of the
people because they want this
shameful inflation of our econo-
my to stop. The only ones who
gain from inflation are those gov-
ernment theorists who obviously
are looking for ways to sabotage
the market economy.
They would love to so economic-
ally strap this nation that they
would be able to demand more col-
lectivist controls on us under the
guise of averting the disaster
which their sort of mismanage-
ment began in the first place.
The relationship of inflation and
the' investment tax credit is a per-
fect case in point.
The administration, once it re-
luctantly admitted its policies had

ushered in a period of alarming
inflation, could have faced the
fact that the inflation was caus-
ed largely by government spend-
ing which has wildly exceeded in-
come, plunging us deeper into debt.
It has, in effect, caused the
introduction of more so-called
printing-press money into the
economy, governmental deficit
spending money which competes
for goods and services with real
or production-based money, thus
driving up the general cost of
THAT WAS the honest fact this
administration could have faced.
Instead it has chosen to invent a
fact of its own. It tells us the
cause of inflation is our spending,
and this doesn't mean just busi-
ness spending.
The President some months ago

had the nerve to suggest that
housewives cut down on their
family meals. He should have add-
ed: so that Lyndon Johnson
doesn't have to cut down on the
bureaucratic banquet he has been
serving since taking office.
The investment tax credit, of
course, falls into his crusade
against business spending. But
that area should ring an alarm
bell for every American who works
for a living or every young Amer-
ican who is on the verge of hav-
ing to work for a living.
BY GETTING his left-wing ma-
jority in Congress to cut out the
investment tax credit, Lyndon
Johnson may get some $2 billion
extra for his spending. What it
does at the same time, of course,
is to cripple or actually kill ma-

jor plans to add new facilities
and new jobs to our business and
The head of Armco Steel sum-
med it up accurately when he
said Mr. Johnson's latest anti-
business slap will hurt all those
companies "trying the hardest to
create new job opportunities and
to make American industry more
competitive with those overseas."
Or, as the distinguished fi-
nancial journal, Barron's, put it,
"Far from slashing expenditures
and trying to live within its means,
(the administration) plans to live
off capital."
And the payments will be made
by you, your future and by free-
dom itself, all of which are being
sacrificed in this latest Johnson
Copyright, 1966, Los Angeles Times


Student Role in Master Plan

PEOPLE INVOLVED with the develop-
ment of the State Board of Educa-
tion's Master Plan for Higher Education
agree that students should be involved in
the development of the plan.
But none of the developers has any
idea of the extent to which they should
be included or at what phase of the de-
velopment their iivolvement should be-
Prof. Wilfred Kaplan of the mathemat-
ics department, who is chairman of the
Michigan AAUP Committee on Coordina-
tion of Planning for Higher Education,
says students "can best articulate many
of the needed changes the master plan
must cover." Housing, he says, is but one
Harold Smith, project director for the
development of the plan, agrees that stu-
dents have a role but does not know
how early in the process that role should

THE PLANNERS seem to be ignoring the
problem because they're too busy set-
ting up committees to represent the oth-
er participants-faculty, administration,
business and professional interests and
the general citizenry.
So, it is necessary for students, through
student government structures across the
state, to weigh the implications the plan
holds for them, and to examine the pro-
cedure for the plan's development. They
must then work out a suggested procedure
for student involvement and determine
how much and when students should take
to be included but they haven't yet
concerned themselves with how. Students
must. The planners welcome suggestions
and suggestions must come if students
are to take their proper place in the
development of the state's higher edu-
cation master plan.



Chem Professor R eplies to Critics


An Easterner Comes West

O THE DEWY-EYED, pseudo-sophisti-
cated Eastern high school student, the
image of the University of Michigan of-
fers an interesting challenge: that of a
pioneer into that vast wasteland that ex-
tends from the Alleghenies west to the
California coast.
This naive Easterner pictured the Uni-
versity as a place of intellectual euphoria
Editorial Staff
Managing Editor Editorial Director
LEONARD PRATT........ Associate Managing Editor
JOHN MEREDITH.......Associate Managing Editor
CHARLOTTE WOLTER .. Associate Editorial Directot
ROBERT CARNEY......Associate Editorial Director
ROBERT MOORE ................Magazine Editor
BABETTE COHN .................. Personnel Director
NIGHT EDITORS: Michael Heifer, Merle Jacob, Rob-
ert Klivans, Laurence Medow, Roger Rapoport, Shir-
ley Rosick, Neil Shister.
CHARLES VETZNER................Sports Editor
JAMES TINDALL. .......Associate Sports Editor
DAMES LaSOVAGE..........Associate Sports Editor
GIL SAMBERG..... ....... Assistant Sports Editor
SPORTS NIGHT EDITORS: Grayle Howlett, Howard
Kahn, Bill Levis, Bob McFarland, Clark Norton, Rick
Stern, John Sutkus, Gretchen Twietmeyer, Dave
Business Stafff
SUSAN PERLSTADT, Business Manager
JEFFREY LEEDS ........Associate Business Manager
HARRY BLOCH.............. Advertising Manager
STEVEN LOEWENTHAL ........ Circulation Manager
ELIZABETH RHEIM...............Personnel Director
VICTOR PTASZNIK...............Finance Manager

amidst waving cornfields-a sort of en-
larged Brook Farm that gives degrees.
It's not that Easterners think the Mid-
west is totally unpopulated, it's just that
it might as well be. Much like foreigners
view the United States as a country full
of loud-mouthed tourists, Lyndon John-
son's, Stokely Carmichael's, and huge
Cadillacs, the unenlightened Easterner
pictures the Midwest as a region permeat-
ed with nasal, twangy voices, staunch
Republicans, corn-fed figures, George
Romney's, and General Motors. I
braved the wilderness and converted
the Indians, so the modern-day Eastern-
er has a moral duty to show the Righteous
Path of existence to the back-country
Breaking forth from the conservative,
sheltered-Yale, Harvard, Smith--type of
college life, an Eastern student assumes
the stature of a modern-day Cotton
Mather, illuminating the dark world of
the Midwestern university..
The Easterner can brave the fiercest
test and attend Berkeley-provided he
has the physical stamina to make it
through four years of dodging demonstra-
tions to graduate.
vents the Easterner from attempting
the difficult task of converting Berkeley-
ites, he can assimilate the role of a cul-
tural missionary and migrate to Michi-
gan for four years. If his conversion

To the Editor:
A NEWS STORY and an editor-
ial by Dan Okrent in recent
issues of The Daily have attempt-
ed to generate emotional concern
among students and faculty over
evaluation procedures used in the
general chemistry courses of the
Department of Chemistry.
Mr. Okrent's last attack upon
Dean' Haber goes beyond the
bounds of fair play. The follow-
ing facts are presented for evalua-
tion by people who can base
their judgments on information
rather than emotion.
1) The Chemistry Department
doesnot require a loyalty oath
of any student! Further, no'
evaluations of the personal
characteristics of any student
are ever recorded without that
student's consent.
2) On the other hand, mem-
bers of the general chemistry,
staff are asked to write a very
large number of recommenda-
tions for students seeking: a)
admission to graduate or profes-
sional schools, b) employment
in various government labora-
tories or agencies, c) employ-
ment in industry, d) employ-
ment as teachers or e) employ-
ment in miscellaneous jobs not
easily classified above.
3) Because of the large num-
ber of people involved, a sys-
tem more formalized than mem-
ory and notes in a red grade
book must be used to keep rec-
ords. The cards which Mr. Ok-
rent findsrso distasteful repre-
sent that system.
They are private records kept
by the professor for the express
purpose of rendering a service to
the student when the student, so
requests. If the student does not
intend to ask for a letter of
recommendation, he has only to
indicate this on the card, either
at the beginning of the semes-
ter or during the semester and
no personal evaluation record is
Mr. Okrent's concern is then
with the private information com-
piled by a professor (with the stu-
dent's consent) in grade books,
cards, and memory which can
later be used by the professor to
aid the student in gaining his
career objectives.
Such information is of no con-
cern to Dean Haber, who is a true
liberal; it would be of no concern
to Mr. Okrent if he were not over-
come with juvenile demagogy.
In fact, any attempts by Dean
Haber would be (and attempts

the professor is asked to render to
the student.
Other faculty members are not
in a position to evaluate the type
of information to be collected ex-
cept as it relates to their own
profession. It is perhaps appro-
priate to note further that let-
ters of recommendation are in-
deed a service rendered by a fac-
ulty member to the student. Let-
ters of recommendation do not
represent a student's rights.,
IF A STUDENT objects to the
collection of information by a
faculty member, he has no busi-
ness asking for a letter of rec-
ommendation which requires mu-
tual trust as well as faith in the
proper use of all available facts
and opinions.
In view of this assertion, it is
appropriate to repeat: any stu-
dent who will not, at any time
in the future, ask the freshman
chemistry staff for a letter of
recommendation will not have a
personal evaluation made. This is
a long standing policy of the De-
partment of Chemistry.
Further, any student or former
student who has now changed his
mind and feels threatened by the
information contained in the gen-
eral chemistry files may write a
letter to me requesting destruc-
tion of his card or cards.

UPON RECEIPT of this letter,
properly signed, all general chem-
istry records pertaining to that
student will be destroyed and no
future requests for recommenda-
tions or other services will be
Mr. Okrent's invasion of the
privacy of the faculty is a sorry
display of the infringement of
the rights of others-it is an at-
tack upon the very cause to which
lip service is so frequently given
by pseudo-liberals, yet which is
so dear to the hearts of those
who truly cherish academic free-
-Robert W. Parry
Professor of Chemistry
(Mr. Okrent's editorial, "Stu-
dent Loyalty Evaluation: Threat
to Free Thought," was critical
of "the eight-year-old chemis-
try department practice of 'per-
sonality evaluation'" and said
it was, in effect, "an involuntary
'loyalty oath'." As disclosed in
a news article, "Disloyalty Quer-
led by Chem. Form," in The
Daily of Sept. 30, 1966, the stu-
dent "personality evaluation"
form used in the chemistry de-
partment for recommendations
included a question asking in-
structors, "Do you know of any
facts indicating disloyalty to the
U.S.? If so state them."

(Dean Haber, commenting on
the question, said that it "seems
unreal" and announced an in-
vestigation of it.)
Peace Vote
To the Editor:
ducing a third. peace candidate
in the November congressional
election, so it is claimed, is that
Mrs. Boulding offers a clear-cut
alternative policy stand for those
citizens dissatisfied with the views
of Congressman Vivian and Mr.
I am not disputing the sincer-
ity of. the motivations of the
peace party or their right as free
citizens to mobilize their opinions
into political action. However. I
am concerned with the conse-
quences of their action.
Specifically, I am referring to,
Prof. Boulding's remarks concern-
ing his reasons for supporting the
peace candidate, yet, at the same
time praising the work of Con-
gressman Vivian. I quote:
"I myself would regret very
much the defeat of Congress-
man Vivian . . . both because I
admire him as a person and be-
cause he has been a ,conscien-
tious, hard working and very
intelligent congressman."
The primary purpose for pre-
senting a third candidate, as I
understand it, is to express dis-
approval of U.S. (Johnson) for-
eign policy in Viet Nam, not to
win an election. That is all fine
and good.
PROF. BOULDING even con-
cedes that the peace candidate is
unlikely to win. However, regard-
less of their convictions, valuable
votes will be shifted away from
Congressman Vivian into the lap
of the opposing Republican candi -
date. Ironically, in Prof. Bould-
ing's own words, Congressman
Vivian deserves to be reelected,
yet he is pushing for his defeat.
Politics demands an ability to
compromise, to maneuver, to sat-
isfy the needs, concerns and feel-
ings of the constituents one rep-
resents, rather:; than to voice the
demands of one particular interest
group within that constituency.
Congressman Vivian has done just
this and more.
WHEN ADAMANT and unyield-
ing persons break into a separate
faction, they are defeating their
essential objectives, since they
thereby invite defeat for the de-
serving designated party candidate
through the solitting of its vote.

ed by the University Housing Of-
fice is definitely unfair. Under the
new program, all studnts would
be charged $1000 regardless of
whether their room is a single,
double, or triple,
This plan is unreasonable since
living and studying conditions are
not the same for all three types
of rooms. A converted triple is
much more crowded than is a
single room, and the amount of
time a student can study in a tri-
ple depends upon the activities
of two other people.
By living in a single room, one
avoids these inconveniences and
pays extra to do so. Thus, the
rates for a double or triple room
should not be the same as that
of a single.
rooms would be assigned on a
seniority basis. This method would
certainly form a rift between stu-
dents in the various classes.
Freshmen living in triples would
begrudge sophomores living in
doubles, who in turn would re-
sent the juniors and seniors in
single rooms.
Under the present system, dor-
mitory rooms are delegated on the
basis of student preference and
the amount the student can af-
ford to pay. In this way, the
lower fee of a triple compensates
somewhat for its inconveniences.
ACCORDING TO Mr. Feldkamp,
it is hoped that the new system
will entice seniors to move back
into the dorms since they will
then be assured of either single
or double rooms.
The chances that more seniors
will move back, however, are rath-
er slim since under the present
program any senior can have a
single for only $10 more per year
or a double for $50 less than next
year's proposed fees.
Giving seniors priority will not
necessarily encourage them to re-
turn to the dorms. Most'upper-
classmen who live in the dormi-
tories get the type of room they
request anyway. It is the feel-
ing of independence that makes
apartment living more attractive.
SINCE the University wants to
change its dormitory rate policy,
I hope it can find a fairer way
of doing so. If rooms are to be
assigned on a seniority basis, then
the rates should be adjusted so
that single rooms and converted
triples do not command the same


"What A Crazy Nightmare-I Dreamed
That Stupid Tortoise Beat Me Again"
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